Yosi, the Regretful Spy (2022) s02e03 Episode Script


Although this story is inspired
by real events,
the characters and events are fictional.
Any similarities are unintentional.
Open the door, motherfucker!
Open the door, asshole!
-Who are you?
-I'm nobody. Relax!
-Who are you?
-Why are you here?
-I've got the money.
-Open now, son of a bitch!
-Who are you?
-I'm nobody! Relax!
-Shut up, bitch!
Open the door, damn it!
Fucking bitch!
Son of a bitch! Motherfucker!
Don't worry.
Let's go.
You didn't have the phone, right?
They made me put it in the bag.
How did you manage to follow them?
They made me throw the bag
over the bridge,
and I had to bet on which direction
they would pick it up from.
I rushed to the car
and drove towards the province.
I was lucky.
You never lost sight of them?
Didn't they realize
you were following them?
At one point,
I couldn't see him, but then
I caught up with him
at a railroad crossing.
I kept my distance.
Then he went into the neighborhood
and I saw the bike in the front yard.
Why didn't you call the cops?
From where?
They had the phone.
I didn't even know where I was.
I walked to the door,
and heard Dafne yelling.
And I panicked.
They started shouting.
One guy said Dafne had seen his face.
I took a chance.
I went in and they started shooting.
Why didn't they kill you?
I honestly don't know.
Maybe they thought
that, because of the shooting
and the screaming,
the neighbors would call the cops.
They already had the money anyway.
Your testimony matches the scene.
You did the right thing.
This would've ended badly anyway.
Wait here.
It's all there.
Everything can turn against us
with the dead girl.
How did it get so complicated?
José Pérez showed up. I don't know how.
He couldn't have done it alone.
Someone's helping him.
The new guy also screwed up.
That blond guy was reckless.
You should hide for a while.
How about my share?
Your share won't come out of this bag.
We need to get going.
They're waiting for us.
There's something between us.
Something hanging in the air.
And I want it to disappear right now.
I won't hold you responsible
for Dafne's death.
In fact,
I am grateful you went to get her.
And that she could see you
before she died.
Listen to me,
don't let guilt torment you.
I want you to get rid of that thought.
From now on try to be happy.
She would've wanted that.
My older sons didn't even call me.
What a shitty dad I must be
for my kids to not call me.
They may be right, but
I just lost my daughter.
I don't intend to suffer a single minute
for those two anymore.
At least I have you.
You're family.
It's an honor, Saúl.
The One who forges peace above,
He shall make peace upon us
And upon the whole of Israel.
And say,
Shall make peace,
Shall make peace,
Peace upon us,
and upon the whole of Israel.
Shall make peace,
Shall make peace,
Peace upon us,
and upon the whole of Israel.
Good job with your boss's phone.
Come with me.
What can we do?
We don't choose our parents, Yosi.
Otherwise Dafne would be alive.
Your mission is to find
the Condor missile.
If you find it,
you will find those who want it.
We think they are the ones
responsible for the embassy attack.
As for the missile
The battle for Puerto Argentino is over.
After the Falklands War,
the Argentinian Air Force started
making the Condor missile
in a secret base in Falda del Carmen,
in the province of Córdoba.
A 16-meter long missile
which had two parts.
One for the solid fuel
and another one for the head.
German technology that provided accuracy.
Don't get it wrong, Yosi.
A missile isn't like a man.
Its head is not on the tip. Its main
controls are at the heart, in the center.
Unlike the first model,
the Condor could transport
nuclear material.
Do you know the distance
between Tobruk and Jerusalem?
1065 kilometers.
The Condor can
theoretically reach 1200 kilometers.
So the missile became
an existential risk for Israel.
Qaddafi wanted the Condor,
so he gave 10 million dollars
to Menem's presidential campaign
in exchange for it.
But Menem betrayed him,
as he betrayed a large portion
of the Arab world
by sending war ships to the Gulf War.
He had many enemies
who wanted to fuck him over.
They thought there wouldn't be
substantial consequences.
In the end, Argentina was caught
in a Middle Eastern conflict.
The embassy attack
is a symptom of a bigger issue.
That's what we must stop.
We have no time.
Our deal has been stained with blood.
This wasn't planned.
That wasn't our fault, Kadar.
-You wanted to make it personal.
-Who's gonna pay for this?
Bets, please.
Here we go.
No more bets, thanks.
Cards, please.
Very good.
Excuse me, please.
Ahmed Abu Al Kadar?
That's me.
Officer Ordoñez, Interpol.
You are under arrest.
This is a misunderstanding.
Proceed, please.
We have enough drama already
and now Menajem's daughter gets killed.
Sit down, Claudia.
Would you like something?
-No, I'm okay.
-I'm all ears.
I'll be upfront.
I know Garrido and his men killed her.
Go ahead.
You still trust José Pérez.
I have first-hand information.
I was there too.
Everyone has a business,
but I don't meddle in anyone's affairs.
And I don't work for terrorists
with international arrest warrants.
Do yourself a favor.
Stay out of things you don't know about.
I don't know many things.
But I'm sure
our superiors don't know
about your kidnapping business.
And that your men killed the only daughter
of their arms trafficking partner.
How are they going to react
when they find out?
I taught you well, Claudia.
-What do you want?
-To be left the fuck alone!
Leave me and my people alone.
And bury Garrido. He's dirty
and wants to fuck me over.
I'll let you eat in peace.
One more thing.
Are you trustworthy, or should I worry?
You already know.
Social upheaval isn't the solution.
Everything falls apart.
People just want jobs, so,
we need to, peacefully,
fight against unemployment.
What's up, Garrido?
Who are you?
Julio Boria.
From now on, I'll be your boss.
Is that so?
-Says who?
-Superior's orders.
Luis Garrido. I need to talk
to the boss. It's urgent.
Tell him to call me, please.
You must've screwed up badly
to have me as a boss now.
Sit down.
It's better if we understand each other.
The country is changing.
You know how the Evangelicals
stole support from the Catholics?
Now the Trotskyists are doing it
to the Peronists.
What does that have to do with me?
You're coming to Guernica.
To Guernica?
Garrido, you're a smart guy.
You know what's going on.
You were sent back to kindergarten.
Be thankful they didn't kick you
out of school.
If you want more food, bring someone else.
How far do you want to go with this?
Because taking it seriously means
not showing up to meetings with people
who have nothing to do with this.
If I didn't care,
I wouldn't have left my house.
I went with Leonardo
because he's not a political player,
he's a serious journalist,
and I trust him.
You trust him. I don't.
If you trust me, trust my people.
That's my only condition.
Holy fuck.
Would you like a coffee?
No, I'm okay. Thanks.
Look, to get involved in a task like this,
I need to check some data.
So, you better give me something
that verifies your story.
I knew you would ask me for that.
This should be enough.
Anyone could get this.
Look into it. Get rid of any doubts.
Otherwise we won't carry on.
Even if my files were deleted,
I'm sure you'll find something.
-You really trust me.
-That's why I chose you.
And because you're like me.
Like you?
You're hiding.
Just like me.
But we can come back
with our heads held high.
Take care of my badge.
It's my only memory
from when I was José Pérez.
Wait here.
Why do you think a guy
you testified against could help you?
Labombarda is twisted.
He's capable of anything,
as long as he feels he has the power.
Especially power over the intel he has.
I don't see why I can't go with you.
Because I have to do it myself.
Over here.
Close the door, Raúl.
Sit down.
Thanks for having me. I thought
you wouldn't want to see me anymore.
I should thank you. You made me famous.
Besides, I'm a man of my word.
It's been a while. But I never forget
you listened to my story.
In spite of everything.
Have you been hit
by the same morbid curiosity again?
Or is it a delayed Stockholm syndrome?
No. Fortunately, I'm over that.
-Are you sure?
Ever since you were convicted.
Why so much interest? Aren't you retired?
If I remember correctly,
you slammed that door shut.
I'm writing a novel
in order to make a living, you know?
It's about an agent.
A mole.
I'm trying to understand his motivations
that led him to give up his story.
Everything he built for years and years.
-Even financially speaking.
-Don't take me for a fool.
I don't buy that you only
came here for a novel.
I'm investigating an undercover
agent in a cartel.
I didn't want to expose him.
They gave me some interesting info
at the Ministry.
The person's badge number doesn't exist.
Numbers go from 11,235 to 11,237.
236 is missing.
Anything you can tell me?
You came to the right place.
That's my expertise.
How about that?
I thought you were into torture.
This interview is over.
I don't feel like chatting with you.
Especially when I don't know
what you want.
Not surprised. You guys always
leave your people behind.
I'm sure you left this man alone.
You send them to the slaughterhouse
and forget about them.
You know what, Labombarda?
Thanks for nothing.
Your information is worthless.
To the slaughterhouse, you bitch?
Us cops aren't like you. Fucking commies.
When one wants out,
you leave them out in the cold.
Ask your mole if we ever left him
without healthcare.
Fucking Trotskyite.
From 1985 till now, are you sure?
Look at those motherfuckers.
Thanks, honey, I owe you.
The ID number is the same.
The police's medical coverage has taken
care of his contributions since 1985.
Even extraordinary payments.
They recruited him,
erased his files but still pay him.
It's consistent with what Labombarda said.
Phone tap from the court.
The first appointed Court will
give a favorable ruling
which will allow for negotiations
before the appeal.
Perfect. Have they mentioned the money?
No, nothing.
That's important, tell them.
There's more from Congress.
They have quorum.
It seems they'll pass a law
to split the Police
into city and national police.
They do love to bust our balls with that.
We'll have to meet
with every Commissioner.
-What else?
-Here's an unlisted recording.
From the Executive level.
José Pérez.
A journalist, Leonardo Forrester,
has been digging for information
these last two weeks.
Let me see.
Oh, right. I know him.
He works for one of our channels.
This is Monica Raposo. Why is she there?
He's fucking her. He's a climber.
I'd fuck her too.
How long has it been since she was on TV?
Five years.
He's the gopher. She's behind it all.
She even paid Labombarda a visit.
How about that?
Resentful assholes
look out for each other.
José Pérez must have contacted her.
Since she doesn't have a job,
she has nothing to lose.
Just like him.
Such a pity that this asshole
doesn't know when to quit.
In this country, everyone's a hero
until they do something that
uncovers a dead body.
Make a copy.
Try to casually leave it
in Forrester's mail.
That way Raposo sees it. Okay?
-Everything all right?
Next time let me know before you come.
-Did you check my story?
I found something unexpected.
You didn't find this file.
Someone sent this to you.
I still need an explanation.
It's set up to incriminate me.
If someone wants you to read it
it's 'cause they know about us.
From now on we have to be careful.
I want to know what part of this is true.
Did you kill Dafne Menajem?
I didn't.
But it's my fault she's dead.
The police will be here any minute.
Wake up!
You can't identify Garrido.
Or any of them.
If Saúl suspects there's a link
between you and them,
you'll become a moving target.
He won't stop until you're dead.
Who is she?
Look at me. Look me in the eyes.
-Did you know them?
-You'll be okay.
I'm scared.
Don't worry, just look at me.
Look at me.
Claudia, call an ambulance.
Claudia! An ambulance!
There's no time.
We have to take her ourselves.
Get my car, it's closer.
Don't worry.
Don't worry.
Mom's here.
Don't worry, honey. Mom's here.
I'm here.
What have you done?
Sooner or later
she was going to betray you.
I kept you from watching her die.
Dafne wasn't your girlfriend.
She was your target.
You left me alone with her.
How did you imagine this would end?
Did you love her?
Anything else you want me to clarify?
Now we can start.
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