The Circle (2020) s02e03 Episode Script

Bye, Bye, Bye!

["Don't You (Forget about Me)" plays]
Last night,
our breathing coach Bryant
inhaled, exhaled,
then exited
in our very first blocking.
[all] Good morning, Circle.
A new day. Let's go kick some ass.
Don't you forget about me ♪
[Michelle] Bryant's departure
isn't the only change in The Circle.
My blue tick is gone.
[Michelle] Terilisha and Savannah
are no longer influencers.
There's no red circles
around Chloe, Courtney, and me.
[Michelle] No players are at risk anymore,
and our first extra player
to enter The Circle is a global pop star.
There's no Lance up there.
Did I dream that?
[Michelle] Nope. It real!
I can't believe
that we have a new player already.
His name was, like, Lance or some shit.
I don't really
What is the deal
with Lance Bass being here?
If this is a popularity contest,
he's already an international superstar.
Positive vibes only.
[Michelle] Clearly, the spirit of Bryant
has stayed with some of the players.
Speaking of which
What's going on?
[all] "Newsfeed has been updated."
Oh! We've got a newsfeed!
I didn't know we had a newsfeed.
Please take me to the newsfeed.
[gasps] "Bryant has left a message
for The Circle"?
Oh, my God!
I'm excited.
I suspect there are people
that think Bryant was a catfish,
if they feel guilty,
a little guilt didn't hurt anybody.
Makes you a better person sometimes.
All righty, Bryant.
Let's see if you really are
the plant daddy, the golden boy.
I'm ready for the drum roll.
please play the video message from Bryant.
Hello, everybody, it's Bryant.
Even though I feel like
we're all playing a character,
I came in to myself.
Lead from the heart,
spread as much love as I can,
and just be kind.
I knew it!
Even though I'm the first person
to leave The Circle,
I know this is
exactly where I'm meant to be.
I came in with this strategy
of sharing the love,
speaking from the heart,
connecting with each and every one of you,
but I feel like I was speaking
a different language at times.
What I learned is that it's important
to deeply listen to what others need
and how they wanna be seen and heard.
Whether you're playing your profile
or a catfish,
know that we are more similar
than we are different.
-What you are at the core connects us all.
[Bryant] For people
that I've connected with,
I wish you the best of luck.
You got this.
Keep playing the way that you're playing.
I love you.
I'm always with you, and I am you.
He is who he says he is.
Oh, what have I done?
He seems like such a nice person.
Oh, my God.
I feel connected to that guy.
I would've loved for him
to be my ride or die,
and we just never got a chance to do that.
I almost would've felt better
if he was a catfish,
'cause then I would've been like,
"Of course he was! Bye!"
But now I'm like
We are horrible.
He got fucked over because he was so nice.
Like, people are here to play.
It's game on.
His message was so much light and love.
I'm so sad to see him go. Uh
What will I be by the end of this thing?
Just a gooey mess.
Hoo! Oh, let's talk.
I wonder what people gonna say.
Okay, message, "Wasn't that
a beautiful message from Bryant?"
"Terilisha and Savannah,
how are you feeling today?"
"I know it must have been difficult."
Aw, River. He's like a younger brother
that just wants to look out for you.
Not an older brother,
'cause he does look quite short.
That's a little bit backhanded almost.
It's like, "Wow, he was so cool.
You guys must feel like shit!"
I'm gonna wait for Savannah's reply.
If Savanah pulls any type of stunt,
I have no issue.
I'mma call her out, for sure.
I want people to know
that it was a hard decision, you know,
but someone had to go,
and unfortunately, it was him.
Circle, message, "Wow, in caps.
I'm blown away!
Exclamation point, exclamation point.
I loved Bryant's message,
and he radiates love and positivity.
I'm heartbroken to see him go.
Heartbroken emoji. Sad face. #Devastated."
[Michelle] Yeah. Nothing says devastated
like a hashtag.
I know you may be heartbroken,
but it was you.
You did it.
You did it, girl.
[Terilisha] Savannah's full of shit.
You basically threw him to the wolves,
You are not heartbroken.
I don't want to let her get away with it,
but I don't know if it's the time
to stir up the drama just yet.
But fuck it! [laughs]
Message, "That was
a beautiful message from Bryant
Dot, dot, dot.
I definitely did not want to see him go."
Savannah says she's heartbroken,
I say, "I didn't want to see him go."
So I'll let them read between those lines.
You didn't want to see him go?
Then why didn't you fight for him? Uh-uh.
Terilisha, we were like this,
and now we're like
[mimics exploding sound]
[dramatic music playing]
Right, I'm confused.
All right. Let the paranoia begin.
Terilisha's saying
she didn't wanna see him go.
Maybe she's insinuating that Savannah,
you know, locked in that decision.
We didn't want anyone to go,
but a decision had to be made,
and she wanted to save River,
and I wanted to save Courtney.
So that just left Bryant.
Why is she trying to pin this on me?
She threw me under the bus right there.
I need to cover my ass,
because I won't let her do this to me.
So, Circle, message,
"It was a hard decision,
but it was also a joint decision."
Uh-huh. Yeah, whatever. Come on.
I like it. I see what she's doing.
"But it was also a joint decision."
This could get catty.
She is messing with the wrong girl, 100%.
I thought we were on the same page,
but this goes to show that her and I are
We're not friends.
"Given the state of the world now,
Bryant's positive attitude
is so refreshing.
With all that said,
now I'm trying to figure out
who the fuck Lance is.
Crying laughing emoji." Send message.
[Michelle] You don't know
who Lance Bass is? I feel attacked.
Circle, message,
"LOL. I guess I was the only one
screaming like a fangirl outside TRL
when I saw Lance's face pop up.
Y'all never heard of NSYNC?"
Thank you! [scoffs]
What's N-Y N-S-Y-N-C?
[Michelle] Come on, Chloe, don't give up.
You got this.
I don't understand.
["Bye Bye Bye" plays]
Circle, I cannot believe I'm about to meet
the Lance Bass from NSYNC,
from Zoolander,
from almost going into outer space.
Are you kidding me? Wait.
We are inside Lance Bass's apartment.
No way! The Bye Bye Bye Rainbow.
The light box says, "I am Lance!"
Je suis Lance! And a microphone? Yes!
It's gonna be me ♪
Oh my God! I love it. I'm so excited.
I can't wait to start playing the game.
[Michelle] You know?
I was joking before, but now,
now I feel really attacked!
Surprise. I'm Lisa from Los Angeles.
I'm 42 years old and a personal assistant.
My boss is NSYNC superstar Lance Bass.
["I am" plays]
I've been working for him
for over 14 years.
Most of my job is taking his dogs
to the groomers.
Lance as a boss, he's pretty incredible,
but I've worked for a couple other people
who are not as easygoing as Lance is.
[beeping] She was awful,
but I just thought playing as Lance
would be so much fun.
So I was a big NSYNC fan back in the day.
I call myself a total poptart.
I can definitely pull off
convincing people that I'm Lance.
So I know Lance Bass better
than Lance Bass knows Lance Bass.
I feel like I am gonna be able
to get away with a little bit more
because people get starstruck.
I am who I wanna be ♪
Giggles! We miss you so much, and look,
you said you never wanted
to be a celebrity, but look at you now.
I guess I'll have to be
your assistant when you're back.
So you better not come home
without that 100 grand, all right?
You're gonna do great!
I am ♪
Oh, my God,
this is literally like Christmas morning.
I'm so excited.
can I look at my private albums please?
I'm not gonna do vacation 'cause
those are all with Michael, his husband,
and I want this to be of him alone.
So, let's go to the dog album,
'cause who doesn't like dogs?
God, I miss the dogs.
I like the one where he's holding
Chip and Dale up
in the middle right-hand corner.
He's smiling. He's in his living room.
The dogs don't look that thrilled, though.
But I do like that one. Let's go back.
You know which one I really like?
I like the middle bottom one.
Yeah, I think I like this one.
It shows him at home,
it shows him with his puppies,
and he's smiling.
You can see his eyes.
He always has the prettiest eyes.
Yeah, this one.
I think I'll go with this one.
Circle, I'm happy with this photo,
so let's set this as my profile picture.
Okay, about me.
I have to think like Lance.
Think like Lance.
That has to go through my head
at every moment.
"Hi, everyone, I'm Lance.
I have spent the past 25 years
in the entertainment industry."
I have to make sure that my math is right.
NSYNC was '95 to Yeah, '95 to 2005.
2005, 2015. 20
So, God, no, it's been 30 years.
Let's change
the past 25 years to 30 years.
God. We are old. [laughs]
[Michelle] Cool profile, Lance.
Now let's introduce you
to the rest of the band.
[Lisa shouts] Oh, my God! Alert!
What is it?
Brunch with Bass! That's fun!
"Brunch with Bass"?
Brunch with bass ♪
Bass, like Lance Bass! Brunch with Bass!
What about eggs with Emily, yo?
What? Was that not a game?
[Michelle] We'll do eggs with Emily
when Emily sells 70 million records.
I've never been to brunch
with a pop star before.
[Michelle] Today will be no different.
"Brunch has been delivered to your door."
That was really fast.
Let's eat, baby!
-[Lisa] Is this my brunch?
-[Jack] What do they
This is so cute.
I'm gonna drop it.
Oh, my God, it's well heavy.
Baby, you want to have brunch
the Lance Bass?
Shut up. Waffles?
Waffles in any way you like it.
-We got syrup, we got chocolate sauce.
-Chocolate sauce!
Whipped cream. Who doesn't love that?
A little ooh, la, la. Yum!
Welcome, Lance. Thank you.
-Thank you, Lance.
-Thank you.
He's definitely rubbing
everyone up the right way.
[Michelle] While players
are brunching like rock stars
Oh, God! Oh, my God!
[Michelle] The Circle is gonna let
them have a snoop at pop catfish royalty.
[Lee] Oh, gosh. Here it comes.
Oh, my gosh. Fangirl, here.
I am glad you are here, sir.
Let's open Chloe.
She's 21. She's a baby. Essex.
Love someone from Essex.
What? He's 41! Jesus Christ!
He's well old.
About me, "Hi, everyone, I'm Lance."
"I have spent the past 30 years
in the entertainment industry."
Damn. He's spent more years
in entertainment than I have lived.
"And training to be a cosmonaut."
What the hell is a cosmonaut? [laughs]
[Lisa] Half Mexican. Me too.
But not Lance. [grunts]
Honestly, I know a lot about NSYNC.
He was my favorite member in the band,
so if something is a red flag
or something stands out,
I will be able to suss him out.
A hundred million trillion percent.
River seems like too cool for Lance.
In a good way.
Like, he's very hip,
and he looks hip and cool.
I'm just a little schoolgirl around you,
Mr. Bass.
[Lisa] I like Courtney. Courtney is gay.
So gay. We got that in common.
I guess he's real
because it would be pretty damn hard
to pretend to be someone from NSYNC.
[Michelle] Damn near impossible
unless you're one
of their personal assistants or something.
I think this is the real Lance,
which would be cool as shit,
and be like,
"Hey, I had brunch with Lance."
I wonder if he's eating right now, like,
when I'm eating.
We really are
in sync. [laughs]
[Michelle] Okay. I see what you did there.
"The Circle Chat is now open."
No fangirling. Nothing.
I really don't know who you are.
Circle, message, "Hey, Lance,
welcome to the Circle fam.
Thanks so much for brunch!
How are you settling in
to your home away from home?
Question mark. Red heart." Send.
Did everybody get brunch?
[Michelle] You thought Lance'd be the only
guest at his own brunch named after him?
"Hi, Lance,
those dogs are literally the cutest. OMG.
I love that we share
an interest in space and the cosmos."
I've still no idea what a cosmo is.
Message, "Trained to be a cosmonaut?
Mind-blown emoji.
That is so lit, man!
Welcome to another kind of space
Dot, dot, dot. The Circle." And send.
Oo, I like that, River. You're good.
River's personality's
actually coming across more.
Okay, God, there's so much to write.
Circle, message, "OMG! Exclamation point.
Thanks everybody for the warm welcome!
Exclamation point!
I love that I share interests
with so many of you!
Exclamation point!"
I'm an exclamation point queen.
Circle, send.
I don't wanna harp
on the celebrity part of it,
because I don't wanna give
the other players an impression
that I know a lot about celebrities.
Circle, message,
"Can you tell us more about your 30 years
in the entertainment industry?"
So he was on TV years ago, then.
You know what, River, to my knowledge,
you're not a celebrity tea-spiller,
so you can do that.
I just would never want people
to catch on to me.
Circle, message
Lance said, "I started my group NSYNC
when I was a teenager."
"And after that experience,
I got into producing, hosting, and acting,
and now I have my own daily podcast.
It's been a whirlwind."
That is so freaking cool.
I wanna know why he's here.
I would think in my mind
that he's very well off.
Are you here just to play the game?
Message, "Lance, happy you're settling in.
Are you here with an expectation
of winning The Circle"
"and donating the 100K to a good cause?"
Oh, I knew that this was coming.
That's a loaded-ass question, bro.
Terilisha's kind of overstepping
her boundary a little bit here.
That's saying, "You're a rich guy.
Don't touch my 100,000."
You shouldn't have done that.
If I did win, I would donate
some to charity, not all of it.
So maybe I could open
with some sort of joke.
Um, Circle, please write,
Um, "I actually thought
I would put the money
towards starting an NSYNC tour." [laughs]
I think that that's kind of cheeky. Funny.
That's bullshit.
Like, you do not need to try
to win $100,000 to have an NSYNC tour.
Do you know what I could use
the money for?
That's not fair.
An NSYNC tour is no bueno.
I don't like that.
Like, there's so many other things
that that money could be going towards.
Lance, why you said that?
You should have zipped your lips,
closed your throat up,
that wasn't the right response.
Every single player right now
should be thinking
exactly how I'm thinking.
[Michelle] Hm, I wonder what input
Chloe has to this debate.
I think he looks like
someone out of a boy band.
You think?
Circle, message,
"I'm sure you've got many
crazy stories to tell,
dying to know is
what's the most embarrassing thing
that's ever happened to you on tour?
Question mark. Laughing face emoji.
Laughing face emoji." Send.
I'm gonna say he split his pants open.
I definitely think
we need to keep bothering him
about his whole entertainment background,
because we can kind of see
if he's fluffing stuff.
Circle, message Chloe.
Let's say, "Chloe,
yes, I have many stories
from life on the road. Period.
Probably the most embarrassing thing
that happened was
I split my pants dancing."
"before the song was over,
and had to dance with my ass out."
[laughs uproariously]
What lucky fans.
Really? I never heard of that.
And the Circle Chat is now closed.
Brunch is over.
Be prepared to fall in love
with Lance Bass, guys. [laughs]
I think that went really well.
I'm thinking that I'm going
to be as nice as possible,
but I still have questions,
and I still kind of want to, like,
call him out a little bit
and figure him out,
because I don't think
that's the real Lance.
I'm pleased.
[upbeat music playing]
[Michelle] With Lance settled in
and under scrutiny already,
the others are living
their best Circle lives.
Then you want to do
a little jumping starfish moment.
Come out the ocean, bitch!
Come right on out.
[Michelle] And now on our Circle roof,
there is a guy playing a hot girl
slipping into a hot tub
about to have a chat
with the Bronx girl pretending
to be a Bronx guy slipping her wig off.
Just another day in The Circle.
Emily has invited me to a private chat.
Emily! What do you want?
I definitely wanna have a chat
with Trevor.
He's someone
I haven't really gotten to know yet,
but I get a good vibe from him,
and I haven't connected
with many boys so far,
and he's a pretty popular player.
Here we go!
Circle, message,
"Hi, Trevor.
Good to have another
East Coaster in the game.
I've been dying to talk to you.
I come from a family
of die-hard Giants fans. #MissingSaquon."
[Deleesa] Who the fuck is Saquon?
Are you a guy?
'Cause why do you know
so much about sports?
Emily, girl, I have to grab my notebook,
'cause hold the fuck up.
I think that's a good message.
Very sporty.
I think he'll like the sportiness.
Trevor! Who is Saquon?
I evidence it
that my family are major fans.
'Cause I don't think he'd read Emily
as a big sports girl necessarily.
Huh What do we know about the Giants?
And I even do the #MissingSaquon
'cause he's out for the season.
The type of shit you wouldn't know
if you don't follow sports.
He was injured!
Okay, that's who Saquon Barkley!
Team Barkley! Ha ha. Here we go!
Thank you, Trevor.
I love you so much. Okay. Circle, message,
"What's up, Emily?
I'm so glad that you reached out.
I wanted to reach out for the longest."
[Jack] "Word. You're a Giants fan.
#EastCoast. #TeamBarkley."
I know there's a lot of women
who are into football.
I completely understand that, but
Mm I don't know.
Okay, Circle, message
"I can't begin to imagine
how much you're missing Toni right now."
I love that she said her name.
Can you tell me
a little bit more about her?"
I think that's a good message.
It's saying
I got some family values myself.
Hopefully, I could open up to him
about my fake family values
that Emily seems to have,
and find out more about his daughter,
'cause that's super crucial.
Obviously, any parent
would love talking about their kids.
Circle, message,
"Emily, I am extremely proud
of my little Toni aka Boobie"
That's her nickname.
I call her Boobie.
"AKA Boobie."
I don't know
if I'd ever call my kid Boobie,
but that's very sweet.
I don't want this conversation
to only be about Trevor,
so please, Circle, message,
"Thank you for asking.
That put a smile on my face, Emily.
I would love to know
the person in your family
that you are closest to and why."
Yes, he's definitely opening up a bit.
He seems to be getting into it.
Maybe I can open up a bit.
Circle, message,
"Growing up, my dad
was in the Navy, rarely around."
My dad was in the Navy,
but stopped service
shortly after I was born.
But again,
he wasn't super around all the time.
I'm implementing some grains of truth.
That's how the best lies start.
Aw. Her dad was in the Navy.
That must have been very hard for sure.
"It was difficult for my family,
but it brought us closer. #FamilyFirst.
I'm especially close
to my older sister Margoux."
I haven't really opened up to anyone else.
I didn't feel it was appropriate yet.
But he seems very rooted in his values,
so it seems like the right play with him.
"This was a great conversation.
I loved getting to know you a bit more.
#FamilyOverEverything. #CircleFam." Send.
I think that's a good ending.
Damn, I'm good at talking to people.
Emily talked about the Giants.
She knows Saquon Barkley.
Like, detailed stuff about sports.
I completely think Emily is a guy.
I got my eye on you, Ems.
I could catfish as anyone!
I could be my grandmother.
I could be Justin Bieber.
I could be Kim Jong-un.
[Michelle] Oh, Lord. Anyone?
#SitDownAndBeHumble, Emily.
Gotta wiggle with it.
One more. Let me not break the apartment.
[Michelle] Meanwhile, River played by Lee,
just can't keep
that inner fanboy at bay any longer,
'cause he's about to chat with Lance Bass,
who's actually played by Lisa.
[Lisa] Oh, God!
River has invited me to a private chat.
Lee, the fan, no fangirling.
You are in the background.
You are in charge of this chat.
Yes, Lee, you better tell River.
Oh, this is so good.
So good.
I've got a
The excitement is Lee.
So River is just chill.
Message, so Uh Um
"Hey, Lance. Best brunch ever.
How are you feeling? Question mark."
"Have you chatted
with anyone in the squad yet?"
Oh gosh.
I hope he hasn't chatted with anybody.
I don't want you poisoned.
Okay, Circle, message,
"I have not chatted with anyone else yet.
"anyone else yet."
Oh, my gosh. "You are my first."
Oh, my gosh.
"Who are you close with so far?"
Message, "Terilisha is my big sis.
We're both from Texas, she's had my back.
I almost went home last night,
but she saved me."
Oh, God.
So I'm guessing she was an influencer,
which is good to know.
[Michelle] We'll leave those two catfish
circling each other.
Meanwhile, Savannah is in the yoga room,
but she has not cleared her mind
of all thoughts.
start a private chat with Courtney.
[Courtney] Ah!
Savannah has invited me to a private chat!
My girl!
Oh, my God.
Literally just what I needed
in this moment.
I'm not sure
if I can trust the girls' alliance.
I know that Terilisha
and Emily are working together,
and I know that Emily and Chloe
are buddy-buddy too,
so I don't think I can count
on the girls at all right now.
Savannah, seriously this Art of War talk
is ruining the Zen vibes in here.
Um, Circle,
can you please open a private chat
with my neighbor, Savannah?
Circle, message,
"Hey, Courtney. I hope you're doing well.
I know last night
must've been stressful for you.
So I just wanted to check in
and see how you're doing." Send.
I love that she thought of me.
Thanks, Savannah.
Circle, message,
"Hey, Savannah, last night was super scary
and I wanted to thank you for your part
in making sure I'm still here.
"How are you today, sis?"
Aww. He's so sweet.
I really am curious to see
if Savannah is gonna bring up the tension
that I sensed in The Circle Chat
earlier with Terilisha.
What went down in the influencer chat,
All right.
Circle, message,
"I'm doing all right.
Honestly, I felt kind of shaded
by Terilisha in the group chat.
I'm very sad to see Bryant go,
but I'd rather see you here than him."
"Can't say that everyone feels
that way though, #Tea."
Oh! So it sounds like Terilisha was trying
to get rid of your boy,
and Savannah came through
and saved me like a real friend would.
Whatever he says next
is really gonna tell me
if he really is team Savannah or not.
Circle, message, "#NowThat'sSomeTea.
Thank you so much
for telling me what went down.
You've been a true friend to me,
I'll never forget it.
As for Terilisha Dot, dot, dot. #Welp."
"As for Terilisha #Welp." Oh, yes!
I'm gonna tell you right now,
Terilisha has made an enemy out of me.
Circle, message,
"I thought Terilisha was my friend,
but last night she showed me
a very different side of her.
I'm not sure if I can trust her anymore,
and neither should you."
She wanted you home.
She wanted you
to be packing your bags and leaving.
I believe this girl,
and I trust this girl.
Circle, message,
"Savannah, I know in a game like this,
honesty can be rare, but I trust you.
What are we going to do next?"
Um Circle, message,
"I know that there's strength in numbers,
so finding people who see things
the way we do should be our next step."
Circle, message,
"I know we can't be the only ones
who can see what's going on here.
I'm going to ponder over this,
but next time we speak,
we'll get the ball rolling."
Yes, I love you, Courtney!
I could kiss you!
I could kiss you, Courtney. My God.
[exhales] That went beautifully!
Terilisha done messed with the wrong one.
I don't know
why she couldn't leave me alone.
Look at her.
Wow, somebody get a mop and a bucket,
because the tea has been spilled
on aisle Courtney
and the tactical kiki
is not about to stop anytime soon
'cause Terilisha wants to chitchat.
Circle, launch chat with Chloe and Emily,
and name it
"Terilisha has invited you
to True Colors Chat."
Fuck, this could be bad. True colors?
The thing is
that could be so good or so bad.
She could be like,
"I've seen your true colors,
and, girl, you are wonderful."
Or, "I've seen your true colors.
You're not even real!
Jesus, I'm This is stressful.
[Chloe] Ah! Me, Terilisha, and Emily.
Why is Savannah not in this chat?
Oh, my God!
[gasps] Oh,
I hope that they've seen her true colors!
Message, "Hey, ladies,
glad to see that you're still here
Dot, dot, dot.
Must have been tough being in the bottom."
"Told you I got your backs though,
which leads me to why I've created
this private chat with you."
Oo, okay!
She better dish some dirt on Savannah.
Damn. This is going to be juicy.
Lay it on me, T.
"After our influencer chat last night"
"I have concerns
truly #GirlGang."
I knew it! I knew it!
Oh, my God. I fucking love you, Terilisha.
I want them to understand that
she basically didn't want to save Chloe,
because she was worried
that Chloe wouldn't save her later.
But if you were truly girl gang,
as you said, that shouldn't matter.
Message, "On to the tea."
"When given another opportunity
to save one of us,
she genuinely did not want to."
"I really had to fight
to keep us together."
I think that means she wanted Chloe out.
She's such a bitch!
So going into the blocking,
I thought Savannah and Terilisha
would be on the same page,
now they're
in completely different books.
Circle, message,
"Oh, my God,
was she wanting to block Chloe?
You girls know I have your
back no matter what. 100."
I think that's good to kick it off,
say I have their back
so she could feel free to be honest.
I wish Emily would have said
that she kind of had those same doubts.
Emily is so submissive, but we move.
Circle, message,
"That's really pissed me off.
I'm such a girl's girl,
and I hate bad energy.
Terilisha, I knew
you were real from the beginning.
Truly, if it wasn't for you,
Emily and me wouldn't be here.
Shocked face emoji."
"Do we need a girl-gang strategy!
Exclamation. #KeepItReal."
This is what I wanted.
This is what I was expecting.
That's how you handle
your influencer position.
Like a damn queen.
Savannah, you fucked up.
Message, "Chloe, I hate wishy-washy.
Stand for something and stand by it.
I didn't think of it that way,
but it's true."
"If it were not for me standing solidly,
I'd not be having this chat with you."
"I think a strategy is indeed needed."
Circle, message,
"What's the plan, ladies?
#StrategicQueens." Send.
Message, "No matter what,
keep it real and be honest."
[Jack] "We're aware of what this is, 
we can do it without being backstabbers."
Can we? Emily can. I can't.
Circle, message,
"Well, I stand for you girls,
and this chat proves
that we need to keep each other safe."
"The whole point of this game
is to build trust.
We need to be each other's allies."
Message, "#Facts Dot, dot, dot.
Well, you know I got y'all.
"I hope that you guys have my back too.
[Jack] "Let's keep each other in the loop.
TTYS. Talk to you soon."
One of the girls got kicked out
of the girl gang and it wasn't the boy,
so I feel like that's good for me.
I've got the girls. Now it's
I gotta get the guys.
[Michelle] Good idea, Terilisha,
but like so many plans in this place,
it may be put on hold by something
that's big and loud and makes people go
-[alarm blaring]
-Uh, oh! Here we go!
[all] "Circle Fest!"
I wonder what this could be about.
What is Circle Fest?
This is giving me music.
This is giving me concert.
Me and my girls going to Coachella.
"You have all been given VIP access
to Circle Fest."
"You can all collect
your festival gear now."
[gasps] Oo, it's at my door? Okay.
Whoop Whoa.
[Courtney] Oh
[Terilisha] Sookie sookie now!
So excited!
Love a prop.
-Cute, cute, cute!
I look like Ozzy Osbourne.
I'm a bad boy!
[Michelle] Said no bad boy ever.
[vocalizing echoes]
[laughs] This is NSYNC!
Oh, my God!
It's Lance!
["Bye Bye Bye" plays]
-Bye bye bye ♪
-Bye bye ♪
Don't want to be a fool for you ♪
Just another player
In your game for two ♪
Don't know if I'm doing this right.
You may hate me but it ain't no lie ♪
Baby, bye bye bye ♪
-Oh, my pants are gonna fall off.
I just want to tell you
That I've had enough ♪
It might sound crazy
But it ain't no lie ♪
-Baby, bye bye bye ♪
-Bye bye ♪
[Michelle] Damn, it's popping up in here,
but no party's complete
without a good game.
Wonder if The Circle has anything planned.
Oh, shit!
"Truth or Dare?"
Oh, my God!
This is where it all went down
back in middle school, bro!
You get to hold
a girl's hand or some shit.
Playing with friends, it'd be like,
"Take off your clothes and run naked
down the street," and I was like, "No!"
I don't like truth or dare as a game.
It's usually a game
where people try to be messy.
This could go so many ways,
and I can't wait.
You know, if somebody was honest,
even if it makes them look mean per se,
I actually would respect that.
Things are about to get juicy.
It is game night in The Circle, bitches.
"It's River's turn to play."
Okay, River.
Let's see what you come in with.
[Michelle] The rules are Wait.
Y'all gonna make me explain truth or dare
and Lance Bass in the same episode?
Circle, I choose truth.
"Who do you think is going to be
an influencer at the next ratings?"
Wow! I'm gonna be tactical 100%.
I'm a player.
I'm not sitting back and pretend.
Oo, this is a good question.
Being named as a potential influencer
could be a good thing or a bad thing.
I'm gonna say Emily,
because everybody has
a lot of love for her.
Message, "Emily.
Because everybody loves you, and why not?
You're dope and dynamic!
Exclamation point."
Oh! There could be some tactics here,
I hope he's reflecting
that even people I haven't talked to
have a good impression of me.
I'm trying to pull her back in,
and I'm trying to make her think
that we're still connected.
So that's really rad, actually.
I feel like that's good.
Okay, girl,
we got to bring you back in the fold.
The more people that I have in my family,
our circle,
the little circle within The Circle,
the more likely the chances of us getting,
and especially me, to the finale.
Uh, it is my turn to play.
All right, let's go with a dare, Circle.
[scoffs] "Put on as many clothes
as you can in two minutes." I'll take it.
And the clock starts now.
Eh! Huh!
Oh, God. I wish I could see this.
I think Courtney's gonna do a good job.
He's probably running
right now to his room,
trying to put on
all the shorts and stuff that he can.
Oh, my God, that's so hard.
Thank God I didn't have to reveal
So nobody really fucking knows ♪
That's amazing.
I picture Joey from Friends
when he put on all the
I think it was Chandler's clothes.
[Michelle] You keep those
'90s refs coming, Lance Bass.
The years of almost missing the school bus
prepared me for this moment.
How many clothes?
How many clothes?
[Michelle] Why break a sweat
when you know they can't see you?
[Terilisha] "Time is up!"
How many did you get?
Circle, message, "I managed
to put on 12 articles of clothing.
Eleven of them shirts.
I may not be able to really put
my arms down, but I enjoyed the rush."
That's so funny.
[Michelle] This party is
spinning out of control.
I am very, very, very happy with my dare.
I would rather pass out of heat exhaustion
than reveal my true thoughts
about the other players right now.
Oo, "It is Emily's turn to play!"
"Truth or dare?" Hm
Dares are hopefully a little bit,
honestly, safer,
but a bit more adventurous.
So, Circle, I choose dare.
"Send an emoji to your BFF."
Circle exposing possible alliances.
How do I wanna play this?
I think it could be any one of us girls.
I think it could possibly be me,
potentially, because I saved her.
I'm narrowed down
between Chloe and Terilisha.
Terilisha maybe,
because Terilisha saved her.
Chloe's the person
I've talked to the most.
I wanna make sure
she stays on the same page with me.
Terilisha doesn't get offended by that.
I think I'll do it for Chloe.
Circle, message, "Dynamite emoji.
Chloe, babe, you've been
such a great friend so far. #Dynamite."
I am kinda happy
she didn't pick Terilisha.
It doesn't bother me
that Emily chose Chloe.
[Michelle] It kinda looks like it does.
Circle, message,
"You know I've got you to the end."
[Jack] "You got me speechless, Em.
Crying emoji. Dancing emoji."
That's gonna make people think
we're super tight, which I don't want.
Wow. Wonder what they bonded over.
Chloe and Emily are a duo.
Now they know.
Everyone but Chloe knows
they're not my number one,
which is not good.
Very, very
[gasps] "It is Terilisha's"
"turn to play."
My sister's turn.
I feel like Terilisha would pick truth.
That girl has something to hide.
No way she's gonna pick truth.
I'm gonna go with truth.
[all] "Who do you think is
the biggest game player in The Circle?"
Oh, boy!
Now we're getting juicy.
I feel like she'll probably say me.
It's gonna be me.
Can't be scared to shake shit up.
Terilisha keeps it fucking real,
so she might not mince any words here.
Every opportunity that she's had
to bad-mouth me, she has taken.
"Savannah." Send.
I knew it!
[gasps] What?
Oo, hoo-hoo-hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo.
That is savage! [laughs]
I know she's fucking livid right now.
Savannah's full of shit.
She's playing games.
With the girl gang thing,
she literally said one thing
and did another.
That's like the biggest game
she's playing.
She's pretending like
she's about the ladies, but she's not.
You know what? No more Mr. Nice Guy.
This is it. I've had it.
I won't let her treat me this way.
So, Circle, message,
"Is it that I'm a game player
or that you see me as a threat?"
Oo, this went from zero to 100 real quick.
Message, "I-don't-give-a-fuck Emoji.
That's cute, but you definitely
didn't keep a promise.Snake emoji.
#ThreatWhere?" Send.
When did I keep
When did I not keep a promise?
When? When? Chloe's still here!
Oh, ho-ho!
Stop! This is why
I didn't wanna go in as myself,
because these bitches are catty!
Oh, my God!
Hoo, the shade is coming out!
She can start whatever she wants,
but I'm gonna finish it every single time.
"It is Savannah's turn to play."
Yeah, she's gonna play for sure.
Freaking claws are out.
"Truth or dare?"
She's got to pick a truth. Please.
Pick truth and drag her. Period.
I absolutely want to do a truth,
because I wanna show
that I have nothing to hide.
I do not trust Savannah.
Whoo! She got my adrenaline running.
"Truth. Which player
do you trust the least in The Circle?"
Oh, this is gonna be great.
I think I know the answer to this.
Well [laughs]
Drag her, Savannah! Drag her!
It's go time, baby. Let's go.
Oh, God. I can't take it.
Hold on tight
'cause this is gonna get bumpy.
[exciting music playing]
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