The Following s02e03 Episode Script

Trust Me

Five people are dead in a brutal slam that occurred on a downtown subway.
I was rather alarming hearing about the murders in New York.
- You ain't getting itchy? - All that is behind me.
You're withholding that you obtained illegally.
You've got to stop playing Dirty Harry and go to the FBI, Ryan.
They're your people.
Have you been in contact with any - followers of Carroll in the past year? - No.
Where is Joe Carroll? I haven't seen Joe since the light house.
- Hello? - Carlos? Emma, are you with Joe? Joe is dead.
Where you? Who are you with? Ryan: You're looking for brothers, identical twins.
Luke: I bet Claire's death hurt.
It's nice to see you getting back out there again.
You really have a thing for blonds.
You're an interesting man, Ryan.
I'll have you home before you know it.
Aah! He was in the subway! Run! Aah! Unh! Luke: He shot me.
Ryan: I took risks with your safety.
You saved my life.
What are we watching? Mandy: He knows.
Aah! Mandy: Mama's gonna be home soon.
She's gonna be mad.
Mama's gonna be home soon, Joe.
What are we gonna do? We can start by hiding the body, huh? If we untie him, we could roll him up in the carpet and drag him to the barn.
Well, you are fast on your feet.
Judy: I'm home! What is the Reverend's car doing in the driveway with the window smashed out? [Gasps.]
It's not what it looks like, mama.
Actually, Mandy, it's-- it's exactly what it looks like.
[Footsteps, floorboards creaking.]
Hello, Ryan.
You can't kill me, Ryan.
Aargh! If I die-- heh, heh, heh-- you die.
Unh! Ohh! [Exhales.]
Mike: Hey, Ryan.
We're ready for you.
Oh, yeah.
[Indistinct chatter.]
Mendez: Sorry to keep you waiting.
It's been a long night for all of us.
Can I get a coffee, please? Sure.
Get him a coffee.
We got the footage from last night's benefit.
You went in through the main door.
You have him on the phone.
I see him there in the corner.
And that's his twin standing behind you.
Let's get their faces out to the public.
Uh, run it by Phillips.
He's briefing the Mayor.
He'll want to issue a statement.
Don't overidentify with the victim, Mr.
Excuse me? I know you care about her, but you almost got that woman killed.
Try to resist.
Here's your phone back.
Anything? We found a disposable phone in a trashcan Yeah.
Well, they're using burner phones.
They're swapping them out daily so they can't be traced.
Well, thank you, Ryan.
We hadn't thought of that, but did manage to create a video trail using surveillance footage after the subway massacre.
We followed the 3 suspects from the station.
The twins outmaneuvered the cameras, but Carlos led us on Avenue D.
[Horn honks, tires squeals.]
That must have hurt.
We found your prints all over the apartment.
Kind of have to cooperate now, so why don't you start? Okay.
Truth-- I went looking for Carlos, I found him, he got away, I chased him, taxi, splat.
What did you take form the apartment? Don't like because we have the footage.
Duffel bag with some clothes, toiletries, a Joe Carroll mask.
I'll turn it all in to you.
Obstruction, vigilantism, contaminating a crime scene, tampering with evidence.
Are you arresting me? No.
I'm not.
You're free to go.
Thanks for the coffee.
No problem.
You got a signal on Hardy? Got him.
He knows you got a court order and you're tracking him.
Monitor his online activity, as well.
[Luke groans.]
Am I gonna live? _ _ No way.
I want to feel every second of it.
Never been shot before.
You've been grazed.
It counts.
There's a hole in my shoulder.
It's an official Ryan Hardy gunshot wound.
Hell, yeah.
Man on TV: Killer twins.
That's the breaking news today as photo images have been released of two additional suspects in connection with the series of murders terrorizing the city of New York.
You guys have been made.
It was inevitable, but they won't identify us.
[Cell phone ringing.]
Man: a charity gala at the Stewart Russian Museum, where they brutally stabbed a male guest.
That victim remains in the hospital at this hour.
It's Emma.
She keeps calling.
Send it to voicemail.
Take a hint, bitch.
Why don't you like Emma? Uh, because she's unlikable.
No one liked her.
It says here she was one of his first followers.
He trusted her with his son.
That's huge.
A lot of good that did.
Call her back.
What? _ Mark, what are you doing? Having a little fun.
It's not hurting anything, and it's not like Joe's calling.
Go ahead.
Call her.
And say what? _ Hannah: If Joe were alive, we would know.
Would we? You would.
He would have contacted you.
You two were tight.
Maybe there was a reason that he couldn't.
[Cell phone ringing.]
Hello? Carlos: It's me.
I've been calling you.
Why did you hang up on me? Yeah, um, sorry about that.
What are you doing? Who are you with? Why did you ask about Joe? Look.
I can't talk about it over the phone.
Is Joe alive? Not over the phone.
Meet me in person, and I'll explain everything.
Just come alone.
Get a pen and some paper.
I'll give you directions.
_ Don't worry.
I'll-- I'll be careful.
[Knock on door.]
Miss Gray? Ryan Hardy is here to see you.
Please let him in.
We're just downstairs.
Thank you.
It's good to see you.
How's David? David's in good spirits.
I was with him all morning at the hospital.
They'll release him tomorrow.
I'm so sorry for everything.
You keep apologizing.
It's not your fault.
Yeah, it is.
Will the FBI find them? Eventually.
These are very smart, organized people.
As insane as they are, Joe Carroll's groupies are beyond resourceful.
But when they find them, there will be more.
This is what's become of our society, this obsession with violence, the need to express it in its purest form.
I much prefer it in art.
Well, yeah, I just came by to check on you, so I should probably be going.
Will you come back, check in on me again? Yeah, sure, if you want.
I'm getting used to having you around.
Judy: The Reverend was a good man.
Mama, he recognized Joe from TV.
We had to do something.
I understand that, but you didn't have to kill him.
I don't think you're seeing the bigger picture, Judy.
I'm sorry.
You killed Reverend Glen.
What part did I miss? Would you rather call the police, tell them that you've been harboring a serial killer for the best part of a year? What do you think they're gonna say when they learn that you and I were pen pals when I was in prison? I was never part of your cult.
You did write letters declaring your love for me, yeah, saying you could-- you could fix me? So I came here for you.
And I did fix you! For a year.
You were doing so well.
I know, Judy.
I know, but I finally realized that once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic, and to live one's entire life without having a scotch or two is really not a life worth living.
What are you gonna do? Well, come nightfall, I am gonna say good-bye to this little slice of heaven, and I am gonna leave.
Please, Joe.
We can bury the Reverend.
Things can go back how they were before.
What's gonna happen to us? Well, if you're smart, you'll say nothing.
I would hate it if anything bad were to happen to either one of you.
What the hell are you doing here? No, Ryan.
What the hell are you doing here? You pulled your life together.
You're sober, healthy.
It was all a lie.
It's not all a lie.
No! This is a lie, and I hate that I was right about it, but you have been hunting Joe's followers.
You found Carlos.
What else do you know? And this about Joe? You need to start talking, Ryan.
We know your niece is involved.
Not anymore.
She's clean.
Mike, do not go after her.
Then you need to talk to me.
Why do you think Joe is still alive? Doesn't matter.
You're not gonna believe me anyway.
I have no proof.
It's just a theory.
It's-- it's a lunatic's conspiracy theory.
All right.
Let me decide that.
When I was doing research on Joe, I went to England, I visited the town that he grew up in, I talked to the-- Yeah.
I read your book.
I know this.
His family's all dead.
I sat in a pub, mostly I drank, but I did learn that his father was a very promiscuous man, and there was gossip that a child was born from it.
And this child was William Halston.
Went missing 14 months ago.
I can even place two of Roderick's militia men in the same city at the time when his disappearance was first noticed.
And you think Halston's body is what we found in the ashes and Joe disappeared somehow? Same height, same weight, same body type.
Plus his Y chromosome would be a match to Joey's DNA.
Ryan, I personally pulled the physical DNA from the archive.
The DNA that convicted Joe, that put him away, I tested it myself.
The DNA was in an archive warehouse in Beacon that was broken into 14 months ago.
Oh, and you think the DNA got switched out.
I know mistakes were made.
We underestimated that cult at every single turn, but what you're suggesting would require a level of detail that I don't think is possible.
It would need to be a close match in case they tested it against his son's DNA, which you did.
I know.
It's crazy.
So am I.
You have earned your crazy, Ryan.
This is about something else.
We can't change what's happened.
What's done is done.
Claire's dead.
Debra's dead, and so is Joe Carroll.
[Cell phone ringing.]
It's Weston.
I'm on my way.
I got to go.
What-- what is it? Hey.
Come on.
I told you what I know.
We found something on Emma Hill.
If it proves anything, I will let you know.
And I'm not gonna tell Mendez about this.
She will lock you up.
I'm taking Carlos' bag, but, Ryan, I need to be able to trust you from this second forward.
Whoa, whoa, stop! What are you doing? That is-- that is no way to say hi.
Where's Carlos? He didn't come.
It's just me.
Who are you? Don't you recognize me? My face is all over the news.
Yes, and you have a twin brother, but that doesn't answer my question.
My name's Mark, Emma, and it's really nice to meet you.
What do you got? We pulled all the footage from Carlos Perez's apartment building.
Hopkins here found something.
What is it? We got this footage from a pizza place across the street.
The girl in the hoodie.
That's Emma Hill.
Yeah, and that's not all.
We tracked her to a train stop.
She went to Jersey.
Got off in Burlington, and, Hopkins, your turn.
I pick her up on the fourth block of Petrie and Bower.
Wait a second.
Is she entering that residence? We just got an address.
I need air transport, ATF, SWAT, State Police now.
I don't want to be here without you.
Please don't go.
Sweet pea, I have to go.
It's just I never knew my dad.
He was some guy my mama hooked up with.
There's been no one but you.
You know, I am never gonna forget you, my love.
Judy: Mandy! You'll let me and Joe have a word? So where are you gonna go? Not really sure.
Probably best not to know that.
And if the police do come sniffing? [Chuckles.]
It's empty.
I took all the bullets out.
Really? You're gonna You're gonna try and kill me? Before you kill us.
Aren't you the smart one, huh? Aah! [Gags.]
Aah! Aah! Sadly, Judy, I am no longer in need of your utopian slut palace, but I think you for your hospitality all the same.
Mandy: No, Joe! Don't! Joe! Please.
Ohh! Aah! It's okay.
Is Joe alive? According to Carlos.
He's actually seen him? Yes.
So he says.
My-- my brother believes him.
He also said Roderick had plans to switch Joe's DNA so they could fake his death.
You look angry.
It's just why didn't Joe tell me any of this? I'm sure he had his reasons.
Everyone has their reasons.
So you planned these murders to try to lure Joe out of hiding? That's the idea.
What makes you think he'll call? The man's a narcissist.
It's not a judgment.
It's a fact.
I don't think he can resist.
He'll be too curious.
You called.
How many of Joe's followers live with you? There are 7 of us.
You're lucky.
They've pretty much rounded up everyone else.
How many are with you? You want to find out? I could take you to them.
Why would I go with you? Because we're gonna find Joe.
Come on.
You want to come? I know you do.
Have you read the book, yet, The Havenport Tragedy? Maybe.
Well, in the book, you're portrayed as a risk taker and impulsive, so-- so do it, take a risk.
Should I be afraid? Do you feel fear? I-- I struggle with it.
I can identify it in others, but I have a hard time experiencing it myself.
I'll go with you.
[Rock music playing.]
Is Emma back yet? Uh-uh.
Man on radio: Charlie Team in position.
Different man: Infrared video shows 6 occupants inside-- but the basement is an unknown.
I have tactical teams ready to breach the front and back, snipers on rooftops here, here, and here.
Let's do it.
Take it down.
Man on radio: Bravo Team in position.
All teams in position.
Go, go, go! Tac, move! Let's go.
Man: Follow me! Stop! FBI! Drop the knife! Do it now! Unh! [Groans.]
What the hell is he doing here? Who else is inside? Is that Hannah? You can't be here.
I said I'd call.
What about Emma? Did you get her? What about the twins? Got everybody but Emma and Carlos and the twins.
Hardy, do you know anything about this place? Nope.
Well, then you're of no use to us, - and I insist you leave.
- You got it.
As a matter of fact, from this moment forward, this entire investigation is off limits.
That includes Lily Gray.
You understand me? All right.
I will arrest you.
Get out of here.
We both know you're not supposed to be here, so turn yourself around.
- Hi.
- Hi.
You came back.
Ma'am, I have orders to send Mr.
Hardy away.
That's ridiculous.
Come on up.
I've been watching the news.
What happened? The FBI raided a follower safe house, killed 5 people and arrested a sixth.
Oh, my God.
Did they get all of them? They were from the Havenport cult.
The ones from the subway are still out there.
Hey, listen.
I came by to tell you that I have to say good-bye for now.
Why? I can't be a part of this anymore.
It's for your own safety.
Because people you care about get hurt.
I didn't know about Joe's wife Claire.
We move on.
We must move on.
Have you? To tell you the truth, I'm not sure.
After Claire died, I, uh, lost my mind.
I was living in the bottle, my health went south.
I did things-- I did a lot of things to distract from the guilt.
That's understandable.
Do you believe things happen for a reason? Ehnn.
Um, I'm not so big on fate.
Me neither.
You know, I believe that our decisions and our mistakes define us, but lately I don't know.
You know why was I on that subway? I never take it, but I was in a hurry to get home, you know? I-- Woman: Sorry to bother you, but David's buyers showed up.
I'll be right down.
If you're staying, would you like to have dinner with me later? Uh, sure.
Woman on TV: At least 5 are dead in the shootout.
One person has been taken into custody.
While their identities have not yet been released, the FBI has confirmed that they are, in fact, fugitive members of Joe Carroll's Havenport cult, though the extent of their involvement in the recent New York City attacks is still unclear.
Damn! Those fools got taken out.
_ _ _ _ [Door opens.]
This is Emma.
Emma, this is Luke, Giselle, and you know Carlos.
Not really.
I'm not sure if bringing her here was the smartest play, bro.
It's okay.
She's cool.
Ooh! _ _ _ Carlos: They do this French talking thing all the time.
It drives me crazy.
Why didn't you tell us Joe was alive? Because I told him not to.
I didn't know if we could trust you people.
Now I guess it's a moot point.
What do you mean? Woman on TV: but what we do know-- just to recap-- is that 5 cult members were killed today and a sixth was captured and taken into custody.
I'd say that date with my brother just saved your life.
You're gonna stage this to make it look like the Reverend killed me and then split, but nobody's gonna believe that.
Oh, when they dig around, I think they'll realize that the Reverend isn't quite as godly as he appeared to be.
[Tape ripping.]
Where's my bloody knife? Sweetie, it's right there.
You can do this.
Oh, Mandy darling, the time for this has passed.
Be a love.
Put the knife down, huh? No.
I don't want to die.
Honey, stab him.
Mandy, stab him! Stab him, honey! Stab him, honey! Do it! Do it! Do it! Unh! Aah! [Sobs.]
Oh, no! Aah! No! Aah! No! Unh! I'm sorry, mama, but I can't let Joe go.
Either way, I'm dead, mama.
Living here is death.
Unh! Fun time's over.
Tell me why we should keep you around.
Because I was Joe's number two.
He'll come to me.
He barely knows Carlos.
Then why'd he have me pick him up and not you? Man's got a point.
Carlos was Joe's errand boy.
I was his right hand.
I protected his son.
He cares about me.
Carlos means nothing to him.
See what I mean? Girl's a bitch.
But my brother likes her.
And no one likes you.
Hey, you dick! He was mine to kill.
I'm sorry.
I forgot.
He's still breathing.
You can finish him off.
_ Oh, come on.
Don't be like that.
Giselle! [Indistinct chatter.]
I need you to check something for me.
You can't be here, Ryan.
I'm trying to be your friend, but you're not helping yourself.
I know, I know.
I'll go, but I--I need you to check something for me.
I think I saw something in the command center.
- It's import-- - My ass is on the line, Ryan.
What is it? Can you show me the footage from the subway attack? Trust me.
I have it on my SkyDrive.
What do you want to see? Platform footage.
The moment Lily got on the train.
I saw something earlier.
I want to confirm it.
What are you looking for, Ryan? There.
Right there.
What train is that? Express train.
So? So why didn't she get on it? I don't know.
What are you talking about? She said she was in a hurry.
Lily: On this side, we have an artist.
He is from the Camargue.
He is from a place where there are many traditions about horses, and obviously, that is his theme, and over here, we have the last painting of the collection.
As you can see, we're still in the world of dreams.
Will you excuse me for a minute? Kimmy, would you just take over here? - Sure.
No problem.
- Thank you.
What's going on? Lily's lying.
She's in on it.
You know, I'm just gonna grab something.
Mike on radio: 10-0, 10-0.
Lily might be compromised.
Mike: Oh! Damn it! Agent down! Lily Gray is to be considered armed and dangerous.
Where'd she go? [Clatter.]
Did you hear that? I heard something.
I got it, I got it.
[Electricity crackles.]
Call 911! He's having a heart attack! Come on, folks.
Give us some room here.
Move back.
Everybody, move back.
Man: We got them in both colors.
[Dialing cell phone.]
They know.
Meet me at Walker and Church.
[Cell phone ringing.]
How'd you know? You said you were in a hurry, but you passed up the express.
I feel like an amateur.
And we were just about to have our first date.
My loss.
Tell me where you are.
We could still grab a bite.
I'm afraid you've ruined our romance, Ryan.
I wouldn't call it a romance.
Oh, don't minimize us.
There was something there.
I felt it.
Am I the first woman you've opened up to since Claire? I'm honored.
Why go through so much trouble to get close to me? You're important to Joe, so you're important to me.
You were meant to be my gift to Joe.
Now I'll have to show up empty-handed.
I enjoyed our time together.
I really did.
I see why Joe's so drawn to you.
Good-bye, Ryan.
Mike: Where is she? Ryan, where's Lily? She's gone.
What happened? Just drive, dear.
Yes, mother.
Of course.
All packed up.
We can dump the Reverend's car in Terrence, two counties over.
There's a bus station there.
Let me help.
Are we going to New York? Always wanted to go to New York.
Uh, I'm not sure yet.
Let's see if we can, uh, get out of the county first, huh? Thanks for taking me.
I won't disappoint you.
I worry about disappointing you.
You won't.
I never thought I'd leave this place, and now And I can help you.
I'm very resourceful.
Yes, you are.
I believe in you, Joe.
Now matches.
Is there an ice machine? [Cell phone ringing.]
If the body's gonna be here a while, you want to ice it.
Good idea.
Yes? Okay.
I understand.
We are leaving now.
_ We have to go now, now, now.
What's happening? There's no time.
We need to go.
We're not taking her.
Yes, we are! You're coming with us, okay? Kimmy: I can't believe it.
I've worked for Mrs.
Gray for two years.
She's always been so sweet.
What the hell happened? I vetted her.
I did a full background check.
We did, too.
She's exactly who she says she is.
The paper trail's too comprehensive to be fake.
Well, then how do we explain the fact that she just got up and walked out of here like a trained assassin? And you, if you're holding anything back on me-- I didn't see it, all right? She got by me.
I'm not your enemy, but I need you to cooperate with me.
I missed it.
People died.
You don't want me here.
You know.
This is why, Mike.
You know.
Can we say a prayer for mama? Of course.
Dear Lord, please bless my mom and Reverend Glen.
Show them peace wherever they may be.
Most important, please bless Joe for saving me.
And God bless Mandy for having faith in me.
[Hard rock music playing.]
Man: when the night has gone and the land is dark and the Moon is the only light we see no, I won't be afraid oh I won't be afraid just as long as you stand stand by me if the sky that we look upon should tumble and fall all the mountains should crumble to the sea I won't cry I won't cry no I won't shed a tear just as long as you stand stand by me darlin', darlin', darlin', stand by me darlin', darlin', darlin', stand by me darlin', darlin', darlin', stand by me darlin', darlin', darlin', stand by me if the sky that we look upon should tumble and fall all the mountains should crumble to the sea stand by me
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