Brotherhood s02e04 Episode Script

Not dark yet 3:5 6

Proudly Presents Brotherhood Season 2 Episode4 you're good.
In bed.
So are you.
How do I compare? Not to your wife,silly.
To the others.
There are no others.
Not sure I believe that.
You feel guilty? Yes.
-Why good? Mean s you're notcompletely heartless.
Close the door,would you? ,there we go.
What? Is that good? -yeah,it's really good.
-Let me taste that.
Jeez,I hope I made enough mash potatoes.
I'm going to have to hide them from jimmy.
well now,aren't we free and easy with our affections today? It's a little kiss,ma.
You know happiness makes the world go 'round.
yeah well,the ch ildrenare gonna be here in a second.
tell me,kath,now that michael spends all of his time at your house.
I do not spend all my time at her house.
Come on.
Do think you could arrange to do his laundry every now and again,hm? Ma? Ma,be civil.
Go set the table,please.
Ah,jimmy's there,mary-rose,mary-kate next to me.
Um,girls,you know where you are.
Now try not to get any food on the couch please.
Uh,kath,uh,sit next to eileen.
Uh,colin,I don't know what to do with you.
I didn't know you were coming.
squeeze in here.
Tommy,take the head of the table.
Michael,sit there.
Come on,come on,the food's getting cold.
Uh,in this house we say grace.
Lord,thank you for this food and for the happiness that we share.
hello? Di dn't your mother ever tell you not to play in the rain? Why don't you come inside? I'll buy you breakfast.
How you doin'? How you doin' with the cassie thing? Any better? Things are better.
I need your help with a problem.
If I say no do I have to buy you a sandwich? No.
I'll just have johnny break your legs.
jesus christ! Where the fuck's your sense of humor,huh? what sorta problem? Bunch of asiatics bought the old rainbow hotel across the street from my shit hole in delaney.
They got a bunch of skinny-ass girls in there and they're callin' it a whorehouse.
No one wants to fuck a broad with a skinny ass.
What're you worried about? Yeah,the problem is they're undercutting my prices.
by ten bucks a fuck.
So have moe talk to 'em.
moe wants to shooteverybody; that's his idea of negotiation.
The fuckin' gooks won't even meet with him.
They just might if you were there though.
Me? Yeah.
'Course they're gonna trust you,you're a cop.
freddie cork asked me to help him with a deal.
-Do you wanna know the details? -No.
I assume they're sordid.
They are.
So I should take him up on the offer? Of course.
You know,this is where the line gets a little hazy.
What line? Gee,I don't know,uh.
maybe the one between right and wrong.
You remember that line,don't ya? You've got a conscience,detective,use it.
you like the view? I like the view.
Oh,there's the old henderson factory.
That was my first conversion.
Luxury condos.
Nine years ago.
Everywhere I look,I see buildings that bodhi company has either resurrected or built.
Except there.
The hill.
I've been buyin' u p propertyon the hill,but I have not yet been able to secure the necessary permits to build.
This frustrates me.
Mm,politics on the hill can be complicated.
Not for you apparently.
Landsdowne has no problem getting permits.
I had nothin' to do with landsdowne.
Oh really? Oh,that's too bad.
'Cause I was about to propose I'd buy it from you for a lot of money.
you irish,you're a clannish lot.
Bodhi company might as well be the british army.
we'll never be welcome on the hill.
But if you and I form a partnership,all that would change.
What kind of partnership? I buy fifty percent of landsdowne.
We develop on the hill,through landsdowne.
You become a vice-president of bodhi company,with a commensurate salary and retirement package.
You move landsdowne into our building,there's an empty office right below mine.
You said you liked the view.
you got the beer,right? No,I told you.
We've gotta get the car back by 4:00 A.
'Cause we'll get caught if we don'T.
Jeez,you are so stupid sometimes! oh shit! I th ink I hit something.
is uncle michael here? so who are we waitin' for? Willard P.
What's he done then? He owes freddie a shitload of money.
The pricnohas intention of paying back.
have you always sat at the head of the table,michael? Yeah,since we were kids.
Because you're the oldest? I suppose so.
I think your mother's got a mean streak,changing things around like that.
She didnn meanothin' by it.
She humiliated you in front of the entire family.
What makes iteven more irritating is there isn't shit you can do about it.
You can't push tommy aside and say,"that's my fuckin' chair.
" My mother's a complicated woman.
she had a hard life.
Sh - she was hard on the kids.
It's kath.
Rose is jealous of kath.
Every woman's jealous of another woman.
Law of nature.
is that the guy? Yeah.
That's him.
silent john and get him up.
why'd we dump him here? This place used to e mploy'bout 300 working men.
These fuckers come along,build all their million dollar loft apartments.
fuck 'em.
All right.
Let's go.
I need a beer.
You all right? Not at mulligan'S.
No offense,mike.
What's the matter with mulligan's? You know,it'd be good for you to get out into the world a wee bit more,michael,instead of hanging out in the same grubby joint all the time.
what the fuck? Michael,you all right? michael,what's goin' on? Colin,what the fuck is he doin'? Stop messin',michael.
What's wrong with him? good to go? yookay? Yefi,I'm ne.
Why? Nothin'.
What the hell do you think you were doin'? I'm sorry.
Are you all right? Are you hurt? I'm okay,but the car.
Yeah,i saw it.
What happened? I hit a newspaper thing.
Where were you goin'? To a party.
Where? In seekonk.
Massachusetts? This is really unbelievable! I-I don't even know what to say.
You steal your grandmother's car,you drive without a license - you don't even know how to drive,obviously.
You coulda been killed! You coulda killed somebody! What were you thinking,mary-rose? You know,if your father finds out,you are dead.
If michael finds out,she's dead.
Michael has nothin' to do with this! So what are we gonna do? we're gonna have to dump the geo somewhere.
Rose'll think it was stolen.
The cops'll eventually find it and insurance'll pay for the damage.
How're we gonna get home? I'll call mrs.
Kelly next door,tell her to come watch the kids.
I'm tellin' you,we should exterminate these fucking geeks and get it over with.
It's gooks.
If you're tryin' to insult them,the term is gooks.
Look at these broads.
Get inside,will ya? No one wants to fuck american broads anymore.
Look at this.
This is what we're gonna do,okay? You're gonna be polite,okay? =We're gonna have a little - look at this fuckin' parking lot! Moe,listen to me.
Listen to me! We're gonna go inside and you're gonna be polite.
We're gonna have a little powwow and then we leave,all right? -One hundred percent peace and love,okay? -Yeah,I got it! =But you can't come down here fuckin' slashin' prices - Moe? Moe? What'd I just say? All right.
We're here to see li fang.
Fang not here.
He's supposed to be here.
What do ya mean "maybe"? decco,let's torch this fuckin' rathole with them and their fuckin' skanky whores in it.
Would you shut the fuck up? Fang here tomorrow.
What time? Tell 'im two o'clock.
All right? We'll come back,shake hands,settle our differences,and then go home.
And remind him,I'm a police officer.
Everything's on the up-and-up.
I don't like the way this motherfucka's lookin' at me,right there.
-Eat your fuckin' rice,pal.
you all right? You know,what you did,stealin' rose's car? I've seen a lot worse.
Vei' done a lot worse,when I was your age.
But don't tell your mother.
She already doesn't think too highly of me.
Because of uncle michael? Yeah.
Mom's a real bitch sometimes.
Your mom is not a bitch.
-Go? Ye ah,we gotta getmary-rose home.
Should I say "please"? Don't bother.
See what I mean? -About what? -Nothing.
-You're smiling.
That makes me nervous.
What would you say if I told you that a body was found this morning at a landsdowne building site at decatur and mercer? A dead body.
I would say I'm sorry for the victim and I hope the police find his murderer.
Would you mention the fact that 50% of landsdowne is in the process of being bought by bodhi - roger.
And that the other 50% is owned by you? Roger,bodhi company is gonna pour millions of dollars into the hill.
Bohdi company will create a fab new world of lattes,beemers,nannies; the poor old mcpaddys of this world will be fucked.
You're gonna print that? I'm a reporter,not an editorial writer.
Why don't I feel better? Gonna be on tonight's 5:00 news: Second story on channel five,after iraq,lead story on eleven.
The journal's putting it on page three - thank god for small mercies - but there will be an editorial about the selling of providence.
So what about the dead body? Well,all the murder police would tell me is that the deceased was named willard P.
Buckley, he owns a club called "alloy",and he apparently was quite a gambler.
-He w as a gambler? -Yes.
"further investigation reveale d that representative caffee is indeed employed by the bodhi company and therefore directly involved in the gentrification of the hill.
" What the fuck? What're you,his jailhouse bitch? -We're related.
That's disgustin'.
What the fuck's the matter? This! Come in the back.
Take it easy,tommy.
-Dumpin' a dead body? -What are you accusin' me of? Don't insult my intelligence.
You know,I didn't even know it was your company 'til- stop it.
Stop it.
Stop it,michael! Why would you think I would do something like that to you? You're my brother.
'Cause you're not right in the head.
Because something got rattled around and you'll never be the same again.
That's nice.
You think I'm a monster now? Do ya? look,I'm gettin' hammered on this one.
Why? You're only makin' money for your family.
It's what you say here,isn't it? Why don't you let me help you? You know make a contribution to your campaign.
get rid of all the bullshit.
What does an ad cost? Like 20-grand? You can tell your side of the story.
Let me give you 20-grand.
Keep your money,brother.
someone stole my car.
rose,it's hard to believe someone would steal your geo.
Well,they did.
Call the police.
Go on.
Don't just stand there,call the police! michael,someone stole my car.
fuckin' slant-eyes.
We shoulda fuckin' nuked you back in your own country! What the fuck? Hey,fuckin' dicky dow? Why don't you come over hereand suck me,you motherfucker? The fuckin' guy flipped me the bird.
He flipped you the bird? Oh well,then I'm sure he deserved to die.
What the fuck? What're we gonna do? What do you mean what we are gonna do? I'll tell you what I am gonna do.
I'm gonna arrest you for murder and they're gonna haul your ass to jail,and you're gonna be raped by pederasts for the rest of your fuckin' miserable life.
Let's remember that the two of us,we need each other.
Don't pull that card right now.
-Where're the girls? -I locked them in one of the rooms.
Did you get their cell phones? Yeah.
Of course.
I'm not fuckin' stupid.
Really? What about the customers? I told 'em I was the cops,to get the fuck outta here.
They heard gunshots,that's it.
None of 'em are gonna wanna say they're down here fuckin' dippin' their wicks.
Gimme your fuckin' gun.
What? Come on.
Gimme your fuckin' gun and go wait outside.
Now! -You're gonna do this? -Yeah.
come on! this is ellis franklin.
I'm not available right now.
who speaks english? which one of you speaks english? Somebody's gotta speak english,come on.
You know how to get in touch with li fang? all right,here.
call him and tell him the police are lookin' for him.
yeah,come in.
It occurred to me that the parking garage probably has video cameras for security - somewhere.
If the police find the geo,they could see who dumped it.
-Wait,the window's down.
-So? There's somebody in the car.
I locked it.
Hey,this is our car.
I like pussy juice.
Get out of the car.
I want pussy juice.
Get out of the fucking car or I blow a hole through your head.
Get outta the fucking car! You crazy fucking bitch! That's right,so keep walking.
Come on.
Goodbye! You both got dry pussies! Nothin' down there but fuckin' dust! fuck! dear god,we gotta get out of here! Come on.
about our little problem.
It's not a problem.
No law was broken.
We deal in appearances,tommy.
You know that.
Well,people'll pound their chests for a while and that'll be that.
But what if they don't? What if they point their self-righteous fingers at bodhi company? What if they call us dirty names like "exploitive," "anti-community," worst of all,"greedy"? What if we don't get our permits? What if I'm stuck with five million in property I can't develop? -You wait it out.
-How long? We go ahead with the merger,but we put a pin in all construction for 12 months.
Make plans,buy properties,design buildings; we just don't start construction for 12 months.
I'm still the majority leader.
Whatever flak comes my way,I'll handle it.
nice beard.
It's gotta go.
Meredith says it's scratchy.
Dana,this is tommy caffee,one of our more enlightened state reps.
We've met.
Oh yes,we have.
You've lost weight.
You look.
Run for the hills.
-She likes you.
-Say hi to meredith.
And frankly,I'm surprised she'd even know your beard was scratchy.
-good to see you again.
-Good to see you.
no construction for 12 months.
We'll come up with a new publicity campaign.
"Landsdowne: Making old neighbors new.
" what the fuck? is that fang? Does it look like a fang? We're closed! Try the rustic across the street.
I can't imagine what it's like to be you.
I really can'T.
It's like trying to imagine what it's like to be a black hole.
Come on,man.
How's fuckin' cassie doin'? that's gotta be him.
You fang? Look,um.
I'm sorry about the mess.
My partner here,uh,moe reilly,he kinda lost his temper.
But I gotta say,in his defense,he was provoked.
He shot him? Technically,yeah.
Then i 'll shoot your friendand we'll be even.
Look,I admit he probably does deserve that,but I'm not gonna let it happen.
Who are you? Rhode islandstate police.
-You're a cop,huh? -Yeah.
I thought you worked for freddie cork.
I do.
Look,here's what you're gonna do: I want you to ge t ridof this body and clean up this mess,okay? And then when you're done,you can raise your prices higher than the rustic'S.
Higher? Yeah.
Like what? like ten bucks a pop.
Not higher.
Why would I do that? Because I asked you to.
Ai don't fuck with freddie cork! Don't fuck with moe reilly! And don't fuck with the rhode island state police! that was fucking unbelievable,decco.
Fucking awesome! Hey,decco,where're you going? Let's get a drink,man.
It's me.
Could you.
could you please not yell? Please? Look,I just - I wanted to tell you that I think that you're right, and that I don't deserve you in my life.
So I'm not gonna bother you anymore,okay? I promise.
So,what do you say,limpy? Can you fix it? Not by tomorrow.
Mike'll kill me if he knows I smashed it up.
Okay,maybe I could do it by tomorrow.
You won't tell mike? I don't know.
Well,he'll never find out,as long as you don'T.
charge me.
You want me to do this for fuckin' free? Hey,mike throws plenty of work your way.
Yeah,but I'd be doin' this for you,not him.
If I'm happy then he's happy.
But if I'm not happy, then michael's not happy.
I'll risk my neck and I'll make no money.
Why fucking not? Thanks,limpy.
you're the best.
-I've decided.
-Decided what? No more fucking face to face.
Why? I don't want to seethe rage in your eyes.
It's not you I'm mad at.
I don't care,I don't wanna see it.
Fuck me from behind.
Fuck me like a dog.
Fuck me in the ass.
Just don't look at me.
I'm gonna get stoned.
I need to relax.
I hope you don't mind.
you never touch the stuff,right? Well.
my apologies.
I just assumed you disapproved.
On account of how uptight I am? yeah.
why is that guy called limpy? I have no idea.
He doesn't limp.
No,he doesn'T.
where'd you learn to shoot that gun? Michael taught me.
Of course he did.
Can you hit everything you aim at? As long as it isn't moving and it isn't human.
well,I'm impressed.
You can take care of yourself,which is more than most of us can say.
Can I ask you a personal question? What do you see in michael? he has faith in me.
we have great sex.
I mean.
he's kind of an animal,actually.
and he g ets a big smileon his face whenever I walk into the room.
Sometimes he gets preoccupied though,you know.
He's a complicated guy.
This is good dope.
I helped freddie solve his little problem.
I had to wave my badge around.
As long as freddie's happy.
Freddie's very happy.
Well,giggs,you may not be such a bad cop after all.
Maybe you'll thrive on the seamy side of things.
so,do you think the police are gonna find grandma's car? Ah,they're doin' the best they can,honey.
And is uncle mike lookin' for it? Don't you worry about uncle mike.
Mary-rose,how are ya? Say hi to Mr.
Mary-rose,would you do me a favor? Would you mind bringing her and gettin' her a hot dog? 'Kay,go on.
Hey,uh,what's goin' on with landsdowne? No construction for a year? They're re-evaluating their designs.
They're uh,making sure they're more uh.
you know,suitable for the community.
Don't bullshit me,tommy.
I've known you since you were 8-years-old.
I own the property next to that site.
If thing goes belly-up,I'm out 200-grand.
Look,just sit tight,okay? In 12 months,those properties will be worth double.
I don't wanna wait 12 months.
Then tell that to the guy who dumped the body on my construction site.
I'll check on the girls.
I don't understand.
Limpy,the door's the wrong color.
Uh,I ran outta paint.
It was night.
You can't paint the door the wrong color.
What is the point of that? It's blue.
Close enough.
Who's gonna notice? all right,we'll have to dump it.
I don't know,there's supposed to be a parking lot up here somewhere.
Just behind gravel shoot.
are you all right? Yeah,I'm okay.
Did you see that truck? what do we do? fuck.
Dumpin' that asshole buckley on the landsdowne site,that was your bright idea,wasn't it? Don't deny it,michael.
What? What can I do for you? You cost me money.
You cost peo ple we knowgood jobs.
So fuck you for me and them.
I'm ta kin' 50 percentof mulligan's off the top,until they start their construction next year.
Oh,you can't do that.
I do whatever the fuck I want to do.
Everything okey-dokey in here,is it? -Yeah,everything's okey-dokey.
I'll be right out there with terry.
We're havin' a debate about the pros and cons of a vacation in barbados.
I'm "anti" 'cause the girls wear tops,you know.
all right,so,maybe I fucked up a bit.
Tommy's your brother.
How can you do that to him? What's the matter with you? fuck! where the fuck is the jazz station? I want some jazz.
they find rose's car yet? I hope they never find the fucking thing.
I've been tryin' to persuade her to get rid of that piece of shit for ages,now maybe she'll let me buy her somethin' better.
where the fuck is this thing? I think it's gone.
what's the matter? Nothin'.
Rose is just jealous.
She wants you all to herself.
yeah,well,she can't have me.
You have a new home now,michael.
With me and the kids.
You'll always sit at the head of our table.
thanks for having me again,rose.
I don't have much of a choice,now do I? Everyone's waitin' inside.
-Is michael here yet? -Not yet.
Well,let them go ahead and start without me.
You know,michael was a bit thrown because of the whole head-of-the-table situation.
He'd never say it,but.
he was hurt.
And what business of yours is that,hm? Go ahead and have your meal.
Well,there you are.
Guess what,michael? Miracle of miracles,they found my car.
That's just great,ma.
Michael,you take the head of the table.
Uh,you know,I don't care where I sit.
It's always been your seat.
Go on.
You sure? -Take it.
-all right.
Father,bless this food and all who are about to eat.
Ah,there'll never be a car as nice as my geo.
Never! -You know what was very strange? -What? One of the doors was a different color.
And terrible it was too.
Fore igners,I'm tellin' you.
Brotherhood Season 2 Episode4
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