The Kingdom (2021) s02e03 Episode Script

Un Plan

Everything in here is yours, Jesus.
This is money well-earned. God's money.
My family and I will risk our lives
if need be in order to protect it.
Hey. How you doing?
- Weird, right?
- Yeah.
That son of a bitch.
She was found
on the side of the road.
My Chami was 16 years old.
They said it was a suicide.
But that's not true.
That's impossible.
They won't release her body.
They won't give us
the results of the autopsy.
Even journalists don't wanna listen to us.
We're all alone.
Nobody cares about this.
But people believe you.
That's why you have to tell everyone
what happened.
We're gonna do more than that.
We'll do whatever it takes.
For the moment,
we will join you in the protest today.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Who else would follow me here
if not Emilio's men?
- You have to leave again.
- We're moving all the time, Julio.
We don't spend more than two days
in any given place.
I mean, leave the country.
It's really dangerous for you to stay.
But there's still so much to do.
Julio, what these women are saying
is the exact same thing we hear
everywhere we go.
They may come from different places,
have different needs,
but they all ask for the same thing.
A better life.
Well, you're the type of person
who affects everyone you meet.
I see that with my students.
Thanks to those videos of yours
that are circulating,
they finally understand things that
I spend hours trying to explain.
Yet, I cannot get through to them.
Don't sell yourself short.
I've seen you in action.
And what good
has ever come out of what I've done?
- Emilio as president?
- You trusted him.
He fooled us all.
No, I never really trusted him. I
I was ambitious.
I needed to, I don't know,
prove that I could do it.
But really,
it was all arrogance on my part.
Julio, there's a plan.
I'm absolutely convinced.
It's like a huge board game.
We are all the pieces of that game.
And we each have a role to play.
And we're all players.
Even those who quit.
I swear, sometimes
I don't know how to talk to you.
You're not Jesus.
- But
- No, of course not.
- It it's not about me.
- Right.
There are many people who wanna live well.
Evil can't always win.
You have no idea
how much I'd love to say you are right.
Your piece is already in play.
You're here for a reason.
The other day, this boy shows up.
Now, you.
Think it's a coincidence?
Come, I wanna introduce you.
His name's Antonio.
he's one of the boys that, uh
well that Emilio
And he's in contact with others.
And he came looking for us.
For their wounds to heal,
these kids need to find justice.
And it's it's not something
I can promise them.
However, I can help them uncover the truth
and spread the word.
I have faith in what's to come.
In the new friends
who have just joined us.
In the people we meet along the way
and who have total faith in our journey.
This is a battle fought by many.
And that will be our strength.
The pieces are in place.
Game is on.
Now he's with the natives. Hmm.
This fella hangs out
with every needy person he comes across.
Social media belongs to all.
Mainstream media, though,
that's still our turf.
Let's send out a news crew,
a reporter from some news channel.
Doesn't really matter who.
And have them follow Tadeo around
and report
on all the bullshit he gets into.
And if there's nothing, make something up.
He's with the Indigenous? That'll do.
We'll burn down a few ranches.
Let's show the people
that violence is never justified,
even for a land dispute.
You'll have the natives claim
it's been theirs for millennia,
but, I mean, going way back,
that land belonged to the dinosaurs.
Okay, I'm on it.
this needs to escalate quickly.
When this guy turns into Godzilla,
he has to come into the city
and destroy it all.
And when that happens,
I want everyone in the country
to watch the whole thing live.
Remember, with the Twin Towers,
they sent one plane first,
and when the whole world was watching,
the second one hit.
- Hmm.
- Well, something like that.
No one will be able to avoid seeing
what we want to show them.
No, no! That's enough!
I cannot and will not tolerate
any more delays.
The president has authorized a subsidy.
I don't get it.
What are you waiting for
to execute his order?
But it takes more
than just issuing an order.
The budget has already been approved
and the money allocated.
The budget is an act of Congress.
It would take too long
for a new law to be enacted
for the purpose
of a few specific expenses.
Yeah, those are excuses!
Excuses, laws, congress!
All excuses to avoid doing
what needs to be done.
When I said that the abortion law has
to be repealed, once again, I was told,
"Well, it needs
to go through Congress first."
And when I said school children
should not be indoctrinated,
I'm told that sex education
is now the law!
But who's in charge of this country?
What's the big hurdle?
Is it Congress?
If that's the case, shut it down!
Come on!
- There are three powers in our country.
- No! No!
No. There is only one.
And my husband, the president,
has the obligation to ensure
that his authority is exerted.
Now, listen, I don't care what you do,
but tomorrow morning, I want to see
that money in the church's bank account.
Also, take care of the rest.
That's what you get paid to do after all.
We could only investigate
the foster home back then.
After Remigio Cárdenas's guilty plea
and alleged suicide,
all the doors closed on us.
Is there some way we can
find the boys mentioned in the notebook?
- Yes, Clamens took care of that.
- Clamens?
Why'd he do that?
Payback for not getting
a government post, I bet.
I don't think so.
He's the one who gave me the book.
And the day he called me,
he was asked to become chief of staff.
What if the notebook is just a red herring
to derail the investigation?
No, it was shut down right away.
No, no, no.
I can assure you,
Clamens was very diligent about it,
very serious.
In fact, he was very loyal.
He really stuck his neck out.
I met him the other day.
He teaches at the university. Yeah.
Well, if he's teaching,
I guess he got back on his feet.
Yeah, people like him usually do.
Okay, I don't like him all that much,
but if you say he is key, well, then
I can find out what his class schedule is
and pay him a visit.
Hmm. Yeah.
I think the less we talk
on the phone, the better.
- No. No, no.
- Yes.
It wouldn't be good for us
to be seen with Clamens.
They know who we are.
They've been following Roberta.
Okay. I'll do it.
But I'm telling you,
I really don't like the guy.
And so you weren't able to convince him?
Well, you know him.
There's no way. He says he's on a mission.
Come on. Have another bite.
When he talks about it,
it's hard not to buy into it.
But does he understand he's in danger?
Yes, he knows what Emilio is capable of.
Well, new fake videos were released today.
And in the news,
they announced an investigation.
They're planning something.
I'm sure of it.
Want some cheese, sweetie?
Tadeo wants me to reopen the boys' case.
He says if there's no justice,
let there be truth.
He wants everything out
for everyone to see.
Julio, not now.
It's important for me
to know what you think.
Not now. Go on. Go get changed.
I'll take care of her.
Is it good, sweetie?
Hey, Mom. Can we interrupt?
Whether or not you interrupt me
won't change a thing.
Not as long those dumbasses who work
for your father don't transfer the money.
How did it go?
- Well
- Badly.
We now understand
why they attract so many people,
but what we saw was abhorrent,
and we will not do that here,
no matter how effective it is.
- Abhorrent?
- Mom
The pastor they have there,
he's not my style.
There's no way I can do what he does.
- What does he do?
- He sings and dances like he's some kinda
I dunno, like a rock star
or a cumbia dance champion or a porn star.
Porn star!
But we we favor an approach
that's very different.
Very different.
Jesus gave us all strengths
and weaknesses, right?
And so, instead of ignoring
and trying to hide Pablo's weaknesses,
we should focus on highlighting
his considerable strengths.
And what are those?
His healing powers.
Pablo is a healer, Elena.
And as such, he's the one
who's gonna help me walk again.
We're gonna need a very large audience.
Yes, a large audience
We can't reveal everything.
Just drop a few hints.
Like, there's gonna be a day of healing.
And right in the middle of the ceremony,
Pablo gets me to walk again.
All right.
Listen, son,
I'm well aware
that throughout the history of our Church,
we've had to conjure up
a few miracles now and then
for the sole purpose
of drumming up a little faith
and magnifying people's reverence
for the power of Jesus.
But getting someone who doesn't walk
back on their feet? Hmm?
No matter how much effort,
goodwill, and faith you put in,
it will not work, my boy.
No, it will work, Mommy.
I'm not saying
it won't work because of you.
- It wouldn't work for anyone.
- It will work, Elena.
This morning I felt a tingling in my legs.
Then I was able to take a few steps,
and now I'm almost back to normal.
It is a miracle, Elena.
A miracle indeed.
I'm not being naive.
You are because you don't know
anything about these people.
In order not to be naive,
I have to be blind, deaf, and mute?
No, no, no.
You're twisting my words around.
No, no, I'm not.
You're asking me to play dumb
'cause it's not good for us.
Look. I'm the first
to stand up for the Indigenous rights,
but staying with them
won't do us any good.
Do you really think I'm stupid,
or I don't know how things work?
Reactions to injustice
are not always the best,
but I don't get what you propose.
You want us to play dumb
because some people don't like seeing us
associated with their cause.
- But they're valid. Let's not forget that.
- You're hard to talk to.
As long as we don't trust each other,
we will be weak.
Here we are.
Oh, it's so beautiful!
- Mária.
- Yes.
Excuse me. I'll be right back, all right?
Hey, we're not here to argue, all right?
We're here to have some fun.
Friends are getting married
and invited us to their wedding.
What do you mean "friends"?
We don't even know them.
No, but they know us.
And they want us to share this with them.
Pedro, relax, dude. Peace and love?
That's it. Peace and love!
We go meet them, chat a bit,
eat some food, drink a little wine,
and we leave before nightfall.
Peace and love?
Peace and love.
- Tadeo, I need to ask you a favor.
- Yeah. Sure. What is it?
María and I want your blessing.
Uh, I I'm not a pastor.
Doesn't matter.
Your blessing would be
the best wedding present.
That's weird.
Hey, show some respect.
It matters to them, okay?
I wish you both to have a good life.
The best life.
I wish the happiness you feel today
never abandons you.
Yes, and now it's their turn.
- Nice, huh?
- Yes.
Everyone is having a great time, yeah.
Hey, Tadeo!
You can't just sit there all day.
Let's dance.
Uh, I can't dance.
- What do you mean, you can't dance?
- I've never done it.
Well, we're gonna fix that right now.
I will teach you.
Just listen to the music,
and let yourself go.
Is it really that easy?
- Put your right hand on my shoulder.
- Huh?
If we're doing it the conventional way,
it should actually be down here,
but you're learning, so I'm leading, okay?
One, two, three. One, two, three.
One, two, three. That's it.
You're dancing. Listen to the music.
- Just listen to the music.
- Look at that!
We've got romance happening here. Woo-hoo!
Hey! What? What did I say?
Go, go, Tadeo!
Remember the labyrinth?
- You have to look at it the other way.
- I'm not convinced.
It makes no sense to me.
You're always locked in some kind of cave.
As soon as you come out of one,
you enter another.
All right.
Next class, we'll explore that.
Thank you.
Morning. Congresswoman Alejandra Orsi.
Yes, I know who you are.
What did you wanna do
with this?
- Who gave you that?
- Former DA Roberta Candia.
Tell me, is this legit, or were you trying
to throw in a red herring?
I came to tell you
we're reopening the case you dropped.
Candia should never have given you that.
What do you plan on doing with it?
Use it for your own political advantage?
You may not care about
the lives of those kids, but I do.
That case has cost many lives.
Show a bit of respect.
I'll be meeting with Candia
and her assistant if you're interested.
Hey, are you ready?
What a great kick!
- You kicked the ball really far! Yay!
- I kicked it!
You scored a goal just like Messi!
You wanna try again? Huh? Okay.
Go over there.
I'll kick it to you.
One, two, go!
Oh, oops. Oopsie. My fault.
What is she wearing?
She's wearing a a pink jacket.
Oh, sweetie. There you are.
You okay?
- Sorry. I don't know what came over me.
- No.
That's motherhood for you.
Hey there, baby!
This is Félix.
Look, I made two new friends.
Carola and
- Ana.
- Carola and Ana.
Lovely names.
Félix. And I'm Sandy.
Hello, Félix.
Sister Celeste
come to me.
Come to Jesus.
In today's ceremony,
with faith, you will be healed.
God tells me
God is telling us all this is the moment.
Today is the day you leave that chair.
And I I will make sure that it is so.
The doctors have told you
that you can't walk.
There's a spot over there.
The doctors say
you will never leave that chair.
Oh, but God
God is the one who makes those decisions.
- We are gonna change your blood, Celeste.
- Look, Bastián.
We are going to change
Did you tell him to come?
No, I didn't,
but the ceremony was announced everywhere.
- He must've heard about it.
- prevents you from walking.
But today, we are here to purify it,
to renew it
through the love of Jesus!
Right now, Celeste,
you should feel your blood being cleansed,
slowly being transformed.
- Do you feel it? Do you feel it?
- Yes, I feel it. Yes, I do.
- Yes, I feel it.
- Yes, you feel it.
- Yes, you feel it. Yes, you do.
- Yes, I feel it.
Oh Jesus, I beg for your blessings!
Oh, bless these diseased legs
and cure them.
- Oh Jesus, heal her.
- Oh Jesus, heal her.
- Oh Jesus, heal her.
- Oh Jesus, heal me.
- Heal me!
- Heal her!
- Oh Jesus, heal her.
- Oh Jesus, heal me!
- Oh Jesus, heal me.
- Oh Jesus, heal her.
Oh Jesus, heal
Come on, everybody!
Come on!
Because Jesus needs all of our strength
to make this miracle happen.
Brothers and sisters, praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord!
- Praise the Lord!
- Praise the Lord!
allow this new blood
that now flows through the legs
of our sister Celeste,
purified by Pastor Pablo
and energized by yours truly,
Pastor Bastián
Glory to God!
to have all the strength needed to allow
this daughter of yours
to stand up and walk again.
- Praise the Lord!
- Praise the Lord, my brothers!
- Praise the Lord!
- Praise the Lord!
- Praise the Lord!
- Praise the Lord!
- Praise the Lord!
- Praise the Lord!
Get up and walk, Celeste. Oh Jesus!
Get up and walk, Celeste. Oh Jesus!
Get up and walk, Celeste. Oh Jesus!
I'm feeling the strength of our Lord!
- Get up and walk, Celeste. Oh Jesus!
- Get up and walk, Celeste.
I feel it.
I feel the strength of our Lord.
Walk, Celeste. Oh, Jesus.
Celeste, your blood is clean.
Get up and walk, Celeste.
Get up and walk, Celeste.
- Get up and walk. Oh Jesus!
- Get up and walk. Get up and walk!
Get up and walk, Celeste.
Oh Jesus.
Get up and walk, Celeste! Oh Jesus!
You can do it, Celeste!
Hallelujah! It's a miracle!
Praise the Lord! It's a miracle!
Praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord, everyone! Glory to God!
Glory. Glory to God.
From the content of the notebook,
I classified the children
by place of birth.
- Oh, good.
- I used clips as markers.
- How about that, huh?
- Excellent. That's great.
I hadn't realized how noisy that thing was
until it stopped working.
I'm so used to it,
I don't even hear it anymore.
Excuse me.
I just came to bring you these.
Hot off the press.
- Great. Thanks.
- And I'm on my way.
I love
the smell of ink, Uncle.
Well, the guys will be done soon.
They'll turn everything off,
and then they'll leave.
- Okay.
- I'll leave you the key.
- So just close the curtains and lock up.
- Okay.
Perfect. I'll do that.
Thank you for putting up with us.
- No worries.
- Very nice of you.
I love watching you work here.
When I see you with your friends
plotting big things,
I can't help but thinking
of Vieytes' soap factory.
And that patriots are about to show up
and spark the Revolution of 1810.
- Wouldn't that be great?
- Wish that was the case.
Who's that? Patriot or revolutionary?
Don't think so.
We invited one, but he got scared.
- Too chicken to show up.
- Not one of the braves.
- A wet blanket.
- Excuse me.
- Hello.
- Hi. I'm Julio.
- That's my cue. Bye.
- See you. Clamens.
- Candia.
- Glad to have you on board.
- Calderale.
- How are you?
I assumed you weren't coming.
You assumed wrong. So, a chicken?
Based on the intel I had
For a congresswoman, Orsi,
you have terrible intel.
Want me to go into details about my intel?
Right. Let's get to work.
We were talking about the children.
- Let's focus on that.
- Yeah.
But I never lost sight of them.
While they were in the country,
I had them monitored,
and when they were abroad,
I had informants.
If that worries you
Well, it shouldn't.
The important thing now
is to let things snowball
to the size of a massive avalanche
that wipes out everything in its wake.
Has to be unstoppable.
But we agreed you would bring them to me.
What happened?
You couldn't do it?
Bringing them is the easiest thing
in the world. But what for?
Tadeo is no good to us now.
We need him bigger.
I need to transform him into a monster
so I can turn you
into the savior of the country.
You understand, Emilio?
You have to lead a holy war,
and for that,
you need an enemy of stature.
Yes, Mr. President?
Any news about Julio?
We know Clamens took a bus
from Retiro, heading north.
He must've visited someone in the area.
He was back the next day.
Excellent, Daniel.
Many thanks, Mr. President.
May I be allowed a few words,
Mr. President?
Speak freely. Yes, of course you can.
I took the liberty of drawing up a list.
What kind of list?
People who are against you, Mr. President,
who do a lot of harm.
People seeking the destruction
of our country, the family,
who infringe on private property.
This is an initial list.
The most notorious ones.
Surely, when you read it,
you'll think of a few more names.
I believe strong exemplary measures
should be taken promptly.
Something like raiding one of those
abortion clinics or queer nightclubs.
If the institutions
don't work as they should,
we need to help them get back on track.
Just think about it, Mr. President.
Your men are standing by,
waiting for instructions.
I'll think about it.
And while I do so, I have another
important assignment for you.
And I'll need your best men for this task.
- This is where you'll be waiting.
- Got it.
- Make sure to get a team.
- Roger.
I've got it right here.
Come on, let's go.
The president needs your support
for a special assignment.
Can I count on you?
When do we start?
Let's warm up the engines.
The medication you gave me is working.
I've only had a few episodes
since the last time.
I'm convinced that those
visual hallucinations you've been having
are a consequence
of post-traumatic stress.
I don't recall any traumatic episodes.
Sometimes it's not so obvious.
I've had a pretty regular life.
What about death?
How do you deal with death?
With death? Well
- Do you see him?
- Yes.
Is he here?
He's here?
- Yes.
- Yes.
Here, Mr. Osorio, there's nothing.
If there were, my arm
would be touching something.
What you need to do is edit what you see.
That image you find inconvenient,
you edit it and throw it away.
There will be times
when editing it out won't work.
When that happens, don't try to fight it.
Just push it aside
and go on with your life
but with the knowledge
the certainty that it exists
only inside your head.
You're not here.
Cutting you out.
Won't get worked up
over a dead guy I made up myself.
A dead guy?
Only one?
Are you sure?
with all our strength.
What are you gonna do, huh?
You're gonna kill us all?
Will you beat some to death
and kill the others
by stealing what they need
You must be Officer Cortez.
Yes, sir. Have a seat.
We're going to need someone
very familiar with the area.
López! Come here.
They're looking for you.
People from Buenos Aires.
They know where you are.
I told them it's impossible
to follow the road at night,
but they'll come as soon as the sun rises.
Thanks for the warning.
Let's pack everything up.
We're leaving tonight.
We've got enough gas
for about 150 miles without stopping.
How is your son doing?
Doing well.
The worst is over.
He's growing well.
How was your day?
Intense, but I don't complain.
Detecting problems
gives us a perfect opportunity
to overcome setbacks.
What do you mean "setbacks"?
Things that don't go
according to plan.
But in the end, you realize
that Jesus somehow had other plans.
- Are they Jesus's plans?
- Mm.
And all that Jesus blesses,
we must accept with joy, right?
Well, we live in the joy of Jesus.
I've been checking Botardi's list.
Uh, there are surprises.
There are a few names we could add to it.
And listen,
Emilio, I think we need
to open up our circle a little bit
and let in some fresh air, some new ideas.
Botardi is not family,
but he should be heard.
Of course.
I would like to
have more contact with him
if it's okay with you.
Go over the list.
No, I think that's great.
Food's great. Delicious.
Mmm. Yes, it is.
I've met Botardi's people.
People of faith?
Not all of our faith but believers.
They go to church.
- Will I be able to meet them?
- Of course.
- Soon?
- Quite soon.
Then let us give thanks to the Lord.
Thank you, Lord.
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