The Legacy (2014) s02e03 Episode Script

Afsnit 3

It's just some of Veronika's pieces
that I've put together.
That was the year she gave me away.
Do you think it's me?
Destroy it.
If someone were curious, it wouldn't be
hard for them to uncover the truth.
Do you realise how hot you look
when you talk about hemp?
Isa's father. Henrik.
He wants to take Melody away!
No! Let him go! Stop it!
Hey, you! What the hell
are you doing?
I'll have you know
that it doesn't stop here.
I have to leave,
and you call some neurotic idiot
who wants to take her from us.
I didn't know that he was neurotic.
I wanted to find Isa.
What do you want her for?
She neither can nor wants to
take care of her child.
Will you look at the file?
Frederik, we're all he has.
He doesn't have anyone else.
We miss you, Emil.
I feel so alone.
Frederik and I try to talk, but it's hard.
It's like you and what happened
is always present between us.
I'm going to Thailand with Gro.
I can't believe you came!
What a view!
Come and take a look.
I can see it from here.
It's amazing.
I'm so glad that you came with me.
What meeting are you talking about?
It's just an unofficial meeting
we're having.
With whom?
With his colleague.
He knows the prosecutor.
But isn't he the one that I paid
and who didn't stick to our agreement?
- Yes. It is.
- We can't trust him!
- Why didn't you tell me?
- Gro, let me handle it.
Basically, if the meeting goes badly,
Emil is fucked?
- Isn't there anything else we can do?
- Yes.
We can let them sentence him.
And then we can appeal.
It takes about a year
while Emil sits in prison.
God, this is a nightmare!
If we do what he says and are polite,
it will work out.
- Can we do that?
- All right. I'll behave.
It's great that she could come so soon.
I've just talked to her.
She's very excited.
- She just wants to take a look at it?
- Yes.
She has a sharp eye.
She's studied all of Veronika's work and
written two books and a PhD about her.
You couldn't ask for a better expert.
How long does an appraisal take?
She'll do it immediately.
You can take it to the bank tomorrow.
I think she's asleep now.
I was thinking of cleaning up a bit.
No, no, I like the feeling of work
being done here.
- It gives a good atmosphere.
- Yes.
I have coffee and tea,
but nothing to serve with it.
It doesn't matter.
As long as you have wine.
I don't.
Oh. OK.
I have some juniper schnapps.
Yes, but it's very strong, Thomas.
We're adults, aren't we?
I was passing by your fields.
Some pheasants
are eating the shoots.
That can't be right.
Or pigeons, I don't know.
On the whole field?
I don't know.
By the avenue.
See you later.
- It's lovely, isn't it?
- Yes.
Very lovely, I think.
It's amazing.
- She was bloody good at it.
- Yes.
That That's mine!
Is it?
You can't have it.
I'm very fond of it.
- Thomas!
- Sorry.
Melody is crying on the patio.
What the?
- Can't you hear her?
- I thought I had turned this on.
The light is on, but it doesn't work.
- Don't forget to turn it on.
- I know, I know!
- Your very own big bang's waiting for you.
- All right, all right.
Oh good! You found them.
- Do you think we can use all of them?
- Sure.
- Are you coming this afternoon?
- Coming to what?
I'm getting the piece appraised.
The bank thinks
I'm spending too much money.
But it hasn't been cast yet.
I know, but they can appraise
the prototype.
We're just going to look at it.
I'm not going to make more copies.
- Signe?
- Yes?
I talked to Kim.
He's also coming today.
Oh. Kim?
That piece is a real crowd-puller.
Isn't it fantastic?
That sounds interesting.
Yes. I hope I won't be
a laughing stock.
No one sees you
as a laughing stock.
They mustn't see it.
- It's all arranged. They're coming today.
- You'll have to stop them.
How can I do that?
What do you want me to say?
I'll call her myself.
Right. Good.
- Hello?
- Hi, Signe.
The prototype has to be destroyed.
You can't show it to anyone.
I just need it for an appraisal.
Lone has contacted an appraiser.
Yes, but the prototype isn't yours!
The cast isn't done yet. Without it
the bank won't lend me any more money.
No, but you know what?
It can damage Veronika's oeuvre.
It can't be shown to anyone. Is that clear?
I've paid a lot of money for the piece,
and I need an official valuation.
Then you'll have to wait
for the cast to be finished.
They're coming to see it.
Hi. You have to be there
the whole time.
OK, but what should I do?
Make sure they don't study it
too closely.
- Can we move on now?
- Sure.
And clean the place up.
- Get rid of all the scraps.
- OK.
- I have to go.
- That's OK. Great.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- Do you want some?
- No thanks.
I need your passport.
I'd rather I'll go in on my own.
Don't you want to go together?
No, I want to talk to him
on my own alone.
That might be you, Gro.
- It's good to see you.
- You too.
I brought you some things.
- What was that?
- I left some things for you.
Did you bring penicillin?
Are you sick?
It's for one of the other prisoners,
not for me.
What happened?
Nothing. It happened at the arrest.
Do they beat you?
Not if you keep your mouth shut.
How are you?
Frederik is here.
He he'll come in soon.
He found a mistake in the evidence.
We'll get you out of here.
I can't believe he came!
I know.
Our time is up.
- But I just got here.
- The visits are short.
You have to go now.
You have to go.
- We'll get you out
- It was lovely to see you. Go.
- No! I just got here.
- But you have to leave.
The visits are short.
- It was so nice of you to come.
- Hang in there. We'll get you out.
Miss you!
Hi, brother.
Fuck, it's good to see you!
Are you sweating?
Have you ever had anyone in your life
who was more important to you
than yourself?
Have you?
What are you talking about?
Frederik, I'm so fucking sorry
about everything.
I would die for you.
I would have given you
anything you asked for.
That thing with Solveig was a mistake.
I don't know how the hell it happened.
I've read everything
you've written to each other.
I know that you've met,
and that she paid for your trip out here.
Yes, she helped pay for my ticket.
Don't contact me.
Don't contact my family ever again.
What the hell are you on about?
I'll make sure that you never
get out of here!
- I'll make sure you never get out of here.
- Don't say that. It's bullshit.
Not in 10 years or 40 years.
- You can't say
- Just stay away!
You're my big brother. I can't!
I love you, Frederik.
I love you and your family.
I can't stop seeing you.
What the hell is wrong with you?
How can you say something like that
to me now?
I promise to never see
your family again.
But I can't promise
the same thing about you.
You're my brother.
- No.
- Yes, you are.
Can't you just hit me?
- Can't you just beat me up?
- You've made your choice.
Beat me up, so we can settle this.
Frederik! Frederik!
What did he say to you?
Not much.
You should've seen his face
when I told him you were here.
I'd like to take a shower
before we go.
Of course.
Should we just knock
when we're ready?
Yes. Let's.
It has to be worth something,
so it won't make it worse.
No, of course not.
- How about there?
- Here?
Won't you stay and hear
what she has to say?
I can if you want me to.
There. Put it in.
- I just want to get the farm going, Dad.
- Yes.
Put in it.
It has so many possibilities,
but Ole can't see it
or rather, he won't.
He can see it.
- No, he can't.
- Yes, he can.
You just got off on the wrong foot.
You should sit down
and talk it over with him - calmly.
Martin doesn't seem to
approve of me using him.
I can pay him if that helps.
No. That isn't necessary.
It's just been a few hours.
And that's not the problem.
It's about power. About Martin.
Martin wants to show
that he's the one in power.
Why? What's up?
He's just bought
two very expensive players.
Anyone with a brain knows it means
other players will be sacked.
He'll drive the whole team
into the ground.
He won't if you don't agree.
You're the coach.
That man thinks he can do everything.
- Hi, Solveig.
- Hi. I can't get hold of Frederik.
He's getting ready.
We have an important meeting.
So everything is OK?
Yes, I hope so.
I'm glad to hear it.
And is Frederik holding up?
- Has he seen Emil?
- Yes.
Did they talk?
I wasn't there, so
Nothing. Just give him my love.
take good care of him, OK?
Of course. I will.
Good. Bye.
Did you take a shower?
No, I fell asleep.
I've just talked to Solveig.
I think you should call her.
What did she say?
She just wanted to know
how things were going.
Or perhaps she's worried that you'll be
tempted by a beautiful Thai woman.
Shall we go?
We might get stuck in traffic.
- Perhaps you want to change first.
- Yes.
- What a lot of people.
- Yes.
Hi, Robert.
What are you doing here?
I talked to Gro,
and she asked me to come.
OK. Why?
She thought it'd be a good idea
in case there were any questions.
- Great.
- Cool.
Signe, I'd like you to meet Hanne Stein,
the appraiser.
- Hi. Hanne.
- Thanks for coming.
- And you know Kim.
- Hi, Signe.
- Hi. It's been a long time.
- Hi. Yes, it has.
Hi, John.
- And this is Eva Brun.
- Hi.
Eva is writing a book
about Veronika's work.
- Hi.
- John.
This is my father.
- Shall we?
- Yes, I think so.
- Did you change the batteries?
- No, it has a red and a green light.
The red light means
that the batteries have run out.
- Hi.
- Hi, Robert.
Let's see now.
This is exciting.
- Hi there. Hi.
- Hi.
I've never seen this piece.
My goodness. It's big.
Very big.
I seem to be the only one
who saw it back then.
- That bit is very different.
- Yes, very.
It's not like her at all.
I've never seen her make
something so raw.
That is, apart from her first works.
I'm sorry.
This could be considered
her masterpiece.
I agree.
A masterpiece?
I think this calls for a celebration,
doesn't it?
- It certainly does.
- Yes!
I'd very much like to include it
in my book.
The prototype belongs to Gro.
I just bought the cast.
Good. Then it's not a problem.
- I'll take some pictures.
- Fine.
It's all there.
It's all there. See
- It's fantastic.
- You got a bargain, Signe.
She's the one Iying there.
- Yes.
- OK.
No doubt about it.
Hi. I just wanted to tell you
that it went really well.
They loved it.
It definitely won't
damage her reputation.
Kim started crying
and called it a masterpiece.
It went really well.
I just thought you'd want to know.
And Melody is fine.
Now we have to be all smiles
until it's over.
Thank you.
Let the lawyer do his work.
Frederik, put it away.
Frederik, what are you doing?
Frederik, easy now.
Put it away! Put it away!
Open up, Frederik!
What the hell were you doing?
- The meeting wasn't helping.
- We were so close!
- They just wanted more and more money.
- Is that why you came?
- Just to take revenge? Is that it?
- Stop it.
- Is that it?
- Stop it.
You and your hatred.
First Mum and now Emil.
- He's your little brother, Frederik.
- Stop it, Gro.
- Little brother, he's your little brother.
- Gro, stop it.
You're insane!
- Leave me alone.
- You're insane!
- You do! You're insane!
- Don't.
It'll be your fault if he dies in prison.
Your fault.
You're killing him.
Shut the fuck up!
Shut up!
I'm sorry, Gro.
I'm sorry.
Do you seriously think
I should give the tenants notice?
What do you mean? You've just had
the work valued at 900,000.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
To your new hemp farm!
- Hemp farm.
- Farming hemp.
I hope that the bank
will agree to it now.
They're so
I can go with you.
- Would you?
- We'll put them right.
We just have to sweet talk them.
Give me your business plan,
and I'll go through it.
Do you want to see it now?
Find it and then I'll take it with me
when I go.
- What do you want to change?
- It's simply
It'll be like a whole new wing.
I'll have to use a lot of materials.
That's the expensive part.
You can always get
good and cheap materials.
Can I?
But can I buy
second-hand materials?
You just have to know who to talk to.
I'll call and talk to them.
What's this? Can I see?
- It's a drawing of
- Can I see the back?
of the extension.
Bloody hell!
This is my business plan.
- I'm sorry!
- You can't draw on it!
I'm sorry.
It's in pencil, so you can erase it.
- Here.
- Thanks.
What's up, sweetie pie?
Signe, did you know that Robert
started from scratch as well?
- Yes.
- Yes?
Did you just open a gallery?
I was the stock boy
in a gallery in Hamburg.
- Check out his biceps.
- I moved boxes.
He still has them.
Was Veronika your first artist?
No, it was a German impressionist
who took his own life.
Do you have any living artists?
Don't you think
you should get some sleep?
Yes, I suppose so.
I think you're tired.
Is she a good lawyer?
- She's a very talented lawyer until 3pm.
- OK.
It's Gro.
- Hi.
- Hi, Gro.
How did it go?
It was fantastic.
You should have seen them.
That piece is worth 900,000.
- They were crazy about it.
- I'm really glad to hear it.
How are things with you two?
I have to go, Robert.
I'll call you tomorrow. All right?
Sit up.
There you go.
No, you have to sit up.
Here. Drink some water.
There, there.
Can I come in?
I'm going to see Emil now.
I'm going to talk to the governor who's
been on the judge and prosecutor's case.
I know where he is today.
He won't talk to you.
You should see yourself, Frederik.
- Hey.
- Hi, sweetie.
- Hi, pumpkin.
- I terminated the lease agreements.
Now I'm a hemp farmer.
That's great. Way to go.
I'll be there in two minutes.
- Of course. Congratulations, Signe.
- Thanks.
Would you like to go out
for dinner tonight to celebrate?
I have a strategy meeting.
We're playing Randers tomorrow.
What did Ole say?
to the bank instead.
She arranged the appraisal.
Shouldn't you talk to Ole?
I have to tell him
that I've found a new lawyer.
Probably best, since he works here.
Things won't get mixed up.
- Ole is good and very sensible.
- Yes, but I think a change is a good idea.
Who is the new one?
- You can't do everything yourself.
- I've asked Lone.
- But
- I have to go.
- Yes. I have to find Ole. Bye.
- See you.
Aren't you going to celebrate?
You're kidding.
You should celebrate.
Everything's panned out.
Yes, but
- Have some champagne and good food.
- Yes, but I have her to look after.
I'll help you take care of it.
- "Her".
- "Her", yes.
I love babies.
I have plenty of champagne
from our sponsors.
Come on, we have to celebrate
our victories.
Shall we?
I have to take my own car.
Of course.
- Can I help you?
- Grab the safety belt.
Now where do I sit?
Take your car and follow me.
- Drive safely.
- I will.
Don't do that!
Now all three of us
can have a toast.
- Cheers. Cheers.
- Cheers.
Congratulations, hemp queen.
- Nice and easy.
- Yes.
Thanks, Signe.
- I'll give you a receipt for the sculpture.
- Please.
- Will you call me when it's been delivered?
- You bet.
I'd like to turn it a bit.
There we go. Yes.
- There.
- Can you take it from here?
Yes, of course.
You have a guest, don't you?
- Bye.
- Bye.
Sorry about that.
It had to be sent off.
No problem.
So you're also an art collector
and know all about it?
No, not at all.
I don't know anything about it.
It's just because my mum made it.
You're an amazing woman.
Did you know that?
Should I put on some music?
I think about you all the time.
I don't think this is a good idea.
Hi, Isa!
- Hi.
- Where have you been?
Out partying.
We came to pick up Melody.
We want to give her a safe home.
You can't.
You can't just come
You'll have to wait
for Thomas to come back.
Or you can come back
when he's here.
- Your name is Signe, right?
- Yes.
Do you think this is a safe home
with ideal parent figures for a young baby?
Is that the case here?
We are celebrating
the success of Signe's business.
I suggest that you sit down
and have a toast with us.
- And you can call Thomas.
- Yes.
- I
- Wait. I promised to look after Melody.
But you aren't Melody's mother, are you?
You don't have any rights.
- Isa should be with her child.
- Isa, you have to talk to Thomas.
- Isa has custody.
- Along with Thomas.
You have no right to interfere.
And if you think about it,
I'm sure you'll see what's best.
This isn't a good way of doing it, is it?
- No.
- No.
- Come along, sweetie.
- Isa, for Christ's sake!
Please wait.
Isa, wait for Thomas!
Hey, Thomas!
Isa's taken Melody!
Isa, don't do it!
I'm sorry, Thomas.
I tried to stop them.
I didn't go in.
I didn't know what to say to him.
I need a drink. Do you want one?
Our lawyer is downstairs.
Are you coming?
You got him out!
I'll go and pick him up.
There you go.
Here are some of Frederik's clothes.
We need to clean those wounds.
- Oh, shit!
- I know.
- Thank you.
- I'm not done yet.
No, I mean
Thanks for getting me out.
It was mostly Frederik's doing.
How is he?
- What's that?
- Nothing.
Let me see.
- Did Frederik do that?
- It was an accident.
Why don't we go down
and have a drink?
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