Sullivan's Crossing (2023) s02e03 Episode Script


RAFE: Clear a path, please.
Make some room.
All right, clear out.
Thank you.
MAGGIE: Rafe, what's going on?
Is everything okay?
Connie's inside, doing
a final sweep now.
CONNIE (ON RADIO): Connie to Rafe.
Looks like it was a false alarm.
Any idea what happened?
CONNIE: My guess? Someone
decided it was a good idea
to light up a cigarette in their room.
We've reset the system.
You can give the all-clear.
Copy that. All right,
you guys can go in.
Thank you.
MAGGIE: Right there. See?
It's faint, but it's there.
In an MRI, it'd be way clearer.
But if you just look right here,
there's a slight volume
deficit in the cerebral cortex,
and low albumin, and
elevated liver enzymes.
Wernicke's encephalopathy.
The symptoms are so similar
to those of a stroke,
and his chart never
mentioned alcoholism.
So, the ataxia and the
progressive memory loss
weren't Alzheimer's.
No, they're all just
because of an alcohol-induced
vitamin B1 deficiency.
I'm sorry to interrupt, Dr. Rabney,
but I think we might have a problem.
What sort of problem?
We're having a little trouble
locating one of the patients.
Which patient?
Harry Sullivan.
I've asked around, and
one of the nurses thinks
she saw him heading for the parking lot
with another man during the fire alarm.
Did she happen to mention what
that other man looked like?
Just that he was older
and he had a hair braid.
That sounds a lot like Frank.
- Sure does.
- Yeah.
Is this as good as it's gonna get? ♪
I've given all I can give ♪
But the rivers still
get wider, wider ♪
We've been here all along ♪
Through the valleys, we carry on ♪
The journey takes us higher, higher ♪
This could be your home,
if we try to build it ♪
This could be your life
that's one in a million ♪
All the hard times,
yeah, they were worth it ♪
Time and time and time again ♪
Time and time and time again ♪

You doing better?
I think whatever they gave me
is starting to wear off.
I still can't believe Duncan's gone.
I'm sorry, Sully.
You know, if the doctors are
right and my mind is slipping
I gotta get back to work.
What you need is to rest your mind.
I still have this nagging feeling
that I've forgotten something.
Frank, where are you going?
The outpost is that way.
I'm gonna try and help
you get your memory back.
A little self-reflection,
maybe some fishing.
I don't have time for that, Frank.
We're gonna make time.
It'll be good for you.

EDNA: Everything okay?
That's the problem I can't tell.
This would be a lot easier if I
had access to the bank accounts.
Only Sully can do that.
Well, I'm just gonna
go check the invoices
for the thousandth time.
- Morning!
- Morning.
I just thought I'd come by
and see if you needed any help.
- Thanks.
You're looking tired, my girl.
I haven't been sleeping very well.
I found some files at Roy's.
What sort of files?
From my accident.
Well, that would explain it.
What are you hoping to find?
Some answers.
And did you?
Not yet,
but Cal's offered to
help look through things,
see if maybe the police missed anything.
So, why open all of this up?
I guess I finally just
realised how vulnerable
I've been feeling since the accident.
So, you think finding the
person responsible will fix that?
Hmm. Are you sure about that?
Maybe things will change for me,
if I can finally hold
this person accountable.
Well, I'm here if you need me, my girl.
LOLA: Thanks.
You know, if you're gonna
force me to go on a road trip,
I'm going to need some clothes.
We'll stop somewhere.
And, uh, maybe you should
call Edna and Maggie and let
them know what we're doing,
so they don't worry.
Good idea. Go ahead.
What? This was your idea, Frank.
- She's your daughter.
- And Edna's your wife.
She's still mad at me about Alberta.
Besides, you're the one that begged me
to break you out of that place.
Nice try, Frank.
I can turn this truck around
and take you back to
the hospital, you know.
(OVER RADIO): Hey, Edna, you
there? It's Sully. Pick up.
Edna, it's Sully. You there?
LOLA: What?
Sully? What are you doing on the radio?
You're supposed to be in the hospital.
I'm gonna do a little
fishing with Frank.
You better tell Frank to turn
the truck around right now.
Frank, I know you can hear me.
Sorry, Edna. I think
getting out of range.
EDNA: What am I supposed to tell Maggie?
And how am I supposed to
get around without a truck?
Frank, Sully, are you there?
She's going to kill us.
I'm going to kill them.
What were they thinking?
What is going on?
Hey. Uh, Sully left
the hospital with Frank?
We know! They just
radioed from Frank's truck,
saying they were going fishing.
Fishing? Wait. Isn't Sully
supposed to be in the hospital?
Yeah, he is. They need to come back.
Maggie to Sully. You there?
We already tried that.
They're out of range.
What about Frank's cell?
He doesn't believe in them.
What about Sully's?
He doesn't have one.
Well, did they say where they're going?
Maybe we can catch up with them.
The call dropped before
I got a chance to ask.
I need to talk to him.
What's going on?
Sully's doctor was wrong.
He doesn't have Alzheimer's.
- LOLA: What?
- What? That's great news.
Yeah, it would be, except
that he has a condition
that requires immediate attention.
Hurricane alert.
It's headed right this way.
We have to find Frank and Sully.
He really needs treatment.
CONNIE: We're expecting
a Category 1 hurricane
with strong gale-force
winds and heavy rain.
Now, if we're lucky, the
storm could change course
and pass us by.
But until then, we need
to prepare for the worst.
First team, you're going to
be with Rafe on debris removal.
We're going to be focusing
on any low-lying branches,
could be touching any power lines,
and any dead trees that look
like they could come down.
Also, be prepared for any road
closures, should they come up.
CONNIE: We need to make
sure that everyone knows
what's going on.
I want everyone to be aware
and prepared this time.
- You got it?
- Got it.
Let's go.
I'm sure Frank and Sully will hear
about the storm and head back.
What if they don't?
LOLA: I know, I know.
We're really worried.
- Then, we'll find them, Maggie.
- LOLA: Thanks.
I called around,
nobody's heard from them.
- Rob said he'd spread the word.
- Thanks.
Well, we can't just sit around waiting.
Let's get to work and make sure
this place doesn't blow away
before they get back.
SULLY: You sure this is the
same place we used to go to?
It's just a little
older like you and me.
Hm. Doesn't look too good.
It'll be fine on the inside.
Storm's coming.
What are you talking about, Frank?
There isn't a cloud in the sky.
FRANK: Uh-huh.
MAGGIE: I remember, my first
hurricane, I was terrified.
But Sully always had a
way of making me feel safe.
He really needs treatment,
before he gets any worse.
- He'll be okay.
- Hope so.
- Come here.
- Oh, hey, Pete. I just wanted to make sure
you know about the
hurricane headed our way.
Should probably find somewhere
safer to stay than that camper.
That camper is my home.
Hey Pete, listen.
That camper, she's a real beaut.
We'd really hate for
anything to happen to her.
- All right. Thanks for the head's up.
Um, before, back at Pete's,
you you said you used to
have to deal with all sorts.
What'd you mean by that?
Oh, I It's just that
growing up with my father,
it wasn't easy.
You know, one minute, he was
in a good mood, the next minute,
he'd be just flying off the handle.
You never knew where you stood with him.
So, I was always the
one running interference
for my brother and sisters.
It was what it was.
I'm sorry.
That must have been hard.
But hey, in the end,
it helped me learn how
to deal with people.
Uh, just a second.
Hey, Andrew.
I heard about the hurricane.
Worried about you.
You think you can leave
before it touches down?
I need to stay and help.
I do not want something
to happen to you.
You know how important
this place is to me.
And besides, I need to make sure
that Sully gets his treatment.
What treatment?
Oh, yeah, no, Sully's doctor was wrong.
He doesn't have Alzheimer's.
Um turns out it's Wernicke's.
ANDREW: Wet brain?
Don't alcoholics get that?
Yeah, they do.
Oh, Mags, I'm sorry.
I didn't I didn't
know he was a drinker.
Neither did I.
I'll fill you in later, but I'll
I'll be back as soon as I can.
I'm gonna go warn the other campers.
ANDREW: You still there?
Who was that?
Uh, it was just Cal.
He's helping me prep the
campground for the storm.
I figured he'd he'd have left by now.
Actually, he's decided to move here.
Uh, Andrew, listen, I appreciate
that you're worried about me,
but I really need to
stay here and do this.
Just stay in touch. All right?
Make sure I know you're okay.
Yeah, will do.
FRANK: Doesn't look so bad.
Oh! Oh
Smells like someone died in here, Frank.
I'll open the window.
I don't think that's going to help.
FRANK: It's broken.
This place is in worse shape than me.
What happened to your sense
of adventure there, Sully?
Ehh. Lost it with my memory.
Oh. I thought coming here
would help your memory.
I'm starving. Let's get fishing.
Fishing's for tomorrow.
Then, what are we
having for lunch today?
Bone broth?
We've got to cleanse the
mind before we meditate.
You're joking.
You know what they say,
that if the stomach's
empty, the mind is full.
Who said that? Gandhi?
Wilbur the Pig from Charlotte's Web.
CAL: Hey.
Hey. I talked to the
campers over there already.
I'm headed to the lakeside.
I'll give you a hand.
I can't stop thinking
of Sully out there.
I don't think I can deal
with losing anyone else, Cal.
Sully really does mean
a lot to you, doesn't he?
My own dad left before
I was even born
but Sully has always been there for me.
He even moved my mom and I into
his house when she got sick.
There aren't a lot of
people that would do that.
And that's what makes
Sully so special -
he treats everyone like family.
Yeah, he does.
Maybe because his own
family abandoned him.
CAL: Lola
Hi. Can I help you?
Connie Boyle, Fire Chief.
I'm just going around making sure
that everyone's heard
about the hurricane warning.
- Alyssa Mackenzie.
- Hi.
I gotta be honest, I'm a little nervous.
Is it your first hurricane?
Yeah, I just moved here from Edmonton
and I don't even know
what I'm supposed to do.
Okay, well, you're going to
want to stock up on water,
flashlights, batteries,
more importantly, buy some storm chips.
Where do I get those?
In the chip aisle in the grocery store.
(CHUCKLING) I'm just messing with you.
They're just regular potato chips.
It's a local tradition.
We just stock up on
them during a hurricane.
- Right.
- But seriously, though,
you're going to really
need to find somewhere safe
to ride out the storm.
Oh, hey.
- Thanks for the tip.
- Anytime.

Hey, you guys getting ready
to head out? Storm's coming.
Yeah, we've been looking for a hotel
and everything's booked up.
We don't want to take
any chances with the baby,
so we're just not sure what to do now.
I'm staying at my granddad's place
and it's not far from here.
There's plenty of room.
You guys can stay
with me, if you'd like.
We wouldn't want to impose.
Honestly, you'd be doing me a favour.
It's been just me since he passed away,
so it can get pretty lonely over there.
You're sure it wouldn't be any trouble?
I can take you over
whenever you're ready.
That'd be great. We'll
go pack up. Thank you.
LOLA: Yeah.
That was really nice of you.
Well, we've got to pay
it forward somehow, right?
What about you? There's plenty of room.
No, I should stay here,
make sure Edna's okay.
But I can come by,
give you a hand if you need anything.
Actually, I could use some
help moving the lawn furniture
and the barbecue into the shed.
Great. Uh I will come by
as soon as I finish up here.
Thanks, Cal. Appreciate it.

Hey, Sid, look, I really
got my hands full here,
picking up some last-minute supplies.
Can I call you back?
SYDNEY: The generator at the
outpost is out of propane.
Edna needs a replacement tank.
Frank's away with the truck
and my car is too small.
Okay, yeah, but it'll have
to be once I'm finished here.
SYDNEY: Thank you.
Edna will appreciate it.
Okay. Yeah, I'll see you in a bit.
Wait. Where's Finn?
- He's at the diner.
- SYDNEY: Are you sure that's a good idea?
You know how anxious
he gets during storms.
(SIGHING) He's fine, Sydney.
You don't have to worry
about him, okay? I got this.
I really need to go now.

I just want you to know
how proud I am of you.
All the things I couldn't say ♪
They don't ever go away ♪
Try to bury them deep down ♪
- Thank you.
- They just end up coming up ♪
And I'm sorry that I
didn't tell you sooner.
Thought my ribs would be a cage ♪
But they're still
making their escape ♪
See you at home, Dad.
I always ♪
SULLY: See you at home.
SYDNEY: There you are.
Uh, I need to move
Frank and Sully's chairs into the shed.
They'll be upset if
anything happens to them.
Well, let me. I don't think
you should be lifting a
chair in your condition.
I'm perfectly capable of
moving a chair, Sydney.
What's wrong?
I just overheard Lola telling
Cal that I abandoned Sully.
She said that?
You know, growing up, I
always thought that the reason
Sully didn't come after
me was that he didn't care.
But I found this box of
photographs and newspaper clippings.
He'd been keeping track
of me this whole time.
Isn't that a good thing?
It just made me realise
that I've never stopped
to think about how this
would have been for him,
you know, what he's gone through,
or how hard it would have been
knowing that his only daughter
didn't want anything to do with him.
Well, you're here now and
that's all that matters.
I just hope it's not too late.
Feels like rain.
I'm worried, Frank.
About what?
Don't want to end up like my father.
You won't.
I used to be able to
remember Maggie's first words.
Now, I can't.
You know, when I lived in Alberta,
an Elder used to say that the present
connects us to the past,
and that's why we're here.
Get your mind quiet long enough
to figure out what's
clouding your memory.
You know, you never did tell
me what happened in Alberta.
I went to reconnect with my family.
It wasn't so good.
Why not?
When I was on the rez growing
up half-white, half-Cree,
I was treated like an outsider,
and my mother decided
to move me to the city.
She thought I'd be better off there.
Was it?
Not even close.
I went back home, hoping
things would have changed,
but they didn't.
So, what happened?
I wanted to get my mother's regalia
and bring it back for Edna.
But my cousins gave it away.
They didn't think that it would
matter to somebody like me.
I'm sorry, Frank.
Edna must have been disappointed.
I didn't tell her.
SULLY: Why not?
I thought it would upset her too much.
Family can be cruel.
Tell me about it.
Sydney's doing a final check,
but it looks like everything's secure.
(SIGHING) Everything's a mess.
Okay. Let me give you a hand.
How could Frank just leave like that?
I'm sure he meant well, Edna.
I'm his wife, he should
have talked to me first.
But no, Frank's always had blinders on
when it comes to Sully Sullivan.
It's been that way ever since they met.
How did they meet?
You should probably
talk to Sully about that.
I know about the drinking.
I didn't think he told you.
No, he didn't.
I found his sobriety chips.
Frank was his sponsor, but
it's not my story to tell.
Did you know that he'd
started drinking again?
We thought he might
have, but we weren't sure.
Why would he have kept something
like that from me, Edna?
He's a proud man, M'chi.
He didn't want people
to think he was weak.
Thought it would be bad for
business. You know how he is.
Maybe if I hadn't come back,
he wouldn't have started drinking again.
Oh, no. No, this is
not your fault, Maggie.
Sully has been hiding
from his past for years.
He's got no one to blame but himself.
Come come here.
FRANK: Time to face the storm, Sully.
SULLY: I already told you,
it isn't going to rain, Frank.
There you go.
I meant the storm that's brewing in you.
See that lighthouse?
SULLY: Yeah. What about it?
It's there to guide the
ships through rough waters.
It's time for you to let your
inner light do the same for you.
Should have brought some pillows.
Listen to the waves
and still your mind and your body.
I'm just not as good as you
at sitting around, Frank.
Will you close your eyes already?

Hurricane's coming in fast.
Thanks again for letting us stay here.
- Of course.
- You sit. I'll help with cleaning.
Okay. Thank you.
How long have you two been married?
Almost five years next month.
LOLA: And how'd you meet?
I was all alone with a flat tire,
and John was the only person
that stopped to help me out.
When you see someone
needs help, you pull over.
Guess I just got lucky that day.
I asked him out after he
helped me change my tire.
Then, she changed my life.
How about you?
Anyone special in your life?
Not yet, but I'm hoping
that'll change soon.
Hey, Cal.
I thought I'd move that furniture now,
before it gets worse out there.
- Thanks.
- I'll give you a hand.
CAL: I appreciate that.
I'm running out of time.
There's a few windows I need
to board up at the outpost.
LOLA: Bye, Cal.

I can't I can't focus, Frank.
Let your mind drift and
see where it takes you.

kind of father doesn't fight
to be a part of their child's life?
Why wasn't I good enough for you?
(MUFFLED) Daddy!
FRANK: Sully?
- Sully!
ALYSA: Oh, hi!
CONNIE: Are you okay?
Yeah. I guess I should have
left my car in the garage.
Are you Are you hurt?
I think I twisted my ankle.
Okay, let's get you inside, and
then I'll get my first aid kit.
ALYSA: Okay.
Glad most of the
campers decided to leave.
Yeah, I think there's a holdout.
I heard someone's dog barking.
Where are you going?
It's Pete, the war vet I told you about.
Oh. Uh I'll come with you.
No, he doesn't really like
being around too many people.
I'll I'll be right back.
- EDNA: Sydney?
- SYDNEY: Yeah?
Have you heard from Rob?
Still need that propane.
Wait. He hasn't come by yet?
It's been hours.
Looks like the rain is
messing with the signal.
Landlines are down, too.
Frank better get Sully home soon.
I hope Rob and Finn are okay.
EDNA: Me, too.
CONNIE: Well, you're lucky
that nothing is broken.
- This will help with the swelling later.
- Thank you.
CONNIE: So I thought
I told you to go somewhere safe.
I have my whole life savings
wrapped up in this place.
I just I just wanted to check
to make sure that it was okay.
I get it, I do, but it's not
worth risking your life over.
No, I guess not.
CONNIE: And we are done.
Feel better?
Yes, much. Thank you
for stopping to help.
I know what it's like to be on your own.
Well, I owe you one.
I'm just glad that you're okay.
Well, can I give you a ride home?
Thank you. Yeah, that would be great.
ALYSA: Thanks.
Storm came in pretty fast.
Gonna have to hurry, if
we want to get out of here.
Sully? You okay?
I'm not feeling so good.
It's okay, buddy. I'll get you home.
I'll go bring the truck around.
Pete, are you in there?
Pete, open up. It's me, Maggie.
The storm is getting really
bad. You shouldn't still be here.
PETE: Get down! They're everywhere!
- Pete, are you okay?
I'm coming in.
Stop or I'll shoot!
It's an ambush! Take cover!
- Take cover!
- Hey. Pete?
- PETE: Take cover!
- Okay, Pete
- Pete
Hey, Pete. Pete, it's me, Maggie.
Please don't leave me.
I gotta get back to my daughter.
Don't let me die out here alone.
I have to get back to my little girl.
I have to get back to my little girl.
Please, don't leave me.
It's Maggie. I'm here with Molly.
Do you know where we are?
I didn't I didn't hurt you, did I?
No, no, I'm okay.
I thought I was back there,
in that place, in Afghanistan.
I need to get you and Molly
back to the outpost, where it's safer.
Do you think you can do that?
Yeah I think so.
Okay. Come on, girl.
Come on. Okay.
I left some fresh towels in the
guest room, so you're all set.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
- Ooh
- You okay?
(SIGHING) I don't
think this little guy's
gonna let me get any sleep tonight.
If there's anything I can do to
make you feel more comfortable,
just let me know.
Thank you.

Edna. Edna!
Edna, if you can hear me

In the back room.
Looks like I boarded up the
last of the windows just in time.
I'm glad you're here.
Can you please find out where
all this water is coming from?
- On it.
- EDNA: Thank you.
SYDNEY: Ugh. You gotta be kidding me.
EDNA: Just a sec.
Let's get the lanterns lit
till the generator's running
Here. There's more under the counter.
I'll go grab them.
- Molly, wait!
- No, Pete!
- PETE: Come back!
- MAGGIE: Wait!
- Pete!
- PETE: Molly!
MAGGIE: Pete?! Molly?!
PETE: Molly!
MAGGIE: Where are you, girl?
Where's the water?

Here stands a man ♪
At the bottom of a hole ♪
He's made ♪
Still sweating from the rush ♪
You said you'd stop drinking!
SULLY: You're not going
to take my daughter!
- What have I done?!
Lola? Lola!
This ♪
Is mad boy ♪
Here ♪
Stands a man ♪
With a bullet in his ♪
Clenched right hand ♪
Hear ♪
Hear him cry, boy ♪
Oh, thank God.
I was so worried about you two.
Are you okay?
Oh, we got stuck in the mud on
the way over with the propane.
I'd probably still be
there, if it wasn't for Rafe.
Thank you.
Okay, my boy,
let's get you into some dry clothes.
CAL: Ahh
(SIGHING) Oh, Edna, the leak is fixed.
- Shouldn't be a problem now.
- EDNA: Thank you.
Okay, let's get that propane hooked up.
It sounds like it's
getting real bad out there.
CONNIE (ON RADIO): Connie to Rafe.
Go for Rafe.
CONNIE: They just upgraded
the storm to a Category 2.
Let everyone know they
need to stay inside.
RAFE: All right, copy.
Wait. Where's Maggie?
She went to go check on Pete.
- She hasn't come back.
- I need to go find her.
Cal, wait. I'll come with, okay?
Let's go.
RAFE: Guys, stay inside.
Don't worry, they'll be okay.
FRANK: Battery's dead.
We won't be going anywhere.
SULLY: We need to talk.
What's going on?
I remember now, Frank.
Remember what?
SULLY: I can't fix it.
I should have made things
right when I had the chance.
I don't understand.
All these years, I tried.
I just I just couldn't
make it up to her.
Maggie's back. You still have time.
Maybe Walter was right.
Maybe I'm a poisonous cancer.
I've hurt too many people.
You can still make amends.
I can't fix it.
I can't make it right.
- Of course you can.
- It was me, Frank.
It was you what?
- You were the one that found her.
- No, Frank.
I was the one that hit her.

MAGGIE: Molly!
Molly, where are you, girl?
CAL: Maggie!
Maggie?! Where are you?!
MAGGIE: Molly?
Where are you, girl?
To be human ♪
Oh ♪
How it hurts ♪
To be human ♪
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