Vinland Saga (2019) s02e03 Episode Script


Let's talk the night away,
young master.
Tell us about your worries
as a youth.
You just want to be
entertained by my stories!
Don't be ridiculous!
I'm leaving! Let go!
Now, now
Feel free to tell us anything.
We're friends, aren't we?
Are we? Anyway, let go!
What's wrong? Get back at him!
Yeah! Right there!
Come on Again?
- They're so stupid!
- They fell!
Is this a draw?
None of you know anything.
You don't know anything.
You don't even know that you don't know.
If you don't even know
that you don't know,
there's no way you know anything about me.
Well, I understand you, young master.
Seventeen is a very odd age.
You're neither an adult nor a kid.
- Pour.
- Yes.
Here There you go.
Look at you go!
Fox, Badger
I bet deep down,
you two are laughing at me too.
This is going to be depressing.
That sobered me up. This was a bad idea.
I can hear you!
You're nothing but bodyguards
and you think you can look down on me?
You just work for my dad
for some meager wage.
Don't you have any pride as a warrior?
Please call us "guests."
Even people like us
are rather useful during fights.
Oh yeah?
You guys actually work?
I've never seen you do anything, Fox.
I know, right?
This village is so peaceful,
it's so boring.
Unsheathe it.
I'll check if you've become rusty or not.
As guests, this is what
the master pays us to do, after all.
Damn it! Just kill me already!
What should we do, Fox?
What went wrong?
We were supposed to drink and have fun
and get on the Ketil family's good side.
I know, I'm pathetic!
So basically, what you don't like
is the fact that
the common people don't treat you
like a grown man, right?
You guys too!
Well, that can't be helped.
You aren't a grown man after all.
But to become a grown man
Hey, try to comfort him.
Shut up. I'm building up to that.
Just be quiet and listen.
Hey, young master.
- Damn it
- Becoming a grown man
is not that hard, you see.
There's something like a rite of passage.
That's all you need to do.
It's the act of killing.
Killing someone
really boosts your confidence.
You should experience it.
Once you learn how fragile
the human body is,
you will stop fearing them.
It'll help you mature.
That is how all men grow up.
But who?
That's obvious!
For beginners,
there is beginner-level prey.
Don't worry.
You can find them
on this very farm.
They are people you are allowed to kill.
That was a good night's sleep.
I'm hungry.
One, two, three, four.
I guess today will be spent
harvesting wheat again.
This farm is way too big.
At this rate,
we won't be able to
clear the land during springtime.
Ideally, I want it to be ready
for sowing in the fall.
First we have to dig out
the roots and rocks,
then turn over the soil,
then let the soil rest
Would they let us borrow a heavy plow?
Thorfinn! What's wrong?
Are you dreaming? Thorfinn!
Are you okay?
You seemed really distressed.
How bad was the dream
that it would make you like that?
What was it?
I can't remember.
Well, go wash your face.
Then we can start our morning chores.
Dreams you can't remember
are better off forgotten
Good morning.
It's a beautiful day, isn't it?
Yes! Good morning!
Do you want to wash your face? Go ahead.
I've used it already.
Oh, no! Okay! Sorry! Take your time!
I mean,
there's no point in washing
a face like mine anyway!
Oh, don't say that
I think you have a lovely face.
Are you okay?
- Are you hurt somewhere?
- No, it's my heart
Oh no! Does it hurt?
No, I'm fine!
It's not an illness or anything.
- Is it a wound?
- Um, no
What is this?
I feel uneasy.
I have a feeling that dream was something
I shouldn't forget.
My name is Arnheid.
You arrived here recently, right?
Yes! I am Einar. I came from England.
Oh, England?
You're so fluent,
I assumed you were Nordic.
Yes, everyone in my hometown,
including me, was of Nordic descent.
Everyone in the village spoke
English and Norse.
I have a thick accent,
so it may be hard to understand, ma'am.
Oh, that's right. I'm sorry
I haven't told you about myself, have I?
You're not the master's daughter?
No, I'm not.
I'm a slave, just like you.
I am the master's personal maid.
Good morning, all of you.
What is this? Are the slaves
planning an escape this morning?
Good morning.
What's your name?
Are you a slave too?
You don't look familiar.
I'm Einar.
I've been here since the summer.
Thorfinn and Einar.
Come with us for a second.
This has become one busy morning.
Who are they?
They're carrying swords.
They're not regular people, right?
They're guests
A defense force that resides on this farm.
They're bodyguards.
And they have business with us?
I doubt it's going to be anything good.
I think you have a lovely face.
You seem to be in a good mood, Einar.
Oh, sorry.
No worries!
You look like the lively type.
All right, young master.
Go ahead and slash them! Slash!
Slash? Don't tell me
Yes, big one. That's right.
It's a ceremony for the young master
to become an adult.
Die for us, will you?
It's a ceremony for the young master
to become an adult.
Die for us, will you?
Don't be ridiculous!
What wrong did we do
to deserve such treatment?!
You didn't do anything wrong.
It's just that your life
doesn't belong to you.
That's all.
The rightful owner is free to do
whatever he pleases with his possessions.
You guys are
slaves belonging to Master Olmar's family.
He is going to kill you himself.
You should be honored.
Good for you!
Just give up.
These guys
belong to my dad.
They're not mine.
If I kill them,
I have to pay compensation.
How pitiful, young master!
You're saying that this late in the game?
Are you scared of your father?
Are you scared of killing?
Or maybe both?
Shut up! I'm not scared of anything!
Then let's get to it! Just slash them!
Thorfinn, run away.
It's fine!
Damn it!
What are you doing?
Go and tell the master, Thorfinn!
Come on! You can do it, young master!
Your opponent is ready to fight!
Don't move, kid.
Just watch quietly.
What a drag
You can cut me.
Go, young master!
One person is enough, right?
Please let him go back to work.
You can cut me.
It's morning?
Hey, Gramps!
Gramps! Are you not here?
Where's my breakfast?
What are you talking about,
waking up so late?!
If you want to eat,
why don't you help out with
the harvest once in a while!
No way!
Then I won't feed you!
Fend for yourself.
Damn you, Gramps.
I'm not going through
the trouble of cooking.
Oh well, I guess I'll head back.
Master Olmar can cut me.
Please let Einar go back to work.
Today's a busy day.
What did you say?
Sorry, what was your name again?
I'm Thorfinn.
do you understand what you just said?
If you let him cut you,
you're going to die.
You idiot!
What are you saying
You stay quiet.
It's not your place to butt in.
Did you all hear him?
Once in a while, you meet people like him.
You know,
I just can't ignore
those kinds of statements.
If I let them slide,
they will bring down
the value of our commodity.
Say, Thorfinn,
what kind of commodity do you think
warriors like us handle?
Who knows
It's death.
No matter who it is,
everyone is afraid to die.
No matter who it is.
I can say for certain.
Take a look at the young master.
He's even afraid of someone else's death.
Shut up! I'm not afraid.
That's fine, though.
It has value
because people are afraid of it.
If not, we wouldn't be able to
make a living with a sword.
I'm sure you're afraid too.
Be afraid.
I'm so hungry.
Hey, you hoodlums!
Stop it, you guys!
Jeez, those idiots.
They're causing trouble again.
Stop it!
Damn it! You bastards!
Come on.
Beg for your life.
Don't be stubborn,
You'd better hurry, or else your tiny body
will become even smaller!
He didn't even bat an eye.
That's impressive.
If I remember correctly,
he's the master's slave
- Just kill him!
- Do it!
do I have to be afraid to die?
Are you living
because you don't want to die?
Is there anything
good that comes from being alive?
I can't think of anything.
Of all the years I have lived,
I have never once
been glad that I was alive.
Next, it'll be your eye.
Be afraid.
Stop, Fox!
Huh? Snake?
How terrible.
Boss welcome back. When did you?
- Fox.
- Yes, sir!
- Come here.
- Yes, sir!
- Badger.
- Yes, sir!
Subtitle translation by: Kiko Morita
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