Sight Unseen (2024) s02e03 Episode Script
Chain Reaction
[SUNNY] We were having an affair.
I love this so much.
That was the moment
that our lives ended.
- [BANG]
Who are you? What do you want?
Tell me where it is!
I wish you would have told
me what you were hiding.
I want to work with you
to uncover why Rigby Daniels was killed.
Agent Mitchell speaking.
Are you calling to threaten me?
Because I'm done with
You may want to come in.
They're talking suspension.
[TESS] How do you know Craig Young?
He's my boyfriend.
[TESS] I've been seeing things.
Does fire mean something to you?
Let's just say it's
a reminder of my mom.
It sounds like Charles Bonnet Syndrome.
Do we use work to avoid other stuff?
Like what? Our pasts?
That one. Yeah.
[SUNNY] Maybe we're both haunted.
[SUNNY] A wine cork,
sea glass
and a silver spoon.
That's it.
Ringing any bells?
Just the usual feeling
of impending doom.
The bastard who broke in here
was looking for something
that Rigby left me,
but I'm not seeing it.
I don't know, maybe it was a code.
Maybe I should mail it all to you,
get a professional opinion.
You show me yours, I'll show you mine.
What do we got, Sunny?
Looks like a two-door ran off the road
and hit a cedar tree.
Leo's 10 paces left.
[TESS] Leo.
I cover myself in deet
and they swarm me like it's happy hour.
- That's cause you're so sweet.
- Oh, thank you.
This way.
[SUNNY] Body straight ahead.
[LEO] Sheila Summers, 45,
car's registered owner, no next-of-kin.
Security pass says "Shetland Chemicals".
It's a half-hour back up the road.
Okay, so maybe coming home from work,
a night shift.
- What do we see?
- [SUNNY] Female.
White, middle-aged, face up.
Brown hair, minimal make-up.
Eyes are closed, arms are crossed.
She looks
[LEO] The head wound matches
the spider-webbing on the windshield.
Cracked ribs, both sides.
ME says she died on impact.
So how did a dead woman
end up 20 feet from her car?
Now you know why they called me.
And you.
Is Bennett on his way?
He's been called out
of town for a meeting.
[TESS] Grass has been trampled.
Other side, too.
There's compressions in the soil.
Maybe a knee mark.
Was she straddled?
You think she was attacked?
Cracked ribs could
happen after the accident.
Say chest compressions and EMT.
She was dead
when the patrol officer
discovered the wreck,
he knew better than
to contaminate a scene.
Maybe we're looking at a passenger.
They perform CPR and abandon the body?
Don't call for help?
Her arms are crossed, eyes closed.
As if it's her funeral.
She was definitely posed postmortem.
Maybe lovingly.
You know, if there was a passenger,
they could be hurt, or disoriented.
We've got to find them.
I'll call Search and Rescue.
What's that smell that's
sweet like dry-cleaning?
She looks pretty wash-and-wear to me.
Somebody tries to help her
and then just leaves her
I'm not getting foul play,
but Leo's right, something
is not adding up here.
Let's get an address
for Shetland Chemicals.
Maybe she was carpooling.
I'm on it.
Vic's place of work?
I can give you a lift.
My baby brother insisted
on giving me a ride.
He's up to something.
[LEO] Fantastic.
[LUCAS] A chemical plant?
You volunteered, Jeeves.
I had ulterior motives.
Witness the shock on my face.
- What's this?
- A present.
For my wedding.
Craig and I are getting married!
You're supposed to congratulate me.
Congratulate you? You barely know Craig!
You can't just marry
him. It's not that simple.
It is that simple, I'm in love.
You can't just be happy for me, can you?
Lucas, marriage is a
responsibility, okay?
I'm so responsible!
Okay, yeah, that's a lie, but Craig is,
and he's sweet, reliable and kind
Listen, Craig is not the problem.
Mom and Dad were a nightmare.
There it is.
It's a trap.
You think you're with
the love of your life
and you end up ripping their heart out.
Since when am I anything like Dad?
No, you're not. You're more like Mom.
Because of the drinking
or the delusions?
Look, Lucas, you and I
we were built to hurt people, okay,
we learned from the best.
I don't want to see you make
the same mistakes they did.
I'm perfectly capable
of making new and exciting
mistakes all by myself, thanks.
Come on, Lucas
- Come on
- Shush.
I'm driving.
I'm Detective Li. This is Tess Avery.
We're here to speak
to the plant manager.
That'd be Mr. Brocker. I'll page him.
I'll have to lock up your weapon, sir.
Too many flammables onsite.
Let's go, day dreamer.
[SUNNY] Metal detector straight ahead.
There's something in the shadows ♪
[AGENT MITCHELL] Lieutenant,
I want to thank you in advance
for your cooperation,
we appreciate you making the trip.
[BENNETT] I didn't have a choice, did I?
We just want to hear your version.
Four years ago,
I pulled a murder case in District 5.
A professor of
biochemistry, Rigby Daniels,
stabbed in his own bed.
What was your take on it?
All leads pointed to his
mistress, Sunita Sharma.
AKA Sunny Patel.
Do you believe she did it?
There was pressure on me to close,
but the more I looked,
the less I liked it.
The more flags I found,
the more my boss at the
time, Lieutenant Taylor,
pushed me to tie the
case to this Sharma woman.
Then he offered me a promotion.
Lieutenant of my own division.
Across town.
I just had to hand off the Daniels case
and the job was mine.
And you took it.
I'd worked hard,
I knew I deserved it.
But I
recognized the timing
was awfully convenient.
One day last year, I got a call.
Lieutenant Bennett,
what was the nature of that call?
A man calling from a burner phone.
- Did he give you a name?
- No.
He just said he was working for
some powerful people
people who had already helped me
and who I wouldn't want to upset.
He said the Daniels case
was being dug up again
by members of my team.
And what did this nameless mystery man
expect you to do about it?
He wanted me to shut it down.
By any means necessary.
So what did you do?
I couldn't risk talking
to my detectives.
Not knowing who was
behind the cover-up,
I felt the less they knew, the better.
Meanwhile, this man
kept calling,
pushing me to do something
about the situation
before he hurt me
or my family.
[JORDAN] I can't believe Sheila's dead.
I have to tell the rest of her team.
What did Sheila do for
work here, Mr. Brocker?
She was a maintenance technician.
Yeah, she was old-school,
kept this place ticking
like a Swiss watch.
What's this smell?
I noticed it at the crash site.
[JORDAN] Bromopropane.
It's a solvent.
It's better for the
ozone than the old stuff.
You get used to the smell,
you just learn to shower twice a day.
So it's safe?
Well, the vapor's flammable, of course,
and in high enough concentrations,
it causes numbness and dizziness.
How high?
You'd have to bathe in the stuff.
We're gonna need to talk
to Sheila's colleagues.
Of course
[SUNNY] On the move.
Did Sheila have any problems
with drugs or alcohol, Mr. Brocker?
Everyone is drug-tested
monthly, even me.
You can't so much as vape
within a hundred feet of the building.
Did she ever carpool or
give people a ride home?
I hate to admit,
I'm not that close with the staff.
I've only been here
around six months and
- Active shooter!
[SUNNY] Three o'clock.
There's a hallway
you have to get out of there.
[SHOOTER] Brocker!
In here.
Close the door.
Oh, God.
I'm calling for backup.
Sunny, what do you see?
He's coming.
- Come on, keep moving.
- Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[SUNNY] Don't move.
Hey, you okay?
We ducked into
the second doorway down the hall.
No 20 on the shooter.
I think he went back the way he came.
I'm going back for my gun.
I'm going to try to get us out of here.
come on.
[SUNNY] Tess, what's that sound?
- What is happening?
What the hell is that?
It's the emergency containment system.
It isolates production from
the rest of the building.
What do you mean "isolates"?
It means no one can get in
or out.
[SHOOTER] It's okay, Debra,
I'm not going to hurt you.
I'm doing this for Sheila.
You didn't see her.
How she was in the end.
And that bastard's walking around
like everything's fine.
It's not right.
I'm gonna make him see that.
I'm gonna make him see that.
[SUNNY] I think he's back.
[TESS] Sunny.
[SUNNY] It's Leo.
He's walking funny. A little stiff.
So much for getting my gun.
[TESS] Hey, you good?
"There's nothing in life as exhilarating
as getting shot at without result".
Winston Churchill.
I'm fine. Our boy's got a mean left.
So are we locked in or what?
Yeah, he must have tripped
the containment system.
Yeah, so we untrip it.
I'm a manager, I'm not
an electrical engineer.
Jordan, you know the shooter.
Talk to us.
Faroe. He's in maintenance.
Checking socials.
Look, we barely spoke. He
was here when I was assigned.
- I think
It's him. It's Walter.
Okay, speaker. Low volume.
[WALTER] How's your day going, boss?
This is Detective Li, Metro P.D.
I remember you.
How're you feeling?
Was shooting at cops part of your plan,
or just an added bonus?
I'm only here for Jordan Brocker.
You're in a world of trouble, Walter.
Lift the lock-down,
let everyone go, huh?
Yeah, I can't do that
This is Tess Avery.
I work with the police.
There's a task force on the way,
and they are ready to
They won't get in.
You're protecting a killer.
Sheila's blood is on his hands
so you stay out of my way,
and you won't get hurt.
Sparkling conversationalist, huh?
I screen-grabbed the number.
[TESS] Jordan.
Why does Walter blame
you for Sheila's death?
How should I know? He's clearly lost it.
[SUNNY] He knows more than he's saying.
He's going to find me,
he's going to find me
Hey, listen listen to me. Look.
We are not going to
let that happen, okay?
You're going to be smart
and you're going to stay calm.
- Officers
- Hands up!
- Whoa, whoa!
- On the ground, now!
Don't shoot, don't shoot!
- Hey!
- Jake!
[JAKE] Stand down! He's a
civilian! It's all right.
Stand down.
- He's with me.
- What the hell is going on?
Is it Tess?
Leo, we got a get a drop on this guy.
[SUNNY] Tess, Leo's injured.
Being blind is a liability, huh?
I didn't say that. [CHUCKLES]
And a gunshot wound is an asset?
When were you going to tell me?
Like we needed another issue.
Come on, let's see it.
It's fine.
It's really, really not.
Sit down.
What's that whistling sound?
you need to seal the wound.
When he's taking a breath,
he's sucking in air from
the hole in his chest.
- His lung could collapse.
- Okay.
Jordan, find something
we can use as a bandage.
Tess, if you can't take
him to the hospital,
he won't have much time.
Tell me you're not hurt.
No, I'm good.
Leo needs a medic.
Gunshot wound to the chest.
Okay, listen to me. We're
going to get you both out of
there as soon as we can, all right?
Head count shows we got
eight workers sealed in there with you.
Do you have a 20 on that shooter?
No, but we've got an I.D
Walter Faroe, an employee.
Connected to the car crash
we were checking out this morning.
- We're working on how
- No, you are not.
You are staying the hell
out of the line of fire,
you understand me?
Meanwhile, I've got
your brother out here
and he refuses to leave
until he knows you're safe.
Want me to arrest him for you?
Yeah, like he needs a longer rap sheet.
- Mm-hmm.
- Hey
Leo's not doing great.
Get your ass in here as soon as you can.
ERTs are here.
Stay out of the line of fire, okay?
Hi there.
Sergeant Dietrich, ERT. You are?
Detective Jake Campbell, Major Crimes.
We've got one shooter in
there by the name of
Yeah, it's okay, I was
briefed on my way over.
No offense, but we need
to move with some speed,
so I'm going to be taking over, okay?
I found something.
Oh, great.
[SUNNY] Keep Leo talking.
did I tell you Lucas is engaged?
Some guy he met maybe
I don't know, six months ago?
And what, the guy's a dick?
- Craig?
He's a total boy scout.
I like him.
But Lucas, he's
he's a kid
who thinks love is always gonna last.
Maybe he's hopeful.
It's gonna go bad, it always does.
- You good?
- Uh-huh.
You know, maybe you're worried
he'll prove you wrong
'cause what does that
say about people like us?
Sunny, what did you get on Walter Faroe?
Yeah, there's a couple of old profiles.
A few shots of him
at work with the team.
There's a bunch of photos
of him and Sheila
some after-work drinks,
company soccer game,
a few hunting photos.
There's one of Sheila
with her arm around Walter.
Walter and Sheila were a couple.
Walter was the one in the car with her.
He blames you for her death.
What don't we know, Jordan?
How should I know?
It was in a car accident.
Maybe he's concussed.
He still knew how to
lock this place down.
you know you might have to
take this guy down without me.
Oh, yeah. I thought I was a liability.
Not fair.
You know, I might not have
a chance to live this down.
Listen, you're gonna
get plenty more chances
to piss me off, okay?
I promise.
[WALTER, OVER P.A.] Detectives?
Are you out there?
Oh, good. There's a P.A.
All I want is Jordan Brocker.
He's not worth sacrificing anyone.
He's not worth people
losing their lives.
Jake said there were eight
workers in the building.
He's using them as hostages.
[TESS] If Walter's on the
P.A., he might stay put.
Maybe we can get his location,
feed it to Jake, ER
can get the drop on him.
Love it.
Jordan, is there a security room?
Uh, yeah, yeah
down the hall. Left.
All right.
We'll be back soon.
What, it's "we" now?
Yeah, the bullet-riddled
leading the blind.
- Oh!
- Leo!
[SUNNY] Leo's down.
I just need to catch my breath
Is he
he's not Is he
[SUNNY] Tess, he's unconscious.
Pulse is stable.
This is on you, Jordan.
You stay here.
What about you?
Keep him safe.
I'm counting on you.
[SUNNY] Ten paces
ahead. Door to your left.
[WALTER] I don't need
bullets to take you down.
via an unknown man.
How did you respond to those threats?
I stalled as long as I could,
but just when I thought
I was out of time,
the calls stopped coming.
So then what?
I couldn't stop thinking about it,
so I started looking for answers
only to find out
that you had already
opened an investigation
into the coverup.
I felt a distance growing
between myself and my team.
And that's when you
approached Tess Avery
on the roof of her residence?
Like you said,
we've already been investigating.
I went to Tess
for the same reason I'm coming to you
because I want to make things right
whatever the cost.
I have to go make some phone calls.
You stay here. This could take a while.
We breach here.
Standard CQC.
Expect hostages and civilians in hiding.
So we leave in five mikes.
I'll let my people know you're coming.
No. For all we know,
the shooter could be listening in.
It's enough that they just
keep their heads down for now.
They're the only eyes
that we have on the inside.
They're vital to us.
A wounded detective and a
blind homicide consultant?
Respect to your people,
but we don't need any
more complications.
[LUCAS] Hey, Jake.
Is there anything I can do to help?
You know, make me feel
useful around here.
Not this second, no.
You know, I like it when
Tess is worried about me.
It kind of kills the vibes
when she's, like, in danger, you know?
We fought.
It was the last thing.
I kind of snapped at her.
You know, had I realized
this was the last time I
was going to talk to her
Hey, Lucas, she's going to be okay.
This is your sister we're
talking about right now.
This is Tess.
She's got this.
Maybe try to focus on the next
fight you're going to have with her,
all right?
Out here.
[SUNNY] Steel tank ahead.
On your right.
Oh, careful.
What is it?
Something in the air.
Lemony, like dry cleaning.
It's getting stronger.
Walter said he didn't need
bullets to take us down.
He's going to gas us instead
Tess. The lights just went out.
It's gotta be ERT.
They cut the power, they're breaching.
Didn't Jordan say that
the vapors were flammable?
Call Jake.
Phone's off for the breach.
We've gotta stop them.
I have an idea.
[MONICA] Stack up.
[TESS, OVER P.A.] This is Tess Avery!
I repeat, abort!
The building is flooded with gas.
You breach and the whole place blows.
Dietrich, you hear this?
You gotta call it off.
Stand down.
Clear the charges.
If we can't blow this door,
we're gonna have to disassemble it.
That will take hours.
I really hope your people
know what they're talking about
because this was our best
chance to get them out.
[MATT] I'm up!
[MIA] You snore like a puppy.
It's adorable.
What you got?
These are for putting me up
for the University's
"Accessibility Liaison" position.
There's only three in there.
Yeah, you get the rest
when I get the job.
- [TESS] Matt
- Hey, Tess, guess who's here
Matt, I'm in trouble. I need your help.
What is it?
Just listen to me. This is serious.
I'm inside a chemical plant.
Just tell me what you need.
Okay, we're in a hostage situation
with an active shooter.
Where are you?
Shetland Chemicals.
I need you to find the technical plans.
I'm on it.
You're on speaker, Tess.
Leo's hurt, we're locked inside.
The shooter filled the
plant with flammable gas.
The ERT can't reach
without blowing it up.
[MATT] I'm
The manager called it
some kind of chemical
containment system.
So it just locks everyone in?
Not by design.
It's a fail-safe to
prevent contamination.
With the lockdown,
the vapor just keeps
on building up, until
Until you'll get dizziness,
headaches, nausea,
and eventually
Sunny, one crisis at a time.
We'll worry about brain damage later.
There's gotta be a way
to purge the air somehow.
[MATT] There's an
emergency ventilation system
that runs on backup power.
It should still be working.
Okay, how do I turn it on?
[MATT] Okay, controls
are in the tanking room.
Go to the main hall,
take a left,
and then go to the service tunnels,
and I can walk you
through once you get there.
[SUNNY] Tess
what if the crazy
gunman finds you first?
[TESS] I need you both
to help me find my way.
Just past those pillars, there's a wall.
It's like a house of mirrors in here.
Why are you stopping?
There's something I need to do.
Tess! I'll go get Jake
He's gonna try to talk me out of this.
Out of what?
Listen, Lucas,
I'm sorry for what I said earlier,
about you getting married.
I guess I was just scared
you'd have your life
together before I did.
Yeah, well,
if I'm the adult here,
we're in trouble.
I shouldn't have come
down on Mom like that.
You know, I actually miss her.
Even her crazy bits.
Did you open your present?
A bird?
You remember when Mom used
to see swallows everywhere,
even when there weren't any?
Yeah, she said she was seeing things
like they should be.
I want you to wear it at my wedding,
as my Best Woman.
Promise me you'll be there.
- I gotta go.
- No, Tess
Is she going to be okay?
She's Tess.
Of course, she'll be okay.
[SUNNY] Hey, Matt, I'm
reconnecting you to Tess.
[MATT] Okay, Tess,
straight ahead 10 steps.
[SUNNY] There's a pillar
coming up on your
Thanks for the heads up.
[WALTER, OVER P.A.] Jordan, you coward.
Every second you hide, we
all die a little faster!
Okay, let's have you turn right,
and head for the far wall.
Got it.
Tess, you need something you can feel.
[MATT] Okay, there's a
conduit on the far wall.
[SUNNY] Three steps ahead.
Reach out your hand.
I got it.
Yeah, that's it.
[MATT] Now, up ahead,
we're gonna have you go right,
left and then left again.
When you get close, you
should hear a hissing sound.
Did you get that, Tess?
You're gonna go right and then left.
- Tess?
- No!
Come on, come on, come on!
Matt? Do you hear me?
Hey, Tess, are you still there?
Tess, you're breaking
up. Can you hear me?
We've lost her! Can
you not get her back?
Sunny? Are you there?
come on, come on, come on.
Come back to me.
Sunny, are you there?
Matt said hissing.
Come on.
Come on, Tess.
[WALTER] Jordan!
You getting headaches yet?
Like your skull's about to burst?
Sheila got headaches
like you wouldn't believe.
I know you're down here, Jordan.
She's dead because of you!
Fair's fair.
Now you're dead because of her.
The sooner you come out,
the sooner this ends!
No one else has to die.
All right
Quiet! It's me! It's Jordan.
There has to be a way to reach her.
[MATT] That deep in the building,
a cell signal will not stand a chance.
Tess can navigate on her own.
I've got faith in her.
Look, I'm her eyes,
- she needs me.
- Don't underestimate her.
Do not underestimate me.
Okay, Tess and I are a team!
Hey, we're on the same side.
Stop it.
Can't you hack the system?
There's nothing to hack,
it's a mechanical fail-safe,
the locks have to be
opened manually onsite.
Besides, until she purges the gas,
the police will have one arm
tied behind their back anyways.
- [JAKE] Matt!
- Jake?
What the hell is Tess doing?
She just called Lucas.
Sounded like "goodbye".
I can't reach her.
She's trying to vent the gas.
We lost contact with
her a few minutes ago.
Leo's down.
She's on her own, Jake.
It's been 11 minutes.
If you can get the air
out, you can get me in.
I told you to stay with Leo.
You didn't come back.
I thought, what if he found you.
What if he knew where I was?
Okay, you were scared, I get it.
Where is the ventilation system?
Just ahead.
We're almost there.
What the hell?
[JORDAN] We can't stop here.
We have to keep going.
[RIFLE CLICKS] Hey, boss.
You could've admitted what you did
and saved lives, instead of
You killed her.
You did that.
Walter, come on, we're
friends, aren't we?
I was Sheila's friend
Don't you say her name.
You didn't care about her.
You don't care about any of us, Jordan!
[MATT] Take the tunnel to your left.
Feels like I'm moving on ice.
I could fall through here at any second.
[MATT] Just keep moving, man.
Walter, this room is filled with gas.
If you pull that
trigger, then we all die.
You don't think I know that?
I'm already dead, lady.
Just like Sheila.
Tell her, Jordan.
Tell her what you did!
There was an accident
No! No accident.
It was you!
Okay, we got a junction here, Matt.
Do I go left or right?
[MATT] Go left.
I mean, go right!
Okay, which one is it,
Matt? Left or right?
Go right. Right.
Better be right.
Sheila and I
were working on a pressure regulator.
The valve was corroded,
and it burst.
Sheila and I were
drowning in bromopropane.
Oh, my God, we got so sick.
Our hands were shaking.
Headaches so bad, we
couldn't sleep for weeks.
Last night, in the car, she
she had this seizure.
We hit a tree.
It just happened so fast.
How much further to the tanking room?
[MATT] Keep going straight ahead.
You can't miss it.
[WALTER] I don't want to hurt you
[MATT] You're almost there.
Wait, wait, wait. I can hear voices.
[WALTER] You don't care about any of us!
I loved her! And I couldn't save her.
You knew about the valve,
but you messed up the work order.
It was a mistake.
People make mistakes.
You forged the paperwork
to save your ass, Jordan!
Walter, I am so, so sorry!
Are you sorry, Jordan?
You're sorry? He's sorry!
You're sorry she's dead!
Hell with it
[AGENT MITCHELL] Sorry for the delay.
That's an awfully long time
to make a man wait to give up his badge.
You're free to go.
Excuse me?
The calls you described stopped
when one Frank Smith was killed
after invading the home of Sunny Patel,
AKA Sunita Sharma, in New York.
He was Head of Security
for an American pharmaceuticals company
run by Graham Langston.
Frank Smith and Graham Langston
were behind Daniels' murder.
We believe these two were conspiring
to steal Rigby Daniels'
research on a new drug
a drug dangerous enough
to be taken off the market
and valuable enough to kill Daniels.
The one thing we're
actually missing, though,
is the research itself.
You don't know anything
about that, do you?
Thanks for your cooperation, Lieutenant.
- That's it?
- For now, anyway.
We'll call you if we need to follow up.
Did you drive?
They'll validate your
parking in the lobby.
[SUNNY] For the record,
I wasn't worried about you for a second.
That makes one of us.
And on a completely different note
I will be drinking heavily tonight.
I missed you, too, Sunny.
Oh, there's Leo. Three o'clock.
Hold it.
They say I'm gonna be okay.
Yeah, well, you damn well better.
Who else is gonna tell them
how amazing I was in there?
Too bad I was unconscious
for that part, huh?
See you on the other side, okay?
There's Jake straight ahead, five paces.
[JAKE] Come here.
I'm so proud of you.
You saved lives today.
only after you risked yours
going in there after me.
I had a little help from Matt and Lucas.
We actually kind of made a good team.
Not too shabby
Not too shabby.
Oh, we're opening a case
against Jordan Brocker.
Negligence for
Hey! There he is!
I am never giving you a ride ever again.
not even to your wedding?
Just please, please do
not make me wear a dress.
I don't know. I can't promise you that.
[MATT] Well, Tess is safe and sound.
Thank God.
Yeah. I told you she'd be okay.
Being Tess Avery's
friend is a full-time job.
You want to join me for dinner?
There's a food court on campus.
There's no doughnuts,
but I promise you,
it's equally just as bad for you.
All right, go on, then.
It's not like we have to
squeeze through an air vent.
- Come on.
- All right.
swallows were back again.
[YOUNG TESS] Mom, there are no swallows.
[TESS'S MOM] There were.
They were all over the house.
I don't know how they keep getting in,
I've shut all the windows.
You were so careful with your stuff.
You wouldn't even let me put
your books away on the shelf
unless they were in alphabetical order.
Oh, Rigby.
So why is that one out of place?
The one you gave me.
Your research.
There something in the shadows ♪
Cuts you like an arrow ♪
There's fire in your blood ♪
Hanging from that hope ♪
But everybody knows ♪
There something in the shadows ♪
[SUNNY] We were having an affair.
I love this so much.
That was the moment
that our lives ended.
- [BANG]
Who are you? What do you want?
Tell me where it is!
I wish you would have told
me what you were hiding.
I want to work with you
to uncover why Rigby Daniels was killed.
Agent Mitchell speaking.
Are you calling to threaten me?
Because I'm done with
You may want to come in.
They're talking suspension.
[TESS] How do you know Craig Young?
He's my boyfriend.
[TESS] I've been seeing things.
Does fire mean something to you?
Let's just say it's
a reminder of my mom.
It sounds like Charles Bonnet Syndrome.
Do we use work to avoid other stuff?
Like what? Our pasts?
That one. Yeah.
[SUNNY] Maybe we're both haunted.
[SUNNY] A wine cork,
sea glass
and a silver spoon.
That's it.
Ringing any bells?
Just the usual feeling
of impending doom.
The bastard who broke in here
was looking for something
that Rigby left me,
but I'm not seeing it.
I don't know, maybe it was a code.
Maybe I should mail it all to you,
get a professional opinion.
You show me yours, I'll show you mine.
What do we got, Sunny?
Looks like a two-door ran off the road
and hit a cedar tree.
Leo's 10 paces left.
[TESS] Leo.
I cover myself in deet
and they swarm me like it's happy hour.
- That's cause you're so sweet.
- Oh, thank you.
This way.
[SUNNY] Body straight ahead.
[LEO] Sheila Summers, 45,
car's registered owner, no next-of-kin.
Security pass says "Shetland Chemicals".
It's a half-hour back up the road.
Okay, so maybe coming home from work,
a night shift.
- What do we see?
- [SUNNY] Female.
White, middle-aged, face up.
Brown hair, minimal make-up.
Eyes are closed, arms are crossed.
She looks
[LEO] The head wound matches
the spider-webbing on the windshield.
Cracked ribs, both sides.
ME says she died on impact.
So how did a dead woman
end up 20 feet from her car?
Now you know why they called me.
And you.
Is Bennett on his way?
He's been called out
of town for a meeting.
[TESS] Grass has been trampled.
Other side, too.
There's compressions in the soil.
Maybe a knee mark.
Was she straddled?
You think she was attacked?
Cracked ribs could
happen after the accident.
Say chest compressions and EMT.
She was dead
when the patrol officer
discovered the wreck,
he knew better than
to contaminate a scene.
Maybe we're looking at a passenger.
They perform CPR and abandon the body?
Don't call for help?
Her arms are crossed, eyes closed.
As if it's her funeral.
She was definitely posed postmortem.
Maybe lovingly.
You know, if there was a passenger,
they could be hurt, or disoriented.
We've got to find them.
I'll call Search and Rescue.
What's that smell that's
sweet like dry-cleaning?
She looks pretty wash-and-wear to me.
Somebody tries to help her
and then just leaves her
I'm not getting foul play,
but Leo's right, something
is not adding up here.
Let's get an address
for Shetland Chemicals.
Maybe she was carpooling.
I'm on it.
Vic's place of work?
I can give you a lift.
My baby brother insisted
on giving me a ride.
He's up to something.
[LEO] Fantastic.
[LUCAS] A chemical plant?
You volunteered, Jeeves.
I had ulterior motives.
Witness the shock on my face.
- What's this?
- A present.
For my wedding.
Craig and I are getting married!
You're supposed to congratulate me.
Congratulate you? You barely know Craig!
You can't just marry
him. It's not that simple.
It is that simple, I'm in love.
You can't just be happy for me, can you?
Lucas, marriage is a
responsibility, okay?
I'm so responsible!
Okay, yeah, that's a lie, but Craig is,
and he's sweet, reliable and kind
Listen, Craig is not the problem.
Mom and Dad were a nightmare.
There it is.
It's a trap.
You think you're with
the love of your life
and you end up ripping their heart out.
Since when am I anything like Dad?
No, you're not. You're more like Mom.
Because of the drinking
or the delusions?
Look, Lucas, you and I
we were built to hurt people, okay,
we learned from the best.
I don't want to see you make
the same mistakes they did.
I'm perfectly capable
of making new and exciting
mistakes all by myself, thanks.
Come on, Lucas
- Come on
- Shush.
I'm driving.
I'm Detective Li. This is Tess Avery.
We're here to speak
to the plant manager.
That'd be Mr. Brocker. I'll page him.
I'll have to lock up your weapon, sir.
Too many flammables onsite.
Let's go, day dreamer.
[SUNNY] Metal detector straight ahead.
There's something in the shadows ♪
[AGENT MITCHELL] Lieutenant,
I want to thank you in advance
for your cooperation,
we appreciate you making the trip.
[BENNETT] I didn't have a choice, did I?
We just want to hear your version.
Four years ago,
I pulled a murder case in District 5.
A professor of
biochemistry, Rigby Daniels,
stabbed in his own bed.
What was your take on it?
All leads pointed to his
mistress, Sunita Sharma.
AKA Sunny Patel.
Do you believe she did it?
There was pressure on me to close,
but the more I looked,
the less I liked it.
The more flags I found,
the more my boss at the
time, Lieutenant Taylor,
pushed me to tie the
case to this Sharma woman.
Then he offered me a promotion.
Lieutenant of my own division.
Across town.
I just had to hand off the Daniels case
and the job was mine.
And you took it.
I'd worked hard,
I knew I deserved it.
But I
recognized the timing
was awfully convenient.
One day last year, I got a call.
Lieutenant Bennett,
what was the nature of that call?
A man calling from a burner phone.
- Did he give you a name?
- No.
He just said he was working for
some powerful people
people who had already helped me
and who I wouldn't want to upset.
He said the Daniels case
was being dug up again
by members of my team.
And what did this nameless mystery man
expect you to do about it?
He wanted me to shut it down.
By any means necessary.
So what did you do?
I couldn't risk talking
to my detectives.
Not knowing who was
behind the cover-up,
I felt the less they knew, the better.
Meanwhile, this man
kept calling,
pushing me to do something
about the situation
before he hurt me
or my family.
[JORDAN] I can't believe Sheila's dead.
I have to tell the rest of her team.
What did Sheila do for
work here, Mr. Brocker?
She was a maintenance technician.
Yeah, she was old-school,
kept this place ticking
like a Swiss watch.
What's this smell?
I noticed it at the crash site.
[JORDAN] Bromopropane.
It's a solvent.
It's better for the
ozone than the old stuff.
You get used to the smell,
you just learn to shower twice a day.
So it's safe?
Well, the vapor's flammable, of course,
and in high enough concentrations,
it causes numbness and dizziness.
How high?
You'd have to bathe in the stuff.
We're gonna need to talk
to Sheila's colleagues.
Of course
[SUNNY] On the move.
Did Sheila have any problems
with drugs or alcohol, Mr. Brocker?
Everyone is drug-tested
monthly, even me.
You can't so much as vape
within a hundred feet of the building.
Did she ever carpool or
give people a ride home?
I hate to admit,
I'm not that close with the staff.
I've only been here
around six months and
- Active shooter!
[SUNNY] Three o'clock.
There's a hallway
you have to get out of there.
[SHOOTER] Brocker!
In here.
Close the door.
Oh, God.
I'm calling for backup.
Sunny, what do you see?
He's coming.
- Come on, keep moving.
- Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[SUNNY] Don't move.
Hey, you okay?
We ducked into
the second doorway down the hall.
No 20 on the shooter.
I think he went back the way he came.
I'm going back for my gun.
I'm going to try to get us out of here.
come on.
[SUNNY] Tess, what's that sound?
- What is happening?
What the hell is that?
It's the emergency containment system.
It isolates production from
the rest of the building.
What do you mean "isolates"?
It means no one can get in
or out.
[SHOOTER] It's okay, Debra,
I'm not going to hurt you.
I'm doing this for Sheila.
You didn't see her.
How she was in the end.
And that bastard's walking around
like everything's fine.
It's not right.
I'm gonna make him see that.
I'm gonna make him see that.
[SUNNY] I think he's back.
[TESS] Sunny.
[SUNNY] It's Leo.
He's walking funny. A little stiff.
So much for getting my gun.
[TESS] Hey, you good?
"There's nothing in life as exhilarating
as getting shot at without result".
Winston Churchill.
I'm fine. Our boy's got a mean left.
So are we locked in or what?
Yeah, he must have tripped
the containment system.
Yeah, so we untrip it.
I'm a manager, I'm not
an electrical engineer.
Jordan, you know the shooter.
Talk to us.
Faroe. He's in maintenance.
Checking socials.
Look, we barely spoke. He
was here when I was assigned.
- I think
It's him. It's Walter.
Okay, speaker. Low volume.
[WALTER] How's your day going, boss?
This is Detective Li, Metro P.D.
I remember you.
How're you feeling?
Was shooting at cops part of your plan,
or just an added bonus?
I'm only here for Jordan Brocker.
You're in a world of trouble, Walter.
Lift the lock-down,
let everyone go, huh?
Yeah, I can't do that
This is Tess Avery.
I work with the police.
There's a task force on the way,
and they are ready to
They won't get in.
You're protecting a killer.
Sheila's blood is on his hands
so you stay out of my way,
and you won't get hurt.
Sparkling conversationalist, huh?
I screen-grabbed the number.
[TESS] Jordan.
Why does Walter blame
you for Sheila's death?
How should I know? He's clearly lost it.
[SUNNY] He knows more than he's saying.
He's going to find me,
he's going to find me
Hey, listen listen to me. Look.
We are not going to
let that happen, okay?
You're going to be smart
and you're going to stay calm.
- Officers
- Hands up!
- Whoa, whoa!
- On the ground, now!
Don't shoot, don't shoot!
- Hey!
- Jake!
[JAKE] Stand down! He's a
civilian! It's all right.
Stand down.
- He's with me.
- What the hell is going on?
Is it Tess?
Leo, we got a get a drop on this guy.
[SUNNY] Tess, Leo's injured.
Being blind is a liability, huh?
I didn't say that. [CHUCKLES]
And a gunshot wound is an asset?
When were you going to tell me?
Like we needed another issue.
Come on, let's see it.
It's fine.
It's really, really not.
Sit down.
What's that whistling sound?
you need to seal the wound.
When he's taking a breath,
he's sucking in air from
the hole in his chest.
- His lung could collapse.
- Okay.
Jordan, find something
we can use as a bandage.
Tess, if you can't take
him to the hospital,
he won't have much time.
Tell me you're not hurt.
No, I'm good.
Leo needs a medic.
Gunshot wound to the chest.
Okay, listen to me. We're
going to get you both out of
there as soon as we can, all right?
Head count shows we got
eight workers sealed in there with you.
Do you have a 20 on that shooter?
No, but we've got an I.D
Walter Faroe, an employee.
Connected to the car crash
we were checking out this morning.
- We're working on how
- No, you are not.
You are staying the hell
out of the line of fire,
you understand me?
Meanwhile, I've got
your brother out here
and he refuses to leave
until he knows you're safe.
Want me to arrest him for you?
Yeah, like he needs a longer rap sheet.
- Mm-hmm.
- Hey
Leo's not doing great.
Get your ass in here as soon as you can.
ERTs are here.
Stay out of the line of fire, okay?
Hi there.
Sergeant Dietrich, ERT. You are?
Detective Jake Campbell, Major Crimes.
We've got one shooter in
there by the name of
Yeah, it's okay, I was
briefed on my way over.
No offense, but we need
to move with some speed,
so I'm going to be taking over, okay?
I found something.
Oh, great.
[SUNNY] Keep Leo talking.
did I tell you Lucas is engaged?
Some guy he met maybe
I don't know, six months ago?
And what, the guy's a dick?
- Craig?
He's a total boy scout.
I like him.
But Lucas, he's
he's a kid
who thinks love is always gonna last.
Maybe he's hopeful.
It's gonna go bad, it always does.
- You good?
- Uh-huh.
You know, maybe you're worried
he'll prove you wrong
'cause what does that
say about people like us?
Sunny, what did you get on Walter Faroe?
Yeah, there's a couple of old profiles.
A few shots of him
at work with the team.
There's a bunch of photos
of him and Sheila
some after-work drinks,
company soccer game,
a few hunting photos.
There's one of Sheila
with her arm around Walter.
Walter and Sheila were a couple.
Walter was the one in the car with her.
He blames you for her death.
What don't we know, Jordan?
How should I know?
It was in a car accident.
Maybe he's concussed.
He still knew how to
lock this place down.
you know you might have to
take this guy down without me.
Oh, yeah. I thought I was a liability.
Not fair.
You know, I might not have
a chance to live this down.
Listen, you're gonna
get plenty more chances
to piss me off, okay?
I promise.
[WALTER, OVER P.A.] Detectives?
Are you out there?
Oh, good. There's a P.A.
All I want is Jordan Brocker.
He's not worth sacrificing anyone.
He's not worth people
losing their lives.
Jake said there were eight
workers in the building.
He's using them as hostages.
[TESS] If Walter's on the
P.A., he might stay put.
Maybe we can get his location,
feed it to Jake, ER
can get the drop on him.
Love it.
Jordan, is there a security room?
Uh, yeah, yeah
down the hall. Left.
All right.
We'll be back soon.
What, it's "we" now?
Yeah, the bullet-riddled
leading the blind.
- Oh!
- Leo!
[SUNNY] Leo's down.
I just need to catch my breath
Is he
he's not Is he
[SUNNY] Tess, he's unconscious.
Pulse is stable.
This is on you, Jordan.
You stay here.
What about you?
Keep him safe.
I'm counting on you.
[SUNNY] Ten paces
ahead. Door to your left.
[WALTER] I don't need
bullets to take you down.
via an unknown man.
How did you respond to those threats?
I stalled as long as I could,
but just when I thought
I was out of time,
the calls stopped coming.
So then what?
I couldn't stop thinking about it,
so I started looking for answers
only to find out
that you had already
opened an investigation
into the coverup.
I felt a distance growing
between myself and my team.
And that's when you
approached Tess Avery
on the roof of her residence?
Like you said,
we've already been investigating.
I went to Tess
for the same reason I'm coming to you
because I want to make things right
whatever the cost.
I have to go make some phone calls.
You stay here. This could take a while.
We breach here.
Standard CQC.
Expect hostages and civilians in hiding.
So we leave in five mikes.
I'll let my people know you're coming.
No. For all we know,
the shooter could be listening in.
It's enough that they just
keep their heads down for now.
They're the only eyes
that we have on the inside.
They're vital to us.
A wounded detective and a
blind homicide consultant?
Respect to your people,
but we don't need any
more complications.
[LUCAS] Hey, Jake.
Is there anything I can do to help?
You know, make me feel
useful around here.
Not this second, no.
You know, I like it when
Tess is worried about me.
It kind of kills the vibes
when she's, like, in danger, you know?
We fought.
It was the last thing.
I kind of snapped at her.
You know, had I realized
this was the last time I
was going to talk to her
Hey, Lucas, she's going to be okay.
This is your sister we're
talking about right now.
This is Tess.
She's got this.
Maybe try to focus on the next
fight you're going to have with her,
all right?
Out here.
[SUNNY] Steel tank ahead.
On your right.
Oh, careful.
What is it?
Something in the air.
Lemony, like dry cleaning.
It's getting stronger.
Walter said he didn't need
bullets to take us down.
He's going to gas us instead
Tess. The lights just went out.
It's gotta be ERT.
They cut the power, they're breaching.
Didn't Jordan say that
the vapors were flammable?
Call Jake.
Phone's off for the breach.
We've gotta stop them.
I have an idea.
[MONICA] Stack up.
[TESS, OVER P.A.] This is Tess Avery!
I repeat, abort!
The building is flooded with gas.
You breach and the whole place blows.
Dietrich, you hear this?
You gotta call it off.
Stand down.
Clear the charges.
If we can't blow this door,
we're gonna have to disassemble it.
That will take hours.
I really hope your people
know what they're talking about
because this was our best
chance to get them out.
[MATT] I'm up!
[MIA] You snore like a puppy.
It's adorable.
What you got?
These are for putting me up
for the University's
"Accessibility Liaison" position.
There's only three in there.
Yeah, you get the rest
when I get the job.
- [TESS] Matt
- Hey, Tess, guess who's here
Matt, I'm in trouble. I need your help.
What is it?
Just listen to me. This is serious.
I'm inside a chemical plant.
Just tell me what you need.
Okay, we're in a hostage situation
with an active shooter.
Where are you?
Shetland Chemicals.
I need you to find the technical plans.
I'm on it.
You're on speaker, Tess.
Leo's hurt, we're locked inside.
The shooter filled the
plant with flammable gas.
The ERT can't reach
without blowing it up.
[MATT] I'm
The manager called it
some kind of chemical
containment system.
So it just locks everyone in?
Not by design.
It's a fail-safe to
prevent contamination.
With the lockdown,
the vapor just keeps
on building up, until
Until you'll get dizziness,
headaches, nausea,
and eventually
Sunny, one crisis at a time.
We'll worry about brain damage later.
There's gotta be a way
to purge the air somehow.
[MATT] There's an
emergency ventilation system
that runs on backup power.
It should still be working.
Okay, how do I turn it on?
[MATT] Okay, controls
are in the tanking room.
Go to the main hall,
take a left,
and then go to the service tunnels,
and I can walk you
through once you get there.
[SUNNY] Tess
what if the crazy
gunman finds you first?
[TESS] I need you both
to help me find my way.
Just past those pillars, there's a wall.
It's like a house of mirrors in here.
Why are you stopping?
There's something I need to do.
Tess! I'll go get Jake
He's gonna try to talk me out of this.
Out of what?
Listen, Lucas,
I'm sorry for what I said earlier,
about you getting married.
I guess I was just scared
you'd have your life
together before I did.
Yeah, well,
if I'm the adult here,
we're in trouble.
I shouldn't have come
down on Mom like that.
You know, I actually miss her.
Even her crazy bits.
Did you open your present?
A bird?
You remember when Mom used
to see swallows everywhere,
even when there weren't any?
Yeah, she said she was seeing things
like they should be.
I want you to wear it at my wedding,
as my Best Woman.
Promise me you'll be there.
- I gotta go.
- No, Tess
Is she going to be okay?
She's Tess.
Of course, she'll be okay.
[SUNNY] Hey, Matt, I'm
reconnecting you to Tess.
[MATT] Okay, Tess,
straight ahead 10 steps.
[SUNNY] There's a pillar
coming up on your
Thanks for the heads up.
[WALTER, OVER P.A.] Jordan, you coward.
Every second you hide, we
all die a little faster!
Okay, let's have you turn right,
and head for the far wall.
Got it.
Tess, you need something you can feel.
[MATT] Okay, there's a
conduit on the far wall.
[SUNNY] Three steps ahead.
Reach out your hand.
I got it.
Yeah, that's it.
[MATT] Now, up ahead,
we're gonna have you go right,
left and then left again.
When you get close, you
should hear a hissing sound.
Did you get that, Tess?
You're gonna go right and then left.
- Tess?
- No!
Come on, come on, come on!
Matt? Do you hear me?
Hey, Tess, are you still there?
Tess, you're breaking
up. Can you hear me?
We've lost her! Can
you not get her back?
Sunny? Are you there?
come on, come on, come on.
Come back to me.
Sunny, are you there?
Matt said hissing.
Come on.
Come on, Tess.
[WALTER] Jordan!
You getting headaches yet?
Like your skull's about to burst?
Sheila got headaches
like you wouldn't believe.
I know you're down here, Jordan.
She's dead because of you!
Fair's fair.
Now you're dead because of her.
The sooner you come out,
the sooner this ends!
No one else has to die.
All right
Quiet! It's me! It's Jordan.
There has to be a way to reach her.
[MATT] That deep in the building,
a cell signal will not stand a chance.
Tess can navigate on her own.
I've got faith in her.
Look, I'm her eyes,
- she needs me.
- Don't underestimate her.
Do not underestimate me.
Okay, Tess and I are a team!
Hey, we're on the same side.
Stop it.
Can't you hack the system?
There's nothing to hack,
it's a mechanical fail-safe,
the locks have to be
opened manually onsite.
Besides, until she purges the gas,
the police will have one arm
tied behind their back anyways.
- [JAKE] Matt!
- Jake?
What the hell is Tess doing?
She just called Lucas.
Sounded like "goodbye".
I can't reach her.
She's trying to vent the gas.
We lost contact with
her a few minutes ago.
Leo's down.
She's on her own, Jake.
It's been 11 minutes.
If you can get the air
out, you can get me in.
I told you to stay with Leo.
You didn't come back.
I thought, what if he found you.
What if he knew where I was?
Okay, you were scared, I get it.
Where is the ventilation system?
Just ahead.
We're almost there.
What the hell?
[JORDAN] We can't stop here.
We have to keep going.
[RIFLE CLICKS] Hey, boss.
You could've admitted what you did
and saved lives, instead of
You killed her.
You did that.
Walter, come on, we're
friends, aren't we?
I was Sheila's friend
Don't you say her name.
You didn't care about her.
You don't care about any of us, Jordan!
[MATT] Take the tunnel to your left.
Feels like I'm moving on ice.
I could fall through here at any second.
[MATT] Just keep moving, man.
Walter, this room is filled with gas.
If you pull that
trigger, then we all die.
You don't think I know that?
I'm already dead, lady.
Just like Sheila.
Tell her, Jordan.
Tell her what you did!
There was an accident
No! No accident.
It was you!
Okay, we got a junction here, Matt.
Do I go left or right?
[MATT] Go left.
I mean, go right!
Okay, which one is it,
Matt? Left or right?
Go right. Right.
Better be right.
Sheila and I
were working on a pressure regulator.
The valve was corroded,
and it burst.
Sheila and I were
drowning in bromopropane.
Oh, my God, we got so sick.
Our hands were shaking.
Headaches so bad, we
couldn't sleep for weeks.
Last night, in the car, she
she had this seizure.
We hit a tree.
It just happened so fast.
How much further to the tanking room?
[MATT] Keep going straight ahead.
You can't miss it.
[WALTER] I don't want to hurt you
[MATT] You're almost there.
Wait, wait, wait. I can hear voices.
[WALTER] You don't care about any of us!
I loved her! And I couldn't save her.
You knew about the valve,
but you messed up the work order.
It was a mistake.
People make mistakes.
You forged the paperwork
to save your ass, Jordan!
Walter, I am so, so sorry!
Are you sorry, Jordan?
You're sorry? He's sorry!
You're sorry she's dead!
Hell with it
[AGENT MITCHELL] Sorry for the delay.
That's an awfully long time
to make a man wait to give up his badge.
You're free to go.
Excuse me?
The calls you described stopped
when one Frank Smith was killed
after invading the home of Sunny Patel,
AKA Sunita Sharma, in New York.
He was Head of Security
for an American pharmaceuticals company
run by Graham Langston.
Frank Smith and Graham Langston
were behind Daniels' murder.
We believe these two were conspiring
to steal Rigby Daniels'
research on a new drug
a drug dangerous enough
to be taken off the market
and valuable enough to kill Daniels.
The one thing we're
actually missing, though,
is the research itself.
You don't know anything
about that, do you?
Thanks for your cooperation, Lieutenant.
- That's it?
- For now, anyway.
We'll call you if we need to follow up.
Did you drive?
They'll validate your
parking in the lobby.
[SUNNY] For the record,
I wasn't worried about you for a second.
That makes one of us.
And on a completely different note
I will be drinking heavily tonight.
I missed you, too, Sunny.
Oh, there's Leo. Three o'clock.
Hold it.
They say I'm gonna be okay.
Yeah, well, you damn well better.
Who else is gonna tell them
how amazing I was in there?
Too bad I was unconscious
for that part, huh?
See you on the other side, okay?
There's Jake straight ahead, five paces.
[JAKE] Come here.
I'm so proud of you.
You saved lives today.
only after you risked yours
going in there after me.
I had a little help from Matt and Lucas.
We actually kind of made a good team.
Not too shabby
Not too shabby.
Oh, we're opening a case
against Jordan Brocker.
Negligence for
Hey! There he is!
I am never giving you a ride ever again.
not even to your wedding?
Just please, please do
not make me wear a dress.
I don't know. I can't promise you that.
[MATT] Well, Tess is safe and sound.
Thank God.
Yeah. I told you she'd be okay.
Being Tess Avery's
friend is a full-time job.
You want to join me for dinner?
There's a food court on campus.
There's no doughnuts,
but I promise you,
it's equally just as bad for you.
All right, go on, then.
It's not like we have to
squeeze through an air vent.
- Come on.
- All right.
swallows were back again.
[YOUNG TESS] Mom, there are no swallows.
[TESS'S MOM] There were.
They were all over the house.
I don't know how they keep getting in,
I've shut all the windows.
You were so careful with your stuff.
You wouldn't even let me put
your books away on the shelf
unless they were in alphabetical order.
Oh, Rigby.
So why is that one out of place?
The one you gave me.
Your research.
There something in the shadows ♪
Cuts you like an arrow ♪
There's fire in your blood ♪
Hanging from that hope ♪
But everybody knows ♪
There something in the shadows ♪