The Traitors UK (2022) s02e03 Episode Script

Season 2, Episode 3

This programme
contains some strong language.
Previously on The Traitors -
22 players arrived at this
Scottish castle to play the ultimate
murder mystery game in the hope
of winning up to £120,000.
murder mystery game in the hope
of winning up to £120,000.
But concealed amongst them
are the Traitors,
who will secretly murder
their fellow players at night.
It's up to the Faithful to work out
who the Traitors are
Are you a Traitor?
..and banish them from the game.
You know what?
I think you're a Traitor!
That is mad.
Because if a Traitor remains
Oh, my God.
I would never have guessed her.
..they take all the money.
With the Traitors only
getting stronger
..and committing their
first murder
By order of the Traitors,
you have been murdered.
..the treachery began.
Forget about the Shields.
Let's build the money.
Oh, my God.
Whose call was it
to get the Shields first?
So you haven't noticed a female
that Anthony chats to?
The Faithful tried to work out
who was a Traitor.
I've heard about you, Andrew.
And I've got a problem with that.
There seems to be a change
in demeanour since the day
we met on the platform.
Sonja, in my opinion,
you were giving it a little stir.
But cracks appeared
Sonja. they failed to succeed.
I am a Faithful.
No! Yes!
I'm sorry, Ross, but I'll
be looking at you after this.
And who will the Traitors
murder next?
Jonny, Meg, and Kyra.
This is The Traitors.
This decision that we make tonight
is a very important decision,
because it needs to send a message.
I think we need a bit of a shocker.
That's such a good idea.
So we're going to cause chaos
in there, I believe.
So is everyone happy
with the final decision?
Yes. Perfect.
Happy murdering.
Last night, the Traitors
committed their second murder.
This morning, only those
who survived the night
will make it to breakfast.
Ooh, first in!
Ooh! Nobody else.
Oh! OK.
Look at that. Isn't it lovely? Wow.
Yeah, I've made it! Yeah, get in!
Well, congratulations, guys.
Yeah, we didn't die.
You seen the pictures on the wall?
They've put them back up
with a big red cross.
I slept like a log because,
quite simply, I had a Shield.
But today a brand-new day.
Right, that's two down.
Somebody else is going down.
Yeah. This morning.
That's the facts.
There were three down already.
Three down already.
And there's no Traitors out.
The Traitors probably just sat
there laughing to themselves.
Absolutely. They were like this.
"Mm!" Yeah.
Hello. Oh, my
OK. Come in.
Hello! Hey!
Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
You're looking fab.
Morning. Oh, well done!
Morning, Diane. Good morning, Diane.
I'm hoping that we can have
a conversation today. OK.
Cos you know what?
We've never really spoken.
All right. I think we got off
on whatever foot we got off on.
And I think maybe, you know what?
It's time for take two.
As a retired schoolteacher,
I've learned to work with different
personalities to defuse situations.
I've learned to work with different
personalities to defuse situations.
But I don't trust Anthony.
I do really think
he's one of the Traitors.
Oh. OK.
Come in!
Hey! Hey!
Hello, everyone. How you doing?
I feel well rested. I feel like
no-one's actually kind of got me
on their radar. So I feel quite
comfortable, shall I say, for now.
Oh, God, they got the crosses.
I know. I didn't see that.
And we've cut, like,
Sonja's experience short.
And literally for nothing, as well.
Yeah, you literally celebrated.
I know. I did apologise for that.
Cos I went, "Yay."
Well, why?
Cos if she'd been a Traitor,
and I'd said, "I believe in you,"
to get you lot to not vote for her,
then that would have meant
I was the Traitor.
My suspicion started to grow.
Cos I was like, why would
you say "Yes"
when we've just sent
a Faithful home?
That's just an odd reaction
for a Faithful.
A "Faithful." A really odd reaction.
Oh, my God. Oh.
Come in.
Hey! Hey! Hey!
I was so happy.
How's everyone?
I just felt so relieved.
I thought, "Oh, thank God."
Ash has been really quiet.
Ash? Yeah.
So do you think she might go?
I don't know. She's just been
She was really nervous before
we went into the Round Table.
She was, like, proper shaking.
She seemed really quite centred.
Do you think that's suspicious?
Could be.
I've heard Ash's name a few times.
I feel like she's in trouble,
and I'm kind of worried for her.
Someone asked me, right?
It sounds crazy
I was talking to somebody yesterday.
Somebody said, "Oh, I think Paul
and Diane are mother and son."
He said, "I know the accent
"Like, obviously he's Irish,
cos he's got ginger"
What were your?
"Plus, she's Irish.
"And then, their eyes
look identical, exact."
Do you know who said that?
Do you know who told me that? Zack.
He's name dropping all the time,
Come in! Come in.
Hi, babe.
In all honesty,
I thought I was going to die.
I mean, I'd packed my stuff.
Whenever that note comes in,
I'm like, I'm ready.
Who's left?
Ash, Ross, Jonny, Kyra.
Who do you think
is not going to be here?
I think they'll be threatened
by Kyra.
She articulated herself very well.
She was good last night.
Ross was quite forceful
at the table as well,
Like, this is what
And he argued back.
He thought they might look at him
and go, "Oh, he could be a problem."
But even Ross went, "Now I'm going
to look at you, Jonny,"
and I don't think there's anything
on Jonny.
Who have we got? Come in!
Oh, hello!
Kyra. Kyra isn't there.
Is that Kyra that's? Kyra.
Is it Kyra? What?
We are happy to see you, but
Kyra. Kyra's not here.
Kyra's gone.
Kyra is the biggest voice
in the room.
She's very commandeering, yeah.
After today, she won over everyone
at the table. Yeah, yeah.
She's intimidating cos
she's such a good player.
She's more dangerous.
So we remove that.
Oh. I've been murdered.
"Dear Kyra,
"by order of the Traitors,
you have been murdered.
"Signed, the Traitors."
I'm sad.
I think, with this game,
you have to strike a balance.
I think, for me, I maybe didn't
strike the balance particularly well
in the sense that I was too
outspoken, and I think, obviously,
that was intimidating.
But the one thing I did say
when I was selected as a Faithful,
I'm going to authentically
be myself,
and I think that I did that,
so I have no regrets.
I've actually just got goose bumps.
Oh, my God!
I can't believe that.
Kyra's gone. I know.
Because of what she said last night.
That was your best mate.
One of my best mates, not only
One of your best mates.
I think the Traitors are playing
a very good game.
They've got rid of someone
who was a real strong asset
to the Faithful team.
But at the same time, you know,
nobody was pointing fingers at her.
It can't really be traced back.
So they're playing a smart game,
for sure.
Good morning, everyone.
Good morning.
I hope you're all enjoying
a delicious breakfast.
But you know who isn't.
Repeat after me -
"Bye-bye, Kyra."
GROUP:Bye-bye, Kyra.
Her time was short and sweet,
mainly short.
Are you ready for the next mission?
Yes. Yes.
I really hope you won't be
clutching at straws.
I'll see you outside for it shortly.
I'm going to need you to split
into three teams, please,
two sixes and one seven.
I'll see you outside.
Shall we just go like this? Yeah.
Yeah, we're six.
Shall we just go with this?
Yeah, yeah. Six.
So far, it's an excellent job,
being a Traitor,
and I do feel like
I'm the predominant voice,
making sure things happen the way
that I want them to happen
type of thing.
I don't know who it is.
Genuinely, like, I don't know.
Just have to watch people.
Hello, mate. You OK?
I'm good, man. Good to see you.
What do you guys think?
Who's your Traitor?
Thank you. Yeah, I could have done
that myself. You could have done.
I could have. Anything else
I could do for you, sir?
No, no Are you sure?
We've got a lovely range of apples.
What are we going to do without Kyra
at the table tonight? I know.
Because that was a hot mess
last night.
I love her. She's, like,
been a rock in this for me.
I was absolutely gutted
that Kyra was murdered.
She was just such a powerhouse.
She was definitely a threat
to someone.
I don't know who,
but they were very threatened
by her, and so they offed her.
I'm stressing now.
Now I'm like, has it just, like,
put a target on the younger ones
who are just like, "Let's sort this
out," communication sort of thing?
It's, like, it could have been me.
Like, I'm not going to invalidate
your feelings. I understand why
you would think that,
but I really don't think it is.
I think that everyone really, really
values you here. Yeah.
You know what, Harry, right?
Don't let the Traitors win.
Because what the Traitors want
is for you to not communicate
and not express your opinions.
Harry just seems really sincere
to me, so I'm going to put it
out there - I would say
that I trust Harry.
I'm just here as, like,
myself, you know?
What you see is what you get
kind of thing.
I feel like I'm doing them well,
in the sense that
I've got no suspicions around me.
You've just got to put on that face.
I mean, I just have to go into
Harry Faithful mode.
And I can visualise myself
in the final,
and that's all I want, really.
To win that money would be great,
so I feel like, as of now,
I'm smashing it.
OK, I am almost ready.
What does that mean?
We're going to go star signing,
aren't we? Yes.
Oh, OK. You don't mind
if we listen, do you?
No, no, not whatsoever.
They're just like, "Oh, yeah,
it's just Tracey talking about
"tarot cards and auras again.
It's fine."
But I am a very good observer
of people.
It's been quite difficult to tune
into individuals' auras.
Ash, right from the word go,
I couldn't get any information
from her at all.
She was blocking me.
She was highly suspicious.
I don't trust her in the slightest.
Right, I'm just going to tune into
your energy now.
Right. OK, all right.
What star sign do you think I am?
I'm going to start with Capricorn.
I'm an Aries all day long.
I felt that she's looking for signs,
like, where are my eyes going?
So straight away from you,
I am getting that
you're really high energy.
Mm-hm. Right?
Are they going to go down?
Are they going to go to the side?
Are they going to go up?
I see a lot of things, right,
in your childhood,
which has made you into the person
that you are.
That is very true.
You have to be I kept being taken
back to something in your childhood
that has made you the person
that you are.
That is very true.
When I now look back at my life,
I look at that
..that key moment made me who I am.
Cos it's made you who you are.
Who I am today.
There's some paranoia around Tracey.
Honestly, I just couldn't relax
in front of her.
Yeah. Anyway, thanks for that.
You're welcome.
Thanks for giving me the time.
Diane. Yeah?
Zack has been going around saying
we're mother and son.
How spooky is that?
Oh, my God.
Mother and son.
You do look like my mum.
But you're not ginger, though,
are you?
No, I'm brown,
but I dye my hair red all the time.
It doesn't offend me one bit,
because I think she's one of
the strongest women that I've met.
And I really, really like her.
And she does remind me of my mum.
Andrew was like,
he said something about me.
"He's convinced that you and Diane
are mother and son."
I wouldn't mind you as my son.
That'd be all right. Oh, thank you.
And I wouldn't mind you as my mother
either. Aw, thank you.
I mean, I find it funny,
and I wanted to say.
But I also didn't want to maybe
alienate him and be like,
you know That's what's tricky,
isn't it? Yeah, exactly.
Because you want to talk how
you feel, but you don't know
who's on your team, essentially.
Everyone's constantly like
"Oh, I'm only saying this story,
by the way, as a joke."
Like, you know, like it's one
of them. Hey. Stop panicking.
I can't believe that it was
suggested that Paul was my son.
I mean, he's about three times
taller than me.
He's got red hair.
Paul just couldn't be my son.
But Ross is.
So I have to ask the question -
what made you apply for this?
Funnily enough, my
my mum put me up for it, actually.
So it turns out Diane is my mum.
I know.
These lot are all going to come in
in a sec.
Do you know what's going to be
the hardest thing? What?
I'm going to have to call you Diane.
That's going to be tough.
And none of the other names that
you choose to call me sometimes.
Well, yeah, we won't get into
those names. Diane.
All right, Diane?
Do you want a coffee?
I'd love a little coffee.
I thought I was going to be
slipping up all the time,
to be honest with you.
You know, we're a team,
at the end of the day.
We're going to try and
divide and conquer.
I think you need to be very careful
about voting for people
that other people are OK with.
Cos then you'll be challenged.
We've got the competitiveness and
the drive for one of us to win it.
Cos if one of us wins it,
we both win it.
We're going to keep
the relationship secret.
I'm just trying to stay focused,
but it's tough.
So, Zack, hold on.
I've been hearing some rumours.
Oh, yeah? Go on.
You think my son's in this game?
I just think you and Paul
look a little bit alike.
I think you've got the same eyes.
The two gingers.
I dye my hair red.
I think Paul looks quite Irish
too, so
He does, actually.
Yeah, yeah.
Diane, are you hiding something?
Diane is quite shrewd.
I think her and Paul are related.
She's also clearly very intelligent.
So I think she might be
a Traitor too.
Who told you I said this?
Was it you?
I'm not telling you who told me.
It was Jonny, wasn't it?
I'm not telling It was me
and Andrew talking about it.
But the thing is, we actually did
have a chat, Paul and me.
I feel like I got blindsided.
I wasn't expecting that today,
I have to admit.
I'm just going to have to
style it out.
The character revelations
are set to continue
as the players embark on
their next mission.
Mission, mission, mission!
Let's go!
They must work together to add
more money to their prize pot,
which currently stands at £19,000.
Hi! You look magnificent.
Players, welcome to
your next mission.
It is super windy,
so apologies for that.
Today's mission is all about your
opinions of your fellow players.
Oh! Oh, God.
In your three teams,
you will race against time
to reach a field of gold.
£10,000 worth of gold.
Ooh! Some moolah!
But to get there, each team
must follow an individual path.
Along each route, you'll come across
some questions in locked boxes.
Along each route, you'll come across
some questions in locked boxes.
The questions are all about your
fellow players, and the answers
are based on the questionnaires
you filled in earlier.
Oh, no.
Along the path you will also meet
a number of scarecrows.
These scarecrows represent
the possible answers.
You must simply pick up
the scarecrow that you think
is the correct answer and carry it
with you to the next question box.
is the correct answer and carry it
with you to the next question box.
If your answer is correct,
that scarecrow will unlock
the question box,
and you can continue along the path.
Remember, time is of the essence.
You only have 20 minutes
to complete the mission.
So the quicker you get to
the field of gold,
the more time you'll have
to bank some serious money.
Now, this is important.
There will also be three Shields
hidden in that final field.
Whoever takes time out of
the mission to find a Shield
will be protected from
tonight's murder.
So who values their life
over the money today?
Obviously, I want a Shield.
I think I deserve it.
That would make me really happy.
OK. Enormous luck.
Three, two, one.
Can anyone see anything?
Can anyone see anything?
There it is! Scarecrow!
The scarecrows are creepy.
Kind of expected it to hoick
itself up out of the ground
and just start
Right, you go.
OK, what's it say? What's it say?
What have we got? What have we got?
Come on, Brian.
What have we got, bro?
We had to run to these checkpoints,
to this question,
and the answers to the question were
hooked around two scarecrows.
Who is it? Zack and Tracey.
Oh, I don't know, but Zack
Anyone? I don't know, but Tracey
I think people are going to
associate this with the psychic.
Everybody just looked at me
and went, "Is it you?"
So if you are spiritual,
if you're a bit woo-woo,
then you also believe in every
conspiracy theory known to man!
Zack or Tracey? I think Zack.
I would say Zack.
Let's go with Zack.
I would say Zack.
Coming down! Whoa!
Zack. Zack, yep.
Can everyone see Zack?
It has to be Zack.
We had Zack on our team,
so it was a bit awkward.
But we were all like,
"Of course it's Zack."
I think Tracey. I reckon Tracey.
Definitely Tracey, yeah.
Here, here, here.
Stop, stop, stop, stop.
What? There.
People think I believe in
conspiracy theories the most.
I don't know how that's kind of
conveyed itself like that.
Nice. See, Zack?
Yeah, what now?!
Maybe that'll work out well for me.
Maybe I've kind of lured everyone
into thinking that I'm
really stupid.
Am I?
Yeah! Yeah!
Well done!
Is this the next one, then?
Right, go!
I don't want to diminish
Tracey's beliefs, but, like,
they are astounding.
Lift up, lift up, lift up.
There you go.
Fuck's sake, it's the wrong one.
Go, go, go!
People had said Tracey.
We were wrong.
Which meant we had to go back
and swap the scarecrows
to get the right key and go back,
so it set us back a bit.
Come on! You're running out of time!
Let's go!
Right, go! This is hard on the legs.
Slow down, slow down!
Slow down, Brian!
The question - who is the biggest
sheep of the group?
I was like, I do not want
to be picked.
I reckon the majority
is going to say Mollie.
I would say Mollie. I think Mollie.
I would say Mollie.
Brian or Mollie? Brian? Mollie?
Just do it. Sorry, Mol.
I've been a bit of a sheep all my
life, so it wasn't a surprise
seeing my name being up there,
to be honest.
But I'm really ready
to kind of break from that,
especially in here.
I'm ready to kind of stand my ground
and make my own opinions heard.
I'm ready to kind of stand my ground
and make my own opinions heard.
Let's go.
On the right.
Wrong one! Let's go, let's go.
I was so happy when it wasn't me
and we'd got it wrong.
I know that's really bad,
but it was a relief.
Is it fitting?
I don't think so.
Yeah, I think it's the wrong key.
Right, we got it?
Oh, no!
It turns out that I'm voted
the biggest sheep of the group.
I am carrying the
with my goddamn name on it!
Everyone followed the crowd
at that last table,
so it's just starting to play on
my mind and get to me a bit.
I've got the box.
Brian was quite upset
that he was the sheep.
I don't think that went down well.
Just the fact that my name is now
at the forefront of people's minds
feels a bit upsetting and annoying.
Where the scarecrows at?
Where dem scarecrows?!
Stop! Wrong way! Wrong way!
Turn back!
Come on, let's go, let's go!
What the hell?
I think I said Jonny. I said Jonny.
I said Jonny. Really?
Sorry, your son's not the most
popular. No, no, go ahead.
So we've got Paul and Jonny.
One of the questions was,
who's the most popular person?
And it was between me and Paul.
And I was like, "Oh!" It was nice
to be up there with Paul,
to be honest.
I would say Paul. I would say Paul.
Go for Paul?
I knew it would be Paul, because of
the way he's a lovely person.
Whereas I know I have been
somewhat reserved,
because I don't trust anyone.
Jonny, all day.
Paul! No, Paul. I want to go Paul.
Paul. Honestly, mate, you are.
Whatever you guys think.
I didn't want to appear
too confident.
I'm just so humble.
It's just a very humbling experience
for me.
Let's do a vote. OK, do a vote.
Paul. I'll go for Paul.
So, that's 4-2? Yeah.
Go for Paul, then. OK, go on, then.
Yeah, you do that part.
Come on, we're nearly at the end
now, guys. Come on.
I've got it.
No. No.
Yes! Yes! Right again, guys.
Come on. Drop the scarecrow.
Slowly, slowly, slowly.
Well done, lads. We're doing really
well, all of us, every one of us.
Good team.
My game plan coming in was to win
everybody's love and affection,
be everyone's friend.
And I was voted most popular
in the group.
Right, we've got a key now.
Let's go.
Did give me a little bit
of a sneaky feeling,
because I was like, it's a shame
you voted me popular,
because it's my decision whether
you participate in the game or not.
But I am very much enjoying my role
as a traitor.
You've only got minutes left!
I'm waiting for you!
With my twin!
With all questions answered
correctly, all three teams
must now rush to get to me
in the field of gold.
Here, ten gold bars worth
a total of £10,000
Go, go, go.
..and three Shields are hidden.
I can hear them. I can hear them.
I can hear them.
Come on, you're running out of time!
I'm waiting for you -
with some friends!
We didn't know what was
going to be waiting for us
at the top of that hill,
and a surprise it was.
Oh, my God.
Guys, you're going to
want to see this.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
You go over this hill,
and you look over,
and there's all these scarecrows.
I thought one of them was going to,
like, come at me.
It was freaky.
Woo! Bloody hell.
That is creepy!
An army of scarecrows.
Read the sign!
OK. "We keep our gold close
to our hearts.
"We keep our shields
on those with hats."
Hearts, right? Hearts.
Heart's gold. Everyone get a heart.
Just ripping them?
Hurry up! Not long left!
Rip them open! Go!
All right, start on a row.
Not hats! Not hats!
Hearts! The hearts!
The hearts is the gold!
Don't go for the hats!
Time's running out.
Bring it to me!
As soon as you get one,
bring it to me.
Well done, Evie.
Well done, baby.
Well done! Come on!
Only minutes left!
Oh, my God. How much straw
is in these things?
Got one, got one, got one!
£2,000. Brilliant. Keep going.
It was luck of the draw.
You're sort of just
desperately hoping.
And then you're thinking,
"Hold on, is it further
"Is it further down
in the crown jewels?"
But, evidently, it wasn't,
cos I never got any.
Well done, Mollie!
Oh, got one.
Well done, Charlotte!
Guys, I've got gold here.
Five! Well done, Paul!
Right, I'm going for a Shield.
One thing that I didn't like
about the mission was that
Zack told everyone to go
for the gold
and leave the Shield.
And then went and got the Shield
Very naughty.
I think I'm going to look like
I've just kind of been a hypocrite.
I feel too anxious.
I want to be safe.
You're running out of time.
Oh, come on! Come on, guys.
Work it, come on.
Dig in, come on. We can do it.
Go on, Diane!
Go on!
Charlotte! You goddess!
Come on, Charlotte! There we go!
I actually didn't know that the ones
with the hats are the ones
that had the shields in,
and I just opened it,
and I had a Shield,
and I was like,
"I love that for me so much."
Hurry up, guys! Hurry up.
Not long left!
Come on, come on, come on!
Run, run, run, run!
Oh, God No!
Go, go, go, go. OK, OK.
OK, let's go.
Let's go, let's go, let's go.
Five! Four!
Three! Two! One!
Well done! You were brilliant!
Well done.
You smashed that mission.
And not only did you add money
to the prize pot, but I imagine
you found out a little bit
about each other, did you?
Brian the sheep.
Also, two Shields were taken.
Nobody has to admit,
or say out loud
Oh. Zack.
I just want to say,
I got a Shield, as well.
Well done, Zack.
And well done, Jasmine.
Well done, Jasmine!
Well, congratulations.
You two are protected
from tonight's murder.
However, nobody is protected
from banishment.
So go back to the castle,
and the next time I see you,
it'll be at the Round Table.
Off you go. Well done.
We had Brian in our team.
I don't think that he could be a
traitor, because I think if he was
a traitor, it would just be too
obvious. Yeah, absolutely.
You know what I mean?
I think right now I'm just
trying to see where people are,
and what they're thinking
who the Traitors are.
I'm so happy I'm a human, though.
Like, imagine being a sheep
and just eating all day.
One of my main tactics is really
just to be seen
to be playing the game
like a Faithful.
Really channel my Faithful mindset,
if that makes sense.
So Mollie came over to me
and was like,
"Oh, so we're the sheep, then."
My game plan was to kind of
keep quiet, and that's kind of
backfired on me, I guess.
Tonight at the Round Table,
there's no way I'm going to
follow the crowd.
I need to be vocal.
It's good to be a bit more wary,
and going in and not
saying definites.
That's a bloody sheep.
It's diplomats. Exactly.
Well done, most popular.
Yeah, get you. That was interesting.
Big personalities are going.
And popular people are going.
So I think I'm massively,
massively at risk or gone.
I think the strategy I'm going
to bring to the Round Table
will be to not look at big
personalities within the group
and have people kind of look at
quieter contributors.
I think there's other people
that have come in
and seem to be maybe a bit louder,
and jumping about and stuff,
that now are just maybe sat back
a little bit more.
Because I'm thinking
It'd be very clever to make somebody
who was really quiet a Traitor.
And I'm going to say it, guys - Ash.
I'm fairly convinced of Ash.
That's incredible. Sunday roast.
What, have you not had Sunday
roast before?
No. My mum always makes, like,
not the best ones,
to be honest with you. So
Oh, better not.
Well, you'll have to come
to my house.
Then you can have a Sunday roast.
I'd love to.
I mean, if it's as good as this one.
Everybody can.
Oh, man.
Oh, yeah.
That was a bit of a moment.
We were having little chats
about you just then, mister.
I'm sure you were.
Was Harry in the car?
Well, he wasn't, actually, no.
Were you saying about the Shield?
There's certain people
that have come in here
and haven't changed one bit,
and you're one of them.
Nice. Thank you.
And I think you have no filter.
Imagine it. Could you imagine,
if I was a Traitor?
I think you have no filter.
I think you're a really smart lad.
Thank you. And I don't think
And that's why I think you're
a Traitor. Yeah, yeah.
Maybe it doesn't seem like
I'm complex,
but I like to think of myself
as quite complex person.
Yeah, I agree.
Food's up, by the way,
it's a roast dinner.
The final supper.
Why are you saying that?!
Oh, Zack.
He's an excited puppy.
But, like, rude.
Mate, no joke,
I just walked in there
and I said,
"Oh, there's a roast dinner."
And then he went,
"Oh, your last supper?" Zack.
Did he?! Yeah.
He's a lot. He's hard work.
He says the wrong thing, always.
So I don't think he's my cup of tea,
if I'm honest.
Like, if I if I worked with him,
I probably wouldn't go for lunch
with him, you know?
Zack, massive red flag for me.
Just been in the kitchen,
and I went,
"Oh, there's a roast dinner
in there. Let's go get some food."
And his response was,
"What, your last supper?"
Did he say exactly that?
Exactly that.
There was a lot of chat
towards Zack.
All the chat is making me feel
better, because, like,
people honestly
don't have a clue.
How you feeling?
You've got Shield. Lucky us.
Yeah? You? Yeah, I'm happy.
Look at us!
BOTH:Who'd have thought?
Zack, the thing with you is that
you're such a wind-up.
I think you might be rubbing
people up the wrong way.
Yeah. Is it annoying you?
It's not annoying ME.
Like, I understand you.
However, I think a lot
of people don't.
And to be fair, I can see why.
I think I'm there.
I think I've locked some targets
on me for the Round Table.
It's just, like, the way I am.
I just can't resist.
Worried now.
Sorry. I expect I'm going
to get it tonight,
probably from a few different
angles, right?
Where's your head at, Miles?
I've got no names.
I just feel like some people's
behaviour hasn't matched mine
and that makes me want to,
like, side-eye then.
The reason why I say Ash's
name's been mentioned. Who? Ash.
All I'm thinking at the time
is to make sure that I don't have
any reaction.
Someone that's completely not on
my radar, so I can't really comment.
But, yes, what you've said,
I've heard. So
I'm anxious.
Her name's come up a few times.
I think she may be questioned
quite a lot tonight.
He's still on my list, but I'm not
going to just keep voting for him
night after night.
Anthony, I think, is absolutely
a Traitor.
But I wouldn't mention his name
at the Round Table until more people
might be inclined to listen.
I'm not going for Anthony tonight.
I'm keeping him on the back burner.
You need the backing of the group
if you're really going to do it.
Because everyone's just on the
fence, really, with him.
I think maybe go in
What do you think about Ash?
I thought she was a Traitor
from the first day.
Ash looks super nervous,
and I'm starting to wonder, like,
is that something?
And I also think she's
an incredibly smart woman.
Like, when I have conversations
with her, I think, like,
this is an intelligent,
switched-on woman.
It's the only thing I've kind
of got to go on.
She has asked me multiple times,
"Where's your head at?
"What do you think you're going to
do?" Blah, blah, blah.
And I'm like, "Why do you care
what I'm going to do?"
Like you. Who did you vote for last
Diane. Diane? Yeah.
Cos we're not close.
She's not asked me.
No, she's too scared of you.
# Sometimes I feel I've got to
# Run away #
As evening draws in, it's time for
the second Round Table.
So will they detect a Traitor?
I can't wait to find out.
This Round Table tonight,
no-one knows what's going to happen.
So many different names
have come up.
Shots are just being fired
Everyone's clutching at straws,
it's kind of leading
everyone to get a bit agitated
and frustrated.
I suspect every single person.
I don't trust anyone.
I think we've just got to really try
and sniff these Traitors out,
because they're crafty.
I'm not a sheep.
I need to show that
I'm a strong enough player,
and I need to defend myself.
As Traitors, if the heat
starts coming on to us,
I'll do what I need to do.
I don't want to speak too soon,
but I don't think anybody suspects
any of us yet.
Welcome back to the Round Table.
You added £8,000 to the prize fund
The total now stands at £27,000.
The total now stands at £27,000.
As that pot grows,
do your suspicions?
Have you worked out
who might be a Traitor?
Who would like to begin?
I would, if possible.
Start us off soft and fluffy,
if you will,
and address the sheep
in the room.
And I don't really care
that I was voted the most sheepish
or whatever, but
..I don't think I was,
I don't think anyone was.
There was no herd mentality.
But maybe I'm a bit disappointed
that I was voted that.
But I know people are going
to have opinions tonight,
so I thought, start us off,
and then we can all kill each other.
I think tonight it's clear
that we're missing the facts
that we had last night, so there's
probably going to be a lot
of gut-instinct,
accusations flying around.
So I think I just urge everyone
to try and be as respectful
as possible and try not
to make it too personal.
On that point, though, Zack, I have
got to say Here we go!
..I am a bit concerned, and I'm
wondering if this whole Shield thing
is to shield you from
looking like a Traitor.
is to shield you from
looking like a Traitor.
I feel it's a bit put on.
I just thought, I've got to say it,
otherwise I'm not being truthful.
I might as well jump in as well,
because last night, obviously,
we voted Sonja out on the weird
comments and stuff,
and you're still doing it.
It's not a good look.
It's fair. I am a wind-up merchant,
and I know people will tell me
I need to ease back on that.
I just want to add to that,
as well.
I'm going to go back to yesterday
for the fact that it was, you know,
first Round Table.
It was very nerve-racking.
You know, I think you
kind of giggle.
I know you said
that's because you're nervous,
and that's kind of how
you handle things.
Let me finish. Yeah, yeah.
But what I'm saying to you
is that when you feel
When you look around the table
and you see people
not matching your energy,
I feel it looks suspicious.
That's what I'm saying.
It's just a defence mechanism.
It's just the way I am.
Can I say someone that I think
is a Traitor that isn't Zack?
Can I say someone that I think
is a Traitor that isn't Zack?
I'm quite suspicious of Brian.
I find you very anxious.
And I also found your behaviour
in the challenge a bit odd.
I found you very, very jittery.
Seems like you're really, really
trying to hide from something.
I'm not even
It's not an anxious thing.
I've just got a lot of energy,
jumping about. Yeah. Yeah.
Is it because you've got
other stuff on your mind?
Because we're all in the zone.
Brian, he was another
gut feeling of mine.
I saw the opposite.
I saw you very nervous
to start off with.
You've become more confident.
And that doesn't add up, in my head.
Can I say back to that?
So let's just say you start a job
on the first day.
Are you the most confident person
in that job straight away?
It's a very valid point. So I have
now spent more time with people.
I'm more confident tonight, here.
Yesterday, bricking it.
So I've been really battling
with this.
Diane, you know what I'm going
to say. Oh, absolutely.
Because I heard you, you know,
you apologised and stuff.
But when you cheered when Sonja
I find that just a little bit
strange. It was absolutely off.
So she's referring to Sonja out
I was sitting there waiting, going,
"Please, God, be what I think
you are, which is a Faithful."
And she did say,
"Yeah, I'm a Faithful."
But then I got excited and went
"Yeah!" Yeah, absolutely wrong.
It would have been much better
for all of us
if she'd been a Traitor,
and I got carried away.
To be fair as well,
obviously, Diane,
we haven't spoke loads, but as soon
as we went back into the bar,
you came up to me and Jonny
and said,
"Sorry, I shouldn't have said that."
You apologised to me as well.
Yeah, I was wrong.
So, you know, you did get around
a lot of people.
We're three Faithfuls down,
and if we don't start
putting it out there,
it's going to be four, five, six.
Traitors are sitting back going,
"No problem."
Just to add,
big, strong people seem
to be leaving, you know, the group,
and I just think maybe go for
someone a bit quieter.
Jaz, mate.
I'm sorry, but your, like,
energy has changed.
and I feel like there's, like,
a weight on you.
Fair point. Fair point.
Do you want to defend what he's just
said? Want to defend yourself, or
Not really. Yeah? Yeah.
I don't think there's the need
to respond to that,
just because I feel as though
I know I'm a Faithful.
I've had, like, an inkling.
My attention is towards you, Meg,
and just, you know, like,
obviously you're quite quiet.
I have just been, like you said,
Paul, just thinking about people
who maybe go under the radar,
who maybe don't speak out as much.
I think it's safe to say
that I'm not
a very confident speaker.
And I've come here today and I have
no idea. I really don't.
I know I'm a Faithful.
But I think it's very convenient
to just be like, "Oh, I don't know."
Because then you have no target
on your back.
Like, what use are you
as a Faithful
if you're just not
going to say anything?
Just to put a different name
into the mix.
That is you, Ash.
I know that you go around chatting
to everybody. That's how I am. Yeah.
I know you've been asking
a lot of people,
"Who do you think is the Traitor?"
Well, yeah!
Putting the names out there.
This is what we're here for.
But I also think that maybe you've
been throwing names out there
as well, which makes me
quite suspicious.
I mean, do I want to know
what everybody thinks
and do I talk to everybody?
Of course I talk to everybody.
This is how I am, you know?
And then I can make my mind up
of what I think of other people.
You've gone round everybody
and spoken to everybody a lot,
then who do you think it is?
You must
I haven't spoken to everybody
a lot at all.
I don't think me and Diane
You just said that you did do that!
Me and Diane haven't had
a conversation,
but everybody else, I have.
You just contradicted yourself
there, though. OK, what did I say?
You said, "Of course I go round"
Well, I like to try and
get round to everybody.
Then you just said, "I haven't
been round to everybody."
I'm sorry. I like to try to
get round to everybody.
Can I have a really selfish moment?
I'll try and be quick,
because I realise
this was going to end soon.
So that's why I wanted to say
Is there anyone else here
that thinks,
or is verging towards I am,
or amn't?
I would like to hear
maybe more towards that I amn't.
What's happening?
Oh, sorry, sorry.
What's happening?
Is there anyone here, to clarify
for me, that thinks that I am not?
You've just called the whole room
out to just talk about you.
It's because I know. That's why
I said I was going to be selfish,
because right now I have zero
to write with
What's that got to do with
what you're writing on there?
Because I have zero
to write on here.
So if I find out..
What's that got to do with it?
I know the conversations I've had.
I'm confused.
I want to know people's opinions
of me.
It feels a bit deflect-y, dude.
Oh No, cos I
The time for talk is over.
I need you all to write the name
of the person you believe
is a Traitor on your board, please.
What the?
I lost my head.
I don't know why I'm acting
like this.
I'm not even guilty.
It's just something in that room
that just throws you off.
Are all the names locked in?
Yeah. Mm-hm.
Thank you.
Andrew, we're going to
start with you.
Please tell me who you believe
is a Traitor and why.
Like I said, always die on my sword.
So I'm going to stick
to my original thought.
And I may be wrong,
but I'll have to say Ash.
It's OK.
Jasmine, whose name is on your board
and why?
I'm going to stick with my gut and
I'm going to stick with my hunch.
You're really nervous, and it's
just making me uncomfortable.
So I'm going for Brian.
Ross, who do you believe
is a Traitor and why?
So this person,
you've gone under the radar.
So this person,
you've gone under the radar.
It's Meg.
Ash, who do you believe is a Traitor
and why?
I think tonight, actually, for me,
has been really, really helpful,
I think tonight, actually, for me,
has been really, really helpful,
just to help make me look at things
a bit differently.
But tonight, I'm just
going to go with my gut.
I am going to vote for you, Diane.
I'm sorry.
Anthony, who do you believe
is a Traitor and why?
Well, I've got to stay true
to my convictions,
and the person I'm voting for
tonight is Zack.
Meg, who have you voted for and why?
Because I'm still unsure,
I'm going to go with what I said
yesterday because I still don't feel
I'm quite 100% there with you,
So I'm going to say Diane tonight.
I'm sorry.
Evie, who do you believe
is a Traitor and why?
I have put your name down, Ash.
I know we've had a lot of
conversations, but I do feel like,
in a lot of those conversations,
you've really tried to influence me,
and that's left me a bit suspicious.
So a vote tally thus far.
Two for Ash, two for Diane,
one vote for Brian,
one vote for Meg,
and one vote for Zack.
Brian, who have you voted for
and why?
Erm I abruptly jumped in
at the end,
I have no idea who to put down.
And I'm basing my vote on
I don't necessarily think
this person is a Traitor,
but otherwise my slate
would be totally blank,
so I've put Paul.
I really hope I can
I really hope I can be here later
to chat and explain.
This is why I wanted to do it
during the actual chat.
Explain myself properly, man.
what name is on your board and why?
So what I am going to address
is the massive elephant in the room.
What the hell was that reaction?
I have no idea.
So I'm a little shook.
And I'm really sorry, Brian,
because I love you to bits,
but I have put your name down.
Paul, who do you believe
is a Traitor and why?
So, sorry, buddy,
but I'm sticking with what I said.
So a vote count.
We have two for Ash, two for Brian,
two for Diane,
We have two for Ash, two for Brian,
two for Diane,
one for Meg, one for Paul,
one for Zack,
and one for Jaz.
Charlie, whose name is on your board
and why?
I think I went through so much
emotional turmoil today,
so I think I've spelled her name
wrong as well, I'm sorry.
I voted for you, Diane.
Jaz, whose name is on your board
and why?
So, Brian, I don't understand
the nerves,
because I spoke to you a few times,
and I feel as though
you come across quite confident,
so I've gone with yourself.
Diane, who do you believe is
a Traitor and why?
I'm still going to go with Ash.
I think last night
was very telling.
We lost a very strong,
independent woman,
and I think it was a clever move
by an independent, strong woman.
And I just have a feeling
that you're a Traitor.
And I just have a feeling
that you're a Traitor.
Harry, who've you voted for and why?
Yeah, I mean, it was just strange
for me, man,
talking about the Shields
and stuff, so
..Zack, I've voted for you.
Not surprised, to be honest.
Zack, who have you voted
for and why?Erm
I would love to have voted for you,
because I think you've just got your
crosshairs set on me and won't move.
But I think you're a Faithful, so I
won't. Just thought I'd say that.
But this person I'm less sure of
than the rest of the people here.
It's Diane.
So a vote round-up.
Diane - four,
Ash - three,
Brian - three,
Zack - two,
Meg - one,
Paul - one, and Jaz - one.
Jonny, who have you voted for
and why?
Is it nerves or is it
suppressed guilt?
I'm not sure.
But if I'm wrong, I'm sorry.
Brian, I've voted for you, buddy.
I think you could be the Traitor.
Mollie, who do you believe
is a Traitor and why?
I'm really sorry, Anthony.
I'm just still not sure.
You're being brave. And that's what
this Round Table is for.
Silence, please.
Miles, who do you believe
is a Traitor and why?
Erm, I'm completely oblivious,
if I'm honest, about who could be
a traitor or not.
But sometimes, Zack,
you are confusing,
so I have put your name.
And finally, Tracey.
I am going to stick with
my gut instinct.
You're a lovely lady,
it's not personal at all,
but I do think you've been going
around influencing as many groups
of people as you possibly can,
which is Traitor behaviour.
So I'm going with Ash.
So we have a draw.
Ash, Brian, and Diane,
you have four votes each.
We cannot leave the Round Table
until someone is banished,
so, Ash, Diane and Brian,
I will ask you
to make one final plea.
There will be no other discussion.
Then there will be another vote.
You three - Ash, Brian, and Diane -
are excluded from the vote.
You three - Ash, Brian, and Diane -
are excluded from the vote.
Everyone else, you can only vote
for one of these three.
If, afterwards,
it still remains a tie,
your fate will be decided by chance.
In alphabetical order,
Ash, you may now plead your case.
This feels kind of weird, actually,
because I wasn't expecting
to be in this position.
To you, it looks like
I'm going around
saying different stuff to people.
To me, actually, genuinely,
what I'm doing is I'm going round,
I want to get to know people,
and I want to get to know people's
opinions and what they're thinking.
I don't think that makes me
a Traitor.
I feel like that makes me
a Faithful, actually.
So, really, that's what it is.
Brian, you are next for your plea.
..I'm kind of like this.
I did not expect to -
and I've said this before -
I did not expect people to react
like this round the table.
Mad. I thought I was
quite a confident person,
and I'm crumbling.
And I'm just a bit gutted.
It's hard not to take it personally.
I don't want it to be
I don't feel negative, it's a game.
Funnily enough,
I should be having fun right now.
Thank you.
Diane, you may now plead your case.
I couldn't be a Traitor, actually,
it's not in my nature.
I'm never going to remember the lies
that I might spin,
you know, menopausal woman
and all that.
I do speak my mind.
And the bottom line is,
I'm truthful.
Thank you.
Players, I hope you have listened
The time has come to vote
for the final time.
Will you vote for
Ash, Brian, or Diane?
Me and Paul caught eyes and sort of
raise of the eyebrows,
but making sure
no-one else could see.
But he knew exactly what needed
to be done to protect the Traitors.
Are the votes locked in?
Thank you.
Meg, we'll start with you.
Please tell me the name
you've written down.
I've still wrote down Diane.
Evie, the name you've written
down, please?
Charlotte, your name, please?
# Blindside
# Blindside #
What What the hell are you doing?
I'm actually really,
really surprised.
She's really poorly performed
as a Traitor.
And if you poorly perform,
then there's consequences.
# Blindside #
So that currently stands
at two votes each.
Harry, who have you voted for?
I've gone for Ash.
It's only day two
of the Round Table,
and it's already so rough, you know?
Diane. I'm sorry.
I voted for Brian.
I've gone for Brian.
Tracey, who's on your board?
So we have five for Brian
..five for Ash,
three for Diane.
Brian, I am sorry.
I've gone for Ash.
I'm really sorry.
That's OK.
Ash, Brian, you have six votes each.
So, for the final vote, Anthony?
The person I'm voting for is
# Blindside
# Blindside
# Blindside #
Coming soon on the Traitors
Are you ready to rob some graves?
"You must murder in plain sight."
I can smell a rat.
You're shifty as hell tonight.
That never happened.
You will condemn four people
in the dungeon.
I love this game.
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