The Ark (2023) s02e03 Episode Script


BRICE: Previously on "The Ark"
Why don't you tell me why
she has a bomb inside her?
Maddox wanted superior humans.
Augmenting humans with
nonorganic devices.
Kelly Fowler, I find you
guilty of murder as charged.
- Permission to board, Captain?
- Granted.
- Thank you for having us.
- Why would we give the 15ers
- full access to the ship?
- I agree with Brice.
Someone got into the drug cabinet
and stole most of the drugs again.
- You're done with the pills, doctor.
- What is the Juno Project?
It's a map of every crewmember's
perfect genetic match.
And the only ship in the galaxy
with spare parts just abandoned us.
- We left Ark 3 pretty intact.
- Activating FTL.
Are you not the least bit tempted
to look at your match
in the Juno Project?
- I'm really not.
- You see, I kinda want to see who I'm paired with.
- You're insane.
- I mean, what if by some fluke of science,
- they found my soulmate?
- Okay, what if it's Ensign Ashby,
- the tech who doesn't shower?
- Eh, good point.
Burn the tablet and throw
the ashes out the airlock.
Easy, easy, easy. All
right. Take your time.
- Take your time.
- Sorry, it just
- Hurts? Mm-hmm.
- Yeah.
- I tried to warn you.
- Are you going to make me say it?
Why I can't have pain killers?
You need to stay sharp
for when I become
overwhelmed and need help.
- Yes. Exactly.
- Yeah.
You you're a giant knot of tension.
- It's not helping you heal.
- Yeah.
- May I massage your shoulders?
- Excuse me?
Look, if you're not gonna
take any muscles relaxers,
that's the only thing I can do for you.
- Okay? All right.
- Yeah.
Don't touch me like that.
Hey. I'm just trying to help.
Well, don't.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry I upset you.
That was nice.
- Just nice?
- No.
No, it was nicer than nice.
- It was the nicest.
- Oh.
Um, well, you're gonna have
to work on your compliments
if you want me to keep
visiting on my breaks.
Oh? All right. Well, then
how is this for a compliment?
Ja sam glava sira.
What? Did I say it wrong?
Oh, no. Hang on, wait.
- Um
- Sorry.
Ja sam glava sira.
Slowing it down doesn't
make it any better.
Well, what I'm trying (CLEARS THROAT)
What I am trying to say is
I love you.
Just in Serbian because
I am so frickin' romantic.
- That was not "I love you."
- What do you mean?
Sasha's been teaching me how to say it.
Yeah, he taught you to
say, "I have a cheese head."
The little aww, that
You know, I know you depend
on Sasha for work and stuff,
but do you mind if I kill him?
Because he's been giving me lessons
Volim te.
I volamta you, too.
Volim te.
Volim te.
Sounds very beautiful when you say it.
It sounds very beautiful when you say,
"I have a cheese head."
Because I knew what
you were trying to say.
Mr. Strickland, Captain Garnet said
to get my security baton back from you.
- Why?
- She wants me guarding Trust.
- No.
- What do you mean, no?
- Are you issuing me my baton or not?
- Not.
- You still don't trust me.
- Not particularly, no.
Well, get over it. You need my help.
I've got things under control.
Were there any children on Ark 15?
- A few.
- How about a young girl, eight to nine?
None that old. Why?
My husband and I, we had a daughter,
but she wasn't with him on Ark 3.
Oh. I guess that's good, right?
It means she could still be alive.
Yeah, lucky she wasn't on
the ship your team blew up.
Man, I miss you.
I bet you'd be nagging
me right about now
to get some sleep before
I work myself to death.
That can't be right.
You be careful with Betty basil.
It's mint.
And you name the plants? Really?
No, but the guy who planted them does.
Well, this area is flooded.
If I don't replant it, Betty will die.
Well, hang on. Hang on.
Have you got the training to do that?
I was a supervisor in Ark 15's
horticulture and agriculture division.
- I think I can re-pot an herb.
- All right.
Well, I hope that Chief Angus likes it
because he'll have your
head if you hurt his plants.
- Chief Angus?
- Gotta be honest.
I can't really remember
plant boy's last name.
- And the field promotion?
- Eh, Just trying to keep the newbies in line,
especially when they have their
grubby little hands all over our food.
Yeah, well, it's their food too now.
Besides, nobody wins if
artichoke Eva doesn't grow.
I can see what you're doing.
I'm not gonna fall for it.
Besides, the only plant that should
ever bear the name Eva is a rose.
You know, I never thought
I'd see you love-struck.
Maybe. But what about you and Sharon?
- Sharon?
- Hmm.
You know, Garnet.
Tall, thin, curly hair.
- Our fearless leader?
- What about her?
I saw the way she hugged
you when she saw you again.
- You hugged me, too.
- I know, I know.
- But her hug lingered.
- Lingered? What does that
- Oh, come on.
Um, yeah, I think I just
stepped on Katie cauliflower.
Random areas all over
Ark 1 are losing power.
Luckily, only minor
systems have been affected.
Could it be connected to
the navigation modifications?
- It doesn't seem to be.
- But you're not sure?
We need to visually inspect
each deck's electric safety trip
to see where the fault is.
Get to it. Draft
whoever you need to help.
The remaining bridge crew have
been looking for a way to help,
seeing as we, you know,
don't have a bridge anymore.
Good idea. I wanna find
out what's causing this
before it affects something
critical, like life support.
- Or FTL.
- If the FTL gets below 22%,
then failsafes kick in
and we drop out of warp.
Yeah, then we'll be stranded
in the middle of nowhere.
- Captain.
- Strickland.
I understand you refused
to give Kimi her stun baton.
I'd prefer not to arm
anyone from Ark 15.
You're the one who decided
to reassign Griff to medical.
- Now you have no one helping you.
- I don't need the help.
Felix, in case you haven't noticed,
this ship is this
close to falling apart.
Crew all over this ship are
injured, they've lost friends,
they're running on days of no
sleep trying to save this ship.
Tempers are flaring. I
need you to keep things
from getting out of hand.
Which means I can't afford to
have you shadowing Trust everywhere
instead of patrolling the decks.
So please just give Kimi her damn baton.
- I don't think
- Now.
In the future, you have a
problem with me, you talk to me.
- Don't run crying to Garnet.
- I tried talking to you. You were an ass.
And I didn't go running to Garnet.
She asked why I wasn't
carrying my baton.
Well, I was under the impression
you didn't use one these on Ark 15.
- I thought you used guns.
- Most of time we used these.
Projectile weapons aren't exactly
the best thing to use
on a ship in space.
Which is why we don't
have them aboard this ship.
I thought all the Arks were
supplied with a cache of weapons
for use on the planet once we got there.
Well, ours were destroyed when
your ship blew up our sleeping pods.
- I had nothing to do with that.
- So you've said.
- So you want me shadowing Trust, right?
- Garnet wants you to.
Did you have any of these weird
electrical surges on Ark 15?
Not that I heard about, but
I didn't work in engineering.
Oh, yes, I forgot. You were
part of Evelyn's death squad.
- She's dangerous.
- She's supposed to be locked up.
- Yes.
- Stay with me.
Airlock will open in 20 seconds.
Kelly, what are you doing?
Don't try and stop me. I deserve to die.
No, you don't.
- I'm gonna enjoy this.
- Watching her die.
I'm just sorry her death
will be quick, unlike Helen's.
- Ten seconds.
- Kelly, don't do this!
- What are you doing?
Trying to stop her, but you
haven't granted me access yet.
- It won't take my codes.
- Move.
Five seconds.
cancelled. Re-pressurizing.
- No! What did you do?
you out of the system.
Why would you save her after
expending all that energy
getting her the death penalty?
Get him out of my face now.
TRUST: She killed my wife!
- Is it not working yet?
- Yeah, it will be in a minute.
Sit over there.
We'll have to find you
a cot and some furniture
since you'll be living in here a while.
I won't be living anywhere for long.
Why don't you give it some time
before you make that decision.
I don't understand.
Yesterday you wanted me
thrown out of that airlock.
Why did you let Kimi save me?
Because after a little thought,
I realized Garnet made the right choice.
I'm a parent. Sounds to
me like you never had one.
My dad was okay.
That story you told me about my daughter
being killed by a stray bullet
I made it up to get you
to space the weapons.
Do you know anything,
anything about her whereabouts?
Was she on Ark 3?
I was only there like a day,
but I didn't see any kids.
Didn't your crew move all
those bodies to the cold storage
- in the observation deck?
- Yes.
So wouldn't they have found her there?
- How's it going, Sasha?
- Seconds away.
- How did you do this?
- I didn't.
- Well, how did you get out?
- I don't know.
I was awoken by an explosion,
and the door was open.
Well, I have no idea what did this,
but I replaced it with a hardened unit,
so it should keep her locked up tight.
- Thanks.
- Yeah, thanks loads.
For what it's worth,
I hope you find her.
I'll get you that cot.
TRUST: You need my help out there.
KIMI: I'll come back for you if we do.
I might kill you tomorrow.
Not of I beat you to it.
This isn't exactly my area of expertise.
Look, all you need to do is
keep an eye on the power levels.
Easy. They're at zero.
That doesn't make sense.
None of the safeties on
your deck are tripped.
So there should be power here?
It looks like she was electrocuted.
- Very nearly killed her.
- Impossible.
Wasn't she working
that panel over there?
Yes, but there was no
power to that panel.
Then how could she
have been electrocuted?
Let's go.
- Is she going to be all right?
- Yes.
We just need to get her hydrated
and keep an eye on her heartrate.
I've handled dozens of
electrocutions worse than this.
Dozens? How long have you been a doctor?
- 14 years.
- You look younger than that.
- Thank you.
- Where'd you study?
- Maddox Foundation Med School.
- Maddox ran a med school?
- Her foundation did.
- That's interesting.
Lieutenant Lane was put through
school by Mr. Trust's foundation.
Yeah. Soon as she found
out that Trust started one,
she had to build a bigger,
better, and more prestigious one.
How did you end up on Ark 15?
Well, after school I went on
to practice for a few years.
I returned to teach at the foundation.
Met Evelyn, became her physician.
When she went on Ark 15, I went with.
Lieutenant Lane became
blindly loyal to Trust
because his foundation paid
his way through the academy.
Well, from what I heard,
you were blindly loyal to him, too.
Isn't that why you've
been reassigned here?
I messed up. I had such
admiration for Mr. Trust.
I kind of go in for older men.
The lights are on here,
but there's no power one corridor over.
Maybe the ESTs themselves are faulty?
EVA: Could be. Check EST 23.
Good idea. On my way.
What the
The electricity came at me,
so I grabbed a grounding strip.
And then it turned around
and came at me again.
If it wasn't for the grounding
strip, I would've been electrocuted.
- Just like Naomi.
- Do all the panels have grounding strips?
- Yes.
- Okay, we need to get the word out
for people to grab them if they
encounter this electrical surge.
Did anyone hear what I just said?
The electricity turned around.
- Twice!
- Electricity can't turn around.
It follows a path of least
resistance to complete a circuit.
I'm telling you it turned
around and came back at me.
So, wait, are you saying the electricity
- intentionally attacked you?
- Yes!
Or I was in its way and
it was attacking the panel.
I know that I'm the least science-y
person here and everything,
but it does sound a lot like you're
saying the electricity is alive.
- Electricity can't be alive.
- Then how would you explain it?
Alicia, could it be that you
had a traumatic experience
- and imagined it?
- I didn't imagine it.
Or maybe the electricity just
did a number on your brain?
- I know what I saw!
- Well, I think you should go see Dr. Marsh.
- I don't need to see Dr. Marsh.
- Humor me?
In the meantime, Eva and Mr. Trust,
keep working on the electrical system.
See if you can figure it out.
Captain Garnet wants me to see you.
- Uh-huh. For?
- Good question.
I saw electricity act like it was
alive and then it tried to attack me.
Sharon thinks I
hallucinated or something,
but I know I didn't
because it turned around
and tried again twice and
I do sound a bit crazy, huh?
Traumatized maybe.
Why don't you have a seat next
to your boyfriend over there?
Angus isn't my boyfriend.
I mean, not officially.
I mean, I don't know what he is.
I really don't care. Go pay him a visit.
I'll be there in a minute.
- Hey.
- Hey. How are you feeling?
I'm okay, but it sounds
like you've had a rough day.
You look like you're burning up.
I'm fine. I'm okay. It's
just part of the healing.
But I'm bored out of my mind.
Can I help you figure out your problem?
You'll just think I imagined
it like everyone else.
Try me.
Okay. I was at an electrical panel,
and I saw this, like, tentacle
or a lightning bolt of electricity
and it tried to attack me.
Oh, my God. Are you all right?
I was holding on to a grounding
bar so it couldn't hurt me,
but then it turned around
and tried again twice.
- Turned around?
- Yeah.
- Like it was acting with intent?
- Yes!
All right, let's have a look at you.
Have a seat.
All right, go ahead.
Take those off for me.
All right, good.
Okay. Mm.
Now follow my finger.
Right, where did you say
the electricity entered your body?
First through my stomach
and then through my back.
May I have a look? Mm.
Well, that part of your
story certainly happened.
Electricity can scramble the brain.
Hang around here a while.
You need some downtime.
- I have to work on the
- Doctor's orders.
Here we go.
Personally, I kind of
like those doctor's orders.
I could use the company.
I wouldn't need orders
to stay here with you.
It's just that I have so much work to do
to try to protect this ship
from this electricity
- Monster? Yeah.
- Anomaly.
So do you think I imagined
it like everyone else thinks?
I mean, the part about
it acting with intent.
Electricity can't be alive. Can it?
- Well, I guess it depends on how you define alive.
- What do you mean?
Well, like, scientists spent 50 years
deciding AI had achieved
sentience, right?
But was it alive?
Do you even need sentience to be alive?
No, I guess it could just be sapient,
like a plant turning toward the sun
or a Venus flytrap closing
when it detects food.
So it could instinctively
be going toward food sources.
Does that mean it attacked
you because you were food?
No, not me.
Sorry, Angus. I have to go.
Thanks for helping me work through this.
Captain Garnet!
Didn't I send you to med bay?
The ship's electricity is its food!
Electricity does not need food.
Yes, it does, sort of.
It needs a fuel source.
So you're saying it's
eating the ship's energy?
It's not eating
anything. It's not alive.
Mr. Trust, just think about it a minute.
Our understanding of space and time
- is different in warp space, right?
- Yes.
So why not our understanding
of electricity or even life?
It would explain why
our power is draining.
I don't know. It seems a
little too far-fetched to me.
- It's a lot far-fetched.
- Okay, hypothetically, let's say it's true.
- How do we stop it?
- I have no idea.
- GARNET: Mr. Trust?
- Don't look at me.
I don't even buy into the whole thing.
We're getting reports of
electrical surges on foredeck 11.
People are seeing electricity
jump through the air.
- Eva, Alicia, you're with me.
- Hold this.
Okay, I admit, it does kind
of look like it's alive.
Kind of beautiful, right?
Deadly, but still beautiful.
If we short circuit the
power in that section,
it will have nothing to feed on.
That can make it dissipate.
We'll have to shut off all
systems in the corridor,
- including life support.
- Here you are.
Safeties will seal the bulkhead. Here.
Cut it.
Go on.
What are you waiting for?
If it is alive, this could kill it.
Do we have the right to do that?
Alive or not, if we don't
kill it, it will kill us.
How do we know if it worked?
Get back! Get back!
So are we happy or are we upset?
It could've come for us. Instead,
it went for a power source.
- So?
- So that means we can corral it.
so instead of attacking
us, it followed the electricity.
- And?
- If electricity is its food, we can use it as bait.
- Lead it where we want it.
- Which is where, exactly?
Eva, do we carry a
Faraday box on the ship?
If we do, it was in storage
dome 2 with the spare parts.
- Gone now.
- Eh, that's all right.
It's easy enough to build one.
We'll retrofit a small anvil case.
I'm gonna need copper
leads and some wire mesh.
We can cannibalize it
from wall shielding.
We should use the globe from
the Vandergraff Generator
- in Engineering as the final lure.
- That's brilliant, Ms. Nevins.
GARNET: How long is
all this going to take?
That thing is sapping a lot of power.
- Maybe an hour?
- Less.
And this Faraday box,
it's gonna kill this thing?
- No, it'll contain it.
- Like a trap.
- But we have to lead it there first.
- How?
That's the part you're not gonna like.
It follows the food, which right
now is accessible all over the ship.
So we have to shut down
the power to the whole ship
except for Engineering
and it'll go there.
Wait a minute. Shutting
down power to the ship
means shutting down life support.
- For everyone.
- Told you you weren't gonna like that part.
Let's go.
- Angus, where are you going?
- The bio dome's a mess.
I have to get it back working
or we're all gonna starve.
Everything in the bio
dome is under control.
Come on. Lie back down.
No, I was in there! It was a mess!
Angus, look at me. You
must have dreamed it.
Everything in the dome
is fine. I've been there.
There are horticulturists
from Ark 15 who are
Ark 15? How do you know
they aren't poisoning us?
Angus. Angus. Hey, come.
- Hmm?
- Come here, have a seat.
Let me just check
something. Okay? All right.
Yeah, he's spiking a high fever.
Must be a new infection.
I'll go get some Teldynsene.
- Okay. Okay.
- What?
- Griff?
- Yes, it's me.
Oh, that must be the electric
monster Alicia was talking about.
There's no monster, Angus.
- Dr. Marsh!
- Whoa!
Is everyone all right?
- Angus?
- You okay?
You are so pretty.
(SIGHS) Thank you.
- Let's get you up.
- Okay. (GRUNTS)
You're, like, one of the
prettiest girls I've ever seen.
- You know?
- That's very nice of you to say.
Not true. But nice.
No, listen, Jelena,
I don't want you to get
your hopes up though, okay?
- 'Cause I have a girlfriend.
- Good to know.
Thanks for letting me down gently.
Now go back to sleep.
See what's going on
there. All right? Go.
- I've been looking for you.
- What's this?
I still need you to grant me
access to the ship's systems.
You're doing fine without them.
- Kelly almost died because
- But she did not, all right?
You have to earn your privileges.
What's it gonna take
for you to trust me?
I don't know. It may never happen.
Whoa, whoa, whoa! Get down!
Are you okay? I'll
escort you to med bay.
I'll be fine.
You should watch your back.
I may not be here to save you next time.
GARNET: This is Garnet to all decks.
Prepare for an immediate
system shut down.
This includes life support.
I repeat, life support will shut down.
All personnel, suit up.
Once your suits are
secured, shelter in place.
All decks are reporting
that they're secure.
GARNET: Is it safe to place
that so close to the FTL?
We're using it to power
the trap. The FTL is bait.
- Ready on our end.
- Helmets on, everyone.
Whenever you're ready, Eva.
Initiating shutdown now.
Come on, little guy. You can do it.
Seriously, Nevins?
- We got it.
- Yes!
- All right.
Garnet to all hands, we're safe.
You may remove your suits.
Get back! It's gonna get out!
Give it here.
Get out of the way! Run, run, run!
Run, run! Go, go!
Get out of the way! Move, move!
- It's gone?
- Did you expect anything less?
- Uh
I guess we'll just, uh,
- see you back in Engineering.
- Yep.
We, uh we need to drop out of FTL,
and we might need your
help for that, Eva.
- Okay.
- I have to go now.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Come on, please.
- Just a bit longer.
- You know what?
- What? Mm?
- As soon as we get out of FTL safely,
you and me, in a crew
bunk, curtains closed.
- Clothing off?
- Oh, absolutely.
- Yes, ma'am.
- Mmm.
It seems like they fixed the problem.
Yeah. How are you feeling?
Feel like you can walk?
It's about time you
got back on your feet.
- You think I'm ready for that, doctor?
- What do you think, doctor?
Well, I thought I was ready two
days ago. Let's give it a try.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Slowly.
Yeah, sorry.
Is this, uh this okay?
- Yeah, yeah.
- Yeah?
Sorry I reacted like that.
It's just when you tried
to rub my shoulders,
it triggered something in
me. Nothing to do with you.
Not a problem. You were
in pretty bad shape.
How are your legs? You feel steady?
- Uh, kinda. Sorta.
- Hey, can I walk with you guys?
I can only help one
at a time. You're next.
I'll help you.
Hey, Griff, was I, like,
inappropriate with you last night?
- No, not at all.
- Okay, good.
I must've dreamt it.
Not like, you know, that kind of dream.
Don't worry about it, Angus.
Right, okay. Sorry.
Listen, I don't need any help.
At least take this.
Angus! I can't believe
how fast you've recovered.
You spiked a massive fever last night.
Yeah, you had infections
in two of your injuries,
- which were extensive injuries.
- I feel fine.
- A little sore, but fine.
- Well, good.
Because last night you
looked almost as bad
as when I transfused
Kelly's blood into you.
About that, look, am I going to turn
into some kind of
Frankenstein monster like Kelly
- because of her blood?
- No.
No, Kelly has nanites in her blood
to make repairs to her injuries.
They must have cleaned
up your infections.
My antibiotics wouldn't
have done it so fast.
When can I get me some of
that sweet, sweet Kelly blood?
Well, you'd have to ask Kelly.
I was kidding. And we
should turn around here.
I'm starting to feel like
I walked up a mountain.
- Okay.
- Thanks.
So will I always be able to
heal super-fast like this?
To be honest, I'm not sure.
Kelly's nanites were
designed to be in Kelly.
They have never been
inside anybody else.
Hey, could the blood be why
I don't need glasses anymore?
Quite possibly.
- How's your side?
- Yeah, I got lucky.
Marsh says it's not
even a first-degree burn.
Anything else I can help you with?
It's possible I have misjudged you.
You think?
Look, I don't need to be your friend,
but I do need you to
accept me as your colleague.
- That's fair.
- Now, I know I was naive
to assume everyone would just
forget I served under Maddox
and immediately give me
the benefit of the doubt.
But you? You take it to a new level.
Well, some people simply
need a little time.
How much time do you need?
Ship's access. Thank you.
I'll leave you to it.
No, no. Come on. Sit
down. Eat your food.
- You sure?
- Yeah. I mean, nobody else will eat with me but 15ers.
I think it's time to break that trend.
You know, maybe I can be the
popular girl in the cafeteria.
- Lati.
I was finally catching some
shut-eye. Can this wait?
Just tell me, did you find out anything?
- About their Lieutenant?
- Yeah.
Not yet. Give me time to
get to know some people,
do a little digging.
Have some patience, Kimi. We'll get him.
Yeah, you're right. Go back to sleep.
- We ready?
- Almost.
- How we looking?
- Ah, good timing.
We're just about to drop out of warp.
Because we're doing it
manually, we have to be precise.
Well, I'll watch for
visual confirmation.
- Here we go.
- Dropping out of warp in three, two
Well, we're out of FTL,
but I don't see Ark 3 or stars.
I mean, I don't know.
We must've damaged our cameras
when we came out of warp.
I don't think so, mate. I mean
couldn't have wished
for a smoother transition.
- LANE: Where'd he go?
- What the hell?
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