Reasonable Doubt (2022) s02e03 Episode Script

Part II (On the Run)

Previously on Reasonable Doubt
[LUCY WARGO] Mrs. Tucker
effectively planned to kill her husband.
The only way that I can win her case
is if I dedicate myself fully,
which is why I can't be her lawyer.
Corey Cash sounds like a fake name.
He is one trial away
from becoming a household name.
My client will not be posting bail.
She will stay in jail.
What do you want?
I wanna be home with my kids.
But Corey's right.
I ain't got that money.
You'll get $10,000 each.
- Yeah.
- Thank you, Adrian.
I knew he was living foul.
It's the least I can do.
We are at least $100,000 short.
I can get the rest of the money.
We can't put our house up for her bail.
Shanelle needed to remain in jail
looking like the victim
for the world to see.
Everything after this
is gonna be on you, Jax.
Not me! You!
[JAX] She's not here.
It appears she hid
$30 million of JT's money.
They're saying she's gone,
she's rich, and we're fucked.
- [JAX] She's not here.
- [SALLY BRASWELL] Are you sure?
[JAX] Yes. I checked everywhere.
Isn't there an app to find your phone,
even if it's turned off?
Daniel already tried that.
She must have disabled it because
She doesn't wanna be found.
Oh, my goodness, Jax. [SIGHS HEAVILY]
Okay, give me one second. Relax.
Did you find her yet?
We're here now, but she's not here.
She obviously ran.
Or maybe she harmed herself?
Has Shanelle used
any of her credit cards recently?
No. Nothing so far.
This doesn't make any sense,
which is why I think something is wrong.
Whether she's hurt or on the run,
none of this would've happened
if we had stuck to my original plan
and kept her in jail
'til the trial starts.
And this is exactly why
I didn't want her in jail.
Clearly she's scared out of her mind.
And if you would've handled
this more delicately,
she wouldn't've run.
Oh, okay. So, y-you admit that she ran?
Okay, look, none of this
matters right now, okay?
The prelim hearing is tomorrow at 1:30.
If we don't find her,
we are going to be fucked
beyond comprehension.
So, can we put aside
who was right or wrong
and just try to work together?
Okay, fine. Let's ask the judge
if he can issue and hold
a warrant for a couple of days.
Maybe we should wait.
She's not a fugitive
if we can convince her
to come back before the hearing.
Okay, but at this point,
she could be anywhere.
So, we need a game plan.
Shanelle, what did you do?
What did you do?
From La Brea to Slauson ♪
It's all us ♪
The Sun, Central Ave Jazz ♪
It's all us ♪
Where we at? ♪
Hit the Maverick Flats ♪
Leimert and right back to the ark ♪
It's all us ♪
We coastin' on the west
between sets and wealth ♪
We toast the sunset in the Dons ♪
Take flight into the night
under Cali stars ♪
In a world on wheels ♪
It's all us ♪
It's the world we feel ♪
It's all us ♪
From the hills to Hollywood ♪
It's all us ♪
In a city of dreams ♪
It's all us ♪
We need to focus on finding Shanelle.
So, can you remember
what was the last thing she said
to you when you saw her?
I don't remember
her saying anything weird.
All she said
when she dropped off Jordan's bag
was that she needed
some time to breathe and think.
She seemed so overwhelmed,
which made complete sense,
so I didn't think anything of it.
Well, what about the bag
that she dropped off for Jordan?
Did we check in there? I mean,
maybe there's something we're missing.
This must be the key
to her safe deposit box.
I know where this is.
- You have access to it?
- Yes.
Okay, so we need to go to the bank
first thing in the morning
when it opens.
And who knows? She might show up sooner.
Thank you.
What does it say?
Shanelle officially entrusted me
to be Jordan's legal guardian.
So, she was here recently.
Question is, was it
before or after she killed JT?
Why does that matter?
After means she planned to run,
before means that
She planned to kill him.
Which supports Lucy's theory.
I'm gonna text Daniel,
see if he can hack into the system,
grab the security camera footage.
Oh, my God.
What? Jesus.
Did you know about these?
I took 'em.
She made me promise not to tell anyone.
Did you find her?
[JAX] Not yet.
It's so much worse
than I could've ever imagined.
How could I have not known that
Babe, listen, I'm, I'm, I'm sorry.
But how-how could you have known
something that Shanelle didn't tell you?
She tried to tell me, but I-I didn't
[LEWIS] Jax, do you,
do you have your anxiety meds?
I don't have it.
Okay. Okay, that's fine.
Um, can we just do
a quick box breath together then?
Thank you, Lewis.
I don't know what I
would do without you.
Of course.
[SIGHS] Shit.
[DANIEL KIM] Right now,
the money is a dead end.
Thirty mil transferred
two weeks before JT's death,
but Shanelle hasn't touched it.
Two weeks before?
Then why would she need
to raise money for bail?
Well, is there a world
where maybe she asked for that
in order to not draw
attention to the fact
that she was sitting on so much cash?
I mean, maybe she thought
it would raise red flags.
No, she would never do that.
Shanelle's not that kinda person.
And Sally is her family,
not to mention her closest friend.
I mean, this is the same woman
she entrusted her own daughter to.
Okay, but you did say
that she didn't ask Sally
to put up that money, right?
No, but she knew that we were
raising money for her bail.
What if Shanelle doesn't even know
about the money at all?
No, no, no.
Regardless, it doesn't look good.
She transfers the money,
she kills her husband,
and now she could be
halfway to Switzerland.
No, but it's like Jax said,
she's not a criminal mastermind.
I mean, at most, she would
make a run for it across the border.
This girl ain't got the skills
to fake out TSA.
Uh, no, but, uh, I just got into
the bank security system
and look what just popped up.
Shanelle was at the bank yesterday.
But she wasn't alone.
Who's she with?
Oh, my God ♪
I was going too
but we roam, cellular phones ♪
Doc-Meth back in the flesh,
blood and bones ♪
Don't condone,
spit bank loans and homegrown ♪
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪
Damn, JT and Adrian were besties.
I don't have this many pictures
with my actual family.
They were clearly tight.
And yet he helped us sell off
JT's things to fund Shanelle's bail.
Yeah, the math ain't mathin'.
Speaking of funding Shanelle's bail,
the plot thickens.
On my first pass of JT's accounts,
I noticed that the website
that they're using
had been open and running for over
two months before JT's death.
So, they were raising money
to run away together even then?
- We do not know that.
- No, we don't. But
[SIGHS] it seems like there's a lot
you don't know about your friend.
Well, he was, um, injured last season
when he was a free agent.
So, he's not playing right now.
Yeah, meaning he has plenty of free time
to seduce and scheme.
[JAX] Maybe he's strapped for cash.
And maybe they planned to run off
into the sunset with JT's money,
but then JT got in the way
and got himself killed.
Sounds like you agree with Lucy.
I'm just tryna understand
what she was thinking,
so I can figure out the best strategy.
The best strategy is to find Shanelle.
Okay, whatever's going on,
we need to find out and quickly.
We need to know
how to defend and attack this.
So, what if the reason why Shanelle
hasn't touched the 30 million
is because Adrian's running the show?
Do you think this will work
for the new documents?
Yeah, I think that should be fine.
I was constantly
changing up my look for JT.
Like, if I was
a different bitch every day,
maybe he wouldn't go out
and fuck somebody else.
And that never worked.
- Ow.
- It's okay.
I like you better without it.
But you know that already.
Uh, just tell her ♪
See, I've been
watching you for a while ♪
Your smile and stuff ♪
I don't know if I can be
with you for tonight, alright? ♪
Is that alright? ♪
Baby, baby ♪
All you gotta do is say yes ♪
Don't deny what you feel,
let me undress you, babe ♪
Open up your mind and just rest ♪
I'm about to let you know,
you make me so, so, so, so ♪
So, so, so, so, so, so ♪
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, yeah ♪
Oh, oh, mm, mmm, mmm ♪
Ah, ah, yea-yeah, yeah, yea-yeah ♪
Oh, make me ♪
Ah, ah, yeah ♪
Ah, yeah, ah, yeah, ah, ah ♪
All you gotta do is say yes ♪
Don't deny what you feel,
let me undress you, baby ♪
Open up your mind and just rest ♪
[SALLY] Did Daniel find anything?
Well, she's alive.
At least we think she is for now.
Sally, listen to me.
I know that you promised Shanelle
not to tell me certain things,
but I need to know
everything that you know.
I didn't wanna tell you
this over the phone,
but the bank cameras revealed
that she is with Adrian.
We think they ran away together.
Wait, Adrian as in
JT's mentee, Adrian Hunter?
I thought she only looked at him
as, like, a little brother.
Regardless of whether
they're having an affair or not,
that is what the public's perception
is gonna be.
And that's gonna look like
motive for killing JT.
Wait, so, if they really did run,
what happens to my house?
Well, if she misses her prelim,
then her failure to appear would mean
that the,
the bail bond company would keep
not only all the money that we raised,
but they would now require
the full bail amount,
which was two million.
And if you put up
your house as collateral,
then they will use that
to collect the full amount.
- Oh, my God.
- Hey, hey, hey.
I'm sorry, Sally, okay? But look at me.
- We are gonna figure this out.
- Mm-hm.
- I promise.
- Mm-hm.
If I lose my house,
I could lose my husband too.
Oh, my
[DANIEL] Oh, I think I got something.
Hey, check this out. Uh
Alright, so this ATM
is located off the 15 Freeway,
which means, uh,
Krystal was right about Mexico.
Uh, it's a little blurry,
but I think I know someone
who can clear it up enough
to get a read on the plates.
- That's definitely Adrian, right?
- Yeah. Yeah, that's him.
We need to go to Judge Roth.
No, time is not up yet.
I think we should wait
until the last possible second.
- I mean, we could still
- Time's been up, Jax.
You know, this is getting
to be unacceptable.
We have to get in front of this.
Should I go?
- [COREY] No, stay.
- [JAX] Yes, please.
You may be willing
to risk the case for this, but I'm not.
You're being ridiculous.
We know that she's with him.
We know what their plan is.
Now, if we could just get to them first,
then we'll be able to
This is not even a conversation.
What are you talking about?
Are you a friend trying to help
somebody that's on the run
or are you her lawyer? I can't tell.
Yeah, I'm gonna go.
Look at these.
Look at this!
This is a woman who has been beaten
and broken down.
This is a woman who was scared!
We have to help her.
she was smart to take these photos.
Everyone needs to see
just how dangerous JT was to Shanelle.
Okay, look, I know this is
gonna be hard to hear right now,
but we can use these strategically,
and whether the cops catch her or not,
I can and I will defend her,
but I need your cooperation, Jax.
And that starts with you
allowing me to do my job
and alert the authorities.
So, she fled?
We were hoping that you might issue
and hold the warrant for one week.
One week? She could be
sitting pretty in Mexico by then.
The judge needs to issue
the bench warrant immediately.
What about 24 hours?
We have an obligation
to protect the public's safety,
and right now there's
a murderer on the loose.
She's not a murderer.
That's incorrect.
She admitted to killing her husband.
In self-defense from her abusive spouse,
which since we're using
semantics here, is not murder.
Exactly. She's not a danger
to anyone except herself.
That is until she kills a stranger
that gets in her way on the 405.
Relax, okay? The jury's not in here.
I know you don't believe that.
- [LUCY] Judge Roth?
Here, take this.
Communicate with these from now on.
You know,
you're lucky I'm so sentimental.
Kept my first car.
All my new whips got
that GPS and tracking,
but that beat-up old Ranger
is perfect for sliding under the radar.
Once we get this new photo,
my mans Dallas will come through
with the new passport.
Well, when can I call
Jordan and Natasha?
[ADRIAN HUNTER] Not until you get
to the other side of the border.
And even then, Shanelle,
it'll probably be a few weeks at least.
Ah, shit.
- Oh. [GROANS]
- What's wrong?
I d I don't think this
was a good idea, Adrian.
I am supposed to be in Mexico by now.
We are already a day behind.
Yes, I know that. And I'm sorry.
Okay, it was a hold-up on Dallas's end
with getting these documents.
But look,
you will still make great time.
How do you know that?
Look, I know I agreed to this before.
But, shit, maybe I could
have won the trial.
That's not what you
were saying yesterday.
Yeah, well, this is today.
And today I'm realizing
I am going to be on the run,
living in Mexico,
in hiding all by myself,
without my friends, without my family,
and witho
without you.
I love you, Adrian.
[ADRIAN] Shanelle.
I've never met a woman like you.
You're beautiful,
you're smart, caring. You're funny.
I am so, so sorry that I didn't meet you
before that monster did.
I love you too.
And I am
I am in love with you.
I'm coming with you.
- Adrian, you ca you can't.
- Why can't I?
You're in this situation because of me.
No, you cannot give up your life for me.
You are my life.
I am never leaving you alone again.
It's me and you.
At this time, we do not know
the whereabouts of Shanelle Tucker
as she did not appear
for her scheduled preliminary hearing
at 1:30 this afternoon.
It appears she has fled.
She may be armed
and she may be dangerous.
[NADINE] Everything okay?
I keep getting these strange hang-ups
from a random number. It's
I feel like weirdos
always come out of the woodwork
when you're on
a high-profile case like this. Um
want me to get you
a new number and sim card?
Uh, sure.
Actually that would be great.
Nevada Department of Corrections.
Uh, I'm calling to get
the status of Peter Thompson,
inmate JW048.
[OFFICER] Please hold.
Still incarcerated.
Okay. Thank you.
- Nadine.
Actually, I don't need you
to get me that new sim card.
I'm okay.
[NADINE] Okay. Okay.
No, we need to go after Wargo directly.
They overcharged
and Shanelle fled out of fear.
[COREY] I agree, but not
necessarily with that strategy.
Lucy isn't the victim here,
Shanelle is the victim.
We need to center the victim.
Alright, that's fair.
let's set you up with an interview.
I know some producers at CBN.
Mm-hm, that could work or
I could talk directly
to the people on IG Live.
It's more effective.
I can get as close
to my audience as possible.
And it's never too late
to influence the public opinion
before jury selection.
Okay. Well, that's not the worst idea.
On your own page
or you have another page in mind?
Sure do. Brandy Michaels.
She's a domestic violence advocate
that I've worked with before.
I can have the conversation on her page.
That's it?
What? I'm agreeing with you.
Uh, I got a partial plate on Adrian's
car from the ATM security camera.
Uh, I can just go talk
to Cynthia to fill in the rest
- Yeah.
- and it's going to be very awkward
because we haven't spoken
since she ghosted me.
Oh, well, while you're there,
find out what else the police have.
We need to find Shanelle before they do.
Mm-hm. I'm on it.
[OFFICER] LAPD. We have a warrant
to search the premises.
Here's your copy. Let's go.
Whoa, whoa. Hey, uh
[OFFICER] Look for Shanelle Tucker.
- Excuse me.
- Sir?
Sir? Sir? Sir?!
We are looking for Shanelle
just the same as you are.
What incentive
do we have in hiding her here?
The fact that you're related
is a safe place to start.
Oh, come on, man.
Look, I put this house up
as part of her bail.
Do you really think I would help her run
and risk losing the bond?
[OFFICER] Looks like you and the missus
have a few things to discuss,
but first, I'm gonna need
to ask you some questions.
Can I see your IDs?
Hey, Dad, can you take me
to Resheida's house later?
Uh, I can't make any promises.
It just depends on
when I finish up at work.
Well, when's that gonna be?
Uh, I-I don't know, Naima.
I have a Zoom in five minutes.
- What? What? What?
They're already there.
They started without me.
Alright, look, then it
looks like you'll have to
catch up with everyone
at school tomorrow.
Seriously? You don't understand
anything about me.
No one does.
[SPENSER STEWART] Dad, I got a headache.
- Think I got a fever or something.
- Okay.
- Okay. [SIGHS]
- [SPENSER] Dang.
Uh, do you know
where Mom keeps the Tylenol?
You don't know?
Well, I thought I did.
She must've moved it.
Alright. Look, Spens, uh, I'm sorry.
Give me a few minutes and I'll find it
for you after this meeting.
But for now, grab a ginger ale
and a cold washcloth.
- [COWORKER 1] [ON LAPTOP] Hey, guys.
- Is everyone on?
[COWORKER 2] Hey, Lewis.
[COWORKER 3] Yeah,
we should get started.
Okay, cool.
Uh, this shouldn't take long.
As you know,
AutoDrive 2 launches in
Hey, Dad. My head hurts, for real.
I, um, s I-I'm sorry.
Uh, one, one second.
Okay, Spens. [GRUNTS]
Excuse me, pal, where you headed?
You need to check in.
Oh, I'm just, uh, here to see Cynthia,
but I know where she sits.
Cynthia quit to take
a government agency job.
She moved on about a week ago.
What? Where'd she go?
I believe that's typically the kinda
thing you keep on the down low.
Oh, that's why she didn't tell me.
[OFFICER] Is there something I can
help you with in the meantime?
Ah, what would Cash do?
Excuse me.
Excuse me. Excuse me.
I am so sorry.
Let me just, uh, take it back.
Uh, I didn't introduce myself.
Uh, I'm Daniel D I'm Dan.
- Rene.
- Rene.
That is a beautiful name.
Just like your eyes.
That is a
That's a French name, right?
Um Y Yeah, I don't
You know, Rene, I was wondering
if you would be able to run this plate
- for me in the system.
- Hm.
You know, I know it's not kosher,
but you look like a rebel.
And Cynthia and I had
an arrangement going on.
- [RENE] Hmm.
- Mm-hm.
Well, I don't know
what kind of arrangement
you and Cynthia had,
but, since you speak French,
I'll say, uh, voulez vous Moulin Rouge?
Don't give a fuck.
Um, could you at least
validate my parking for me?
Merci. You're my best friend.
The prosecution wants to punish
Shanelle Tucker for surviving,
which forces her to relive her trauma
by defending her actions.
This is a woman
who's, who's been backed into a corner.
Now, I'm not excusing it,
nor am I condoning it,
but you can certainly see why she ran.
And I wanna talk to you guys
about a-a former client of mine
named Isabella Torres.
Their cases are troublingly similar
because Isabella is sitting in a prison
at this very moment
simply by doing what it took to survive.
Too many women have been persecuted
for defending themselves
against their abusers.
The system is broken.
If there was a precedent
for women like Shanelle
finding the justice that they deserve
in a legal system that worked for them
and not against them,
she wouldn't be on the run right now.
Think about that.
[LUCY] [ON PHONE] We do not know
the whereabouts of Shanelle Tucker
as she did not appear
for her scheduled preliminary hearing
at 1:30 this afternoon.
Hey, I know you.
Yeah, you played for San Diego, right?
Uh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's me.
Man, y'all almost took
the title last year.
It's all good, though. Maybe this year.
Yo, can I get a quick picture with you?
Uh, not today, bro, I'm sorry.
- Really, dude?
- Yeah.
Too big-time to snap
a quick pic with a fan, huh?
I'm entitled and rich.
Yeah. Fuck outta here, bro.
You ain't no MVP.
Fuckin' Higgins
smoked your ass anyway, bitch.
That's right.
We gotta switch cars.
What's wrong?
Yo, I need another favor.
How 'bout the kids?
Did any of these instances
of JT's violence
take place in front of
either of your daughters?
I mean, uh, he would raise
his voice at me, but no.
No physical violence.
[COREY] Oh, hey, Jax. I was
You okay?
We've known each
other since high school.
I thought I knew everything
about her, but clearly
There's no way you could've known.
Abused women, they're really good
at hiding what they're going through,
especially to the people
they're closest to.
I promise you, Jax,
there's nothing you could've done.
Thank you, Corey.
I needed that.
You're welcome.
- Yes.
- Hey, Desiree.
- Hey, Lewis.
- Hey.
- How you doing?
Good, good.
Uh, listen, I'm sorry Jax isn't here.
- Was she expecting you?
- Uh
don't worry. If it gets too late,
Naima can stay over.
- Hey, sweetie.
- [NAIMA] Hi.
I thought I told you no.
No, you said you couldn't take me.
So, I problem solved.
Resheida said her mom
could give me a ride.
The I am sorry
you had to come all this way,
but Naima isn't going
anywhere tonight or for a while
because she's now on punishment.
Wait, Dad, are you for real?
I was gonna ask you the same question.
Go to your room.
Woo, these kids.
Look, I wish I could
tell you it gets better,
but trust, it doesn't.
Good luck.
The IG Live was a great place to start,
but we need more
to regain control of this narrative.
Should we release the photos?
Mm, I wish we could, but we can't
release the evidence to the public
before the trial starts.
Oh, right. We can't.
But Sally can.
Interesting. That could work.
- [JAX] Mm-hm.
- Uh-oh.
[NEWSCASTER] The statewide manhunt
for Shanelle Tucker
may be ending soon
- as she was spotted in this photo
- Oh, shit.
[NEWSCASTER] taken by
a convenience store clerk.
If you have any information
on Shanelle Tucker's whereabouts,
- contact your local authorities.
Daniel, did you see the photo?
Uh, yes,
I hit a dead end with the police,
but my connection to the DMV
came through with the license plate.
Uh, I'm on the way to Carlsbad now,
so I'm not too far behind.
Well, that's if they haven't seen
the news and switched cars already.
Uh, you know, I'm not mentally
or physically prepared
to confront a fugitive
and a pro football player by myself.
So, maybe call in some backup.
I understand. If you get eyes on them,
do not approach.
- We'll be right behind you.
- [COREY] Shit.
Alright, thanks for the update.
What was that about?
Uh, nothing. It was just another client.
Any news on Shanelle?
Yep. We're going to Carlsbad.
[DALLAS JOHNSON] Yo. What whips
you got for my man, Adrian?
Nah, nah. Only old and basic.
Nothing new.
Alright. Alright, bet.
- See you soon.
License and registration, please.
No problem.
[OFFICER] This your vehicle?
Yes, it is.
Whatever it is you got there,
look like you was
about to drive off with it.
Marijuana might be legal,
but driving high is not.
Oh, nah, officer.
I wasn't, I wasn't going nowhere.
I was actually about to get out the car.
[OFFICER] Good, can you go ahead
and step out of the car for me,
Mr. Dallas Johnson?
Is there a problem, officer?
Turns out it is.
We have a warrant for your arrest.
Nah, I-I can explain that.
[OFFICER] Nah, it's too late for that.
We gotta take you in
for failure to appear in court
regarding your charges
of aggravated assault.
Uh, right.
Unless there's something else
you'd like to explain?
We've got Code 6 Charles,
Ford Ranger, sitting near exit 52,
southbound on the 5,
Oceanside Boulevard.
1029, Foxtrot, Sierra, Tango.
Murder one suspect, no bail.
Hey, Siri. Call Jax.
Jax, we have a problem.
Call Corey Cash.
I'm right behind you. Any updates?
Yeah, I just talked to Daniel.
The cops have Shanelle's location.
- [COREY] Fuck!
- That's what I said.
If the cops get there first
I know, I know. I'm gonna call Lucy.
I'll merge you in.
We think we know where Shanelle is
and we'd like to bring her in.
The time for you to intervene
was before your client ran.
Lucy, I know what you're thinking.
First-degree murder,
defendant on the run.
Right now you have
everything going for you.
And it certainly
would be quite the victory,
and it could go that way
But it could also go another way.
The closer you get to the border,
the more accusations
of violent police negligence.
And if you've got a trigger-happy cop,
she's no longer a murderer,
she's a martyr.
It'll be another disastrous botch
by the LAPD.
And now you've got Black Lives Matter
ringing your line.
Is that what you want?
Lucy, we want the same thing.
And that's justice playing out
in the courtroom where it belongs.
So, what's it gonna be?
Your first LA victory
or a case that sends you back to Vegas?
Fine. You and Jax can go first.
But with a police escort. Two cars.
Okay, but no sirens
and the cops stay behind us.
Fine. But Shanelle rides with my team.
Now where the fuck is Dallas?
The store clerk already recognized me.
It's a matter of time
before someone else does.
I knew this was a mistake.
Let me try Dallas again.
Is that him? I think that's him, yeah.
[SHANELLE] Let me get my phone.
- Got your phone?
- Yeah.
Alright, let's go.
- Oh, shit! Fuck!
[SHANELLE] Adrian, what the fuck?
What do we do?
How the hell did they
Stop! I said no sirens.
If you do this, Jordan and Natasha
will lose both of their parents
in one fell swoop.
It's not too late to give them
the childhood they deserve.
We are going to fight like hell for you,
but this is not the way.
"If you ever feel yourself drowning
beneath the surface"
"I'll jump in the deep end with you."
I won't let you drown.
I promise.
- Ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
- [SHANELLE] No, no, no, no!
- But it's the best for you ♪
- No!
- And it's the best for me ♪
- No! No!
So put it in the dirt ♪
[ADRIAN] I'm sorry, I love you too.
- I'm sorry.
[SHANELLE] I love you.
I'm sorry.
And I just wanna leave ♪
- So, let me go ♪
So, let me go ♪
Let me go ♪
- Hey.
- [JAX] Hey.
I can't believe
you remembered that stupid song.
[JAX] Yeah.
[SHANELLE] The music composition.
That was my worst subject.
Well, yeah. Those chords were trash,
but I always told you
those lyrics were deep, girl.
They've gotten us
through some tough times.
Yeah, well
in the 20-something years
we've been friends
I have never thought
times would get this tough.
Shanelle, why'd you run?
Because the world was doubting me
to the point where
you were doubting me too.
I've seen the people you defend,
I've watched you take on cases
where no one thought you could win,
but you still did anyway.
And yet when it came to me,
suddenly, you weren't so sure.
And if you didn't believe I could win,
then why should I?
Jax, you know me better than anyone.
So, when you abandoned me
and pawned me off to Corey,
I knew there was no hope.
I am sorry that I couldn't see
how badly Jamarion had been
hurting you for all these years.
I just got so used to suppressing it
just pushing it all down.
Like if I didn't talk about it,
it wasn't real.
Well, from now on, I'm all in.
I'm gonna do whatever it takes
to be here for you, okay?
- Hey, hey.
- Hey.
Long day, huh?
Yes, it was.
Look, um, I know that I said
that I didn't wanna be involved,
but clearly I need to be.
No, you want to be.
Fine, I want to be,
but only because
I have to be there for my friend.
So, if it's okay with you,
I'd like to come on as second chair.
[COREY] Hmm.
Let me ask you something.
Do you think that I can't win this case?
I don't think that at all.
Well, I need to be first chair
in every sense of the word.
Like, I don't want a repeat
of this whole bail situation.
I understand, and
I'll be better.
Welcome to the team.
Where have you been?
Look, I know you're mad and I get it,
but I didn't expect her to run.
I thought it would be fine.
I just did what I had to do.
There are a whole lotta
"I's" in what you saying.
Not one "we".
As in, we now owe the full bail amount.
So, unless we can
think of something quick,
we will lose the house that
we both live in.
I can call the mortgage company
about refinancing
and there's my retirement.
I'm sure I can ask my parents for help.
We can figure this out.
So, now it's we.
Let's just talk about
this in the morning.
Come to bed, please.
I'm good.
Well, if you came all this way,
it must mean good news.
Well, it's, it's good and bad.
Isabella, I found out earlier today
that your appeal was denied.
I see.
Well, I guess that's all we can do then.
No, no, no. That was plan A.
Plan B is much better.
I mean, why do you think I stuck around
and didn't go back to Chicago?
I am on Shanelle Tucker's case.
Isabella, the popularity of this case
is gonna garner
enough notoriety and attention
that we can try for clemency.
I mean, that's if we win,
of course, and we will win.
No one cares about a woman
who kills her husband in self-defense.
When the husband is famous,
they absolutely do.
Isabella, that's what
I'm trying to tell you.
I took Shanelle Tucker's
case to help you.
I've told you so many times
I don't need you to help me.
And I told you that I would.
I know, but Corey,
I'm telling you that it's fine.
You don't have to do this.
No, but I need to do it.
you wouldn't even be
in here if it wasn't for me.
Corey, the reason
I'm in here is not your fault.
He did this, not you.
I made the choice I
needed to to survive.
And I'm at peace with it.
And I can honestly say
that even though I'm stuck in here,
my life is better off.
So, if I can forgive that man
for what he did to me
then you have to forgive yourself.
No, that's not enough.
That's not enough.
And it won't be until you get clemency.
And I'm not gonna stop until you get it.
I need this day to be over.
My God, I was so scared, Lewis.
You should've seen those photos.
There's no way you would've known.
None of us knew.
It's not your fault.
I thought it was healthier
for me to avoid the,
the pain of all of this, but
I think it's better to confront it,
to be present through it.
Lewis, I need to take on
You're gonna take on her case.
I know you need me,
and I know this family needs me,
but Shanelle needs me too.
So, I want us to talk so we can
figure out a way to make this work
because I really need both to work.
What I need for this to work is honesty.
Look, we need to just
keep it 100 with each other,
even about our mistakes.
Because if we're gonna do this,
we are going to do this.
It's not just you
taking on Shanelle's case.
It's us.
Thank you, baby. For real.
Thank you.
- How are the kids?
- Oh, man.
Where do I start?
[JAX] Well, it looks like
your fever finally broke.
You feeling alright?
[SPENSER] Yeah, I'm cool.
Oh, wow. What made you pull this out?
I remember I used
to read this to you all the time.
Yeah, and you told me it's okay
to have bad days sometimes.
You know, Ma, you seem
really sad lately too.
Maybe we're both just having bad days.
Yeah, 100s on 100s, no 20s on 20s ♪
We stackin' that cash
when we out on the road ♪
Uh, I heard you outchea,
you told, yeah ♪
- You niggas ain't silent no more ♪
- Lil' bitch ♪
I get it outta control, yeah ♪
She get it out of the floor, yeah ♪
Your favorite rapper ♪
- He a capper ♪
- Quit cappin' ♪
They runnin' out with the flows,
yeah ♪
I got that man for the code, yeah ♪
I got some juice for the code ♪
- I got my shit on my lone ♪
- Facts ♪
- My ex wanna play on my phone ♪
- Ratchet ♪
They gon' pull up with 100 choppers ♪
Adrian. Welcome back.
Glad they found the proof
of registration for your gun.
Now, based on what we talked about,
were you able to deliver?
Not exactly.
I need more time.
Well, until then,
I'm happy to give you a ride.
Hop in.
Nah, I'm good. I'll catch a cab.
Long as you know
that I'ma motivate, yeah ♪
Motivation ♪
Doesn't sound safe.
Uh, motivation, uh, motivation ♪
Probably right.
I'm sure we have a lot to catch up on.
- I bet we do.
- Yeah.
'Cause I never had it
back when I was broke ♪
I grew up without the pamperin' ♪
I was trappin',
get the bag and go to mansions ♪
You niggas can stay
where you trappin' ♪
I get it and blood like a accent ♪
[EVAN GERRARD] Let's start with
how I'm gonna get my money.
Motivation, uh ♪
Money, money, yeah, I gotta get it ♪
'Cause I never had it
back when I was broke ♪
Money, money, yeah, I gotta get it ♪
'Cause I never had it
back when I was broke ♪
They fed me their money ♪
But I only stack 100s ♪
Diamonds be hittin' so hard ♪
He done caught a concussion ♪
How the fuck
is he your favorite rapper ♪
He be cappin' every day,
pourin' up Texan ♪
How the fuck is he
your favorite rapper ♪
Cappin' every day,
with this partner money ♪
Just send me your location ♪
I'ma motivate you like Kelly Rowland ♪
Can't put you in the water war ♪
Then I have you flowin',
they like the ocean ♪
Yeah, yeah, I be servin' bags,
just like the groceries ♪
Yeah, yeah, I keep a lot of cash,
so don't approach ♪
- Don't approach ♪
- Motivation, uh ♪
Motivation, uh ♪
Money, money, yeah, I gotta get it ♪
'Cause I never had it
back when I was broke ♪
Money, money, yeah, I gotta get it ♪
'Cause I never had it
back when I was broke ♪
Motivation ♪
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