Thunderbirds (1965) s02e03 Episode Script

Alias Mr. Hackenbacker

'Thunderbirds are go! ' (Siren wails) 'This is Control.
Flight D103 is making final approach.
'This is a red alert.
'All emergency vehicles take up crash positions.
' 'D103 to Control.
Confirm undercart defect.
'Suspect hydraulic failure.
Crash drill completed.
' 'Control to D103.
Emergency vehicles in position.
- 'Good luck.
' - 'Thanks.
We may need it.
' (All sirens scream) Gentlemen, the film you've seen illustrates the greatest danger in any crash landing.
The fire Is Skythrust the answer? Our extensive tests show Skythrust is the safest plane flying today.
Captain, can you elaborate on that? All in good time.
Let's go and see the plane and meet the designer.
- Yeah, where is he? - Mr Hackenbacker is due now.
(Switches on radio) This is Hyram K Hackenbacker calling Jeff Tracy.
- Come in, Jeff Tracy.
- 'Go ahead, Mr Hackenbacker.
' I am entering London Airport.
'Good luck, Br I mean, Mr Hackenbacker.
' Good morning, sir.
Pass, please.
G-Good morning, officer.
That's quite in order, Mr Hackenbacker.
Follow the road straight ahead, sir.
The rest of the party are on observation roof 67.
Thank you, officer.
Well, there she is - Skythrust.
A very nice-looking job, Hackenbrook.
The name is Hackenbacker, actually.
Yes, yes.
And I can't take the whole credit.
I only designed S0ME of its new features.
This is Skythrust to Control.
- 'Loud and clear, Ashton.
' - Ready to commence test routine.
Permission to proceed, sir? Er, yes, of course.
Mr Hackenbrink, any instructions for the pilot? HackenBACKER, actually.
No, Ashton and I have been through everything.
All right, Ashton, go ahead.
- She looks good.
- She's responding nicely.
- Air speed 190 knots.
- Rotate.
By Jove! (Supersonic boom) Mach one.
- Level up.
- Levelling up.
I couldn't fault that take-off.
I admit I am satisfied with Skythrust's behaviour, but the full test of her abilities has yet to come.
Is there something we don't know about? We can't answer that yet.
Skythrust does have certain new features, but we can't divulge these yet.
Well, when does Skythrust come into service? Very soon indeed.
The formalities should take only a few days.
Photo, please.
I think I'll go to the control tower to catch up with Ashton.
OK, Hackenbacker.
"At an interview at London Airport, nobody gave away anything, "but rumour has it that Skythrust has some revolutionary new features.
"Hyram Hackenbacker, the brilliant, but mysterious, American designer, "revealed nothing about the aircraft he designed.
" When does Skythrust go into service? Any day now - Brains is staying on in Europe for it.
It says, "The first flight, from Paris to London, "should be very soon.
" Speaking of Paris, look! Say! What's it all about, Tin Tin? There's a whole feature on Penelope.
Fame! "Excitement in the fashion world mounted today.
"Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward, the famous English beauty, "will take part in a charity fashion show presented by François Lemaire.
" Who is François Lemaire? Your memory! Penelope and I are always mentioning him.
He's our favourite designer.
It says, "Apparently, Lemaire has something sensational to offer.
" Oh, I wonder what it will be! (French accordion music) (Lady Penelope) As soon as I got your telegram, François, I made a reservation on the first flight.
You will do me this favour, dear Penelope? You will model for me? François, I'd L0VE to.
You know I'm always ready to help a good cause.
Now, what wonderful surprises do you have for us this season? I promise you, my creations will make history.
They will be a sensation! - You intrigue me, François.
- You will N0T be disappointed.
My rivals would give - how you say? - their eyeteeth to know my secret.
- I have discovered - Wait! - Wait.
- What is it, Penelope? One can never be too careful.
- What does it mean? - You are being bugged.
I don't understand.
What is this "bug"? Someone has planted a transmitter in here.
They can hear every word.
I think I've found their little secret.
Look, François.
It's unbelievable! Is it all right to tell you now? No, no, François.
I see.
Very clever but not quite clever enough.
Peeping Toms.
Your office is under surveillance by a long-range television camera.
Oh, mon Dieu.
0h All right, François.
Go ahead.
Well Just in case, I shall write it down.
I shall commit my great secret to paper.
Let me see François, stop! Please show me that pen.
François, how long have you had this pen? How long? I don't know.
I rarely use it.
Then, it's probably not too late.
Now, watch this.
François, it is an impressor pen.
It can record and transmit anything the writer commits to paper.
You mean? Yes, right now, that pen is sending a message to your enemies.
And I'm going to prove it to you.
Oh, Penelope! This is too much! Bugs in the flowers, Peeping Toms, pens that send messages Oh, I need reviving.
'Yes, monsieur? ' My sweet, would you bring us some tea? 'Certainly.
I'll bring it myself.
' Deirdre, stand by to model the items that came this morning.
'0f course, Mr Lemaire.
' These are my two leading models - Madeleine and Deirdre.
- They will assist you in the show.
- They know your secret? Indeed, they do.
And this, at last, my dear Penelope is my secret.
Dear François.
Watch carefully.
Voilà! François, how wonderful! This is my new fibre! Penylon! I I named it after you, Penelope! - I hope you don't mind.
- Mind?! François, this is a revolution! Penylon can be made into any costume you desire.
It never gets crushed and it can squeeze up into the smallest space.
Its possibilities are immense, as you will appreciate! I could carry a whole wardrobe around in my handbag! AND it can be made to look like any other material! Look at this.
'This looks like a suit made of leather - 'though, in fact, it is made entirely of Penylon.
' How marvellous! Here are some other designs in the collection - all made of Penylon! Ah, tea.
How civilised.
- Sugar, Lady Penelope? - Well, er One lump wouldn't hurt, I suppose.
Hmm, that's strange.
- What is the matter? - Is the tea too strong? Isn't this lump rather big? I wonder As I thought, François! Another transmitter! Alas, Penelope, I'm surrounded on all sides by enemies.
What am I to do? We MUST change the preview plans.
We cannot hold it in the salon.
But where? The Eiffel Tower?! That would at least be safer.
Let's see.
There must be somewhere that we won't be interrupted.
Got it! I know JUST the place.
But, first of all, I have to contact a friend.
Skythrust is ready to go into service.
The final tests were fine.
Congratulations, Mr er (Intercom bleeps) 'A call for Mr Hackenbacker, sir.
It's on number three phone.
'Mr Hackenbacker? ' Er Hackenbacker? Number three phone.
0f course.
- It's like I've always said.
- And what is that? Bright people have no head for names.
- Hello? Hackenbacker speaking.
- 'I have a call from Paris.
' 'Go ahead, caller.
' - Hello, Hyram.
Are you alone? - 'Yes, I am.
' - Is that you, Penelope? - 'Yes, Brains.
' Great to hear from you.
Anything wrong? No, Brains.
I just want to ask a big favour.
(French accordion music) How do you know Hyram Hackenbacker? Mr Ashton, you must allow a lady a few secrets.
Let me just say that he and I are associates.
Hyram's a dark horse.
What brains he has! Brains?! 0h, yes, he's got a lot of talent all right.
Now, about this scheme of mine.
It's a lot of trouble for a fashion show.
Now, isn't that just like a man.
Ah, here's the coffee.
- Will that be all, monsieur? - Yes, thank you.
(Bleeping) - What is it, Parker? - I'll get you to read it, m'lady.
There's another transmitter bugging you.
'It's just started to register.
' The coffeepot, it must be! Penelope, l-I don't understand! The waiter planted it.
Just let me get my hands on him Even if you caught him, he'd tell us nothing.
Now do you see how important this fashion show is? Yes, Penelope, I do.
We must switch the location of the preview.
OK, let's open up the freight deck, Mason.
Some telegrams for you, sir.
Always the same on opening night.
Everyone wishing each other luck.
Listen to this, "Good luck, we'll be waiting with the champagne "Hyram K.
" I wish he could have come on this flight.
Never mind, this flight's going to be special enough.
- 0K, let's get the freight loaded.
- Yes, sir! Oh, dear! I have the butterflies every time a new collection is shown.
This time it feels like a herd of buffalo! You really must relax, François.
After this, you'll be the toast of the fashion world.
Madeleine, sometimes your calm borders on cold bloodedness.
Deirdre, are the costumes still all right? Perfectly all right.
Parker, I hope you'll find plenty to do in Paris until I get back.
Oh, yes, m'lady.
I never find time on my hands in Paris.
Lady Penelope has arrived.
I'd better welcome her aboard.
Is everything ready, François? We mustn't keep the buyers waiting.
Oh, yes, the airline people have done a beautiful conversion.
(Cocktail piano music) François, it's charming! Remember, Penelope, you must go and get changed as soon as we've levelled out.
Don't worry, François, we shan't let you down.
Ooh! And the music? Will it be all right? The steward is taking care of that.
He's new to the airline.
The Skythrust should have left Paris by now, Tin Tin.
I'm so looking forward to hearing about the dress show.
We'll go up to the control tower to pay our respects.
Then we'll go and meet the plane.
Aren't you excited, Brains I mean, Mr Hackenbacker? This is number 17, called Autumn Colours.
(Applause) You will observe the swirling pleats and the slim-shaped bodice.
The skirt flares slightly at the end.
The entire ensemble, like everything else in the collection, is made of Penylon.
Say, this Penylon is a sensation! It's the biggest fabric development since the cotton mill.
Number 29.
This is called Soirée Écossaise.
Number 35, Alligator Attack.
This is strictly for wearing after dark.
And number 36 And now finally, Mesdames et Messieurs, may I present to you the Penylon bridal dress.
(Wedding march and applause) This is Skythrust calling London control.
'Loud and clear, Skythrust, go ahead.
' Proceeding now to London.
ETA 15 minutes.
Skythrust, we have you on our radar.
Provisional runway allocation - 39.
'Thank you, London.
' By the way, there's a Mr Hackenbacker here who sends his best.
Great, tell him I'll see him soon.
'And the cute number he's escorting.
' They brought a huge bottle of champagne.
0ver and out.
It looks like the show and the flight were both a success.
My dear, what a picture you look.
What a show! What a show! Boy! Just wait till the women of the world hear about Penylon.
I must go and change.
We'll be arriving soon.
It wouldn't do to arrive looking like this.
- Where's Madeleine got to? - 0oh, I haven't a clue, darling.
I haven't seen her since the show.
May I come through? 'I want to thank you for such a smooth flight.
' You don't mind me taking a look in the flight deck? I guess it's all right.
Take her down.
Leave those controls just where they are.
Hey, what is this?! This is the end of part one, my friend.
Part two of the journey is just beginning.
- You'd better give me that.
- Don't be stupid.
I know how to use this.
Do as she says.
The plans are changed.
We are not going to London.
- What's this supposed to be? - Your new destination.
The middle of the Sahara! It's miles from anywhere! There'll be no one around to disturb us.
Set a course, we haven't got time to waste.
You'll never get away with this on your own.
Just set a new course.
And who said I was alone? You idiot! This is an outrage! Did I ask for your opinion? As I was saying No one will get hurt.
There's just been a slight change in plans.
We're not going to London.
You! Box all those dresses up again! What do you mean? He means, François, that he is going to steal the entire collection.
- What?! - Exactly.
This Penylon is too good to lose.
Don't think about the radio.
It's no good.
Nobody can help you now.
We must do something, Penelope.
There is one chance.
(Creaking) (Bleeps) - Look, Father.
- Penelope's in trouble.
- It WAS a little too peaceful.
- Why are we waiting? - Away you go, Scott.
- 0K.
- Virgil.
- Yes, sir.
- I'll send Alan down.
- Sure thing.
- Ready for blast off, Father.
- '0K, Scott.
' (Jeff) 'I'm going to contact Brains.
Maybe he knows what's gone wrong.
' - Get me a bearing on Penelope.
- 'Understood, Father.
' Where are they taking us? Be patient, François, help is at hand.
How do you know? Cut out the cackle, you two.
This aircraft will soon be tracked down.
That's where you're wrong.
We're handling all radio calls.
- I have a bearing, Father.
- 'Great.
' Zero, forty degrees, eighteen minutes.
Forty degrees, eighteen minutes.
Virgil will have the exact position.
'I have that fix on Penelope, Father.
' Right on cue! Zero, two, three degrees.
Zero, two, three degrees.
Looks like they're heading for the Sahara.
Why hijack a plane and take it there? Look at it.
Sand, sand, nothing but sand.
Stop griping, Ross and get on that radio.
Calling Skythrust, can you read me? Calling Skythrust, come in, please.
There's no answer.
That thing's got a limited range, remember? They'll be here.
Switch on the radio.
We're nearing our destination.
'This is International Rescue calling Skythrust.
' International Rescue?! Don't answer that.
'This is International Rescue calling Skythrust, come in, please.
' We'd better answer, they don't give up.
All right, but watch what you say.
Loud and clear, International Rescue.
'Request you return to London, Skythrust.
' - Tell him no.
- We can't do that.
- 'I must insist.
' - Give me that.
And if we don't, what then? 'I'm afraid we'll have to take action.
' Who are you trying to kid? Your job is to save lives, not risk them.
'Just leave us alone.
' (Jeff) 'Come in, Scott.
' I've spoken to Skythrust.
They won't give in without a fight! I think we can bluff them.
Brains has an idea.
He's telling Virgil now.
Now, Virgil, what I'm asking you to do may sound crazy, but I think it'll work.
'Load up a low velocity, non-explosive missile,' and take a pot shot at Skythrust's undercart.
- Sounds pretty risky, Brains.
- 'Don't worry, Virgil.
' It'll be all right.
Just trust Mr Hackenbacker.
'0K, then, Hyram.
' Eight minutes to touchdown.
We won't be able to land.
The runway isn't big enough.
Good try, Ashton, but it won't work.
This is Skythrust calling Sahara.
Come in, please.
'This is Skythrust calling Sahara.
Come in, please.
' Answer it.
Hello, Skythrust.
Is that you, Madeleine? 'Expecting someone else? We'll be with you in about eight minutes.
' Fine.
Is everything 0K? no one is going to stop us now.
Not even International Rescue.
What did she mean not even International Rescue? Look, a Thunderbird! Wow! Trying to scare us, eh? - Real close, this time, Alan.
- FAB.
I've had enough of their games.
Now hear this, you crazy fools - I've got Ashton and the co-pilot right here.
'Lf you're still in sight 30 seconds from now, Ashton gets a bullet.
' And believe me, I'll do it.
- Did you see the Thunderbird? - Yes, that's got them worried.
Don't build up your hopes.
The mighty International Rescue are giving up.
It seems we'll have to use Brains' idea.
Right, let's get back after them.
I'll keep in their blind spot.
Target in sight.
Range 2,000 yards.
- Closing.
- Fire when you can.
One thousand eight hundred six hundred four hundred two hundred Missile away! - What was that? - I don't know.
We'd better check.
The wheel housing is locked.
It's no good, it won't free itself.
- What trick is this? - It's no trick.
It means we can't land in the Sahara.
Not with an undercart malfunction.
Don't try and blind me with science.
All right, call Mason.
He knows about these things.
I think I'll do just that.
I hope you know what you're doing.
Mason could know about the Hackenbacker device.
It's a pretty well kept secret.
I'm betting he doesn't know.
What's this about not being able to land in the dessert? That's right.
How much do you know about Skythrust? - Enough.
- Look at this then.
I'm warning you, Ashton.
Don't fool with me.
I'm not fooling.
See for yourself.
So there's a fault in the undercart.
If you can tell me how to land miles from anywhere, without wheels, you'd better tell me now.
Four minutes to rendezvous.
I'll tell you what will happen if we try.
Do you know how much fuel we've got on board? Nearly 5,000 gallons.
When that goes up they won't even find your fillings.
- We must return.
- And we CAN land at London? At London they're fully equipped for emergency landings.
We'll have a chance.
- What is going on? - All right, head for London.
- Now wait a minute - Shut up! I won't be blown up! - They're turning back.
Tell Father.
- Right.
Wonderful, Alan.
I've just had some news from Interpol.
The rendezvous was with two characters named Ross and Collins.
'They both have long records.
They're even wanted for murder.
'Why don't you boys pay them a call? ' Will do.
I'm worried, Brains.
All those fire trucks.
Well, they won't need those.
I don't understand.
What is so special about Skythrust? Just wait and see Tin Tin.
Wait and see.
Seventeen miles to touch down.
- Reduce power.
- Reducing power.
How much fuel left? - Just under half.
- What?! Can't we jettison some? Pull yourself together, Mason.
- Take her to one thousand feet.
- Reducing altitude.
- Look, about the fuel - What? Can't we ditch some like Mason said? Sorry, no.
If you're so worried, get back in the rear.
It's the safest place.
Yeah, why don't we do that? Well, they say the proof of the pudding is in the eating.
Here goes.
'Well, Mr Hackenbacker, we're in your hands now.
' Here she comes.
There she goes.
Take it up to 40,000 feet on 3-2-0.
Stand by Detonate! (Sirens) (Scraping metal) hand it to Hackenbacker.
His ejectable fuel pod to eliminate fire hazard really works.
It will revolutionise flying safety.
- Are you all right, Penelope? - Fine.
It was no worse than conventional landings I've experienced.
- Look at that.
- 'Well, well, well.
'The two brave hijackers.
' Don't get up, you can lie still and wait for the police.
What about their accomplices, Penelope? I'm sure they'll be well taken care of, François.
Something's happened I tell you.
We'd better leave before this storm gets any worse.
- We'll give them a few more minutes.
- I never liked the idea.
Quiet! Listen.
(Engine roar) Here they come! I knew it was new, but did you see that? What a plane! - Take her around again, Virgil.
- Right.
- And remember, use a live missile.
- FAB.
- They're coming again.
- I can't wait.
(Both) Hey! Hey! - Mission accomplished, Father.
- 'Well done, boys.
' Over and out.
That wraps it up.
The boys deserve a pat on the back, especially Brains.
Skythrust has introduced a new era of air safety.
Hackenbacker? Anything to say? Hmm? 0h, yeah.
Let's go to the Starlight Roof and have a bite to eat.
I'm starving.
(Murmur of assent) And we've still got that bottle of champagne.
Vintage 1993.
The best year for champagne.
Let's grab a table.
- Did someone mention champagne? - Yes, François.
Follow Penelope.
Dearest girl.
I'd follow her to the edges of the earth.
Miss Kyrano, may I escort you to the Starlight Roof? Why certainly, I'd be delighted, Mr Hackenbacker.
You know, you can call me Hyram.
Why thank you, Hyram.

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