Ultraman (2019) s02e03 Episode Script

The Man without the Light

As of now, an alien attack warning
is officially in effect.
Come in, HQ.
HQ, please come in. Do you copy?
Foolish people of Earth,
good evening to you all.
We are the Star of Darkness.
Or what you on Earth would call…
your invaders.
Please quickly evacuate
to the nearest shelter.
So they must be the masterminds.
We are the ones who wiped away
the earthlings in this area.
We have but one request.
Relinquish half of Earth to us.
You have 24 hours to respond.
If we do not receive an answer,
our next act
will be to make
half of all people on Earth disappear.
If you so graciously accept our request,
we will free the people of Earth
who have disappeared thus far.
Investigate the cause of that fire.
Yes, sir.
Looks like things
have gotten pretty crazy.
It seems the time has come
for us to move into
the next phase of our plan.
I can hardly wait.
Don't do anything reckless.
Right back at you.
Shoot that again
and your body won't hold out.
Leave it to me, Master.
an Ultraman too, you know!
I figured things
would turn out like this one day.
But I'm glad you're okay, Kotaro.
Man, for a second there,
I wasn't sure how things would end up.
But I'm glad you're okay, Izumi.
Hey, Izumi?
Hold on.
What is this place?
That was…
an Ultraman suit?
That means the New York incident
was just a test run.
The incident in Japan was the real deal
and was supposed to be
a demonstration to the world.
I see.
Do you think
the people of Earth will really give
a response in 24 hours?
Not even when hell freezes over.
An alien?
Now I get it.
This suit was made with alien technology.
But it concerns me that
he bothered to show himself.
If his goal was to live on Earth,
he could've just erased all of mankind.
But despite that,
he asked us to hand over half of Earth.
Sounds like he has an ulterior motive.
Though we don't have enough intel
to form any conclusions.
Well, anyway,
we'll need to plan
a counterattack within 24 hours.
But also, what an unexpected
source of information.
Yeah, this work goes beyond
anything I expected,
all curated by him.
Who would've thought
that they were using
online surveillance cameras
to make people disappear?
So who are these punks?
Alien Wadoran.
They have something called
a life-energy camera.
A life-energy camera?
When someone is shot
by this dangerous thing,
the target undergoes quantum conversion,
removing only their life force.
I see.
So this is what they used
in the incidents this time.
It's great that we figured out
how they erased those people,
but it's not like we can just
shut down the entire internet.
How do we handle this?
Just destroy the main unit.
The main unit?
Think of it as one giant camera
that covers the entire planet.
The cameras scattered around the world
are simply its lenses.
In that case,
it might be good to pinpoint where
the access stations were concentrated
during the incidents.
Well, then.
Let's hand over the intel
to the SSSP and have them help.
A fight's going to break out anyway.
That's a great idea.
Okay, then.
It's settled.
Allow me to help as well.
The Star Cluster Council
decided to stay neutral.
They want the people of Earth
to handle it on their own.
That's insane.
He said he'd erase
half of the people on Earth.
What's the point of even having
a Star Cluster Council?
How are the other countries?
They're in a panic.
I knew it.
We have no choice
but to settle this ourselves
within the next 24 hours.
And I'm worried about Shinjiro too.
He is an awakened Ultraman.
He will return without fail.
If we just knew
how they were making humans disappear,
we could find a way to rectify this.
-A civilian? There were survivors?
-I have a lead on this case.
Please listen.
In this camera…
Civilians must evacuate from here.
-Go request police protection.
Listen to me!
What was that guy
trying to tell me?
Moroboshi speaking.
It's been a while, Mr. Moroboshi.
Actually, there's something
I need your help with.
Help, you say?
I want to put an end to
that awful scheme the aliens cooked up
where they make humans disappear.
What did you say?
I think it's safe to say
the first step of our plan is complete.
However, the problem is
we've only gotten a hold of one Ultraman.
The Ultramen,
who stand in the way of our plans,
must be incapacitated at all costs.
Yes, I apologize.
We will do whatever it takes
to transmit the others.
Can you handle it?
It seems you lost your base in Japan.
Did the SSSP sniff you out?
It was a camera malfunction,
or you could say an incident
with the quantum transmission.
We had some mishaps
and the place burned down by accident.
Fine, then.
However, don't forget our contract.
Yes, sir.
Geez, I can't take this anymore.
Stupid Ultraman!
I see.
-Rena and I were transmitted.
-Come on, don't you have any ideas?
-But where is this place?
-Horrible idea. What about you?
-We could use your sex appeal--
-I refuse.
Excuse me.
Sorry, but I pulled out your intel.
It was a huge help. You have my thanks.
I'm just happy that
the intel I gathered was helpful.
The guy in the Ultraman suit
I fought was you, right?
Well, look at that.
I guess you remember
when you were burning.
I do.
Thank you for stopping me.
Are you saying
you couldn't stop yourself back there?
All those emotions of rage and shame
spilled out of me uncontrollably.
I knew what was happening,
but I couldn't do
anything about it on my own.
By the way, are you a journalist
by the name of Kotaro Higashi?
The "Ko" in Kotaro means "light."
I don't deserve that name now,
so just call me Taro.
Taro, huh?
Taro, I want to ask you something.
How did your body get that way?
I don't know.
An alien pointed some sort of gun at me
and before I knew it, I was burning.
As Pops put it,
there must have been an accident
during the quantum transmission.
So then, was Izumi…
Or I mean, was my girlfriend transmitted?
That's hard for me to say.
I got too ahead of myself.
So you're aware of that, huh?
An amateur like you shouldn't be so nosy.
Please let me help too.
I can't have you burn everything down.
If I have that suit you put me in,
I can fight too.
I won't allow it.
-Why not?
-I've told you.
You're an amateur. Learn your place.
I know you're right, but…
You got out with your life.
Don't waste it.
Jack speaking.
We have determined
where that main unit is.
Container Terminal B9.
An abandoned administrative building.
Nice work, Mr. Moroboshi.
I'll take care of the rest then.
What? What the hell are you--
How interesting.
Hey, the suit device is moving.
What's going on?
I lent it out for a bit.
What? Don't tell me you gave it to…
It's too dangerous.
What will you do
if it becomes a repeat of yesterday?
When that happens,
I'll make sure to stop him again.
If he can't make use of his abilities,
I'll stop him and take back the suit.
You're curious about the guy too,
aren't you?
You sure are a terrible guy, Jack.
I thought you already knew that.
And Pops, that's not all.
I just can't leave guys like that alone.
The cameras on Earth
are going offline one by one.
What's the meaning of this?
Well, to be honest…
There's an earthling that figured it out.
And you didn't deal with them?
We were going to get rid of him,
but he somehow turned into
a monster of some sort
so we weren't able to dispose of him.
Why did you not report this
as soon as it happened?
We thought that
it would all work out okay.
So we can no longer capture them online.
We'll need to move forward
with our plans a bit sooner.
What exactly are these guys planning?
He's fighting surprisingly well.
He's dangerous.
But if he can control it,
he'll be a dependable ally.
There's a chance that
we just found ourselves
a new Ultraman.
It's no good.
I can't control it well enough.
This suit is incredible.
Where did you put
the people who disappeared?
A spaceship.
I'm not sure which one.
I honestly don't know.
Please spare me.
I don't want to die.
If this has taught you anything,
go and become a respectable alien.
Idiot, go to hell.
An Ultraman suit?
You, Ultraman look-alike. Who are you?
Hello there.
You bastard, what's with the suit?
It just means Japan
isn't the only one with an Ultraman.
So that's what this is.
You're the one
who took Yapool, aren't you?
That's classified information,
so I'm afraid I can't tell you.
We have met before.
You're from earlier.
I'm Taro Higashi.
Are you an alien too?
I'm 100% human from Earth.
Is he your subordinate?
No, I'm not.
For now, I'm just borrowing
a suit from Jack
to investigate the disappearances.
And without asking me.
I see.
The fire that night was your doing.
It was.
It was the result of my inexperience.
Not at all.
If I had listened to you from the start,
we might have been in a better situation.
absolutely true.
You're an honest guy.
Yeah, a guy like him
wouldn't be your partner.
He's moving purely on
his sense of justice.
Isn't it okay for a guy like him
to become an Ultraman?
I'll let it slide.
So you're investigating the disappearances
and testing the suit as well?
Our goal is the same,
so there's no problem, right?
We'll stop those damn aliens
from making humans disappear
by any means necessary.
Got it?
Yes, sir.
Subtitle translation by: Chul Woong Kim
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