Allegiance (2024) s02e04 Episode Script

Daddy Issues

Previously on allegiance
Where did you get this?
You can go to prison,
you could both go to prison.
- How high does this go?
- Gabby, please tell me
who did this to my father?
Constable Sohal, once
we pull this thread,
we have to pull every thread.
Are we on the same page?
I've gone over it from
every angle, Sabrina,
there's no legal way to
bring Campbell to justice
without also incriminating
you and everyone involved.
Does Campbell know
that we know it's him?
[AJEET] All he knows
is that you found out
the sealed evidence was fake,
and that Gabinski planted it.
Thank you all for being here.
To Tabitha, the most
important thing was legacy.
I thought legacy was the work
that I'd done with Skyvex,
work that's now continued
through my daughter, Rhona,
but Tabby said what
really mattered was
How you treat people.
She'd sit with me and Chelsea,
and say, "Be kind, Linc.
That's how people will remember you."
[VOICE BREAKING] I learned so much,
and there's so much more.
I got you, Dad.
- I got you
- Where's Chelsea?
I'm here. Come on, Dad.
[RHONA] Thank you, Chelsea.
My father will need just a few moments,
but please help
yourself to refreshments.
Mr. Michaels, is there
anything I can do?
I'm just feeling so lost.
She seemed like a very special woman.
Here, let's let's get you inside.
SHOUTING] Mr. Michaels!
I need to talk to you.
I can't get you people on the phone.
You can't keep ignoring me!
- You hear me?
- This is a funeral.
Sir, let's go,
or we will call the police.
- [STEPHEN] This way, sir.
- [MAREK] Don't touch me!
[MAREK] I said let go!
[STEPHEN] I'll ask you
to show some respect.
Rhona, you forget something?
What are you doing here?
So remind me again how
Vince takes his coffee?
Two creams,
but make one a milk, he won't notice.
Uh, wife's name is Helena.
Appropriate music is, uh
Oh, God classic rock,
three tenors, and
He also loves Wu-Tang Clan.
I'm sorry, what?
Don't worry, you're gonna
nail this re-certification.
You don't seem convinced.
Oh, no, it's not you.
I'm just juggling four cases.
Hitting a dead end on two of them,
and the families keep
calling for updates.
How's it going with Zak?
He sees battle plans and strategies.
Emotions are for the after-party.
Well, he's also got an 80% close rate,
and do you
think he's available?
- For what?
- As in single.
You are so unserious right now.
Serious about what?
Wu-tang clan.
Uh, just heard back from Kara.
We're going to panorama Ridge.
Oh, what's the occasion?
Welcome to the point-zero-one percent.
[TENILLE] Suspicious
death of a billionaire.
Lincoln Michaels,
developer and real estate mogul.
He's the face of Skyvex development.
There isn't a scaffolding in Surrey
that doesn't have that logo.
Never heard of it.
[SABRINA] They market Skyvex
as the "solution to the housing crisis."
Affordable condos adjacent
to community-based projects.
He was found in his
bathtub this morning.
Time of death somewhere
between 9:00 P.M. and 2:00 A.M.
Any early indication of cause?
- Temazepam?
- Sleeping pills.
Strong ones.
So suicide?
Could also explain that.
[TENILLE] An accident is also possible.
We found beta blockers
in the medicine cabinet.
- Prescribed for arrhythmia.
- Heart attack, followed by drowning?
- [TENILLE] Maybe.
- What do you make of this?
Discolouration of the lips
could be from lack of oxygen
once he went under the water,
but we'll know more after the autopsy.
Should we entertain homicide?
Wife's funeral was here yesterday.
Lots of people on the property.
First person on the scene this morning
disarmed the security system.
It's a very small opportunity, if any,
for someone to come and go.
Uniforms also searched the house.
Okay, let's get footage
from any cameras,
and have Gillian review,
and see if anyone came in
or out since last night.
What is this?
A cleaning product?
We bagged some,
but it likely came from
renovations being done on the house.
The family's been notified?
His daughter found the body.
She's downstairs.
[RHONA] It's the last thing
that you ever want to see,
his body in the water
I mean, I tried to
I tried to pull him up
because I thought
But he was so cold.
I can't imagine.
You were the last person to see him
after your mother's funeral?
Um, it's my It's
my stepmother, but yes.
And you were here this
morning to take him to ?
A site visit, one of our new properties.
I worked with Dad at Skyvex.
I'm his COO.
And you disarmed the security system
- when you entered?
- Yes.
He put it on when I left last night.
Two losses in a such a short time,
it's a lot for a family.
[RHONA] Tabitha, she
was gone in six months.
It is awful,
but Dad
I can't seem to cry.
I keep expecting the tears to come.
They just don't.
- I should really reach out to Daniel.
- Daniel?
He's our family lawyer
and Dad's best friend.
He handles all the business and
estate matters, through me
[CHELSEA CALLING] Where is she?
He's gone?
What happened?
Last night, in the bath
You didn't have time to call us?
We found out on the news!
I found him, Chelsea.
Can you imagine, having to deal with
all the reporters and the police?
You still could have called me.
Omar said you would do
something like this
Yes, let's take a moment
away from Dad's death
to get Omar's opinion on the matter
Chelsea? My condolences.
Can I have a word with you?
I'm sorry.
Chelsea is ?
She's Tabitha's daughter.
She came in the picture ten years ago,
when Dad remarried.
I take it you two don't see eye to eye?
He was my dad, too.
Blood isn't the only thing
that makes you family.
Who's Omar?
My husband.
This is probably a
lot for you right now.
Can I get you anything?
I can't believe they're gone.
They're both
And Chelsea doesn't
work with you at Skyvex?
No, no, Dad and I,
we always had a
succession plan in place.
I would run the business,
give him a chance to go on these, um,
these wellness retreats,
you know, with Chelsea
and Tabitha, so
Tell me about your dad.
He was such a Teddy bear.
So kind, so funny
and he embraced Omar with open arms.
He was so excited for
us to start a family.
And your father just lost his wife
My mom was more than that.
She was his soulmate.
They wanted to spend
every minute together.
Rhona, I'm so sorry to ask
Would your father take his own life?
You see those?
It's like, you know, all the bad art
that you see in vacation rentals,
but Tabitha,
she painted every single one,
so, Dad, he hung them all on the wall.
Because he loved her.
So to answer your
question, I don't know.
Maybe, with her gone
he didn't see the point.
No, my dad didn't want to die.
He had plans for the future.
We need to look into every possibility.
[DISPATCH] 6103, we have
a disturbance of the peace
at Pathway Mechanics in Strawberry Hill.
[GILLIAN] This is
6103, we're on our way.
- [BOY] This place isn't safe!
Seriously, kid?
Get out of here!
Go! Get out!
- Listen to me! You're in danger!
- There he is.
If I would have known
re-certification meant
getting to work with superheroes
You've been hiding behind
a keyboard too long.
- You're finally here.
- You're all in danger, get out!
Can you do something about this kid?
Thank you, sir.
Perplex, hey.
This is Constable
Constable Grove.
You're not in school today?
Go! Leave!
You want to you want
to tell us what's going on?
Superheroes work alone.
Actually, superheroes uphold the law
And what's with the phone?
It's for my livestream, duh.
Calm down!
Does your mom know where you're at?
What were you thinking?
Do you have any idea what
could have happened to you?
You okay?
Time to get you home,
little man, come on.
No, you don't understand.
The thorns are blocking
the path to the berry patch.
"The thorns are blocking
the path to the berry patch."
Of course, in the comic books,
Perplex speaks in riddles.
but we just want to
keep you safe, buddy.
Cops don't keep people safe.
Well, we do. Okay?
Come on, let's get you home.
Look who's serving "civilian
investigation realness."
You wanted to see me?
Gulab jamun?
The perfect dessert for gays
recently dumped by their boyfriends.
Toronto can keep him.
How's it going up at CIU?
Remember being a nerd in school?
I wasn't a nerd, you were a nerd.
Well, it's been two weeks of data entry
and being iced out by
my much cooler coworkers.
I think I've lost my mojo.
Oh, plus, uh
[WHISPERING] everyone
secretly thinks I'm a spy for you.
Yeah, well, speaking of which,
- you better get going
- Good morning.
Don't believe I've had the pleasure.
Zak Kalaini,
this is my brother, Ishaan Sohal.
You work in civilian investigations.
Oh, he's good.
Seeing that badge around here
usually means someone's in trouble.
Well, you'd better stay on my good side.
See? No mojo.
Text me later.
Update on the Michaels case.
Tenille fast-tracked the autopsy.
Lincoln didn't die of a heart attack.
It was asphyxiation,
but no fluid in the lungs.
Meaning ?
He suffocated before
he went in the water.
[BOLTON] He was murdered,
so a homicide in a locked house,
with a security system
that's armed all night.
[KARA] Exterior cameras
detected no intruders,
only Rhona coming and going.
There were no staff at the home,
and their alibis line up.
What about the contractors
working on the renovations?
[KARA] Work on the house
stopped six months ago
when Mrs. Michaels became ill.
There's been no one since.
And the guests at Tabitha's funeral?
[KARA] We're working through alibis,
but save for immediate family,
no one had access to the main house.
So we're looking for a ghost.
Or someone who did have access.
We need to canvass the area,
talk to the neighbours,
collect doorbell, and dash cam
between the hours of
9:00 P.M. and 8:00 A.M.
Make sure we account
for every single person
who stepped foot on that property,
see if anyone saw anything, okay?
You want to stay on the fen
disappearance in Whalley,
- I'll take this?
- Sure.
You both need to clear your schedules.
All priority is on this case.
Because Michaels is high-profile?
No, because Mr. Michaels
served on the CFPC board.
He bought tables at our fundraisers,
and he was an advocate
for a safer Surrey.
It's a big loss.
Lots of eyes, so solve it fast.
No pebble unturned,
we need answers.
Is that clear?
Yes, sir.
All right.
[TENILLE] No striation marks on the neck
or visible bruising.
Trace cotton fibres along
the lining of the mouth
and nasal passage.
Maybe the killer used a
towel to suffocate him.
Tox is clean of the sleeping pills,
only the prescribed amount
of blockers are in his system.
Also, formaldehyde and bergamot came up.
Formaldehyde makes sense
if he kissed his wife
during the visitation.
Bergamot like the essential oil?
Common in colognes.
- What do we have from the scene?
Uh, still waiting on DNA analysis.
I gotta take this.
Thanks, Tenille.
Classic kill-dad-for-his-billions.
Is that what you read
from Rhona and Chelsea this morning?
Chelsea, not so much.
We should still confirm her whereabouts
at the time of Lincoln's death.
Well, she was with Omar. The
team's confirming her alibi.
Rhona, on the other hand,
has access to the house
but no alibi.
She's grieving, but pretty
pragmatic about Lincoln's passing.
All right, let's look into
life insurance, beneficiaries,
dig into Skyvex's books, debts owed.
We should check in
with the family lawyer.
Good thinking.
CFPC's finest,
serving Surrey's richest.
He's not in trouble.
We picked him up outside
a garage at Strawberry Hill.
Oh, my God, what did you do, Anton?
It's okay, it was just a
minor traffic disturbance.
A week ago, he tried to get
in between a couple of bullies
and a kid down the street,
and the week before that,
he was on the lookout for pickpockets.
I want to be on top of this,
but I am working back-to-back
shifts at the hospital.
- I-I
- Mary
You're a great mom, you're
doing the best you can.
You can't keep doing this.
It's my calling to save people.
Your calling is to
finish your math homework.
- I did my homework.
- Did you?
Or were you uploading your
adventures to your channel?
Don't make me take it
away from you again.
- Sorry.
- It's okay.
He has a lot of resentment
since his father died.
He feels the cops didn't do enough
to keep the gangs out
of the neighbourhood.
Malik was killed by a stray bullet.
And the superhero thing
started after that?
The two of them used to
collect Perplex comics.
They would dress up
in the same costumes,
go to conventions together.
Malik was a kid at heart.
Anton holds onto that.
It's a way to process grief
when you feel powerless.
You still have my number?
You bet.
Use it, anytime.
Thank you, Officers.
He could be uncompromising.
Friendly with politicians, celebrities,
police, firefighters.
Grew the business at any cost.
Spell that out for us.
You don't get to the top
without making some tough deals.
- He could be litigious.
- That's business for you.
I grew up with him.
I saw him go through two marriages.
First one was a nightmare,
second was better.
He changed a lot with Tabby.
She didn't believe in
those values, money, power.
If you had them, you used them for good.
You take, you give back.
- Hence the foundation.
- The foundation?
Lincoln was going to sell his company
to fund a philanthropic foundation.
Wanted his stepdaughter,
Chelsea, to see it through.
- Did Rhona know?
- Well, you could ask her.
I know she was busy
with the condo building
and the community centre,
but Lincoln and Chelsea
were going to update his will this week.
So Lincoln was spending time
with Tabitha and Chelsea,
planning a shift to philanthropy,
and Chelsea would run the organization
while Rhona was bringing
in the money to fund it?
That can't have been easy.
Rhona was raised by the shark.
He taught her to be a heavy,
to do whatever it takes
to get the job done.
She even ended her engagement
because he thought it would
get in the way of Skyvex.
Can you tell us more about this condo
and community centre?
The Hub?
That was just about saving face.
A way to make a bunch
of suits look good.
So not really helping the community
Developing a piece of land
in the heart of the city
doesn't mean someone
isn't already on it,
and not everyone is happy
about leaving their home or business.
I mean, the company had
to put up with bad press,
protests, lawsuits
There was even a crasher at the funeral.
Did you know them?
[SIGHING] A man, mid-30s, white.
But again
If you're looking for enemies,
you won't fall short.
[ZAK] Oh, it's Rhona Michaels
divide and conquer?
I'll take the call, you
hang with the dead people.
Tactful as always.
- Detective Kalaini.
- [RHONA] Detective, yes.
I'm just calling to check in
on the status of my father's case.
We're still investigating,
but while I have you, were you aware
that Lincoln was in the
process of changing his will
- and folding Skyvex developments?
- I was,
but what could I do about it?
Whatever my father wanted,
I had to accept.
Sorry, I'm just not clear
on what any of this has to do with
Where are you right now, Ms. Michaels?
Well, I'm at the estate,
trying to keep my
dad's business running.
Please stay there, I'll be by
with a few follow-up questions.
Can I help you?
I'm so sorry.
Stephen Rechy, assistant
funeral director.
Work here long enough,
you learn to move quietly.
Detective Sohal.
You knew the deceased?
I didn't.
Just reminded me of someone.
Grief never leaves the body.
It's a testament to the people we love.
[ZAK] Hi.
Detective Kalaini.
- Stephen Rechy.
- A pleasure.
Your funeral home
conducted Tabitha Michaels'
celebration of life service?
- It did.
- Were you there?
Of course. I attend all of our services.
Did any uninvited guests
show up at the house?
Just one.
He got past the staff,
demanded to speak to Mr. Michaels,
and wouldn't take no for an answer.
- Did you get a name?
- He signed the guestbook
and left a rude message for the family.
We're still waiting
on them to pick it up.
Let me get it for you.
Thank you.
How did it go with Rhona Michaels?
Well, she knew about
the changes to the will,
and she was pressing me
for information on the investigation.
[SABRINA] Thank you.
"Marek Osipacz.
Lincoln Michaels ruined my life."
Do you remember anything about him,
anything he might have said?
He kept going on about his daughter,
how she was in pain, I remember that,
and then we escorted
him off the property.
Thank you, Mr. Rechy.
[KARA] Marek Osipacz.
His family lived right in the
middle of the Skyvex development.
He was the last man standing
when the rest took the Skyvex buyout,
and then a fire burned
down his home and business.
His family made it out alive,
but his daughter was
left with long-term COPD
and cognitive impairments.
That's horrible.
Sounds like motive.
Marek ran with a gang
in Guildford when he was younger.
It was petty teen crimes, B&Es
But how would've Marek
gotten past Lincoln's security system?
Also, we've hit pay-dirt
with the Skyvex accounts.
About three months ago,
Rhona made two unexplained withdrawals
from the company account 500k
roughly 250k each.
What if a daughter
who wants daddy's money
makes a deal with a guy
who has a criminal record
and a vendetta against him?
It would explain getting past security.
You think Marek received those payments?
But then why would he
crash Tabitha's funeral
looking for Lincoln?
It doesn't fit.
Rhona called me at the funeral home.
It seemed like she was
fishing for information.
We need to talk to
her, get a read on her.
Okay, just keep it
friendly and respectful.
Remember, we don't have a warrant.
[MAREK] Give me my money!
How dare you trespass
on this property again?
You people are monsters!
Do you understand?
- Hey! Enough!
I will not be ignored!
- Are you Marek Osipacz?
- Yes.
- We're bringing you both in.
- Really?
- Put him in the car.
- What?
- Are you okay?
- I am fine.
- Just keep him away from me.
- Sure.
You're late again.
I don't have it, man.
Where's my money?
Give me a few more days, okay?
- [VINCE] Brambilla.
- [MARY] He's gone.
Mary? Anton's mom.
[MARY] I just went to check his bedroom.
He climbed out the window.
Any idea where he could have gone?
He just started live streaming
from a garage somewhere.
What's his online channel?
Okay, Mary, you stay calm,
all right? We're on this.
[GILLIAN] He's streaming
a crime in progress.
"The thorns are blocking
the path to the berry patch."
His riddle.
"Blocking the path to the berry patch,"
I mean, that's the shop.
Pathway Mechanics near Strawberry Hill,
but "thorns"
[VINCE] Golden Thorns,
a gang in the area, the
ones who killed his dad.
We gotta go.
Aw, Anton.
I've given you all week.
6103, shots fired at Pathway Mechanics!
Requesting backup. Hey,
we got ya, Anton. We gotcha, buddy.
- Are you hurt? Are you hurt?
- He hasn't been shot.
One guy's hurt, the other has a gun.
We're gonna get you out of here.
I'm gonna get him to the car,
you keep your eyes on the door.
Do not engage without
backup, you hear me?
- Yes.
- [MAN] Where's my money!
[VINCE GRUNTING] Come on, get you up
There you go, you okay?
- Yeah, come on.
- Will you stay with me?
You bet, buddy. I'm gonna stay with you.
[VINCE] We need immediate backup,
Pathway Mechanics!
And what do you think happens now?
Please, I can't
Stop! Hands up!
- Hey, you okay?
- I'm good.
In pursuit!
Drop your weapon! Stop!
[POLICE RADIO] 2211 is
on scene, Eastside Alley.
Drop it!
Drop your weapon! [PANTING]
Hands up.
What am I doing here?
That man attacked me,
and he killed my father.
We're interviewing him as well.
It's our job to rule out
all persons of interest.
Are you saying that I'm a suspect?
Help me understand here, Rhona.
Your father was making
changes to his will
that were not in your favour,
and you were withdrawing
money from the Skyvex account
and making payments to two
encrypted email addresses.
That business,
it keeps its lights on because of me.
Why would I take money from it?
That's what we're trying to understand.
Rhona Michaels claims you assaulted her.
She attacked me.
- I came to talk to her.
- Like you came to talk to Lincoln
- at Tabitha Michaels' funeral?
- I can't get them on the phone,
can't get a meeting,
so I do what I have to do.
What's the real story here?
Why are you harassing
the Michaels family?
[RHONA] When the
development was announced,
we offered him $600,000 to relocate,
which was worth way more than
the value of his property
And it wasn't like it was
just another condo project
It was the community centre.
It was our home.
Apartment upstairs,
restaurant downstairs.
I worked for years to buy it,
and they just want me to give it all up?
So we stayed.
[RHONA] But he wouldn't take the money,
and then things, they got ugly.
He went to the press,
smeared Dad's name,
hit a nerve with the public
because of the market.
[MAREK] We'd come home,
find furniture trashed,
windows broken,
and then the fire.
That was a tragedy.
What happened, it was
I mean, was terrible.
[MAREK] Middle of the
night, we woke up and
this heat.
There was smoke everywhere.
To see my girl
I was able to grab her,
but the whole place
burned down to the ground.
Faulty wiring, they said.
Case closed,
but Sophie is still sick.
She's struggling with anxiety,
she's on expensive medication.
So, finally, I agreed to sell,
and they only gave me 100,000.
that is the amount that
the company agreed on,
and I told him
that he had his chance
to take a better offer.
Is that why he crashed
Tabitha's funeral?
I deserve more from that family,
so I tracked them down
to get the rest of what was mine.
Do you know what it's like
to be the daughter of a
powerful man, Detective?
To live in the shadow of his decisions?
Maybe my father cut corners,
pulled a few strings
to get where he got.
Did he set fire to a man's house?
I mean, I felt bad,
so I took more money out of Skyvex,
and I paid Marek the rest, quietly.
I didn't want Dad or the board to know.
I never received anything
beyond that initial 100,000.
That man, he wanted Dad dead.
They hate each other.
You don't have to like someone
to hire them as a contract killer.
It seems risky to pay a
someone who hates your family.
Neither of them have an alibi.
And we still don't have confirmation
on who Rhona was paying.
Two direct transfers
to two separate email addresses.
There are traces of DNA
from an unidentified person
on the victim's body.
I'll see if it's a match for Marek.
Thanks, Tenille.
Go back to the Michaels' estate.
There's a chance there's
still a paper trail
in Lincoln's office,
and we need to get to it.
Why is Rhona Michaels in interrogation?
She's a suspect in the Michaels murder.
What evidence do we have for a hold?
It's not a hold, it's an interview.
That could still open
us up to litigation.
Do we need to keep her?
I'll make sure the appropriate
protocol is followed
regarding legal counsel,
and the moment she asks
to leave, we'll let her go.
All right.
Proceed. Quickly.
[SABRINA] I don't know.
I still don't buy Rhona
killing her own father.
[ZAK] Why not?
Lincoln changes his will,
and makes plans to dissolve the company
she was poised to take over.
He did teach her to be ruthless.
Yeah, but being ruthless
in business is one thing,
murdering a father
that you love for money?
Well, did she though?
Love him?
- she loved him.
- Oh, you can tell,
just by looking?
Ah, your intuition.
Yes. Love isn't that easy to fake.
She also loved her job,
and maybe she'd kill to protect it.
What? What is it?
- What?
- Are you uncomfortable
with one-percenters
being potential criminals?
- Excuse me?
- You're a person of privilege.
- I'm a what now?
- Your father's a federal minister.
Your brother's in the CIU.
You went from beat cop to
Serious Crimes in six months,
supervised by the
nicest guy on the force.
I've been calling out the
prioritizing of this case,
and you have no idea
what I've gone through,
so excuse me.
All I'm saying is, you
didn't start at the bottom.
I'm gonna go check upstairs,
follow my intuition.
"Marek Osipacz.
Original offer 600,000,
distributed amount 100,000."
Stay where you are!
- Don't move!
I said stay where you are!
Police! Don't move!
Zak, there's an intruder.
He's headed down the stairs.
I said stop!
- You got him?
- I got him.
- Don't hurt me!
Please! Please don't hurt me!
Where the hell did he come from?
His name is Graeme Benton.
He was hired as unskilled labour
by the contractor who was
working on Lincoln's house.
Probably saw an opportunity to squat
once the lawsuit put
the construction on hold.
The crawlspace was where Lincoln's
HVAC system would have gone.
The expiry dates on these wrappers
line up with him being up there
at least six months.
[KARA] The crawlspace
appeared sealed off.
We missed it in the search.
I've seen this before.
It's called "phrogging." Like squatting,
only where the property's
already lived in.
To think that man's just been quietly
living in this house all that time?
Keeping tabs on the family,
skimming food when the family's out,
- so he doesn't get caught.
- [ZAK] Let's think this through.
If Rhona hired someone,
is it possible she paid
Graeme to kill Lincoln?
Well, if you had that kind of money,
would you continue to
live in a crawlspace?
I agree. Why kill his meal ticket?
Maybe Lincoln caught
him, Graeme panicked?
So he left Lincoln dead in the bathtub?
[KARA] Let's talk to him.
I mean, if he didn't do
it, maybe he saw who did.
We've got a match on the
mystery DNA on Lincoln.
It's not Marek, it's Graeme.
[ZAK] Not hungry?
I would be.
When was the last time you ate?
How long have you lived
in that crawlspace, Graeme?
It can't have been easy.
No fresh air,
an old mattress on the floor,
waiting until odd hours
to come down and eat.
We know you were involved in
a break-and-enter as a teen.
The owner of the home died,
and you were tried as an adult.
Guilty, 10-year sentence.
Graeme, you have to
understand how this looks.
A murder in the house you've
been secretly living in,
and a B&E record
associated with a homicide?
But if you talk to us,
maybe we can help you
A word?
we started the day with one
goal, to close this file,
and this file is closed.
Sir, we're talking to him,
and I'm not certain
that Graeme did this.
There's a convicted killer
living in the roof of
a man who was murdered.
There's DNA and fingerprint evidence
that link him directly to the crime,
and he clearly exhibits
violent tendencies.
Sure, but we should have an opportunity
to exhaust every option.
Sometimes, the solution
to a case is simple,
and this is one of those
times, Detective Constable.
Get a confession, make it happen
or should I ask Detective
Kalaini to take over
- Sir
- No, I got it.
I'll finish this.
Graeme, here's the thing.
There's evidence linking
you directly to the body,
DNA evidence,
around Mr. Michaels' neck,
and he died by asphyxiation.
It doesn't look good.
So either you tell me why
and how that happened,
- or there's nothing that I
Are you uncomfortable
with one-percenters
being potential criminals?
You could hear everything in the house?
We'll get a detailed confession later,
but this starts the process.
Zak will release Marek, and
the assistant commissioner
wants you to deal with Rhona Michaels.
An apology and an escort home.
- Okay?
- Yes, sir.
You did good work today.
Under difficult circumstances.
Hey, bad time?
- Uh, no, what's up?
- Uh, that wire transfer?
I was able to trace the account.
Ernie Horwitz.
Works for Surrey Fire.
You're kidding me.
It's the fire inspector.
A close friend of the Michaels' family.
I just, I still can't believe it.
A man in the ceiling?
All this time, we had no idea
It must feel incredibly violating.
He confessed to murdering your father.
Oh, God, Dad
Marek Osipacz
had nothing to do with
your father's death.
What an awful way to go,
terrified and alone.
Thank God that you found him,
the man who did this.
I'm sorry for what you've been through.
I can't imagine losing my father.
For a while, I thought I might.
Was he ill?
Your father was this close
to being able to break
ground on his legacy project,
but Marek stood in the way.
My father
I'd have done anything.
Maybe crossed a line.
People don't understand
what you do for love.
We confirmed
that the encrypted
transfers were from you,
but they weren't for Marek.
One was to a local gang
member before the fire,
and the other
was to the fire investigator
just after.
You took care of
something for your father,
without him ever having to ask.
You paid people off
to make it look like
the fire at Marek's place
was an accident,
so you could move forward
with the community centre,
stay close to your father
and the dream you shared.
Would you like me to call your lawyer?
You know, I told them
to make sure no one was home.
[GILLIAN] The Golden Thorns
are officially out of
the extortion business
because of what you did today.
For real?
So, on behalf of the CFPC,
thank you,
but here's the thing, Anton,
I mean, maybe there's another way.
Maybe one day
You want me to be a cop?
Well, um, kind of like you,
I grew up with my mom
in a rough neighbourhood.
She lost a friend,
and she got so angry.
She felt powerless,
so I worked on my own superpowers,
got my own costume.
I got something for you.
It's a secret, okay?
A secret hotline to me.
It's a direct line,
so if you see anything else,
you call that number,
you stay safe, and I will be there.
From now on, we work together.
Deal, Perplex?
- Deal.
- Awesome.
Thank you.
Constable Grove
I don't know what they're
teaching at the academy.
- Sir?
- Do you think that uniform
is going to keep you safe?
You wait for backup next time.
Sorry. I'm sorry, sir.
All right, well, hopefully,
your next re-certification
will be a little less exciting.
Right, you and Sohal,
you're cut from the same cloth.
Oh! I'm sorry.
It's all good, Wu-Tang.
Yeah, that.
Plans for the night?
Honestly? Uh, no.
Korean soaps and wine.
Life of a single gal. You?
Gym and anime?
Life of a single guy.
Well, uh, enjoy.
Yeah, you too.
- Um, yeah, um
- Please.
- I'm gonna go
- You go, you do your thing.
[SABRINA] Thank you.
That one yours?
A man living in a
billionaire's crawlspace.
Yeah, congratulations, I heard,
he confessed to killing him.
His confession just felt off.
This man hasn't had a home in years.
Maybe he confessed
just to have a roof over his head
and a regular meal?
There was so much pressure from the top
to close the case,
get it done.
By pressure from the top,
you mean the assistant commissioner?
You heard something about that?
No, just, you know
You've seen it before.
This job, for a lot of
cops, it's about the numbers,
it's about closing cases.
That's how you build a career.
So maybe if the suspect
fits the bill, then
[QUIETLY] You remember
you're on probation, right?
Look, I whoa, late.
I put an order in at Grazia Fiamma.
You ever had their pizza?
- Huh?
- Cheese?
- That's bad for your
- Cholesterol?
Well, I gotta tell Helena.
You know what, you can't afford
the long distance, Constable.
Rhona Michaels has been booked?
She confessed to paying a gang
to burn down Marek's home,
and to paying off the fire investigator
to look the other way.
That wasn't something we discussed.
I followed the evidence, sir
and I know that it's sensitive,
because of the family's
relationship with the force.
We're working with her lawyer,
giving her a fair shot,
and Marek justice.
Sometimes, the solution
to a case is simple, right?
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