The A List (2018) s02e03 Episode Script

Two Birds, One Stone

[footsteps approaching]
I saw you on the CCTV.
It's rather late to be wandering around.
Then call security.
Tell them it's past my bedtime. [inhales]
Oh, no, wait!
We wouldn't want them
working out the truth.
We've discussed this. If people knew,
they wouldn't let me treat you.
They'd say I was too close.
Then I'd get another doctor. Big deal!
The tests all say I'm normal.
[whispering] It's not that simple.
- [inhales sharply]
- Have you been lying to me?
Is that why you want to be my doctor,
because I'm a freak like Amber?
Don't be ridiculous.
I've told you the tests so far have
Then let's stop this! I don't want you
to be Dr. Shaw, I want you to be my mom.
[theme song playing]
I don't trust my eyes anymore ♪
No one sees who I see ♪
Can it be true? ♪
It's not you ♪
Who are you? ♪
Who are you ♪
["Fake Your Death" by Katie Kim playing]
[Mia groans]
Morning. Decided to join us?
Hi, Mia.
- [walkie-talkie crackles]
- Harry, you there?
[Harry] Mia, finally!
You have to see this.
It's like a church or a temple.
Something old, anyway. Old and creepy.
We found this place that's not on the map.
According to this, we should be standing
in the sea right now.
And Jenna and Fitz
found this weird writing.
[sinister whispers echoing]
[both giggle]
- [crackling]
- Harry?
They're, uh, copying it down.
We came
to get everyone out of the Institute.
If we all set off now,
we should be there in a couple of hours.
According to Amber!
I wish we didn't have a plan
that involved following her directions.
Yeah, I'm not mad about it either.
Trust me.
- See you soon, yeah?
- Well?
- We're meeting Mia at the Institute.
- I told you, I'm not going back there.
- We need to get help from the mainland.
- We have to stick to the plan.
Why? Because Mia says so?
- Because it's the only way.
- [sighs]
So if you're not on board,
stay here with him.
- I'll go by myself.
- You've changed.
I preferred you as an abject coward.
You. Come on.
[sinister whispers echoing]
[ominous music plays]
[sinister whispers intensify]
Come on, then! It's your stupid plan.
You pack!
Oh! How are you feeling today?
Don't want people thinking you care.
Well, you look better.
Why don't you go
and spend some time with the others.
You might make friends.
So, what, conversation over?
That's not how this works.
You don't get to decide how it works.
You're the one that gave up
on independent thought
so you could hang out with Amber.
That's not fair.
You think this was easy for me?
You just went off with Brendan,
like I meant nothing to you.
Boo-hoo! I was being mind-controlled, Zac.
You chose to give up on me.
- No, that's not what happened.
- [sighs]
I know you're mad
that I let Amber turn me,
but I didn't give up on you.
I gave up on everything
because I wanted to be with you.
Because I love you.
That's gotta count for something.
The girl
that you gave everything up to be with
That wasn't me.
That was Amber's puppet, so, no,
you don't love me.
You're just scared to be alone.
- [sighs]
- [crying] And guess what?
Now you are.
- [pop song playing]
- Hold on ♪
Hold on ♪
I'm reaching out for you,
but there is nothing here ♪
[Kayleigh sniffling]
Are you okay?
- [object shatters]
- Oh, can you just not?
[indistinct male voice over loudspeaker]
- Hey.
- Hey, how's it going?
[loud clattering]
- [Midge] Breakfast always this dramatic?
- Uh, it varies.
I'll catch you later, okay?
- [door opens]
- [sighs]
[Jenna] Why do you care
what I think of him?
[Harry] Because it doesn't add up.
In what universe is he an eco-warrior?
He doesn't care about nature.
He's got no idea about the outdoors.
He litters.
I see.
- You're jealous.
- What?
Me and him. We have electricity.
- I don't want to know.
- You brought it up!
And I get it.
Even with the mind control,
I'm hard to get over.
It was just a kiss.
We've all done it.
You have done it, right?
That wasn't your first kiss?
Of course it wasn't.
Can we stop talking about this now?
Okay, sorry!
And anyway, why would he lie?
If he's not an eco-warrior,
then what is he doing here?
[Jenna] Fitz!
Over here!
- Just getting some fresh water.
- [Harry] Don't be long.
- We have to get to the others.
- Yep, coming!
[mutters] Can't wait.
[ethereal music playing]
Mia, I missed you.
Oh, I know.
- You shouldn't be here.
- Guess you want me here.
Do you miss me?
- [music stops]
- Snap out of it.
- Alex?
- Finally, yes. Get up.
[both grunt]
Try and kiss me, and I will punch you.
Your hair smells good.
Like banana.
[giggles] Ba-na-na.
I told you this island has secrets
you wouldn't believe.
You're lucky I'm here to guide you.
Yeah, you're doing us a favor.
I'm helping you, and you're helping me.
That's friendship, isn't it?
No, but I wouldn't expect you
to understand that.
- You're a psychopath.
- And you're the expert?
People change, Amber.
I've changed.
You'd understand that if you were
a real person, and not a lab accident.
- I am a real person.
- No.
You don't trust me,
but we're on the same side now.
We have the same goal.
I'm not your enemy.
Yes, you are!
You are 100% my enemy,
and I am yours.
You broke into my mind.
Do you have any idea what that feels like?
Better than anybody else.
Midge was in my mind, shaping
and controlling me into what she wanted.
- It was like an infection.
- You're blaming this on Midge?
Yeah, nice try.
Midge was just a normal girl
till you happened to her.
What you did, wasn't human.
And Midge coming over that clifftop
out of nowhere, that was human?
Everything that happened here
is because of you and Midge.
She hates you.
I should know, I felt it.
You're lying.
[scoffs] It's just another lie.
I'm not lying,
and when you remember, it's going to hurt.
[sinister gasp echoes]
We should be able to spot the Institute
from around this corner.
I personally cannot wait to be recaptured.
- [Harry] That's impossible.
- [Fitz] We can't be back here.
We've been walking for half a day.
You must've used the compass wrong.
- I know how to use a compass.
- So what, the island is wrong?
Yes! Have you not been listening to
anything I said?
[Jenna sighs]
What if this place wants
to keep us here?
I know it sounds strange, but what if
it brought us back here on purpose?
Look, just give me the compass.
- Why would you say that?
- [sighs]
This morning, I had this feeling
like the stones wanted me.
I can't really explain it.
- Can we just
- Shh!
You're pretty. He's smart.
If that's what Harry thinks,
we should all be careful.
[Petal over walkie-talkie]
Harry? Jenna? Are you there?
Petal [sighs]
bit of a problem.
It's going to be a while
till we get to the Institute.
Then I guess
we're gonna have to go with Plan B.
[Harry] Are you sure about this?
[Mia] The longer we wait, the more likely
they are to spot us with a drone.
You'll just have to give us directions
over the radio.
Okay, you need to start
on the north side.
Great. Which one's the north side?
Well, it faces north!
Iknew we should have given you
a compass as well.
[scoffs] Look up.
See the sun? That's southwest.
You want the other side of the building.
I'm pretty and smart.
It's best if you wait here.
Any closer and the CCTV might spot you.
Come on, then. Tell us what you want.
Once we're inside, we'll get it for you.
I haven't forgotten our deal.
We both know you're going
to double-cross me.
So how about a new deal?
You do whatever I say,
and I won't shatter Petal's mind
into a million little pieces.
- You're bluffing.
- Am I?
- [breathes shakily]
- [Amber] Let's see.
[whispering] No, please. No, please don't.
Mia! Mia! Mia!
You know, if I push a little harder,
and break her again, this time,
I don't think she'd ever come back.
No! Don't hurt her.
[breathing heavily]
There's an animosine barrier
around the Institute.
I can't get through it. Turns out
they really don't want me to visit.
I need you to go inside
the control room and switch it off.
[scoffs] What, so you can walk right in,
and turn them all?
[sighs] That wasn't our deal.
It is now.
Get me inside,
or say goodbye to Petal.
It's up to you.
- God, you're heavy. Stay here.
- [laughing]
Luka? What's happened?
Don't pretend you
and your boss didn't do this to him.
He's sick.
This wasn't us.
- Keep him here. I'll get help.
- [Luka laughing]
Ugh! What part of "stay here"
is too complicated?
There, by the restricted area.
- [Alex] There's no one there.
- Do you see 'em? There!
- [whispers] I'm in.
- [Harry] Are you two okay?
- It's just me, and yeah, I'm fine.
- What do you mean? Where's Petal?
It's complicated.
Okay, I've found the door. Which way now?
Try left.
Sorry, yes, definitely left.
Okay, there's a door
off the right-hand side of the corridor.
Could be what we need.
It's marked as "storage" on the blueprint.
[scoffs] You better have them
the right way around this time.
[Dr. Kelman] Animosine can cause
hallucinations and euphoria,
but Luka was never exposed.
He needs medical attention,
a mild sedative at least.
We have a duty of care.
We need to keep him under observation.
Hey. Mind if I join you?
[water splashes softly]
[Mia sighs]
It is you! [gasps]
[sighs] I found you!
Never doubted you.
Are you okay?
Am I okay?
She turned you.
I thought I'd lost you forever.
You idiot, why did you let her do that?
'Cause [sighs]
- I'm an idiot.
- [scoffs]
[chuckles] Mia, I've been thinking
about everything
that happened over and over.
I'm sorry.
I never meant to hurt you.
How did you get away?
It's a long story.
[inhales]I don't suppose
there's a key card lying around here?
[both chuckle]
Is there an override to open the doors?
[chuckles] Well, we wouldn't
want it to be too easy.
- [walkie-talkie crackles]
- [Amber] Mia? I'm waiting.
Was that Amber?
I'll get you out.
I'll find the control room,
and I'll come back for you.
I'm sorry.
I'll see you soon.
[door opens]
[door shuts]
I'm Sam. What's your name?
- Midge.
- Midge? Nice name.
- It's really not.
- [both chuckle]
How did you get in here?
Me and my dad fish
all around these islands.
We supply everyone around here, so
And the kitchens
just let you wander around?
Not like I'm causing any trouble.
And I wanted to meet you.
- Yeah
- [both chuckle]
I'm coming on too strong,
aren't I? Sorry.
I get it wrong sometimes, but not often.
- I'm not an idiot.
- [chuckles]
Not that I do this a lot.
I can tell you're a real smooth operator,
most of the time.
Yeah, exactly, cool and collected.
- I knew you'd get it.
- [both laugh]
So what do you think of this place?
Honestly, it seems pretty terrible.
- Company's not bad, though.
- [both chuckle]
- [walkie-talkie crackles]
- [Jenna] Mia! Three doors down, turn left.
[Dr. Shaw] What is she doing here?
She can't get in.
The barrier is always on.
She knows that.
[suspenseful music playing]
[muffled groaning]
[suspenseful music intensifying]
[alarm beeping]
I need to get to the control room.
[Jenna] Okay, the control room
should be just ahead.
Hey, yeah, I see it.
- [door opens]
- [breathing heavily]
[suspenseful music intensifies]
[music stops]
[both laugh]
- What are you doing here?
- What are you doing?
Getting you all out.
Okay! Right, we need a way into
the air vents, and a sealed room.
We're going to give them
a taste of their own medicine.
Knockout gas,
like they used on us on the cliffs.
There's something else.
Just stay calm, okay?
- [walkie-talkie crackles]
- Amber, I'm nearly ready.
- Let me speak to Petal.
- Petal? What?
Amber, I need to know she's okay.
[Petal] I'm okay
for now.
- [shouts] Go!
- [alarm blaring]
We have to let her in. She has Petal.
Alex, I'm not going
to let Amber hurt her, I promise.
- The gas.
- Yeah.
We get ready to release the gas.
Then we let Amber in. Two birds
- One stone.
- Yeah.
[gas hissing]
[gas hissing]
[both laughing]
Are you okay?
Um, I'll be back in a second.
[dramatic music playing]
- [music continues]
- [alarm blaring]
Oh no.
Oh yes.
Looks like that gas doesn't work
on either of us.
Finally, I'm going to end this.
[groans] He paces when he's nervous.
Do you read me?
[whispers] Wait.
[breathing heavily]
[Amber] You must have known
you wouldn't be able to hide from me.
[gasps] Please. Just go. Don't.
I have to.
Or I'll be chained to you forever.
I'm going to be free.
[dramatic music intensifying]
Something's wrong.
What are you doing?
[loud rumbling]
[shakily] What did I do?
What's happening to me?
[ethereal music playing]
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