Gokusen (2002) s02e03 Episode Script

You guys are my most valued students! How can I desert you?

Miss Yamaguchi, you look happy.
Has something nice happened?
You can tell?
Well, you know, the bond
between me and my students
is now building, little by little.
- Bond? With Class 3D?
- Yes.
I mean, despite everything,
the boys are still young.
They are just adorable.
You are too naive, Miss Yamaguchi.
You know nothing about them.
What do you mean?
Mr Sawatari means that they will
look down on you if you think so.
This is his advice.
As you can see, 3D is a group of
notorious bad guys.
Exactly, all of them together.
You will suffer if you say
they are just children, right?
- Hey!
- They will graduate soon.
Both the students and you have to
leave here without any mishaps.
Of course!
Good lord! Mr Sawatari
hasn't changed a bit.
If he's like this, the students
who can grow won't grow.
But they will graduate soon, huh?
Okay, I will spend the rest of the
term with my lovely students.
Let's do our best!
Good morning!
Everybody is present today?
Good boys.
You guys are obedient.
Okuma? What's the matter?
No Nothing.
Where are the five of them?
No idea
Those jerks How dare they
look down on their teacher!
Did youjust get a feeling like
someone wants to kill us?
Did you two catch a cold
or something?
Good lord! They are incorrigible.
Miss Yamaguchi, do you want to go
out for a drink for a change today?
There is a nice restaurant
near the train station.
But I think I won't go today.
Oh, what a pity.
I promised Momogaoka Girls' School's
Mr Kujo to go on a double date.
Mr Kujo?
All right, then, I guess
I'll have to ask Ms Wanibuchi.
I'll go! I'll go with you,
no matter what.
How do you know Mr Kujo?
Well, he works at the school
opposite after all.
We've been on patrol together
after school too.
We are pretty close.
They're close?
I can't breathe
I must apologize,
the other teacher who was going to
come had some urgent business
and couldn't come tonight.
It's totally okay.
But an extra person came
with us ultimately.
Actually, I always like to deepen
my friendships
with Momo Girls' teachers too.
- Mr Kujo, have some wine.
- Oh, thank you.
Listen, don't you think the way
we're sitting isn't really balanced?
- No.
- Not at all.
- Have some wine.
- I'll serve you some food!
Oh, thank you.
Mr Kujo, is there anything
that you don't like?
No, I like everything.
Mr Kujo, what are your hobbies?
- Oh, I like
- It's martial arts.
What a coincidence!
I like martial arts too!
Like, the way it feels on your fist
when you drive home a good punch
I only watch it though.
I only watch it too, of course!
Oh, excuse me.
Takeda? I have a bad feeling
about this
Why are you calling now?
What? Tsuchiya and Hyuga
have been caught by the police?
(Episode Three)
Yankumifor some reason
looks very angry.
What happened?
Give me a detailed account of it.
We were on our way home
from the amusement arcade.
See you
- Hey! Yesterday was
- Kochan, ride in a straight line!
Hey, get off that bicycle!
You can't have two people on
Stop there!
- Faster!
- Stop!
I can't
We're not both of us
riding the bicycle.
We are not.
Idiots! They were on the same
bicycle, and on top of that,
they tried to run away from the
officer, of course they'd be caught!
Why haven't they been released
at such a late hour?
Well They were mistaken as
bicycle thieves
What? Tsuchiya and Hyuga
stole the bicycle?
No, they didn't. They only borrowed
3A's Honda's bicycle. Right?
Yes. They said they would beat me up
if I didn't, that's why.
Honda, sorry to cause you trouble.
- You can go home now.
- Okay.
We did explain it properly,
but the police officer didn't
listen to us at all. Right?
We told him we were
Kurogin's Class 3D,
then he started to shout at us
and brought us here.
I see. That is unreasonable.
Okay. Now that this has happened,
I will do everything
to get them back.
Guys, come with me!
Wait, you're the teacher,
you should go alone
I am their class teacher, Yamaguchi.
I am very sorry that my students
have caused you trouble.
We are still questioning
the two students.
But they didn't do anything.
I said, we are investigating it.
Just let them go,
you useless officer!
Stop it, Yabuki! Don't go against
the copper!
But I don't think they actually
stole the bicycle. Right?
What? You believe what they say?
But my students don't lie.
If you believe them so easily,
they must look down
on you a lot in school.
You have to do your job properly.
Your class has
a pretty bad reputation.
From what I have heard,
they are a bunch of hopeless guys.
There are some horrible ones among
high school kids lately too.
Running away from the police officer
when they saw him
proves that they were guilty
for what they did.
What the heck? Say that again!
- Yankumi!
- You
I thought you said we shouldn't go
against the coppers?
Oh, right You are right.
Anyway, I don't think you have
any evidence,
and they are just minors,
so please release the boys.
- There you go.
- Have some.
I gave you an extra piece
of roast pork.
- Oh, thank you, Kuma.
- Don't mention it.
But still, you can't talk any sense
into the detective just now.
You haven't changed, Yankumi.
But still, there are things that
even a detective shouldn't say.
- Guys, don't worry about it.
- We don't.
- It always happens.
- We're used to it.
But if they suspect us so often,
it makes me want to just do
something anyway.
Don't be stupid.
But I'm glad that you were released
without mishap.
Sorry for bringing you trouble.
- This is your thank you gift?
- Shut up.
Have mine too.
- Have this.
- I'll give you mine too.
- I'm stuffed
- See you, guys!
- Don't take any detours!
- Okay
See you
Darn you!
I wonder if they understand you.
Don't worry, you understood too.
Well, I was an excellent student.
So you went to the guardhouse
to pick up the students?
- Not guardhouse, police station.
- The police
Well, good on you
for making the effort.
Missy sets the perfect example
for teachers.
No, I don't. But the attitude of
the detective was so horrible
that I got really angry.
Well, you will experience
a lot of hardship too.
What the public thinks
isn't always the way
we want them to think.
Yes, I know, but
But I'm glad that this didn't
become big trouble.
Well, that is the
most important thing.
It was a job well done
I was enjoying my dinner with
Mr Kujo until it happened
If things had gone well, we'd be
having a drink somewhere now.
Hey, Minoru. Who is this Kujo guy?
Could he be Missy's new
love interest?
No idea. I've never heard of him.
But it's kind of a funny name.
- It's not funny!
- Sorry, Big Bro.
Who the heck are you?
What? Kurogin?
Yes, we are. So what?
I am Kurogin's Ryu Odagiri.
I'm Kurogin's Yabuki.
Come for us anytime if
you've got a problem.
Let's go.
(Kurogin Gakuin High School)
Good morning.
I had a lovely time with Mr Kujo
last night after you left.
We've agreed to go watch
a K-1 match together.
What? I like K-1 too
I'm really looking forward to it!
Darn! If only they hadn't
interrupted the dinner
Miss Yamaguchi, actually,
I've got tickets for a K-1 match,
would you go with me?
I hate violent things like that.
Oh, I can go.
Mr Sawatari We're in trouble!
Don't run in school! You'll set
a bad example for the students.
But many students from other schools
are at our gates.
And they look pretty violent.
They told us to bring
3D's Odagiri
And Yabuki out there.
Come out
- Come here, Odagiri!
- Come out
Come out
Come here
This is really bad.
Nothing like this has ever happened
in the history of the school.
Where are Odagiri and Yabuki?
I don't think they came to school.
Mr Sawatari, let's call the police.
No. We can't call the police.
We'll do something
and protect Kurogin Gakuin
with our own hands.
Mr Sawatari
Okay, we'll go
on the count of three.
Okay. One, two, three!
What are they doing?
All of you, this is Kurogin Gakuin.
This is not your school.
We won't be taking any action
if you just leave now.
If you don't, we'll call the police.
- Shut up!
- Get lost, teachers!
We will pretend that
this didn't happen today.
Let's go for now.
Don't you dare mess with us!
Fall back!
That strategy didn't work!
What do we do now, Mr Sawatari?
Teachers, please let me handle this.
I will go and talk to them.
Miss Yamaguchi, it's too dangerous
for you to go alone,
- I'll go with you.
- No.
I am Odagiri and Yabuki's
class teacher.
So I will go alone.
We didn't call a woman here.
They're surrounding her.
Who the heck are you?
What do you want with them?
They tortured my friend.
Are you sure that Odagiri
and Yabuki did that?
They said it themselves,
of course I'm sure.
And you guys too?
Yeah. They told us to come to
Kurogin if we had a problem with it.
They've got some guts.
I will take responsibility
and talk to them.
So please leave now.
- What?
- What the heck?
Yeah? Please.
Don't try and act cute, you jerk!
Ow Stop bending my arm
I told you to leave.
Don't you understand?
You don't want to make a fuss
bigger than this, right?
Just leave.
They left!
You guys really
didn't do anything, right?
I told you, we didn't.
We went home right after
we had the ramen.
I see.
I'm relieved to hear you say that.
What kind of idiot would assault
someone and give them his name?
Well, that's true.
That means
Did someone try to frame you guys?
- Yeah, maybe
- It has to be.
Do you have any clue who'd do that?
- It could be someone from Ara High.
- What?
But we've settled our issues
with them.
In that case, it could be
Jinguji's Goda.
They've incurred Ryujin Gakuen's
Shibata's hostility too.
No, it could be
Jonan Vocational School.
Guys, you have that many enemies?
Darn! There are too many of them,
I can't narrow it down at all!
Miss Yamaguchi.
You don't believe them, do you?
But both of them said that
they were not involved.
Of course they would say that!
And you are totally ignorant too.
Well, anyway, I believe
what they said.
Are you sure it's okay to say that?
You think you can really
take the responsibility?
I said yes, and I can!
Those jerks dared say our names.
How dare they mess with us!
They were wearing our school
uniform, with the badge on, too.
They look down at us.
Darn! I am seriously angry!
Now let's go and catch
the culprits ourselves!
But we can't keep quiet
and just back down.
Let's do it.
- Let's do it
- I am getting excited!
We need food, then.
Let's bring some snacks.
- I'll bring a sleeping bag!
- We need a lamp too!
Guys, it sounds like you're
trying to do something else.
This is the face of the culprit
drawn according to the description.
It's not bad.
- We've got everything ready now.
- Yeah
Guys, let's do this!
Let's do it!
In the name of my grandfather!
What cup size do you like?
We won't catch them with this.
Shut up!
Have you seen these guys?
- But they are
- What?
That's not us
You can find guys like these
Yes, you can
We are asking
You can draw very well.
No, that's not the point.
Thank you, boys.
- Kuma
- What?
What? We didn't get anywhere?
I guess it's too difficult
to do it with a drawing.
Their faces weren't drawn on it.
High school boys like you walked
straight out of a pachinko parlor.
You really do have guts.
- Yamaguchi
- Yankumi?
Looking for the culprit?
Our friends have been framed,
we can't stand by doing nothing.
I see.
You guys do secretly
care about your friends.
So, have you found any clues?
We can't possibly find them
using this.
I understand how you guys feel
very well.
But go home now.
If you're wandering around
at this late hour,
you'll be in trouble
if Mr Sawatari sees you.
- But
- Just go home.
My, my All of you are here?
Good evening.
You're having an extracurricular
lesson at such a late hour?
Well, kind of. Are you going
on patrol now?
Well, there have been dangerous
crimes occurring recently.
Dangerous crimes?
Robberies in offices
and snatch thefts.
Hey! You guys didn't do it, did you?
We didn't.
Detective, these young people
have a bright future,
please don't suspect them
if you have no evidence.
These young people
have a bright future?
Well, good luck with that.
He gets on my nerves!
But this picture isn't going to
help you in any way.
It's a good thing, isn't it?
The guys in my class
trust their friends.
But why do both the detective
from the other day
and Mr Sawatari assume
that they're guilty?
If you look carefully, they actually
have many admirable qualities.
Well, just because someone
is an adult,
it doesn't necessarily mean
that they are respectable.
Many adults make mistakes too.
It's the same with the people
who only look at
what they want to see.
look at your students
the way they really are.
Grandfather, I trust my students.
That is your job.
- I've made some tea.
- Thanks
I'm hungry now I've
gotten rid of my worries.
Who? Who ate the Daifuku mochi that
I saved for a special occasion?
- I didn't!
- I didn't either.
- I have no idea.
- No, I don't eat the Daifuku mochi.
Trust me, Missy!
You're asking me to trust you?
Look at your face!
You idiot! Eating Missy's Daifuku
mochi isn't something you can do!
- I am sorry!
- Apologize, you idiot!
- I am sorry!
- Apologize!
- Let's have something to eat.
- What? It's another park?
Hey, long time no see.
How does it feel to be famous?
You're the guys who did it?
We had quite a lot of fun. Both the
uniform and badge were our old ones.
You already quit school,
why are you doing this now?
We had some free time, so we
wanted to play with them. Right?
Why don't you join us?
I welcome both of you.
It must be boring to stay on
in that rubbish school.
Ryu, you've always hated
going to school anyway.
I don't really hate it.
It's not like
nothing interesting happens.
That's true.
Hey! I took the effort to come
and recruit you two.
What's your answer?
I refuse.
I'm sorry, but I am not interested
in joining you guys.
We are quite busy.
See you.
I came to ask you to join us!
How dare you talk to me
with such arrogant attitude!
- Hey, surround them!
- Okay
We'll use Formation B.
- B?
- Got it
- Crab and egg!
- Hey!
Stop there
Don't run away!
Hey! Don't run away
Where are you?
Someone's calling?
Hello? What's the matter, Ryu?
Wrong! I'm sorry,
but I'm not Odagiri.
You jerk What did you do to Ryu?
Go to the basement at Ishizei.
If you don't, he'll be beaten up.
Are you okay?
I think so.
Where are Kudo and the gang?
Hey, can you stand?
Open it!
I don't have a signal.
What the heck are they thinking?
Let's go.
(Ryu Odagiri)
Hey, wake up.
Hurry up.
Darn that Kudo
I'll send him flying.
You guys finally did it, huh?
"Kanpachi Police Station is hurrying
to analyze the video taken by"
"the security camera, which
shows two guys in school uniform."
Mr Sawatari, it says they were
two students.
- What?
- I have a bad feeling about this.
But it has nothing to do with us.
No way.
Mr Sawatari! A detective from
Kanpachi Police Station is here.
We couldn't find Ryu
or Hayato at all after that.
They couldn't have been caught
by Kudo, could they?
Arrested? What is this about?
Exactly! You should
explain it properly.
We didn't arrest them.
But two students wearing
your school's uniform
were caught on
the shop's security camera.
Also, from a wallet we found
in the shop
we found the student ID card of
your student, Ryu Odagiri.
Finally, what we've been
afraid of has happened.
This is unheard of!
They are going to be punished.
So we wanted to ask them
what happened.
Of course, they insist that
they didn't do it.
Can't you talk to them
in our school?
Miss Shiratori is right.
Miss, questioning is something
we do at the police station.
- I can't accept it!
- Miss Yamaguchi!
Mister detective, please settle this
without making it public.
Thank you.
Well, I just came here
to tell you that.
Excuse me.
- Mr Sawatari, this has to be
- Miss Yamaguchi.
The school's reputation is at stake.
Now that this has happened,
please be prepared for your
students to be expelled
while you handle this.
But the two of them said that
they didn't do it.
When people are suffering, they
can tell the most ridiculous lies.
If my students say that they
didn't do it, I believe them.
Miss Yamaguchi?
- Ryu and Hayato were detained?
- Why?
Calm down, guys.
They haven't been arrested.
The police are just questioning them
about what happened.
It's him I'm sure that
Kudo framed them!
Kudo? Who is that?
He was a student here,
he's a year older and was expelled
before graduation last year.
We met him last night. He seems do
be doing many evil deeds everywhere.
It was Kudo who told everyone
that Ryu and Hayato beat them up.
- Seriously?
- Really?
- This is really bad!
- We can't do anything, then!
- I think we should tell the police.
- What? Are you an idiot?
Of course the police
aren't going to listen to us!
They've been suspecting us
right from the beginning.
We can't count on them.
What do we do, then?
What else? Just do nothing.
Sorry, guys, do some studying
yourselves today.
- Yankumi!
- Where are you going?
Where else? I'll find this
Kudo guy and talk to him.
Don't! He is really dangerous.
But if I don't, the matter
won't be resolved.
- He is more than you can deal with!
- But I can't do nothing about it!
Odagiri and Yabuki were
taken to the police station for
something they didn't do.
At this rate, they might be expelled
right before they graduate.
How can I do nothing about it?
They are both my precious students.
Just like all of you here.
- Tsucchi?
- I am leaving early.
Me too.
Wait for me, I'll go with you.
- Me too!
- Let's go
The guy wears a T-shirt
with a cross on the chest.
I haven't seen him.
- No idea.
- Thank you.
Get lost!
I'm sorry
This seems to be where Kudo is.
We asked every single person
we know,
and it took some desperate effort
to find it.
Idiots! I told you to
stay in class and study!
But we couldn't do nothing
about it either.
If, at this rate,
the two of them are falsely
accused and get expelled,
I will never accept it!
I will never let that happen.
What are you going to do?
We'll go with you
if you're going to where he is.
Let me take care of it from here.
It was so easy.
They must be crying
in the police station.
Who the heck are you?
You put the blame on
two high school students
and you're dividing the treasure
among yourselves here?
What a jerk!
Who the heck are you?
I am Odagiri and Yabuki's
class teacher.
I will ask anyway.
Are you going to turn yourselves in?
Stop talking nonsense.
Then you have left me no choice.
What choice do you have?
I never expected it anyway,
but it seems that you don't know
what humanity is.
How dare you, jerk!
Darn you!
You jerk!
You are the only one that
I can't allow to escape.
You witch!
Now you will have to receive
punishment from the coppers.
You will regret this!
You've been cleared.
You can go.
Sorry for causing you trouble.
It's okay. I should be the one
to say that.
- Ryu, Hayato.
- Hey.
I heard that you reported it
to the police.
Well, it was a job well done,
but civilians shouldn't do
anything unnecessary, if possible.
How dare you say that!
You wouldn't have caught him
if we hadn't told you!
You guys, stop it!
Stop doing anything that would
make us suspect you from now on.
Mister detective, I think
you've forgotten something.
Please apologize to them.
What are you talking about,
Miss Yamaguchi?
I still think that the two of them
are not totally innocent.
In that case, show us the evidence.
- Miss Yamaguchi!
- You haven't got any?
Yamaguchi, it's fine.
Anyway, we're used to it.
It's not fine at all!
No matter who it is,
you should apologize
if you have made a mistake.
Isn't that the right way
to live your life?
I have been taught this
since I was little,
and it is what I teach my students
since I became a teacher.
Yes, the boys are still immature,
and they make many mistakes.
That is why we have to show them
what is right and what is wrong.
But if an adult in authority
doesn't obey the rules,
how do I teach them the rules
of the world?
I give you credits for
your enthusiasm,
but do your students
understand the way you think?
They do.
That's what I believe.
So, mister detective,
please act reasonably
in front of my students.
I am sorry.
Miss Yamaguchi.
Get them to write
a letter of apology.
Okay, guys!
Let's go!
(Kumai Ramen)
Guys, you can eat
as much as you want.
- A second helping!
- What? A second helping?
Oh, let them eat, Yankumi.
Yankumi, a second helping
You guys just called me Yankumi
Okay! Eat as many bowls as you want!
Kuma, there you go.
Yankumi, this isn't near enough.
What? It's not enough?
Wait a second, guys. You can't have
roast pork if you have another bowl.
Have the normal ramen.
Hey! You can't!
Hey! Be quiet!
Guys! Be quiet! I said no!
- Co-education?
- Hello?
- There will be girls!
- There's a girl in front of you.
She is different from you!
- Be prepared to be expelled.
- Bring it on.
She has a future, you have one too!
I am not going to let you
quit school.
- Do we like younger girls?
- Yes
- Are you Kurogin graduates?
- Yes, we are.
I put on my best outfit.
Your best outfit?
You two, let go!
I, Kumiko Yamaguchi,
will not let this happen!
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