The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon (2023) s02e03 Episode Script


CAROL: If I'm not back in two
weeks, don't keep waiting.
Laurent's missing!
Someone took him.
We'll go through with the test,
but we'll still have
to deal with Daryl when he comes back.
ISABELLE: I promised Lily
to protect Laurent.
We'll go in and get him.
The Mona Lisa is the most
valuable painting in history.
Insured at a billion pounds
in today's currency.
It was was painted by Leonardo da Vinci.
Hey, dude!
WOMAN: Seriously?
- Sorry.
- Why would you do that?

S'il vous plaît.










Excuse me?
What do you see in her expression?
She looks sad.
A woman gazed on by millions,
never actually seen.
But I see a secret in that smile.
Something withheld.
You're new.
Just arrived.
From where?
A little east of here.
I came to Paris as a tourist
13 years ago and got stuck.
It's the original, you know?
From the Louvre.
When it all started,
they protected the art,
not the people.
How are you so sure it's the real thing?
'Cause I'm the one who took
it off the fucking wall.


Bon appétit.
Excuse the interruption.
I have no tolerance for bullies.
Marion Genet. Welcome
to the Maison Mere.



He assigned you to the kitchen,
me to the stables,
which is good because
Julien grew up on a farm.
Maybe they sent him there, too.
Does your Daryl like horses?
The steel kind.
Excuse me.
Never mind.
Highly doubt I'm gonna
find Daryl in a kitchen.
What is all this?
They prepare for an attack
on l'Union de l'Espoir.
Nobody knows for sure
where the Union is hiding out.

Where are they taking them?
The tunnel.



What is he giving them?
There have been rumors of experiments.
Some say that's where
the burners came from.
Mistake that got loose.
Genet's trying to make a stronger breed.
Great. That's just what the world needs.

What if they're bringing Julien
here? Or Daryl?
We'll get to them first.

I'll find them.
I'll come with you.
No, no, it's too risky with two of us.
Check out the stables. Look busy.
I'll find you later. Go!








Sylvie, bear with us. It's for the best.
Stop saying that.
You're going to kill him.
Come down now.


Her faith was weak.

Just a little farther up.
He's been saying that for an hour.
ISABELLE: He'll find it.
So you think I'd like Ohio?
Yeah. I mean, the winters suck.
But summers are nice.
Fishing in the streams,
fireflies all over.

Found it.
See, I told you.

We can inch up to the top.
All right.

Ah, it's time.
I'm ready.
Of course you are.
This is heavy.
What exactly do I do when I'm up there?
Be yourself, soak in the energy.
Everyone is very excited
about you stepping
into the spiritual role. Merci.
I guess I'm excited, too.
And that's why you are you.
A blessing to all of us.

Hey, when I was your age,
I was a shy kid.
Very nervous.
I wet my pants during my piano recital.
That won't happen.

I wish Issa and Daryl were here.

Drink this. It'll relax you.
Valerian root and honey.
I feel relaxed.
I know you don't need it.
Drink it anyway.


My friends, the time has come.
From across France,
from Germany, from Spain,
we've come as pilgrims
to be part of this community
out of a shared belief of faith
in what is yet to come.

The journey here has been long and hard.
Some have had doubts at times.
We've had to be patient to prove
that there is a light
at the end of the tunnel,
a future where we will
no longer be vulnerable
to the bite of the hungry ones.

Now is the time to cast doubt aside
and to embrace hope,
to celebrate the inspiring power
of our unity and love.

We are all human, and even les affamés,
lost to us, carry with them
the memory of love.
So who better to confirm
our faith in Laurent
than someone we've just lost,
but who loved him dearly.
And now her love will deliver us all.




Show's over, motherfucker.


Oh, good. Come on.

MAN: Hey! Hey!

You're gonna have to go out
the same way we came in.
We're not leaving without you.
I stay and help.
It's gonna take both of you
to get him down that wall.
Kid, I need you to wake up.
I need your help.
I need you to take them
to our secret place.
Okay? The place that we train.
The cave in the woods.
The cave in the woods. You remember?
Listen to me. The cave in the woods.
The one by the big rocks?
Yeah. That one.
Take 'em. You can do
this. Give me a day.
If I don't make it back,
you keep running.
I'll find you.

Come on, let's go.



















Hey. I think I was assigned to help you.
I saw what happened last night.
That guy with the stew.
The floor. What an asshole.

You speak any English?

An American.
I'm looking for an American.
American? His name is Dixon.
I'm looking for an American.
Have you seen
MAN: Dixon.

Daryl Dixon.
Who was that?
Do you know him?
I had him, and I let him go.
This was my price.
Do you know where he is now?
Why would I tell you?
Because I don't believe in coincidences.
There's a reason I found you.
There has to be. It's a sign.
I don't believe in signs.
Darryl Dixon and I
He's my brother.

He's my only surviving family.

I'm Carol. I'm Carol. What's your name?

Codron, please help me.
I have come a very long way.
He's the only family I have left.

There is an island fortress
on the Normandy coast.
Allez viens !
Hurry up.
If Genet finds him first,
Dixon is a dead man. [COUGHS]

It can only be one place.
Monte Saint Michel.
It is a few hours drive.

Come with me.
I can't. Not without Julien.

I'm sorry. I got to go.
Good luck, Remy.

And you.

MAN: Bonjour.
You're awake.
- Don't try to move.
You need to rest.
And listen.

This is not how I wanted it to be.
I was hoping we'd convince you,
that your thinking would evolve,
it'd come around, but
Must be hard living
without a semblance of faith.
No organizing principle,
nothing to cling to,
existence spent simply reacting.
A man alone.
It's a sad state.
Fuck off.
Perhaps it's easy to reject faith
when you live only for yourself.
But I've dedicated my life
to a community of people.
A community that I have
a responsibility to protect.
Faith and hope,
our oxygen and water, elements
crucial to our survival.
And over time, our
reserves, they've run low.
Laurent will replenish them.
The public display of his light
will give our people the strength
to continue on in the darkness.
Your people don't even
know what you're doing.
I meditated.

I prayed on it.

And I realized
it's our love for Laurent.
That's precisely why he's being
called on to take this leap.
Because only by risking everything
can we find the true meaning of faith.

What happens if you're wrong?

If I'm wrong?
There would be no point in going on.

So, my friend,
where's the boy?



I'm not gonna hurt you.
Easy. Easy.
Shh. Easy.





Well, hello again.

I'm sorry.
Information is a commodity.
This is the only way I
could think of to save Julien.
I'm sure you would've done
the same for your Daryl, no?
Sabine will take you both back to Paris.
Drop you wherever you like.

There are two Guerriers right outside.
You might as well sit down.

It's not bad.
We keep a little vineyard
behind the mill.
What do you want?
I have the same question for you.
Or I can have you assigned
to the Atelier.
I believe you have witnessed
some of our research tests.
Nasty looking stuff going on in there.
What's that all about?
Creating a new subtype of affamé,
more directable warriors.
They will help bring
peace back to the world.
Right. The war to end all wars.
I've heard that one before.
No more lies. How did you get here?
I landed two days ago from America.
I manipulated an innocent man
into letting me fly
in his plane under the false pretense
of looking for my daughter.
We had to stop in Greenland,
where he was almost used
as a sperm donor,
and I was nearly murdered
by insane environmentalists.
And why do you want to find Dixon?
I came here to kill him.

Must have done something
terrible to you.

we all need
un raison d'être, don't we?

You can't imagine what
I have done to get this far.
I understand, I do.
Ces douleurs, these pains we carry,
we women need to learn to let them go.
Men seem to have no problem doing that.
They definitely do not.
But we have to forgive ourselves.
For all the losses.

We can try.

Daryl Dixon has aligned
himself with a group
of religious zealots.
Daryl is not really the aligning type.
I believe you've helped us
locate their headquarters.
The island fortress in Normandy
that my former comrade told you about.
I'll organize a convoy in the morning.
You want to kill Dixon yourself.

I will take you to him.

Get your strength up to go
again tomorrow.
Fuck off.
You'll break soon.


I used to work here as a janitor.

At first I was on nights, almost alone.
I'd sweep the floors of galleries full
of religious paintings
and wonder why the
greatest artists felt compelled
to depict the same violent
imagery over and over again.
When les affamés came,
we were locked in for a week.
It was there that the paintings
began to make sense to me.
There was one in particular. Le Deluge.
A desperate family hangs
in peril over a raging flood.

And I realized all these
scenes of apocalypse,
they want to make sense
of the chaos and destruction
that humanity brings upon itself.
The fantasy that there's a higher power
that can make things better.
Prayers didn't help us.
Not then and not now.

Everyone needs hope.
Yes, but religion is not about hope.
It's about control.

Keeping the masses in line.
Sometimes it can turn into that.
Deluded by an opiate of hope.
L'Union de l'Espoir
thinks we, the masses,
the small and unseen, are stupid.
That their fairy tales can control us.
We will show them they're wrong.





What happened? Where's Laurent?
We were separated.
Laurent and Fallou got away.
I didn't talk. I didn't say anything.
Me neither.
He'll be alright. We'll catch up to him.

We should get some sleep.
Get our strength back up so we
can bust out of here tomorrow.

Tell me a story.
DARYL: About what?
I just want to hear your voice.

There was this guy.
And he left home, looking for something.

Wasn't even sure what it was.
And he found himself
far, far away from home.
And he couldn't get back.

That's all he ever cared
about, getting back.

He didn't care about anything or anyone.

Poor guy.

Then one day, something changed.

Change is good.

Tell me about the fireflies.

They're like, uh, little Tinkerbells
flying around in the sky.
You guys have Tinkerbell here?

She saves Peter Pan.

You know I think Laurent's
really gonna like it
when we get back home to America.

He can go to school.
Be like a normal kid.

And what will I do?
We can do whatever you want.
We can sleep late.

Take long walks, and watch
the sun go down by the river.

That sounds like a dream.

You know, you're right.
I found something here.


She's got nothing to say to you.

What are we doing?
Rallying the troops.
Stay close. This is history.

Where you taking her?
She doesn't know anything!
She knows that we have a mission
here, a greater purpose.
I know where the kid is.
I'll take you to him.

Isabelle has always had
an open mind and heart.
You sadly are beyond hope.

He's in Provence! I can take you to him!
Isabelle! Isabelle!

You're turning them?
For the greater good.
We've been training
for months. We're ready.
The question is, are you?
I'm giving you what you asked for.
You're gonna kill your friend.
Hey! Get off me!
Get off me!

What you're doing is not strength.
It's desperate and it's savage.
Sounds like Daryl talking.
I need you to tell me where the boy is.


I don't want to lose him.


- MAN: That was good.
- Yeah.
ZABEL: The number one thing
I was excited about
was the Louvre flashback
story for Genet.
WOMAN: The Mona Lisa is
the most valuable painting in history,
insured at £1 billion
in today's currency.
ZABEL: When we created
the character of Genet
in the writers' room, we had this idea
that I always wanted to get to.
There just wasn't room in season one.
We had a lot of fish to fry.
But also it took about a year to plan
and be able to shoot at the Louvre.
CHARRIER: You always see
the Louvre full of people,
and we had the Louvre for ourselves.
That was completely mad.
NICOTERO: The idea was
having the opportunity
to tell another perspective
of the breakout
of the zombie apocalypse through
the eyes of a character.
CHARRIER: She doesn't know
about zombie at that time.
They wake up in a nightmare.
They don't know what's going on.
So they kind of see that
people are going mad,
but they don't know
exactly what the danger is.
NICOTERO: And I think
what's most important
about this sequence is
it's the genesis of Genet's
transformation into
the character that she is now.
Genet is this simple woman
in love with her husband,
planning to have a family,
and that is taken away from her.
ZABEL: It's part of the reason
she holds the baby
in season one the way
she holds the baby.
A lot of people had
questions about that.
It's because she's thinking of the baby
she never had with her husband.
CHARRIER: The worst in her comes
from that pain that she had,
and I had to build it,
even not knowing exactly
where the traumatize was.
I had to build her around something
that was really painful for her.
ZABEL: The Mona Lisa is a figure who
she's hiding something.
You don't know exactly
what she's thinking,
but she's watching.
And obviously that became very symbolic
to Genet as a character.
She relates to it.
CHARRIER: It's one of the
greatest memory of work I have.
Having the Louvre for ourselves
and having that tête-à-tête
with the Mona Lisa,
who can experience that, you know?
That's a very special memory.

How are you so sure it's the real thing?
'Cause I'm the one who took it
off the [BEEP] wall.
Both Genet and Carol
are characters who have
been underestimated
and misunderstood in the past,
but are very powerful,
each in their own way.
So we thought that was very fascinating
to put those two characters together
because of some of
the similarities that they have,
but also the differences.
MCBRIDE: Carol absolutely
relates to Genet
in how this world has affected her.
The losses. The forgiveness.
The guilt. The forgiveness again.
NICOTERO: It's really
a great opportunity
to see these two women
sort of eye each other up
and figure out how they can get
what they need out of each other.
CHARRIER: Those scenes
in the Maison Mère
I remember really well.
We were very excited about it.
We were like [GIGGLING] you know?
Melissa is very generous.
very calm, and very funny.
And why do you want to find Dixon?
I came here to kill him.

LOSANG: My friends
the time has come.
The ceremony is the center,
in my mind, of season two.
It's super important.
And yeah, it goes wrong.
It goes very wrong.
What we're shooting today is a test
of whether Laurent will
survive the bite of a walker.
The ceremony scenes were wild
because the weather that day
was just like [BLOWING]
you know, and you're in
this giant courtyard
of this other castle.
And there was a lot of people
there that day.
SCIGLIUZZI: Wow, that was a
great day shooting the ceremony.
It was hard 'cause I had
to have my eyes like this.
And the walking was weird
'cause I had to walk
kind of like a walker.
The real twist is Sylvie's
part of the ceremony,
and I gasped [GASPS] when I read that.
- Aaah!
- Sylvie!
ZABEL: We always wanted
Sylvie to have a heroic story
where she gets killed
trying to save Laurent.
And at the same time,
we were figuring out this story
about the ceremony and the test.
And I said to the room,
"It would be a special walker".
So if Sylvie happens
to have died at the right time,
then she would be the right one
to use as the walker.
RICHMAN: All the time
we sort of fretted about
telling an actress
that she's going to die.
But the real hardest part
was how, for us,
because her reaction was
she was really excited.
BLANC-FRANCARD: The fact that
Sylvie died trying to save Laurent,
I think it's the best way
for her to die, honestly.
And I was really excited
to play a zombie.
On "Walking Dead",
It's the best opportunity
to play a zombie.

They did, like, amazing makeup,
made this prosthetic neck,
as you can see
goes there in silicone,
so to create like a fake broken neck.
And also synthetic cheekbones
and just sprays me,
like, for two hours.
And after that, you can see
on my hand they did the same.
And they start to draw on my face
with really, really thin pencil.
When I saw myself
the first time in the mirror,
honestly, I was really amazed.
I love the idea of being transformed
and just be completely
different from myself.
I loved it.
Merci beaucoup tout le monde.
SCIGLIUZZI: I guess I'm kind of
sad, not as in my character,
but me, 'cause I'm gonna
miss her if she's not on set.
a lot in the show.
I'm really grateful
in that I'm full of advices
and great memories that you
can't really forget, I think.

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