Tschugger (2021) s02e03 Episode Script


Why the hell don't you
why don't you believe me?
If I don't bring them the key
-they'll kill Valmira.
-Shut up.
I've had enough of your excuses.
You're stealing the pot from the evidence room?
But you know what? This time, no rich bastard is going to get you out.
I've recorded all the coordinates.
Looks like Ginger
always went to the same place.
Val d'Hérémence?
Strange, there is nothing there
except some mountain farmers.
But I'll take care of
this matter.
Damn it!
Did you destroy this too?
Oh dear.
Then I'll take your jacket.
Shut up! Otherwise I'll kick you in
the old underpants
of our drummer in the mouth.
No, you stay here.
You have to watch him.
If he misbehaves,
you threaten him with this.
You look for a pressure point
Here for example.
Or here, at the ear.
It will do what you want.
If it doesn't work,
in the end you do like this.
Very good.
This way you will master it.
Bax, I think
I've had enough.
You've had enough
of what?
Every time I'm with you,
I'm in mortal danger
or up to my neck in shit.
I came to Valais
only for an internship.
but you always get me into
in dangerous situations
You still don't get it.
You're not a trainee anymore.
You're my partner now.
You're not even
a real police officer.
Yes, I know.
But I'm going to be
a fucking hero.
And now you have to
you have to choose
between going back to the plain
and earning ECTS credits
or become a fucking
legend with me.
It's not possible.
Silence. Listen, please.
It's not as bad
as it sounds.
They probably wanted
wanted something
from the evidence room.
Ida, checks the inventory list
inventory list and looks at
if anything is missing.
I have looked at
the data protocol.
They went through a printer
to get into Ida's computer
and checked a license plate
Zurich in Sirio.
Good job, Peter.
- And what do you think?
-What a movie.
But I'm pretty sure
that it was Bax.
Come on, let's go look for him ourselves.
I know exactly where to find him.
This came in three days ago
by Interpol.
This key was stolen
a few months ago
in a museum in Milan.
An art theft?
No, I don't think so.
It's a blasting key.
The Italian fascists used it
to explode traps.
Bridges, tunnels
All kinds of things
in the alpine space.
Mussolini wanted to protect himself.
And you think that here,
in the Valais,
such an explosive charge
explosive charge also exists?
Yes. The only question is
is to know where.
That means
we have to find the key.
Fricker mentioned a tomato delivery gone wrong.
Tomato sauce.
Are you satisfied now?
I don't understand this story
with the animals.
I was already worried.
Have you made any progress?
Always species
of useful animals from the Valais.
But that's all I can
I can conclude.
Always in pairs, right?
A male and a female.
Yes, except for the black-necked goat.
There is only one male.
Still in pairs
The route is recalculated.
The route is recalculated.
It's like in the Flood
in the Bible.
They made it safe
one male and one female
of each animal.
With a boat.
Yes, but on Mount Ararat.
This is the saving mountain,
not the kebab store in Sierre.
Yes, Bax.
Where are you?
I followed the trail of Ginger's
Ginger's pickup.
But this is a dead end.
I can't go any further.
Bax, you have to come here.
We suspect that someone from the police
the police is working against us.
What? How?
Did you take drugs again?
Listen to me.
Upstairs, near the statue of Christ the King,
were the stolen animals.
Someone wants to protect them,
like in the Flood of the Bible.
And they need the key
for who knows what.
Just a minute.
No, we don't have time.
I'm sure everything is connected
The best thing is that you come
to see us now.
We have to find the key.
I guess it arrived
with the tomato sauce delivery
in Switzerland, and now
she is here.
But we don't know
what she is supposed to blow up.
And especially who?
Oh dear
Bax? Are you still there?
Do you understand me?
Pirmin, I am standing here
in front of the dam.
Hands up!
Kneel down!
I said, "Kneel!"
Don't move,
or I'll shoot you!
I don't know if you can imagine
if you can imagine
what 400 billion liters of water
400 billion liters of water.
At least enough to send us all into the Mediterranean.
And believe me, kids,
your swimming armbands
won't do you any good anymore.
But not a word.
Thank you.
This is an emergency. If we don't
don't bring the key
Listen to me. Bring the
key to the gravel pit.
If you don't come, you can fish your girlfriend out of the Rhone.
Fished out?
Fished out of the Rhone. That means we'll kill her, you idiot.
Juni, what is this,
this shit?
I told you, they are the ones
who want to kill Valmira.
-They want the key.
-What key?
The key in the jacket
that Bax took.
If they don't have the key
I have to think about it.
Let's see
what it's all about.
When the water broke,
there are usually
a few hours.
The head is pretty big.
It's all her father.
We have to make sure that there is no
that there is no rupture of the perineum.
Such a perineal rupture
should not be underestimated.
and I'm telling you, it doesn't take much for a rupture to occur.
But then I won't wait
for a long time. Caesarean section.
-Actually, no.
-I've got to go.
I'll be back in time.
I promise.
Bax doesn't answer the phone either.
the phone either.
Why doesn't he answer?
He always answers.
They call again.
We need reinforcements.
I have to call the police.
We don't even have the right key.
I can't do it alone.
Look at me.
Bax said it earlier.
You're better
than the other cops.
You are going to be the hero
of this story.
A real legend.
You can do a lot more than just change printer cartridges.
We're going to print one!
-What's up?
-Fasten your seat belt.
More foam.
Is this the first time
you've done this?
-Is that enough?
-Yes, that's enough.
And now
in the other direction.
-Hey, hey, hey!
-I'm sorry.
-Yes, up.
-But that'll be even more
-Go on now.
-You're not cold?
-No, I'm not.
Hey, guys.
You guys are idiots.
I'll call the other one.
They're probably still looking for him.
No. Do you know how surprised they will be
when we arrive with him?
To celebrate, we could go
ham croissants.
I'll drop you off
to the bakery.
Great idea. And maybe
a few bottles of champagne?
If you only knew
the mistake you are making.
What? Because we don't listen to
a psychopath like you
who claims that someone
going to blow up the dam?
Stop with the conspiracy theories.
Why don't you ever believe me,
And suddenly I understood: someone in the car
had something to blame.
But who else,
if not Frängi?
Watch out! In front!
What happened here?
Do you take it off?
Gerda, Pirmin said we have a mole
a mole at the station.
I think it's
it's Frängi.
Gerda, believe me. It is logical
that he is working against us.
That's why he reacts like this
to everything I say.
I'll check.
Gerda, help me!
I can't do it alone.
No, Gerda, no.
It's a trap!
Don't go out!
He wants to beat you up, Gerda.
If I ever counted
for you
I'm coming, Frängi.
Damn it. It's not going to happen on Saturday.
Without Bax, we have no chance.
The way we bowl,
we won't even get past the
the group stage.
Isn't that your son-in-law?
-How are things at the library?
-We need to talk.
Can't we do this
tomorrow at the office?
I have other problems here.
He hits the target like you do at the shooting range
with your service weapon:
Diego, I think we have
a mole at the station.
315? Josi,
you've done it again?
Didi. We also call it Chrose,
because he can't pronounce
the R's correctly.
His stupid and sexist words
are only tolerated
because as a child he was sleepwalking and
fell off the balcony. Poor guy.
Now the police
to come and get you here?
I turned in my driver's license
a long time ago.
With his car,
he doesn't even reach 30.
And every time it seems like
you can't go any further
suddenly a door
opens somewhere.
Bax followed the trail of the guy
who wanted to kill Patrick
and finally found himself
at Grande Dixence.
We think they wanted to dynamite the Grande Dixence.
-Our dam?
So we have to start taking
the rubber boat out of the closet.
And Josi is going to take out his
rubber Susi
and surf with her
to the Mediterranean.
Considering how we are bowling
bowling right now,
we'd better
to start a rowing club.
Your belly won't fit
into any canoe.
You will be amazed
to see where it can enter.
Yes, that's what I always say
to my wife.
What a boring sport
and easy.
Now it's in your hands.
Do your job.
Wait a minute, Frängi.
But the water down in the valley is seeping in
until it reaches Zion.
Check out the Confederation's disaster calculation.
The information is not made available to the population.
There is no real contingency plan for the scenario.
Bax, in case of a dam break,
the water will reach Sion in 10 minutes,
and to Lake Geneva
in 20 minutes.
There it will trigger a tsunami
that will carry everything from Geneva to Lyon.
Even in Marseille, people would have wet socks.
This concerns almost
a million people,
from the Mediterranean
to the Conches valley.
But the statue of Christ the King
would remain dry.
Do you think they want to dynamite
from the statue?
Come with me
to my room. Not long.
How could this happen?
I don't understand
how Bax was able to free himself.
There was no one around for miles,
and he was handcuffed.
You know very well
that you don't leave
a captured person
unattended in the car.
Gerda should have been watching.
She was with him.
Frängi, don't reject
Gerda is not thinking straight
There is something going on
in her private life.
One minute.
You're not going to believe this.
Look what I found in his wastebasket.
I think she has
she has a new one.
Actually, it should be
on the speed camera board.
And I'm sure Gerda didn't put ten francs in the piggy bank.
I have something else
Look at this
Damn! Finally.
I called over an hour ago.
Does it always take this long?
Where are the suspects?
In there.
One of them behaved
stupid behavior, and
that's when the nail file
slipped out of my hand.
You are two idiots, we can't leave you
leave you alone anywhere.
Don't you want to stop them?
I mean
Shut the fuck up,
Make yourself comfortable.
This is a good thing
that we are
now between us.
I've wanted to talk to you for a long time
I've been wanting to talk to you.
Ah, "talk"!
Perhaps she is now ready for some bowling technique.
In fact, it's all about
I knew
that the time had come.
the Valais had to wait.
And for that,
you always need two people.
Now we have to find
where the male is.
Do you happen to know
who has the most beautiful
black-necked goat in the canton?
Even if I didn't understand this
Basel dirty talk,
I was ready
I was ready to get on board.
Lex Wiisi.
I was surprised
that she was still wearing her pants.
Mrs. Brotz.
I don't know exactly
how to tell you, but
When the relationship is good,
you don't have to say anything.
Everything is complicated, and
I know exactly
how you feel.
It's OK,
let it go.
Because I feel the same way.
I know we should
keep it professional,
but sometimes you have to
sometimes you have to live in the moment,
otherwise you live in the past.
I don't know
I don't have any experience
with this kind of thing, you know?
I'm more of a
cuddly and stuff.
Can't we approach this
a little bit cooler?
Ms. Brotz?
The whole valley knows you and is looking for you.
I don't need
a ball and chain now.
A ball and chain?
Pirmin and I will make it.
I'll come and get you
when it's all over.
No, Mrs. Brotz.
Pirmin can't even shoot!
What the hell!
That stupid cow
poked my eye out.
I don't understand
why we have to take it everywhere with us.
The policewoman said
not to let her out of your sight.
-Eye, in your case.
-Fuck you, you fucking coward.
Stay cool.
-Now -Stay cool.
Damn, have you ever had a nail file
in your eye?
Damn it, get it now!
Ah, she bit me!
Yes, he must have been drunk he was slaloming on the safety line.
Got it. We'll catch him
in the traffic circle
To all. Is there anyone still on the picket line?
There's been a break-in
at the Lex Wiisi farm.
Hey I'm finishing up here at Albi
and then I'll jump in. Over and out.
Thank you. Have a nice evening.
I'm sorry. Can I call you back? Can I call you back?
I'm going to see Regina at the hospital.
Come to the station quickly.
You were right about the mole.
I know who it is.
And I have proof.
What? Who?
And don't forget the tape
with the zebra song.
The road safety training
is tomorrow.
Diego, I'm suspended.
What are you talking about?
Yes, thank you. You too.
Bye, bye.
Intellectually, Pirmin
is not always a fast runner.
Road safety training
But this time,
even he got it.
Sorry, Diego.
I didn't mean to disturb you.
I'm sorry about what happened
with Bax today.
I can't explain
any of this either.
Don't worry about that.
Good. Will you turn off
the light when you leave?
Did you put ten francs
into the speed camera fund?
If I were you,
I wouldn't do that.
Hands in the air!
It's over.
If you want to know if I succeeded
to open Mrs. Brotz's things,
what the bowling balls
can also be used for,
how my two offspring
got through it,
what these two did
in Valmira,
what is the name of
the other cow of Rüedi
and why Pirmin would do better
not to use pepper spray
pepper spray
or a pump gun,
don't miss
the next episode of FLICS.
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