Hotel Portofino (2022) s02e03 Episode Script

Comings Together

(dramatic music)
(loud chatter, shouting)
(men speaking Italian)
(baby crying)
(motorbike revs)
ANISH: Raffaele, no.
No, stop, stop.
(shouting in Italian)
Nish, run!
(ringing sound)
(distant shouting)
(waves lapping)
(seagulls crying)
(tense music)
(market chatter)
No, no.
(policemen chat in Italian)
(panicked breathing)
(hooves clopping)
(cart rumbling)
(dramatic music)
(birds singing)
Anything else?
Well, there's the garden
(car hoots)
at the Abbey Cervara,
which is definitely
worth a visit.
(car hooting)
(bell rings)
they have the most wonderful
(car hooting repeatedly)
citrus trees, a-an orchard,
it smells simply divine.
(bell rings)
I'm so sorry. Would you
excuse me for one moment?
(car continues hooting)
Oh, Signor Danioni.
Signora Ainsworth.
-Yeah, I know. She's a beauty.
Well, corruption must be
a very profitable business
in Portofino.
Come on.
the lady's not mine.
Oh. So, what is
the lady doing here?
She's giving me a lift.
And jolly decent to her, too,
wouldn't you say?
Do you know the owner
of the car?
Yes, a business associate
of mine.
Pretty big wheel in these parts,
eh, Danioni?
He is.
Ah, well, best not
keep him waiting.
-Oh, thank you. Bye-bye dear.
(theme music)
(car engine starts)
(waves lapping)
(busy street sounds)
(men chatting in Italian)
(ominous music)
CECIL: Good Lord.
Buon giorno.
The last time I visited
an Italian casino,
some bandit robbed me blind
of 20,000 Lira.
(laughs) Let's hope our visit
today will be more profitable.
-I'll drink to that.
Age before beauty, old man.
Goodness gracious me.
What is it, Billy?
This photo.
What about it?
-Well, don't you recognise him?
-No. Should I?
That's the bloke who gave
Mr Sengupta the pamphlets.
The ones you hid under
Lady Latchmere's bed?
Yes. Can you read it?
I'll give it a go.
police hunt bombers in Turin, maybe,
and something about
an assassination attempt.
Un ten-tato assass-in-io.
Oh, that's not good then.
(tense music)
What do you want?
No, no, no.
It's alright, it's alright.
You cut me again, you klutz,
and it won't be me
who's bleeding.
You understand? Capiche?
Gentlemen, welcome to paradise.
Huh? Let show you around.
Come on.
How's the- how's the car,
come pick you up okay?
Uh, very nice.
Pretty nice, huh,
you know how much that cost me?
I'm not gonna tell you.
It's gonna make you blush.
(dramatic music)
Something else, huh?
Sure beats Detroit, huh?
Oh, are you, are you a native of
that great metropolis, Mr Farrino?
Cecil, I told you, huh,
you call me Lou.
But yeah, yeah, I was born
and raised in Hamtramck,
though, my folks,
they're from Syracuse,
which, uh, makes me a proper
guinea, don't it, Danioni?
Yeah, a true Italian.
Well, uh, Lou, you
you certainly seem to be
spending a pretty penny
on the place.
Er, well, you're too kind,
but, uh, no, no, it's not me.
Please. I represent
the interest of certain, uh,
business people back home
in Motor City.
Ah, of course.
Yeah. You gotta, you gotta spend
a little to make a little.
Ain't that what they say?
-Sounds familiar.
So, gentlemen, to business.
(clears throat)
Now, my employers,
they've instructed me to pass on
their heartfelt thanks
for the part that you have
played in establishing links
-to the Ross Cannon Distillery.
So happy are they in fact,
that they would like to propose
an expansionforthwith.
Uh, by, by, by how much,
A hundred, you name it.
America is dry, gentlemen,
and America is thirsty.
I'm telling you,
there is unlimited demand
for whiskey as downright drinkable
as this one.
Err, Ross Cannons is a
is a cottage industry.
I'm not sure they could manage
1,000 gallons a month,
let alone20.
(tense music)
just find someone who can.
But don't, don't we rather risk
drawing attention to ourselves
with the Canadian Coast Guard
and the US Border Authority?
that's not really for you to
worry about now, is it, Cecil?
But I appreciate your concern.
I tell you what,
we will pay a dollar
above the agreed price
for every bottle that
we manage to import.
And that, my friend,
is a very generous offer.
(scoffs, laughs)
I don't like being
disappointed, Cecil.
-You bring me good news.
-CECIL: Yes.
Come on.
Don't smile at me,
move a little faster.
Tell me you have a bright idea.
LUIGI: Pick that up, come on.
Where is everybody, huh?
(playful music)
Thank you so much.
Oh, thank you, darling.
-Are you having fun, Barton?
(cicadas chirping)
(light music)
This recipe that Mrs Ainsworth
gave me for melanmelan
Melanzane a la
ah, it's gone, it's gone,
it's gone, love.
Melanzane a la parmi-whatsit,
I, I can't make head nor tail of it.
-Can I help?
I'm just hot and bothered.
I think I will step outside,
get a breath of fresh air
before we make a start.
(happy music)
Parmigiana de melanz
(speaking Italian)
(Italian opera music)
(waves lapping)
(gulls crying)
(romantic music)
Oh, I wanted to apologise
for last night.
I took the most
unpardonable liberty.
I didn't come
to talk about that.
-Well, who gave you that?
-Billy found it.
I've done my best to make out
what it says.
One of the guards was injured
and the bombers have escaped.
Well, I'll be damned.
Who would've thought it?
-Billy was worried, Sir.
I rather think
we're at the point
where you might call me
Lucian, Constance.
Billy was worried, Lucian,
that Mr Sengupta,
that he might have got himself
involved in something.
Nish? No, you can't
you can't possibly think that
I don't know what to think.
(dramatic music)
(water running)
Hey, hey! What are you doing?
Are you stealing
my cutlery again?
Turn out your pockets!
Oh, you Italians with
your horse meat
and, and your silly coffees!
What, is, is he badmouthing me,
I want you out of my kitchen.
What is the matter, Betty?
(speaking Italian)
He is a thief.
What's all the fuss about?
A misunderstanding.
Here you go, Ma.
Will you be alright, Betty?
I'll be fine.
Just give me a minute.
(light music)
Did you do this?
Not me.
(waves ripple)
You know, I never met a man
in trade who I liked.
Well, who has? (laughs)
I'm not even sure
if they like themselves.
My point is, pay no heed
to the doom mongers.
The sky is the limit
for the market.
You sound awfully bullish.
Better a bull than a bear,
old man.
Gentlemen, I'm terribly sorry.
Might I ask you to move indoors?
CECIL: Whatever for?
Uh, we've had a complaint
about the noise
from one of the guests. Poor
Miss Dodsworth is trying to sleep.
HAMMOND: I ought to
be turning in anyway.
CECIL: Oh, well goodnight,
old boy.
-Yes, goodnight.
-I am sorry.
(whispers) What are you doing?
The bloody cheek of it!
It's very late.
That fellow was giving me
some very useful tips on stocks.
You fetid little busybodies.
-BELLA: Shh, they're listening.
Come on,
they're a couple of nobodies.
Nobodies who might very well
be working for one of
the most influential
and respected tourist guides.
(laughs) You're sure it's them?
No, not entirely.
But, Cecil,
a bad review could ruin us.
And I'm not prepared
to take the risk
to indulge your appetites.
My appetites?
What, give me my whiskey back.
Um, oh, right.
Cecil, I've been thinking about
what you've said, by the way.
Any particular bit?
Um, about being more ambitious.
Oh, yes?
Whatever happened to
don't lecture me?'
Oh, well, if you're going to
be petty, then I'm really not
Oh Bella, please,
for God's sake, I'm sorry.
Come and sit down.
Did you really mean what
you said about
about paying for everything?
Yes, I-I meant every word.
Then, I may need to take you up
on your peace offering.
Darling, this-this is
absolutely wonderful.
Heddon knows this chap in London
who you did the rebuild
at the Royal Corinthian
-Oh, no, no, Cecil,
I don't want any of
your British blow-ins. No.
It has to Bonacini.
-Yes, he's the man for the job.
Danioni implied he was a pinko.
Well, that's recommendation
enough for me.
Are you sure he's up to it?
-Up to it?
He ran one of the biggest
architectural companies
in Milan for years.
-He came highly recommended.
-And then what's he doing
hanging around here,
aside from the obvious?
Well, he wanted a quieter life.
-You see, he's an artist.
-You mean he couldn't hack it.
He's extremely passionate about
what he does. He's very committed.
And if you spent a moment with him,
you'd see his genius.
I hazard you've been spending
rather longer
in his company than that.
(dramatic music)
It's him or no one.
(light music)
(birds singing)
(men chatting in Italian)
-Buon giorno.
-Buon giorno.
(photographer speaking Italian)
(dramatic music)
(church bell rings)
Bellisima, Giornata.
Uh, in English please.
Expectmy phone call
at 9PM
on the first of the month.
(telegraph machine beeping)
(market chatter)
Oh, buon giorno.
Signora Ainsworth.
You have a minute?
Because I'm, uh, expecting
a visit from your friend.
Should be here actually
any time.
Signor Bonacini?
Ah, my architect.
He's your architect?
Anyway, that's what
your husband told me.
Yeah, Cecil.
We were talking and actually
he was informing me
about your plans to
how you say to,
that you want to make
bigger your hotel, right?
-The extension.
-Yeah. -Why would Cecil
be discussing this with you?
Simply because you will
require a permit.
Oh yes, of course.
Silly me.
Um, and no doubt
it will be your office
that has to issue that permit
at terrific additional expense.
You are comfortingly consistent.
(people chattering in Italian)
-Mr Ainsworth.
What can I do you for?
You can, uh you can come with me
for a moment.
(wood sawing)
Right, to start
I'd like you to tell me
what you know about this.
I don't know nowt about it, Sir.
I just recognised this face,
that's all.
You know who he is,
don't you, Billy?
No. Not especially.
You know people in town
who might, though.
(sighs) Happen I do.
Right, well then, I would like
you to ask them about this for me.
And about Mr Sengupta,
(dramatic music)
(market chatter)
(police laughing, chatting)
I need you to take me to
-Looking for this guy.
-I know where he is.
Yeah? We can go now?
(dramatic music)
(waves crashing)
You know, I can't help feeling
slightly concerned about
what you've
dragged me into, Danioni.
What I have dragged you into?
That's what I said. Yes.
So, let me understand.
You are saying that it was
my idea
to sell this
to the Americans, right?
That's what you're saying.
Alright. That was me.
But you're the one who made
such a bloody song and dance
about your connections
over there.
Well, tell me, what did
you expect, Signor Ainsworth?
Well, not a powdered thug
like Farrino.
Maybe, I pretend to send
the necessary letters.
Make the necessary calls.
We come back in a week or two
and say, sorry, no, can do.
But, we'd love to continue
our current arrangement.
Wait a moment.
And listen carefully,
Signor Ainsworth.
That would be really foolish.
These are not people
to say no to.
I'm a respectable man, Danioni.
I can't have rivers of dirty money
sloshing through my affairs.
Unlike your friends in the mob,
I don't have a casino
to launder it through.
But you do own a hotel.
(laughs) No, no, no, no, no.
Just under half a hotel,
strictly speaking.
And there's no way I can slip
something like that past my wife.
Then you should make her
see sense.
Oh? And how do you propose
I do that?
Well, the same way
that every other man
gets his wife to do
what he wants.
Find a way.
(tense music)
(dramatic music)
(crickets chirping)
(speaking Italian)
Oh, go on then,
tell her what you told me.
Mr Sengupta, he were involved.
Well, he was more than involved.
He was caught up in the blast.
They say he's injured.
Where is he? In Turin?
-They smuggled him out.
-To where?
My friend heard a whisper
it's close by.
Do you know the place?
I've been rabbiting there.
Could- would you come with us,
He- he might need
medical attention.
-I can ask. -No, please don't.
Nobody else can know.
Tomorrow is my day off.
Alright, we'll go first thing,
when everybody's at church.
LucianI'm sorry.
(people chattering)
(church bell ringing)
BELLA: Good morning.
Buon giorno.
Signor Bonacini.
What are you doing here?
I thought to join you at church.
Ah. I thought you didn't believe.
I could say the same of you.
Ah, yes. But I have
to accompany my guests.
And to keep up appearances?
No. Why?
Are you concerned with
keeping up appearances?
No. I am only concerned
to find a way
to see you on a Sunday.
And you will be excited to know
I've been working all night
on a design for your solarium.
(light music)
Tell me more.
Count Albani.
Buon giorno.
Signor Bonacini.
-BELLA: Carlo.
-Good morning, Bella.
Would not expect
to see you here on Sunday.
Um, I promised Signora Ainsworth
I would help her with, uh
her vermin problem.
We do not want these ruffians
to upset your English ladies.
Will you excuse me?
(speaking Italian)
-Good morning, ladies.
-Signor Bonacini.
(speaking Italian)
(gate clangs open)
He's here a lot.
We have an enormous undertaking.
He's the architect.
Hmm. Even so, people will talk.
Come, Carlo, people always talk.
(light music)
Shall we?
You alright?
(motorbike rumbling)
(group chattering)
I thought when you said
you were sure about this, Billy.
I were.
So, what now?
Well, we search the vicinity,
I suppose.
(tense music)
Oh, my God, Nish.
Oh, my God.
(dramatic music)
Well, there is bread.
And hard biscuits.
And there's a tin of sardines
in there. Oh, we have grapes.
And these I managed to
steal from my father.
Well, your wardrobe
has certainly taken a dive
since I last saw you.
I take my sartorial cues
from you.
Is that what you've been doing
in Turin, is it,
you've been learning to dress
like a peasant?
No, no.
I've learned to speak
and act like one too.
Well, think of your poor father.
All that money he wasted
trying to get you to act like
an English gentleman.
Still, better an Italian peasant
than an Indian, God forbid.
(fabric tearing)
How's he doing?
I'm no expert,
but it doesn't look good.
-Some water, please.
He seems to think he's got a bad
concussion and a burst ear drum.
And he says a number
of his ribs may be broken.
Thank you.
And there's that wound
on his leg that
well, it just doesn't
smell right.
Got off lightly then, I'd say.
What is this place?
Well, the land belongs to
that other fellow's father.
Bruzzone, he's called.
If you know that, they will.
He can't stay here.
Your mum thinks
that knife's stolen.
She thinks Salvatore took it.
Well I'll put it back when
we go home.
(dramatic music)
(Nish winces in pain)
Can you say how it happened?
How you
got into this God-awful mess?
I followed my heart, Lucian,
and not my head.
I don't think it was your heart
you were following.
It's this Gianluca fellow.
They're one and the same.
I'm not sure
that I catch your drift.
I love him, Lucian.
And he loves me.
Well, I love you. I love you.
I love you very much.
-But I would never put your life
-It's not the same.
How long have you
felt like that?
Ever since I can remember.
And you didn't think
to mention it or?
Because I knew
it would mean the end
of our friendship.
You should go
and not come back.
I don't want you and the others
involved in this.
LUCIAN: No, I'm not going
Friends don't abandon
other friends.
Not under any circumstances.
You taught me that.
BETTY: You can't touch that.
You can't put a knife there
(Betty continues talking)
(drawer closes)
(door opens)
You gave me a fright.
(door closes)
Where have you been?
Uh, just
out for a ramble, Mrs Ainsworth.
Billy, you can't just wander off
whenever you feel like it.
Sorry, Ma'am.
I have been moving
the Dodsworth sisters.
They're unhappy with their room.
It's too noisy.
Why's that not a surprise?
So, if you could take their suitcases
and exchange them with Lucian's.
Right away.
(dramatic music)
Oh, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to disturb you.
Please, don't mind me.
I'm sorry I haven't dressed
yet for dinner.
I've had a beast of a day.
I thought I might fix myself
a drink first.
Sounds an excellent idea.
I think we got off
on the wrong foot.
It's a reasonable assumption.
I- I guess I'm a little
oversensitive about travelling
with my mother.
So, what's your story?
Well, my mother owns the place.
And I've had to run away
from my wife
so that I can holiday here.
In reality, I'm just as tied
to the apron strings as you are.
You're on your own here then?
I did write to a friend to see
if he might join me, but he's
been caught up in something.
He couldn't make it.
I served in the Royal Warwickshires,
by the way.
Seeing as you asked.
Green Howards.
Like my father.
(soft music)
Say, that doesn't stop you from,
uh, from swimming, does it?
Uh, I can still manage that.
Well, what do you say
about a boat trip?
You and me.
Maybe we could go fishing
see if we can't both get away
from our mothers
for a little while.
(dramatic music)
(bird dawn chorus)
BILLY: These photographer
fellows, Ma'am,
-they've been getting restless.
Which is why I didn't open
the gates this morning.
Open the gates,
Signora Ainsworth.
Signor Danioni.
I'm not sure I can oblige
you without a good reason.
(speaking Italian)
I'm authorised to take any steps
to apprehend those responsible
for the recent bombing in Turin,
including the search
of any property
where I have the reason to
believe they may be hiding.
What makes you think
they're here?
This is Gianluca Bruzzone, Sir.
A native of Portofino.
We have intelligence
that suggests
he has returned to the area
with his associate, Anish Sengupta,
an Indian national,
who is well known to be a friend
of the Ainsworth family, right?
I'm sure this is
a misunderstanding.
A simple telephone call to
Senator Cavana will sort it out.
I'm pretty sure, Sir,
the senator will not wish
to have his name
associated with an attempt to block
a legitimate investigation
into terrorist attack against
the Italian state.
-Billy, open up the gate.
We have absolutely
nothing to hide.
(keys jangle)
(tense music)
(gate clangs open)
(speaking Italian)
(dog barks)
BELLA: Do follow me. Come along.
(camera bulb flashes)
(men speaking Italian)
(tense music)
(door closes quietly)
Everything to your satisfaction?
Yes, Signora Ainsworth.
So pleased.
Well, shall we have a word?
You, Constance, Billy.
I saw you all.
For heaven's sake.
We only went for a walk.
don't you dare lie to me.
Alright, well, we did.
We went to go and see Nish.
We took him a few things just
to make sure that he was alright.
How could you possibly,
when you know what
I have been through
with your authorities
and that awful little man.
Nish is my oldest friend.
I'm not about to abandon him now
when he's in a bad way.
Well, what's happened to him?
Is he injured?
Well, he was caught up
in the blast.
He is putting a brave face on it,
but he is seriously injured.
What in God's name
was he thinking?
I have no idea. As far as
I'm concerned, he's a pacifist.
(knocking on door)
Oh, my apologies, Mrs Ainsworth.
Oh no, you don't young lady,
in you come.
LUCIAN: It's alright,
it's alright, Miss March.
Apparently, my mother already
knows about our little escapade,
so you may as well just tell her
whatever you came in here
to tell me.
I heard Mr Danioni speaking to
a police officer
telling him to keep us
under surveillance.
Us? Did he- did he say
who in particular?
The boy. It might have been
the youth.
Right. Well, that's Billy then.
So that means I can't take him
with me if I go again tonight.
-They're starting a manhunt, Sir.
I don't think we have much of
a choice. Nish could lose his leg.
Nish could die unless we do
something quickly.
I should go.
-They won't suspect me.
-Absolutely not.
I can't possibly allow that.
I'll go.
There's nothing else for it.
And, Luce, you'll just have
to show me the way.
(tense music)
(door opens)
Luce. Come on.
Let's get this
over and done with.
(police whistle)
(gate squeaks open)
(dog barking)
(police whistle)
(dogs barking)
(police speaking Italian)
(police shouting in Italian)
(Nish groaning in pain)
Luce, would you fetch me
the iodine and the cotton dressings
from my bag?
Nish, you really have made
a mess of yourself, haven't you?
Hmm. I've made a mess
of everything.
You must think me
a dreadful fool.
I don't know what to think.
I suppose you must have
had your reasons, but
I'm sure I did.
Although they hardly
make sense to me now.
(dramatic music)
Hush now.
You need to rest.
There'll be plenty of time for
talking once you're on the mend.
Thank you.
I need you to brace yourself.
It's going to be very painful.
(screaming in pain)
(police shouting in Italian)
(treacherous music)
(police whistle)
(police shouting, dogs barking)
(cars rumbling)
Mrs Ainsworth!
-What are you doing here?
It's the police.
They followed you.
Right, we have to move him
-There isn't time.
-Then hide, hide.
They must have seen us
leave the house.
Ah, no, no, no, no.
They'll be far more suspicious
if they don't find anyone here.
(cars rumbling closer)
I've got an idea.
-Take him into the corner.
(brakes squeal)
-Who is that?
(police shouting outside)
Signor Ainsworth.
Well, well. (laughs)
Danioni, look,
I know that we are trespassing,
but I can explain everything.
Well, I don't think there is
anything to explain,
Signor Ainsworth.
I see what is occurring.
No, no. I know what
this looks like,
but I can assure you
it's not that.
Come on, Signor Ainsworth.
We are men of the war, huh?
You know what,
if I had decided to have
an affair with a servant,
I also will bring her here
in darkness.
(tense music)
Well, that's jolly decent of you.
I only hope I haven't
put you to any trouble.
It's not you who
has given me any trouble.
I'm so sorry.
Now, before I leave
you promise that
you'll keep enjoying.
No, you have to promise.
-LUCIAN: We promise.
-Ah, okay.
LUCIAN: Right.
Hmm. (laughs)
(speaking Italian)
(high tempo music)
(police speaking Italian)
(dogs barking)
Move him back onto the bed.
Come on.
BELLA: In you go.
CONSTANCE: Thank you.
BELLA: You poor girl.
You must be exhausted.
I hopeI hope
Mr Ainsworth is alright.
Oh, yes.
You forget he survived a war.
He's tougher than he looks.
I just
I wish he'd come back with us.
Well, he had to stay to
try to persuade
Mr Sengupta to move,
and to decide where to,
I suppose.
Not at the hotel then, Ma'am?
Oh no, there's too many
prying eyes here.
And remember,
there's the press at the gate.
Goodnight then.
Constance, I
I did want to apologise for
putting you in that predicament.
It's all I could think of
on the spot.
Oh, no, it's, it's alright, Ma'am.
It did the job.
Well, nonetheless,
you were very brave throughout.
Thank you.
-Goodnight then.
-BELLA: Sleep well.
(jaunty music, laughing)
Oh, Cecil!
Can you keep the music down?
People are trying to sleep.
Darling, there you are.
I was beginning to think
you'd done a runner.
Come on in and have a drink.
-No, no, no, Cecil.
No more of your schemes. I
-Nonsense, nonsense, nonsense.
-I am too tired, really.
-Too tired to say hello to me, mummy?
Oh, my darling.
I wasn't expecting you back
until Wednesday?
Oh, I couldn't stay away
that long.
There is someone I am desperate
for you to meet.
This is my mother,
Bella Ainsworth.
Hello. Welcome.
I see now where your daughter
gets her beauty.
Mummy, this is Victor.
Victor Michel.
My fiance.
Oh my
(Cecil chuckles)
(knock on door)
I wanted to, um
(owl hoots)
(door closes)
(romantic music)
No, I, I
I want to see it.
(dramatic music)
You shouldn't be ashamed.
You should be proud.
Constance, please.
We have to talk about this.
Rose is coming.
Do you trust him, honey?
Cecil? Oh no, not for a minute.
Where is he?
-Where's, where's who?
Just get him to answer
my damned letter, Edmond.
Unless you want to find me
floating face down in the harbour!
Captions edited by Ai-Media
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