Troppo (2022) s02e03 Episode Script

Find the Car Nail the Killer

You even looking at anyone else?
Can you explain these bloodstains?
Twist's back.
Looking for Julian Naughton's killer?
I love their new house.
I wish I could come see it for real.
My daughter is coming to visit.
You don't know how to drive a stick.
It's a smooth transition.
I'm calling in the line, Ronnie.
Where am I gonna find
that kind of money?
It could be a message.
They're coming for me.
And then maybe you.
[Twist] You bury your past
or you burn it.
So, imagine you're driving
in the Grand Prix,
two laps
from the chequered flag,
a car length in front
of your rival.
Success is yours and then bang!
Your whole
world goes sideways.
In my case, it was the loss
of my wife, Victoria.
Raphael's mother.
the same feelings
that brought you here
to Family Tree.
Too busy trying to look after myself,
my dental practice,
my staff, and I became
blind to the signs.
No way, not him.
That stuff happens
to other families, not to mine.
Not to my kid.
Just a dozen squat houses
to find him.
Because we'd do anything
to protect our kids, right?
Absolutely anything.
Because we'd do anything
to protect our kids, right?
Absolutely anything.
[sirens blaring]
They're our life blood.
[theme song playing]
I want him arrested!
Arson, trespass,
damage to property.
Damage to a rotting boat?
Just do your damn job
like you should have done
three years ago, all right?
Oh, Max, enough.
- What?
- I'm glad it's gone.
What good's it done us?
It's not for us.
Raph, hold up there!
[Stella] Bart was a happy kid.
He'd want us to be happy.
[Ted] That your handiwork back there?
Yeah. I'm over being the guy
who killed his best friend
and got away with it.
If you want the cops
bearing down on you,
you're going
the right way about it.
Tell me you've got
something on my dad.
You and your partner.
Some evidence, links,
something, just
We're working on it.
Well, work faster.
They didn't just kill him.
They fuckin' torched him.
And that detective,
she thinks it's me.
Look, you want my advice?
Be cooperative, all right?
Just be honest with 'em.
You do that,
it'll all come out in the wash.
How'd that work out for you?
Raph! Raph!
Get in. Get in!
Hey! We need to talk to you.
Your snake keeps looking at me.
Not my snake.
Like I'm breakfast.
I don't like it.
And I don't like getting up
at the ass-crack of dawn
to do sleeve work, Deano,
but here we are.
Hair makes you look
less intense.
If you scratch it this time,
I'm gonna hunt you down
and feed you to my snake.
- [hissing]
- Thought it wasn't yours.
Three-hundred and fifty.
You just keep getting weirder.
You got somethin' to say,
now would be a good time
to spit it out.
Debbie found the shirt.
She turned it
over to the cops
What's left of it anyway.
Your shirt.
Yeah, I did a shitty job of burning it.
And why would you need
to burn a shirt?
I was wearing it
the night Dad
It has blood on it.
- Whose?
- Mine.
Sweeney know about this?
Yeah, she questioned me about it.
All right.
Then cut the bullshit.
What else?
There could be someone
else's blood on it.
Jesus Christ,
Raph, you okay?
Come here.
So, fun fact,
the Mulga snake is also known
as the King Brown,
even though technically
it's from the black snake family.
Mulgas are also known
to bite humans while they sleep.
They also deliver a hundred
and eighty milligrammes
of snake venom in one bite.
[spits, gags, coughs]
Speaking of science
Oh, fuck off. [groans]
- Um
- Hey!
Hey, some of that is still good.
You're gross.
You know that, right?
Well, aren't you gonna ask me
how I know so much about
the Mulga snake?
I quit questioning your freakish
recall a long time ago.
I got a new pet,
courtesy of you-know-who.
Yeah. Twist paid me a visit.
Bryce can't help who his father was.
Still think I'm not a target?
Anyhoo. That's my news.
What do you got?
When I went to pick up my car
from Mario's last night,
I did happen to see a red
seventy-type Jag
just flying down the road.
You saw Julian's Jag.
Yeah, somebody
had it out for a joy ride.
And you're really
just telling me now?
Well, you were off
doing your snake thing.
Spring cleaning can wait, Conkaffey.
Actually, it can't.
Something I need
Julian was completely
drenched in leaded fuel
before he was set alight.
The Jag runs on leaded fuel,
so whoever's got it needs
to fill her up eventually, right?
And what do we need
to make leaded fuel?
- Amanda
- Meet me in the office
in half an hour.
Oy, Simo, I need a favour
like yesterday.
I need a list of everyone
who's bought
lead additive from you
in the last few weeks.
Oy, Wayne, if you see Simo
from the hardware store,
tell her I'm in my office.
Yeah. She already stopped by.
Come for the coffee,
stay for the people
who bought lead additive.
What happened to your compartments?
What happened to you
not interfering with my case?
I'm just looking for a missing car.
Missing dead man's car.
Can I have my list back?
I suppose I can't stop you
from asking Simo again.
[phone ringing]
[Val on phone] Brisbane Lab
for the Bleeding Obvious says yes.
Nasal tissue detected.
Not a passive stain, though,
it was an impact stain.
- Meaning?
- Meaning blood nose
brought on by a punch.
I could've told you that
if you'd asked.
The interim report did find
blood smeared under the arm
that are not a match
for Raph Naughton.
A negative.
Correct. His father's blood type.
How long till
we get a DNA report?
Remember I said Raph
messed up again?
I'm gonna need coffee to explain
this new level of dumbfuckery.
Reckon Devi dobbed Raph in
so she could take over
Family Tree?
It's a good
motive for murder too.
Except Devi's got about
a dozen alibis for the night
Julian was killed.
Let's just worry about Raph.
Kid can't burn a shirt right.
No way he killed his dad.
Can't work out if he's
crazy-stupid or crazy-scared.
Well, what'd you do
to avoid going back inside?
I'd ask you the same thing,
but we already know the answer,
don't we?
We've had this conversation.
What about that,
that "Innocent Ted" website?
You've seen that?
I mean, come on.
Not gonna bring me back
my marriage or convince anybody.
Jesus! Mr. Glass Half-empty.
Sorry for the wait.
What can I get you?
A long black and twelve years
of my life back.
I'll wait for you outside.
Make that two.
You want to have a go as well?
Would that
make you feel better?
I gotta tell you,
it's not real high
on my list of priorities.
I'm guessin' you probably
beat yourself up enough
for the both of us, huh?
Can I get my coffee?
Waiting for you right here.
Come on!
We're wastin' time.
I told you it's not linear.
Get in the goddamn car, Pharrell.
All the windows down?
Can you go any faster?
[Ted] Head was inside
the car it might help.
It doesn't.
See? Baby steps.
Fuck you.
If you're looking for
his lordship, he's in his cabin.
I prefer "boss."
Next time you have a problem,
talk to me before you
call the police.
What do you want?
Did Julian have a run-in
with any of these people?
Julian didn't have
an issue with anyone.
Try looking at it, Devi.
See any names pop out?
Mario, the mechanic.
He serviced the Jag.
What, Julian didn't
always pay up?
Just not all the nonsense
Mario was billing him for.
Is that it?
See, that wasn't so hard, was it?
Does the name White Hat Investments
mean anything to you?
- Should it?
- Family Tree rents
a property from them in town.
Very well guarded.
Uh, that that's, um
that's Julian's thing.
I wasn't across that.
I really do have work to do.
By all means.
I guess it's time to visit
our favourite mechanic.
Maybe he can run you
through the basics
of how a radiator works.
I'm not letting you anywhere
near my car.
Your car?
Yeah, I'm buying an old flatbed.
Mario's fixing it.
Shouldn't you get more
comfortable in a car
before you buy one?
This is fucking ridiculous.
I didn't kill him.
We had an argument.
I told him I was leaving
and he lost it.
It got a little physical,
but he started it.
- I swear.
- A little physical?
You okay, Raph?
I thought we had an understanding?
Are you arresting me?
I'm taking you in
to amend your statement.
I'm sick and tired
of you in this room.
Yeah, that makes two of us.
Three of us.
[phone ringing]
If you didn't kill your father,
stop acting like you've got
something to hide.
[phone rings]
I think I figured it out.
Sooner you solve this case,
the sooner you get
to go back home.
Yeah, back to the big smoke.
That's why I look so good, yeah?
I tick all your boxes,
make it nice and easy for you.
[phone ringing]
Do you even
care that you're wrong?
I'll be right there.
Off you go.
Or do you want to sit
in my interview room all day?
What are you doing?
We can hold him on the blood.
There's not enough
for a conviction.
Not without more evidence.
Now would you mind?
I've got a fire to put out.
What do you think you're doing?
Hey, you took your time.
Convince me not to arrest you.
You've got three seconds.
You have the murderer in custody, no?
I should be able to crack on
and bury him.
And I should be on a beach
sharing cocktails
with someone who looks
good in a swimsuit.
But here we are.
Yeah, let Raph go. Smart,
because he didn't do it.
You have proof of that?
Well, I asked him
in a particular way.
Truth was his only option.
So, you let my nephew aside,
nice and gentle.
Go round up
some other suspects.
Shouldn't be hard
in this swamp town.
Val, could you please
return the body
of Mr Cole's brother
to refrigeration?
Miss all the fun?
Make sure you
take good care of it.
I've read your police file.
Wildlife smuggling,
Bryce Brierley's unfortunate accident.
See, I'm pretty much up to date
with where you swim in the swamp.
Wasn't any evidence
in that file, was there?
Just a couple of
unreliable witnesses.
It's hard to build a case.
If I didn't know you
crept into town
the night after we found
Julian's body,
I'd be looking at you
real hard.
And be delighted about it.
Well, look at you
The badge, half a brain.
Almost wish I'd done it.
Find me at Family Tree
if you have some news.
I couldn't wrestle him to the
ground, not with these knees.
You keeping him talking,
I'll take care of the rest.
But we can't tail 'em today.
You want to solve
this case or what?
Look, I have other things I need
to take care of today.
Don't tell me you're actually
gonna work on your case.
Look, I've been meaning
to tell you this,
but I mean, you should know
They're arresting you.
- No. What?
- You're dying.
- Amanda, this is not
- You're leaving.
Lilly's coming. For a visit.
She's coming this weekend.
I'm driving to the airport,
pick her up
What's this
got to do with me?
I just thought you should
You're my partner.
I mean, I I can't
work on a case.
- It's fine.
- I got to be with Lily.
Your daughter.
Your problem.
Don't tell me you
screwed it up again.
Car is fine.
It's Julian's Jag.
Mate, I don't know what
else to tell ya.
Yeah? Well, how about the part
where, uh
he refused to pay you
for the work you did?
How about that?
I told him it's a crime against
mechanical engineering.
I'm not using plastic shit
on a beauty like that,
but, no, Mr. Moneybags
wants the cheapest option.
It's always the rich bastards
who screw you over.
It sounds like a bit
of resentment there, Mario.
Not enough to nick his car,
If that's what you're
getting at. Oy!
Got a very specific
system going there.
Do you mind?
Thank you.
Anybody else might have had
their eyes on this Jag,
you know,
like a collector,
car trader
or something like that?
There is this one nut job.
Pays me to let him
smash up cars after hours.
It could be
some kind of fetish.
That the sort
of thing you mean?
No, that doesn't sound
like our guy.
Well, if some locals got it,
it's not like they'll be
able to enjoy it, will they?
- Sticks out like dog's
- [phone ringing]
Oh, shit. Sorry.
I gotta take this.
Kelly. Hi.
Like I told you, it's probably
in some chop shop in Sydney by now,
and that's a real tragedy here.
Mm, except it's not.
Ted saw someone take it out
for a joy ride last night.
When did you decide this?
We had a plan.
I don't understand
what's changed.
Yeah, well, whoever has it
must be thick as a brick.
Especially because
the new homicide cop reckons
it's connected
to the murder.
Yeah, well, why would
she think that?
I don't know.
But I pity the poor bastard
who gets caught with it.
'Cause she's sharp.
She's a real bulldog.
Call me
when Bertha's ready.
You're calling her "Bertha"?
Keep an eye out for that Jag.
Yes, Madam Sherlock.
What the fuck?
[line ringing]
You've called Ted Conkaffey.
Leave a message.
Well, that was fast.
Damn it, Ted.
[music playing on car radio]
[music stops]
[revving engine]
[revving engine]
[whimpering] Fuck!
[whimpering, gasping]
Yeah Yeah, ooh!
Oh, boy.
[woman, indistinct]
Oh! What's that?
Oh, that's a stick, Mum.
- Are you sure?
- Mm-hmm.
Peanut! Hey, hey, hey!
Hey, hey!
Oh, my God!
I thought I wasn't going to see you
for a couple more days.
Two days early?
Yeah, I'd say I'm surprised.
And your Mum is here too?
She needs a holiday.
Is that right?
When can I see the crocodiles?
Oh! Yeah, they're hiding, kid.
They're very sneaky.
Wouldn't get too close
to the edge.
They've been known
to jump up.
On the jetty?
The jetty, the riverbank
Shoot, I had one crawl
right across the lawn once.
Oh, God.
I should feed them.
You should not feed them.
Who wants to meet the geese?
The geese!
Watch yourself.
Wow. That's great.
Yeah, a neighbour
was getting rid of that.
Do they like it?
Uh, not as much
as they should.
Crocodiles on the lawn.
You never mentioned that
in your pitch.
I wonder why.
[line ringing]
[Ted] You've called
Ted Conkaffey. Leave a message.
What the fuck, Conkaffey?
You just fucking
left me there!
Mario's on the move.
Oh, fuck. [gasps]
[groans] Come on!
- [Lilly laughing]
- [Ted groans]
They're so big!
Hello, Almond!
It would have been ready
for the weekend.
Dad, where's my room?
Right over there, sweetheart.
Those double doors.
Across the way.
So, wanna tell me why
you drove up early from Sydney
after I paid for
an unaccompanied minor flight?
Lilly was just uncomfortable
coming up here on her own.
Lilly was?
I started
I don't trust you right now.
After the fight at the birthday party
and then the phone.
That was a mistake.
I-I should have run
that by you.
Ted, it's your job.
And this place.
Bloody wildlife.
I'm her father.
You don't think I'm
gonna take care of her?
I just don't think
you've had to in a long time.
Mum, come here!
Out the way.
What do you think, Lill?
You can take my room.
I booked the motel.
I'm okay on the couch.
Everybody out!
Everybody out!
Come on.
There is all this tension in my body.
I choose to let it go.
Even though there
is all this
fucking tension in my body,
I choose to let it
Sod it!
[sobbing, muttering]
Fuck it! Fuck!
There is all this tension
in my body.
I choose to let it go.
Fuck it!
Fuck! [sobs]
Fuck you! Fuck you!
Fuck this! Fuck this!
The fact that she let you go
means they still don't have
anything on you.
They're just trying to scare you.
Just keep our heads
down and stay busy.
Can't do it. I just
I'm done with this place.
I wanna leave
like we planned.
Yeah, we will.
- Okay. So, let's go.
- Raph.
You haven't even buried him yet.
Come here.
It's gonna be okay. All right?
It doesn't feel like that.
Gotta love the smell
of a shed.
Sawdust, banana sap,
blood, sweat, tears.
You can't just turn up
on my property when you feel like it.
Your property?
You mean this plantation
that's back on its feet.
Thanks to yours truly.
You'll get your money.
Cutting back on pickers this season
to start repayments.
It doesn't sound like a very
sound business practise, Ronnie.
You don't cut back,
you expand.
Yeah, how am I
going to do that?
Well, I've made a decision.
I'm gonna help you
for now at least.
And we are gonna be partners
in this lovely tropical hideaway.
I mean, your help
is a generous offer, but
It wasn't an offer,
I don't need a partner, Ezra.
Oh, you do.
You're just too busy
down in the weeds to see it.
So, I'll be doing the weeding
while you're expanding?
It doesn't sound
like much of a partnership
if you ask me.
This place has so much untapped potential,
and we are gonna tap it.
I'll be seeing you, partner.
What did he want?
He's just worried
about Raph, that's all.
- [beeping]
- Shit.
Let me see.
Do I want chocolate
or strawberry?
Or should I try banana?
You know what, sweetie?
You can have whatever you want.
It's a no-brainer.
It's chocolate all the way.
Sorry. Come on, sweetie.
People are waiting.
No, no. No, not at all.
I'm just waiting for my order.
I bet you a tenner
she picks chocolate.
You guys on holiday?
Sort of.
She is.
I'm visiting my dad.
Oh, you're
Oh, you're Kelly.
I'm Colin.
Do we have a decision
on the ice cream?
I think I'll pick chocolate.
You owe me ten bucks.
She was always
gonna pick chocolate.
- [man] Number twelve.
- Yep! That's me.
Cheers, mate.
Enjoy your stay.
Can we get one chocolate?
What was
all that about?
I don't know. I think
he wanted to say hi.
You sure?
The guy's a journalist.
Thank you.
Well, he seemed
genuine enough.
Unless my head's
completely fried with this heat.
Better eat that before it melts.
Hop in, kid.
[faint music playing]
[hard rock music playing]
[hard rock music playing]
Oh, come on, mate, I'm sorry.
Don't be like that.
Fair Dinkum,
you are such a dickhead.
I had the munchies.
I'm sorry.
There's no way
anyone saw me, okay?
Yeah, well, they did.
Now the cops are looking.
You can't even keep it hidden.
I covered it.
- [Elaine] Nathan!
- I swear I covered it.
- Yeah, Mum.
- Where's your brother?
He's coming.
Then go help him.
What the fuck?
What the fuck?
No, no, no.
[laughs] Tickles.
Okay. Time for the geese
to go to bed.
- You want to do the honours, Peanut?
- Yeah.
Just make sure you close
the gate to their pen, okay?
[phone beeping]
Holy shit.
What the hey?
Jesus Christ.
What is it?
[line ringing]
[on phone]
You've called Amanda.
Damn it!
You stay where you are.
Oh, it's Amanda.
She's run off on some lead.
It is probably nothing.
[sighs] I-I
Is she in trouble or not?
- [Nathan] She's in the racks.
- [Trent] Yep. I got her!
- You go 'round the back.
- [gasping]
Okay, love.
Settle down.
Let's have a little chat.
We're fucked. Fuck!
So fucking fucked!
Not an especially useful
observation at this point, Mario.
Why'd you have to follow me?
Why'd you have to lie to my face
about Julian Naughton's Jag?
Oh, that flaming car.
I told you not to bring it here.
Leaving it here wasn't
the problem.
It was your deadshit son
taking it for a drive.
Nathan, love.
Have you done something stupid?
Hey! Look at me.
Are you on that shit again?
What are we gonna do
about her?
Listen, you're poaching.
I get it.
Times are tough, right?
I'm not a fucking cop.
I don't give a fuck
what you've got going on here.
I'm just trying to work out
who killed Julian.
None of us.
Yes, I stole his car,
and I'm sorry, but big whoop.
Last I saw him,
he was still alive,
and he was darting off
into the forest with his orange backpack.
I'm a mechanic.
I couldn't kill anyone if I tried.
Not yet.
Crocs are a protected species.
She's seen us.
I'm too old to go to gaol.
Right. Well, then, enough of this.
You expecting someone?
It's her partner, the Yank.
I'll go speak to him.
We'll go speak to him.
You stay there.
Where do you think you're going?
[engine starts]
Where's the girl?
How many pieces
do you want her in?
[hip-hop playing]
[mouths word]
Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.
[siren blaring]
Open up.
- [groans]
- In. Walk. Move.
You okay?
Where the fuck
did you disappear to?
Not now.
You told me to keep you in the loop,
then you just fucking disappear.
How the fuck
is that supposed to work?
That's not what I was doing.
They were t-totally
gonna skin me alive.
I would never have done that, love.
Just trying to put the wind up ya.
You can't shoot me, darl'.
Look at these two brain cells.
They wouldn't last
five minutes without me.
[Ted] Okay.
We're gonna be leaving now.
Don't do anything stupid.
More stupid.
Just havin' a bit of fun!
How the hell did you get out here?
In my car, Bertha!
You drove?
Well, you fucking racked off.
What was I supposed to do?
Listen, there's something
I need to tell you.
Will you fucking help me?
Just fucking help me.
Get it off me! Get it off!
- Here! Here!
- Get it off.
- Here.
- [Amanda gasps]
[sirens blaring]
We're gonna have to get
our story straight.
I want a lawyer!
Lotta crocs in that shed.
Do you wanna cop a feel later?
What's this?
[Nathan] Oregano.
Hey, this is bullshit!
They're the ones
who locked us in.
[cell door slams]
Next time, and we both know
there'll be a next time,
try not to get taken hostage
by the Croc Family Manson.
What, you think you could
have done better?
I wouldn't have
gone in there at all.
I got a kid.
I got a family.
That's what I've been
trying to tell
What are you doing up here
hiding in the swamp?
If you want your family back,
it's no secret where they live.
Statement's on the counter.
I picked up Mario and the Jag.
Congrats. He didn't do it.
No, he didn't.
So, I suppose you're stuck here
till you find out who did.
What happens if you
don't catch him? What then?
That's not likely.
I'm a gun.
Yeah, so am I.
So, it's a race, then? That it?
You only just figuring that out now?
Is Amanda all right?
Yeah. Yeah.
- You look
- Insane?
Like shit.
Yeah, getting that a lot these days.
Close call?
Are we gonna talk about
why you're really here.
I thought we did.
She's only ever smiling
when you see her.
Well, she was excited
to see her dad.
And his geese.
This new, exciting life.
- Kel
- No, you just
You don't see
the other side of things.
You don't hear the whispering
in school,
you're not dealing
with her night terrors.
You don't know about
her Internet search history.
- Jesus.
- I mean, it's been years
and the cops are still
raiding the house
on her fucking birthday.
The one day of the year that's
supposed to be all about her.
Yeah. Yup.
I don't know what else to do
except just be with her.
All the time.
I mean, until they figure out
who really attacked Claire,
there's nothing else I can do.
I'm trying.
I'm trying, Kel.
So, of course,
I know why you're here
sweating your ass off
in the tropics.
And you do sweat,
by the way.
Jesus, you've been shopping.
Well, you reckon you can
make it up to your kid with cheese?
Like, you say it's to protect
your family,
but how long until you don't
have a family to protect?
If you really want 'em back, then
fucking solve the Claire Bingley case.
And I know you reckon
there's nothing you can do,
but that's fucking bullshit,
because I've seen you.
When you want the truth,
you go at it over and over again
until you find a glitch
in the evidence.
So, like, if you're not doing that,
then you know, like,
maybe deep down,
you don't really want
your family back.
Who are you?
I'm no one.
Amanda, wait!
I didn't know.
Neither did I!
I'm such a fuckin' idiot.
Keep your friends close,
your enemies closer, right?
You got me for today.
But you're gonna have
to take the lead for a beat.
You don't owe me anything
and I don't owe you shit.
What the hell is he doing?
Gifts and therapy
You spoil me.
I liked my adversaries
to be at their very best.
I've done something stupid.
I was so desperate.
We haven't been formally introduced. Kelly.
DNA results for
Raph Naughton's shirt.
That could be motive.
We're talking about you
playing games with a sociopath.
- Hi.
- Hi.
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