The Manny (2023) s02e03 Episode Script

Season 2, Episode 3

["amantes y amigos"
by Elsa y Elmar playing]
[Gabriel] Hey, hey, hey.
[Matías] Honey.
[song continues faintly]
-Where are you right now?
-Ah! Forgive me.
-Uh, what's up?
-Please explain to me why we're going.
Don't we have enough
on our plate to do right now?
We'll end up wasting most of the day.
[sighs] Would you relax? It's Saturday.
It'll be good for us all
to take a little break from the city.
Sure, if you like the smell of poo
everywhere that you go.
No, thanks, Ma.
[Jimena exhales sharply]
It's a party thrown by Gabriel's family
for all of their friends. It's for
for celebrating the festivities
of Tepatitlán.
It's important to attend
because we'll be in business soon
with Violeta and Gabriel.
Besides, we're going to try
Don Julio's specialty,
tortas ahogadas, in his own secret sauce.
-Ew. Why?
-Ew. Disgusting.
[theme song playing]
[cheerful music playing]
-What's up, Madrina?
-What's up, kiddo?
Ah. Put it over on the candy table.
It's the one right there.
Or the kids will eat it all
immediately. [chuckles]
Ooh, are those for the most famous
tortas ahogadas in all of Tepa?
That's right. They're coming along.
[Gabriel] Hmm.
Violeta, wouldn't it be better
if the vases looked fuller?
-Okay, sure.
-Just saying.
Thank you.
[Julio] Uh
Where are you taking those?
Well, I was told to make them look fuller.
I think Jimena and the kids will be
more comfortable sitting down here.
Jimena Lemus?
What? Wait a second.
Are you working during the party?
So not even a shot of tequila?
Can't we have a little fun?
That explains why
the guest numbers didn't make sense.
Well, yeah, but
Jimena and Matías are our new clients.
We have to spoil them, don't we?
So I was right.
You are working, aren't you?
[Gabriel] Hey, get rid
of those long faces.
We're going to have a great time.
You'll see.
But, hey, if I were you, Papa,
I'd go supervise the sauce being made
for the sandwiches.
You know how stubborn Madrina is
about your recipe.
Uh, Romina, leave the sauce to me.
It's the best drowned sandwich
I've tasted in my whole life.
But you can't eat them all,
because there are still more guests
who need to eat.
-[woman] Please. Are you thirsty?
-[Gabriel laughing]
-I've gotta get going.
Okay, okay.
Santiago, you're not going
to finish your meal?
No. I'm going to go play the guitar.
Come on. We're having a nice lunch.
Sit and join us a while.
It's not like you're gonna
hear me playing it, so don't worry.
No, Santiago,
hearing your music's not a problem.
This is a party, isn't it?
And music is always welcome.
[whimsical music playing]
-[woman] Salud.
-Hmm. Salud.
[indistinct chatter]
[music fades]
-I'm gonna take some of these.
-I'm glad you liked it.
Did you see these ones?
You used to love these
when you were little.
Tell me that wasn't the best sandwich
you girls have ever had.
No, yes. Easily, sir, it was so delicious.
It's been a family tradition,
about 20 years now?
[Julio] Yes.
[whimsical music playing]
Believe me, Jimena,
when I say what happened is all behind us.
All we have to do now
is look to the future,
just like my son with his windmills. Yeah?
Speaking of windmills,
if you want to see 'em, come along.
It'll be fun. And I can show you
where we put the energy we collect.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. That'd be incredible.
They just finished eating
and you want to rush them out of here?
-Wait, are you leaving?
-[Violeta] Aw.
[Gabriel] Hey, Leo, don't worry.
It shouldn't take very long.
-It's okay, you still have your siblings.
-You mean I'll be his nanny?
-It's good for you. Go on.
-[Leo] Hey!
Who wants to join me
in a game of hide-and-seek?
-I do!
[all laugh]
Sounds like a plan, then.
How about we go on horseback?
Can't we just drive there?
I'm only kidding.
Obviously, we'll take the horses.
[all laugh]
All right. Grab your hat.
And if you need a hat, I got you covered.
-Well, excuse us.
-Please, go ahead.
-Oh my God.
Stay with Leo.
I have to go talk with Gabriel.
You were right.
There's something about Matías
that I don't like.
I know, right? I told you.
-Please take care of yourself, all right?
There's a storm on the horizon.
And it's going to rain like hell.
Um, what are you talking about?
The sky is perfectly clear.
Uh What?
I'm not talking about a real storm.
I meant trouble. All right?
-Take care of yourself.
-I will.
-See you later?
[phone dings]
No, no, no, no, no, I can't believe it.
What happened, Sof? You okay?
[scoffs] Everyone I know
is at this party right now.
-And you wish you were there?
Obviously! I should totally be there.
Everyone's there. All of them.
Including Abel and that Curly chick.
Don't worry, Sofía.
You just need to give them more FOMO.
All you do is pretend there's nowhere
in the world you would rather be.
Fake it till you make it.
I don't think it's a good idea, Sof.
Are you sure you want to do that?
No, no, no. That could work.
Matías is totally right.
If you're not cheating,
you're barely trying,
and I won't be left in the dust.
-Thanks, Matías.
-[Matías chuckles]
Good luck, Sofía.
[whimsical music playing]
[Gabriel sighs]
Let's go, huh?
[horse neighing]
[music ends]
Is everything okay with Sofía?
Of course, everything's fine. She's good.
Hey, Gabriel.
Is this one of your good horses?
-Is he a fast one?
-Have you ridden a horse before?
Yeah, sure. Playing polo
at the University of Buenos Aires.
-Are you sure?
-Of course.
This guy.
Well, because you're riding Diablito.
He can be stubborn.
You really have to pull hard on his reins.
So be careful, okay?
We better get going
so it doesn't get too late, okay?
-[Matías] Let's go.
-[Gabriel] Come on. Let's go.
[cheerful music playing]
[horse snorting]
I'm at the coolest pool party
in all the world.
[chuckles] Ah! Pepe, don't splash!
Pepe, I told you to splash me.
But not now! I said when I'm recording.
Oh! This is useless.
[kids screaming, chattering]
Santiago, I need your help.
I can't record my story and splash myself
with water at the same time.
Not right now, Sof.
[strumming guitar]
Please, it's just one recording.
Sof, it's probably gonna be like
a million takes to satisfy you, so no.
[strumming guitar]
Santiago, I have a lot at stake right now.
Could there be more at stake
than the fate of my band?
We keep losing our focus.
We have to come up with our own sound,
and we don't have a hit.
I can't record your dumb videos right now.
Sometimes you just have
to distract yourself
in order to find the answer
you've been seeking.
-Shall we?
-Let's go.
[Gabriel] Since I was a boy,
I had big dreams.
One of them was to work outdoors,
in this field.
[gentle music playing]
So, look, that hill there
is where we want to put the windmills.
It has an amazing view. Right, Violeta?
-For sure.
-But you'll see for yourself.
Uh, thank you, for inviting us.
Thank you for showing me all of this,
for sharing it with me.
Yeah, Gabriel.
Thanks for inviting all of us.
The place is gorgeous.
But not as beautiful as you, my love.
-Coming was a great idea.
-Right? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
-Come closer.
-Aren't we a little
-[horse snorting, neighing]
Uh Uh [clears throat]
-You good, Matías?
-[Matías] Hmm.
Perfect. [blows kiss]
Let's go, then.
[whimsical music playing]
[Santiago] One, two, three.
I'm at the coolest pool party,
maybe in the world.
Kisses to everyone.
-Yeah? Let me check.
[whimsical music continues]
[phone beeps]
[phone chiming]
There's already a ton of likes.
Everyone thinks I'm having
a better time than they are.
[both chuckle]
[phone dings]
[Nadia] Abel is talking to the Curly girl.
[Paola] They've been talking
for 30 minutes.
What is it with this girl?!
Santiago, we have to
come up with something else.
-And I need it to break the internet.
[flapping lips]
It's official, Sofía.
You've completely lost it.
There has to be something to do
in this stupid place. But what?
This is really just perfect, you know.
I'm gonna get that Curly girl.
[music ends]
The sun is scorching.
Let's go back to the ranch.
I've had enough.
Hang in there. It's not that much further.
[tense music playing]
-[Violeta] Jimena, look out!
-Whoa! No, no, no.
-No, no, no, no!
-[horse neighs]
-Jerry! Jerry, come on!
-[horse neighs]
-[horse snorting]
-[Matías grunts, groans]
Oh, Matías!
-[horse neighing]
[snake rattling]
-[Violeta] Careful!
[tense music playing]
[horse neighing]
[Violeta] Matías! Matías!
Are you all right?
-Go after Jimena.
-No, no.
Gabriel will be able to bring her back.
I'll get your horse and tie him to me,
because, well,
your horse is really spooked,
and you're no expert.
-What's wrong?
-[Matías sucks teeth]
Okay, that does look pretty bad, actually.
Let's go back to the ranch.
[Santiago] I'm sorry. You're screwed.
Yeah. Well, it's not as easy as it looks.
Sofía, you really think
anybody is going to care about this?
Honestly, I don't know
if they're into Westerns.
But I at least have to try.
I have no choice.
[accordion playing]
Santiago, what's wrong?
Sorry, Sof.
I have to see who's creating that.
Santiago! Wait, Santiago!
Dang it, Santiago!
[sighs, whimpers]
-[adventurous music playing]
-[horse snorting]
[Jimena panting]
[Gabriel] Oh, Bella! Bella!
[Jimena] Ahh!
[grunts, whimpers]
Whoa, whoa! Easy. That's it.
-Whoa! Whoa.
-[Jimena panting]
-You're okay. We'll ride together.
-[horse neighing]
It's all over now.
Everything's okay. All right?
[Gabriel exhales]
I'll just take the reins, okay?
There we go. You're safe.
All right? Just relax.
[both panting]
We need to give the horses some water.
We'll go to this place nearby
and wait for the horses to relax. Okay?
-[horse neighing]
-All right.
Okay. [panting]
[accordion playing]
What's up?
Honestly, I was just writing a song.
Well, trying to.
But it's missing something.
Then I heard the cool music
you were playing there.
Try telling my mom that.
She's always sending me outside
so she doesn't have to hear my accordion.
She says it makes her skin crawl.
I feel you.
My mom's boyfriend gave me
an electric guitar with a headset.
-That way, no one hears me playing it.
But, you know, there'll always be
someone around who appreciates our music.
That's right.
-So, are you any good with that?
Come on, show me.
-What were you doing earlier?
-I was playing this.
[playing accordion]
[playing guitar]
Yeah, I think I can work with that.
But what we ought to do
is go to the barn so no one bugs us.
-Come on, I'll show you.
-[guests] Salud!
-[guests] Salud!
[guests chuckling, chattering]
[Violeta] Are you okay?
What happened to you? Where's Gabriel?
We crossed paths with a snake on the trail
over there, and Jimena's horse bolted.
Oh, and Matías fell off his horse.
-[Gabriel] Are you thirsty?
Come on, we can hang out inside
while they calm down.
Here you go.
Feeling a little better?
Yeah, I was so worried.
That's never happened to me.
I get it. That snake spooked Bella
into running away.
-They're all over the place.
For a moment I thought I wouldn't make it.
-It all happened so fast.
-It did, but you had good instincts.
I'm glad you held on tight.
And I'm glad neither of us fell,
'cause then we would have looked
like total idiots.
[both laugh]
[gentle music playing]
[inhales deeply]
This is Mr. Javier's place.
He's the farm's caretaker.
Surely, he would offer us some libations
if he were here.
Let's have a look.
Oh, look, Jime.
Want some tequila?
Like the good ol' times.
[Jimena laughs]
Okay, but under one condition.
No karaoke.
Because last time, I didn't tell you,
but your singing was bad.
-All right, then.
-[both laugh]
A toast.
Here's to neither of us singing well.
[glasses clink]
[whimsical music playing]
[Jimena] Mm!
Ah! [chuckles]
[playing lively music]
[hen clucking]
Just like that, only do it twice.
-Got it. Okay.
-One, two, three.
[lively music continues]
[goofy music playing]
[hen clucking]
What? I just came to feed the chicken.
My sister, Sofía.
And she wasn't feeding the chicken.
She did it on purpose.
Oh, hey.
How you doin'? I'm José.
Oh, yeah. Abel is flirting with Curly.
I thought you didn't care anymore?
I wish it were that simple. I do.
But I have to do something,
'cause I just can't let that happen.
Assist us?
[sighs] What do you have in mind?
What did I say?
I told you not to listen to her.
There's something about tequila.
The way, um, it convinces you to be honest
and lets you say things.
Hmm. You didn't need it
to insult my singing, though.
-Oh, don't get touchy.
-It cuts deep.
Truth or dare?
[Gabriel chuckles]
What's up with Violeta?
[exhales sharply]
We're seeing what happens.
[gentle music playing]
But mixing love and business,
you know, it's not something I'm good at.
Still, you wouldn't say it turned out bad?
I don't know. I really care about her
[sighs] But I also don't want anyone
to get hurt.
You're worried that you'll get hurt?
Or that you'll hurt her?
Whoa, settle down.
Only one question per round.
-[chuckles] My turn.
All right. Did Did you ever think
that you'd get remarried?
Um, not really, no.
But I do think that Matías came along
at the right time.
I was officially divorced,
and truth is, after, um
[gentle music continues]
[sighs] I don't know, I feel that
I just needed to feel pampered.
After what?
-Only one question per round.
And you know perfectly well
the answer to that question.
[Violeta] Does it hurt?
You must have hit pretty hard, huh?
Nah, it was, uh
just a scare, really.
Well, a scare and a scratch.
Should I worry they aren't here?
-Think something went wrong?
-I wouldn't worry.
Because if there is one person
in this world
that's going to protect Jimena,
it's Gabriel.
[pensive music playing]
I'm sorry.
I might've just said
No, no, no, don't worry.
Nothing I don't know already.
-Jimena told me everything.
She also told me she suffered a lot
because of your brother.
Yeah, well, things for my brother
weren't exactly easy, either.
He had to choose between love and family.
At least now it's something different.
I'm sure they're on their way here.
Now, what should we do with this, huh?
-I can clean it.
-It's fine.
-Thanks again for everything.
-Mm-hmm. My pleasure.
[pensive music continues]
[music fades]
[record button beeps]
-One, two, three, four.
-One, two, three, four.
[lively music playing]
[José chuckles]
-[both laugh]
[hen clucking]
-That's it.
[speaking indistinctly]
[both laughing]
[music ends]
Hey, listen to me. Why didn't you
tell me Jimena and Gabriel dated?
That changes everything.
You should've told me.
He's everywhere
when you said that he was harmless.
But in reality, bro,
he could blow up our whole plan here.
Turns out that manny
is pretty clever, hmm?
We cannot afford to have Jimena
doubting me. You hear me?
So if we have to make the wedding date
sooner, that's what we'll do.
Okay, okay, okay, okay. Easy.
Just relax, okay? Chill, man.
[Matías] To hell with that. I'm calm.
But if you have something to tell me,
do it now.
Because I don't like surprises,
and there's no way that I'm
Shh. Hey, I told you,
don't talk to me like that.
I've got enough dirt on you
to send you to prison.
Just stop, Rogelio.
Let's just calm down, because we're both
Let's go back.
No one has to go to jail
over this, all right?
I need you to understand,
I'm worried that Gabriel
could mean trouble.
Well, that's up to you.
And hurry, okay? You know what they say.
"Old flames, they die hard."
[phone lock clicks]
-[Santiago laughing]
-Oh yeah!
Whoo! That was awesome!
We have a lot of likes.
[lively music playing]
[music stops]
[somber music playing]
-[Sofía] What?
-I'm so sorry, Sofía.
[somber music continues]
I'm not sure if I like Abel or not.
But it's not fair
that he's smooching with Claudia
when he's supposed to like me, you know?
[Santiago] Look, Sof,
I think you should probably
just go and talk to him about it.
And let him know how you feel.
No, the Curly girl already did that.
Anyway, thanks for the advice.
Hey, look on the bright side.
We for sure had a great time together.
Today was super fun, yeah?
[Sofía chuckles]
-Come here.
-[José laughs]
[all laugh]
[Gabriel and Jimena laughing]
You should have seen him
when I met Matías.
He stood like a peacock
and he strutted everywhere.
[both laughing]
Oh, that guy!
-Do you remember when he met me?
-He stood on tiptoe to reach me.
-[Jimena laughs]
Poor guy. He wasn't having fun.
No, you're right.
I mean it.
It was obvious that we
you and I You know?
["Vámonos a Marte" by Kevin Kaarl playing]
Speaking about Matías
Do you really want
to talk about Matías?
Don't you?
I don't want to.
["Vámonos a Marte" continues]
But I I do.
-What would you like to know?
I don't think Matías
is what's best for you.
And to be quite honest,
I don't really trust him.
There's something off about him.
And I found nothing about him online.
What are you saying?
You investigated him?
[tense music playing]
[grunts softly]
We were right here,
and when the horse bolted,
it went in this direction.
Cell phones don't work there.
So that's probably where they went.
Do you think they're lost?
No way, Leo. Gabriel knows all the roads.
I think they might have stopped
at Don Javier's cabin.
Probably waiting
for the horses to calm down.
-[horn blaring]
[honking continues]
Guys, there's a crazy Argentinian outside
who won't lay off the horn of his car.
[sighs] Matías.
[Violeta sighs]
I think I'm the one to blame.
I screwed up, I think.
I told him that Gabriel and Jimena
once went out.
-Hold on. You didn't know that?
-[horn honking]
So Gabriel doesn't tell you everything?
Well, yeah, but not that.
[whimsical music playing]
I'm going to help Matías.
[honking continues]
What are you doing?
I'm trying to move the car,
but where is everyone?
-Move it for what?
-To go look for Jimena.
-You want me to stay here and do nothing?
-You don't know where she is.
But I might know. Come on, I'll take you.
All right?
[car engine starts]
-You know where they are?
-Yeah. Buckle up.
How dare you do that, Gabriel?
I don't need a manny
telling me who I should date.
I'm old enough to know who I go out with.
I know. You're right.
You need to understand there was nothing.
It's like he doesn't exist.
Like he's a ghost.
There's nothing wrong with
not being on the internet.
If you'd let me finish.
I don't think Matías is the best guy
for you or for the kids.
Jimena, he wouldn't let Santiago
even touch his guitar.
It's not right that
he has no patience for Leo,
or that he tells Sofía
to be someone else to get what she wants.
Come on, Matías even told me himself
that he doesn't like children.
-No way, Gabriel! Matías has a normal
-It's true.
regular relationship with my children.
That's normal? That's what you want?
'Cause it breaks my heart
watching him change who they are.
And sometimes I think
that you're becoming
someone else too, Jime.
Matías came into my life
when I needed him most,
because you had walked out on us.
He picked up the pieces you left me in.
Jesus, Gabriel!
Nobody's ever lied to me the way you did.
I wish you knew how much
I regret doing that, Jime.
Every day, I regret it.
You don't deserve that.
Yeah, well, I don't deserve this either.
I don't need you judging me
because of who I'm dating.
[car pulling up]
[engine stops]
[Violeta] Gabriel!
[pensive music playing]
[Matías] Jimena!
You are not the father of my children
or their manny.
So, I want to make this clear.
Leave me the hell alone, please.
[Violeta] Gabriel!
[Matías] Jimena!
[somber music playing]
[Jimena exhales]
[horse snorts, neighs]
What happened?
Are you Are you okay?
I'll tell you. Let's go.
Come on.
[car engine starts]
-[Matías] Let's go.
-Let's go home. Yes?
-Yes, give me a second. I'm just gonna
Oh my!
Please sit down.
You must be tired and thirsty.
-Can we get you a beer?
-Thanks, Mr. Padilla.
It's been a long day,
and we have to return to Guadalajara,
and it's a long trip to get there.
[Julio] Then, take it to go.
Uh, yeah. Sure. Thanks.
I I'll just go get the kids.
-I'll go with you.
[tense music playing]
I said there was going
to be a storm, didn't I?
-[Gabriel sighs]
-[Romina breathes deeply]
Thank you, Gaby.
Coming here was great for my music.
Not only did I figure out what it was
that my song needed,
I also found a new bandmate.
You're always welcome here, Santiago.
Come practice anytime.
[playful music playing]
[both] Yeehaw!
-Take care.
-You too. See you soon.
[Gabriel chuckles]
I had a lot of fun with all the games,
and the sandwich was delicious.
I'll try not to squeeze the sandwich.
-[exclaims playfully]
I love you, big guy.
I guess you were right.
Oh? About what?
The whole
"fake it till you make it" thing.
It didn't work.
Instead of trying to play games,
I think I should have
just been honest with Abel,
and been honest with myself as well.
You know what, Sof?
You don't know how right you are.
Take care.
-I love you.
-I love you too.
Sofía, let's move it.
-[Sofía] Love you more.
-[Gabriel] Mmm.
Go on, get out of here.
[Sofía and Gabriel laugh]
[indistinct chatter]
[pensive music playing]
So, I know all about you and Jime.
But I won't kill the project.
And the reason
is because Jimena has high hopes
for your little wind farm.
But you better steer clear.
[chuckles] This sure was a lot of fun.
Thank you for a wonderful time.
["ALV" by Ximena Sariñana playing]
So, I didn't realize you still
had feelings for Gabriel.
[car engine starts]
[Violeta sighs]
Yeah, me neither.
["ALV" continues playing]
["ALV" continues playing]
[song ends]
[theme song playing]
[song ends]
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