The Baxters (2024) s02e03 Episode Script

Erin's Birthday

[Elizabeth] There's been
an accident, sweetheart.
It's Landon.
He may not make it.
I love it! Thank you.
Sam isn't sure we should
commit to owning yet,
since something might come
up for him somewhere else.
That makes sense, right?
To him. But my job
and my life are here.
I got a call from the Giants.
And they wanna offer me
a coaching job.
I just wanted to come
and see you.
Say goodbye before
I go to New York.
You're chasing your dreams.
I'm so proud of you.
Ashley, I know you care
about Landon a lot,
and you need to tell him that.
I love you, Landon.
I've always loved you.
[theme song playing]
'Cause life has a way
Of pulling us under ♪
But we'll stick it out ♪
If we got each other ♪
When it all feels too much ♪
I know you'll come running
For me ♪
Through the highs and lows
We'll find our way home ♪
Family ♪
Oh, oh, oh ♪
Family ♪
[continues murmuring]
I can leave
if you need a minute.
[respirator beeping]
They said I could see you.
You had us all worried.
They said it would take
a little bit to get
your strength back.
What is it
Are you thirsty?
[softly] I heard what you said.
I heard what you said.
What I said?
You mean when you were
in the coma?
I feel the same way.
II'm not sure.
I'm, I'm gonna get a nurse.
About that
Ashley, please.
And, actually I should run
after that.
Cole, he's waiting
for me at home.
[softly] Ash
-I'm really glad you're up.
I'll see you soon.
Is this the streamer
you made for Erin's
Sweet Sixteen?
Good eye. I figured
I'd use it again.
-And some things
never change.
Sweet Sixteen Erin didn't
want a party back then,
and she was singing
the same tune last week.
Wait, Erin didn't want
this party?
Mmm-hmm. For some reason,
she wanted me to cancel.
What reason?
I don't know.
But she made me promise
not to ask her if she would
give me another day
to reconsider.
-So she changed her mind?
Go Mom. [chuckles]
Show also told me
that she and Sam have
an announcement to make.
I still have Jessie's
"It's a girl streamer"
but if it's a boy
Don't start. [chuckles]
Okay, baby, Mommy needs you
to help me pick out
something to wear
for Aunt Erin's
birthday party, okay?
I'm gonna be right back.
Don't move.
[sighs] No?
Okay, listen, kid,
this is it.
Yes, Mommy!
Yeah? All right.
Thanks, bud.
Okay. We're gonna be so late.
Is that my buddy?
-Come here! Hi!
-[both laughing]
Oh, no!
Oh, having a laughing fit!
Oh, no!
-Some help! Somebody help!
-[Cole laughing]
-[Brooke] Hi.
Guess what? Maddie is outback
with Grandma. Wy don't you
go find her?
No Haley today?
She woke up feeling yucky,
so Peter's at home with her,
-getting the full
pamper treatment.
Wow! Nice dress, Ash.
Thanks. Cole picked it out.
You just come from
the hospital?
I was there yesterday.
You know, studies suggest
that patients heal faster
when the frequency of visits
I know. It's been really hard
juggling a full time job
and all of that stuff.
His family finds time.
Why can't you?
I'm sorry. I wanna be there.
I really do, but
It's, it's just,
it's awkward.
Because he's awake?
Because I said, "I love you."
And he heard it.
And that's a problem because
-Because I didn't mean it.
Then why did you say it?
I don't know.
I don't know. I really don't
I don't know.
Okay, what would you do?
And before you answer,
please do not say,
"Be honest with him,"
because that's what
got me in this mess
in the first place.
I was going to say,
"You need to be honest
with yourself."
-Hey, Ash.
[door opens]
-[both chuckle]
-[both] Hey!
-It's gonna be fun.
-[Luke] Yes.
-Wow! My son, the gentleman!
-[Reagan chuckles]
I wonder where he gets
his manners.
I was literally just telling
Luke the other day
that he's a carbon copy of you.
Then I said,
the sequel usually
isn't as good.
But not in this case.
Thank you so much
for including me.
[both] Don't mention it.
-There you go.
-[both chuckle]
I'm gonna round up
the rest of the tennis rackets.
Why don't you
help Reagan feel at home?
[Reagan] Thank you.
-Oh, no, it's for
my nieces and nephews.
[chuckles] What?
No birthday girl?
-Erin is on her way.
[Elizabeth] Girls, can I get
your help moving
the appetizers outside?
You're off the hook, for now.
Oh, Ashley, I was actually
wondering if I could ask you
a few questions about
Paris maybe later,
if that's okay?
Luke said that you lived
there for a while.
And I have a friend that's
visiting and I would love
to get some tips.
Uh, we don't talk
about Paris.
Oh. Okay, I'm sorry,
I didn't know
No. No, it's fine.
Luke is just being dramatic.
You can ask me
anything about Paris.
Thanks. That'd be great.
What was that?
It's a long story.
Like all Ashley's stories.
-[all] Oh, Happy Birthday!
Thank you, guys.
I can't wait for you
to make your own house soon.
-[Sam] Hey, good to see you.
-[Elizabeth] Hey, you two.
[Sam] Good, good.
Happy Birthday, Erin.
That means you're allowed
to smile.
Oh, my birthday streamer!
This was hanging
at my sixteenth birthday party.
The one where she tried
to kiss Kevin Boyd.
[chuckles] And failed.
Okay, why do we only
remember the embarrassing
Because we're your sisters.
Sometimes you three make
me glad I'm an only child.
[all laughing]
Who wants to take a turn
chasing balls around
the tennis court?
Aren't you supposed
to be chasing children?
Oh, were there children there?
Hey, Maddie, Cole, chase!
Take it easy, Dad.
There's only two doctors
in this household
-and you're one of them.
[cell phone rings]
Kari girl, how are you?
I'm great. How are you?
It's so good
to hear your voice.
Yeah, you too. Thirty first
and Lex, please.
-So is now a good time?
-I could write a book
on the timing of Ryan Taylor.
[laughs] I was trying to be
polite, okay. I'm a gentleman.
So, how's Jessie?
-Is she in college yet?
She is growing up so fast.
Um, how's her mom?
I'm getting back on my feet.
How are you?
How's the big city?
It's nothing like home.
Tell you, I felt like such
a country boy the first
couple of weeks here.
But I'm starting to figure
it out.
I'm actually heading to
a great little rundown
diner right now.
[soft chuckle] All you need
in life.
It is when it reminds me
of that place we used to go
to in high school.
The one with
the cool twinkle lights?
-What was it called?
That's right. I haven't thought
of that place in years.
Lotta good times
at that diner.
[chuckles softly] I remember.
So uh, have you made
any friends? Anyone outside
of work?
Not really.
I mean, I spend most
of my time at the field,
or stuck in this traffic.
Plus, well, it's kind if hard
to think of this place
as somewhere where I'll be
for a long time, you know?
Yeah. I'm here.
Yeah. Well, uh, I should
probably let you go.
Wish Erin
a happy birthday for me.
[Kari] I will.
-Talk again soon?
-Without a doubt.
Dinner's ready. Coming down?
Let me guess.
A Ryan Taylor call?
Honey, it's natural
to have mixed emotions.
He's been a huge part
of your life for a really
long time.
But I'm still mourning Tim.
Well, then maybe Ryan being
in New York right now
is a good thing.
It doesn't feel
like a good thing.
That's a clue.
Am I complicating everything?
Should I just close
this door right now?
Right now, I think you need
to focus on two simple things.
Having patience
and having faith.
Come down
when you're ready, okay?
[John] Okay, what do you say
we give thanks?
Father, we thank You
for bringing us together
as a family.
And we thank You for
this amazing food before us.
Blessed to our bodies, Lord.
And we thank You for the gifts
You've given to those around
this table.
Steer our hearts
to Your purpose for our lives.
[all] Amen.
Okay, let's eat.
-[cutlery clinking]
And let's thank Erin
for her favorite meal being
Mom's spaghetti and meatballs.
I made it with extra parmesan
cheese just like she likes it.
Pays to be
the baby girl in the family.
-[Erin chuckles]
-Excuse me,
you get your favorite pancakes
on your birthday, too.
Does your family have
any weird birthday
traditions too?
No. And I am super jealous.
[all laugh]
You better start brainstorming
your favorite food.
[soft chuckles]
Happy Birthday to you ♪
Happy Birthday to you ♪
Happy Birthday Dear Erin ♪
Happy Birthday to you ♪
[all cheering]
[all talking at once]
[John laughs]
Aah, there you go.
-Oh, my God!
-[John] Enjoy it!
Okay, guys, be careful.
[soft chuckle] I hope you get
everything you pray for.
It's gonna be Erin's year.
Honey, do you wanna
[Erin] Sam and I have
some news to share.
At first, I didn't want
to make this announcement
but since we're all together.
-[laughs] Honey, do you want
me to tell them?
Sam and I are moving to Texas.
Well, why Texas?
Uh, I got a job offer
in Dallas.
Uh, it's a higher title,
bigger pay.
The benefits are terrific.
And it's everything I've
been working towards. What
we've been working towards.
And uh, we'll finally
be able to buy the house
we've always wanted.
Maybe a vacation or two.
It's a big change
but really exciting.
[Sam chuckles]
That's wonderful news.
[Sam] Thank you.
-[Sam] Thank you.
-[Kari] That's really great.
Texas isn't so far away.
It's 869 miles.
-Give or take.
-[Sam chuckles]
I know that a move
for us is a move
for all of you.
So, I have no doubts
that you'll set up a standing
Baxter group phone call
to keep Erin up to date
on everything.
[Elizabeth] That's right.
Of course we will.
Consider it done.
Yeah, I'm sure you two have
a very bright future ahead.
But we're gonna
miss you.
Uh, well Phew.
Okay, who wants cake?
I do.
[Elizabeth] Me too.
All right. [chuckles]
Is it just me or are Erin
and Sam on different pages
about this?
Different planets.
[sighs] Well. [clears throat]
Now that she's leaving,
maybe we'll have to get Luke
to help us do the drying.
I mean, I think he might
be better at it.
That's not helpful.
Well, it really is helpful
cause he's faster.
-What? She's done like
one fork in the last hour.
-[bowl clatters]
-I'm kidding.
You did two forks.
Where did that come from?
I don't know.
But God always has a plan.
Really? Because Erin's plan
didn't really seem
to line up with Texas.
Kari saw the same thing
I did and she's not
even saying anything.
His plans don't always
makes sense till He wants
them to.
To test us. Of course.
Take tonight, for example,
no one even committed
till the last minute,
and yet,
everything came together.
Everyone was here.
[plastic bag rustles]
There's tons of cake
in the kitchen, by the way.
So, be sure to take
some home, okay?
Or to a friend.
[Erin] YouOh, gosh
-[Kari] Do you need any help?
-[Sam] No, I
-[chuckles] Let me get
the door for you.
-I'm all set.
-[Kari laughs]
-[Sam] Thank you.
You'd never guess someone
could rain down their own
birthday parade, huh?
You didn't rain on anything.
It just caught
the family off guard.
Well, what about you?
What about me?
You seem let down.
Were you expecting
different news?
I wasn't expecting anything.
If Texas is where God
needs you to be,
then that's where you'll be.
But is it where you wanna be?
It's a great opportunity
for Sam.
Of course.
Erin, if you ever need to talk,
or if you just need someone
to listen
You're here for me. I know.
Both ears. All my heart.
[inhales deeply]
Thanks, Kari.
Happy Birthday.
See you.
Get home safe.
[door shuts]
[Brooke] Come here, baby.
-Good night, hon.
-Good night, Daddy.
Good night, guys.
-[Elizabeth] Good night, honey.
Hey. I, uh, I brought you
some cake from Erin's birthday.
Are you allowed to eat?
I can, but
I have Jell-O.
[sighs softly]
You look better
than you did yesterday.
Can I sit?
I'm sorry for rushing out.
No, I get it.
About what I said
when you were in the coma.
I did mean every word.
Just not in the way you think.
I love you. I do.
But I'm not in love with you.
I don't want to lose
you as a friend.
Landon, please say something.
Thanks for being honest.
As far as losing me,
I've moving to California, Ash.
I talked to God this morning,
and I saw my path,
and everything makes
sense to me now.
How does that make
sense to you?
Well, I have a friend
that lives in LA,
and he's been helping out
with the wild fires,
and told me I could stay
with him until I get
my bearings.
And you made
this decision today?
A day after
coming out of a coma.
Landon, you're not
thinking clearly.
Yes, I am.
So, what? We just reconnected
and now you're off?
I can't be friends
with you, Ash.
I have feelings for you.
And after what you said
the other night, I thought
you had feelings for me too.
But if you don't,
then that changes
things between us.
So you're moving
to California to punish me?
Punish you?
I don't think that way, Ash.
I don't say one thing
and mean another.
I'm sorry.
I think you should leave now.
[indistinct announcements
over PA]
[Elizabeth] Next time
on The Baxters
Hi, Tim. I came
to say goodbye.
[Kari] Thank you.
How do you feel
about us moving?
I'm sad, of course.
I'm gonna miss you.
How are you feeling?
So, that assignment,
I'm thinking it'll be
marginally less painful
if we work together.
Please don't
make me suffer alone.
[crying] No!
[Ashley] Is talking to
the patients like that
and restraining them
when they get upset
really the best way?
You're not gonna win this one.
Get on board or get a new job.
[theme music playing]
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