Taxi Driver (2021) s02e03 Episode Script

The Trot Singer

(All characters, organizations,
and places are fictional.)
(Some scenes
of a criminal nature)
(could make you feel uncomfortable.)
We need the teams
to gather in one place.
We don't even know
how far the teams are spread out,
but you want them to gather?
- And on their own accord?
- Faster, guys.
Get out of the car already.
- Have you gone mad?
- Hey.
Are you crazy?
Someone might have come up
with this ruse
to come here.
Wang Dao Ji.
Today, I will rip you to pieces.
That chairman
- is a cop.
- You see,
catching criminals in Korea
is pointless.
Because those criminals
have it better in the end.
Besides, we take orders
from the head office.
Mr. Kim, are you all right?
- Welcome back.
- You're back.
All right. Then is everyone here?
Then let's get started again.
Hello. I'm On Ha Jun.
This is my first day here.
Is anyone here?
(Episode 3)
Yes. I finished providing backup
for the joint security
dispatch operation at 3 p.m.
I'm returning
to the headquarters now.
I'll report to you regarding changes
in our operation plans.
For unity.
Sir, did I tell you the destination?
If you're returning after
an operation in the special forces,
isn't this the way?
We'll arrive before you get pulled
into night duty.
Lieutenant Kim.
How long has it been?
Gathering from your phone call,
it sounds like you're a leader now.
- Congratulations.
- Wait.
I have manners.
I can't sit in the back.
Let me sit in the passenger seat.
Sir, you shouldn't move
when I'm driving.
I'm sorry.
All of us were destroyed,
so we thought
we would lose the last training
in the second half of the year.
But you turned the table
around all by yourself.
It's still a legend in our unit.
(The strongest and the most
victorious special forces)
We didn't arrive too late.
Gosh. Already?
(The strongest and the most
victorious special forces)
(The strongest and the most
victorious special forces)
Lieutenant Kim.
Have you considered coming back?
Everyone would be thrilled
if you were to return.
I don't plan on coming back.
Then are you planning to join
the special security office
or become a private security guard?
- No.
- Then what's your plan?
I'm driving this taxi.
You'll be late.
You should go inside.
Yes, sir. It was an honor
to see you again, sir.
For unity.
- Hold on.
- Yes.
You still have to pay for the ride.
Here's the card.
There are no free taxis.
(Payment complete, credit card,
total amount: 35 dollars)
Be safe.
And send my regards to the unit.
Will do. Please give me a call.
(707th Special Mission Group)
(Taxi Driver 2)
Thank you.
If we blow the whistle,
you'll really give us ice cream?
If I lie on the ground
and don't answer you,
it means I'm very tired.
Take this and share it
with your friend.
- Okay?
- Yes.
Hold on.
Can you blow the whistle
once I give you the signal?
It's okay.
This is nothing. Seriously.
I'll be fine.
Not yet.
Not yet.
I'm not ready yet.
That guy must be a coward.
Mister, are you actually going
to do it?
- Should we do it now?
- Now?
- Hey, this is good.
- Right?
(Mr. Jang)
Yes, Mr. Jang.
The casing of the bullet that was
lodged into Captain Kim's chest
was actually from Korea.
If it came from Korea,
someone else was also at the scene.
Right. So I'm on my way
to find out more about that.
Are you going alone?
Why don't we go together?
Okay. I'll be there soon.
Thank you.
(International Departures)
What do you think?
Doesn't it look amazing?
Well, it's not bad.
Not bad? Jin Eon and I gave
our all to this taxi.
It came out perfectly.
My resignation was processed.
It's over.
Register me as an employee here.
You should have come sooner.
I already did the big reveal.
I'll set your salary
the same as before.
Hey, why did you bring these?
Why do you think?
So we can use them.
It looks like a microphone.
It's not a simple microphone.
It's a shotgun microphone.
They are used for the Olympics.
As long as the direction is good,
you can hear someone breathing
from 100 meters away.
We can install this on the taxi.
If we install a direction device
next to the wheel,
we'll get super hearing.
Gosh. That looks so cool
and so lame at the same time.
What if it rains?
Maybe, we can install an umbrella.
The one that opens and closes.
Gosh. I'm the fool
for actually listening to him.
You can't get this
at regular stores.
You know what I heard?
Geniuses are really stupid.
How can geniuses be stupid?
Did you make that? You're a genius.
But you'll install it there?
You stupid!
Do you think it won't be useful?
We can install that
on the side-view mirror.
If we install it
inside the side-view mirrors,
it won't get wet from the rain.
If we sync it
with the directional control button,
we won't need to install
another button for that.
I think it will be quite useful
when I'm on the street.
Based on the weather,
the range may vary.
I'll have to get close if I have to.
Please install it.
It will be amazing.
What a genius.
Kyung Gu.
Why is Mr. Kim so sweet?
- You think he's sweet?
- Yes.
Sweetness is coming out of me now.
You think he's sweet
because he shoved you into the water
and tried to drown you.
When an awful person makes
the smallest act of kindness,
it makes him look like
the sweetest guy in the world.
Sweetie, install them
on the side-view mirrors.
Jin Eon, come to your senses.
He can't be sweet.
It's Mr. Kim we're talking about.
Always beware of Kim Do Ki.
(Cotaya, Vietnam)
Thank you.
(Jang Sung Chul,
National Police Agency)
- Hey.
- Hi, Detective Jang.
- Long time no see. Yes.
- Long time no see.
So, how is the investigation going?
I looked into it.
But there's something unusual.
It wasn't a missed shot.
It was a direct aim.
He was targeted from the start?
The one and only bullet
pierced his heart.
That means they shot to kill.
Won't the local police
take on the case?
No. The local police
seem to want to wrap it up as is.
Our police force thinks the same.
Since all the victims
including Dong Jae returned safely,
I guess that could be good enough.
Is something bothering you?
there's someone out there
capable of hiring a sniper
to take out the police captain,
that's a serious problem.
It means you were exposed to them.
So what?
It's not like
we'll sit and do nothing.
What will you do? Hit me?
Why would I
Why would I hit you, Mr. On?
You just came in.
So I should take the log.
I'll bring it to you later, Go Eun.
- When?
- In ten minutes?
In five minutes.
I'm getting a frustrated feeling.
He's somewhat like Mr. Park.
Hey, Mr. On.
Hello, it's a lovely morning.
Why are you
harassing him already, Go Eun?
I'm not harassing him.
Bring it to me in five.
- Would you like a coffee?
- No, thanks.
- Do you want some coins?
- I have some.
Maybe next time.
Okay. Enjoy your coffee.
He's handsome, like me.
- Like who?
- Like me.
- Mr. On's good-looking.
- Yes, like me.
- He's handsome.
- Like me.
- Mr. On's nice-looking.
- Okay.
Do Ki. Could you help me out?
Come here.
I drove really cautiously,
but a car suddenly appeared
What should I do?
It's not bad enough
to need a paint job.
You can get a pen
at a car accessory store.
Cover it up with that.
Is that really all I have to do?
Thank you, sir.
What did I do?
I was so scared, you know.
I'll go get that pen right away.
Oh, the taxi log.
Thank you.
(Hwajun, Ihyang)
(Nongju, Ihyang, Hwajun)
(Up 4, Down 3)
(Up 4, Down 3)
(Nongju, Hwajun, Ihyang)
(Don't die, get revenge.
We'll do it for you.)
(Don't die, get revenge.
We'll do it for you.)
(Don't die, get revenge.
We'll do it for you.)
(Out of the Office)
This client is elderly.
The first thing she said
was unlike what other clients said.
It was different?
If I die,
nothing bad will happen
to my kids, right?
If you tell me in detail
what happened,
I'll answer all your questions.
I don't have much
to say about myself.
It's all my fault.
Where are you?
I'll send a car over.
(Nongju Station)
(Nongju, Hwajun, Ihyang)
(Nongju, Hwajun, Ihyang)
The answers to all your questions
are in there.
(Deluxe Taxi Service - Don't die,
get revenge. We'll do it for you.)
Now, will you tell me all about
what happened?
It's all
my fault.
Moms and Dads!
I opened a business
in the town square!
Come and hang out!
I'm here to live!
Come on over!
What's all this noise?
With those slow steps
It'll take you too long
to come to me
Like the birds flying in the sky
When I first saw him,
I noticed he was such a good singer.
You keep looking around
It'll take you too long
to come to me
Come back to me before it's too late
Hurry back
My love is drifting away
(Festival for the Elderly)
My dear, you are so beautiful
Doesn't this feel good?
Oh, yes, I'm coming to you
- Ma'am!
- Yes?
- Your kids want you to be healthy.
- That's right.
It feels so good.
(Festival for the Elderly)
Oh, my gosh.
Don't take the stairs,
take the elevator
This is for you, Mama.
- The Mama with the rose.
- Have a drink.
- Drink up.
- Let's drink.
- Cheers.
- Isn't this nice?
You showed us a good time
and you even let us eat.
Not at all.
Don't you need us
to buy one of those?
Mama, don't you worry about that.
Only people who really need one
should get one.
If you buy stuff you don't need,
I'll get upset.
If you get what I meant,
show your little finger and promise.
Promise. Pinky swear.
Watching him perform
was so much fun and time flew by.
Do you promise?
Oh, Mama.
Don't you feel sorry
for Gyu Nam's mom?
Her son's company
isn't doing well
and he isn't getting paid on time.
He hasn't been home in over a year.
One of her grandchildren
constantly needs a doctor,
so the father
hasn't been able to visit.
But he's a sweetheart.
- Poor thing.
- Tell me about it.
- We should drink.
- Sure.
- Enjoy, then.
- Right.
Let's drink.
Allow me to help.
- You'll ruin your clothes.
- Let me.
It's the least I can do
for the delicious food you got us.
Mama, I'm only saying this
because you're striking.
How about a selfie together?
- That's preposterous.
- Come over here.
- Come on.
- What?
- No, don't.
- Come on.
- Goodness.
- Here we go. In 1, 2, 3.
Mama, give me a smile.
In 1, 2, 3.
For the ladies and gentlemen
here at the event,
we have prepared a raffle!
(Festival for the Elderly)
- This is what the winner will win.
- The winner.
- The far-infrared gamma lamp.
- The lamp!
All right, then.
What do your grandchildren say
when they visit?
I bet they don't come close to you
complaining that you smell.
Your grandchildren
will love this lamp even more.
It eliminates odor
and kills harmful bugs.
Then, let's see.
Let's see who wins the lamp.
- Who will win the prize?
- Number three.
- What's the number?
- Number eight.
Number 27.
- Number 27.
- Number 27!
- Number 27.
- Number 27.
Number 27, where are you?
- Number 27?
- Who has the number 27 ticket?
Look. You have the number 27 ticket.
Over here.
She has the number 27 ticket.
- Get out there already.
- Come on out.
- Come on.- You won the top prize
- You won the top prize
- You won the top prize
That's how it is
to win the top prize
- Give it up for her.
- Applaud!
Please fill this in first.
We'll be paying for the lamp itself.
All you have to do
is pay the 22 percent
taxes and
the public utilities charge.
I don't have any money.
You should give this
to someone else who needs it.
Mama, not everyone
wins the top prize.
I'll pay the taxes
and the public utilities charge,
so take the lamp with you.
Just give her the lamp.
- Please take it.
- Don't do that.
I don't need it.
Gosh. What is with you?
- Goodness.
- Mama.
Give it to me instead.
(Scallops, Kelp, Sea squirt)
Since that day,
I avoided the festival on purpose.
- Mama!
- Goodness me.
What brings you by?
Mama, why haven't you come
to watch my performance?
Because I'm sorry.
I'm not able to buy
anything that you're offering.
If you won't come by
to hear me sing,
I'll perform right here.
No, don't.
My love for seaweed
It's unconditional
I never did anything for him.
- My love for seaweed
- So I was grateful.
- He's so good.- It is my ultimate love
How about some tasty seaweed soup
for dinner today?
Across the Pacific
Across the Atlantic
Even across the Indian Ocean
I will run to wherever
seaweed calls for me
I will run to it no matter what
He's such a good singer.
You must have some good news.
Do you want to see it?
It's my son.
He turned five this year.
My grandchild turned five
this year as well.
He's a pretty one just like his dad.
My son's sick, you see.
I can't see him often
since he's at a hospital.
I'm going to earn a lot of money
and buy him loads of toys
for when I visit.
I should eat up and perform my best.
I'll enjoy, Mama.
It's so good.
Thanks, Mama.
I thoroughly enjoyed the meal.
Come to see my show, okay?
No, don't walk me out.
Get back inside.
Him working hard
to care for his sick son
reminded me of my Gyu Nam.
- Of course.
- How can you sing that well?
- Gosh.
- You drive me crazy.
That's just how it is.
I should pay you now.
- Right.
- Here you go.
Mama, what brings you by?
I came to buy something, of course.
But you've been saving up
not even going to a doctor
when you're sick.
Gosh, no. I'm perfectly healthy.
I understand how you feel.
So this money?
You keep it.
When you run out of money,
you'll have to ask
your children for more
which will only
make you feel guilty.
Gosh. You're such a sweetheart.
Rather than something
that involves money,
can I ask a different kind of favor?
(Credit Card Application Form)
You applying for this credit card
will get me tens of dollars
as commission.
Once you receive it,
just cut it in half if you like.
Am I asking for too much?
Let's not do this, then.
- Maybe next time.
- It's fine.
I'll sign it.
(Applicant name)
(Lee Im Soon)
There you go.
- Gosh. Thank you.
- Thank you.
Right. Have a good day.
You did something for me,
so I should repay you.
Don't be ridiculous. I'm fine.
Remember the top prize
you won at the festival?
I paid the 22 percent taxes
and the public utilities charge.
I'll have it delivered
to your home tomorrow.
Don't do that. I doubt it was cheap.
But I already paid for it.
Since that's how it is,
you should use it at home.
One shouldn't easily sign
any kind of document.
Tell me about it.
The five-year-old son
that's in the hospital?
It's a lie.
He made up a story
about a non-existing son
and lied to Ms. Lee.
After hearing from her neighbors
about her son who lives far away
and the grandchild who's sick,
he came up with a similar story.
To get her to see him
as she would see her son.
Ms. Lee
has been feeling sorry
for her son
who is working hard
in a city far away.
It's why she couldn't ignore him
when he said he was making money
to buy toys for his son.
Back in the day, my grandma
didn't easily spend the money
she had hidden in her closet.
The fact that
she offered it to him
means she thought of him
as one of her own.
While unaware of the scumbag he is.
(Festival for the Elderly)
(Far-infrared Radiation Gamma Lamp)
(Far-infrared Radiation Gamma Lamp)
(Back scratcher)
Goodness, Mama.
Are you off to sell seaweed?
Yes, I thought I'd set up shop
while the weather is nice.
Maybe I should help you
like last time.
No, don't.
I don't want to burden you.
By the way,
can you watch the stall for me?
I was hoping to grab a bite to eat.
Sure thing. Don't worry
and enjoy your fill.
The price is written
next to the products.
You can hand them out for free
if you want though.
Gosh, why would I
offer them for free?
One should accept payment
when it's necessary.
Go and enjoy your meal, then.
Let me set this aside for you.
There you go.
- I won't be gone long.
- Sure.
- Hold on.
- What are you doing here?
Gyu Nam's mom, isn't that you?
- Gyu Nam's mom?
- What are you doing here?
- How nice.
- Are you giving these out for free?
They're not for free,
but they are being sold.
Why don't you buy one each?
They are of good quality.
I should see what you have.
- It's a lamp.
- That's right.
- Is it effective?
- Is this the price?
Yes, that's the price.
Mama, wait.
Let me buy all of this.
Someone wanted the seaweed.
- This many?
- Here.
No, it's too much.
I sold them at a high price,
that's all.
Now, take this.
- But it's too much.
- Here you go.
- I can't.
- There.
When your son and grandchild visit,
don't let them give you money.
Give them money instead.
They'd be surprised.
It might shock them.
Is the vendor here?
No, I'll keep watching the stall.
Go and wash your hands.
Take out the trash as well.
- Got it. Thanks, Mama.
- Sure.
Hello, there.
Are you the one selling these?
That's right.
Which one would you like?
- I'll see what you have first.
- Sure.
- Check the price tags too.
- Sure thing.
Gosh. Mama.
Can we keep these at your place?
Those nice lamps shouldn't get wet.
- Bring them here.
- Go on.
- Goodness.
- My gosh.
It's pouring down
at the outdoor stage.
We had nowhere to store them.
Can we keep them here for now?
Of course. That'll be fine.
- Hey. You should go now.
- Okay.
Mama, thank you.
Gosh. You don't have to thank me.
I'll go and bring the rest of the stuff.
Wait up for me! Gosh.
Yes. Right here.
Here's the deal.
Either give us new ones.
Or give us a refund.
What are you talking about?
Why would I give you a refund?
I heard you were at the tent.
That was because
he asked me to watch the tent.
You told me I should buy one.
You said the quality was good.
My goodness. What on earth happened?
(Festival for the Elderly)
(Festival for the Elderly)
- Look at this.
- What is this?
- How could this happen?
- No one is here.
- Goodness.
- The police are here. Over here.
This lady sold me this.
Are you Ms. Lee Im Soon?
How could you sell us
defective products?
- Come with us to the station.
- This thing doesn't even work.
How could you sell this to us?
How will you fix this?
(Name: Lee Im Soon)
What do you mean I bought the goods?
You made a credit card
under your name.
You used the card to pay
for the goods and received them.
I did?
Right here. The card statement says
you bought everything.
How many times
must I show this to you?
I was just helping him.
Gosh. Everyone saw you
receiving money from him.
If you were just helping him,
why did you accept the money?
He told me to give the money
to my son. That's why.
- Gosh.
- You must be mistaken.
You're not here as a victim.
You were in on it with them!
Aunt, let me talk to them.
The quality of these products
is pretty bad.
It burned my aunt's back.
How can you sell something
that doesn't even work?
No. I
All right. Calm down. Sit down.
Sit down, ma'am.
Calm down.
Call your son to come.
What? I can't call my son.
Then is there anyone young
you can ask for help?
It's just my son, his wife,
and his child. That's everyone.
Then call your son.
Don't you want to fix this problem?
I can't let my son know.
Please don't call my son.
He lives far from here.
And he's working really hard.
Please just punish me.
- Gosh. I can't get through to her.
- Please, sir.
(Sang Gi)
Mama, it's me.
Don't call me that.
Gosh. Don't be like that, Mama.
Everyone in the village
came to my house.
I went to the police station.
They told me to bring my son here.
If you can't fix it,
your son will have to.
I can't even help my son.
I can't be a burden on my son.
But they will still call your son.
Which is why I'm calling you now.
So I can give you a tip.
You can take it as your burden
and die in debt.
Then your son won't be responsible.
Think about it carefully.
I hung up.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
I'd rather die
than leave this burden on my son.
I can't let that happen.
She should report this
to the police,
but she ended up getting reported.
Shouldn't she still report this?
Even if she does,
he won't be punished properly.
Why not?
Everything he sold
was basically rubbish.
Even if he sells it for 1 dollar
after buying it for 10 cents,
it's not considered illegal.
It's only a matter of conscience.
He has an extensive playbook
for his schemes too.
He's done all sorts of schemes
to scam the elderly.
The elderly are already
struggling as it is.
These guys were determined
to extort every penny out of them.
Those jerks.
Why are they going after people
who are already struggling?
Because that's not their focus.
To them, the elderly
are easy targets to deceive.
But if she doesn't explain herself,
the victims won't know the truth.
"I didn't buy these products."
"I'm a victim too.
I was scammed too."
Why didn't she defend herself more?
These guys had a clear goal
from the get-go.
Whatever scheme they pulled,
they needed someone who would have
to keep it from the family
and who would
take the fall for everything.
That was the target they looked for.
Looking like that.
(Yoo Sang Gi)
You can take it as your burden
and die in debt.
Then your son won't be responsible.
Just like any parent,
Ms. Lee feared
more about inconveniencing her son
than getting punished.
That's why even to the last moment,
she kept asking me questions
about her son and sounded worried.
She reminds me of my grandma.
They are the worst.
What should we do with those jerks?
We should give them
a taste of their own medicine.
(Gu Jae Seung: Chives,
Lee Dong Geun: Lettuce)
(Yoo Sang Gi)
(Lee Im Soon)
(Simjeon Store)
(Payphone in front of the store)
thank you for choosing
our Rainbow Deluxe Taxi.
For your safety and convenience,
I'll explain a few rules.
While the deal is in place,
the cab's meter will
keep on running.
The fees will be dealt with
once the whole deal is done.
There may be some extra charges
depending on the deal,
and once you use our service,
you must not breach
our work to anyone.
Thank you for complying
with the rules.
Now, if you'd like to get revenge
on those who made you suffer,
press the blue button on the left.
If you don't want to get revenge,
press the red button on the right.
Please make your choice.
Mama. In 1, 2, 3.
Once you receive it,
just cut it in half if you like.
You made a credit card
under your name.
You used the card to pay
for the goods and received them.
Are you Ms. Lee Im Soon?
You're behind
on your credit card payment.
But I don't have any money.
Then we're forced to file a lawsuit
and take this to court.
If I get sued,
will my son find out too?
Yes, that's right.
If you don't pay,
we must have your son pay for it.
I'm sorry.
It's my fault. I'm sorry.
(It's not your fault.
Don't blame yourself.)
It's not your fault.
Don't blame yourself.
We'll get everything back for you.
(Simjeon Store)
(Seoul 24 M5283)
5283 beginning service.
(Dr. Lee's General Store)
Sending the whole-seller's location.
(Search complete)
(We buy and fix old appliances)
(We buy and fix old appliances)
(We buy from stores
that are closing)
(Far-infrared Radiation Gamma Lamp)
Gosh, it's heavy.
(We buy from stores
that are closing)
You idiot.
This is a mess. Hand over the tape.
They buy from stores
that are closing down
and they only deal in cash,
so I had a hard time finding them.
"Far-infrared radiation gamma lamp?"
Do you think it really helps
catch bugs you can't even see?
Yes. Gamma rays are radiation.
It kills bugs you can't see, birds,
dogs, and humans.
Basically everything.
It's mad dangerous.
They're all fake.
The sanitizing lamp they sold
was a normal lamp
covered in cellophane.
It was crude too.
They think they can do anything
to scam the elderly.
My gosh.
How could they think of
selling that?
- Sir. Hey.
- Yes?
Let's see.
Thank you for another good day.
- Here's your 100 dollars.
- Thank you.
- Thanks.
- Bye.
- Take care.
- You too.
(Far-infrared Radiation Gamma Lamp)
Do you have everything?
(We buy from stores
that are closing)
It'll be sunny tomorrow.
Moms and Dads!
I'm here because I missed you!
I'm here to live!
Come on over!
With those slow steps
It'll take you too long
to come to me
Like the birds flying in the sky
Spread your wings and fly to me
You keep looking around
Isn't he a good singer?
You're strikingly beautiful.
Why are your shoulders so stiff?
I work so much.
You shouldn't overdo it.
- Look after yourself from now on.
- Okay.
Look at this.
One press of the button
My love
My love is drifting away
My dear
My dear, I miss you so much
(Dr. Lee's General Store)
I'm moving in
for a shot of just him.
Video quality's great. Very nice.
(Yongsori Village)
(Festival for the Elderly)
Say kimchi. One, two.
Get home safe.
Can we see what message they got?
Come on, Mr. Kim.
Don't ask if we can.
Ask me to pull it up.
It sounds like you're asking
if it can't be done.
(Yoo Sang Gi's phone)
He shared the old man's photo
as soon as he took it.
It's obvious what'll happen next.
Do you all have your raffle tickets?
Let's see who wins third place.
Third place.
Why are you so excited
about a rigged raffle?
Don't worry, you won't win.
70 percent of life is good luck.
I'm feeling lucky today.
Poor guy.
The number one prize, the best one!
That's mine!
- That'll be mine!
- Let's see
I got it!
Who's the lucky winner?
Number 19!
- Number 19!
- Where are you?
- Who's Number 19?
- Number 19!
- That's me.
- You?
on winning the best prize!
Come on up.
You won the best prize
This is what it's like
to win the best prize
- Applause!
- Give him a warm hand!
Go back to your seat.
All of you who won a prize today.
My staff will come over
and have you sign some papers
acknowledging your win.
We need your ID.
You must bring your ID, okay?
(Far-infrared Radiation Gamma Lamp)
(Prize Receipt)
Yong Chil goes on holiday tomorrow.
- Send these and confirm service.
- Okay.
He goes on holiday? What about us?
Yong Chil? Service?
(Yoo Sang Gi's phone)
- Go Eun.
- Wait.
Don't speak.
Let me guess what you'll say.
I guess you'll be right.
I haven't answered yet.
How do things look for Ms. Lee?
(Yoo Sang Gi's phone)
There are six phones
in Lee Im Soon's name.
Do you think she knows this?
I'd say she doesn't.
They targeted her knowing
she couldn't check it out.
I bet they did all they could
with those phones.
They maxed out each one
to buy game items
on an installment plan.
It adds up to quite a lot.
We'll get it all back.
But first,
I must meet this Yong Chil.
Let me summarize.
You got a discount
on the Smart 83 plan.
You'll pay it off over 36 months
at 153 dollars 80 cents a month.
You'll never get this deal
anywhere else.
I guarantee you that.
Sign these papers
and I'll get the rest done.
- Maybe next time.
- What?
You made me explain only to run off?
Do you have a death wish?
(South Gyeongsang Province,
North Jeolla Province)
(Gangwon Province,
Chungcheong Province)
(Republic of Korea, Passport)
(New Subscriber)
(Notification of in-game purchase)
(Resident Registration Card)
(Yoo Sung Ja's new phone
is registered)
My gosh.
He can explain to a guy
all day long
and still make nothing.
Don't you feel bad for him?
Are you done with the old man
who collects scrap?
Yes. I went with
the most expensive plan
and packed it full of paid services
and game items.
Three of the latest models
for a total of 9,000 dollars.
Okay, nice.
Who's next?
It's this old man.
It's from the trot singer wannabe.
He has the face of a man
with good credit.
One, two.
Let's give him all he can take
so he doesn't feel left out.
See if you can bring the total
to 12,000 dollars.
Boss. I'll do my best.
That trot singer guy.
How does he manage this?
Isn't it great how he brings us
such great customers?
What's his secret?
A customer walked in
and you don't even say hi?
No customer ever came in the back.
Hello, welcome.
Take a seat.
I want to cancel a subscription.
Cancel? You want to cancel?
(Lee Im Soon)
My gosh.
Where did you come from?
I'm a client.
Now, cancel the subscriptions.
(Lee Duk Gu)
can't be canceled here though.
I'm sure it's doable.
You clearly don't get
what I'm saying.
Get lost while you can still walk.
This place has good service.
You even spoke my line for me.
This random punk
is getting on my nerves.
Darn it!
(Download, File loading)
Let's see.
(Lee Duk Gu)
(Nari Village, Yeongdo-gun,
Chuncheon, Gangwon Province)
Subscriptions are canceled.
Not the stairs, but the elevator
Yong Chil, you punk.
Are you on vacation or what?
We need to take out phone plans
before the old man drops dead.
Hey, let's hit the sauna.
I'm reeking of old people.
Mr. Kim, what will be our plan?
What are we supposed to do
when Mr. Kim makes a move like that?
- Let's gather things.
- Gather what?
What? I don't know.
- We'll gather what we don't know?
- Yes, let's gather things.
Gather what?
I said I don't know, you jerk.
- Sorry.
- Am I the issue here?
Of course, you are.
You keep asking me
what I don't know.
And it seems like
you still don't get it.
Who on earth would get it?
Out of those supported by Blue Bird
who moved residences this quarter,
a total of 17 residences
don't have window guards.
Winter is said
to come early this year,
so it'd be nice
to set up window guards
as well as breeze blockers for
families living with the elderly.
A few of our supporters
withdrew their donations.
So should we go ahead
with this project?
The window guards alone
will cost us a lot.
We'd love nothing more than
for our victims' pain
to be reduced just like our funding.
Anyway, I'll do my best
to cover the cost.
(Blue Bird Foundation
Operating Committee Meeting)
(Blue Bird)
That'll be all
for today's meeting, then.
- Thank you for coming.
- Thank you.
- Will you now excuse me?
- Sure.
My gosh. What happened?
I was being safe on the road but
You can pay it from my salary.
Are you injured?
Did you get yourself checked out?
If you get in an accident,
get yourself checked out.
Do that first. Got it?
Come on. I'll drive.
Don't force yourself to adapt.
You're doing fine as is.
Thanks for that.
So tell me. How's the commute?
I actually found
a new place to move into.
Good for you. Get in, then.
Jin Eon, to the left.
- The far left.
- Why didn't you say that sooner?
I now have to move the ladder.
- Why are you moving it around?
- To the right.
No, the left is better.
- There?
- Over there.
Couldn't you have led with that?
Stop the ruckus, will you?
You're giving me a headache.
Go Eun, the key to sales
is in the display.
Hang in there even though
it gives you a headache.
It's because she hasn't
run a business before.
You're having the time of your lives,
aren't you?
Over there?
- Goodness.
- Welcome.
Get two baggy pants
for the price of one.
- We awaited your arrival.
- That will be two dollars.
The karaoke machine
is 1,000 dollars.
- It's not small.
- What if we buy two?
That'll be five dollars.
- Goodness.
- Meanwhile, this is 1,000 dollars.
Fix the air-conditioner, will you?
Must we drive without it
in this heat?
It'd be cheaper to scrap the truck.
Why can I only see rice paddies
in this village?
Are you sure
we're going the right way?
That's odd. Did I take a wrong turn?
What the
- Hey.
- What just happened?
Get out.
Get out of the truck.
What's going on?
I told you to check on the truck
since we can't afford
to break down in the countryside.
It was fine though.
Why you
Sang Gi, should we call
our insurance company?
And then what?
Are they across the street?
Who knows when they'll get here?
Did you dodge that? Why you
(Good harvest)
Is something the matter?
(Taxi Driver 2)
Let us begin.
The priority dispatch service
has been requested.
Did someone call
the Priority Dispatch Service?
Let the insurance company handle it!
Why is that?
How about a walk?
A whale was right in front of us.
I'm sure that he hid it
in a field somewhere.
Starting tomorrow,
we'll all tail him.
- Help me, will you?
- What now?
You're the only one
we can count on now.
I'm Eun Yi.
They chose to hurt
the most innocent people.
It's about time they get a taste
of their own twisted medicine.
Call Mr. Jang
and tell him to go on one last walk.
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