Panchayat (2020) s02e03 Episode Script


It's two. See?
-Your move.
Just a minute. It's my move.
It's your move now.
Don't touch.
Red one I won.
Dad, it's your move. Should I play it?
Yes. Play your moves
as well as your dad's.
-Go ahead.
-Your dad is just sitting here.
-Like a rat sits after eating.
-Go ahead, brother.
He is laying down,
chewing at his banana.
It's your move.
-Move your hand!
-I'll get a six.
Just one?
He scored a single.
-Shall I play, dad?
-Vikas, come out. I have some work.
-Look, my moves are like
-Hurry up. I have some work.
-You don't worry.
Help him grab those.
You take these to Mr Janardan
and you go to Mr Mangesh. Okay?
-Do you know the house? It has a hut.
Go carefully.
-Is it done, Sir?
-Yes, it's done.
-Shall I go.
-Don't touch. Let me play.
Are you playing ludo?
Yes, we are playing
ludo. Is your work done?
Yes. There's just one thing left.
That's good.
Yes, it was necessary. The village
has been declared as ODF since a year
and people haven't
even built their toilets.
There are only a few houses remaining.
All the other houses are done.
And in the remaining few houses,
people have made their arrangements.
That means no one has to go to
the fields if they don't want to. Right?
And if someone is still going
then they are doing it by choice.
Grab him and give him a thrashing.
Like Pradhan sir.
You scoundrel, you think you have become
very smart after joining the army?
Of course.
The son is in the army and
the father has a large belly.
-Mr secretary, this is Vinod.
Yes, Mr Vinod. You seat needs to
be sent. I'll have it sent right away.
Mr secretary, the chief mason is getting
very angry. He has to go somewhere else.
Send it quickly, otherwise,
he will leave without fixing it.
No, no. As soon as the labourers come
back from the site, I'll have it sent.
I'll get your work done.
Hey, please stop, chief!
Please stop for a minute!
Mr secretary, I suggest
that I come and get it myself.
No, no. Do one thing, just don't let the
mason leave. I'll bring it on my bike.
He is coming on his bike.
Sit. Why are you getting agitated?
He is coming.
He will get it on his bike.
Now, I feel that my
toilet will be made today.
This is great.
Let the seat be fixed first. Put
the curtain and the couch later.
Will you have tea?
Why hasn't he come yet?
Oh! Why he is taking so much time?
I am coming, sir.
I had gone to the bathroom.
Hey! What's that noise?
Oh, damn.
Yes, Mr Vinod. Next week..
The seat will be fixed next week.
I'll come and do it myself. Have faith.
Mr Vinod, it's government
work. It will take around a week.
Yes. And if you have asked the chief
mason to stay back, let him go.
Yes, Mr Vinod. It will be done. okay?
I don't understand what's going on.
Abhishek Sir, I have
cleaned everything up.
It will done in a week's time.
It's government work
so what can we say?
I will call you.
Hasn't she been talking
on the phone for too long?
Let them talk. She's talking
to him for the first time.
And if it goes well then let's
arrange for them to meet.
When I spoke to you for the first
time, I got it over with in two minutes.
That is why I am paying until today.
Whenever I say anything
you always get agitated.
I always refer to myself
as that since the beginning.
Yes, that's fine. But after the
wedding, you'll have to stay in Delhi.
Start talking a little differently.
We will try.
I will try.
Yes, I will try.
That's it. Excellent.
Alright, so, should we hang up now?
I mean should I hang up?
Alright. You can hang up.
Hello. What happened?
You actually hung up.
You are the one who said
My God, you are so silly.
Alright. Hang up then.
I mean it this time. Go ahead. hang up.
What do you feel?
I don't know. She will come and tell.
She's coming.
Did you talk to him?
Cook food fast. I'm hungry.
Has your toilet gotten ready, Vinod?
I will wait for one week. What can I do?
You have been waiting for a year.
How much more will you wait now?
It would have been fixed today, Bhushan.
What should I say to the
secretary if the seat broke? Tell me.
You will have to speak up, Vinod.
Otherwise, these people won't behave.
Today, the seat smashed
into the door-frame and broke.
Tomorrow, it will smash into
a buffalo and day after, into a bull.
The seat will keep breaking there.
And you will keep shitting in a hole
here in the name of a toilet.
Is that what you want to
do for the rest of your life?
So, what should I do, brother?
You will have to speak up, Vinod.
You will have to speak up.
Why it's like this?
-Yes, sir.
I couldn't reach Pradhan sir.
He must be in the fields
somewhere. Tell me, sir.
What should I say, Tripathi? The
DM is making me work day and night.
the DM ma'am has got an anonymous tip.
That the people of Phulera
still go to the fields despite
it being declared as ODF.
Is that so
So, they'll raid the village early
tomorrow morning and I'll be there too.
Okay, okay. Fine, sir. You can come.
Thank you, sir.
Don't thank me.
Tell me, are there many
people using the fields?
No, no. Only a few people
are doing it by choice.
They just need to be forbidden.
Rest are
Whatever it is, handle it. Because if DM
ma'am finds anyone
defecating in the open,
that means the ODF status
of Phulera will be cancelled.
Yes, yes, sir.
And do remind Pradhan sir
that I am doing him a favour.
Yes, sir. I'll tell him.
What's the need to call yourself I?
He's a boy from the new
age, he lives in Delhi.
He must want a wife suitable for Delhi.
Then he should tell his father
to find him a girl in Delhi. What
is he doing sitting here in Baliya?
You keep exaggerating small matters.
Rinki, was everything
else fine about the boy?
There was another problem.
You will only mention
problems, not qualities.
Let her tell us at least. Tell
me, what's the problem?
I was saying he laughs a bit too much.
Well, since when is
laughing too much a problem?
Is the boy crazy or something?
No, dad. He is not crazy or anything.
I was just saying that he is
too happy. Who can be that happy?
What's the problem in that?
I was just telling you what I
thought, because you two asked.
Everything is fine. Just ask
them to arrange a meeting.
Yes, yes. I will.
[Ringtone playing]
Yes, Mr secretary, tell me.
What happened?
Pradhan sir is one of the people
who go into the fields by choice.
Oh, damn. You are just
repeating the same thing.
I said I won't go from now
on. You are just after me.
But, Pradhan sir, a lot of people go.
Now, tell me, how can we forbid
each one of them so late in the night?
You've done a good job with this.
There are too many mosquitoes.
I have been saying since
so long that there should
be a public announcement
system in the village.
If we had one, we could
have warned everyone together.
Now what should
we do in such an emergency?
It seems that we'll have to go
to every house and inform them.
Go and inform them. Go
on, Praladh. Inform everyone.
Pradhan sir, my foot is hurting a lot.
It's hurting, is it? Walk and show
us. We'll see how much it hurts.
If free alcohol was available somewhere
he would have ran there right now.
No, no. Since Rahul
is here, he has stopped drinking.
He has become
completely vegetarian.
Yes. And how will we go to so
many houses at night, Pradhan sir?
Let's assume that
a house has been skipped,
what will we do if someone from the same
house goes to the fields
early in the morning?
There is one solution.
Hello? Hello, check, check.
Hello. Check.
Hello, check, check.
Hello, check, check.
Check, check.
Here, say it.
Pradhan sir, what
should I say? You tell them.
-No, no. You say it.
-Please, Pradhan sir, I
I myself go into the fields sometimes.
So it doesn't suit me to say
anything. You tell them, please.
-Tell me.
-Okay then. I'll say it.
What are you all looking at?
Haven't you ever seen a man talking
in a microphone? Go on. Leave.
Ramesh, go home. You
can hear everything at home.
-Go on.
I was saying that let's
move away from here and announce.
Yes, yes. Come.
Stop. I'll do it.
Do it from the other side.
Good evening, residents of Phulera.
Mr secretary, don't speak like this.
-Mike is switch on.
-Switch off it, sir.
Sometimes it seems that it's good
he doesn't do much office work.
Is this our job now? To tell people
where to shit and where not to shit?
Go to sleep, mom. You are too much
-I will turn off the light and come.
These mosquitoes
have really bothered me.
Rinki, tell me the truth.
Other than a couple of
things, did you like the boy?
Yes, mom.
Pradhan sir, it's not my everyday
job that I'll speak perfectly.
But, good evening, residents of Phulera
sounds like an orchestra announcement.
Yes, speak in a simple
manner. Like politicians.
Like, my dear brothers and sisters.
Start by saying, my
beloved Phulera residents.
Won't dear be better than beloved?
Beloved is sounding better.
It sounds like a woman. We
have to speak in a manly way.
There is no difference
between men and women.
-My dear
-Let it be. You speak.
-I will say whatever comes to me.
-Okay, okay.
-Just say dear.
Beloved residents of Phulera, I am the
Panchayat secretary Abhishek Tripathi.
As you all know that our village
is free from open defecation.
That means there is
a toilet in every house.
Some houses have makeshift
toilets but they are present.
Now that there are toilets
in all the houses,
the panchayat expects
you to use them.
And the people who go to fields by
choice, please don't go tomorrow.
Because if anyone
is found shitting in the
fields tomorrow, he will
be fined 500 rupees.
I am repeating again that if anyone
is found shitting in the field tomorrow,
he will be fined 500 rupees.
No one will go there.
Thank you.
Have you all heard? No one will
go to shit in the fields tomorrow.
If you go, then the cost of one
shirt will be lost in defecating.
Do you understand?
Go now. The fair is over.
-Go on. Leave.
-Go on.
They aren't listening. Go on, leave.
-You did a good job.
-Great job.
-You speak so well.
-Mr secretary
-You were getting scared at first.
Imagine if I say this.
Pradhan sir, the big task is over.
Now let's get the small one done.
Who gave this information to DM ma'am?
We should think about it.
It is definitely Vinod's doing.
He must have done it out of anger.
We will now have to pacify his anger.
He called you, didn't he? You
must have his number. Call him.
Yes, I do have his number.
But what should I say?
What would you say?
Just say that go to the
toilet somewhere else
until his seat is fixed.
Where should he go?
I mean he can do it
in the panchayat office.
But why the panchayat office?
He can go to your houses too.
It's our home, Mr secretary.
But this is an office for
you. For me, it's my home.
You make wedding processions
stay here, now you are
making someone defecate
here. What's all this, Pradhan sir?
You are right. Ideally, whoever's
house is the nearest to Vinod,
he should go there. Right?
You are right.
-Pradhan sir, this is wrong.
-What's wrong about it?
My son is there.
What does your son have
to do with Vinod defecating?
Oh, no
Sir, call him.
Call him.
-He's not answering.
It's alright. Let it be.
Sir, he must be busy with some
work. Leave him a message.
You are being really helpful.
Yes. Just drop him a
good message and get it
over with. We'll deal
with the rest later.
Yes, I send him a message.
Dear Vinod, I hope you're fine.
Brother, look.
Dear Vinod, I hope you're fine. I'm
sending you this message because of
Look at that.
He is writing dear Dear Vinod.
Don't be fooled by this at all.
I won't.
-Do what you have decided.
What happened?
Brother, what if the ODF gets
revoked because of me?
Everyone will get angry at me.
Come on, silly.
A revolution cannot
happen without a sacrifice.
Alright, fine. Cover
your face with a towel.
I will cover it with a towel.
No one will recognize me.
No one will recognize me.
Brother, please light a lamp.
Why do we need a lamp?
You are a lamp yourself.
You are bringing the
light of revolution against
the dictatorship
of the panchayat office.
I will bring the revolution.
I will bring the light.
The number you have dialed
is currently switched off.
Well, he has switched off his phone.
He didn't come to my
house to defecate either.
Damn. He has switched off his phone,
he didn't come to defecate too.
What is this man trying to do?
The BDO is calling. I
think the DM ma'am is here.
Come, we should go too.
No, no. She gets agitated
when she sees you. I'll go alone.
Vikas and I will go to Vinod's house.
No, no. There is no time for that.
Come directly to the
fields and stay away from me.
And keep and eye on Vinod so that
he shouldn't come near me. Okay?
-Let's go.
-Yes. Good morning, Sir.
-Carry on then.
-Yes, sir. I am coming.
Ma'am, people take a tumbler.
No one carries a bucket.
Did I say anything to you?
Be careful, ma'am! It's shit.
It's a buffaloes, ma'am
It doesn't look like a buffaloes.
-It's my experience.
I am experienced ma'am. I keep
going for inspections to villages so
I can tell the difference.
What are these people looking at?
How would I know?
Looking at something.
They are looking at something.
Praladh uncle.
Is that Vinod?
If it's Vinod then why has he
wrapped a towel around his face?
Watch today, if I don't
defecate and bring the light
then my name is not Vinod.
It's him. Let's catch him!
Walk quickly.
Why are you walking so slow?
What happened?
Thorn prick.
Go ahead and stop him. I am coming.
It's such a small thorn and you
are crying so much. Come on.
Damn this Vinod
Ma'am, someone must have
done it. We too have our limits.
Ma'am, anyway, this
doesn't look like it's from today.
This is at least a couple of days old.
Why are you taking his side?
No, no, ma'am. There's nothing like
that. In fact, I showed this to you.
What is all this?
It is shit, ma'am.
But, ma'am, it doesn't happen everyday.
Have some faith.
If it was an everyday thing
then you would have seen someone.
Can anyone be seen?
Yes, we haven't seen anyone
Oh no.
Hey! What are you doing?
There was someone there, wasn't it?
Where? No one is there.
I am telling you, someone was there.
There is no one, ma'am. It must
be like a mirage or something.
Have you lost your mind?
Can a mirage be seen in fields?
It was a mirage.
There was someone there.
Move aside.
-Let me go!
Look, Praladh, before DM ma'am reaches,
I have to defecate and get out of here.
And I have to show her
everyone's true colours.
What are you saying?
Hey, hold his pants.
I am telling you, I
will do it in the pants.
Fine. You can do it in the
pants but not in the fields.
Throw his water away.
The lid is shut.
Throw the bottle away.
Have you lost your mind?
I called you home to
defecate. Why didn't you come?
You threw away my water?
I will defecate without water now.
Hey, Vinod
I will defecate without water now.
I am folding my hands
and requesting you.
-I am folding my hands.
-You are folding your hands?
Is this how you fold your hands?
Two people are grabbing me
and you are saying
We had to do this because
of the way you were behaving.
-Please listen to us.
-Vinod, son, listen to me.
The village has been declared as ODF.
If DM ma'am sees you defecating here,
the honour of our village will be lost.
Aren't you bothered about
the honour of the village?
Who will do it if not you?
This boy is acting very selfish.
It's just a matter of
another seven days, Vinod.
I will arrange for you to
defecate wherever you say.
Right? Isn't it?
Who's there? What is going on here?
Nothing ma'am.
I am Vinod Vinod
Who were these people?
What was going on here?
And why were that man's pants undone?
I don't know what was going on.
Ma'am, actually, ever since
IPC 377 has been revoked
even the villages have
become a little open.
Alright. Everything else is fine.
Just take care.
These one or two cases
shouldn't happen too.
Yes, ma'am.
Ma'am, we have levied a fine of
500 rupees on the people who defecate
in the fields so there aren't many
people who do that anymore.
Good work.
What should I tell you, Pradhan sir?
The situation was such
that I had to promise him.
You have turned my
house into a public toilet.
Hey! Careful.
No, no. It's fine.
-Come on, Vikas.
-It's not that heavy.
Take this.
So, are you happy?
Yes. I am.
So, mason? Didn't I tell you?
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