The Machinery (2020) s02e03 Episode Script


- Have you got everything?
- Yes.
Great. Hurry up now, sweetheart.
Jump in.
What are you doing here?
- I'm driving Lilly to school.
- No, you're not. Come along, Lilly.
She called me.
We're late, and I get that you don't
want anything to do with me,
but maybe you should take a look
at yourself in the mirror, too.
You stay fucking far away from here,
do you hear me?
Mum, I want him to drive me.
Jump in, sweetheart.
Mind your hands.
Fuck. I didn't get any dill.
- Did you get any dill?
- Yes.
- How's it going?
- Just fine.
- What are you doing here?
- I'm on holiday.
I heard that
Monica Hansen was at large.
She went missing
My colleagues said
that she was heading for Sweden.
Look, I don't have to be nervous
because you're here on holiday, do I?
No. No, I've just come to buy snus.
Unless you need an assistant?
Do you think she's coming
to get her son?
- There. Will you manage from here?
- Yes.
Good. Listen
I know Mum's been
a bit strange recently,
but she loves you loads.
And I love you, too.
And I love you.
Hey, baby.
- Run off to school now.
- Have a nice day.
And remember your homework,
so you don't end up like Uncle Palle.
You've got your money, Axel.
We're quits, okay?
Yeah, sure, but hey
Don't you miss what we had?
I've heard a rumour
that you've started dealing cars.
You shouldn't believe rumours.
- No, of course not.
- No.
But I'd be keen to help you out.
Thanks. I'll be in touch if I get
into the car dealership business.
Here you go.
You know what? This.
Don't you feel it?
It's gold. Good talk.
Be right with you.
Police! Freeze!
- Police!
- Fuck!
What the?
- On the ground!
- Calm down!
Please vacate the premises.
We're closing it down.
Calm down!
Get out!
- Lie still!
- Fuck!
We're closing the place,
so you can go home. Go home.
- Take it easy.
- You fucking arsehole!
What am I doing with these things?
- You're coming tomorrow?
- Yes, of course.
Listen, Mum, is it okay
if I bring someone?
- Someone?
- Someone special.
Is it serious?
Yes, you could say that.
That's good, Palle.
We all need someone in life.
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
A bit bitter, perhaps.
Can I have some sugar?
You and your sweet tooth!
- Is brown sugar okay?
- Yes, no problem.
You old bastard.
Sorry I couldn't go to the funeral.
I don't think he'd have
wanted me there anyway.
I know I made a fool of myself.
- Sorry.
- He loved you, you know.
It's not me
you should be apologising to.
No, I know, but she doesn't want
anything to do with me.
She's changed so much.
- I barely recognise her.
- Has something happened?
Tell me about yourself.
Are you all right? Do you need money?
No, I'm fine.
I'm doing all right, thanks.
I sometimes think it might be just
as well the restaurant burned down.
I think you're destined for
greater things than running a pub.
I don't know.
There are too many criminals there.
I need help with something.
I knew it wasn't just
an itch in your pants.
I've got to get out, as soon as fuck.
They're planning to send me
to Belgium next week.
Maybe an overseas holiday
would be nice.
You know I won't survive long there.
Talk to Wessberg.
He'll be able to sort it all out.
- Yeah, but he'll need guarantees.
- Sure. I've got the cash.
is sitting on the loot from
the Sandefjord robbery two years ago.
I see.
- And he's on board with this?
- He will be.
Come on, Erik!
You're risking too much.
I'm dead if you don't
help me out with this.
Tell him we've got to get out,
by Sunday at the latest.
- Sunday?
- Yes.
You're out of your fucking mind.
- What are you doing here?
- Listen, I'd like a word with you.
- Do you have time?
- I have a meeting to go to, but
Has something new happened?
Yes. I've spoken to Olle.
Olle? You've met Olle?
Yes. He
I didn't want to tell him, but
Monica's alive.
I mean, she There was
There was an accident that
- Why do the police stay quiet?
- The police haven't cottoned on yet.
- Are you sure about this?
- I'm pretty certain.
Pretty? It
I don't want you
to contact me any more.
You've got to be careful.
Don't come round here anymore.
Got that?
Olle says hi. He said
you shouldn't worry about him.
- What are you doing here?
- Can we talk in the depot?
The board has had a meeting
about your leadership.
I think that this job might be
a little too much for you.
- Shouldn't I have been there too?
- We thought this was for the best.
If it's about the Aabco business,
I've already sorted it.
- They're pulling out.
But I've just spoken to him.
They had their demands met.
I know,
but they chose Skanska instead.
its worst crisis since the 1940s.
- All companies are doing badly.
- It's not about that.
- So what's it about, then?
- We think that you
I think you need to take a break.
You need to get some rest.
You need to take care of Lilly.
What do you mean? All I do
is take care of Lilly and Jimmy.
Hang on Is this about Jimmy?
So you think I've shamed the family
because I've taken care of Jimmy?
The police say that they're certain
he got the explosives from here.
We have a responsibility to run this
company in a professional manner!
Right now,
you're not capable of that.
- It's only temporary.
- No, it's not.
Sweetheart, hi!
- When's Jimmy coming back?
- Isn't he, like, in prison?
Let's go.
Sweetie, I was thinking we'd find
something fun to do together today.
- But we're working with trees.
- Trees?
In science. We've got birch.
- Didn't I say?
- Yes. Yes, you did.
But don't you think the birches can
manage without you, just for today?
We'll bunk off. It'll be fun!
This is fun, isn't it?
We can stay here all day if you like.
- Can we go and have a sauna?
- Yes.
Let go of her!
Let go!
Let her go! Let go!
What the hell are you doing?
Sorry. I thought
you were someone else.
Mummy, it hurts.
Lilly, come here. Let me see.
I thought she was in danger.
She's my daughter.
- Are you feeling better?
- A bit.
- Let's go home and get some rest.
- Why did you do that?
I don't know.
I don't know why, sweetheart.
Let's go home.
- Can we go and see Jimmy?
- Let's go home.
Sorry I'm late.
- Hi, Palle.
- Hi.
Take a seat. Hi.
Listen, if this is about that car
in Gothenburg, I apologise.
- I won't be using that guy again.
- It got sorted.
- But I've had another order.
- Yeah?
It's quite big.
- Well, well.
- Yeah.
What do you think?
Can you sort that out for Wednesday?
It's quite a lot.
I don't actually know.
- What if I raise it to fifty per car?
- A hundred.
Okay. Deal.
- And the down payment?
- Yeah. Elvis.
Mummy? How long
will he be kept asleep for?
I don't know. Until he gets better.
Will he come to live with us then?
Not a fucking sound.
Erik sends his regards.
The woman who escaped from the
is thought to have fled
to Sweden, says NRK.
The woman, who'd received
a long prison sentence
for her involvement in several
murders, is deemed highly dangerous.
Plastic recycling
must rise by 10% a year, says
It's Charlie, the neighbour's dog.
He tends to run off when
he fancies something good to eat.
Yeah I guess
I've been spoiling it a little.
Just as crazy as my ex.
What a monster.
I've missed you.
Come here.
Got any plans for this evening?
Yes, maybe.
- What are you looking at?
- At you. You're so lovely.
Stop it.
- Chop some onions instead.
- Give me the knife.
Shit, you don't
often see Mexican wines.
- I read about it in a magazine.
- You know, my son was born in Mexico.
Really? What were you doing there?
Lived there for a while
with my husband.
Or rather my ex.
We got married there.
I think it was
the happiest I've ever been.
Then he took off
and left me there on my own.
I was pregnant.
Totally sick.
Well, I'm over it now.
The main thing
for now is to be with Jimmy.
- He's the best thing I've got.
- That's lovely.
Do you have a cullender?
- What was that?
- Cullender.
- You mean colander?
- Colander.
Colander. Could I have
a colander, please?
I haven't cooked for ages.
I'm feeling a little rusty.
I think I'll pop down to the cellar
and get a bottle of wine.
Something wrong with that one?
That's a great wine, but I think I've
got an even better one in the cellar.
Just take it easy.
Don't be scared.
I'd never hurt you. Hey.
I get so fucking disappointed!
Do you get that?
I'm trying so fucking hard
to be a better person!
I've even been in therapy!
- And maybe you should, too.
- Yes.
What a fucking life.
Aren't you hungry?
I'm sorry about what happened.
I didn't mean to hurt you.
You know that, right?
There's been so much with Dad
and Jimmy and work.
Shouldn't you go to a doctor?
No. I just have to get a little rest,
and everything will be fine.
Have some pizza. It's delicious.
Hi, my name's Pernilla Carlsson.
Pernilla Carlsson.
That Norrbagge we called on
Why is Erik so interested in him?
It's said he was
a part of Sandefjord.
Erik's thought about taking off,
hasn't he?
Taking off where?
Hey, quit the bullshit.
We're in too.
Me and Gordon are in too.
He fucking owes us.
Tell Erik that.
- I've thrown out a couple of hooks.
- Good.
But it's going to be fucking hard
to sort it before Sunday.
What about the fielders?
Don't you know people out there?
- What are you thinking? Petrol?
- Yeah.
From the lawn mowers?
Yeah. That's smart.
Another thing.
- What?
- Kenny, that fucking bastard.
What about him?
He's twigged
that something's brewing.
Forget him. He does what I say.
What is it?
Thanks for the greeting.
It was very pleasant.
Next time, will you come in alone?
So I can tell you yet again
that I don't know where that money is
and that I'm staying here.
Is that hard for you to understand?
I've had a word with Erik.
is sitting on the cash.
Not Palle?
Do you know anything about that Olle?
No, I just know he's married
to Palle's sister.
Well, whaddya know!
Hi, Lilly.
- Hi.
- Is Mum at home?
She's asleep on the sofa.
Hi, Lilly.
- Hi.
- I'm Kasper.
- How are you today?
- Fine.
It looks like blood.
What? What's happened? Lilly?
- Where's Lilly?
- It's okay. She's here.
What's going on?
We've received a report from
a concerned person about Lilly.
- From whom?
- I'm not at liberty to say.
We realise you've had a hard time
and have felt a bit depressed.
But there's a fear
that it'll affect Lilly.
Lilly feels fine.
Don't you, sweetheart?
I mean, it's
Combined with Jimmy's situation,
we think it'd be best for Lilly
if she could stay with an emergency
foster family for a while.
No, I'm not having that.
Lilly's staying here with me.
I understand how you feel,
but we have an order for
I don't give a shit about that order!
Calm down. You're making it
harder for yourself and for Lilly.
Lilly, could you show me your room?
Let's go and pack a few things.
and told us what happened
this morning.
What happened was unintentional. I
- You need to get help, okay?
- I'm fine!
- Listen, this is for Lilly's sake.
- Jesus Christ
Oh, God. This isn't happening.
- Josefin.
- No, Daniel.
You can't take her from me.
- Daniel.
- Josefin.
Daniel, please.
- Darling. How do I look?
- You look lovely.
- It's not too much?
- Don't be nervous. She won't bite.
We don't have to stay long.
Thank you. This is Julie.
- Hi. Welcome.
- Julie.
- What? Is it true?
- Yes.
- Why haven't you said anything?
- Surprise.
- Congratulations!
- Thanks.
- Welcome to the family.
- Thank you.
- Come in!
- Thanks.
- It's hard work to have a party.
- It's tiring.
You've met Manfred before.
- Hi, Manfred.
- No, I haven't. A pleasure.
- This is Julia.
- Julie.
- Julie.
- Julie.
Like the month.
Herman is collecting money for
the Lions for an orphanage in Sudan.
That's correct.
Okay. Then you can
put me down for 20,000.
Oh! Thank you. Very generous.
It feels good to give back a little.
That's just how it is.
- Can I have a quick word?
- Sure.
- Was it too little?
- What are you doing?
None of them
have had any faith in me,
so now I want to prove them wrong.
- But was that all the car money?
- We have enough. Don't worry.
I need a phone. Now.
Because you need me.
Okay. I'll sort it.
- What are you doing here?
- I got your invitation in my inbox.
I don't normally go
to your charity dos, but I figured
that I'd go this time
as I've nothing better to do,
as I'm out of work.
So I thought I'd go to a party.
- This party's awesome!
- Louise. Where are the napkins?
A really awesome party.
I think I'll take one of these.
What are we celebrating?
That I've been fired?
Is that it? Yeah, you like that?
My dear, what's got into you?
Right, okay. He's been invited too.
Right, so Mummy's forgiven you?
No, it's for the best.
Pretending as if nothing's happened.
- I think you should go home.
- It's what we do in this family.
Jossan, hey, where's Lilly?
- She's been kidnapped.
- What did you say?
The first time, you took her,
and now the social services have her!
- What, have they taken Lilly?
- Some concerned person reported me.
- But you know nothing about that?
- I don't know what you're
- Did you call them?
- No.
I haven't told them
what a fucking bastard you are,
what you've done to her, to me
Okay, that's enough. No, Jossan.
I'm driving you home.
You're not driving me!
I'm taking a taxi, okay?
- Good, let's go and take a taxi.
- No, I'm taking a taxi on my own.
She's not well.
- Who the hell have you kidnapped?
- I haven't kidnapped anyone.
Shut the door.
It only works in the toilet.
The jammers will block
the signal otherwise.
Annelie speaking.
I'm Lilly's mother.
I'd like to speak to her.
It's a little late.
Can you call tomorrow?
I want to speak to my daughter!
Can I do that?
Hello? Lilly, sweetheart?
I've spoken to Lilly,
and she wants to go to sleep.
- Doesn't she want to talk to me?
- It's better if you call tomorrow.
at Laholmen Bygg.
No, I won't
I have to
at Laholmen Bygg.
- Hey, Kim. Have you seen Erik?
- No.
How much do you want?
- For what?
- To take Gordon and me with you.
On what? A trip to Skansen?
Get it?
Get it?
Get it?
So when are we leaving?
Why did you do that?
Shouldn't you go to a doctor?
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