The Misfit of Demon King Academy (2020) s02e03 Episode Script

The Spirit's School Building

W-We teleported?
Together with Lord Anos!
Does this count as indirect teleportation?
What? You make it sound
like an indirect kiss!
We were transported by
the connection of two different spaces!
That means that we were
indirectly connected to Lord Anos!
And it was our first time!
Our first indirect teleportation!
Quiet, students.
A god's word is law.
Oh, shoot.
We got in trouble
Starting today, we conduct
a field trip examination to Aharthern.
The forest is a spirit.
The destination will
change by time and rumor.
Find the rumor and arrive
at the destination within ten days.
That is the subject of this
field trip examination.
When a mysterious mist
covers the Rishalis Plains
surrounding the capital of Sehenberg,
mischief-loving fairies are afoot.
If you can make them laugh,
they will show you the way.
This rumor is itself a clue.
Now, praise and thank this god
and begin the examination!
Just because it's a work assignment?
Gods just don't make any sense.
We split into four groups,
but we're still with you.
Does that mean one of us
is more likely to be the god-child?
Not particularly more than others.
Misha created a false god,
but she is my descendant.
You dare, girl!
I don't care
if you're an information dealer.
Don't go ruining my shop's reputation!
It's your own fault!
You're a fraud running a scam business,
fooling passing travelers!
Who's the fraud?
You're going around spreading
rumors of a nonexistent forest.
Aharthern exists!
You just don't believe in it!
Hey, give her what's coming to her.
That will be enough from you.
Who are you?
Stay out of this, outsider!
Sorry, but I have business with this girl.
Screw it! Teach him how things work here!
Sorry. I just had to laugh you away.
It would be best for your health
not to be so funny.
Thank you. You saved me.
Well, I had a question to ask you.
Do you know the way to Aharthern?
You believe me?
I have been there.
But the rumor of the forest
is necessary to reach it.
I will give you what you wish
if you tell it to me.
Then can you take me there with you?
I do not mind.
What business have you there?
I don't know.
This may seem strange to you,
but I've lost my memory.
When I came to, I was in this city.
There was something that I had to do
But when I heard the rumor of Aharthern,
for some reason, I felt that
I had to go there
I feel like I've forgotten something
I wasn't supposed to.
There has to be a clue in Aharthern!
It seems she is not a demon.
What should we do?
Very well. I will take you there.
Really? Thank you!
I gathered a lot of rumors about
Aharthern as an information dealer.
Was there a rumor about a mysterious mist?
Yes. The mist comes over the plain
during a solar eclipse.
A solar eclipse? Those rarely happen.
No, it'll come in nine days.
Starting at noon for about three minutes.
Three minutes?
Making the fairies laugh will be tough.
Tell Lay and the others.
Let's go.
Go where? What about the eclipse?
Not a problem.
I am not unable to move a simple moon.
The mist is here!
Aharthern is beyond it!
You aren't surprised by Anos's magic.
You're right.
I feel like I know that magic
Do you remember your name?
It's Leena, I think.
Then, Leena, do you know the rumor
of the fairies in the mist?
The fairies Titi.
They like new things, so they laugh
if you show them something novel.
But what would be novel?
I have a plan.
What's that?
I say something funny.
You point it out.
And then?
A sea of laughter.
That's not a plan!
No good?
Of course not
An eclipse suddenly happened.
That was a surprise.
The mist is out now.
Does that mean we can go to Aharthern?
We will soon.
All of you, show us your best acts.
Titi! Question!
Why do I love my bed so much?
Because you love lay-ing?
No one asked you to flirt with each other!
Okay, Zeshia.
An impression of Sasha!
Demon King, I love you.
Are you stupid?
An impression of Misha!
I'll do my best.
Who was that?
They weren't like you?
More like, why are you asking
Zeshia to do impressions?
Lord Anos!
We're so sorry!
We came so late!
What are those?
We bought them in the capital.
Th-They had a very lovely name. We had to.
Oh? What are they called?
A-Anoss Sticks.
Ellen! How could you call them
Anoss Sticks in front of Lord Anos?
Be careful with it.
It's the real deal!
The real deal! The real deal!
The real deal?
Anoss Sticks!
Lord Anos's
Anoss Stick!
You girls are funny!
You girls are fun!
It has been a while, Titi.
Oh, oh!
I know this person!
The Violent Demon King!
I would like to go to Aharthern.
Will you take me there?
-Follow us!
To the Great Spirit Forest!
Why not observe us there?
It will be easier
for me to observe you then.
No need for such caution.
I will do nothing but accompany you.
It is a work assignment, after all.
We're here! The Great Spirit Forest!
This is Aharthern?
Titi, a demon named
Shin Reglia should be here.
Do you know him?
Shin Reglia?
Don't know.
You don't know him?
The Demon King's subordinates are here!
Demons from 2,000 years ago!
They're at the Spirit School!
Anos, spirits?
It seems so.
It may be a spirit from
a legend regarding memory.
This girl looks like Leno!
You're right!
-The Great Spirit Leno!
The mother of all spirits.
But Leno
She died
-When was it?
A few years ago?
Maybe 2,000 years ago?
I forgot.
Because she harbors
the Great Spirit Leno within her.
Huh? Huh?
But I can smell her!
Leno's smell.
Um, they call me the child
of the Great Spirit Leno
Leno's child? From her tummy?
What's your name?
Was it Misa?
Oh, then do you know who
the father is? Of Leno's child?
They said not to tell!
The Spirit King said so!
Spirit King?
There wasn't one 2,000 years ago.
Wow, it's big!
Big surprise.
We're here!
The demons are here!
They're always here!
A classroom?
But no one's here.
Huh? Huh?
Spirited away!
My, my.
To think I would meet you here.
You never change.
You raised a hand against my subordinates,
yet you expect otherwise,
Crimson Stele King Gilysiris.
Crimson Stele King!
Ah, you mean Zabro?
That was not something
I particularly wanted,
but my superior was quite insistent.
I did not think you were one
to serve another demon.
2,000 years have passed.
I hope you won't measure things
by the rule of a dead past.
I have far surpassed you.
Are the other Four Dark Kings here too?
The bad ones?
They'll be here soon!
The horny one and the eyepatch one!
If you don't sacrifice what's necessary,
you only sacrifice more.
Hell King, when did you join forces with
the Crimson Stele King and Curse King?
If you think I have,
that's the work of a spirit.
The bell for class?
What's going on?
We're trapped?
My name is Aniunien.
This is the Spirit School.
Why is everyone patiently sitting?
Hm. We may all be trapped in here.
I will explain, for the new students.
I teach of spirits and their history
here at this school.
Entering this place
is equivalent to enrollment.
You cannot exit until you graduate.
I am the Tree of Education.
I hold the teaching staff.
Spiriting away by the shadow wolf
Jennur, awaits those who fail.
Furthermore, all violence
is forbidden in the school.
Those who violate this rule, will walk
the length of the long snake Epitheo.
And how does one graduate?
You pass the trial.
You take three tests, and those
with an average greater than 80
may take the Spirit Trial.
If you pass that, you have the right
to an audience with the Spirit King.
And those who pass also graduate.
What of those who are spirited away?
If you ask the Spirit King,
he will likely return them.
So basically, we need to take the test?
I understand the rules.
Make it a single attempt for the test.
Combine all three into one.
Hm. But my test is very difficult.
I do not mind.
Very well.
However, the passing score will be 90.
You've made quite a wager.
The test is in one week.
Don't think it will be that simple.
Then how about a wager,
Crimson Stele King?
A wager?
We will all pass that test.
Not only you?
Yes. If I win, you tell me about this
"superior" who gave you orders.
And if I win, I will take your source.
Very well.
You will regret this!
Are you sure you can do this?
The test is all spirit questions.
It sounds really hard.
We can simply learn about them now.
We have someone
who seems very knowledgeable.
Huh? Me?
Leena, do you know that you are a spirit?
After coming here, kind of.
Now, I know for sure.
You said Aniunien's name
before he appeared.
That cannot be secondhand knowledge.
I just suddenly remembered
about the Spirit School and the Jennur.
I felt like I knew about them.
With the right trigger,
you may recover your memory.
Empty your mind.
I remember I think.
A lot about spirits.
I need to see the Spirit King.
I can't remember.
That's all I know about myself.
There are memories that
Lord Anos's magic can't recover?
It is not normal amnesia.
However, there are still ways
to regain your memory.
Thank you!
I always thought you were
a good person, Anos!
-Always thought?
Um I just kind of had that feeling.
I may have met you before.
I see.
Then let's get started
studying for that test!
But we don't even know what's on the test.
Don't worry. I know.
This is the Forest of Books.
The green books are all about spirits.
The test covers what's in them.
Wow! There's a ton of them!
I'm bad at reading.
What! You're done reading them already?
I could only read half of them.
You cannot escape death if you
cannot memorize them all in one night.
But that was 2,000 years ago.
Leave the studying methods to me.
I will turn you into
full-fledged spirit scholars.
There is nothing here
that will tell you who you are.
I see
But there is a page I am curious about.
The Love Fairy Flan?
A spirit that gives form to unfulfilled
loves and binds them together
The page is torn out.
It was torn some time ago in the past.
The test questions are written
in the Book Fairy Leelan.
You have one hour.
You may begin.
Spirits are spirits, but what
kind of spirit is not based on rumor?
The answer
is the Six-Legged Spirit Jijake.
Love is memories. Memories are love.
The spirit which wanders seeking love.
This spirit was not written
in the books in the Forest of Books.
It must be that page.
The Love Fairy Flan.
Strange. These questions
should be simple enough to answer.
Which means that the questions
are different.
Care to verify that, Demon King?
Elude Aniunien's eyes
which see through dishonesty
and view your subordinates' papers,
while this Crimson Stone
reinforces his mystic eyes.
Your defeat is inevitable.
I see. You did something to the questions.
Then prove that I did.
Looking at others' answers is cheating.
That depends on the time
and circumstances.
Spirits are spirits, but what kind
of spirit is not based on rumor?
Too bad for you.
The question text itself is the same.
Aniunien, this man is cheating!
Fail him at once!
I cannot do that.
What nonsense is this?
Would you cheat
after you finished your test?
I have already accepted Anos's answers.
What? I didn't even see you write!
You couldn't see?
But Anos,
do not disturb the other students.
I did not want to resort to this.
Now, to announce the results.
Eges Code, 85 points.
Kyhilam Jiste, 81 points.
Gilysiris Dello, 80 points.
As for the new students
Zeshia Bianca, 150 points
out of a full score of 100.
And the remaining new students,
all of them scored the full 100 points.
Something is clearly unusual.
There must be some dishonesty.
I can verily say that
no dishonesty caught my eye.
May I see their answers?
Very well.
Question 27, the answer should be
"the Deadman of Magma",
but this says "Dietrich".
This grading seems unusual.
Hm. However, I thought such
an interpretation was valid.
This one as well!
Question 15, the number
of spirits related to fishing!
The answer is 17!
Depending on the counting method,
it could also be 21.
Then what about this one?
They wrote "I don't know"!
This is strange under any interpretation!
Stating simply, that they do not know
what they do not know.
That is quite commendable.
Th-This can't be
Did you think you could not get
a full score with wrong answers?
Before the Law Destroyer, even a blank
answer sheet can become 100 points.
A dirty trick!
Now, which of us was dirty?
The question text was changed
during the test.
You influenced the Book Fairy directly
to deceive both Aniunien and myself.
You will answer me as we agreed.
Who is your superior? The Spirit King?
That is correct.
You used his power in order to
perform this dishonesty?
You have no evidence that I did it.
Hm. That is true.
Suspicions are not sufficient
for punishment.
All test takers are afforded
the right to take the trial.
You all pass!
"The Spirit Trial."
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