The Chosen One (2019) s02e03 Episode Script

My Life for Your Death

You will bring me my new life, Lúcia.
I can't bring anyone here
against their will.
[Damião] As hard as it might be,
you must do this to save yourself.
You know this mutation of Zika
is way more aggressive.
You don't have much time.
Look at the grand scheme.
What grand scheme?
How fucking brainwashed are you guys?
[Lúcia] I should be talking
to the police right now.
You already talked to the police.
What are you gonna tell them this time?
That you had to kidnap someone for a cure?
You think they're gonna believe that?
- Maybe you came back here for a reason.
- [sighs]
The Chosen One took us in.
Cured me.
He gave us shelter when we needed it.
All done to keep the balance
and follow the Divine message.
I had no idea you were such a fanatic.
There are a lot of things
that you don't know yet.
[The Chosen One]
Can you sense the truth, Lúcia?
Can you feel your higher purpose
by being here with me?
[Lúcia] I do.
Maybe I can sense it more now.
This is necessary
not only for my salvation
it's also necessary to be at your side.
By my side.
Until the end.
But first, look at me.
Look at the state I'm in.
[Lúcia] Can't you see there's no balance
and it's hurting me?
I won't be able to stand soon.
So, please, save me.
Just heal me.
And I promise you,
I will honor your request.
In this case, my dear
you're just going to have to act faster.
No, no, no. I won't be able to do it
in this condition.
[The Chosen One] I'm also sick, Lúcia.
Without a new life,
I won't be able to survive.
This is the bond that unites us.
If you fail, we both die.
- [Silvino] Come back here, woman.
- [Eva] Let go of me!
[Eva panting]
What are you doing to her?
What is she still doing here, Silvino?
[Silvino] She ran from the boat.
- [Santiago] Hey.
- Listen up.
There are many people who know I'm here.
The newspaper I work for is one of them.
So keep your hands off of me.
[tense music]
My name is Eva Cordeiro.
I'm a journalist and I can help you.
Tell me.
What's going on here?
Are you being held against your will?
Tell me.
No one's threatening me.
I'm here because I believe
in the sanctity of The Chosen One.
I understand your concern, journalist.
So far, you've only seen pain and disease.
But my Father wants you
to bear witness to something different.
You do realize that what you're doing here
could be considered a criminal act,
- take the other outsiders away.
- Yes. Right away.
But come back.
Lúcia needs you
first thing in the morning.
[door closes]
Tomorrow you will see how beautiful
my world is, journalist.
You will see the beauty
on our children's faces,
returning from their journey of faith.
But also on the young people leaving.
We got off to a bad start,
but I think it can all end well.
I'm certain you were brought here by God
to complete Lúcia's message.
Go and find her a room, Santiago,
and follow my wishes before sunrise.
it's not time
to bring the children back yet.
They are not ready.
On the contrary, my brother.
[The Chosen One] It's the perfect time.
[Santiago sighs]
[door opens]
[bats screeching]
[thunder crashing]
Man, what the hell
was in that stuff you gave me?
[Enzo] This is worse than a hangover.
I will go with Lúcia tomorrow
and find you a new life.
[The Chosen One] No, you won't.
You have proven to be a devout member
of our community, Damião.
I insist that you be
at tomorrow's celebration.
- But she can't go by herself.
- Silvino will go with her.
And so will you.
Why me?
I did everything you asked me to.
You have upset the natural balance.
All of this started after Lúcia's message.
And you
will help to restore the balance.
Just as the truth showed you.
He'll try to run away
the first chance he gets.
Of the three of you,
he'd be the last to even think about it.
You want your glory, don't you?
You wanna know what we hide in the forest?
Well then,
the situation here is very simple.
You help me find a new life
and I'll save you.
You help her find me a new life,
and I'll give you what you want.
If you fail, Lúcia and I will die.
And you'll never know the source
of my healing powers.
[Cleuza] The doctor is back.
She truly is
the forbidden fruit from Eden.
Because of her,
Mateus lives at the campsite.
Santiago is in Aguazul.
Angelina can't look
for the new life he needs.
And The Chosen One is healing outsiders.
a journalist has arrived in the village.
She's asking a lot of questions.
The balance has been broken.
It's a good time
to set this whole circus on fire.
[tense music]
[Zulmira] Ah!
Oh, it's you.
What time is it?
What are you doing up
in the middle of the night?
I was praying for the children of Aguazul.
You were praying for the children?
Why do that?
- Didn't you hear?
- Hear what?
The Chosen One decided to send
the children to the campsite early.
But that's not supposed to happen
for another three months.
I know.
That means your niece Paloma
leaves tomorrow for the camp.
[suspenseful music]
[crows cawing]
[suspenseful music]
[exhales deeply]
How can anyone sleep in here?
[computer beeps]
What the fuck?
- [door opens]
- Hey.
Miss, everyone's waiting.
The Chosen One doesn't want
to start without you.
Sure. Mm-hm. I'm on my way.
But next time, knock before you come in.
[foreboding music]
[Santiago] Brother,
you're not looking very well.
Where's the journalist?
I'm sorry, I was fixing my camera.
It got broken last time, you know?
[camera whirs]
[The Chosen One] My cherished ones.
Do you know why you're all here?
What is the reason for our festivities?
Because we're leaving now?
No, we celebrate
the ones who are returning.
Listen to me, children.
You are going to the campsite
to learn I'm not only the holy one
who heals and protects you.
I am only the path to the Divine.
So, go now,
so that one day I can celebrate you here.
[Santiago] All right,
let's get on board, kids.
Let's go, let's go.
- Goodbye.
- I'll miss you
[indistinct chatter]
[villager] Take care of them.
[boat engine revving]
[ominous music]
You did warn me, Silvino.
You told me to leave and I didn't listen.
Doctor, in my life I've learned
that there are always three paths.
The right path, the wrong path,
and the easy one.
The path we choose defines
what kind of person we are.
And the Doctor will always choose
the right one, I'm sure of it.
So, what am I doing here?
If one person is the price
for The Chosen One to cure thousands,
why do you have any doubt?
Angelina doesn't have any regrets.
It was the same with all the others.
You are helping a woman
sent here by God to find her destiny.
You will have no problem
finding the right person.
People come to the Pantanal
from all over the world.
Do you know why the lives
are usually foreign women?
According to The Chosen One,
it's because of certain characteristics
in their blood.
[Enzo] That's not it.
It's because a foreigner's family
would have a harder time finding them here
in the middle of nowhere.
Well, in any case,
I will need you, Silvino.
Once again.
I'll be here, Doctor.
With the engine running and no judgment.
[foreboding music]
[thudding continues]
[ominous music]
[Santiago] I can't believe this place
is still standing after all these years.
I should thank Lorenzo
for creating this place.
Especially after everything that happened.
Even though it was a good decision,
it hurts to remember why we did it.
[The Chosen One] I know.
I know it's still hard for you.
Brother, don't you miss her at all?
She fulfilled the destiny
given to her by my Father.
Are you finished?
This is the Serpent's territory,
and I don't feel safe here.
Maybe now I'll stop having nightmares.
[wind whooshing]
[heavy breathing]
Damn you to hell, you Serpent.
It's all your fault.
Damn you.
[Mateus] Welcome.
Watch your step, this way.
- [Santiago] Brother.
- Good to see you.
How are you?
getting by.
I still don't understand why the children
had to come here in such a hurry.
It's because there's a journalist
following The Chosen One around,
and he wanted to show her
the best parts of Aguazul.
A journalist?
Our brother has decided it's time
to show himself to the world.
But he
he shouldn't even
have started healing again.
I don't know why all of this is happening.
Raquel, come over.
That sin of yours nearly cost
the destruction of our balance.
But God was merciful to you.
So you may leave and follow your destiny.
What did they do?
[Mateus] They gave in
to the temptation of the flesh.
The same that lives in all of us.
You know that better than anyone.
Zulmira, Santiago.
How could he do this to me?
Our brother knows what he's doing.
Do you really think so?
You better change your attitude, Mateus.
Easy for you to say.
You're not the one who has to marry her.
Is that what you think? I have it easy?
I always have to do the dirty work
because Mateus can't.
Not Mateus, he is the favorite son.
The nice one, the handsome one,
the playboy.
You can get all the love because everyone
can hate me, the older brother.
Have you ever thought about that?
How much easier my life would be
if you didn't exist
and I didn't have to be compared to you?
Do you know how many women in Aguazul
want to marry me, Mateus?
Not one!
I can't even dream
about marrying one of them.
I do everything
I'm asked to do, everything.
I hunt, I shoot, I kill animals.
Anything he asked for.
I do everything for everyone else,
no matter what it is!
But I've never slept with a woman.
Can you imagine what that feels like?
At my age, never knowing a woman's love?
You have no idea.
How many women have loved you?
How many, Mateus?
You can't even keep count of them all.
And now that The Chosen One
wants you to marry one of them,
to honor one woman, to be faithful,
and become an example to the community,
you want to walk away
from your duty as a man.
Stop acting like a child.
Saying that I have it easy.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
And one more thing.
If it's that hard for you to make
a small sacrifice for your brothers,
then at least have the dignity
to honor the name of our family
and do it for your blessed mother,
who made the highest sacrifice.
So, you respect my mother.
[retreating footsteps]
[Santiago] Don't be embarrassed, Brother.
You're like a priest
who fought temptation.
Your mistakes have made you stronger
and you're ready.
We were good in the roles we had, Brother.
Honestly, I'm not sure that all these
changes are what's best for Aguazul.
The doctor upset the balance
of the village when she arrived.
Now, all we can do is pray
and do our jobs as best we can.
Once you're back in Aguazul,
you can have a normal life again.
Or apart, it's not important.
As long as you obey the orders
of the Holy Chosen One.
Okay. You can go.
[Mateus] And you
you have nothing else to learn here.
Life will teach you the rest.
May God bless The Chosen One.
[all] May God bless The Chosen One!
We're leaving!
[vehicle approaching]
[ominous music]
Come on, let's head out.
[villagers applauding]
This is ecstasy, Eva.
True ecstasy.
- Is your camera recording this?
- [Eva] Yes.
Including every word you're saying.
Against the evil of this world ♪
God is all we need ♪
There's no evil He won't cure ♪
For He is full of mercy ♪
The Chosen One does heal ♪
The Chosen One does heal ♪
His love for us is immense ♪
Yes, he does heal ♪
[ominous music]
This symbol here.
This emblem marks exactly the point
where The Chosen One's campsite ends
and where the Serpent's territory begins.
So, while you're in this place,
your lives are entirely depending
on the respect that you show
towards this symbol here.
Does the Serpent also respect
the territory of that symbol?
He does. Of course he does.
The balance of everything here
depends on it.
Think of it like this.
The Serpent and The Chosen One
are just like water and oil,
and they will always contradict
each other.
The Serpent crossed the boundary once,
didn't he?
He took that doctor from the church.
None of us witnessed that,
so, we don't know
if that's truly what happened.
Ever since The Chosen One came back
to Aguazul,
the Serpent wanders around the forests
with more freedom than ever before.
So, you need to be extra careful. Hmm?
Have you seen the Serpent, Mateus?
What's he like?
He's a force.
An evil force that lingers near you
that wants to do nothing more
than to destroy you.
What does he look like?
He can constantly change his appearance.
He will change his face
to reflect whatever he wants you to see.
But, calm down.
If you're within the borders
of our campsite,
you do not have to be afraid
and you are free to walk around.
But it is forbidden to go beyond
the path behind me right here.
[Mateus] Do you understand?
Only The Chosen One can go here.
- Mateus.
- What is it?
Look over there.
My God.
Give me this.
Go. Take the children back
to the campsite now.
[suspenseful music]
[flame roaring]
[lively music playing over radio]
[suspenseful music]
[Mateus] What are you doing here, Paloma?
I just wanted to help you.
It's dangerous, but you're very brave.
So, just keep watch
while I put out the fire. Okay?
My friends,
today I see that you left our town
as children
and return as adults.
But yet you still don't quite belong
to my people.
You still haven't received
the commandments of my Father.
[camera beeps]
[Santiago] Let's prepare the induction.
Parents, please, over there.
Teenagers, make a line here.
[indistinct chattering]
That's it.
Our Father, through its Holy Son,
today will assign each of you
an order that you will fulfill.
It is your predestined duty
that you will proudly carry out
for the rest of your life.
Do you understand?
Even after your time in the forest,
it seems you still like
to enjoy a good meal.
[villagers chuckling]
My Father commands you
to follow your path.
You will be the baker of Aguazul
when Mr. Eugênio renounces his life.
[villagers applauding]
Do you accept your calling
with all your honor and faith?
I do.
Your father must have told you
about the abundance of fish in Aguazul
on the day that you were born.
My boy.
You were a fisherman
even before you entered this world.
And that's my Father's calling for you.
[villagers applauding]
Do you accept your calling
with all your honor and faith?
I accept.
[suspenseful music]
[The Chosen One] Paulo.
Our artist.
- [thuds]
- [villagers gasp, clamor]
[Santiago] Lorenzo.
[The Chosen One] Let's continue.
Our artist.
[Lorenzo] What do you want?
Let's just say there's something
I can only talk to you about.
Really? To me?
Well, it's just
Silvino brought me something
from town, so
I thought you might enjoy it.
[Lorenzo groans]
I can barely remember
the last time I drank this brand.
Let's just drink to a fresh start.
Angelina is stable.
There's not much else
I can do for her now anyway.
[tense music]
[Mateus] Paloma?
[Cleuza] He will return, you'll see.
He will return to the campsite in a panic.
You better go. There is a boat
hidden somewhere near here.
When you arrived here at the campsite,
you used to spend hours watching
your reflection on the river every day.
- Remember?
- Mm-hm.
It was on the bank of that same river
that I saw you standing
next to your future husband.
Who is he?
Our wonderful baker.
[The Chosen One]
You're destined to marry our José.
- [gasps, chuckles]
- [villagers applauding]
[foreboding music]
What did you hear, girl?
What did you hear?
[Paloma] Let me go, Ms. Cleuza.
You're hurting my arm.
What did you see? Tell me.
[Mateus] Answer Cleuza, Paloma.
Tell her what you saw back there.
[sighs deeply]
Good times.
I liked it when I was young and single.
What about your women, huh?
[both chuckle]
You keep chasing Angelina, damn it.
Move on.
You should enjoy life away from here.
[Lorenzo exhales sharply]
Want another?
[Lorenzo] Yes.
- No! No!
- [Damião] Hey, hey!
You will kill him! You will kill him!
Calm down! I'm here to help you.
Calm down, all right?
you were the first person
who helped me when I got here
and didn't believe in The Chosen One.
Now I believe in his Divine power.
And you know
I would never do anything to hurt you.
You can't put anything in my blood.
[Damião] Listen.
It's not medicine I'm giving you.
They're just vitamins.
They'll make your body stronger.
That's it.
They'll keep you alive
so you can help The Chosen One.
It's not medicine?
Lorenzo is a coward.
He doesn't dare contradict The Chosen One,
but I swear,
these vitamins are harmless.
No, no. I, I
I have to die.
It is written.
Where is it written?
You don't have to die, Angelina.
You can keep being
The Chosen One's life forever.
His life forever.
He won't have to kidnap women anymore.
Things will get better
around here, Angelina.
We can change how others
understand faith around here.
You wouldn't lie to me, Damião?
[Damião] Look at me.
Do you think I would lie to you?
My head is still pounding like crazy.
I thought I would've recovered
from that shit they gave me by now.
do you think any of them
would do for that lunatic?
I don't think I have the courage to do it.
Well then, you better find it.
Then why don't you go kidnap one of them?
Actually, you owe me that much.
If you were capable of injecting me
with a virus,
then you're capable of kidnapping someone
you don't even know?
Anything for fame, right, doctor?
Wait, where are you going?
I'm gonna tell Silvino to stay close
while you abduct our victim.
Listen to me,
nothing is to be left unguarded.
Nothing! You have to protect
that cabin with your life.
And what do I do with the children?
Take them with you everywhere.
Don't leave anyone alone.
[Mateus] No one! You hear me?
[engine revving]
[kid] You're back!
[breathing heavily]
[indistinct chatter]
[tense music]
[camera shutter clicks]
- Santiago.
- [Santiago] What?
Is there somewhere I could get
a wide shot of the ceremony?
To capture the whole thing.
That tower.
But use the outside stairs.
You don't have permission
to snoop inside the church.
- Brother, I'll be back.
- Mm-hm.
If we say we're in love,
The Chosen One has to understand.
[Raquel] It's my calling.
You have to fish, I have to love José.
[Isaías] Let's run away together.
We don't have to live like this, Raquel.
What are you saying, Isaías?
[Isaías] I'd rather run away with you
and die young
than live here forever without you.
- [Raquel] No!
- [Santiago] You prick.
I'm gonna throw you into the jungle.
Feed you to the Serpent for this heresy.
Look at me, you asshole.
How dare you try to run away with her?
And go against my brother's will?
Our God's messenger?
Get out of here.
Out of my sight, you bastard.
Get the fuck out of here.
Your mother's very disappointed
with you, Raquel.
Aguazul is home to women of faith,
not promiscuous women.
He didn't know
what he was saying, Santiago.
My fate is with José.
Now go back to the ceremony
and sit next to your groom.
I know the path of faith could be hard,
but it's necessary.
[exhales sharply]
[tense music]
[exhales sharply]
[Mateus] Santiago.
Are you crazy? What are you doing here?
Did you leave the campsite alone?
The enemy tried to burn down the cabin.
- The Serpent?
- [Mateus] Mm-hm.
He didn't respect any of our rules.
Neither the truce nor the relics, nothing.
Nothing stopped him.
And worse, he had help.
She broke the last rule, Santiago.
Now, it's war.
- [camera whirs]
- [camera shutter clicks]
[tense music]
Are you okay?
I'm fine.
- Do you want me to call someone?
- No, thanks.
[breathing heavily]
[foreboding music]
[woman 1 groaning]
[woman 1] No!
[woman 1] What do you want? No!
[woman 1 grunts, screams]
[closing theme music]
Subtitle translation by Othelo Sabbag
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