1000-lb Sisters (2020) s02e04 Episode Script

A Fork in the Road

NARRATOR: Previously
on "1000-lb Sisters."
If I was in your
position, Tammy,
I'd be disappointed in myself.
[dramatic music]
Amy, relax.
Amy, relax.
[phone ringing]
- Hey.
Have you heard anything?
[dramatic music]
MICHAEL: Little.
This bitch went to
the ER for Chinese food?
I wanted to kick her butt.
She should've knew better.
Chinese is my favorite food.
So I got to make a
healthier option.
Maybe use cauliflower and put
it in the general chow sauce.
That sounds good, actually.
Can you buy general chow sauce?
I thought I fell asleep.
But Michael was saying I was
saying some off the wall stuff,
which I have no clue about.
I hope Amy takes this as a sign
that she needs to
start making changes.
She didn't put just
her life in jeopardy.
She put the baby's
life in jeopardy.
After the spell with
the Chinese food incident,
I realized it's not
OK to have cheat days.
I need to make
healthier choices so I
can protect me and the baby.
I got to be a mother.
And I got to do right by family.
[burps] Both.
Excuse me.
Little, you ready to
go on down with Mama?
All that over Chinese food.
[country music]
The button's over
Got to push home, babe.
It's on picture and it's on you.
Now it's on slow-mo.
Hey y'all.
It's Amy.
And boy do I have some
surprises for y'all.
But I've got a special guest.
You want to come in, babe?
It's my hubby.
Want to introduce yourself?
I'm Mike.
We've been married
for almost a year.
My fans already know
that I am pregnant.
But what they don't
know is what I'm having.
I got some sonograms
to show you.
Are we having a boy?
Are we having a girl?
It's a boy.
And here's his little face.
It's a boy.
He's got a little tinkle tinkle.
So we have some
names picked out.
We have Thomas Wayne.
My grandpa's name is Thomas.
And his dad is named Wayne.
So we vetoed that one
because we just have too many
Thomas Waynes in the family.
So the next one is Gage Dion.
Gage is after Stephen
King's "Pet Sematary,"
the little baby in it.
We both love horror movies.
And one of our favorites
to watch is "Pet Sematary."
So that's it, y'all.
Thank you guys so
much for watching.
Have a nice day.
Bye YouTube.
Me and Michael are so happy.
We're having a baby.
And I just can't wait.
I'm ready to go right now.
I'm ready to have
the baby right now.
And finally be the mother
that I've always wanted to be.
[country music]
What are you doing, girlfriend?
After my scare at the ER, I
just wanted to pamper myself.
So let's have a spa
day with my sister.
I got some face masks.
I brought some tools
to put the mud mask on.
I got a cucumber.
Come in.
- Hey girl.
TAMMY: Hey girl.
Hey girl.
What's up, Amy?
You ready to get your hair done?
AMY: Yes.
All right.
What have y'all guys been up to?
That's what
pregnant will get you.
- Yeah.
My bubbly.
Your bubbly?
Oh my God.
You are a mess.
Oh my goodness.
I missed y'all.
All right.
Amy, I got to
Yeah, you relax.
Me and Michael are going
to become a threesome.
AMY: Whatever.
So what else you got going on?
Are you excited?
I've been doing Tammy's
hair for about a year now.
Tammy and I have become
really good friends.
And so she's told me a lot
of her personal issues.
Recently, I had a
client pass away.
She had a heart attack.
And she was only 32 years old.
So I know what it's like to lose
somebody that's like a client
but also a family member.
And I don't want to see
that happen to Tammy.
So I pray that she
really does move forward
with this weight loss journey.
Death is knocking on your door
so you better straighten up.
[dramatic music]
Hey y'all.
So today I'm doing
stuff around the house.
I'm kind of disappointed with
Tammy because look at this.
I'm disappointed.
I'm hurt.
Because I'm trying my best,
trying to help her out.
And this is what she does.
This is [bleep].
I have no clue where
she's getting this from.
She's got to be sneaking
them behind my back
or she's ordering online.
I am disappointed.
But I knew this was
going to happen.
I've tried to help her.
Chris has tried to help her.
I mean what the [bleep]
is this [bleep]??
Tammy not taking
her life seriously.
Does she want to die?
Because this is what's
going to happen.
She's going to eat all
this [bleep] and die.
Look at that, baby.
Oh my gosh.
It's like I'm walking
into Beyonce's house.
We're going to go
on and get you back.
I'm hoping Dr. Smith
won't be an [bleep]..
[dramatic music]
How's it going?
Really Amy?
It looks like a
piece yeah, a piece
of PVC with a rope on it.
You put the sock
over the end of it.
And then slip your
foot through it.
You pull on the rope.
Black foot.
My God.
Man, she need to just let
them soak in some bleach water.
Wash them son of bitches.
[laughs] That is
some redneck [bleep]..
Well, we got the trip
to go to Tammy's doctor.
I got me one.
Got her one.
Well, I'm kind of
interested to see what
the doctor's got to
say about the surgery
and finding out
more information.
Because I am really
interested in getting it.
[country music]
This is the first time I
haven't been in a doctor's
appointment with Tammy.
And at the end of
the day, I'm always
going to feel bad because she's
my sister and I do love her.
But then again, bitch,
do the right thing.
Don't you ever knock?
Well, one day if I'm sitting
here naked and y'all walk
in don't come crying to me.
I've seen you naked before.
Well, not Michael.
Hi Little.
So we got some food and stuff.
All right.
Bye, baby.
Ready to go, babe?
- Yeah.
- Bye bitch.
Get out of here.
- Bye bitch.
Let's get this party started.
Little, Little, Little,
what are you doing?
[burps] Excuse me.
Come on.
Amy and Michael are on
their way to the babymoon.
This is a good opportunity
for me to prove
I can take care of myself.
[dramatic music]
I am no risk getting
on the scale.
[dramatic music]
It's huge.
Look at the bed.
MICHAEL: Oh big bed.
Oh my gosh.
I have no words to
describe this room.
It's like I'm walking
into Beyonce's house.
It's tall.
See if you can get in too.
I love the Jacuzzi.
Me and my man can fit in it.
Before my surgery, we could
never both fit in here.
No, I got it.
Got it?
Wow, baby, the river.
[rock music]
What's going on?
Nothing much.
I went and rented a van.
Little bit more reliable
than what I own.
We can go out and chill
out together for a day.
Kind of dreading it because
I'm afraid the scale's
going to be like you're fat.
Get in there and
get comfortable.
And I'll put this around you.
Because I've got everything
else in the back.
Come on, Hercules.
So I think she's kind of
slacked off on her diet.
And she's gained some weight.
I got it.
[folk music]
Yeah, let's go.
Right now, the most
important thing is to think
about myself and the baby.
So if I need to give
up bad food, so be it.
[country music]
That Amy, big mouth.
All she does is snore anyway.
You know, I am glad to kind of
step in where Amy was before.
I feel that it would
be good for me.
But hopefully
it'll be motivating
her so she'll get the surgery.
Because she needs
more than I do.
Yes I got a ton of
health problems,
but they're not as bad as hers.
[dramatic music]
How are you?
Thank you.
I'm hoping Dr. Smith
won't be an [bleep]..
Hello, Ms. Tammy.
I'm Melanie.
I'm one of the medical
assistants here.
We're going to go
on and get you back.
The biggest thing is
going with a new doctor,
you don't know what kind of
personality he's going to have.
Tammy's hard to deal with
sometimes when she gets upset.
So if that doctor says the
wrong thing or pisses her off,
there's going to be a
cussing match in there
and Tammy's gone.
It's going to be hell on wheels.
[dramatic music]
I'm Dr. Smith.
TAMMY: I'm Tammy.
Tammy, good to
meet you in person.
Now I know I got a
referral from Dr. Proctor.
And so I've got a chance to see
some of his records as well.
Tell me how things
transpired and then
ultimately ending up here.
Then what happened?
Tammy was a referral to me
from her bariatric surgeon
in Atlanta, Dr. Proctor.
I got some input from Dr.
Proctor about some of her
struggles that she's had, really
what her weight was there.
We've got a lot of work to do.
But it's very rewarding for me
to see people reach something
that maybe other
people have told
them that they can't reach.
And tell me who this is.
My brother Chris.
Good to meet you Chris.
So how long have you
been thinking about this?
It's not uncommon
that we see siblings
and multiple members of
families come seeking out
weight loss surgery with us.
This is a familial problem
that we see very frequently
in bariatric surgery.
There's definitely
a genetic component.
And it's why we know
that morbid obesity
is classified as a disease.
So Chris, tell me some
of the medical problems
that you take medicine
for right now.
So you're on insulin right now?
Yes sir, 5 shots a day.
Any other medical problems
you take medicine for?
Got it.
But here's what I'll tell you.
The medical problems that
you've told me about,
the majority of those, you have
roughly about 80% to 85% chance
of resolving those if you
have weight loss surgery
and you're compliant
with eating the way
that we want you to afterwards.
So from that standpoint,
you're an excellent candidate.
So Chris, how much do you
think you weigh right now?
You want to see what you weigh?
CHRIS: Yeah, I'll
step on the scale.
All right. Let's do it.
[dramatic music]
397 and 1/2.
I don't think the scale is
accurate because I don't
believe I'm under 400 pounds.
So Tammy, do you have any idea
what you're weighing right now?
Now I know from Dr.
Procter's records,
I think we were right around
595 on the last visit.
Is that correct?
So you want to see
what this weight is?
We got to get it done.
We got to start somewhere.
All right.
[dramatic music]
ERIC SMITH: Take your time.
Just stand right
there in the middle.
And you can use those rails.
[dramatic music]
So we're at 644 and
a half right now.
[dramatic music]
I didn't even think
that was humanly possible.
You know, gaining 50
pounds in 30 days,
you almost have to exert
yourself and overeat on purpose
to gain that kind of weight.
Because that's, well, that's
a pound and a third a day.
NARRATOR: Next time
on "1000-lb Sisters."
We got to do something because
if she continues on that path,
she's going to eat
herself to death.
I've tried so hard to help her.
I don't want to bury my sister.
I don't get as
many hate comments
as I did about a year ago.
They're after me, though.
It's scary doing a
virtual meet and greet
because you never know if
somebody's going to lie
and they're actually against us.
Is this a one room?
Could make it a kid's room.
Me and Michael are
going house hunting.
It's time for me to be on
my own with my own family.
But I need to tell
Tammy about the move.
We're thinking about
getting a bigger place.
[dramatic music]
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