Thunder in My Heart (2021) s02e03 Episode Script

Fars dag

Will you be celebrating Lasse
for Father's Day?
I doubt it.
He hates everything I cook anyway.
I only know
I need to be back for six p.m.
I'm sure they've got
nothing special planned.
What about you, Sigge?
Are you celebrating Father's Day?
No, we have no celebrations planned.
My dad has always mentally
abused me, my mum and brother.
Sometimes it turned physical as well,
so you can imagine how Mum feels.
I'm absolutely fine.
Much better than you might think.
My previous psychologist
said that I have good crisis capital.
And I'm thinking
that's quite a good thing.
-Let me go!
What are you doing?
Shall I call your parents?
No hitting. You talk to each other.
Hey! Calm down, okay?
-It's my cap.
-Right, you'll have to sit here.
You're going to take it easy.
High five.
Give me high five. There you go.
-Take a few breaths. Back soon.
Thanks for helping out with Sigge.
-What do you mean?
-At your party.
-Of course.
Wing man.
Shall we?
-What do you mean?
-You know. In the shower.
Not now. Someone might walk in.
Who cares?
And I'm on my period.
-We should be grateful for that.
Should we? Why?
-Hi, can you come pick me up?
I thought Dad was picking you up.
Yeah, but he never turned up.
Daddy is a bit forgetful sometimes.
-Have you tried calling him?
-Yes, but he doesn't pick up.
-You know that Daddy loves you.
-I do.
He really loves you, too.
I know.
Of course.
Why do you hide
in the bathroom when he comes then?
-Did you make the cushion?
-Yes, for Father's Day.
-God, I didn't see you.
Hi, Sara.
Didn't I last see you at that
windowless basement club?
That's right.
You were there
with that Janice, yeah?
Yeah, we're together.
-Oh, you're a couple?
I didn't know.
I thought she was single.
No, we're very much together.
We live together. Exclusive.
We have a key each
for the same door.
I've bought this
for both of us to use.
Oh, I must have confused her
with somebody else.
-Nice to see you.
-And you.
Say hello to Janice.
Benjamin, this is not our bus.
Can't you hear me?
This is not our bus.
-I want to take this bus.
-Stop it.
It's for Leo's Playland.
We can't go there now.
We're going to Mum's.
Daddy was going to take me there.
He promised me.
Maybe we can go to
Leo's Playland for a little bit.
-Can we?
-Are you happy now?
-Thanks a lot.
Sigrid. Hi. I didn't know
I thought Mum was coming with you.
-She couldn't make it.
-I see
It's so good to see you.
I'm so happy to see you.
It's just a bit of a shock.
-Benjamin said that
-Shall we go inside?
Of course. We don't
want to stand here and talk.
What a surprise.
-Let's go.
-Come on, Sigge.
Sigge, look at this.
We're heading up there.
Sigge, check out the volcano.
We have to go on that.
Of course we will.
We'll go on everything.
-What's the matter?
-Are you okay?
I'm just a bit hot.
-Don't touch me!
You'll be alright, Sigge. I'm here.
No, you're not.
Daddy, when can I
come and live with you?
I'm working on it.
I've got a flat here in Stockholm.
It's in
Eh, I've got to go home.
I'm not feeling well.
-But Sigrid
-I don't know what happened.
I'm going home.
I don't want to pass anything on.
-This is lovely, darling.
-Have you thought about
when you split up with somebody
you get that giddy feeling
you might meet someone better?
But when you don't have a dad
you don't get that,
because you can't have a new dad.
No. Sorry,
what are you talking about?
-What do you mean "giddy"?
-There's no hope for the future.
There's no way I'll meet a new dad.
You and me don't have a dad.
Isn't that weird?
I try not to think about that.
Why should I?
It's not as if
you or me suddenly would go,
"Here's our new dad.
His name is Hans.
He's much better than my old one."
-You know this is emotional dumping.
What you're doing now
is called emotional dumping.
You're pouring out your emotions
without checking if I want to listen.
-Who's on the phone?
-Where are you?
At Sam's. Or the house, actually.
We're celebrating his dad.
Okay. Who's there?
-Well, everyone.
Oh, okay.
Well, have a really lovely evening.
-Say hello to everyone from me.
-I'll call you tomorrow.
-Okay? Bye.
-Buy us some fags, will you?
-Buy us some fags.
-No, wait until you're 18.
-Hey, Sigge. How are you doing?
-Hi, Lukas.
And your little friends.
Go on, buy us some fags.
Leave her alone, she's our age.
She can't buy any either.
-Is she the one from the warehouse?
-Is she?
Fancy a beer? They're a bit lukewarm,
but not too bad.
No, I'm fine thanks.
Bye now.
She's dissing you big time.
Oh, stop it.
She was wearing this dress.
It was very thin.
She looked cold.
You could see You get it?
Dad, you can't
talk like that about Mum.
What, Sam? I just looked quickly.
We're all grown-ups. I was in love.
It's okay to look, isn't it?
What happened next?
I asked if she
wanted to have my coat. She didn't.
Then suddenly she smiled.
"Maybe another time.
My name is Maria."
My heart went
Oh, that's so sweet.
Yes, very.
So cute.
Boom, boom, boom.
Would you pass the wine, Sigge?
It's Louise, Dad.
But where's Sigge?
She couldn't make it.
Dad, why don't we
go to Lebanon this summer?
It would be great.
Yes, there's a lot of Lebanon
that you haven't seen.
I'll make a list.
-It would be great.
Why don't we all go?
-Where's Benjamin?
-In the living room.
Hi, darling.
Have you had a good day?
-He often beats his women.
Would you like a coffee?
It's time to go home.
No, I want to watch the end of this.
Why don't you
watch the end of this next time?
Why is he watching this?
Because it's really good.
Come on. We're making tacos.
-Please switch off the TV.
-What are you doing?
-Sorry, but we have to leave.
-No, I want to stay here.
-You can't.
I want to live with Dad.
You can't decide for me.
Come on.
You do not hit me, understand?
Hang on. Benjamin
Is it the end of the world
if he sleeps here?
Won't you come with me?
-We'll have a cosy evening together.
Please, Benjamin. Come here.
-Come on, Benjamin.
-I said, go!
-I don't want to be with you!
We need to report your concern.
What happens if I report my concern
to social services?
They might go over there
to check on things.
Maybe they'll help you
get Benjamin home.
It sounds so dramatic.
Would they drag him out?
I can call if you find it difficult.
-Yes, I'm happy to.
No. Don't.
It will be fine.
I'll head over there tomorrow and
pick him up.
Then he's stayed over at Stefan's,
which was what he wanted.
-Then he'll have to come back home.
-Don't you think?
-Of course he'll come with you.
You know what? Why don't you
watch something nice on TV?
And have a glass of wine.
I can't sit here
and drink wine on my own.
Why not? Of course you can.
I'm lying in Benjamin's bed.
What the hell, Annika?
I'm coming over.
It's nice that your mum expects you
to be there, anytime, anywhere.
Would you rather be single and
not have all this and me and Ingrid?
Everybody thinks you're single,
so maybe you should be.
Who are you talking about?
Sara, for example.
Who the hell is Sara?
Never mind. She thinks you're single.
It kind of matters if I know who
she is. How can she know I'm single?
Sigge is coming over this evening.
Shall we sit down? There we go.
-There we go.
-Come here.
Come here.
-Can we?
-I only want you.
Can we just finish talking?
Come on.
Do you realise how strangely Sara
reacted when I said we were a couple?
Please, Antonia. I don't know
I live with you. We're a couple.
I love you.
What else can I do to convince you?
Should this ruin
our sex life as well?
I think you
should go and talk to somebody.
Have some therapy or something.
I'm not sure
I'm in the mood for this.
Oh, come on.
Just think of this
as a normal evening without kids.
Right, let's hit the bar. Here we go.
Hi, girls. Can we have
a few shots with you?
-Excuse me.
Could we have
two of the same, please?
What have you been up to
this evening?
We're celebrating that
she's just dumped her bloke.
-He was a complete arsehole.
-Fuck, yeah.
I do believe you. Cheers to freedom!
Great. Down in one.
Wow, that was good.
-Oh, it was.
-Can we have five more, please?
Let's have ten.
We hardly ever
do anything without you.
Oh, really?
Okay, let's see about "hardly ever".
What's that?
Are those screenshots?
I can see, thanks.
But you don't like
the theatre, museums and stuff.
Maybe I do. How would I know
if you never invite me along?
But things went a bit weird when you
said that stuff in front of Louise.
You should start
going out with somebody. Seriously.
It would be great
for the whole group.
The guy from the warehouse.
-No, not him.
-He's got a big dick. You like that.
No, I can't go out with him.
-Because he's 17, okay?
He's 17 and has little friends.
What the hell, Sigge?
Small friends, big dick.
Shut up, I could go to prison.
No, you won't
end up in prison for this, Sigge.
Or maybe? Janne!
-Could you google
if it's illegal for a 24-year-old
to have sex with a 17-year-old?
I don't think it's illegal, but
maybe it's just a little bit yuck?
Why do you ask?
He called me a whore and a cunt.
So this morning I chucked
his PlayStation out of the window.
I shouted that it was over
and said he was the cunt,
'cause I'm just me.
-Good job you two didn't have kids.
-Oh, I know.
They're sucking the life out of us,
old and young ones.
-What are you talking about?
-They find you when you're happy.
And then
they suck the life out of you
until there's nothing left
and they find you boring.
Even though it's their own fault.
God, I love it when you're
this angry. Let it all out!
Don't you want another drink?
What would you like?
-I'll have everything.
-Everything? Coming up.
Excuse me. Hello.
Hi, you've reached Stefan.
Please leave a message
after the tone.
You're fucking disgusting,
do you hear me?
When Benjamin is grown up
he'll realise how sick you are.
Your tricks
won't work on him anymore.
He will leave you.
Just like Sigrid and I have done.
You'll be all alone, do you hear me?
And you're the cunt!
I'm just me!
Alex, habibi, let's dance.
You want to dance?
-Thanks for dinner.
-No, thank you.
-Thanks for coming.
-Thank you.
Okay. Big hug.
Come here, Alex.
My boys.
Don't worry so much.
Everything will turn out
for the best.
Sure, everything will turn out
for the best.
-See you.
Sam! Look after Sigge.
Louise, Bab.
Are you coming, darling?
Is something the matter?
No Or I don't know.
I think I'll have to
move back in with Dad.
We can talk more about that
tomorrow, okay?
Yes, I can hear you.
Keep breathing.
Oh, my God.
Sure, I'll leave straight away.
I'm putting my shoes on.
I'm coming over now.
What's happened?
Just stay where you are.
I'm on my way over.
What's happened?
Sam's dad has killed himself.
This episode
deals with serious matters.
If you or someone you know
has been affected by its content,
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