Invisible City (2021) s02e03 Episode Script

A vida que a gente sempre quis

[knocking on door]
[pensive music playing]
[Clarice] I've packed my things.
I'm ready.
[Venâncio chuckles]
[Clarice and Venâncio breathing heavily]
[ethereal music playing]
[Venâncio] Tomorrow, we get a fresh start,
far away from here.
[kisses hand]
[Clarice breathing heavily]
- [chilling music playing]
- [Clarice breathing heavily]
[chilling music intensifies]
[Venâncio] Clarice!
[theme music playing]
- [patient coughing]
- [medical machines beeping]
She's gonna find out, Venâncio.
You know how Débora is.
Clarice, you were very brave today.
The girl's father
was supposed to be dead by now.
I disobeyed Débora.
But I don't know
if I'll ever be able to do it again.
You won't have to.
That gringo, he'll do anything
to get his daughter back.
Just find his daughter, and in exchange
your curse will be removed.
You can go back
to being a normal woman, Clarice.
If I do that, then what?
Then we'll be able to live our dream life.
We'll live far from here,
free from the Castros.
[night chirping]
[door closes]
[wings flapping]
[radio playing indistinctly]
[Bento] Mom?
[gasps] Bento!
Bento! [kisses]
[heartwarming music playing]
I'm not cursed anymore, Mom.
I'm just your son now.
Oh, I missed you. [kisses]
[Josué] Who's there, Ana?
[door opens]
[uneasy music playing]
Josué [breathing shakily]
It's a miracle.
He he's not cursed anymore.
[Luna] Do they always keep you here?
[Lazo] Lazo's already used to this.
But Miss Luna doesn't deserve to be here.
Of course I do, Lazo.
I'm the one to blame.
I shouldn't have made that stupid deal.
[Lazo] Miss Luna is not the one to blame.
They've been here, spreading evil,
long before you ever showed up,
little girl.
And Lazo is the one who finds them gold.
[Ana] I wish your sisters
were here to see you.
[Bento] Did Clara ever get married?
Oh, Josué
Where's the devil
that was inside you, kid?
- [silverware clatters]
- [Josué] Did it melt away?
[tense music playing]
[Ana] Bento,
eat your maniçoba.
I made it just the way you like it.
Thank you, Mom.
But I don't want meat right now.
[Josué] You're gonna eat it, you brat.
You're gonna eat it,
and better eat it right now,
like the dog that you are.
- Josúe
- Get off me!
Come on, kid!
Go ahead!
Attack me. Do it.
Now I really believe you've changed.
Back to being a little wuss
like you always have been.
[door slams shut]
[chair scrapes on floor]
And here I thought he'd be happy to see me
after all this time.
You've changed, but your father hasn't.
Let's get out of here.
You, me, and my sisters.
I promise I'll help.
I'll find a job somewhere.
[Ana] Oh, my son
That's impossible. I can't leave.
But you, Bento,
you can.
[door opens]
[Eric] Father.
[intriguing music playing]
[Clarice] We'll help you
rescue your daughter,
if you remove the Mule from me.
How can I be sure I can trust you?
She just saved your life.
You're gonna have to work with us.
Débora's pretty dangerous.
[Venâncio] You have a good heart.
You were able to remove Bento's curse.
[Inês] That was no curse.
[Venâncio] Who are you?
I'm Cuca.
But no need to be afraid of me, Father.
I didn't come to get you, okay?
This is a dangerous deal you propose.
There's no way for us to be sure
of what might happen to you afterwards.
Or to you.
There's no other way.
Débora needs the girl
to get into Marangatu.
To get into where?
[Clarice] Marangatu.
It's a mythical land here in Pará,
with lots of gold.
Many have tried to find a way into it,
but no one could do it.
Except for your daughter.
The Castros want to exploit the land,
and they're raising money
for that tonight.
Débora won't take her eyes off her.
Your one and only window
will be at the auction tonight.
What if it goes wrong?
You might never see your daughter again,
I'm afraid.
The Castros kidnap and manipulate
those who are useful to them.
I'm gonna need your help, yeah?
I know.
And so will she.
[Clarice] It's a risky plan.
First, everyone has
to believe you're dead.
[Débora] Good morning, Clarice.
Took you long enough.
[Clarice] I did what
you told me to, Débora.
He won't bother you anymore.
The Castros aren't the only ones
looking for Marangatu.
Many people would do anything
to get their hands on that gold.
And all of them
will be at the auction tonight.
[Castro] Let's go, honey.
Come on. Our guests are arriving.
[Clarice] Security will be
tighter than ever.
[indistinct radio chatter]
[Eric sighs]
So how do I get to my daughter?
[Clarice] She'll be in the cellar.
You access it through the basement.
They keep the cells' iron gates
locked at all times.
But with the boy's curse,
they won't be a problem for you.
[Clarice] What if Danilo wakes up?
He could bring this whole plan to ruin.
[Venâncio] I'll keep an eye on him
at the hospital.
I know people who can help me.
The trickiest part will be
to avoid being caught by Débora.
For that, you'll need to keep your cool.
There's something
very few people know about her.
Débora is a viper.
If your temperature rises,
she's gonna see you.
And she'll find out
I didn't do what she asked me to.
What's with the long face, Clarice?
Act lively.
[Clarice] You'll get your window
when they're demonstrating Lazo.
You have to follow them
once they're taking him back down.
I'm still not sure
how to get you masks, though, I'm afraid.
I'll take care of that.
Let me see.
- [knocking on window]
- [Castro] Hm?
Who's that?
Can I help you?
I don't think you should drive
when you're feeling drowsy.
But I don't feel drowsy.
Of course you are.
Your eyes
Your eyes are so heavy.
[echoing] And your breathing too.
You are now beginning
to breathe so deeply.
[indistinct radio chatter]
- [ice clinks]
- [muffled heartbeat]
The client, after all, has the
That's right.
I can't hear Luna in here, Inês.
I can't smell her either.
Clarice did tell us
she'd be locked up downstairs.
Come on.
We need to stick to the plan, though.
Clarice is over there.
[Inês] The other one is Débora.
Try to listen in on their conversation.
[ice shaking loudly]
[sounds echoing loudly]
So an old man is taking us there?
[Castro] Mm-hmm.
That's right. Him and a young girl.
Well, gentlemen,
I believe it's time to get started.
Gentlemen, please.
- [deafening noises]
- [Eric's ears ringing]
[Eric grunting]
[utensil clinking glass]
[Eric panting]
[Castro] Ladies and gentlemen,
please, this way.
The show's about to begin. Have a seat.
- [suspenseful music playing]
- [dishes clattering]
[food sizzling]
[suspenseful music continues]
[Castro] Ladies and gentlemen,
if you will.
This way, please.
Make yourselves comfortable.
Thank you all so much for coming.
Please have a seat.
[guest chattering indistinctly]
[Castro] Please.
The show is about to begin.
Please, have a seat.
[Venâncio] He needs rest.
[patient coughing]
[Venâncio] Good night.
Bento, what are you doing here?
[Bento] Going back home
was a bad idea, Father.
My father doesn't care for me.
Not as a wolf, and not as a boy.
- He doesn't care for me at all.
- [Venâncio] Calm down.
Let's think this through together.
[Bento] Can you help me?
[Venâncio] Of course.
I wanna be a wolf again, like I was.
Huh, Bento?
Why suffer through all that again?
That way I could stand up for my mom.
Let's think of another way
to help your mom.
Now try to relax.
My mom is in serious danger, Father.
Isn't there a way for
Luna's dad to give me
my powers back somehow?
[sighs] I don't know if that's possible.
[Bento] You don't know?
Or maybe you'd rather not know.
[somber music playing]
Right, Miss Luna had asked me
why my eyes began to shine
when I saw her amulet.
[Luna] Hm. The legend of the Zaori.
I've read about you.
But I thought that your eyes
would only shine whenever you saw gold.
[Lazo] Gold or treasure.
And that little pendant you carry
is treasure.
[Luna] Hm.
My mom gave this to me.
[chuckles softly] For protection.
But I don't think it's working.
[gentle music playing]
Well, Luna,
that gift you got from your mother
can protect you, and much, much more.
[Luna] Hm? What do you mean?
Lazo, what does it protect?
- Tell me.
- Come on, old man. It's showtime.
[cell door creaking]
The world can't understand
those who are different, Bento.
"The world"?
Maybe you're right.
I'll talk to Luna
and see if she can convince her father.
They took Luna and Lazo.
[Bento] Wait, what? Where?
Débora took them
to an event at her house.
- You need to take me there!
- I don't think that's a good idea.
[metal clanking]
Wait here.
[metal bangs]
[suspenseful music playing]
[Castro] Thank you for coming.
Today is a very, very special day for us.
For our father.
Once again, we have found
what had been lost.
Tonight, you are getting the opportunity
to join in the exploration
of the largest gold reserve of Pará,
ladies and gents.
[guests murmuring excitedly]
As part of the show,
I must ask of you a small favor.
Put your jewelry away.
Anything that is
made of real gold, please.
I don't wanna see any of it.
Put it away, please.
Any jewelry.
All set? Did you put it all away?
Then allow me to introduce you
to an old friend of the family.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Lazo, the Zaori.
[guests murmuring]
[Castro] Ladies and gentlemen, please.
I ask that you try to keep an open mind.
Because even if a man
looks humble and unassuming,
that doesn't mean that he cannot show us
great wealth and treasure.
Go on.
Show them what you can see.
[intense music playing]
[Castro] Excuse me.
- [audience gasps and applauds]
- [Castro laughing triumphantly]
[Castro] See?
Oh, thank you.
He's the one.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Lazo here is the one who will guide us
through the forest towards Marangatu.
[audience cheering and applauding]
[medical machines beeping faintly]
[faint grunting and panting sounds]
[Bento] Sister!
[loud grunting and panting]
Where's the priest?
[Danilo sighs]
What's the meaning of this?
The gringo
is right here.
At your event.
Clarice tricked you.
So did he.
And if you want,
I can help you find the guy.
Take the priest to my office.
- I will find the girl's father myself.
- [snake hissing]
[Castro] He's the man, right here.
[guests chattering indistinctly]
[pensive music playing]
[ominous music playing]
[Danilo] Well, Father
you think you'd get away with it?
I'm not much of a church guy myself,
but I'd say
you should start praying right now.
[door closes]
[eerie music playing]
[eerie music continues]
[Telma] Honorato.
[Castro] Like I was saying before,
a person's appearance
doesn't always reflect
how great a treasure
they can unveil, my friends.
I'll take over from here.
What? [scoffs] I can keep going.
Trust me. I'll handle this.
Take the old man.
[guests murmuring]
[Débora] Ladies and gentlemen,
as you all know,
the Marangatu is no ordinary place.
Now, Inês.
[Débora] And how can we enter
such a special place?
With a key.
But in this case, it's not just any key.
The key is a young lady.
[guests murmuring]
She's so fragile,
but she's able
to enter this magical place.
She will give us access
to a wealth of paradise.
What's going on?
Why don't you ask your wife?
[Castro] Uh, ladies and gentlemen,
we'll be having a short break.
[ominous musical sting]
[haunting music playing]
What are you doing here?
[Matinta] Is that how you treat a guest?
[Débora] That's my point.
I didn't summon you here.
[footsteps crunching]
I'm here to collect my share of the deal.
[Débora sighs] What do you want from me?
- [footsteps crunching]
- What I want
is for you to poison the girl.
I can't poison the girl.
I asked you for the girl.
You can't ask me to do that.
If she's dead, what good is she to me?
[ghostly shriek]
You didn't ask for the girl.
You asked for a way to Marangatu.
Did you not?
[footsteps crunching]
[Matinta shrieks]
[eerie music playing]
[metal lock clanking]
[Clarice breathing heavily]
You are not alone, Clarice.
You don't know me, Inês.
[Clarice exhales sharply]
Who are you?
You're a judge,
respected by all.
You fought very hard
to get this far, right?
I know you did.
But for some time now,
you've become someone
with no will of their own.
You do as you're told, and that's it.
But for once in your life
you have decided to be brave.
So you followed your heart.
And then what happened?
What happened after that?
I was burdened with a curse.
No no.
[singing in Portuguese]
Sleep, little baby ♪
Cuca is coming to get you ♪
Daddy is out in the field ♪
Mommy went to work ♪
[Venâncio in English]
What we did was wrong.
You said you'd leave the church.
You promised you'd do that
to be with me, my love.
With Clarice.
[Inês] You know why
you didn't kill Eric last night, Clarice.
Because you had no fear.
Débora controls people through fear.
But last night
Last night,
you just followed your true nature.
Tell me, do you really believe
that this gift is a curse for you?
- [pounding on door]
- [Castro] Open the fucking door!
[pounding continues]
I have to keep the auction going.
I'll take care of them later.
[uneasy music playing]
We should've left this place together
years ago.
you sure should have.
That night was the most beautiful
and the most terrifying night of my life.
As we made love
[both panting]
[Clarice] I felt like I was running free.
But then it was like
something had snapped.
Suddenly, I was afraid of everything.
I've spent my whole life
trying to be
what other people wanted me to be.
But I've discovered
something very important,
I'm not cursed, and I've never been.
[breathing heavily] Calm down, Clarice.
[intense music playing]
[whispering] I am one with the Mule
and the Mule lies in me.
- [Venâncio] Calm down.
- [Clarice exhales]
- [chilling laughter]
- [Venâncio] You need to stay calm!
[Venâncio panting]
[chilling scream]
[music intensifies]
[Castro] Ladies and gentlemen,
thank you for your
- about to begin
- [guests screaming]
- [Eric] Luna?
- Dad!
Sweetie! [grunting]
- Are you okay, baby? Yeah?
- Yeah.
- What did they do to you?
- Nothing, Dad. I'm okay.
[Eric] Come on. Let's get out of here.
A touching reunion by a charming family.
[Eric breathing heavily]
You're a protective father, aren't you?
[Eric growling]
[horse whinnies loudly]
[intense music playing]
[snake hissing]
[Eric growling]
[crying out in pain]
- Watch out!
- [Luna screams]
[theme music playing]
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