The Boarding School: Las Cumbres (2021) s02e03 Episode Script

Season 2, Episode 3

Do you want to marry me?
Every day.
I need you to take me
to where you found this photo.
No, Inés.
No way in hell am I going back there.
This place creeps me out.
How long has it been abandoned?
The photos are in here.
I have a bad feeling about this.
What are you looking for?
I don't know. It's all so confusing.
Come on, let's go already.
- What's up here?
- For fuck's sake, Inés.
OK, that's it. I'm out of here
Did you notice that
there weren't any problems?
- Yes, that's right.
- Yes
What's Dario doing here? And Fran too?
What are they saying?
"Yes Yes, we have to bring
more RhD Positive to Room 3.
I left the Corax reports on the table."
Son of a bitch.
Of course.
- That makes sense.
- What's that about Corax?
They're leaving.
Help Help me
Run! Run!
I deserved the punishment that I received.
I promise not to break the rules again.
We are grateful to this institution
for correcting us and showing us the way.
Eric, are you OK?
Yeah, yeah
I enjoyed my moment of glory,
just like you lot did.
Dude, we heard the Nazi last night.
Where did he take you?
Oh, it's nothing. He took me
He hosed me down because
I said he smelled like shit.
Fuck him, right?
He hosed you down?
Guys, listen. I need your help.
- I found something big with Inés.
- With Inés?
I don't follow.
You shouldn't trust her.
If it wasn't important, I wouldn't ask.
Keep pace!
Eric! Need some cold water to wake you up?
Let's go!
This is Las Cumbres!
Let's go!
Julio, are you OK?
Julio, what's the matter?
- I can't move my ankle.
- Get Fran to look at it.
You lot, repeat the circuit! Let's go!
- Hey.
- What's wrong?
My ankle really hurts.
OK, come in.
Fran! A student passed out in PE.
Looks like he can't breathe.
I'll be right back.
"Corax Laboratories".
Look for Corax, all right?
Damn, this is from when
you caught chicken pox last year.
That was crazy, wasn't it?
Get a load of this!
Epileptic fits
caused by substance abuse
Dude, help us! We don't have much time.
Chill out.
There might be Corax stuff here.
All right, Julio. Let me look instead.
It has to be here somewhere
Don't look, get moving!
He's fine.
Thank you, Fran.
I'm still dizzy.
Your blood pressure
must've dropped, Paul.
Relax for a while, you'll be fine.
All right?
He said there's nothing wrong. Get up.
Shit, he's coming!
How are you feeling? Better?
- It hurts. Is it broken?
- Broken?
No swelling Nothing.
Just put some ice on it.
Go easy on it and you'll be fine.
You two, go back to class, please.
And you can get changed.
OK, but if it still hurts,
should I come back?
We inform PE students that
there is a fault with the running water.
Personal washing is postponed
until further notice.
What are you up to?
What's wrong?
I need Fran to give me
a few painkillers or something.
Tell him you have a toothache.
He won't believe me.
Listen, I'm taking these books
to the library to study, you coming?
Adèle, please. Seriously, I feel awful.
No, Eva. Not this time.
I need something to freeze my brain.
I have these books for Celia.
They belonged to Alba.
My poor little girl
She was so beautiful.
And she spoke French so well,
didn't she, Adèle?
You have to be so careful out there.
Why's that?
There are bad people in these mountains.
- Very bad people.
- That's true, Mrs. Virginia.
Would you like some biscuits?
- May I use the bathroom?
- Go right ahead, Adèle.
Thank you.
Oh, hello, Adèle.
- Hello.
- We have visitors.
It's so good to see you.
Thank you for coming.
My mother just loves having company.
Are you all right, Mum?
That's Adèle's mum.
Are you serious?
Adèle, why didn't you tell me sooner?
Your mother and I were very close friends.
I don't even remember when I saw her last.
How is she?
She's dead.
Shall we get going?
Another girl dead! I told you!
Mum, please calm down.
She wasn't a child.
- I told you!
- I'm so sorry.
I had no idea
- We need to get to class.
- But, how did she
I'm sorry.
I told you!
This beats cold water.
I'd rather go months without washing.
Because you're a pig!
So am I, to be fair.
We remind students that
due to a fault with the water tanks,
personal washing
is temporarily suspended.
You may use this time
to organise your belongings.
You have 15 minutes, starting now.
Here it is. I found it.
"Parabiosis is a technique
whereby the cardiovascular systems
of two persons are connected."
Is that what they're doing to people?
We're their guinea pigs.
Hang on, how do they take
our blood without us noticing?
- It makes no sense
- Look. Here's Eric.
Yolanda Pascual and four others.
"Experiment subjects".
Those sons of bitches!
So that's why Eric has been collapsing!
- But
- This can't be legal.
- No.
- This can't be legal!
Just cool it.
We have to tell Eric.
It's not just him or Manu. It's all of us.
And Patient Zero?
Who the fuck is it?
What's "Patient Zero"?
It's Inés.
- What?
- How can it be Inés?
How do you know?
When she asked me
to lipread the video,
it was labelled "Patient Zero".
So Dario is doing this for Inés?
I don't think it's just for her.
- Whatever.
- Give me a break!
Guys, this is it! We have this, OK?
This is what we need,
evidence against Fran and Dario.
It's all in here.
If we can get this to the Police
they'll go down for this
and the school will be shut down.
How do we do that?
We need a way to smuggle this out.
Good morning.
Who did this?
- Mara.
- Yes?
Are you all right?
The students are waiting for you.
Want me to ask Pelayo to cover for you?
Yes, please.
All right.
Young lady!
Conduct yourself with a little decorum.
I'm sorry, Mr. Pelayo.
I wish you could teach
more of our classes.
- What a creep.
- Adèle.
I'm sorry about this morning.
I honestly had no idea about your mother.
I'm very sorry.
When she left this school,
we weren't able to say goodbye, but
She gave me this doll.
She made it herself.
Take it.
Your mother was so special.
So clever, and so much fun.
I've never met anyone like her.
What are you laughing at?
What's up with you?
Can I have one?
Why don't we show it to him?
It's all so strange.
He's so alive.
What happened to your hand?
I've been having a tough time lately.
You should take some sedatives.
Oh, look how late it is.
I only say this because
I don't want to worry.
This early in the morning,
all the roads are frozen.
It's like an ice rink out there.
So be very careful
when you drive, okay?
I don't need sedatives.
What I could use
is a little tenderness on your part.
Do you know
Do you know how insulting this is to me?
Maybe if you had the decency
to call first?
At least to let me know you were coming.
Maybe you'd feel less insulted.
I don't deserve to be treated like this.
You've got no idea what I've done for you.
How far I've gone to protect you.
If you knew, you'd at least
give me a little respect!
What are you talking about?
Tell me.
Before you start
patting yourself on the back,
you'd do well to remember that
you're exactly where you wanted to be.
No more, no less.
Thanks to whom?
To me.
My love
We both know perfectly well that
you couldn't have got here alone.
So just remember this.
And try to treat me as I would treat you.
Treat you like shit?
Don't ask me for anything.
It's over.
This I don't know what this is.
But it's over.
Are you on duty?
All right.
Their pulses are fine.
They're getting better.
Thank you.
They just need to rest.
Just like you two, all right?
Come on, girls. Back to your dorms.
I thought after what happened with Eric,
you'd stop the maleic acid treatment.
Sorry, Elvira.
I've lost some important forms.
It's very strange.
Since when have these girls
had attention deficit disorder?
Look, Elvira, it's late.
I don't have time for explanations.
I can't accept that
our memories are disappearing.
If I forget and you forget
then what's left of us?
That's why I want a record
of how we got here.
Why we've always had
to hide our identities.
I want you to know.
We found out there was
something wrong in your brain.
Then suddenly, you disappeared.
I went crazy.
But what I do remember is
the date that everything changed.
Is this Mr. León?
Yes, that's me.
I'm calling from Pyrenees Electrics.
We haven't received
a signed reactivation contract from you.
That house has been empty for a while.
I don't want it reactivated.
You misunderstood me.
We've been providing service
for the past month
and there has been constant
consumption since then.
Are you not that consumer?
Anyone home?
Run, Inés. It's starting to rain!
My god, what a day
Darling, I'm having a shower
then I'll be right down.
Hey, hey Back off.
Who are you? Why are you in my house?
What's going on, Dad?
Nothing, darling.
This man isn't your father. Come with me.
Inés, it's all right.
Nothing that can't be resolved
like civilised people, right?
Your name isn't Inés.
This man isn't your father.
Come with me, please.
Look at me. Lower your weapon.
Will she be all right?
Well, this collapse has caused
a bit of a setback,
but nothing that can't be fixed
by resetting her brain.
- Will she be able to remember?
- No.
But she'll stop forgetting.
Parabiosis is very effective for this.
She'll be able to start from scratch.
You see, when we found her in Lisbon,
the poor thing, she was so defenceless.
Each new day for her was like her first.
She needed to draw, to express herself.
And that was a very helpful way
for us to rebuild her world.
All good?
Yes, perfect.
Once you finish whatever this is,
we're leaving.
Now is not the time.
Why keep pretending
you're her father?
There's no more safer bond or relationship
than that of father and daughter.
She won't be safe with anyone else but me.
You must appreciate
she needs very specific care.
Right now, you can't give her that.
All good?
We are now, yes. Everything's in order.
Who is she?
She is
She is a voluntary donor.
We have many of them here, fortunately.
We use their blood
and purify it with maleic acid.
She won't remember anything,
or feel anything at all, I promise.
You have to trust me, León. Honestly.
In fact, I have
I have something that might interest you.
Did you know that
I could get you a job at the school?
Do you have any talents?
I accepted.
Of course I accepted.
How could I not?
But I didn't realise
how hard it would be not to hold you.
Not to touch you.
Did you find them?
Dario and Fran's reports.
All right.
If I find anything, I'll let you know.
I don't get why we can't trust her.
Do you want a list?
For starters, she's Patient Zero.
Not her fault.
And what about her
having a Death rune tattoo?
- Paul, she doesn't remember anything.
- I don't care.
We can't risk it.
I need to see those Corax reports
to know what they're doing to me.
Well, you should hurry.
We're smuggling them out to the Police.
The plumber?
Good idea.
"Why did you throw me in the bin?"
"Don't you have any for me?"
Don't worry about it.
You're lovely.
I like you.
But I like your brother a little bit more.
Well, there's nothing you can do.
He's going out with Amaia.
"Then I'll have to kill her."
Oh no, it's broken!
"I've lost my head!"
What's this paper?
Let's see
"Celia, do you remember
what I told you about the Crow's Nest?
And you didn't believe me?"
The Crow's Nest?
"I saw the witch.
She gave me something
so you can see it's all true.
But since you're afraid,
I've put it in a time capsule
so that when we're older,
we can both open it together."
You're mum was something else.
But if you find this note
and you want to go there alone,
just look in the bell tower
in 3-1-15-19-11-6"
And these numbers?
Who cares, the bell tower isn't that big.
Let's go.
Wait, I'm a little dizzy.
Miss Adèle Uribe!
What are you doing out here?
- Come on, I'll serve, okay?
- He doesn't know how to spike.
- Come on!
- Pass it here!
No, not to you.
Put your back into it!
- Pass it!
- Dude, sort it out
If you're late again,
you'll run laps until I say so.
You hear me?
You're up, Eric.
What did the plumber say? Will he do it?
- Yeah, he'll do it.
- Really?
That's great.
Are you OK?
The plumber is a pervert.
He asked you to do something?
What do you think?
- Hit it harder.
- To me!
It's okay, we'll find another way.
What if there's no other way?
We have to stop all of this now.
- Paz, go get the reports.
- Err No.
Sir, I need to go to the toilet.
It's urgent.
Two minutes, Paz.
I'd rather burn the fucking reports.
It's my body.
That's exactly why.
Amaia, I don't want to leave here
and have that on my conscience.
- I don't give a shit about
- No.
Not like this.
When Corax Laboratories
offered me the grant
it felt like I had won the lottery.
I was so naïve.
They didn't just pick you
for what you know.
They're using me.
I was able to synthesize
a powerful neuroregenerator.
It's called maleic acid.
It's the best treatment
for students with ADD.
Okay, so why aren't you rich and famous?
Because they aren't using it for that.
They're giving it to students without ADD.
Without their consent, or their teachers'.
- And what are they using it for?
- I don't know.
But what I do know is,
if it isn't properly prescribed
it has serious side effects.
Temporary catatonic states.
Memory loss.
Fits of rage.
- The papers aren't there!
- What?
- What do you mean?
- Someone has taken them.
I don't have them.
- Did you say anything to Inés?
- Of course not.
Are you sure?
Paul Uribe.
Come to the headmistress' office.
Paul Uribe.
Come to the headmistress' office
- Shit
- Paul Uribe.
I am beyond sick of the pair of you.
All you do is cause me problems.
I'm going to speak with your uncle.
This situation is unacceptable.
Your sister is on drugs.
How can she be on drugs? She's 14.
It doesn't matter how old she is.
This isn't her first time.
Are you on drugs?
Are you? What did you take?
The question is,
when and how did she steal the pills?
She's refusing to answer me.
- Let's see if you have more luck.
- Adèle
Did you know that
you have a secret admirer?
Adèle, listen.
Tell me where you got the pills.
Why won't you leave me alone?
Very well. We're done.
- No, stop What are you doing?
- I'm taking her to the freezers.
The cold will do her good.
- It'll help her wake up.
- No, please!
- Mara
- Excuse me?
My sister isn't well. She needs a doctor.
She's being punished for stealing drugs!
- Let me talk to her.
- You'll have time to talk later.
Take her away.
- No, not the freezers!
- No, no! Adèle!
Paul! Paul!
- I have the results.
- How much time do I have?
I don't know. You know how it is.
You know what happened to her in Lisbon.
You said you could help us.
If I had all the volumes of Draco Musca,
I'd know for sure.
You have to keep looking, León.
I'm so overwhelmed.
Have you done any of the work?
- I'm a bit stiff.
- Yeah
So? What did Mara want?
We need to get out of here.
This shithole is destroying all of us.
My sister, Eric, you
They can't keep on winning.
All right.
My sister gave it to me.
I don't know where she found it.
It's from my mum.
Where did you hide the Corax reports, Paz?
I don't have them.
- Bitch.
- Slut.
We'll get them out some other way.
All right?
I want to apologise.
You were right.
You and I knew each other before.
I have my reasons for not telling you.
But it's got nothing to do with age.
What you and I had was real.
It was so strong.
I just wanted you to know.
Are you OK?
- OK, what now?
- This
These numbers What do they mean?
It's a code my mum invented.
Some stupid game.
Each number represents
a letter of the alphabet.
Do you miss her?
This says we need to look
under the bell mechanism.
This way.
This has been here for over 30 years.
"How to Become
a Witch of the Crow's Nest"?
"When I grow up,
I'm going to be a scientist.
I'll join the Crow's Nest Lodge
and I'll learn how to freeze time."
Your mum is a scientist?
Something like that.
"The Woman in the Woods
has a scary mask with a beak.
But I like being with her.
She says she'll teach me
to open the door in the chimney."
Shit, keep reading!
"Sometimes, she's sad.
She says I remind her
of a girl who was killed.
She gave me
the only thing she has left of her.
A spinning top."
This is going to sound strange, but
It's like a game, all right?
If I were to ask you
if you wanted to marry me
What would.
What would you say?
Every day.
Every day.
Adaptation: Christopher Smith
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