Partisan (2020) s02e03 Episode Script

Gold Water

What are you doing?
I'm painting.
Carry on.
That type of flower
often featured in chip carvings
in old Nordic furniture and design.
Especially in
the 18th and 19th centuries.
I think they have been found dating
as far back as the Bronze Age.
The perfect symmetry of nature
is not limited by time.
But this, Maud, is something else.
It is also contemporary,
very clearly defined.
It sets the direction from
ancient times right into the future.
It is really good.
Thank you.
Can I have it, when it's finished?
Carry on.
There's talk of a balloon ride.
I spoke to the gymnasts.
- They are asking for Hedvig.
- She wanted to leave Jordnära.
Ask the girls.
I took the girls on a balloon ride
and chucked Hedvig out of the basket.
The bird has flown.
Don't joke about this, Bengt.
People are talking.
I couldn't care less what people
outside of Jordnära are saying.
They want to harm us, don't you see?
They have no idea
what we're doing here.
What you are doing. Don't drag
my girls into your insane
Our girls, Stina. They are our girls.
The adoption went through
11 years ago.
You insist on forgetting that
time and again.
- Oh, there you are.
- Yes.
What have you got there?
Liquid gold.
Of course.
About Gunn
You'll have to reconsider
your decision.
She's been removed from the troupe.
She's not meant to replace anyone.
With all due respect
If we win we'll be allowed
to compete on a national level.
I wouldn't want her
to miss out on that.
But she's doing
what's best for her child.
And I'm thinking about the troupe.
She's important for the troupe.
The others look up to her.
I suppose she can go.
But then you have to look after her.
Of course.
Speaking of that
Who will look after her later?
After the birth?
I mean,
the father appears to be absent.
What do you mean?
Do you think that's a problem?
The police came looking for Johnny.
I thought you wanted to know.
I told them I don't know where he is.
Because I don't.
Did you want anything else?
Good morning.
You look much better.
How are you feeling?
Where is my sister? Could you ask her
to come here, please?
Your sister has gone home.
She's gone home?
Yes, to Jordnära.
Your foster mother
came to get her yesterday.
She was worried about you.
You have some rest and we'll talk
more when you've recovered fully.
- An apple?
- No, thanks.
- Are you sure? I won't ask again.
- No.
An apple?
- Would you like one?
- Yes, please.
Nearly time. Are you ready?
The boys are already on the mat.
Richard would you
like to say anything?
Yeah. No, not really.
Let's go then!
- Okay, Jordnära, are you ready?
- Yes!
Hang on, Gunn.
Can I have a word with you?
The rest of you carry on.
Listen to me.
This is your chance. Leave now.
Here's money for a taxi.
And for food.
Here. I put some clothes in the bag.
This is the number for a friend
of mine who will help you. Trust me.
- What are you talking about?
- I'll be in touch.
You wouldn't get to keep your baby.
It's not yours.
- Of course it's mine.
- Yes, it is.
That's what I mean.
That's why I'm trying to help you.
They wouldn't let you keep it.
Maud wants it. It's been decided.
That's why you've been
allowed to stay at her place.
- That's why the guests
- What's with the guests?
- What do you mean?
- I don't know for sure.
I just know that if you want to keep
your baby you need to leave Jordnära.
Here, take the bag.
I will distract them while you run.
- No.
- Take the bag and go.
- No, I don't want to.
- Just do it.
- I need to go.
- Now listen!
Don't you see
I'm trying to help you?
- Let me go!
- You've been brain-washed.
- Are you done with the lake?
- For today.
You've got the map.
So this is the map of our community.
It was my father
who arranged all this.
This quarry here,
when was it last mined?
That's way out of our property.
Okay. This kind of mining
can get into the groundwater
and affect the neighbouring
areas for a long time,
so I still need to check it.
It's a sensitive ecosystem,
isn't it?
It really is.
Nature and water
sort of work together.
And when you break it
somebody has to put it back together.
Later I could show you around,
if you like.
And if you need anything else,
you just
Good morning.
Jordnära got in touch with me.
They said the police had been there.
Do you know anything about that?
Susanne is hiding something.
I found clothes,
shoes a backpack
Did you go through a backpack?
I'm pretty sure
they've got teenagers living there.
They could be relatives or anyone.
Why didn't she say so?
Why didn't you ask
while you were there?
She wasn't there.
The door was open.
What the hell, Mildred.
We need to prepare.
Agree on stuff before we go in.
Or are you doing
your own investigation?
We're giving them a lot of time.
What are you talking about?
We have one suspect, who's dead.
Or have you got
some intel that I haven't?
It seems your informer at Jordnära
has not been seen for a while.
Have you been asking about my guy?
Shit! Who did you ask?
They have some fresh information.
Let's go over there
when you're ready.
- I am ready.
- Okay, great.
- You keep an eye on things here.
- Seriously?
You need to write a report
on your visit to Jordnära.
Oh, Maria.
Maria said she never wanted to
escape. It was Nicole who wanted to.
They haven't spoken to the police.
But who knows what Nicole will do?
It's better to have one of them
than neither of them.
- Mm.
- Nicole will follow her.
You think so?
She will do
and this time it's for good.
- What are you talking about?
- Nothing.
- Right, time to go.
- Okay.
- Bye, Maud.
- Bye, bye.
What would you like to do today?
Go for a swim?
- Martin.
- Hi, it's me again.
- Thanks for doing me this favour.
- Hi. I was just about to call you.
Susanne Bergström has neither been
convicted or suspected of anything.
What have you found?
She has some
controversial connections.
She seems to want to
promote white people
and for genetic selection to rule.
In what way?
She wants to create a super race.
They seem to be a bunch of loonies.
How fast does it go?
Your ride.
- Have you floored it?
- No.
As a country boy,
I'm a bit curious
about how things work at the
National Operations Department.
How did you find out about
the body in the boot for example?
Through our channels.
Don't worry, I will only
investigate the financial crime.
I will back down,
unless we find a connection.
Do you have a lot of intel on Kent?
Are there more people involved?
That's always the case.
No one can do anything alone.
No, that's true.
Of course.
I was thinking of getting a Beemer,
but I'm damned pleased with this one.
She's aged between 15 and 25.
So someone ought to
have reported her missing.
Then we could identify her
through her dental records.
What did she die from?
It's hard to tell.
The body is burnt to a cinder.
Did she die before the car accident?
Again, it's impossible to say.
She may have been alive, we
don't know. It's all in the report.
Sorry about the silence.
You must know that Kent is dead.
I had to leave Jordnära.
Have to take a break and will
switch off my phone. Speak soon.
What's going on? We HAVE TO talk.
What's going on? We HAVE TO talk.
Hi, Magnus here.
Are you in front of the computer?
Could you check the location
of Johnny's phone?
Sure, will do.
I need the location at 10:54 today
and any other locations.
Okay, at 10:54. Road E4,
close to Arlanda airport.
Before that it looks a bit dead. The
phone must have been switched off.
- Okay.
- Do you need anything else?
No, that's fine. Thank you.
On 29 July, at 22:30,
I, the undersigned,
visited Jordnära in order to
I have intel on Jordnära.
Can we meet? Richard
Meet me by the petrol station
in two hours.
- Richard?
- Not now.
What's going on?
- It's best if you don't know.
- About what?
What are you doing?
- Please, talk to me.
- Stay the fuck out of this!
Please, Isabelle.
Please, do this for me.
Stay out of this.
- Le vin est delicieus.
- Thank you.
Really delicious.
I'm glad you like it.
As you can see, Jordnära
is not an ordinary gated community.
We have put in a lot of work
and a great deal of passion
into our project.
Well, that sounds very nice.
But let's get to business now.
Did you manage to read the contract?
- And what do you think?
- It's a very generous offer.
You are offering us
very precious merchandise.
The pure blood of your people running
through the veins of my countrymen.
There was one thing
I wanted to ask you
and I don't want to
seem unprofessional, but
would it be possible to make room for
an advancement in the payment plan?
How much of an advance?
Excuse me.
He'll be back with the numbers.
Skål, as we say in Sweden.
Marriage certificate
So these I grew in a pot
outside the greenhouse
and the red ones,
I grew inside the greenhouse.
There's such a difference
in the bouquet, don't you think?
Concerning your payment plan,
this is, as you understand, already
a high-risk investment for us.
I might be able to give you
a counter offer.
Give us the mother.
She goes home with us
and we'll double the money upfront.
What kind of theme would you
like to have for our party?
I really like you
and you're a great girl,
but the wedding it's all about
making things look good on paper.
To prevent you from looking cheap.
So that they won't have to put
"father unknown".
You liked that girl.
The one who ran away.
It's not that.
She won't be back.
It's fine.
We can be friends.
- Are you sure?
- Mhm.
But if it was a young woman
and at the same time
two young women have gone missing,
from Susanne's place,
then we've got to go in.
They could be anywhere,
at a festival
When their guardian has just died?
We won't go in
until we have more evidence.
Neither of us must set foot there.
Absolutely not.
That's an order.
I have to get this.
Some private stuff has come up.
See you.
My man on the inside
is no longer at Jordnära.
He seems to have
abandoned the mission.
I'd appreciate it if
you'd keep a low profile until
Don't worry.
I have been ordered not to go in.
I'll head back to Stockholm.
What happened to Kent and the girl
is mainly a local investigation.
You'll let me know
if you find anything of interest.
How can I do that
when I can't speak to anyone?
We've been working on this case
for over six months.
Kent was backed by an international
gang that will stop at nothing.
Your colleague seems a bit naive,
so be careful.
- Where are you going?
- Home. To eat.
Where are you going?
I'm meeting Richard,
the gymnastics teacher from Jordnära.
It's your investigation.
- Call me, I'd like to hear about it.
- Yes, sir.
You're here.
Are you really here?
Well, my parents actually pioneered
no-dig gardening. You know of it?
We looked into that actually,
but these soils are all clay,
so we figured it wouldn't work.
Well, it actually works
in all types of soils
and the amount of ground you got here
you could trap
a lot of climate emissions also.
- Wow.
- Yeah, something to think about.
I guess.
Did you get your interest
in agriculture and farming
and gardening
and all this from your parents?
I think so.
Since I was a kid.
And then, when I got older I
wanted to do things a different way.
My own way.
- If that makes sense.
- It does.
Do you have kids?
No. Not yet.
But you do have a wife?
Yeah. You?
Oh, I'm neither wife
nor mother material.
Well, you know,
I think all kids love strawberries.
Yes, they do.
It's getting late.
I have to go home.
Stay in the car! Stay in the car!
You okay?
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