Nailed It! (2018) s02e03 Episode Script

Tailgate, Failgate

Welcome to Nailed It,
the show where food and art collide,
sometimes in a terrible accident.
I'm Nicole Byer, along with the shock
Jacques Jacques Torres
and today's special guest star
of the LA Rams,
punter Johnny Hekker.
Today, three home bakers
recreate epic magical desserts
over two rounds of competition
for a chance to win $10,000.
Let's meet our bakers. It'll be fun.
Follow me. Come on.
I'm Will Edwards, and I'm from Maryland.
I'm someone who has spent a lot of time
watching every cooking show I can find,
and I'm the judgmental guy sitting
at home like, "Oh, are you kidding?"
So I'm excited to showcase the skills
I have and build on them at the same time.
My name is Leean Muns,
and I'm from Huntsville, Texas.
Women from the South are supposed to be
queens of the kitchen.
I am not.
But women from the South
are very strong-willed.
And that is one of the reasons
I keep trying and trying and trying.
I'm proud.
My name is Mark Mendez
and I'm from North Bergen, New Jersey.
I love to cook,
I love being in the kitchen.
Look at the steak and mashed potatoes.
That's how you cook a steak.
In comparing my culinary skills
in the kitchen to my baking skills,
it's like black and white.
Oh, no.
I'm competitive by nature.
I wanna be the best at what I'm doing.
So even though I'm not a good baker now,
I want at least test my limits
and see if I can become a better baker
and improve my skills.
Today on Nailed It, we're getting sporty.
And we're bringing the tailgate
from the parking lot into the kitchen.
With me, as always,
our head referee and master pastry chef,
my buttery sweet croissant,
Jacques Torres.
- You are. You are excellent.
- Flaky croissant.
You are, you're my little croissant.
And our extra special guest judge today
for our Tailgate Failgate episode,
he's a three-time NFL pro ball punter
and all-star snacker, Johnny Hekker.
- Oh yeah.
- Johnny, I'm a huge fan.
Thank you so much.
I'm very honored to be here.
You guys probably got denied
by probably 200 other NFL players,
and had to settle for a punter
soappreciate that.
Nailed It.
Ready to get your bake on?
- Ready.
- Oh, yeah.
Our first round is Baker's Choice.
Behind door number one
are three components
to a game day delicacy.
You get to choose
which one you want to nail.
You'll be the MVP of any tailgate
when you're rolling with
the snack stadium!
- Oh, my God! Wow!
- Wow!
Our first savory challenge on Nailed It,
an amazing assortment
of game day goodness.
Let's start with the field.
Pigs in the blanket football players
hot dogging it it down there,
crescent mummy dog referees
calling the action,
guacamole turf,
perfectly piped sour cream yard lines,
delightful cheeseball floodlights,
nacho cheese and salsa end zones.
And now, take a look up in the stands.
Meat, veggies, popcorn,
and chip fanatics losing their minds!
Each of you are responsible
for one-third of the field.
Pick the ticket for the part
you want to nail,
but choose wisely because each section
has its own special challenges,
and when it all comes together,
it forms a super Nailed It stadium.
It's Baker's Choice, people.
Go grab your ticket!
Good hustle. Nice, there it is.
So while you'll be making
your own guacamole and wieners,
Will, you have the queso in the end zone
with deli meats
and veggie fans in your stands.
Leean, you have to make the field lights
with candy popcorn and chip fans.
And Mark, you have the salsa end zone
with cheese and veggie stick fans.
There's a super special prize
for the winner of this round.
Okay, we got 45 minutes on the clock.
Get your bake on!
Go! Go!
All right, four avocados, mashed.
Really race against time here.
Looking at the stadium,
assessing what they need.
- It's not an easy challenge.
- No.
For this challenge, our bakers
have to make their side dishes
and hot dogs,
but it's all centered
around the guacamole.
We start with fresh, ripe avocados,
add diced onions, a bit of tomato,
some lime for acidity.
But they have to remember,
seasoning is the key,
and these individual pieces
have to all work together, in the end.
All right, so my first step
is to make the guacamole field.
I've made guacamole one time,
so I have no idea
if this is the right amount of anything.
The way I use a knife is a lot
like the way I use a sword,
in that I'm not always very exact.
I know what my target is though.
I am involved in Hema, which is
the historical European martial arts.
When I'm in a competitive atmosphere,
I always want to win.
And I'll be pretty competitive
in this competition
because I'm fairly confident
in my abilities in the kitchen.
Just need lime juice, salt, and pepper.
So guys, have y'all
ever made guacamole before?
- Yes.
- I have once.
You never made guacamole?
No. And yes, I know, I'm from Texas.
I thought Texas loved Mexican food.
Johnny, do you know
any single football players?
- I do. I know a couple, yeah?
- Do you?
Tell them I'm a sure thing, they don't
even have to take me to dinner.
"I'm a sure thing."
That's the saddest thing said today.
All right, so cilantro, onions
and lime.
Knife comes in handy for a whole bunch
of different stuff, like chopping stuff.
Squeezing the hell out of limes.
My dad was a chef for a long time, so I've
seen firsthand how to do it in the kitchen
and kind of followed his direction.
My dad passed away a couple years ago,
and he was my hero,
so hopefully I can make him proud
while I'm cooking something up.
All right, so let's see
if this is enoughguac
to fill this entire pan.
This just looks like a mess,
but you know what?
Lots of tasty things look like messes,
so I think that's okay.
That doesn't look
like it's gonna fill that big pan.
Shoot, it's okay.
"Cut and roll croissant dough
around hot dogs."
Will is rubbing that dough?
Thirty minutes, guys.
Under 30 minutes.
Jacques, what do you think
about pigs in a blanket?
I have to tell you, that's very strange
to me, those names.
Where do they come from?
I have no idea.
Imagine a pig with a blanket.
It's like a little fairy tale,
or something, a little pig in a blanket.
This one has like
a little zig-zag around it.
There's only three, but I'm going
to do two with zig-zags,
just in case that one screws up
horribly when it bakes.
All right, let's throw those in,
and those go in for nine to 12 minutes.
All right.
"Make salsa:
five whole tomatoes, chopped."
Gonna go with the salsa first. I feel
like that's gonna take a bit longer.
I don't look up the recipe.
I just kind of put what I like in salsa.
So I put some tomatoes,
some onions, some cilantro.
All right, stop.
That did not come out as wanted.
I liquify this salsa, which isn't good.
I'm trying to make it a little chunkier.
I should probably be melting cheese.
That's a big ole hunk of cheese
right there.
I am King of the Cheese.
Give this guy a stir.
We're looking like a cheese sauce.
It still looks very thick.
Very thick.
Leean has to do
the stadium lights.
The stadium lights are actually
beef jerky sticks
with crackers and cheese balls.
I hope y'alls football goals
are actually coming out better
than my lights.
Oh, no.
This glue don't work.
- Catastrophe.
- She broke the light bulb.
Oh crap. Okay.
That edible glue
is not going to work.
She should be using melted cheese
to stick those cheese balls.
I'm gonna have to rig something.
We're gonna call it the big floodlight.
- That's a good idea.
- Pretty creative, yeah.
- I like that.
- We'll just have a high tech stadium.
What is this?
I'm gonna grab one of these.
What is this thing?
Mark's having a hard time finding jicama.
It's a white looking carrot.
Where the?
What is this? And why wouldn't it be here
with the vegetables?
Well, I'm gonna improvise.
'Cause they want these white carrots,
so they're gonna get this instead.
Under eight minutes left.
I apologize,
dropping everything everywhere.
Okay, popcorn, two and a half minutes.
All right, so
Two pans of meats.
I am not sure that I can physically
roll this much meat.
But I wanna get something
in the meat tray.
- All right.
- Time's running out.
I hope they remember that their pieces
need to work together to make one thing.
Oh, but I have a bad feeling.
Okay, obviously there's problems
with the popcorn.
Oh, shoot. Oh, shoot.
I am so sorry for smelling up the kitchen.
There's a button on the microwave
that just says "popcorn," yeah.
Oh my God, this is funny.
Hey, it's okay.
All right.
Can I use the meat
to kind of balance it there?
No. Okay, you know what?
That is what the end zone looks like now.
Under one minute left.
Get those details locked in.
All right, I'm just throwing the meat in.
When it's game day, looks don't matter.
The stands ain't looking too packed.
Kind of looks like a Jets game.
The wieners, the wieners,
where did I put the wieners?
Oh, man, this is gonna be interesting.
Five, four,
three, two, one,
you're done!
Snack stadiums unite!
Nailed it!
Sheer perfection.
- Yeah.
- Effort was there.
Will, can you talk me through
what was going on in the kitchen for you.
Had a bit of a hard time
figuring out how long it would take
to roll the meats up.
The meat truly
is just thrown in the tray.
I tried to compensate by making really
nice knife cuts on my peppers and celery.
You know, I like the way
you cut the vegetables.
It's nice, and you have everything there.
- Let's taste this thing.
- All right, let's go for it.
The pig in the blanket is pretty good.
The cheese sauce,
it's still kind of in block form,
just transferred into a pie dish.
Trying to dip something in here,
and I'm getting a lot of resistance here.
No offense, I mean this with love,
Guacamole can have a little bit more
spices and especially a bit more salt.
It's not enough salt, and that's
very important when you cook,
you know, salt and pepper,
always taste it before.
- That's very important.
- All right, Leean is next.
All right, Leean.
Yes, I worked really hard
on the middle section.
Um, my guacamole
instead of smearing mine all the way out,
I kind of kept it
so when you had your chips,
you can actually dip on into it
and actually get some substance.
Your pigs in a blanket, to me,
that's the saddest part of this.
Look at this. Come on.
It's obviously not perfect.
I think it's supposed
to touch a little bit.
I did my darnedest.
- You did. You did your darnedest.
- I'm proud of it.
You were hustling over there.
Let's taste it.
This is the fun part.
I've never made guacamole before.
- It's not bad.
- Really?
- It's not bad guacamole.
- It's not bad.
It could use some heat,
but it's not terrible.
Where would the heat come from?
- Spices.
- Spices.
- Leean, thank you so much.
- Thank you very much.
Mark, Mark, Mark, Mark.
Tell me about it, Mark.
Sure. So I think the part I did the best
here would be the pigs in a blanket.
I added some pepper jack cheese
with the carrots.
I couldn't tell what that vegetable was
in the original stadium there.
I think you're missing the jicama.
Jicama, okay.
- Do you even know what jicama is?
- I don't know what jicama is.
I like that you have some home,
some away fans. It's a diverse stadium.
You got carrots
hanging out with the cheese.
You got celery with the carrots,
they're all having fun watching this game.
My salsa here,
what I did was a little bit different.
I know some people like chunky salsa,
some people don't like it too chunky.
So I put it in the blender, and I added
some chunks of tomatoes inside it as well,
the best of both worlds.
- Let's dig in.
- Let's go for it.
I thought I was not gonna like your salsa.
Like just to be clear and honest,
I was like, "I'm gonna hate this."
But I like the taste of it.
I think it has like
some really great flavors in it.
I think your guacamole
has a good taste to it.
- I think you flavored it well.
- I like the guacamole too.
I like it. I found the onions in it.
That's good.
And otherwise, you know,
you're a nice kid.
You had a lot of work to do
and you accomplished it.
So good, congratulations.
Thank you, judges. Appreciate it.
All right, bakers, scooch on down.
I think we have a winner.
Jacques, will you do the honors?
My pleasure.
You tried very hard in this challenge,
but one baker nailed it.
- Congratulations, Mark.
- Thank you, Chefs. Thank you.
Way to go, Mark.
Johnny, tell him what he's won.
No matter how good you are at sports,
you'll definitely make the cut
with this brand new knife set.
Nice. Awesome.
Thank you, Wes.
Congratulations, Mark.
You are in the lead
and everyone's gonna know it
because you get to wear
the world famous Nailed It baker's cap.
Oh, man, hope it doesn't mess up my do.
I don't think you need
to worry about that.
Welcome to door number two.
The $10,000 grand prize
goes to the winner of this round
that we call Nail It or Fail It.
Some fans love the savory snacks
and others like the sweet treats,
and I say why not have both?
Ladies and gentlemen,
boys and girls, give it up for
What? Oh, my God.
The barbecue grill cake!
It's a cake!
- We are so screwed.
- Oh, my God.
Stacked cake rounded
to look like a barbecue,
covered with a fondant chocolate grill.
Then wash it all down
with a few fondant shrimp skewers
and warm Rice Krispie beers.
I know this cake looks pretty smoking,
but don't worry
because we're gonna give you
a little extra help in this round.
Each of you has a panic button
on your workstation.
If you hit a little bit of trouble,
hit it.
And one of our experts will come help you
for three full minutes.
And Leanne, since you
had so much trouble in round one,
we're gonna give you
a little extra helping hand,
called "freezer burn."
At any point in the next round
you hit your freezer burn button,
and your opponents cannot
do anything for three full minutes.
Here we go, two hours on the clock,
$10,000 on the line.
Are you ready to Nail It or Fail It?
Go! Do it!
Oh, I'm so excited.
Let's see, what is step numero uno?
Jacques, how would you approach
this barbecue cake? It's wild.
It is wild,
and there is a lot of work here.
First thing is the cake.
The cake is the barbeque.
You want to bake the cakes, stack them,
then layer them with the buttercream.
Then you carve it.
Then you're going to cover this cake
with fondant and start the decorations.
The bottle I carve
with Rice Krispies treats,
and then cover with fondant,
and then paint it.
I think I got to get the foundation
and base on first,
and then I can add my own flare.
Now, I'm a little worried because I know
how to do some things here, the basics,
but when I bake it's either hit or miss,
so I need to just work efficiently.
Leean is smart. She counted
the layers on the barbecue cake
to figure out how many layers
she's gonna need.
She's got two mixers.
Okay. We'll do one chocolate
and one vanilla.
She make a chocolate cake?
She's gonna alternate
the layers, I guess.
My perfect relationship cake.
I like white dudes.
So far it's looking good,
it just need some eggs.
Ooh, ooh.
You're going to have some shell
on the cake.
- Absolutely. I just saw a bit fly.
- I saw a shell fly.
I gotta dig the shell out.
What's that they say? You can't make
a cake without breaking tons of eggs.
All right.
Play it safe and start
with the big and the small.
Common mistake: they don't grease the pan
enough and the cake doesn't come out.
We see that quite often.
I'm gonna figure out
these beer bottles.
What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make
some two-dimensional
beer-bottle-looking things.
So maybe that can be like bottle one.
That is the worst looking
beer bottle known to man.
Look at that bottle.
What would you say that bottle looks like?
You don't want me to say
what I think her bottle looks like.
How do you think they make those beers?
Could you show us?
Let's cut a piece of the Rice Krispie.
Yeah, I don't think this is gonna be
enough fondant to cover the whole thing.
We rolled the Rice Krispie.
I rolled it so hard it stuck to the board.
I don't know how I'm gonna fix this.
Come on, get off of there.
The neck of the bottle starts here,
so you have to squeeze it.
- Squeeze.
- Squeeze.
It's starting to look like a bottle.
Still rocking a bit.
So you see, now I'm running the fondant.
Put my bottle here.
That's about as best
as I can hope for right now.
Okay, what do you think, Nicole?
That looks great.
I'd cheer to that, Jacques.
Good work, buddy.
Good work. Thank you.
All right.
My cakes are ready
to come out of the oven.
As we saw earlier,
he didn't grease his pan.
So now they're difficult to come out.
I'm convinced that once I cover them
in enough decoration,
I can at least hide my errors,
and I'm hoping that my delicious flavor
is gonna help me secure the victory.
Okay, obviously,
it's seriously stuck on the bottom.
She doesn't need to bang
on the mold like that.
- That doesn't help.
- Maybe she wants to make music.
Yes, I broke the spatula.
I'm so sorry.
It won't come out.
It won't come out.
I do wanna hear Jacques
do a Southern accent.
Oh, yes, try to do a Southern accent.
I break the spatula.
Go, "I love sweet tea."
I love sweet tea.
Get some frosting
and fondant on the cake.
I'm not gonna have much time here.
Why is this sticking?
I've got to clean it off or something.
I think I'm gonna use
the panic button now.
Let's see if I can
just get these cakes going, yeah.
That's a panic!
How should I do the frosting
and the fondant
for the side of the cake?
- First, you mix your fondant.
- Right.
When the fondant is a nice consistency,
put a bit of cornstarch on your table.
Everything I'm doing is sticking.
Because you don't use cornstarch.
- Ah, okay.
- Use the cornstarch.
Good to know.
Top, bottom, flip it.
Top, bottom, flip it.
- Five, four
- Roll it.
Once you have your cake covered
in buttercream frosting,
- you put the big piece and you cover it.
- Okay.
Jacques, come back.
I can't gauge
how much pressure I'm putting on the cake
and I don't want it to fall off
its hideous base.
I'm just gonna use my fingers
a little bit.
I do not have a lot of confidence
in the structural integrity of this cake.
Oh, no. Come on, stay on there, bud.
This fondant does dual purpose.
It's both decorative
and to help this guy hold together.
Looks like Will's about to flip that cake.
Real make-or-break moment for Will.
It's now or never.
Yeah, he's flipping it.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God, this is a nightmare.
My grill is not looking like a grill
and it is falling all kinds of apart.
If it don't feel right
Then it's wrong ♪
This better taste good
or I'm in a lot of trouble.
So let's stop pretending
And just say so long♪
I don't suppose we have
like a cake stapler.
Oh, God.
This is killing me to watch.
If it don't feel right
Then it's wrong ♪
So Johnny, tell me the difference
between the two kickers.
- I don't kick field goals.
- Oh.
I don't score points.
I'm a different kicker altogether.
You're one of the kicker men
who comes out.
- Then, everyone's like, "He kicked it."
- Yeah.
And that's it.
Nailed it. Do we have a football?
All right. So, I'll show you.
I'll get out in front.
- Okay, I'll be the long snapper.
- You're gonna do it?
All right.
You're gonna nail this,
I truly believe it.
I'm gonna catch it.
That was the most panicked
I've ever seen someone catch a football.
She's returning it!
She could go all the way!
Lightning speed out of Nicole!
Oh, that's out of bounds, out of bounds.
She took it to the house!
Give us an end zone dance.
- Are you exhausted?
- Yes, I'm winded.
You went for it. You really went for it.
That was good.
I've gotta make it look
like there's some type of fire
'cause I don't have any charcoal coals.
I know mine's not perfect,
but it's like a whole lot better
than that one over there.
I'm just improvising here
because I'm pretty lost.
This is gonna go here.
All right, I'm getting
all my fixings ready.
That even looks like corn on the cob.
This is going swimmingly.
I don't know how
to make the stuff on top of the cake,
so I'm gonna do all of it
out of Rice Krispie treats.
We've got 20 minutes, bakers, 20 minutes!
That's my corn.
Where's my burger? There he is.
Yeah, this is looking pretty bad,
but I'm pretty confident in its taste.
The boys, they are putting
their accessories on their cake.
Those are gonna be my dogs.
And I hadn't really done anything.
So I thought, "Now's the time."
Freezer burn!
- Oh, freezer burn!
- Freezer burn!
Freezer burn! Freezer burn! Freezer burn!
- We got it
- Stop what you're doing, suckers!
- Freezer burn.
- Freeze. Everyone's frozen.
- The longest three minutes of their lives.
- Except for Leean.
What are you doing?
Well, it's just stuck to my fingers, so
Jersey, how's it feel
to be sitting there, doing nothing?
- It's not great.
- No talking.
This is supposed to be my hot dog.
Oh, my God, that sucks.
Okay, we're just gonna
go back to the corn.
She has time to talk, and talk,
and talk, and talk.
I've got an awesome hamburger!
- I'm amazed.
- I love it.
We have a hamburger patty on the top ♪
Five, four,
three, two,
one, unfreeze! Continue!
All right. I don't know what to do here.
It's not really gold, but
Five, four,
three, two, one.
- You're done!
Wheel me your barbeque cakes!
Nailed it.
Okay, Leean, you were trying to recreate
this amazing barbecue cake.
Let's see what you did.
Nailed it!
- Okay, all right, Leanne.
- Yeah.
I like the yellow pickle
on top of the barbecue.
My understanding is when you have
a barbeque, you have to have corn.
She has corn.
You thought that was a pickle?
Okay, I'm sorry.
Molding the fondant, that was really a lot
more difficult than I thought it was.
We had some issues.
Your beer bottle is just leaning.
Your beer bottle is drunk.
It looks like you coated a banana
in black and stuck at next to the grill.
I don't have the briquettes
down in there,
but you don't always see those, so
but you always see
a little bit of the flames coming through.
I think that you worked very hard.
You've shown a lot for your work.
You did a really good job.
Thank you.
All right, Leean, thank you so much.
We're gonna move it along.
All right, Mark.
Let's see what you did.
Nailed it.
Hey. Okay.
I probably relied
on the Rice Krispie treats
a little too much for some of this stuff.
Just 'cause I'm not familiar
The Rice Krispie treats,
usually it's a filler or it's a base.
So you cover it because usually
you don't want to see it.
I think your cake looks pretty good.
I do think the bottles
look pretty bottle-like.
Your burger black, your burger black,
is real black.
It's a packed grill.
It's what you look for in a cookout.
You don't want just one piece of meat
on there and everyone's waiting.
Overall, good execution.
I think you did a good job.
Thank you. Appreciate it.
Great job, Mark. Thank you so much.
All right, Will.
Let's see your recreation
of a barbeque cake.
Nailed it!
If it don't feel right
Then it's wrong♪
This is wild.
This wild cake
is the result of two solid hours
of blood, sweat, and tears.
- And the spatula looks real.
- It's great.
So I didn't want
to leave anything out.
I didn't have enough time
to make a spatula,
but I had a spatula on hand
so I just went with the pre-made.
You can't eat it though, sorry.
Oh, my God! This cake is incredible.
I love it so much.
Will, I love it so much.
Thisthis is
If someone made this into a hat,
I would wear it.
The grill itself,
kind of a disaster, but the food,
I think is probably the best executed
of all three grills.
I do love hot dogs,
so I was unwilling to mess that up.
The hot dog looked like hot dog,
piece of corn looked like piece of corn.
- This is good.
- Thank you so much.
I want you to cut the perfect slice
of your barbecue cake
so we can taste them.
One thing
that is absolutely true
is that is the best representation
of my artistic ability,
but I'm really, really confident
in the flavor of my cake
and my buttercream.
Let's start with Will's.
I like the cake.
It's a little bit flaky. So maybe
it stayed a bit too long in the oven.
But the cake has still a good flavor.
- Johnny.
- I would agree.
Overall tasty, something I would
definitely go back for more bites of.
- Thanks.
- Good job.
Let's taste Leean's cake. Johnny.
You know that doesn't look
like a beer bottle.
- I can tell you put a lot of attention
- I love the Rice Krispie.
into the Rice Krispie, incredible.
I like that you have
two different cakes in here.
Chocolate and vanilla.
Whoa. Whoa.
Something was crunchy in here.
- I hope it went down okay. Spit it out.
- I'm so sorry.
It looks like a piece of the spatula.
- Nice undertones, the spatula.
- Did you taste the spatula?
The result is not as flavorful
as I was expecting it.
Even if I liked it,
I was crunching something,
and that kind of ruined it for me.
I'm glad you didn't choke.
All right, Mark.
It's actually very moist.
Unfortunately, there is no end
of buttercream on the cake.
When you do a cake, you want to layer
buttercream in each layer.
For me,  it was a little heavy.
But that's a good thing,
'cause I like like a pound cake
and this was kind of pound cakey.
I do miss the buttercream.
I do like frosting in my cake.
But overall, I like this cake.
I thought it was good.
Thank you.
I agree. Yet again, it was a bit dense,
but I still like the taste overall.
Thank you.
Now, the moment
we've all been waiting for.
Only one of you can win
the $10,000 grand prize,
and the soon-to-be collectible
solid gold Nailed It trophy.
Which isWes?
Wes? Where is the trophy?
We were having a good day, Wes.
I don't understand
what Wes does every day.
The person who made the cake
the closest to the cake we asked for
Mark, you're the winner of Nailed It!
Money, money, money!
Yes! This was outside my comfort zone,
but I kept my mind to it.
I competed like I always do,
and I came out on top.
- Congratulations.
- Thanks so much.
You know, it's all good.
Let him go have his fun in the sun,
'cause he needs a tan anyhow.
This is what I've been
looking like all day, awesome.
Thank you for joining us
on this episode of Nailed It.
The episode's over in three, two, one.
We're done!
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