Too Hot to Handle: Brazil (2021) s02e03 Episode Script

Ciúme, fofoca e intrigas

[suspenseful music playing]
[contestant] Hmm.
[WG] Things have gone sour.
-[Isadora] So?
-[Lana] People…
Three rule breaches
were detected during the party.
Sandri and Ivan,
your behavior cost R$10,000
from the final prize.
Sandri and Nayara.
[Victoria] You again?
[Lana] You also caused
the loss of R$10,000.
Sandri and Victoria,
you deducted another
R$4,000 from the prize.
[Lana] But that's not all.
[tense music playing]
[Lana] Another couple, far out of sight,
committed more infractions
than all the others combined.
-[Victoria] What?!
Oh, no, no, no. Wait a sec.
Does anybody have anything to say?
Yes, yes, guys, it was Ju and me.
To me, it was just a regular make out.
Kissing, touching each other…
[Lana] Your make out session
cost R$60,000.
-[Nayara] My God!
-What the hell?
-You're kidding!
Guys! No!
Sixty? No, that's not right!
It-- It wasn't that much!
That's a lot of money.
No, guys, really.
-[Victoria] Was it just a kiss?
-I'm shocked, too.
There was kissing and a little touching.
But she said it was just kissing.
-We just kissed.
-[Justen] We made out.
[Bruna] Just kissing?
Let's check if that was all.
[sultry music playing]
They're hiding something.
[Khiara] Okay, tell us what you did.
You have to kiss once and stop.
If you keep kissing again,
she's gonna count it.
-[Bruna] The kiss?
-[Justen] Fuck, it was kissing.
A fucking great make-out session,
and that's it.
[sultry music playing]
[Bruna] Guys, that kiss?
That kiss could get her pregnant.
Be safe, okay? Be safe.
Fuck it.
Yeah, fuck it.
No, I'm really shocked
about the sixty grand.
No, "fuck it. Fuck it."
I thought it'd just be ten grand.
I've been saying it since the beginning,
no one can control me.
Tel us the details then.
What details? We made out
and it was fucking great, that's it.
The only extra thing I did was this
when he kissed my neck.
[sultry music playing]
-My God.
[girls screaming]
[Isadora] So it wasn't just kissing.
You have to tell us.
[Khiara] Your story is changing.
-[Victoria] Right.
-It was just that.
No, thank you for your honesty.
Thank you for being honest.
Guys, a kiss…
[Khiara] Did he touch your boobs?
He touched my ass,
there was some kissing, but like…
-It counts.
-[Victoria] So it wasn't just a kiss.
So it wasn't just a kiss.
It wasn't just a kiss, just admit it.
If I knew that little thing
would cost 60 grand,
I would have chosen
to chafe some other way.
[Bruna] With 60 grand less,
you can't afford an itch, much less chafe.
[register machine dings]
[Lana] All these rule breaches
have cost R$84,000 from the total prize.
-Fucking great.
-This isn't funny at all.
-How much do we have now?
[WG] I don't even know
how much we still have.
This party became a funeral.
Minus 84 grand
in less than five hours of partying.
[Lana] The final prize is now R$356,000.
[Sandri] Fuck.
-[WG] Fuck.
-[Victoria] For twelve people.
We're not ten anymore,
we have to recalculate.
Guys, we lost over R$150,000.
R$150,000 in two parties.
Two parties and a date.
[tense music playing]
I think the girls don't wanna talk to me.
It was enough for six people. Six couples.
Maybe Sandri.
-[Nayara] Maybe…
-For six people.
Khiara, there's no way.
I talked to Khiara.
She'll talk later, just not now.
But I respect it.
I'll mind my own business.
Give it time.
With this money,
we all could've had some fun,
And they spent it all by themselves.
You said, "I did it and fuck it."
[Ítalo] See? I know.
I know that's not you.
-I know you're not really like that.
But whether you like it or not,
it sounds bad…
-[Justen] As if I didn't care.
-Didn't give a shit.
Justen was a little arrogant,
in my opinion.
I know we feel pressure.
I never-- I never thought
it would cost 60 grand.
No one did. I totally get it.
Acting impulsively
can make things complicated.
Especially here,
where we feel things more intensely.
[Khiara] I can't wait for bedtime,
because I've been hearing things.
[Ítalo] Tell us.
-[WG] Sit down, dude.
-[WG] Come sit near daddy.
Sit down here.
I'll spit it out.
[Bruna] Ooh! I love some gossip!
Ivan doesn't want to sleep with Sandri.
And Vic also doesn't know if…
-It's good to fucking know that.
-[Thay] Hear what?
-[Ítalo] Doesn't know if she what?
[Gabriel] Oh, shit,
she accidentally said something.
[Ítalo] Now you?
Another tense moment involving Khiara.
I'll be right back, okay?
[Sandri] Sure.
[Khiara] I'm tired, I've been involved
in so much shit. Way too much--
-[Ítalo] For me…
-[Khiara] Yeah.
If we don't sleep together, fine.
Fucking great.
I thought we were having something nice.
That we understood each other.
But it's okay if we don't, let's move on.
If we're getting involved,
we should do it in the best possible way.
We've only been here
for four days, it feels like
-[WG] Five years!
-[Ítalo] …ten days.
Hey, why's Victoria over there by herself?
I think Vic is acting a little strange,
and I'm not really sure what's going on.
But I want to know.
-What's up, girl?
-What's happening?
-I'm just sleepy.
You're gonna stay here alone?
-Don't be alone, join us.
-[Victoria] I'm not in the mood.
Want me to stay here?
[Victoria] I don't know.
Why not?
You don't know what you want?
[Victoria] No, I'm sure,
I'm just being paranoid.
I feel such a strong connection to Ítalo,
and he treats me really well.
I feel really loved by him.
I mean, not loved.
[Bruna] Loved, loved?
Come on, guys, you've only
known each other for a few days.
That's too much.
When we were on n our date,
I thought you were really…
-…slow to act.
-But I was like--
-Like you weren't sure what you wanted.
I even said that.
And I think if it weren't for me,
we wouldn't have even kissed, you know?
Yeah, but why?
So that, along with
everything happening here…
-Made you insecure.
-…messed with my head.
When I decided to kiss her
and lose everybody's money,
I thought, "I'm willing to try it."
And when I saw her kissing Nay,
I was like,
So it was worthless
and I spent everybody's money.
I think of Ivan as a very dear friend.
He gets me.
We're total opposites.
Like, I'm very cold about some things.
He cares a lot about others.
He's very empathetic.
I think that,
if you want to be with someone,
that person should be enough.
-No kissing, no women, no men, nothing.
-No, yeah.
I also think if she wants to be
with another guy, I'm fine with it.
We're not together.
The point is,
if she wants to be with someone else,
fuck, I don't want her
to hold herself back because of me.
-I wouldn't like that either.
-It affects your feelings too.
[Ivan] I get confused.
If she wants to kiss someone else,
make it clear,
but, it's like she wants
to keep me around as backup.
I don't want to be that.
[Khiara] Maybe she's just confused
and she doesn't know what to do.
We talked.
We've been sleeping together from day one.
So like, it gets confusing.
And she told us, "I don't know
if I want to sleep with him,
because I'm not sure,
but I don't know how to tell him."
[Bruna] Oh, baby.
Mommy will sleep with you.
Maybe she has to be with someone else
to figure out she wants to be with me.
And then it turned out that she, like…
That's so annoying.
[Bruna] Uh, did you stop to think
she told you that in confidence, honey,
and now you've spread it?
I think you really need some time apart
to figure out if you want to be together.
I think so, too, because sometimes,
feelings are unrequited.
We like someone,
and they don't like us back.
Maybe take a few steps back,
and if something is meant to happen,
let it be over time naturally.
[Bruna] Right, Ivan. You do that Moonwalk.
We'll see what Sandri's doing.
[Ítalo] Don't you wanna talk?
[Sandri] We were talking, and Khi-Khi went
to bed, because she was uncomfortable 
because she was cold,
Ivan went over to help tuck her in
so she'd be more comfortable.
[Ivan] Khi Khi is so cute
when she's sleeping.
I saw Ivan and Khi Khi
curled up under the covers,
staring at each other.
Under the covers and talking that close?
I don't talk to my friends like that.
I'm gonna change my attitude
and kiss her and we'll be in sync.
Man, that's not how things work,
people are different.
Out there it would be crazy thinking
about a relationship after four days.
It's crazy,
and it's not even a relationship.
I don't know if I want that yet.
The real world is very different.
I live in Bahia,
she lives in Florianópolis.
[Bruna] There's gossip on one side,
fan fiction on the other.
[WG] Chill out, Sandri.
[Sandri] We agreed to sleep together,
and now I'm not in the mood, you know?
[Ítalo] Go over there, like, "Out."
[all laughing]
So, fine, go ahead. Sleep there,
since the conversation is so interesting.
I'm gonna say it. I'm gonna say it.
-[WG] It's up to you.
-I'm gonna say it.
I don't want to stop
being Khi Khi's friend.
She's super special to me,
but I want her
to understand my discomfort.
-[Sandri] So, are you sleeping over there?
-[Ivan] No…
-[Khiara] Bye.
-Good night.
-Good night.
If she got upset, it was probably
because she was jealous.
[Victoria] You were lying down over there
and now you're up?
Just put your head on the fucking pillow.
It makes sense that Sandri
got upset with Khi Khi.
Because they're having
a connection, right?
They're acting like a couple.
They sleep together every day,
they do the activities together.
[Ivan] We were talking about…
[Sandri] I don't care
what you were talking about.
The problem is the way you did it.
I know you're friends,
but it didn't look good.
If she was upset,
it's my duty to apologize.
[Ivan] I'm sorry.
I don't…
I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable.
-but I get it.
-[sighs] Okay.
[Bruna] The person in question
is coming over.
[Khiara] Are you sleeping?
-[Sandri] Girl, I don't wanna talk.
-[Khiara] With me?
[Sandri] Not now.
Honestly, I didn't see anything wrong
with my conversation with Ivan.
[pop music playing]
[Bruna] Oh, following all the drama
in this retreat is exhausting, right?
I feel that Ivan and Khi Khi
are becoming closer.
I've seen some things.
I'm gonna be honest.
It got uncomfortable, you know?
He told me you thought he was too close.
-But girl, it was just so we could--
-You were like this.
But you didn't see that
I was facing the ceiling the whole time.
Girl, I know, but I don't talk
to my friends like that, under the covers.
Like, I really think
you should have thought it through.
Thought it through?
So it just made me really uncomfortable.
[Khiara] But I'd never do anything.
That's not even in question.
Girl, it's what it looked like, you know?
t was so much.
But you know that regardless of couples,
there are also friendships here.
Totally, I never doubted that.
That wasn't an issue.
I don't know if they're they're keeping
an eye on me, but I'm feeling it.
I think it's because
I'm starting to talk more
with the guys I've shown interest in.
[Sandri] I don't care
what you were talking about,
but, do you think it's okay
to talk with your friend, under covers,
without checking to see
if your other friend,
who is involved with him,
might be uncomfortable?
I didn't think about that.
I was a little confused
because she couldn't understand
why it made me so uncomfortable.
[Khiara] It's like you don't trust me.
I'm just saying what I saw.
And I was there.
[Sandri] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[Khiara] That's all.
But I don't want us to be like this.
Me neither, but I also don't want to
turn everything into a problem.
From my point of view, she was jealous.
But since I don't feel anything for him,
except friendship,
I didn't see anything wrong with it.
Man, I'm so sad she didn't get it.
I get that they're friends,
and I want them to be, you know?
-I saw it too.
-You saw it?
God forbid I saw some girl
talking like that with Ju.
[Sandri] Oh…
I still wanna be friends with Khi Khi,
but I really wish she'd understand me.
She said she'd be cool
if it was the other way around.
It's easy for her to say,
but she wouldn't. Nobody would.
-[Sandri] No. Nobody would.
-[Victoria] Yeah.
Everyone saw it, man,
everyone saw it and was uncomfortable.
[relaxing music playing]
Good morning, Khi Khi.
Good morning, Ivan.
Are you and Sandri okay?
[Khiara] She thought
we were being disrespectful to her.
[WG] Not disrespectful, man.
She was just uncomfortable
with how it looked, you know?
But she thought it was bad because
I should have seen we were too close…
But, fuck.
[WG] It's because you were just talking
and didn't see anything wrong with it.
[Ivan] Look, I'm not a bad guy.
I've made it clear
it wasn't done intentionally,
and the only one
I feel something for is her.
[Khiara] Have you ever told her
you wanted to be with me?
[Ivan] I have.
[WG] Yeah, so that's it. It's in her head.
It's a whole conspiracy theory now.
Yeah, but fuck, everyone blames me.
Why? Not cool.
I didn't even know
van had been interested in me.
Everyone is just thinking about couples,
but they don't think about friendships.
She was like,
"Oh, that's not how I talk to my friends."
-She told me the same. She told me--
Like, fuck, now just because
you're in a couple with Sandri,
I'm not supposed to be your friend?
[Khiara] You're just Sandri's guy.
And that upsets me.
[Ivan] Khi Khi was feeling really uneasy
about everything that happened
with me and Sandri last night,
because they're very close friends.
I'm really sorry for making you think
we were too close,
-Yeah, I went to bed super upset.
-But we didn't mean anything by it.
I like
how open you are with each other,
and I don't want to ruin it.
It's okay, but I don't want
to talk about it anymore.
-Me neither.
-Me too.
Okay. Really. It's done.
Let's move on.
Now Sandri and I are okay again,
and that's how I want it to be.
-Kisses, girl.
-[Bruna] Bye! See you at the next DTR.
-[Nayara] Come here, Ju.
-[Justen] I was looking for you.
[Nayara] Let's stir things up
so everyone can make some love.
It's always the same people who do it.
If we all did it, it'd be insane.
Can we afford to lose more money?
I think people need a little push.
[Nayara] I think it's a great idea.
It'll be interesting,
and shit will get crazy.
When I talk to the girls, they all say
we make a beautiful couple.
That they can tell we have a connection.
I'll be honest with you.
Ever since the beginning.
Isa and I have had something,
which I've told you.
You were the only two girls
I could connect with somehow.
At first, Nay and Isa were the only ones
that caught my attention.
And you came to me,
beautiful as you are, and drove me crazy,
but if it'd been the other way around…
Oh, I didn't connect with WG.
[Justen] Oh, I know. I know you didn't.
I mean if I'd met her first, you know?
We could've had something.
-You get it?
-[Nayara] Oh, I know, right?
And if you want to be with her, it's okay.
It's okay?
And I'll do what I want.
I'm gonna hook up with someone else.
I'm not stupid.
-I'm fucking gorgeous.
-[Justen] You are.
[Bruna] And you take shit from no one.
[Justen] I like your personality
more too, you know?
she says she's kind of a bad girl and all…
[Nayara] Right? It's sexy, it's hot.
[Justen] Yeah. It's about that, too.
It bothers me that Isa is fucking gorgeous
and she and Ju are matched up.
So Nay might be without her Wakanda.
If you two get together
after the show, I don't wanna know.
[Justen laughs]
[Bruna] Who doesn't like
bad girls, right, guys?
I can't judge,
especially big bad Isa.
Isa! Girl!
Bad girls don't cry!
I don't know how to play dumb, you know?
So since I know what's going on,
regardless of his thing with Nay…
And I know he wants me,
I'm sad and horny, you don't understand.
I don't feel good at all.
Like, I'd rather I'd talked to Ju
and he told me,
"No, I only see you as a friend."
[Sandri] And the two of you
would be friends.
[Isadora] And I'd be okay with that.
It'd be much smoother. Much easier.
[Sandri] Something changes, right?
Because once you look for an answer,
and you see you're not
the only one who feels something,
You start to question
some things about yourself, you know?
This retreat
is obviously messing with me
and reminding me of other things
that have happened in my life.
It's really confusing,
because he sends me positive signs,
and later it seems
like he's running away from me.
And I'm left thinking, "What's his deal?"
Isa and I have a great relationship.
She's one of the people here
I like the most.
We're close friends, we open up
to each other, we talk about everything.
[Sandri] I think he's really into Nay
and he does want to be with her.
And they want to be with each other,
but he doesn't know
if he's ready for that,
and that makes him question things.
But he doesn't want to lose her.
[crying] Man, this is rough for me.
And I blame myself for feeling bad.
I feel like a bitch
for feeling the way I feel.
-Like the situation is somehow my fault.
-I know.
This is a very delicate moment for me,
because I like Nay a lot,
but I have to be true to myself, right?
I can't bottle it up
and pretend it's okay.
[Bruna] And there's no time
to pretend everything is okay.
There's too much going on in this retreat.
In fact, where are those two hotties
who've just arrived, huh?
[Lana chimes]
To welcome our new guests,
I offered each of them a chance to invite
someone from the retreat for a date.
-[Gabriel] Nice, huh?
-[Thay] Wow!
-[Gabriel] I prepared that for you.
-[Thay giggles]
You match the scenery.
There's candy, that's delicious…
[Bruna] And they chose each other.
These two are gonna surprise us.
[Gabriel] I like to stir things up.
Thay does too.
I'm attracted to her,
both physically and I want
to get to know her better, anyway.
Was it destiny?
-You're beautiful.
-Thank you.
You look great too. I love it.
You're sweet…
[Bruna] How wild!
[Bruna purrs] Oh, sorry about that.
I'm so romantic, look.
Are you kidding me?
"Kidding you"?
[Bruna] The dessert, or you?
I'm on a diet, I can only taste you.
-Oh, delicious.
-Let's gain some weight.
My God, I'm so nervous…
My hands are sweating,
I'm freaking out.
I'm gonna have a meltdown.
A toast to us.
A toast to us.
-A toast to your blue eyes.
External beauty counts a lot,
but she's a really great girl.
She's beautiful on the inside.
It's a match.
I'm thinking…
what's gonna change, what happens
if we lose ten?
Or not? Like, fuck it
and let's see what happens?
No, let's…
Let's see… what happens.
-Shall we?
[sultry music playing]
[Bruna] Yeah, Lana, your guests
have made themselves so at home
they've left the fridge open
and broke a vase.
[Thay] Everything fell into place.
Obviously. What a man!
My God, did we lose a lot of money?
From what I could see,
kissing costs ten,
-and we didn't stop touching, right?
-My God…
Another ten?
No, wait!
I would have spent more money
on our date, but she held back.
It's okay, we need to have balance,
otherwise we'll run out of money. [laughs]
[Bruna] Lana, help!
These people are trying
to get their feet wet!
This bird is the only one
allowed to do that.
[sultry music playing]
How nice!
-So, how was your date?
-It was nice.
-Did you lose some money?
-Did you lose money?
We did.
Okay, it happens.
If it were up to me,
we would have lost 20, 30, 40.
[Bruna] Keep it in your pants, hon.
[Lana] Lana, Lana, la la la… ♪
[Bruna] We interrupt these hotties
getting ready to show a fight involving…
a mirror.
I was trying to finish my hair,
and Khi Khi's makeup was already done.
She was getting her hair done,
but she wanted to look in the mirror.
I didn't notice and I ended up
messing with her mirror.
[Khiara] Girl, can you use
the other mirror on the corner?
[Nayara] You mean me?
No, her.
[Nayara] But she's doing her hair.
[Khiara] Because I'm looking
at myself here.
We all need to see our makeup, friend.
But I'm using it. What's the harm?
[Nayara] I think it's a little…
[Isadora] It doesn't make a lot of sense,
but if it means a lot to you…
[Khiara] Sandri wasn't using that one,
and now she is.
-Use this one, hon.
-[Isadora] I don't want to.
-Out of nowhere.
-[Isadora] What?
I think it's a little ridiculous,
you're almost done with your makeup.
You're gonna see your makeup in a second,
there's not enough room for everyone.
I asked her to use a different mirror
because I was doing my makeup,
and I was still changing it,
and there was a free mirror,
and she came and took the mirror
and turned it around.
And I was like…
Can you turn the mirror toward me?
It won't be long. One second.
I just want to check
if I like what he's doing.
It's not a big deal.
Everyone is so self-centered.
Yeah, I think that's the problem.
You're not even
using the mirror now, dude!
For every action there's a reaction.
And when she talked to me,
when she claimed the mirror,
she was very rude.
[Isadora] She said I was being selfish,
and that the mirror wasn't for me.
Honestly, I'm not a clown.
If you wanna be rude to me,
I'll be rude to you.
[Bruna] Mirror, mirror on the wall,
who's gonna win this, bro?
Khi Khi?
Isa? Our crew,
who has nothing to do with it?
[suspenseful music playing]
[Khiara] I couldn't ask her how it was,
because when she came in,
-I was still crying.
-[Sandri] You were crying?
I asked Isa something simple and calm
and she was super aggressive with me,
and thought she was right.
Girl, Isadora was extremely
rude to me for no reason,
And I'm already oversensitive,
so I got upset.
I'm a very sensitive person,
I cry over nothing.
[Isadora] I fell out with Khi Khi.
[Kelvin] Why?
[Isadora] She was getting her hair done,
and her makeup was finished.
All the chairs were all occupied,
so I sat in front of that mirror
to do my hair.
So like, I changed the thing,
and she was like,
"Man, that sucks,
I can't see myself", like.
-She said--
-[Kelvin] I have nothing to say.
[Isadora] No, what bothered me
is that she was like,
"That's fucking selfish."
I said, "It really is."
I notice Khi Khi has some issues
with relating to people
who don't think the same way she does.
I asked why the fuck she was crying.
-[Kelvin] What'd you say to make her cry?
-I didn't say shit.
She was an asshole
and she was crying, so fuck it.
If she wants a reason to cry,
I can give her one.
It seems difficult for her
to have a normal conversation.
Where both people talk
and both people have to listen.
Now she acts as if nothing happened?
[Sandri] Do you wanna keep fighting
over something so stupid?
Why can't she apologize
for being rude to me?
Only I have to apologize. I'm the bad guy.
But if she's acting like nothing happened…
[Khiara] Okay then, but it's ridiculous.
Oh, you were upset.
I was, girl. I was crying.
It was unnecessary!
And she thought she was
the only who needed to get ready.
[Bruna] Anyone who has traveled
in groups knows,
when everyone tries to get ready
at the same time, it doesn't work.
Another party, Aunt Lana said so.
We're on!
[Bruna] Great, there's a party
to lift everybody's mood.
-[Khiara] Come on, guys!
-[WG] Go, go, go!
[latin music playing]
[screaming and cheering]
A little message
from the future for you, Mrs. Lana.
There will be hookups!
[singing in Portuguese]
[Justen] Hey, fam, one more night.
Let's have an amazing time.
-[Isadora] Unforgettable!
-[all cheering]
[sultry music playing]
[Isadora] Girl, let's talk.
I don't get all the stuff with Khi Khi.
[Nayara chuckles] Oh, poor thing…
[Isadora] Poor, what?
She gets the mirror and I get the men.
It's all good.
[Bruna] I hope this fight
doesn't ruin the party.
If there were no free mirrors, I'd get it.
But there was another one.
I got it.
Here's the thing,
I just asked her to change mirrors
because I was looking at myself.
-And there was a free one.
-There was a free one.
[Khiara] I'm not gonna apologize.
Cleanse, cleanse,
cleanse all the negative energy.
[Sandri] Come here.
Let's break the ice
and everyone just be cool, please.
[Khiara] Girl, I got really upset.
I just asked you to change
because there was another one available.
[Sandri] Girl…
[Khiara] I was already bothered
about my makeup.
[Isadora] Yeah, but you were bothered
and really rude at the time.
[Khiara] I wasn't.
-[Isadora] That's how it felt.
-[Khiara] Okay, I said-
You could've said,
"I didn't mean to be rude."
[Khiara] But how was I rude?
-You came up to me and said…
-I didn't come up to you.
I didn't see you were using the mirror.
-[Khiara] Okay, and what about you?
-[Isadora] Can I finish?
-[Khiara] How did I sound to you?
-[Isadora] That's what I'm trying to say!
I think we must always be open to dialogue
and that's not happening here.
[Isadora] You're not letting me speak,
so I don't wanna talk.
-So talk.
-Can I speak?
Yeah, but make it short.
[tense music playing]
So you're not willing to listen to me.
[Khiara] I am, just keep it short.
I won't discuss it like this.
Fine by me.
She wants her side to be heard,
her version of the truth,
but she's not willing
to listen to anyone else.
I'm really done.
[Thay] Khi Khi, no.
I'm telling you what I'm seeing.
And I'm talking about
your personal growth.
I know, and you came later
and you saw later.
I'm telling you, man,
listen to people when they're talking to--
No, please, stop it.
Please, stop it. Please, stop it.
Stop it, please, that's enough.
[Thay] Oh, I think Khi Khi
is a bit "look at me", you know?
Like, babe,
keep it together.
There's no need for that.
Remember the nine and the six.
Every story has two sides.
Maybe I can see a six
and she can see a nine.
But in her mind she's right,
she's super right,
and in mine she isn't, and that's okay.
But when you're willing to listen,
you're willing to listen.
There's no point in saying you want
to listen and then saying "keep it short".
Wouldn't it be better if we discuss it
instead of creating all this drama?
Talking is always better
than making assumptions.
Just know how to speak and how to listen.
I'm very chill,
I'm very open to dialogue,
but I'm not gonna go on
with this crazy arguing.
-If she doesn't wanna listen.
If you don't wanna listen,
I don't wanna talk to you.
If you wanna talk to me,
you have to listen too.
You just said, "fuck it" and left.
It's bad manners.
Talk to the person and work it out.
Like, "Thay, I'm sorry.
I don't want to discuss it now."
I just said that.
You turned your back on me.
[Khiara] I just said
that it wasn't a good time.
I'm not the one who brought it up.
-No, it's okay.
-She doesn't get it's not the time.
No, it's fine.
[Khiara] Girl, please I don't want this.
Please, girl. I'm desperate.
[Thay] For God's sake!
[Khiara] It looks like
I'm picking a fight with everyone.
[Victoria] You're not.
It does.
-[Khiara] They're turning it against me.
-They're not.
Take this new girl as an example.
She asked me,
"Has this happened to you before?"
"Was it the first time
this happened to you?'
[in girly voice]
"Has this ever happened to you before?"
[both giggling]
[Khiara] Asshole.
[electronic music playing]
It seems like I'm trying
to pick a fight with everyone.
But actually,
I'm feeling bad about myself in here.
Girl it's okay.
I've been feeling bad about myself
since I got here.
Everyone is.
[Khiara] I don't wanna be here.
Calm down.
I want to leave.
Calm down.
Take her to the…
[Khiara] I have to get out of here.
Why is she crying?
-Why is she crying?
-[WG] Man, it's absurd.
I know it became
a big mess between the two of you.
Because she wants to be right at any cost.
[WG] But this is just a stupid argument.
It wasn't the mirror. Were you there?
-Calm the fuck down.
-I was there.
It's much more comfortable for her
to have people who always agree
with everything she says,
and everything she thinks.
I understood that you were rude to her.
Okay, that is what you understood
but I'm telling you I wasn't.
Believe me or not, it's up to you.
I don't want to pick sides.
I got it, it's okay.
Nobody wants to listen to me.
My side is not being heard at all.
Girl, I'm fucking listening to you.
I know, but you don't know how I feel.
I really don't.
That's why I'm here,
There's no justification.
I'm feeling really bad
and I need to go somewhere else.
I can't stay here.
The situation escalated
because people who shouldn't
have been involved got involved.
[Thay] I said what I saw,
what I thought of it and my opinion of it.
[Victoria] Sometimes
we don't have to say anything.
-[Thay] I wanted to.
-[Victoria] You were meddling,
It was none of your business.
[Thay] Bitch, she was right next to me.
[Victoria] It doesn't matter.
No one asked you.
-No one asked you.
-Should I just shut up and never talk?
I think you were meddling
in something that didn't concern you.
[Thay] I was right next to her. I saw it!
But being next to her
doesn't mean it was your business.
-Was it about you?
-[Thay] What about her? She wasn't there.
I'm so sick of it,
Khi Khi is extremely spoiled.
She doesn't listen to people,
she's impolite.
I think that's terrible.
That new girl pissed me off.
[Khiara] I'm already
dealing with all my issues.
Nobody figured out she's dealing
with other issues she doesn't talk about.
She told me. She told me just now.
I just said it.
It's been really hard for me living here.
What happened between us
triggered a whole bunch of stuff for her,
but I can only be responsible for things
that happened between me and her.
It's really difficult for her
to be empathetic
and listen to different opinions.
[crying] I wanna be friends
with everyone, you know?
I really do want
to be friends with everyone.
Man, everyone here loves you, you know?
Man, this is rough.
Being here is too hard.
[Bruna] And so a new meme is born.
I think people
don't want to consider my side.
I'm here one hundred percent.
But do you wanna talk about it now?
Why not leave it for tomorrow?
[Khiara] I mean in general.
Let's take a shower.
Let's put on some pajamas.
No, no shower,
let's get you into your pajamas.
[Bruna] What shower?
I'm not taking a shower.
People are on fire,
low on energy, wanting to fight…
I guess being horny
will do that to you, huh?
[upbeat music playing]
Let's see what Lana
has in store for us today.
[sighs] Oh, Lana…
[Ítalo] It's always tense.
The gang is going to be so pissed off.
[Lana] Hello, people.
How are you?
-I'm fine.
-[all] We're fine.
Fine. For now we're fine.
Let's see what you have for us.
Man, I have a bad feeling.
I have a bad feeling, I think…
I think we're gonna lose some money.
[Lana] I'm proud of how you've shown
commitment to the rules of the retreat
during our last party.
So much that I've decided
to give you a gift.
[all cheering]
Hey, Lana, I like that!
We deserve it today.
What's the gift?
It could be six and a half feet tall
and black.
[girls laughing]
Everyone is happy
and excited about Lana's gift.
Mostly me, I can feel it's good.
Yay, team.
I think we got something good.
[all whooping]
[WG] We got something good.
Put it on the table.
I'm putting it over here, Lana,
next to you.
[Lana] You may wear your watches.
Damn, Lana gave us the watches.
Thank you so much, Lana.
It doesn't match my outfit.
Oh, girl, they go well with other things.
Thanks a lot for the present, Lana.
I wonder if we'll be allowed
to make love this season?
Yeah, something hotter.
[Nayara] More than kissing.
Lana, you were great.
You sent us the watches.
I think you were too nice.
[Lena] Here's how the watches work.
While they're in neutral,
all my rules apply.
But whenever a true connection
is detected, the watches turn green,
and you may enjoy yourselves
more physically.
[Justen] Wow. Way better!
Thank you so much!
Thanks, Lana.
Hey, Lana, can we do more than kissing?
I'm dying to see it green, Lana.
[Lana] When the watches are green,
my rules don't apply.
Hey, Lana, is it on? Can we all kiss?
Please, Lana.
Make it green for me, come on, I need it.
[Lana] Now, I need
to talk to you about something
that's caused much doubt among you.
How much did the new guests spend?
[sad sound effect]
[Lana] The date cost R$10,000.
Yeah, we figured that. We thought so.
[contestant] That's all, right?
It's cool.
But that's it.
You were welcomed, and that's it.
[Lana] But that's not all that happened.
[Bruna] Is there more?
-Did I miss something?
-Oh, my God.
[all] Hmm…
-[Isadora] Won't someone say something?
-Don't you have anything to say, guys?
[Khiara] Like, nobody?
[Isadora] Girl, I trust you.
If you screw me over,
it'll be bad for your career.
-It'll suck. Okay, I'm telling.
-[Lana] There was another rule breach…
which cost another ten grand
from the final prize.
We're fucked.
[Kelvin] Was it you?
Was it you or not?
-Just spit it out.
-Just spit it out.
Okay, it was me and Gabe, we kissed.
We're against you
and you're still lying?
-No, that's not it.
-Fuck, why didn't you say so?
We thought there was no need to tell.
[sultry music playing]
[Bruna] What? Did you think
Lana would miss it
and the editors would hide it? Hmm?
Yeah, but they didn't know
we'd agree to tell everything.
They did. They did.
No. When we came here we didn't know.
You guys were doing something
and then you changed it.
[Bruna] Gabriel is so lost,
it's like he's watching a tennis match.
But I totally get it,
because when we came to the retreat,
we were also pretty horny.
No matter what,
we're always honest with each other.
No matter what happens.
Then we were all doing our math
and you didn't say anything?
If they had told us,
we would have understood.
Like, we'd lose the money,
but we'd be like okay.
But you lied? That sucks.
I spent 60 grand and you weren't as mad.
Thanks, that's exactly-
[WG] It's not about the money man,
It's not about the money.
It's the lack of consideration
for the fam.
I'm pissed, man. I don't wanna talk,
I don't wanna talk or I'll get mad.
I'll get mad for sure.
[Lana] These infractions have cost
R$20,000 from the prize.
The final prize is now R$336,000.
Yeah, we spent some money. That's it.
Let's wake up. Let's wake up.
The parties are getting crazy
and the money is running out.
Now they know how things work around here,
and that if you make a mistake,
you have to own up to it.
[Bruna] Yeah.
With the prize getting smaller by the day,
you'll have to ask for a ride
to leave the retreat.
[pop music playing]
-[Sandri] Oh, great!
-What's up? Hey!
-[Flávio] Hey, hey, hey. How are you?
-[all] Hey!
Well, guys, it's great
being here with you.
My name is Flávio Verne,
I'm a choreographer for Pabllo Vittar,
Luiza Sonza, Duda Beat. I've worked
with videos and dancing for a long time.
Guys, it's Flávio Verne.
Oh, my God,
he's everything for this bitch's career!
[upbeat music playing]
[Flávio] Today we're gonna work
on body expression.
We know body language
is really important, right?
We're gonna use dance to our advantage.
First I'd like to ask you to make pairs.
-We're pairs.
-Oh, yeah.
[Bruna] Always the same couples.
We want to see something different here.
You went straight to it.
But I have bad news.
-I'm mixing you up.
-[Thay] Okay.
To see what happens.
Come on.
come here.
[Nayara] He started
separating the couples,
making everyone a little jealous.
You come here and you go there.
[Flávio] And this is how we'll start.
[all laughing]
[Flávio] Very chill,
I don't know what's going on.
[Bruna] Let's go, that's great.
Here's our first exercise:
We're going to suggest
some kind of feeling to our partner,
like joy, sadness, lust,
and the person will have to dance,
expressing this feeling to their partner.
-Let's start with you two.
-[Isadora] Okay.
-Here we go.
Face each other.
You'll tell her the first feeling
you want her to express through dance.
[Bruna] I can tell there's someone else
getting angry here.
[Nayara] I can't do that.
I think it was everything
Isadora wanted, right?
I tried.[
Give her a hand, please.
Now it's your revenge.
-What do you want him to do?
[Bruna] Was that teasing?
Yes or yes?
I'm dead.
I'm dead.
We could really see the desire.
[Bruna] Girl, what was that?
Now you.
[Nayara] I can't hide my feelings.
I express them.
I giggled a little
so I wouldn't be embarrassed,
but I wasn't happy.
Something like,
yourself, empowered.
-[Sandri] Look at him!
-[Justen] Nice, nice.
I really love these dancing things,
It gets us involved.
It seduces us.
-It's getting hotter.
[Victoria] I was so nervous,
I was shaking all over.
She was being very sensual and sexual.
[cheering and applauding]
Hey, guys, now I'm letting you get back
to couples you formed in the beginning.
First, the ladies will be dominant,
and the men will be submissive,
Then we'll switch.
Check out who's the boss.
[Bruna] Well, dominating
these boys ain't hard, right, babe?
You're standing still,
move your hand behind you.
Now you move your hand behind me.
Slide it up.
[Flávio] When we dance, we flirt,
we talk to someone.
We communicate
and connect to our body there,
with the vibration, our movements…
So I hope I can see
a little bit of that today.
[Thay] The temperature is rising,
and so is something else.
I love that. I was like "Stop it!"
[Bruna] Guys, things are getting too hot.
I'm scared of what's gonna happen later.
Things were really hot, and I think,
maybe it messed with our minds.
[sultry music playing]
[Bruna] Only a cold shower
could cool down all this fire.
Oh, then Superman showed me
all his power, and I was blown up wet.
Thanks so much again,
it was great spending time with you.
-[all cheering]
-Thanks a lot.
See you!
[Ítalo] If Lana charges us,
I'm sending you the bill.
[relaxing music playing]
-[Lana chimes]
Oh my God.
[Isadora] I told you so.
[Victoria] Holy shit!
-[Isadora] Let's go.
-Fuck, I had a feeling about this.
-[Sandri] Fuck, come on. Hurry up.
-[Lana] Hello, people.
I'm sorry to interrupt your dinner.
It's cool if it's good.
If it's for a good cause, yes,
if not we'll have indigestion.
[Lana] Nayara and Justen,
you have been a couple
since our first day at the retreat.
Yes, Lana, we have.
And you haven't been on a date.
Your time has come.
Okay. [chuckles]
Beautiful Lana,
thank you so much, I needed this date.
Thank you, Lord!
[Lana] You have 15 minutes to get ready.
Oh, my God, 15 minutes?
Bye, bye, guys.
-Thanks, Lana!
-Mind our money!
I wouldn't bet any money on them,
because I'd lose it. For sure.
[Bruna] Not even a few cents?
Please, don't spend 60 grand.
Hold back a little.
[calm music playing]
-[Justen] Beautiful.
-[Nayara] My God!
Oh, that's beautiful, Ju.
I feel like a 15-year-old girl
going out with the boy she really likes.
-A toast to us.
-To us, Ju.
-I'm so glad I met you.
-Me, too.
I think we still have
a lot to do together.
Oh, I think so too.
I've shown you I'm emotional.
It's really good having met you, you know?
That we've had this chemistry
since the beginning.
I'm sure I made the right decision.
We said we'd only talk today.
No kissing, so we don't spend
more money beyond the sixty grand.
[Nayara] I'm already very involved.
[Justen] Me, too.
I'll be really happy
if our watches turn green.
Yeah, it's up to Lana.
Yeah, I know we can't afford
to spend money now.
-I miss kissing your lips already.
-[alarm blaring]
[Bruna] Either something happens now or…
Guys! It's Lana in a scooter.
I love it!
My God, look how fancy she is!
Girl, that's so fancy, you took a taxi!
I like it. [chuckles]
Hello, Nayara and Justen.
[both] Hi, Lana.
-Thank you, Lana.
-Thank you so much for this amazing date.
[Lana] I'm very happy with the connection
you're building in this retreat.
So are we. We're very happy.
[Lana] I ship Jusyara.
-Jusyara! I called it!
[Lana] I present you with a challenge.
Lana, you know it's tough to hold back.
-What's the challenge?
-We're on fire.
[Lana] Maybe the most difficult test
of my retreat.
Spend the night together,
all by yourselves, in a private place.
[Lana] Remember,
if your watches don't turn green,
my rules still apply.
Don't do anything I wouldn't do.
[Bruna] If it were easy,
it wouldn't be a challenge, right, baby?
Ha ha. You just want to make trouble.
You want to see shit go down.
[Lana] I'll see you tomorrow.
-You go, girl!
-See you tomorrow, Lana.
Lana, thank you
for opening the suite to us.
Thank you so much, Lana.
Alone, wow, it'll be great.
Really, today we're doing it.
I'm so happy.
I'm really happy, too.
Do you think the sword of Wakanda
will see some action? [chuckles]
[Bruna] Oh, Nayara,
are you ready for this?
No? Well, I am, baby!
[Gabriel] Between you and me, the date is…
taking too long.
I wish we knew how much sex costs.
Because if they have sex, there's
a huge probability we'll go bankrupt.
If they're kissing they'll do other stuff.
Fuck, we're done.
We're gonna lose so much money!
[Bruna] While Nay and Ju play
with the sword of Wakanda,
you can all fight for the prize.
[Justen] Please.
Jeez, more booze. I'm lightheaded already.
-[Nayara] My God.
-[Justen] We have a bathtub.
[Nayara] We can stay here, right?
Let's check out the bedroom.
Oh, my God, Ju, it's perfect.
Can you imagine when the lights go off?
It'll be like this:
-Cha, cha, cha ♪
[Nayara] I'm gonna chafe today!
I won't answer for my actions.
I think it'll be tough.
[Lana] Do you trust your friends?
[Ítalo] This is the most expensive couple
on Too Hot To Handle 2.
[Victoria] You were a jerk.
[WG] I can tell we're screwed.
If you were there, you wouldn't hold back.
-[Victoria] There's no justification.
-[Ítalo] Fuck, there was nothing to do.
[Lana] You must leave the retreat now.
[WG] Every day
there's a grenade in our hands.
Either we defuse it, or it'll explode.
[closing theme music playing]
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