7th Heaven s02e04 Episode Script
Who Knew?
- Hey, Matt, what's up? - Hey, Mitch.
- So, what's on your party plate? - Nothing.
Me and couple of guys are heading over to Johnny D's house.
You know, kick back, mellow out.
- Care to join us? - No, I can't.
Come on, man, Johnny's folks are out of town.
- Thanks, man, but I gotta get home.
- Come on, preacher boy, it's Friday.
What else you got going on? A hot date? Oh, man, sorry, I forgot about Heather.
Those long-distance things bite.
Look, you change your mind, give me a call, okay? - Yeah, yeah, maybe some other time.
- All right.
In the meantime, how about a little something to tide you over for the weekend? Here's a joint.
Guaranteed to knock you on your butt.
Hey, Happy.
Hey, girl.
You have a good day? Of course you did.
It's not like Ruthie and I don't appreciate it.
It's just being picked up from school by your mom isn't that cool anymore.
- What about your big brother? - Way cooler.
Good answer.
Anyway, as I was saying, next time you have one of those parent-teacher conference things, we'd just as soon wait for Matt, no offence.
- So, how'd the meeting go, Mom? Ruthie's busted.
I can't wear this shirt anymore.
Well, Ruthie's teacher was a little concerned because she had on the same shirt three days in a row.
She thought there might be something wrong at home.
But I informed her that Ruthie's a big girl now and that she's been dressing herself.
- I told her the rule.
And the rule is? If you're old enough to pick out your own clothes, you're old enough to do your own laundry.
Only you're not catching on to the second part of the equation.
The laundry part.
Let me guess.
This is your favourite shirt.
But still, I don't see why she'd wear it three days in a row.
Ruthie's just expressing her independence, Simon.
More like expressing her smell.
Do you want people to think that she was raised in a barn? That's not funny.
She's not only wearing it during the day, she's wearing it at night too.
I wear the next day's outfit to bed, so when I wake up, I'm already dressed to go.
I think Ruthie would be a lot hipper if she had more clean clothes to choose from.
So maybe you could start showing her the laundry ropes.
Yeah, because the only clean thing I have to wear to dinner is my pyjamas.
Fine, come on.
Hey, Simon.
Hey, Ruthie.
- I wanna braid my hair like that.
- It's just a stage.
She'll grow out of it.
- Hi, girls.
Hey, Mom.
Do we have eye drops? My allergies are really bothering me.
It's not pollen season.
I know, it's incense season.
- I told you to stop burning that stuff.
- I'm not burning it.
Yeah, she's just stuck it all over the room.
Oh, by the way, Wilson's gonna come by later after he puts Billy to bed, if that's okay.
Just make sure that he goes home at a reasonable hour, because your father's had a long week.
Mom, since I'm not allowed to date yet, I was wondering if it would be okay if I would invite Rod over for dinner instead of a date per se.
How old is this Rod? And how exactly do you plan to go out per se? - Does he drive? Relax, Mom, he's 14.
And he drives a moped.
What? He's a very mature guy.
And I emphasise the word "guy.
" He's very manly.
I think we better run this one by your father.
So, what is it that makes this guy so manly? You'll see.
All the girls talk about him.
I'm just wondering if maybe this guy is the reason that you're dressing so differently.
- Maybe.
- I knew it had to be a guy.
Hey, Happy.
- Matt, what are you doing tonight? - Not much, just hanging out.
Hey, Dad.
- Hey, Dad.
- Hey.
- Has Happy been outside today? - Yeah, just in the backyard, why? - No reason.
Just wondering.
- Man, my eyes are killing me.
Hey, give me one of those.
Hey, ah-ah-ah! No more snacking.
You're gonna spoil your dinner.
Hey, Dad, remember when you said Wilson could stop by after dinner tonight? I was hoping you and Mom could find something else to do upstairs, since it's kind of like a date.
While we're on the subject, Mom said it's okay with her if it's okay with you if my new friend Rod came over for dinner.
- Dad? - Dad? Hm? Oh.
You know what, girls, tonight's not such a good night for company.
- But I cleared this on Wednesday.
- Mom? Honey, it's, you know, just for a couple of hours.
Oh, uh, can? Can we talk for a minute upstairs? Sure.
Don't worry.
Something's up.
Yeah, did you see Dad spacing out back there? - You guys are paranoid.
- Maybe, but he was staring at you.
He might have been staring at me, but he ruined your big plans.
If something's up, it's about you two.
I know you must be exhausted, but I don't think we should keep the girls from having their friends over.
I'd rather have them here than someplace else.
- Is that what I think it is? - Marijuana.
Happy dropped it right by my feet when I came home.
And unless the dog's running a side business, I got a feeling a certain teenager brought this into our house.
- Are you sure it's pot? - Yeah.
Oh, that's what it is, all right.
Oh - You think? - I got a pretty good idea.
Six foot, white male, last spotted in the kitchen inhaling cookies.
Wait a minute, Eric, that is not proof that he is using drugs.
Who else could it be? Well, I I don't know.
I mean, have you seen Mary and her bloodshot eyes? So she's allergic to something.
Lucy's incense, but it could just as easily be either of them.
You know, Mary stopped hanging out with the girls on her team.
She keeps to herself.
And Lucy, all of a sudden, she's dressing like a bad poet, throwing around words like "per se.
" It's not Mary and I know it's not Lucy.
Do you? - What about Simon? - Simon? He's in his first year of junior high.
It's a new school with older kids, who knows? I don't suppose you got something on Ruthie? Forget it.
She can't even dress herself.
It's just that I know it's Matt.
And if it isn't, and you accuse him of something this serious without any proof, who knows what's gonna happen? Well, okay.
How do you think this got into the house? I don't know, but neither do you.
And frankly, I don't think your relationship with Matt can withstand any false accusations.
That joint may not even belong to any of our kids.
One of their friends could have brought it in.
Who's this new guy Lucy's talking about? Never met him.
I think he gave her the incense.
You don't suppose it could be Wilson? I don't know, but then I didn't even suspect that he was a teenaged father.
- Has Matt had any friends over? - Not lately.
- How are we gonna find out? - You talk to families with drug problems every day, you know.
What do you tell them? I suppose we could try casually talking to each of the kids about drugs.
Maybe the guilty party will feel pressured and come forward.
- Good idea.
- Yeah.
Come to think of it, we should let the girls have guests.
I wanna talk to Wilson.
And I'd like to check out this new guy Lucy's talking about.
- Rod.
- Rod.
- Now, what's Matt up to tonight? - He said he was just gonna hang out.
Good, good.
I'm gonna get to the bottom of this.
You hang on to the evidence, okay? All right.
You can't wear your bathing suit to dinner.
Why not? Mom says I can dress myself any way I want to.
Besides, it's either this or my pyjamas.
Unless I pull something out of the hamper again.
No, no, no, I think we've smelled about enough of that trick for a while.
Just wear the swimsuit until we wash this stuff.
Now, the first think you have to learn about doing the wash is you have to separate your colours.
I separate my colours.
- These colours? - What? My crayons? This is hopeless.
Girls, I just wanted to tell you your mom and I talked it over and we decided it's fine if you still wanna have a guest over tonight.
- Really? Really.
And I apologise for being a little short before in the kitchen.
- It's just it's been a tough week.
Well, that's great.
I mean, not about your week.
It's okay.
I know what you mean.
- Thanks, Dad.
- Thanks a lot.
Don't mention it.
I always enjoy talking to Wilson and I'm looking forward to meeting this - Rod.
- Right.
You'll like him.
He's not like other guys.
That's a good thing? Dad, when you say you enjoy talking to Wilson, I was just wondering, how long do you plan on talking to him? Until the conversation gets interesting.
- He's up to something.
- I don't care.
I got a date.
Listen, you and Rod try to stay clear of me and Wilson tonight.
Oh, really? I thought we'd just sit there and stare at the two of you.
Oh, I gotta find something to wear.
Oh, tired of black already? No, I just need something to enhance it.
Something womanly.
Like one of Mom's scarves.
You might wanna ask her first.
She won't care.
What are you doing? Mom doesn't let us go through her stuff.
That's when we were kids.
You're on your own.
- Oh, my God.
- What? Is that what I think it is? What else could it be? Mom and Dad are smoking pot.
Oh, man.
This doesn't make any sense.
Tell me about it.
I can't believe our parents smoke pot.
We don't know that for sure.
They're the last people on earth anyone would suspect.
You know, it might just be Mom.
After all, it was in her dresser.
And if only one of them were smoking, it would have to be her.
Yeah, I can see it.
It must be tough playing a minister's wife all the time.
And don't forget, she did grow up in the '60s.
No wonder Mom always seems so happy.
I mean, think about it, that's probably why she's always in the kitchen baking something.
I don't know, I guess.
But I don't want this in my possession any longer than it has to be, so I'm putting it back where I found it.
That's a good idea.
Mom might miss it.
This is Mitch.
You know what to do at the beep.
Hey, it's Matt.
Where are you guys? Listen, I I changed my mind.
I think I wanna go out tonight.
Give me a call.
Hey, how are things at the fluff and fold? Oh, okay.
I'm just waiting for Ruthie to come back down.
She's separating her clothes.
So you've been in junior high for what, six weeks now? - How's it going? - Well, it's called middle school, Dad.
You know, what can I say? It's the middle.
I'm halfway.
Yeah, but I mean, compared to elementary school, it must seem - bigger, scarier? - No, nah.
I heard this is the year that you learn about drug abuse in health class.
- That's major-league stuff.
- Well, not really.
- It all seems pretty stupid actually.
- Stupid? Well, it's just all these videos of junkies laying in alleys, needles sticking out of their arms.
You know, drooling all over themselves.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how dumb drugs are.
Yeah, it's hard to fathom how anybody could do that to themselves.
But, you know, maybe those junkies started out just smoking a joint someone handed them at a party or on the school bus or in the school cafeteria.
Yeah, maybe.
I just don't understand why anyone would start using any kind of drug in the first place.
Me neither.
Well, when you figure it out, Dad, let me know.
Hello? Uh, yes, just a minute, please.
Who's calling? It's for you.
It's Mitch.
Hey, Mitch, what's up? Yeah, swing by and pick me up.
What time? Okay, thanks.
- That was Mitch.
- Yeah, I know.
- We're gonna hang out tonight.
- Where you going? The pool hall or Mitch's girlfriend's house.
I thought you were just going to hang around the house tonight.
Yeah, well, you know, I was, but, you know, Mitch and the guys have been trying to get me out so I won't be sitting around thinking about Heather.
- That's very thoughtful of them.
- Yeah.
How do I look? Hm? Oh.
Well, it's very - Twiggy.
- Who? No, no one.
Uh, it's - an interesting look.
- Interesting? I just don't know if you're old enough for it, Luce.
Relax, Dad, there's no warning label on eye shadow.
It's safe for all ages.
Exactly what grade is this Rod in? - Same year as I'm in.
- And how old? Same age as me.
What do you know about his parents? - Does he have both parents around? - I guess.
- They go to church? - I didn't ask.
- What kind of work do they do? - I don't know.
Are you in a bad mood? No, I'm not in a bad mood.
Should I be? Well, is everything okay with you and Mom? - What? - I was just asking, that's all.
- Hey, Mary, feeling better? - Huh? - Your allergies? - Oh, yeah, much better, thanks.
I flushed the incense down the toilet.
Great, great.
Uh Do either of you guys happen to know what happened to all the matches that were on the mantelpiece? I know I had a whole box of blue tip matches here someplace.
A little warm for a fire tonight, isn't it? I wasn't looking for them for any particular reason, I just wanted to know what happened to them.
I don't know, Dad.
Maybe you should ask Mom.
What do you mean? Nothing, it's just that Mom usually knows where everything is in the house.
Is there something that you two are trying to tell me? Anything you wanna tell us? Well, yes, as a matter of fact, there is something.
Come here, sit down.
I can't help but notice how fast the two of you are growing up, and, well, I just want you both to know that you can come to me or your mother with anything.
The fact that I happen to be a minister doesn't mean I don't know how scary it can be out there.
In fact, I may know more than you think.
For instance, I know that kids can make mistakes sometimes.
Even my own.
So that being said is there anything you two might wanna talk about? - Don't be shy.
- Well, there is one thing.
The airwaves are open.
You know how you're always checking on Wilson and me, like, every five minutes? Uh Yeah? Well, could you please not do that so much? - That's it? Yeah.
And I was kind of hoping the same thing.
We know you mean well and everything.
It's just we would appreciate a little more Trust.
I see.
Anything else? Yeah.
You might wanna spend a little bit more time with Mom.
Yeah, it's just that being a mom and a wife and everything is probably a lot harder than people think.
Just make sure you always pull all your money out of the pockets.
You can make a killing checking Dad's pants.
- What does this say? - Don't worry about it.
Mom put a mark here for us.
All you have to do is turn the dial to this point and then pull.
But not yet, we have to put in the soap.
How do you know how much soap to use? Just let the water run a little and then just add a cup.
Want me to go get a cup? No need.
Let me show you a little trick of the trade.
Just make sure it's one of Mom's bras.
Otherwise, you won't have enough soap to clean the clothes.
Got it.
And never, never, never open the washing machine when it's running.
It could break your arm off.
Repeat, please.
Never, never, never open the washing machine when it's running.
I got it.
Hi, Rod.
Hey, babe.
- W W Welcome, Rod.
- I'm the father.
Yeah, and this is my mom and the rest of them.
Wanna show me your bike? - A bike? - It It's a moped.
- Can I check it out too? - Sure thing, little man.
Hey, you insured? Hey, nobody gets on that bike.
I remind you that he's a guest in our house.
Somebody should remind him of that.
Do you know this kid, Lucy's friend, Rod? Not really.
He's wearing a Rastafarian T-shirt and he's got a moustache.
Yeah, I saw him.
Looks like he's trying pretty hard to be cool.
I see.
Now, would Rastafarians be cool because of their music, their religion or just because they smoke pot? You don't need to worry about some furry-lipped suburban kid on a moped being a true Rastafarian.
No, me neither, but I do need to worry if my daughter's seeing some guy who's doing drugs.
Got any ideas how I could tell, you know, if this guy is smoking pot? I have no idea.
For some strange reason, I thought you might.
Matt, I need to talk to your father for a moment.
I know it's him.
Okay, look, before this goes any farther, there's something I need to tell you.
I knew someday he'd do something stupid.
I just was hoping it wouldn't be anything this stupid.
The thing is, the summer before I went off to college, I I did a little experimenting myself.
I'm sorry, what? I'm trying to tell you before you come down on the kids.
I want you to know that I've smoked pot.
Hey, great meatloaf.
- Can we save a plate for Wilson? - Yes.
Top notch, really.
Sorry, I didn't know Rod was a vegetarian.
Wouldn't want him to get meat on his moustache.
It was a culinary delight, Mom.
"Culinary" is one of my spelling words.
Thanks, the salad was awesome.
If you eat in your bathing suit and you spill something, you can just wipe it off.
All right, do you wanna talk about this? I just I can't I can't believe it.
I How could you drop a bomb on me like that and then serve eight people and a dog a meatloaf like nothing happened? Eric, it was a long time ago.
I was a kid.
The longer you and I were together, the more I I didn't wanna bring it up.
- I really wish you had.
- I do too, but I didn't.
Were you never tempted to do it? Frankly, I never got the appeal.
Why are you telling me now? Because that joint changed everything.
Up until today, I didn't think I would ever have to tell you, but then it began to feel very dishonest.
Well, I guess I should be glad you finally told me, but But what? Right now I think we should stay focused on the problem at hand, namely Matt.
- If that's what you wanna do.
- That's what I wanna do.
He's going out with his friends.
That kid is mistaken if he thinks he's going out tonight.
You may be forgetting one thing.
That kid isn't a kid anymore.
He's 17.
We can't make decisions for him any more than my parents could for me.
Oh, I think we can.
And the first decision we're gonna make for him is he's not going anywhere tonight.
This is Mitch.
You know what to do at the beep.
It's Matt, where the hell are you guys? I mean, if you're not coming, call me, I've gotta get out of here.
Hey, what happened to all my white stuff? Didn't I tell you you have to separate your colours? Cool.
Somehow I don't think Mom's gonna say the same thing.
But now all my clothes look brand-new.
Before they were just white and now they're pink.
Whatever happened to Jimmy Moon? - Jimmy Moon was a boy I could trust.
- You never trusted Jimmy Moon.
I trust him a whole lot more than I trust this Rod character.
Oh, man, that Rod kid's got guts.
What could she possibly see in him? Hey, I take it you don't think much of Lucy's date, huh? I'm sorry, I really haven't given the guy much of a chance.
I apologise.
Actually, I was wondering if either of you think there's a possibility that this Rod guy may be using drugs? I have no idea.
I can only speak for myself.
I'm clean as a whistle.
Tell me, Wilson, what would your father do if he thought you were using drugs? Hypothetically speaking, of course.
Oh, that's easy.
He'd drug test me.
He does drug test me every once in a while.
I can't believe he doesn't trust you.
When I became a father at the age of 16, I kind of blew the doors off the trust thing.
Yeah, but still.
Some mistakes are like jumping out of a plane.
Once you do it, you can never take it back.
It stays with you forever.
- Where you going? - I'm going out to play with Matt.
Uh, actually, Simon, I I wanna talk to Matt.
Dad, do you think I could get a moped when I turn 14? - Not now, Simon.
- Excuse us.
I could start saving now.
I just need an answer.
Okay, my answer is you're not getting a moped as long as I'm alive.
Drug testing? I don't need you giving my dad any ideas.
Hey, he asked me.
Your father obviously has some reservations about me and I'll do whatever it takes to allow him to trust me with his daughter.
I can't believe you've been here 10 minutes and already stirred up this much trouble.
What trouble? I just answered a simple question.
With my dad, there are no simple questions.
I thought you knew that by now.
Matt, we need to talk.
Yeah, sure, Mom.
Please stop that.
Thank you.
There's something that you should know.
Something that until today, I hadn't even told your father.
When I was just a little older than you are now, my friend Rachel and I, we did a lot of stupid things.
You know, it was a pretty crazy time back then.
The country was changing and it seemed like everyone I knew was experimenting.
And drugs were a big part of that.
The generations never seemed so far apart.
Until now, that is.
Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that, a long time ago I smoked pot.
My friend Rachel's boyfriend would come over to her house and we would all smoke in the TV room downstairs that they had set up.
Thinking that we were trustworthy enough to have a little privacy.
One night, her Her boyfriend left her house stoned and got in his car to go home.
One stoplight before he got there, he got in a terrible accident.
He He went through the windshield and he was killed instantly.
We were still stoned when we got the phone call.
And when we got to the scene, we were half out of our minds.
And there he was, this This boy we had just been with, dead on the pavement.
That night was the last time I ever smoked.
And to this day, I still feel some responsibility for that young man.
I'm telling you this because if you're using drugs, I want you to stop.
If anything like that ever happened to you, I could never forgive myself.
A mother never wants to get a phone call like that.
I know you're young and that you want to test the waters, but sometimes it's just not worth it.
Matt, there comes a time when we all have to own up to our own mistakes.
Your dad and I always tried to avoid accusing our children.
We'd much prefer that you take responsibility for your own actions.
It's funny.
Sounds like I'm already guilty.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- What? - What? So, um, Rod, right? - So how old are you, anyway? - Fourteen.
Really? How long did it take you to grow the moustache? Fourteen years.
- Nice shirt.
- I made it.
- Oh, so you sew? - He paints.
Rod's an artist.
- Nice Nice scooter.
- Moped.
Yeah, right.
- So, what did you have before that? - Feet.
So, Wilson, what's your story? I'm widowed and I have a 2-year-old son.
Whoa, guess I'm looking better.
Better than what? You know what, Lucy, it's about time for Rod to be going home.
Sure, whatever.
But, Dad, how come Rod has to go and Wilson gets to stay? Maybe you should go home too, Wilson.
Yeah, yeah, that's fine.
You know, Rod, I was wondering about your shirt.
Yeah, it's pretty cool, huh? Is it more about your love of music or smoking pot? I would never smoke pot.
I hear it lowers your sperm count.
Goodbye, son.
You know, it's getting kind of dark out there.
I'll ask him if he wants to put his moped in my car.
Good, then let him walk home.
Or give him a ride.
Yeah, do that.
Look, clean clothes.
Mom says most college kids can't even do their laundry like me.
Wow, that's great, Ruthie.
Why don't you take it upstairs, Simon will be up in a minute and help you put it away.
- Where am I going? - Family meeting, living room.
All right, I'll get straight to the point.
I found marijuana in the house.
I never thought of myself as the type of father who'd have to drug test his kids, I'm willing to just do that if that's what it takes to find out who brought a joint into this house.
Dad, Lucy found something too.
Dad, I found a joint in Mom's dresser drawer.
I was just looking for a scarf because I needed something to go with my outfit.
I didn't think you'd mind.
But then I stumbled on the joint.
Mary and I didn't know what to think.
I mean, it's none of our business if you and Dad want to Don't finish that sentence.
I assume you're referring to this? This joint? The same joint I found by the front door.
The same joint your mother then put into her dresser drawer.
What a relief.
I mean, it's not like we thought that Mom was a stoner or anything.
Wait a minute, then whose joint is it? It's mine.
- You've gotta be kidding.
- Look, Simon - Man, I can't believe you.
- Simon, wait.
Girls, get going up to your rooms.
We need to talk to Matt.
- What are you trying to pull? - Eric, calm down.
I've been about as calm as I can be.
Now it's time for some answers.
It's not enough that you smoke dope, you have to bring it here.
- What if one of the kids found it? - I didn't think that That's exactly right, you didn't think.
Because if you thought about anyone but yourself for a second, it might have occurred to you that the look you saw on Simon's face is the look of a kid who's lost all respect for his brother.
- Eric - Is this why you've never held down a job? Here's something that doesn't take a lot of skill.
Just a lighter and a lack of self-respect.
- That's not why - I'm not finished! Just let me know one thing.
Please tell me.
It'll help me sleep better.
Tell me that you wanted to get caught, because you couldn't think that we'd be so stupid that we wouldn't find out, or better yet, please explain to us how anyone could be so stupid as to do drugs in the first place? I don't know, why don't you ask Mom? Maybe she can explain it to you.
Don't you dare bring your mother into this.
Apologise, right now! You're not going anywhere.
I'm not staying here.
Don't you dare walk out that door! Damn it.
I don't understand why you told Matt about your past.
- What were you thinking? - I thought it might be useful.
And I thought you understood that I was going to tell him.
I was never under that impression.
We don't have to share everything with our kids.
We don't tell them about our sexual history.
Why would we start sharing everything about our past now? I'm sorry.
I thought Matt might not feel so far away from us right now if he knew.
I had no idea that he'd throw it back in my face.
Well, that's another issue altogether.
He had no right to do that.
Oh, I didn't think it would work out this way.
I'm just so disappointed.
- Simon? - What? Why are you so mad? And why is Daddy shouting? Because our older brother is a big jerk and a major loser.
I don't understand.
I love Matt and he loves me.
I'll explain it to you when you get a little older.
Just go to sleep.
Stop the car.
What's your problem? I don't have a problem.
I just wanna get out.
It's dangerous out there, man.
You better stay in the car with us.
So where you going, preacher boy? Let him go.
Buzz kill.
Woo-hoo! I always thought that since we talked to our kids over and over again about drugs, that it just couldn't happen.
I thought the same thing.
Back then it It didn't seem like a big deal, but 20 years, five kids and a husband later, it's a big deal.
You mean a minister husband.
No, I mean a man whom I admire and respect and never wanna disappoint.
I'm sorry that I have this particular truth in my past.
But I do.
It's hard to imagine when you're that young that That those choices can come back to haunt you.
I apologise for reacting the way I did.
Thank you.
I'm glad I finally told you.
What are we gonna do? How are Matt and I ever going to trust each other again? I don't know.
I gotta get out of here.
I feel like going for a ride.
Let me go with you.
I'll have Mary watch the kids.
I can't believe it.
You can always tell the stoner crowd at school and Matt doesn't hang out with those guys.
At least I didn't think he did.
Do you think he's doing any other drugs? I don't know.
I hope not.
Your, uh, father and I are going out for a few minutes, so keep an eye on Simon and Ruthie.
We will.
Mary, have you ever smoked pot? No.
What, have you? Of course not.
I don't think things will ever be the same between Dad and Matt.
Or even Mom and Matt.
Yeah, I mean, I don't see how they could be.
You know, it's just like Wilson says, it's one of those mistakes you can't take back.
I just felt like coming in.
Do you mind? I don't mind at all.
I don't know what I was gonna do with it, but I swear I never even smoked pot.
I never touched the stuff, I just took it.
Not that that matters now.
I know I shouldn't have brought it home.
If I could just go back, I would, but I can't.
I'm just I'm so sorry.
It was so stupid.
I don't know how they're gonna trust me if they won't even listen to me.
Matt? What are you doing here? Trying to figure out a way to get our son back.
Come home, Matt.
I'm sorry, Mom.
I'm really sorry.
It's okay, baby.
We'll talk, okay? And this time, I'll listen.
You're gonna be all right.
This family's gonna be all right.
- So, what's on your party plate? - Nothing.
Me and couple of guys are heading over to Johnny D's house.
You know, kick back, mellow out.
- Care to join us? - No, I can't.
Come on, man, Johnny's folks are out of town.
- Thanks, man, but I gotta get home.
- Come on, preacher boy, it's Friday.
What else you got going on? A hot date? Oh, man, sorry, I forgot about Heather.
Those long-distance things bite.
Look, you change your mind, give me a call, okay? - Yeah, yeah, maybe some other time.
- All right.
In the meantime, how about a little something to tide you over for the weekend? Here's a joint.
Guaranteed to knock you on your butt.
Hey, Happy.
Hey, girl.
You have a good day? Of course you did.
It's not like Ruthie and I don't appreciate it.
It's just being picked up from school by your mom isn't that cool anymore.
- What about your big brother? - Way cooler.
Good answer.
Anyway, as I was saying, next time you have one of those parent-teacher conference things, we'd just as soon wait for Matt, no offence.
- So, how'd the meeting go, Mom? Ruthie's busted.
I can't wear this shirt anymore.
Well, Ruthie's teacher was a little concerned because she had on the same shirt three days in a row.
She thought there might be something wrong at home.
But I informed her that Ruthie's a big girl now and that she's been dressing herself.
- I told her the rule.
And the rule is? If you're old enough to pick out your own clothes, you're old enough to do your own laundry.
Only you're not catching on to the second part of the equation.
The laundry part.
Let me guess.
This is your favourite shirt.
But still, I don't see why she'd wear it three days in a row.
Ruthie's just expressing her independence, Simon.
More like expressing her smell.
Do you want people to think that she was raised in a barn? That's not funny.
She's not only wearing it during the day, she's wearing it at night too.
I wear the next day's outfit to bed, so when I wake up, I'm already dressed to go.
I think Ruthie would be a lot hipper if she had more clean clothes to choose from.
So maybe you could start showing her the laundry ropes.
Yeah, because the only clean thing I have to wear to dinner is my pyjamas.
Fine, come on.
Hey, Simon.
Hey, Ruthie.
- I wanna braid my hair like that.
- It's just a stage.
She'll grow out of it.
- Hi, girls.
Hey, Mom.
Do we have eye drops? My allergies are really bothering me.
It's not pollen season.
I know, it's incense season.
- I told you to stop burning that stuff.
- I'm not burning it.
Yeah, she's just stuck it all over the room.
Oh, by the way, Wilson's gonna come by later after he puts Billy to bed, if that's okay.
Just make sure that he goes home at a reasonable hour, because your father's had a long week.
Mom, since I'm not allowed to date yet, I was wondering if it would be okay if I would invite Rod over for dinner instead of a date per se.
How old is this Rod? And how exactly do you plan to go out per se? - Does he drive? Relax, Mom, he's 14.
And he drives a moped.
What? He's a very mature guy.
And I emphasise the word "guy.
" He's very manly.
I think we better run this one by your father.
So, what is it that makes this guy so manly? You'll see.
All the girls talk about him.
I'm just wondering if maybe this guy is the reason that you're dressing so differently.
- Maybe.
- I knew it had to be a guy.
Hey, Happy.
- Matt, what are you doing tonight? - Not much, just hanging out.
Hey, Dad.
- Hey, Dad.
- Hey.
- Has Happy been outside today? - Yeah, just in the backyard, why? - No reason.
Just wondering.
- Man, my eyes are killing me.
Hey, give me one of those.
Hey, ah-ah-ah! No more snacking.
You're gonna spoil your dinner.
Hey, Dad, remember when you said Wilson could stop by after dinner tonight? I was hoping you and Mom could find something else to do upstairs, since it's kind of like a date.
While we're on the subject, Mom said it's okay with her if it's okay with you if my new friend Rod came over for dinner.
- Dad? - Dad? Hm? Oh.
You know what, girls, tonight's not such a good night for company.
- But I cleared this on Wednesday.
- Mom? Honey, it's, you know, just for a couple of hours.
Oh, uh, can? Can we talk for a minute upstairs? Sure.
Don't worry.
Something's up.
Yeah, did you see Dad spacing out back there? - You guys are paranoid.
- Maybe, but he was staring at you.
He might have been staring at me, but he ruined your big plans.
If something's up, it's about you two.
I know you must be exhausted, but I don't think we should keep the girls from having their friends over.
I'd rather have them here than someplace else.
- Is that what I think it is? - Marijuana.
Happy dropped it right by my feet when I came home.
And unless the dog's running a side business, I got a feeling a certain teenager brought this into our house.
- Are you sure it's pot? - Yeah.
Oh, that's what it is, all right.
Oh - You think? - I got a pretty good idea.
Six foot, white male, last spotted in the kitchen inhaling cookies.
Wait a minute, Eric, that is not proof that he is using drugs.
Who else could it be? Well, I I don't know.
I mean, have you seen Mary and her bloodshot eyes? So she's allergic to something.
Lucy's incense, but it could just as easily be either of them.
You know, Mary stopped hanging out with the girls on her team.
She keeps to herself.
And Lucy, all of a sudden, she's dressing like a bad poet, throwing around words like "per se.
" It's not Mary and I know it's not Lucy.
Do you? - What about Simon? - Simon? He's in his first year of junior high.
It's a new school with older kids, who knows? I don't suppose you got something on Ruthie? Forget it.
She can't even dress herself.
It's just that I know it's Matt.
And if it isn't, and you accuse him of something this serious without any proof, who knows what's gonna happen? Well, okay.
How do you think this got into the house? I don't know, but neither do you.
And frankly, I don't think your relationship with Matt can withstand any false accusations.
That joint may not even belong to any of our kids.
One of their friends could have brought it in.
Who's this new guy Lucy's talking about? Never met him.
I think he gave her the incense.
You don't suppose it could be Wilson? I don't know, but then I didn't even suspect that he was a teenaged father.
- Has Matt had any friends over? - Not lately.
- How are we gonna find out? - You talk to families with drug problems every day, you know.
What do you tell them? I suppose we could try casually talking to each of the kids about drugs.
Maybe the guilty party will feel pressured and come forward.
- Good idea.
- Yeah.
Come to think of it, we should let the girls have guests.
I wanna talk to Wilson.
And I'd like to check out this new guy Lucy's talking about.
- Rod.
- Rod.
- Now, what's Matt up to tonight? - He said he was just gonna hang out.
Good, good.
I'm gonna get to the bottom of this.
You hang on to the evidence, okay? All right.
You can't wear your bathing suit to dinner.
Why not? Mom says I can dress myself any way I want to.
Besides, it's either this or my pyjamas.
Unless I pull something out of the hamper again.
No, no, no, I think we've smelled about enough of that trick for a while.
Just wear the swimsuit until we wash this stuff.
Now, the first think you have to learn about doing the wash is you have to separate your colours.
I separate my colours.
- These colours? - What? My crayons? This is hopeless.
Girls, I just wanted to tell you your mom and I talked it over and we decided it's fine if you still wanna have a guest over tonight.
- Really? Really.
And I apologise for being a little short before in the kitchen.
- It's just it's been a tough week.
Well, that's great.
I mean, not about your week.
It's okay.
I know what you mean.
- Thanks, Dad.
- Thanks a lot.
Don't mention it.
I always enjoy talking to Wilson and I'm looking forward to meeting this - Rod.
- Right.
You'll like him.
He's not like other guys.
That's a good thing? Dad, when you say you enjoy talking to Wilson, I was just wondering, how long do you plan on talking to him? Until the conversation gets interesting.
- He's up to something.
- I don't care.
I got a date.
Listen, you and Rod try to stay clear of me and Wilson tonight.
Oh, really? I thought we'd just sit there and stare at the two of you.
Oh, I gotta find something to wear.
Oh, tired of black already? No, I just need something to enhance it.
Something womanly.
Like one of Mom's scarves.
You might wanna ask her first.
She won't care.
What are you doing? Mom doesn't let us go through her stuff.
That's when we were kids.
You're on your own.
- Oh, my God.
- What? Is that what I think it is? What else could it be? Mom and Dad are smoking pot.
Oh, man.
This doesn't make any sense.
Tell me about it.
I can't believe our parents smoke pot.
We don't know that for sure.
They're the last people on earth anyone would suspect.
You know, it might just be Mom.
After all, it was in her dresser.
And if only one of them were smoking, it would have to be her.
Yeah, I can see it.
It must be tough playing a minister's wife all the time.
And don't forget, she did grow up in the '60s.
No wonder Mom always seems so happy.
I mean, think about it, that's probably why she's always in the kitchen baking something.
I don't know, I guess.
But I don't want this in my possession any longer than it has to be, so I'm putting it back where I found it.
That's a good idea.
Mom might miss it.
This is Mitch.
You know what to do at the beep.
Hey, it's Matt.
Where are you guys? Listen, I I changed my mind.
I think I wanna go out tonight.
Give me a call.
Hey, how are things at the fluff and fold? Oh, okay.
I'm just waiting for Ruthie to come back down.
She's separating her clothes.
So you've been in junior high for what, six weeks now? - How's it going? - Well, it's called middle school, Dad.
You know, what can I say? It's the middle.
I'm halfway.
Yeah, but I mean, compared to elementary school, it must seem - bigger, scarier? - No, nah.
I heard this is the year that you learn about drug abuse in health class.
- That's major-league stuff.
- Well, not really.
- It all seems pretty stupid actually.
- Stupid? Well, it's just all these videos of junkies laying in alleys, needles sticking out of their arms.
You know, drooling all over themselves.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how dumb drugs are.
Yeah, it's hard to fathom how anybody could do that to themselves.
But, you know, maybe those junkies started out just smoking a joint someone handed them at a party or on the school bus or in the school cafeteria.
Yeah, maybe.
I just don't understand why anyone would start using any kind of drug in the first place.
Me neither.
Well, when you figure it out, Dad, let me know.
Hello? Uh, yes, just a minute, please.
Who's calling? It's for you.
It's Mitch.
Hey, Mitch, what's up? Yeah, swing by and pick me up.
What time? Okay, thanks.
- That was Mitch.
- Yeah, I know.
- We're gonna hang out tonight.
- Where you going? The pool hall or Mitch's girlfriend's house.
I thought you were just going to hang around the house tonight.
Yeah, well, you know, I was, but, you know, Mitch and the guys have been trying to get me out so I won't be sitting around thinking about Heather.
- That's very thoughtful of them.
- Yeah.
How do I look? Hm? Oh.
Well, it's very - Twiggy.
- Who? No, no one.
Uh, it's - an interesting look.
- Interesting? I just don't know if you're old enough for it, Luce.
Relax, Dad, there's no warning label on eye shadow.
It's safe for all ages.
Exactly what grade is this Rod in? - Same year as I'm in.
- And how old? Same age as me.
What do you know about his parents? - Does he have both parents around? - I guess.
- They go to church? - I didn't ask.
- What kind of work do they do? - I don't know.
Are you in a bad mood? No, I'm not in a bad mood.
Should I be? Well, is everything okay with you and Mom? - What? - I was just asking, that's all.
- Hey, Mary, feeling better? - Huh? - Your allergies? - Oh, yeah, much better, thanks.
I flushed the incense down the toilet.
Great, great.
Uh Do either of you guys happen to know what happened to all the matches that were on the mantelpiece? I know I had a whole box of blue tip matches here someplace.
A little warm for a fire tonight, isn't it? I wasn't looking for them for any particular reason, I just wanted to know what happened to them.
I don't know, Dad.
Maybe you should ask Mom.
What do you mean? Nothing, it's just that Mom usually knows where everything is in the house.
Is there something that you two are trying to tell me? Anything you wanna tell us? Well, yes, as a matter of fact, there is something.
Come here, sit down.
I can't help but notice how fast the two of you are growing up, and, well, I just want you both to know that you can come to me or your mother with anything.
The fact that I happen to be a minister doesn't mean I don't know how scary it can be out there.
In fact, I may know more than you think.
For instance, I know that kids can make mistakes sometimes.
Even my own.
So that being said is there anything you two might wanna talk about? - Don't be shy.
- Well, there is one thing.
The airwaves are open.
You know how you're always checking on Wilson and me, like, every five minutes? Uh Yeah? Well, could you please not do that so much? - That's it? Yeah.
And I was kind of hoping the same thing.
We know you mean well and everything.
It's just we would appreciate a little more Trust.
I see.
Anything else? Yeah.
You might wanna spend a little bit more time with Mom.
Yeah, it's just that being a mom and a wife and everything is probably a lot harder than people think.
Just make sure you always pull all your money out of the pockets.
You can make a killing checking Dad's pants.
- What does this say? - Don't worry about it.
Mom put a mark here for us.
All you have to do is turn the dial to this point and then pull.
But not yet, we have to put in the soap.
How do you know how much soap to use? Just let the water run a little and then just add a cup.
Want me to go get a cup? No need.
Let me show you a little trick of the trade.
Just make sure it's one of Mom's bras.
Otherwise, you won't have enough soap to clean the clothes.
Got it.
And never, never, never open the washing machine when it's running.
It could break your arm off.
Repeat, please.
Never, never, never open the washing machine when it's running.
I got it.
Hi, Rod.
Hey, babe.
- W W Welcome, Rod.
- I'm the father.
Yeah, and this is my mom and the rest of them.
Wanna show me your bike? - A bike? - It It's a moped.
- Can I check it out too? - Sure thing, little man.
Hey, you insured? Hey, nobody gets on that bike.
I remind you that he's a guest in our house.
Somebody should remind him of that.
Do you know this kid, Lucy's friend, Rod? Not really.
He's wearing a Rastafarian T-shirt and he's got a moustache.
Yeah, I saw him.
Looks like he's trying pretty hard to be cool.
I see.
Now, would Rastafarians be cool because of their music, their religion or just because they smoke pot? You don't need to worry about some furry-lipped suburban kid on a moped being a true Rastafarian.
No, me neither, but I do need to worry if my daughter's seeing some guy who's doing drugs.
Got any ideas how I could tell, you know, if this guy is smoking pot? I have no idea.
For some strange reason, I thought you might.
Matt, I need to talk to your father for a moment.
I know it's him.
Okay, look, before this goes any farther, there's something I need to tell you.
I knew someday he'd do something stupid.
I just was hoping it wouldn't be anything this stupid.
The thing is, the summer before I went off to college, I I did a little experimenting myself.
I'm sorry, what? I'm trying to tell you before you come down on the kids.
I want you to know that I've smoked pot.
Hey, great meatloaf.
- Can we save a plate for Wilson? - Yes.
Top notch, really.
Sorry, I didn't know Rod was a vegetarian.
Wouldn't want him to get meat on his moustache.
It was a culinary delight, Mom.
"Culinary" is one of my spelling words.
Thanks, the salad was awesome.
If you eat in your bathing suit and you spill something, you can just wipe it off.
All right, do you wanna talk about this? I just I can't I can't believe it.
I How could you drop a bomb on me like that and then serve eight people and a dog a meatloaf like nothing happened? Eric, it was a long time ago.
I was a kid.
The longer you and I were together, the more I I didn't wanna bring it up.
- I really wish you had.
- I do too, but I didn't.
Were you never tempted to do it? Frankly, I never got the appeal.
Why are you telling me now? Because that joint changed everything.
Up until today, I didn't think I would ever have to tell you, but then it began to feel very dishonest.
Well, I guess I should be glad you finally told me, but But what? Right now I think we should stay focused on the problem at hand, namely Matt.
- If that's what you wanna do.
- That's what I wanna do.
He's going out with his friends.
That kid is mistaken if he thinks he's going out tonight.
You may be forgetting one thing.
That kid isn't a kid anymore.
He's 17.
We can't make decisions for him any more than my parents could for me.
Oh, I think we can.
And the first decision we're gonna make for him is he's not going anywhere tonight.
This is Mitch.
You know what to do at the beep.
It's Matt, where the hell are you guys? I mean, if you're not coming, call me, I've gotta get out of here.
Hey, what happened to all my white stuff? Didn't I tell you you have to separate your colours? Cool.
Somehow I don't think Mom's gonna say the same thing.
But now all my clothes look brand-new.
Before they were just white and now they're pink.
Whatever happened to Jimmy Moon? - Jimmy Moon was a boy I could trust.
- You never trusted Jimmy Moon.
I trust him a whole lot more than I trust this Rod character.
Oh, man, that Rod kid's got guts.
What could she possibly see in him? Hey, I take it you don't think much of Lucy's date, huh? I'm sorry, I really haven't given the guy much of a chance.
I apologise.
Actually, I was wondering if either of you think there's a possibility that this Rod guy may be using drugs? I have no idea.
I can only speak for myself.
I'm clean as a whistle.
Tell me, Wilson, what would your father do if he thought you were using drugs? Hypothetically speaking, of course.
Oh, that's easy.
He'd drug test me.
He does drug test me every once in a while.
I can't believe he doesn't trust you.
When I became a father at the age of 16, I kind of blew the doors off the trust thing.
Yeah, but still.
Some mistakes are like jumping out of a plane.
Once you do it, you can never take it back.
It stays with you forever.
- Where you going? - I'm going out to play with Matt.
Uh, actually, Simon, I I wanna talk to Matt.
Dad, do you think I could get a moped when I turn 14? - Not now, Simon.
- Excuse us.
I could start saving now.
I just need an answer.
Okay, my answer is you're not getting a moped as long as I'm alive.
Drug testing? I don't need you giving my dad any ideas.
Hey, he asked me.
Your father obviously has some reservations about me and I'll do whatever it takes to allow him to trust me with his daughter.
I can't believe you've been here 10 minutes and already stirred up this much trouble.
What trouble? I just answered a simple question.
With my dad, there are no simple questions.
I thought you knew that by now.
Matt, we need to talk.
Yeah, sure, Mom.
Please stop that.
Thank you.
There's something that you should know.
Something that until today, I hadn't even told your father.
When I was just a little older than you are now, my friend Rachel and I, we did a lot of stupid things.
You know, it was a pretty crazy time back then.
The country was changing and it seemed like everyone I knew was experimenting.
And drugs were a big part of that.
The generations never seemed so far apart.
Until now, that is.
Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that, a long time ago I smoked pot.
My friend Rachel's boyfriend would come over to her house and we would all smoke in the TV room downstairs that they had set up.
Thinking that we were trustworthy enough to have a little privacy.
One night, her Her boyfriend left her house stoned and got in his car to go home.
One stoplight before he got there, he got in a terrible accident.
He He went through the windshield and he was killed instantly.
We were still stoned when we got the phone call.
And when we got to the scene, we were half out of our minds.
And there he was, this This boy we had just been with, dead on the pavement.
That night was the last time I ever smoked.
And to this day, I still feel some responsibility for that young man.
I'm telling you this because if you're using drugs, I want you to stop.
If anything like that ever happened to you, I could never forgive myself.
A mother never wants to get a phone call like that.
I know you're young and that you want to test the waters, but sometimes it's just not worth it.
Matt, there comes a time when we all have to own up to our own mistakes.
Your dad and I always tried to avoid accusing our children.
We'd much prefer that you take responsibility for your own actions.
It's funny.
Sounds like I'm already guilty.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- What? - What? So, um, Rod, right? - So how old are you, anyway? - Fourteen.
Really? How long did it take you to grow the moustache? Fourteen years.
- Nice shirt.
- I made it.
- Oh, so you sew? - He paints.
Rod's an artist.
- Nice Nice scooter.
- Moped.
Yeah, right.
- So, what did you have before that? - Feet.
So, Wilson, what's your story? I'm widowed and I have a 2-year-old son.
Whoa, guess I'm looking better.
Better than what? You know what, Lucy, it's about time for Rod to be going home.
Sure, whatever.
But, Dad, how come Rod has to go and Wilson gets to stay? Maybe you should go home too, Wilson.
Yeah, yeah, that's fine.
You know, Rod, I was wondering about your shirt.
Yeah, it's pretty cool, huh? Is it more about your love of music or smoking pot? I would never smoke pot.
I hear it lowers your sperm count.
Goodbye, son.
You know, it's getting kind of dark out there.
I'll ask him if he wants to put his moped in my car.
Good, then let him walk home.
Or give him a ride.
Yeah, do that.
Look, clean clothes.
Mom says most college kids can't even do their laundry like me.
Wow, that's great, Ruthie.
Why don't you take it upstairs, Simon will be up in a minute and help you put it away.
- Where am I going? - Family meeting, living room.
All right, I'll get straight to the point.
I found marijuana in the house.
I never thought of myself as the type of father who'd have to drug test his kids, I'm willing to just do that if that's what it takes to find out who brought a joint into this house.
Dad, Lucy found something too.
Dad, I found a joint in Mom's dresser drawer.
I was just looking for a scarf because I needed something to go with my outfit.
I didn't think you'd mind.
But then I stumbled on the joint.
Mary and I didn't know what to think.
I mean, it's none of our business if you and Dad want to Don't finish that sentence.
I assume you're referring to this? This joint? The same joint I found by the front door.
The same joint your mother then put into her dresser drawer.
What a relief.
I mean, it's not like we thought that Mom was a stoner or anything.
Wait a minute, then whose joint is it? It's mine.
- You've gotta be kidding.
- Look, Simon - Man, I can't believe you.
- Simon, wait.
Girls, get going up to your rooms.
We need to talk to Matt.
- What are you trying to pull? - Eric, calm down.
I've been about as calm as I can be.
Now it's time for some answers.
It's not enough that you smoke dope, you have to bring it here.
- What if one of the kids found it? - I didn't think that That's exactly right, you didn't think.
Because if you thought about anyone but yourself for a second, it might have occurred to you that the look you saw on Simon's face is the look of a kid who's lost all respect for his brother.
- Eric - Is this why you've never held down a job? Here's something that doesn't take a lot of skill.
Just a lighter and a lack of self-respect.
- That's not why - I'm not finished! Just let me know one thing.
Please tell me.
It'll help me sleep better.
Tell me that you wanted to get caught, because you couldn't think that we'd be so stupid that we wouldn't find out, or better yet, please explain to us how anyone could be so stupid as to do drugs in the first place? I don't know, why don't you ask Mom? Maybe she can explain it to you.
Don't you dare bring your mother into this.
Apologise, right now! You're not going anywhere.
I'm not staying here.
Don't you dare walk out that door! Damn it.
I don't understand why you told Matt about your past.
- What were you thinking? - I thought it might be useful.
And I thought you understood that I was going to tell him.
I was never under that impression.
We don't have to share everything with our kids.
We don't tell them about our sexual history.
Why would we start sharing everything about our past now? I'm sorry.
I thought Matt might not feel so far away from us right now if he knew.
I had no idea that he'd throw it back in my face.
Well, that's another issue altogether.
He had no right to do that.
Oh, I didn't think it would work out this way.
I'm just so disappointed.
- Simon? - What? Why are you so mad? And why is Daddy shouting? Because our older brother is a big jerk and a major loser.
I don't understand.
I love Matt and he loves me.
I'll explain it to you when you get a little older.
Just go to sleep.
Stop the car.
What's your problem? I don't have a problem.
I just wanna get out.
It's dangerous out there, man.
You better stay in the car with us.
So where you going, preacher boy? Let him go.
Buzz kill.
Woo-hoo! I always thought that since we talked to our kids over and over again about drugs, that it just couldn't happen.
I thought the same thing.
Back then it It didn't seem like a big deal, but 20 years, five kids and a husband later, it's a big deal.
You mean a minister husband.
No, I mean a man whom I admire and respect and never wanna disappoint.
I'm sorry that I have this particular truth in my past.
But I do.
It's hard to imagine when you're that young that That those choices can come back to haunt you.
I apologise for reacting the way I did.
Thank you.
I'm glad I finally told you.
What are we gonna do? How are Matt and I ever going to trust each other again? I don't know.
I gotta get out of here.
I feel like going for a ride.
Let me go with you.
I'll have Mary watch the kids.
I can't believe it.
You can always tell the stoner crowd at school and Matt doesn't hang out with those guys.
At least I didn't think he did.
Do you think he's doing any other drugs? I don't know.
I hope not.
Your, uh, father and I are going out for a few minutes, so keep an eye on Simon and Ruthie.
We will.
Mary, have you ever smoked pot? No.
What, have you? Of course not.
I don't think things will ever be the same between Dad and Matt.
Or even Mom and Matt.
Yeah, I mean, I don't see how they could be.
You know, it's just like Wilson says, it's one of those mistakes you can't take back.
I just felt like coming in.
Do you mind? I don't mind at all.
I don't know what I was gonna do with it, but I swear I never even smoked pot.
I never touched the stuff, I just took it.
Not that that matters now.
I know I shouldn't have brought it home.
If I could just go back, I would, but I can't.
I'm just I'm so sorry.
It was so stupid.
I don't know how they're gonna trust me if they won't even listen to me.
Matt? What are you doing here? Trying to figure out a way to get our son back.
Come home, Matt.
I'm sorry, Mom.
I'm really sorry.
It's okay, baby.
We'll talk, okay? And this time, I'll listen.
You're gonna be all right.
This family's gonna be all right.