The Unit s02e03 Episode Script

The Kill Zone

Jonas: In 1979 congress authorized the formation Of a contingent of elite special forces soldiers Who answer only to the president of the united states.
Their missions and their very existence Are closely guarded secrets Protected by the soldiers themselves and their wives, Who possess secrets of their own.
Molly: you do not tell your mother, your best friend, Your priest what your husband does.
Army regulations state- You aren't in the army.
You're in the unit.
Black, red, green, blue, red, You have one shot.
And as it says in the bible, harm no chicken but thine own.
Blue, you are up first.
You have 40 seconds.
And and laughing by now.
You stalkin' someone, do not take your eye off the sights.
Your bird only.
The nazis got your mom.
Do it like my life depended on it.
No, I want you to do it like my life depended on it, as one day indeed, it may.
See, you didn't account for flight time.
How long's it take for a bullet to travel its first 100 meters? One tenth of a second.
Right, and in one tenth of a second, Your target's not where it was, in your sights.
You gotta adjust.
Now, a chicken, Same size as a man's head, and that's what you want, A head shot, 'cause it's more sincere.
Chicken moves like a human.
You pick a chicken out of a crowd, you can pick a man out of one.
Does he ever stop being so adorable? Only when Teddy doesn't get what he wants.
Theodore Roosevelt brown.
hey, Teddy.
Where'd your mom put the chips? I think Molly brought- Molly.
Thank you.
Charlie am just had a man killed.
Who? Billy Gill.
where? I heard South America.
who knows? I know Billy.
his daughter Amber was in Lissy's class, And Jen was in a play group with his other one, melody.
He and Annette were getting married in 3 weeks.
she know? I believe she's been informed.
Billy Gill was killed.
I'll get the girls.
I'm sure Molly's making a list of what we have to do.
I called Hank Lubatch over at JAG.
See if she can get something legal That states as Billy's fiancée, You could qualify to stay in the house A little bit longer.
Terry, we can't do that, then- I have to vacate immediately.
Only wives get 90 days on base.
Girls can stay.
they're dependants.
unfortunately- They may not be my blood, but I'm their mother.
They go where I go.
Military- takes care of its own.
I'll arrange for travel for you day after tomorrow.
I'm sure we can find accommodations for you in town nearby.
You'll be close to your girls.
The girls just lost their father.
You want me to pack up, leave, And call 'em from the road? Is there anything I can do for you? No.
I found my list.
Roger that.
Snake Doctor out.
Frago, mission shift.
Eliminating the rebel leader will have to wait.
Charlie team in enemy contact.
One's down.
one's unaccounted for.
We're going to the village.
Diamondback, team Anaconda, Diamdback, Anaconda.
Any contact with Diamondback? Damn buildings sucking all the R.
Not one of ours.
enemy sniper.
That's our direction of movement.
Clockwise sweep.
we're looking for 2 of our own- One alive, one not.
Bounding overwatch.
I were a shooter, That's where I'd wanna be.
Jonas: we got our body In a courtyard of the next building.
Blond hair.
It's Billy.
Where's Dauber? If Dauber's alive He's in overwatch in that building.
That's the sound of a 7-6-2.
That's ours.
That's Dauber.
He's alive.
No muzzle flash from our friend.
He's not a complete idiot.
Not remotely.
Pronto Jonas: I got a rough location on Dauber.
In that building.
What about the enemy sniper? Couldn't get an exact on his shot.
We gotta let Dauber know we're here.
Try him on the alternate freq.
Diamondback, Diamondback, this is Dirt Diver.
If you can hear me, break squelch twice.
His radio must be dead.
Give him a visual.
Aah! Son of a- That aim, that's Dauber all right.
Been up there a long time.
Long enough to be hunting anything that moves, Including us.
He's gone native.
He's stuck to the scope, and he thinks we're the enemy.
How do we let him know we're friendlies? It's gotta be a bona fide that Dauber recognizes.
We get one try Your lucky hat.
Dirt Diver, when I break squelch, I want you to put 10 shots Into the roof of the building across from you.
Go down a couple rooms.
You're cover fire.
When I fire this shot, the sucker's gonna fire back on my ass.
Snake Doctor.
stay down.
Stay still.
Stay still.
Oh, um, can you pick up the girls' school records? Yes, I will.
Kim, uh, medical and dental records.
They see Dr.
Reinstein on base? That's-that's right.
Since they were tiny.
Ok, thanks.
Ok, then.
Army does it.
I get to pay.
Life insurance- T.
Survivor benefits.
Molly, can you call social service Of course.
Girls'll get social security automatically.
Uh, I.
cards for health insurance Bank account.
ok, girls'll keep the I.
cards till they're 21.
It'll give 'em PX and commissary privileges, Which, uh, won't do 'em any good when we move off base.
You make it on the child support? Uh, if I get it.
what's that? It's not much, but we move and get settled in And I get a job, it'll work out ok.
What's funny, though I'd say nothin'.
You get an extra 100,000, if your man dies in a combat zone Or of combat- or operations-related causes.
" Unit men, it's combat or related.
I don't understand.
Anywhere they go, they get shot.
Someone has a gun, I'd call that combat.
Look, I know they don't tell the real story about how they die.
It says here he died during a training run.
Uh, if he died during a training run, Why can't they tell me when his body might get here? You know about this? Bob's done all the paperwork The unit requires before going out.
You think that's enough, do you? First they lie to you.
Standard active duty death, $12,420- Enough to maybe saddle up, not enough to ride.
He gets a military funeral.
The military wife has to pay first, Then wait for reimbursement.
But the good news, hell, we get A death gratuity of 6 grand And his pay from the previous month To help cover expenses.
Only, there's no telling How long it takes to get the check.
Well, won't that work out just fine.
In short, I am screwed.
And the word spreads.
As it's supposed to.
Uh, did survival assistance come over, Help you to understand? Oh, sure did.
Help me understand as a mere fiancée, I have absolutely no rights to any benefits.
I wanted to pay my respects.
I know my husband was here earlier.
Much appreciated.
I won't stay.
If there's any way, official or unofficial, That I can be of any assistance, Please, please call.
I'm so very sorry for your trouble.
And if I can be of any-if- If you find that you need me Thank you, Mrs.
Billy's out there.
We gotta get his body.
We're gonna take care of you first.
Take overwatch.
See if you can get an angle.
We gotta get this guy and move on.
How you doing, Dauber? We were tasked to block this end of town, Close your back door as you swept forward.
We got ambushed.
How many snipers? Only one.
Son of a bitch was like a jack rabbit.
I see movement.
What the hell is that? Hold it.
She's not armed.
Sniper got her.
I got the muzzle flash.
He's got human shields.
He just went behind someone.
Drive him my way.
We need to steer him.
Flush him left on my command.
Sniper ready.
Keep moving.
Sniper ready.
Only gotta miss him by a millimeter.
Keep him moving.
Where'd he go? Hank Lubatch called me.
how much more time can I wrangle on base? None.
I'm sorry.
I can take the girls off base with me, though.
No, ma'am.
The military's responsible for the girls.
I've been responsible for Melody and Amber since they were 5 and 1.
Tom, Christine drowned when the girls were still babies.
Billy was all alone- I know that.
But what Ms.
Terry didn't do, What Billy didn't do Was change the legal guardianship for those girls.
What's legal? Morally's, they've been in my care since they were- Under their father's care, with you in the house.
But there is- Do you have legal guardianship of Melody and Amber Gill? At the moment, I do.
Are you their legal guardian? Not on paper, but they are- Well, that's what legal guardian means.
Colonel, can't you buy time? At least let them go with her to the motel till- Ms.
Do you know a Mr.
and Mrs.
Don Rohmer? Don and Lee Rohmer, do you know them? They're-they were Christe's parents.
They're the girls' maternal grandparents.
They're the guardians of record.
That's ridiculous.
They live 20 minutes from here.
They've never even seen the girls.
Tom, I'll take in the girls.
They can stay with us.
Are you the legal guardian? I have letters.
Are you their legal guardian? I have letters from friends who know Annette, Who knew what Billy intended.
It won't fly.
We'll get a lawyer.
We can do that, get a lawyer.
Who'll read what legally stands as Billy Gill's wishes.
In the event of his death, So daughters go to Don and Lee Rohmer.
They're demanding custody of Amber and Melody.
Kim: I've been doing some looking.
When we organize things this way, we can make provisions.
Private life insurance, $100,000.
It's not enough, too much? No, it's not necessary.
I think it is.
Something happens to you, It's me that's gonna need that.
Life insurance.
not today.
Well, um, only time to do it is today, If you think about it.
Not today.
Nothing's gonna happen to you today, Or you don't wanna sign this today? 'cause you never know, God forbid, when something's- Please, not today.
It's just a piece of paper, Bob.
It's just a single request- not today.
What's so scary here? A life insurance policy.
A living will.
A donor thing for your driver's license, They don't send you home in pieces.
Not today, please.
All right.
All right.
Why? "Why?" and "just sign it" are out of the same drawer.
Can I get some work done? And who's gonna be taking care Of this family if God forbid- Not today! Top, he's wrapped himself with hostages.
Wait him out? We're not gonna be here that long.
Get him a stretcher.
Mack, you got overwatch.
Draw his fire.
Get him to a safer position.
You see the pictures from Fallujah? We can't leave Billy out there.
Don't intend to.
I'm up.
he sees me.
I'm down.
I'm up.
He sees me I'm down.
Go! Dirt Diver, give us some love.
Get him prepared to go.
We've still got time to crack our rebel leader, Give him our calling card.
Said you weren't gonna leave Billy out there.
We'll be back for him later When the sniper's bug-eyed and tired.
I ain't leavin' him.
Beau, Gill is dead.
He ain't gettin' any deader, And we got a mission to complete, And we're not leaving you here to follow in his footsteps.
My mission's Billy Gill, And he's lying out there.
I'm not leavin'.
Mack, on radio: Snake Doctor, get eyes on Gill.
Mission change.
We gotta haul him in.
We gotta deal with that sniper.
One more time.
Bounding overwatch.
Mack, time feels right, you and Williams grab Gill.
I'll break squelch twice.
You pop smoke, 2 seconds, I'm in the room.
I held this in front of your face, Told you what it was, asked you to sign, And what'd you say? Not Today.
Which is the same thing you're gonna tell me tomorrow, isn't it? I gotta go to work.
Why won't you deal with it? Look, I'll see you later.
When is the time, after you're dead and the family's broke? When is the time? For this? Yes.
Excuse me if I'm ignorant.
Though I've been an army wife a long time, Grew up, uniforms hanging on every wash line in town.
Well, then perhaps you should know better.
Don't patronize me.
Oh, come on.
Who the hell do you think you are? I'm protecting this family.
I am not in your command.
I'm not one of the rangers you can impress with your know-how.
I have a life here, 2 kids here.
You fail to come home from a mission, I got myself a mission, How to support myself and your kids.
Oh, not now.
Sign the damn paper.
It is-all right.
It is bad juju, all right? There.
I said it.
I said the damn word.
And now you wanna laugh at me.
Is that what you wanna do? I pleaded with you not to press me on this.
I would expect that that simple request was sufficient! It's ok, pumpkin.
We were just talking loud.
You were fighting.
You're right.
you're right.
We were, but it's-it's ok.
But you were fighting.
It's ok, darling.
It's all right.
Serena, you just go pack and play.
Rigged like a puppet.
Hold fire! Check your targets.
Every one a head shot, or you're all going again.
Billy Gill.
Yes, sir.
Next-of's been notified.
You been by to see the fiancée? Been busy sir.
- You had time to make it home? - Yes, sir.
You got time to make yourself available to pay condolences On behalf of the unit before Gill's fiancée leaves the base.
Am I right for this, sir? You're unit, and you're here.
You knew Gill.
I did, sir.
That's right.
Family members appreciate anyone knew their loved one Comes around and pays respect.
Jonas would have done this.
Who do you think he'd tap to do it in his absence? I will follow orders, sir.
That's what we do.
We don't just train 'em.
We mourn 'em.
Yes, sir.
Uh, but, sir- You frightened of death, solider? Lot of work and thought just to draw us out.
It worked.
He was doing just fine without it.
They baited us in.
Why? Dauber, can you move? Yeah.
Check the back door.
No threat here, just his junk He dropped something back there He put what? Don't know.
Behind the door.
Snake Doctor, we got company.
Yeah, they set the trap all right.
Jonas: Rapido, rapido.
Dirt Diver, I'm sending down some hostages.
Hose them out of the building.
Run out the back door! Move it! Run, run, run, run, run! run! If she paid extended medical coverage.
Military coverage.
no, it's- No.
Thank you.
Every nook and cranny, The military can't find anything that'll help Annette So, what, you're just gonna give the girls to them? You've just gonna give 'em away.
They don't even know those people! Oh, my God.
Come here.
Those people were estranged from Billy when Christine was alive.
The Rohmers say differently.
Even if it's true, doesn't matter.
How can it not matter? You're gonna put 'em in a- in a new home, school, new state.
What chance do they have of a normal life? Military can't concern itself with that.
Well, what can the military concern itself with? Mr.
and Mrs.
Rohmer, I was a friend of Christine's.
those girls are all we have left of her.
You must be devastated, of course.
You know, i'm a room mother at the girls' school, And I thought you'd like to have these.
Oh, Lord.
They grow so fast.
They are the prettiest girls.
Doesn't she look just like Janine? Yes, Christine at that age.
You know, if I may, It steams me Annette claiming it's about the money for you.
She's not even related to them.
Christine was their mother.
This woman was just shacking up with Billy.
The money'll help- Death benefits, insurance, social security.
Girls can be expensive.
I know.
Yes, I remember, but it doesn't matter what it costs.
They're our blood, and we're taking them home.
You're taking these girls home? You bet we are.
But these aren't yours.
This little angel here, she's Jen Gerhardt.
This is her sister Lissy.
You don't even know what your grandchildren look like, And you sure as hell don't give a rat's ass about their welfare, And what does that make you? All right, force on force.
Let's push 'em back So we can get these nice folks out.
Frag 'em.
Gonna cook 'em off For a 2-count on my command.
Go now.
It's not safe.
Do not come back.
Go, go Isn't that our original mission heading this way? Yep.
Looks like he's coming to have a talk with us.
Annette's name is not on the account.
She has one credit card.
I went through the bank records.
Billy wrote all the checks.
How'd she expect to pay the bills without checks? My point.
She wasn't thinking about money.
Annette's worry is those children.
I'll get it.
You think the grandparents even met those girls? It's hard to believe, but I doubt it.
I take it this is official.
For the unit.
She's packing.
She'll be right out.
If you'll wait in the living room, We'll bring you some coffee and whatnot.
I- I wanted to pay my respects.
Thanks for coming.
Is there anything I can do for you? I was with Billy 4 years.
I know what you do, how you do it.
Can you get my kids back? Can you give me some rough justice? They gotta think they can beat us.
- Move in to contact, then a peel-off.
- Affirmative.
We're gonna buy you a few minutes.
- Then we're bringing them back to you.
- Gotcha.
Blow it! Yeah, bet that hurt.
I'm sorry to intrude.
I'd like to speak to Molly Blane.
My husband says that this whole thing With the grandparents is about the money.
Is that what you think? I do.
They don't care about kids.
They just want what comes with them.
Then might I make a suggestion? Give them the money.
She can't just- Why not? I have the number of a friend in Washington.
She's a lawyer.
She specializes in family law.
She suggest Ms.
Terry file a formal legal objection to the grandparents, Alleging bad faith and asking the intercession of the court.
That's the stick.
Here is the carrot.
Meanwhile, you approach the grandparents with this offer- That they keep the money and the allotments and you keep the girls.
She did not suggest, as it is illegal, Then when you meet with the grandparents, You also have somebody filming the meeting.
To blackmail them in case they want to try to back out of the deal.
But the tape won't be allowed in a court of law.
well, that's not what I'm suggesting.
What are you suggesting? How you doing, kid? We're going home.
Colonel Ryan's here.
You want me to send him in, Or you wanna come out, say good-bye? Who would have thought when I made this list, The first thing on it would be say good-bye to the girls? Just give them up.
We can negotiate.
We don't negotiate the welfare of children.
As their guardians, money goes to you- Social security, pension, Death benefits, support till they're 21.
To help raise them.
What if you got the money, didn't have to raise them? Annette's filing for legal custody.
It might take a year, If it's decided in her favor, Your money stops.
You willing to take that chance? It's not about the money.
If you sign them over to Annette now, paper stays the same, All the money goes to you till they're 21.
Or you could keep the kids now, Spend the next couple of years fighting over the money, maybe never see a dime.
I want it in writing.
You want it in writing You give up the girls, never see them again, Long as you get their allotment? That's right.
Isn't it interesting? You never even asked how Annette could raise those sweet girls Without any money.
That'll be her concern.
But all right, what's the answer? The answer is this- She gets the kids, she gets the money, You stay the hell out of their lives.
That should be just fine.
Don: What's that? Nanny-cam, works perfectly well On greedy grandparents, too.
What do you think you're gonna do with that, Show it to a judge if we don't just hand over the kids and the money? No, I'll show it to the ranger battalion, Billy used to belong to.
You two'll learn how they take care of family.
Couldn't sleep? Thought I could.
What a thing, huh? What a thing.
Couldn't sleep, huh? Felt that you were gone.
Woke up.
How, uh How'd everything work out with- with Annette and the kids? Colonel's wife stepped in today.
Did she? Yep.
She did good That took some spine.
That's absolutely right.
I, uh Cleaned out the burn box from Billy Gill's locker today.
What's that? Just some stuff he didn't want his family to see, In the event- What was in it? I didn't even think twice about looking in it.
I just burned the thing.
You got one of them? I do not.
And I I ain't that, I think, afraid of dying.
You know, and I ain't afraid of death.
But I'm terrified of letting you down And I will not let you down.
Guess he's hungry.
I'll see you later? Why, Sergeant.

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