Frog and Toad (2023) s02e03 Episode Script

Season 2, Episode 3

What a splendid day for a swim.
Yes, Frog. I am looking forward to it.
So, why are you behind that rock then,
Because I am putting on my bathing suit.
I do not wear a bathing suit.
Well, I do. And, Frog,
after I put on my bathing suit,
you must not look at me
until I get into the water.
Why not?
Because I look funny in my bathing suit,
that is why.
I am sure you do not look funny
in your bathing suit.
I most certainly do.
Why do you wear one
if you think you look funny in it?
Because it is my favorite.
I like the stripes.
Don't peek.
Okay, Toad. No peeking.
All right, Frog. You may look now.
Then here I come!
I am having a grand time swimming.
What about you, Toad?
Yes. Yes. Splendid.
But can you please make Turtle go away?
I do not want her to see me looking funny
in my bathing suit
when I come out of the water.
Oh, Toad. I am sure you do not look funny
in your bathing suit.
Okay. I will ask.
Turtle, I am afraid
you will have to go away.
And why should I?
Because Toad thinks he looks funny
in his bathing suit
-and does not want you to see him in it.
-Oh, really?
Well, it must be
quite a funny bathing suit.
I think I would like to stay and see it.
I am sorry, Toad.
But Turtle wants to see you
in your funny bathing suit.
No. No. No one must see me.
Hi-ho, there, Toad.
Beautiful day for a swim.
Yes. Perfect for sunbathing.
And exercising!
Frog, do something.
Lizard, Snake, Dragonfly.
You must please go away.
Sorry, Frog, I've got at least
99 more push-ups to go.
Why do you want us to leave?
Do you think it will rain?
No. You see Well
Funny bathing suit.
What did he say?
Toad, you gotta speak up.
I look funny in my bathing suit.
I look funny in my bathing suit!
My word.
Yes. And I do not want anyone
to see me in it.
So, if you could please leave.
-I'm staying.
This is gonna be good!
I will just stay here
until everyone goes away.
What are we looking at here?
Seems like quite the party.
Toad thinks he looks funny
in his bathing suit and we want to see it.
By golly, this is the most excitement
we've had in a while.
I'll spread the news.
But B-But
Everyone! Come quick.
All right!
-I can't see.
-Look out, Toad!
Did I miss it?
Please say I didn't miss it.
Don't worry, Mouse.
Toad has not budged from the water yet.
I was afraid I'd missed it.
This is terrible, Frog. The whole town
wants to see my bathing suit.
Mink brought fruit pops!
-Yes, please!
-Thank you.
I would like a fruit pop.
I can't see.
Here. We can share my binoculars.
Oh, thank you.
I will have to keep swimming
until everyone goes away.
Let's try not to worry about them
and enjoy our swim.
Okay. I will try, Frog.
Here he comes!
Here he comes again!
Please come out, Toad.
I have not seen anything funny
in a long time.
-Yeah, come on out!
What do we wanna see?
Toad's funny bathing suit!
When do we wanna see it?
We will have to come out of the water
at some point.
We've been swimming for a long time.
I am starting to get wrinkly.
Frogs should not get wrinkly.
Toads are always wrinkly.
And I am staying right here.
Toad, you must be tired
of swimming by now.
Yes, that is true.
But I wish they would not watch me.
Nothing to see here, folks!
Time to head home! Please!
Please, go away!
I've been waiting all morning, Frog.
I am certainly not leaving now.
-Right. Right. See? Uh-huh.
-Not budging an inch.
What do we wanna see?
-Toad's funny bathing suit!
-It is no use.
-No one wants to leave.
-When do we wanna see it?
Toad, why should you care
if anyone sees you in your bathing suit?
It is your favorite after all.
Let us get out of the river together.
I have a better idea, Frog.
I want you to swim ashore
and distract everyone.
Then I will sneak out of the water
and tiptoe past them.
But they will see you, Toad.
Not if I wear a disguise.
How do I look, Frog?
-Like you have a lily pad on your head.
All right.
Toad's funny bathing suit!
Toad's funny bathing suit!
I can't wait to see Toad
in his funny bathing suit.
This is the most excited
I've been since Tuesday.
Look over there! Is that Toad?
-He's coming! He's finally coming!
-This is it!
-I am so excited!
-Here he comes!
If Frog is here, what happened to Toad?
Everyone look over there
to the other side of the river!
Where? I don't see anything!
Applesauce! Is that
Oh, my, Toad. You do look funny.
Of course I do.
Hello, Frog.
Hello, Toad.
I am very sorry for laughing at you.
That is all right. I told you
I looked funny in my bathing suit.
Well, it was funny at first.
But then something amazing happened.
Come with me. You must see this.
Everyone is wearing funny bathing suits
like mine.
Look, everyone! Toad's back!
Welcome back!
Sorry for laughing, Toad.
We loved your funny bathing suit.
You did?
Absolutely. As soon as I saw it,
I thought, "I have to get a bathing suit
with stripes on it just like Toad's."
Me too! And the slimy plants
were a very nice touch.
So stylish.
Now that you're here,
will you join us for a swim, Toad?
The water's fine!
-Come on, Toad!
-Fine day for a swim.
What do you think, Toad?
Would you like to go swimming again?
Frog, why are you behind that rock?
Because I am putting on
my bathing suit!
You look funny in your bathing suit, Frog.
Of course I do. And I am looking forward
to us looking funny together.
Me too.
Great apple cider, Toad.
Why, thank you, Frog.
The secret is cinnamon. And apples.
I love this time of year.
When the leaves turn from green
to all these beautiful colors.
Blah. The leaves are pretty,
but not when they fall
all over everything.
If there is one thing that I do not love,
it is raking up leaves.
My yard is also covered with leaves.
If only they would stay on the trees.
And out of my mug.
Well, it is getting late.
I should start heading home.
-Good night, Toad.
-Good night, Frog.
Stay. Stay.
Those messy leaves
have covered everything.
Frog and I will be stuck
raking our lawns all day.
We will not get to do anything together.
Perhaps there's a way
to make Frog's day a happy one.
I could go to Frog's house
and rake his leaves for him.
Frog will be very pleased to see that.
And when it is done, we will be able
to spend more time together.
Good morning, morning.
Oh, so many leaves.
Toad will not be happy raking up the ones
in his yard today.
Unless, I go over to his house
and rake them up when he is not looking!
Toad will be so surprised.
A crunchy one.
Where is it?
I know I put it here somewhere.
There you are, rake.
Right where I left you last year.
To Frog's house.
I will need my trusty rake
to clean up all of Toad's leaves.
No, no, other tools,
I just need rake today.
Uh-oh. If Toad sees me
on the path with my rake,
it might ruin the surprise.
But if I walk through those bushes
extra quietly, he will not see or hear me.
If Frog sees me coming,
it will ruin his surprise.
Frog would never expect to see me
in that tall grass.
It tickles.
No, Toad. Think about Frog's surprise.
Be the quiet Toad.
-Hello there, Frog.
-Hello, Squirrel.
If you're looking for Toad,
I already saw him leave this morning.
Oh, good. I am surprising Toad
by raking up all his leaves for him.
Do you know when he will be back?
Hard to say. But don't you worry,
I'll stand out front
and keep watch by the path
in case he comes back.
Excellent. Thank you, Squirrel.
Okay, rake, time to get to work.
Frog? Are you there?
Oh, good. Frog is not home.
He will be so surprised
to find his yard raked clean.
There, all done.
Toad will be so surprised.
I may not like raking leaves,
but I love jumping into big piles of them.
But that would make a mess
of all the leaves I have raked.
Maybe I will take one big jump,
then I will rake up all the leaves again
before Toad gets home.
Frog! Frog! There you are.
Squirrel? Is something wrong?
Is Toad here?
No, but I heard you yell real loud.
What's going on?
Well, the leaves were all raked up
in a pile,
and I was gonna leave them alone, but
Say no more, Frog.
I love jumping in leaves.
You know, Squirrel,
I suppose I could rake the leaves again
so we could jump in them one last time.
Would you really?
I am already doing it.
Raking leaves is hard work,
but I finally made some progress
with this leaf pile.
What you doing, Toad? Is something wrong?
Well, Gopher, I was raking up
Frog's leaves so he would be surprised.
A surprise. I love surprises.
And you know who else loves surprises?
Mole and Mink, and well,
everyone loves surprises,
come to think of it.
I'll go spread the word.
Gopher, wait!
Maybe it would be better
if you stayed here with me
while I finish raking these leaves.
I would like to keep this surprise
for Frog between us.
Good thinking.
I'll be happy to keep you company.
Did I tell you
what happened to me yesterday?
I heard from Mole who heard from Snake
who said that Mink
has a new ice cream flavor.
Oh, I see. Very good.
That's what I said.
I thought it might be gingerbread
or hazelnut, but you know what it was?
Apple crunch! Can you believe it?
-That's what I said!
And wait until you hear
what happened next.
But, I always prefer
a little bit of honey in my tea.
It's great to make it sweet,
but not too sweet.
And did I tell you
when I was digging around the other day
-I bumped into a root so big I
-Come back, leaf!
There. This is my biggest leaf pile yet.
I can't wait to jump in.
Wait, Squirrel,
I wanna leave this pile for Toad.
Oh, right,
I forgot all about Toad's surprise.
I should be getting back
to the shop anyway.
-Bye, Squirrel!
-Goodbye, Frog!
Now, I must get home
so Toad does not see me.
Won't he be surprised to see
all of his leaves raked into one big pile?
At last. All the leaves are raked.
That's a mighty fine leaf pile, Toad.
Thank you, Gopher.
And now I must get back home
before Frog returns.
I think this will be the best surprise
Frog has ever seen.
Yes. Imagine the look on Frog's face
when he sees
that all his leaves are raked up.
See you, Toad.
Hello, Toad. How are you today?
I am fine, Frog. How are you?
I am also fine.
I have not seen you today.
What have you been up to?
Oh, nothing much. And you?
Oh, about the same.
Well, it is getting late.
I really must get home.
Yes, me too. Well, good night, Toad.
Yes. Good night, Frog.
What a day.
Tomorrow I will clean up
the leaves over my yard,
but at least Toad's yard is nice and tidy.
Tomorrow I will rake all of my leaves.
But at least Frog will not have
to rake his.
I can only imagine how surprised
Toad must be to see his yard.
I cannot wait to hear how surprised
Frog was to see his yard.
But the best part is,
Toad will never know who did it.
And to think, Frog will never know
how his leaves got raked up.
We woke up and found a door
Only us kids could explore
So we opened it to see what was behind
I will keep your secrets safe
With mine
We can wish on shooting stars that fade
Sleep inside the orchid shade
I wouldn't change it even if I could
There is magic in the places
We'd least expect to look
We can fill up all the pages
There is no end to our book
Be the wheels to my road
Be the Frog to my Toad
We can be anything that we wanna be
Now the sun is going down
On that other side of town tonight
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