Where's Wally (2020) s02e03 Episode Script

Riddle Me This, Egypt

# Oh, way, oh
# Oh, way, oh
# Where do you go,
where do you go, Wally?
# Oh, way, oh
# I searched the world for you
# Take a trip around the world
Catch a ride to the moon
# Take a trip around the world
Catch a ride to the moon
# Ride the waves at the beach
Jump in
# Discover something new
# Oh, way, oh
# Anywhere you go, I'll find you
# Anywhere you go, I'll find you
# Oh, oh, oh
# Where do you go, where do you go?
Where's Wally?
Wow! Cool house of cards.
Thanks, Wenda. I thought I'd build
a card castle for Mr. Wumples.
Thanks, Wenda. I thought I'd build
a card castle for Mr. Wumples.
I think he likes it.
I think he likes it.
I'm curious why Wizard Whitebeard
called us today.
To meet someone
that needed our help.
I wonder who it could be.
Me too.
I wonder who it could be.
Me too.
Ha! You did it, Wally!
Now try it out, Mr. Wumples.
Mission accompli
What was that?
I don't know.
It came from the other room.
Let's have a look.
And don't worry, Mr. Wumples.
We'll build you
an even bigger castle later.
We'll build you
an even bigger castle later.
I appreciate this, old friend.
I couldn't reach up there. You know
how my beard feels about heights.
I couldn't reach up there. You know
how my beard feels about heights.
Wizard Whitebeard?
Ah, Wally! Wenda! You're here.
I'm putting away some knick-knacks.
But, let me introduce you
to my very special friend
But, let me introduce you
to my very special friend
Greetings, young Wanderers!
I am Wizard Dustybeard!
I am Wizard Dustybeard!
Very nice to meet you,
Wizard Dustybeard.
Wonders! D'oh!
Wonders! D'oh!
Oh, so that's what
that loud noise was.
You would think after all my years
digging for dusty treasures
the old honker wouldn't still be
so sensitive to dust.
the old honker wouldn't still be
so sensitive to dust.
Even the slightest bit
makes me you know. (SNEEZES)
ALL: We know.
What do you mean that you dig
for dusty treasures?
What do you mean that you dig
for dusty treasures?
That's because Wizard Dustybeard
is an archaeologist.
A person who digs up
clues from the past.
A person who digs up
clues from the past.
To solve the mysteries of how people
lived a long time ago.
And from that we can discover
what their houses looked like.
And from that we can discover
what their houses looked like.
What they might have eaten.
Or even the kinds of games
they might have played.
Sounds kind of like a detective.
Eureka, Wenda! You are correct!
Sounds kind of like a detective.
Eureka, Wenda! You are correct!
A detective of history.
And I came here to share
my latest find with both of you.
BOTH: A magic key.
BOTH: A magic key.
Wait. Did someone say magic key?
Ah, but not just any Magic Key,
Ah, but not just any Magic Key,
This is the Riddle Key.
And it will lead whoever has it
to the fabled Lost Chamber
of Magic Keys!
The Lost Chamber of Magic Keys?
The Lost Chamber of Magic Keys?
We thought that was just a legend.
So many Wanderers
have searched for it.
But no one has ever found it.
But no one has ever found it.
Because they never had
the Riddle Key to lead the way.
But how can the Riddle Key help find
the Lost Chamber of Magic Keys?
But how can the Riddle Key help find
the Lost Chamber of Magic Keys?
Ha! With its riddles, of course.
The Lost Chamber of Magic Keys
can be found
in a land of adventure and fun.
can be found
in a land of adventure and fun.
Where triangles bake
in the hot desert sun.
Woah! It talks!
Woah! It talks!
A talking key, Fritz.
"Land of adventure and fun.
Triangles that bake
in the hot desert sun."
Triangles that bake
in the hot desert sun."
Where do triangles bake in the sun?
Wait. I know the answer
to that riddle.
Eureka! What is it, Wally?
Eureka! What is it, Wally?
I'll show you on the WanderGlobe!
By striped staff and white of beard,
By striped staff and white of beard,
I summon magic, wild and weird.
Spin, o' magic globe to show,
what the Riddle Key's riddle
would like to know
what the Riddle Key's riddle
would like to know
There's the answer to the riddle,
The Lost Chamber of Magic Keys
is in Egypt!
The Lost Chamber of Magic Keys
is in Egypt!
KEY: You are correct, Wanderer!
And my home city of Cairo.
I knew it must be Egypt
because of, "Triangles baking
in the hot desert sun."
because of, "Triangles baking
in the hot desert sun."
The Great Pyramids.
Ha! Well, there you have it,
I told you these
were the perfect Wanderers
I told you these
were the perfect Wanderers
to help you with your adventure.
Yes, Wally and Wenda.
You are going to help me answer
the Riddle Key's riddles
You are going to help me answer
the Riddle Key's riddles
and find the Lost Chamber
of Magic Keys!
(BOTH) Woah!
Well, what do you say?
Well, what do you say?
We say
(BOTH) Wander!
We're heading to Egypt, Fritz.
There's a Lost Chamber
of Magic Keys to find.
Well, everyone, say hello or
Apologies. Dust.
Wally, The Great Pyramids.
I can't believe
how close they are to the city.
I can't believe
how close they are to the city.
Is this where we'll find
the Lost Chamber?
KEY: If finding the Lost Chamber
is your cause,
then you'll find it near
some chomping jaws.
then you'll find it near
some chomping jaws.
Huh! That is a real brain teaser.
I'm stumped, Wanderers.
I'm stumped, Wanderers.
Wait, Wally. Chomping jaws.
And we're in Egypt.
The Nile crocodile.
Good thinking, Wenda.
We think the Lost Chamber
of Magic Keys
We think the Lost Chamber
of Magic Keys
might be near the Nile River.
The Nile River! You are correct!
Eureka! Good work, Wally and Wenda!
Eureka! Good work, Wally and Wenda!
The Nile is a bit far from here
but I know someone
that can get us there quickly.
but I know someone
that can get us there quickly.
Follow me!
We have to get that Riddle Key.
It's the only way
to find the Lost Chamber
It's the only way
to find the Lost Chamber
before those Wanderers do.
Welcome to my home, Wally and Wenda.
Welcome to my home, Wally and Wenda.
Look, Wally. An Egyptian vase!
Fritz, get in there
and get that Riddle Key.
And there'll be a big bag
of palm dates with your name on it.
And there'll be a big bag
of palm dates with your name on it.
Okay, Odlulu.
Wow, look at these great old books.
What's this over here?
That's just a water dish.
A water dish?
Yes. For Coriander.
A water dish?
Yes. For Coriander.
Coriander must be a really big dog.
Oh, no. Coriander
is not a dog, Wally.
Coriander is a
Coriander is a
Yes, Coriander. I've missed
Yes, Coriander. I've missed
..uh you, too.
I'm guessing Coriander will help us
get to the Nile quickly?
Yes, she will. (CHUCKLES)
Yes, she will. (CHUCKLES)
Now let's gather some supplies
for our journey across the desert.
Huh! When did I dig up
that mongoose statue?
(CHUCKLES) Nice camel.
(CHUCKLES) Nice camel.
Look! Over there!
Look! Over there!
WENDA: The Nile River.
Well, this is definitely the place.
But, where's the Lost Chamber
of Magic Keys?
(Riddle Key) The Lost Chamber
of Magic Keys remains concealed,
(Riddle Key) The Lost Chamber
of Magic Keys remains concealed,
but answer my riddle
and it will be revealed.
What can run, but not walk?
What can run, but not walk?
Huh? How can anything run
but not walk, Wally?
Wally? Where's Wally?
Wally? Where's Wally?
Over here, everyone.
What can run, but not walk?
A river. That's what.
The water runs but doesn't walk.
A river. That's what.
The water runs but doesn't walk.
You are correct!
ALL: Woah!
The Lost Chamber of Magic Keys
must be inside!
The Lost Chamber of Magic Keys
must be inside!
After all of these years
I have finally found it.
Come on. Let's go inside
and find those magic keys.
Come on. Let's go inside
and find those magic keys.
I couldn't have said it better
I couldn't have said it better
(CHUCKLES) Eureka!
It looks like someone drew
on the walls.
It looks like someone drew
on the walls.
Ha! They're more
than just drawings, Wally.
That is how the ancient
Egyptians wrote.
Instead of using words,
they used pictograms and symbols.
Instead of using words,
they used pictograms and symbols.
They're called, "Hieroglyphics."
They're really colourful.
And they also tell the stories
And they also tell the stories
and history
of the ancient Egyptians.
Look, everyone.
DUSTYBEARD: It's the Lost Chamber
of Magic Keys!
But which direction
should we head in to find it?
But which direction
should we head in to find it?
RIDDLE KEY: Answer this riddle
and the path will be clear
Many hear me, but no one sees me.
Many hear me, but no one sees me.
And I only talk when spoken to.
Hm? What can you hear but not see?
And it only talks when spoken to?
And it only talks when spoken to?
I got it! An echo! (ECHOING)
(CHUCKLES) Correct again!
Great answer, Wally!
Great answer, Wally!
To the Lost Chamber of Magic Keys!
Yeah. Great answer, Wally.
Now where do we go?
I think we might have to turn
The path to the Lost Chamber
lies ahead,
The path to the Lost Chamber
lies ahead,
but you must enter
through this Pharaoh's bed.
A bed? All I see
is this big stone mummy case.
A Sarcophagus!
BOTH: Gesundheit.
A Sarcophagus!
BOTH: Gesundheit.
No. I didn't sneeze.
That stone mummy case
is called a, "Sarcophagus"
and it is the answer to our riddle.
and it is the answer to our riddle.
You are correct!
WENDA: All right!
That mongoose took the key!
That mongoose took the key!
He's not a mongoose, he's a ferret.
(BOTH) Odlulu.
See you later, Wanderers!
The Lost Chamber
of Magic Keys is mine!
The Lost Chamber
of Magic Keys is mine!
Odlulu and Fritz
have the Riddle Key.
That's bad.
But this might be worse.
My apologies.
(BOTH) Dust.
Where are we?
I don't know.
but we'll have to find
the Lost Chamber of Magic Keys
but we'll have to find
the Lost Chamber of Magic Keys
without the Riddle Key.
Now that we have the Riddle Key,
it will take us to the Lost Chamber
of Magic Keys.
it will take us to the Lost Chamber
of Magic Keys.
You can never have
too many magic keys.
Great. Nowhere to go.
Hey, Riddle Key, what do we do now?
Hey, Riddle Key, what do we do now?
What has four legs but cannot walk.
A king sits on it, when he talks.
A king sits on it, when he talks.
Yeah, I'll pass.
Pass? You can't pass.
That's not how this works.
Fine. Then just give me
a new riddle.
Fine. Then just give me
a new riddle.
Something easy. I'm new at this.
I can't give you a new riddle.
You must answer
the one already given.
You must answer
the one already given.
Fine. Let me think for a second.
Odlulu, Odlulu!
Four legs A king sits on it
Four legs A king sits on it
Not now, Fritz. I have to figure
this riddle thingy out.
I'll have it in a second.
Four legs four legs
Four legs four legs
A toaster oven? No.
A throne.
You are correct!
See, Fritz? I told you I'd get it.
Everyone knows it's a toaster oven.
Good thing you had
that flashlight in your hat, Wally.
I have lots of things in here.
Fishing tackle. Bungee cords.
Rubber duck. Rainbow wig.
Fishing tackle. Bungee cords.
Rubber duck. Rainbow wig.
It's like your very own
archaeological dig
on top of your head.
on top of your head.
Look, Wally.
I think I found something.
Let's not have that again.
Eureka! A way out!
But the lock just spins.
But the lock just spins.
And it has more hieroglyphics on it.
All animals that live in Egypt.
Yes. But what do these animals
have to do with opening the lock?
Yes. But what do these animals
have to do with opening the lock?
Did you say something, Wally?
Wally? Where's Wally?
Wally? Where's Wally?
Over here, everyone!
I think I might have found
a way to open the door.
Three camels.
And they're all facing to the right.
Three camels.
And they're all facing to the right.
So maybe we have to turn the lock
three times to the right!
It worked!
It worked!
What's next, Wenda?
Two beetles facing left.
Turn it twice to the left.
Turn it twice to the left.
One more should do it, Wally!
Crocodile is next!
Two crocodiles facing left.
Look out, Wizard Dustybeard!
Oh. Three crocodiles. Not two.
(CLEARS THROAT) My apologies.
WALLY: We did it!
Come on! Let's go!
DUSTYBEARD: The Lost Chamber
of Magic Keys awaits.
RIDDLE KEY: What gets more wet
the more it dries?
RIDDLE KEY: What gets more wet
the more it dries?
I don't know.
A towel.
A towel. Correct!
Why does it keep riddling, Fritz?
What can you catch but never throw?
I think it might be broken.
I think it might be broken.
A cold.
A cold.
You're right again.
Wow. This is easy!
I didn't even answer!
Wow. This is easy!
I didn't even answer!
Come on, Fritz. To the Keys!
Odlulu must be getting close
to the Lost Chamber by now.
Odlulu must be getting close
to the Lost Chamber by now.
We have to hurry!
ODLULU: Look, Fritzy!
This must be it!
The door to the Lost Chamber
of Magic Keys!
The door to the Lost Chamber
of Magic Keys!
(GRUNTING) Okay, Mr. Riddles.
I'm waiting
It's time for your final riddle.
It's time for your final riddle.
Answer correctly
and all the Magic Keys
will be yours!
Yeah, yeah. Hurry up.
Across the great Egyptian sand,
Across the great Egyptian sand,
these pointy things
have ruled the land.
That's easy. It's a pointy camel!
That's easy. It's a pointy camel!
You heard me, Riddle Key.
Open that door and show me
the Lost Chamber of Magic Keys.
Open that door and show me
the Lost Chamber of Magic Keys.
What's taking so long?
I said pointy camel.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Pointy camel is incorrect!
Thank you for playing.
Pointy camel is incorrect!
Thank you for playing.
I was sure it was a pointy camel.
I was sure it was a pointy camel.
What are we gonna do now, Fritz?
What do you say we pass the time
with some riddles?
What do you say we pass the time
with some riddles?
(BOTH) No!
Too late. Going to do it anyway.
There it is!
The Lost Chamber of Magic Keys.
There it is!
The Lost Chamber of Magic Keys.
But what's happened here?
And where's Odlulu?
ODLULU: Down here, Wanderers!
RIDDLE KEY: "Down here, Wanderers"
is not the answer to the riddle.
RIDDLE KEY: "Down here, Wanderers"
is not the answer to the riddle.
The answer was, "On onion."
We have to rescue Odlulu
and Fritz, Wally.
Look, everyone, a rope!
Look, everyone, a rope!
But it's all the way
on the other side, Wally.
Wally? Where's Wally?
Right here, everyone!
I give you, the Wally
Lost Pyramid Slingshotanator.
And the way to get across
and rescue Odlulu and Fritz.
Quick, everyone. Climb on.
Three, two, one!
Three, two, one!
WALLY: Launch!
Hold onto your stripes, Odlulu!
I'm on it!
Hold onto your stripes, Odlulu!
I'm on it!
KEY: How about another riddle?
ALL: No!
Okay, fine!
You don't have to be rude.
Okay, fine!
You don't have to be rude.
Thanks. Here. You can have
your Riddle Key back.
I'm done with it.
It's annoying!
Ah, new players.
Ah, new players.
Answer my last riddle
and the Lost Chamber
of Magic Keys will be yours.
Across the great Egyptian sand,
Across the great Egyptian sand,
these pointy things
have ruled the land.
The Pyramids!
You are correct!
You are correct!
Ha! You finally got one, Fritz.
Now the Lost Chamber
of Magic Keys is yours!
Now the Lost Chamber
of Magic Keys is yours!
DUSTYBEARD: It's the Lost Chamber
of Magic Keys.
After all these years!
After all these years!
What's happening?
DUSTYBEARD: The pyramid
is returning to the sand.
DUSTYBEARD: The pyramid
is returning to the sand.
We need to get out of here
or they'll find us
We need to get out of here
or they'll find us
on your next archaeological dig,
Wizard Dustybeard.
C'mon, everybody.
But we're already here.
So shouldn't we just
(BOTH) Odlulu!
Okay, fine!
Run to the light, everyone!
We'll have to slide down.
Bye, Lost Chamber of Magic Keys.
Good thing
we still have the Riddle Key.
Good thing
we still have the Riddle Key.
We can do it all again and
Why did you throw the Riddle Key
back into the pyramid?
You spent all those years
searching for it?
I learned today, Wanderers,
I learned today, Wanderers,
that some keys
are safer left undiscovered.
Oh Corrie (LAUGHING)
Oh Corrie (LAUGHING)
DUSTYBEARD: What do you say
we all head back to my library
DUSTYBEARD: What do you say
we all head back to my library
and have some fresh
Egyptian palm dates?
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