Cracked s02e04 Episode Script


Morning, brother.
Can I help you? Do you remember me? I'm sorry, do I know you? Do you know me? I know you.
I know you! I know you! d I got out of bed today d Swear to God I couldn't see my face d d I got out of bed today staring at a ghost d d Oh have you seen my ghost d Seen my ghost, seen my ghost? d d Oh have you seen my ghost staring at the ground? d d Na na na na na na na Originally Aired October 21, 2013 - Let's go for lunch.
On me.
- What's with you? - What I can't buy the team lunch? - No, it's just you're trying to be nice.
Stop it.
No, no, don't stop it.
I like the nice Aidan.
And free lunch? - So, where are we going? - Kensington Market.
- Tacos? - Empanadas.
- Attempt Murder.
- That's right.
There was a knife attack in Kensington Market this morning.
Victim was slashed 5 times.
Over 100 stitches, but he'll live.
What makes it ours? Suspect, or victim? Nothing on the suspect.
He's in the wind.
You're on it for the victim - Idaris John, 40.
Medical records show he's been diagnosed with p pro-so-pag-noss Prosopagnosia.
For real? Huh.
It's super rare, really interesting.
Yeah, layman's term is "Face Blindness".
- As in? - As in, if you have it, you can't make sense of any facial features.
You can't tell one person from the other, unless you heard their voice or recognized some other part of them.
The brain just doesn't process the visual information of a face the way it's supposed to.
It's often a sign of neurological damage, like a brain injury or a stroke.
OK, you guys get to the Market, you two get down to the hospital, see if you can coax anything out of Idaris John.
We need a description of the assailant.
Let's get this guy off the street.
John? Do I know you? I'm Doctor Malone.
I work with the police.
This is Detective Wisnefski.
I already spoke to an officer.
I cannot identify this man.
I understand that.
I've read a summary of your file.
You've had your condition for the last 4 years or so? I cannot remember how long.
You'll have to ask my doctor.
Can you tell me what you see when you look at me? You have all the pieces of a face a nose, mouth and your eyes.
You have very unique eyes.
I might recognize you.
How do you cope? I have a doctor.
He teaches me tricks, techniques.
Voices help, jewellery, tattoos.
I look at you and mainly I see your gun.
It's how I would be most likely to know you if I see you again.
The man who attacked you, what did you notice about him? His knife.
"I know you" or "You know me".
That's what the witnesses said that they heard.
Any description of the suspect? Black male.
I'm getting ages from 18 to 45, height from 5'8 " to 6'2".
So, they noticed he was black.
That's about all.
You go this far, you slash Idaris John 5 times.
Not much more to kill him.
So, why stop? Stab wounds kill.
He only slashed.
What are you, Dexter? You're reading blood spatter? I read the medical reports.
How many stab wounds have you treated? So, either he didn't know what he was doing or he didn't want to kill him.
Maybe he was trying to send a message.
Jilted husband.
Maybe Idaris didn't pay protection.
Maybe he gambles.
Or, maybe Idaris was just a random victim.
Witnesses heard "I know you" or "you know me"? So, you think it's personal.
I hope it's personal.
We don't want random.
What are you doing? Where's Idaris? Is he gonna be OK? OK, our people are with him over at the hospital.
He's gonna be fine.
What were you doing with his stuff? He didn't do anything.
Someone attacked him.
We're just trying to figure out why.
Look, we're not trying to cause any trouble for Mr.
Do you work here? Yeah, my shift was supposed to start now.
- What's your name? - Julia.
Julia, do you know anyone who'd want to hurt your boss? No.
Everybody loves Idaris.
Detective Sergeant? I found something.
- I think the blade's up.
- I think I got it.
Get the hell out of here! You'll blow your fingers off! Yo, Aidan.
You cool? Yeah, man.
Just a little jumpy, that's all.
Still doing that group thing? Not enough.
- You want to take care of that? - Yeah.
Seems like it's not just faces he can't remember.
He has short-term memory problems.
The prosopagnosia could be part of larger - neurodegenerative issues.
- Excuse me.
Can we help you? Uh, oh, do I look like I need help? We're just in the middle of an assessment.
If you could just give us a moment, Dr Bruckmann.
Oh, you specialize in geriatrics, right? Yes, I do.
You're assessing my patient? He was a victim in a crime.
I'm Dr.
Clara Malone.
This is Detective Wisnefski with Psych Crimes Unit.
So, you're his psychiatrist? But he's Young.
Yes, he is.
We're here because of the face blindness.
We'd hoped for some kind of a description out of him.
- That's not possible for him.
- I realize that, but he has some memory problems.
The prosopagnosia was one of his first symptoms.
Then memory loss, some disorientation.
- Early-onset Alzheimer's? - I'm afraid so.
- He's what, early 40s? - It's not common.
- But likely fatal.
- How long has he got? Five or six years.
He's heading into the middle stages.
His memory comes and goes.
So, he might remember more tomorrow? He might.
But if you're hoping to get a description out of him that's never gonna happen.
A guy matching our vague description, he applied for a job sweeping up at a barbershop around the corner.
All right, let's go talk to him.
It's not that easy.
He only left an email contact.
No phone number, no address.
- What about a name? - Ben.
All right, I'll have Poppy email him as a barbershop owner, set up a fake interview, lure him in.
Wait, so, you're allowed to lie to people that easy? - Yeah.
- And it's not entrapment? No, it's entrapment to invite a guy to buy a key of coke, but invite him to a job interview, tell him he won the lottery, that's all fair game.
I gotta start working on my lying skills.
Leave it to the professionals.
Oh, hold on, one second.
You promised.
- Come on, man.
- All right.
Hiding the knife doesn't say random.
Well, it's a rational choice.
At least, rational for somebody who goes around attacking people with a knife.
- Then there's the "I know you".
- Which Idaris doesn't think is true.
But Idaris is an unreliable witness.
OK, the prints off the knife Benjamin Omari.
A refugee from the Democratic Republic of Congo.
He's been in the country 6 months.
Ben! Poppy, did you get a reply to that email? Crickets.
The kid's still out there somewhere.
Priors? - None.
- Then how'd we get a print match? This new refugee law.
Everyone applying for status gets fingerprinted.
And we can access that database? What is this, a police state? We got a match to our suspect.
That's all I care about.
Does Benjamin Omari have an address? Last known was a refugee shelter.
He got kicked out a couple months ago.
No one's seen him since.
He was sponsored coming over; human rights organization called Justice Monitor International.
A Solange Owusu signed off on him.
Do you know if there's anyone else hear with him? - Friends, family? - I'll get his file.
No one.
He's alone here.
Can I just see that? Oh, my god.
It looks just like him.
Yes, that's Ben, age 12.
No, not Ben.
Who's that? Musa Buturo.
Wanted for crimes in the Congo.
He went by the name Melugo - The Wizard.
He's one of Ben's commanders.
Why? He looks just like the man Ben attacked.
That's Idaris John.
What do you know about the war in The Democratic Republic of Congo? Most casualties in a conflict since World War II, and no end in sight.
- What was this man's role? - Melugo was a commander in the rebel militia that has killed hundreds, more likely thousands.
He's been in hiding for years.
This is the only known video of him.
This has been called Africa's civil war.
Millions are dead.
You yourself have shed blood for the freedom of your people.
You've said it was God's will.
I've only said it is God's will for my people to be free.
It is His will for all His children to be free.
You talk of freedom for children, and yet you abducted and indoctrinated hundreds of children to fight for your cause.
Is that not true? I abduct no one.
Force no one.
You see children here because I give them a safe place.
What does it tell you that they ask for arms to protect themselves? We fight for our lives here every day.
What about you? What do you fight for? And you say he's here? This is the man Ben attacked? The resemblance is very strong.
But I saw Idaris' personal documents at the scene.
Everything looked legit.
These men are thieves as well as killers.
With what they steal, they can buy a new identity.
So, Melugo was Ben's commander, and then he reinvented himself as Idaris John.
Gives us a motive for the attack.
And it brings up another question: who's the real victim here? Well it sure looks like the same guy.
So, what do we know about Idaris John? He's been here 4 years, he's had the fruit market for 3.
There's no record, no flags from Immigration.
This guy's created a solid new identity - for himself.
- Well, if it's false, it's not solid.
Where'd he get the money for the fruit market? He runs his finances through a local credit union one branch, low profile.
Looks like he's got money stashed offshore, - but I can't get the details.
- First question is: How do we confirm that Idaris John is Melugo? - We have the video.
- Yeah, but he's not mentioned by name, and it's no proof of the crimes he's accused of committing, so we're not going to get much hard evidence from there, I'm afraid.
Then we need to find Ben Omari.
He can confirm that Idaris is his former commander and legitimize this video.
So, the only guy who can pin this on Idaris is the one wanted for attacking him.
Have you heard from him? Still no reply to the job interview.
I'm not surprised.
I could try telling him he's hired? All right, so when we do ID Idaris, then what? Can we deport him? If we can prove he's a war criminal and he's not facing execution for his crimes.
Not so fast.
With his mental condition, he can fight deportation on medical grounds.
- You gotta be kidding me.
- It's the law.
How convenient is that? What if he's faking? Idaris started seeing Dr.
Bruckmann not long after he arrived.
That's 4 years of fooling a fairly well-known expert in the field.
Not likely.
OK, but none of this is likely.
Our victim is a war criminal, our assailant is his former child soldier.
And like Solange said, this guy's a practiced liar.
OK, if he's faking, then we've got to prove it.
I can assess him.
Do I know you? Don't you? Dr.
Your eyes.
I told you.
Why am I here? Can I show you some pictures? Do you recognize anyone here? Do I know one of them? I believe you know all of them.
I do not know.
Do you recognize this one? How about him? - Is that the man who attacked me? - No.
This one is you.
OK, no more faces.
- Thank you.
Are we done? - Not quite.
I'd like you to draw a clock for me.
Just a simple one.
Not so bad as my doctor says, am I? You're doing fine.
- So, what did I just see? - His symptoms are textbook.
Every detail was exactly right.
Is that normal? Well, the only thing consistent with the human brain is its inconsistency, so no, it's not.
- So, he's lying.
- Not so I can prove it.
The test confirmed his diagnosis.
Screw the test.
What's your gut tell you? It doesn't work that way.
Clara, I mean, you look at this guy, what do you see? - Is he sick, or not? - I don't know, Aidan.
It's like I'm looking at a mask.
- So, how do we take it off? - I spoke with Legal.
Clara is right.
We can't deport someone with his diagnosis.
Then we need to put him on trial right here.
This guy's a war criminal, Dianne.
The War Crimes Act has resulted in one conviction ever, and that was a case with multiple witnesses.
With Idaris' neurological disorder, he may never even see the inside of a courtroom.
Or maybe he will.
You remember I said Idaris' symptoms were textbook? - Yeah.
- A patient in here describes her condition with the exact same words Idaris used with me.
So, you're saying he read the book? Maybe, yes.
He drew this for me.
OK, don't try and tell me that's a coincidence.
To this level of detail? Can't be.
- So, he's faking.
- Is that plausible? Four years? Look, this guy knows what he's done.
He knew the odds were he'd be found out someday, so he set himself up in advance.
He's a sick man, can't be deported, maybe not even fit to stand trial here.
Who was that mobster that walked around for years in his bathrobe talking to himself, running his organization the whole time? Vinny Gigante, and it worked.
Even if he wanted to, Idaris couldn't do this without help.
- What are you saying? - One of the contributors to the book is his doctor, Paul Bruckmann.
- You think Bruckmann coached him? - I think we have to ask.
So, we'll see you next week, Mrs.
OK, bye-bye.
Oh, hello, Dr.
And? Detective Black.
Can we have a word? Well, I've got - 10 minutes between patients.
- Perfect.
Oh, wow, look at those.
Is that an AGPA? Two thousand and nine, yes.
Affiliation of Geriatric Psychiatry Award.
Very big deal.
So, we're having a hard time getting through to Idaris, and I'm wondering if, in addition to memory lapses associated with Alzheimer's, there may be some transcultural issues.
Do you know anything about his life in Africa? Anything that might be affecting the way he's processing the attack? I know he comes from an unstable area, that he fled under refugee status.
I'd assumed his story was not a pleasant one.
But you didn't specifically deal with any of that during the course of treatment? My focus has been on his mental deterioration coping mechanisms for it, and his prosopagnosia.
Practical therapeutic strategies, sure.
But really, his past never came up? Not specifically, no.
So you're not aware that Idaris John is a wanted war criminal? What? Has it occurred to you that Idaris could be malingering to escape prosecution? How could that occur to me? - That's ridiculous.
- Idaris did this drawing for me.
You published a very similar image in one of your books, didn't you? Fact is, it's more than similar, isn't it? We know he's faking, Dr.
Bruckmann, so why don't you just tell us the truth? - You're insinuating that I'm not? - I'm not insinuating anything.
I'm accusing you of collusion and obstruction of justice.
No, you're spouting conspiracy fantasies.
- Idaris John - Is a very sick man.
And I'm not going to continue this conversation.
If you ask me, it's the two of you who need some help.
Thank you.
He's lying.
And he's scared too, and not just of us.
Four years he's been coaching Idaris John.
What do you got to pay a doctor to betray his oath like that? Good question.
We'll definitely check his finances.
What's up? - You still at Bruckmann's office? - We're just leaving now.
Why? I got a response from Ben on the barbershop job.
Email was sent 2 minutes ago from a web café in the market, right near you.
I'll text you the address.
Ben, put the pipe down.
Listen to me.
I know why you did what you did.
I know about Melugo.
I need you to come with me.
I want to listen to what you have to say.
Look, don't make another bad choice.
Aidan, he's a soldier, wired for commands, intimidation over reason.
All right, I got this.
- Ben, I need you to put that pipe down.
- No.
No, you stay back! Put it down.
Stay back! I've killed men before! Listen to me, man, put that pipe down! Put it down, Ben.
Put the pipe down.
Ben Omari, you're under arrest.
Ben, you're - you''re facing some pretty serious charges.
- You nearly killed a man.
- No, I let him live.
And you're lucky he did.
What happened? Did you lose your nerve? Never.
He should suffer.
He should live in fear.
You sure you don't want that sandwich? 'Cause, I mean, I'll eat it if you don't.
Tell me about him.
His name is Melugo, is that right? Ben, I know you've had a rough life.
I can't even begin to imagine what you've been through, and how it's affected Look, everyone wants me to talk about my life from before.
I am done with that.
That is all.
You say you're done with it, but you just attacked a man - with a knife.
- It's not your concern.
I know it's not easy to walk away from things.
I know what it's like to be haunted.
Why didn't you kill him? I was going to! He made me confused.
How did he do that? He didn't remember me.
He didn't remember you, and and he should have remembered you, is that right? All of those things that I did were his orders.
Ben, if you saw him again would you swear that he was your commander? Would you sign a paper? Yes.
I would.
With respect, I do not see the point.
You know I cannot identify him.
Maybe you'll recognize his voice.
An article of clothing.
Maybe a mannerism.
I see.
I will try.
Was that him? Yes.
- Did you see that? - I saw it.
He flinched.
All right.
Let's turn up the heat.
Go ahead.
I know you.
I know you.
Do you recognize his voice? It might be the voice I heard, it might not.
It all happened so quickly.
OK, let's sit down.
Is there anything else, Inspector? There is one thing.
You say you can't identify him, but this young man says he can identify you.
- Oh? - Mm-hmm.
He claims you're a war criminal and that you abducted him when he was 12 years old.
He says he knew you by the name of what was it? Melugo.
So disturbed, so sad.
I truly feel sorry for this boy.
That's generous, considering he attacked you.
I was a child soldier also.
Did you know that? No, we didn't.
I was recruited.
I fought.
I lost my way.
But I was freed.
But you made it here.
You're safe.
Seems like you've wiped the slate clean, like you've made a whole new life.
It might not make a difference, but for my part, I do not wish to press any charges against that boy.
May I go home now? So, how'd he react? Idaris can't hide the pleasure he takes in lying.
He smiles without knowing it.
We call it "Duper's Delight.
" Well, we can't do anything with that.
But we both saw it at the elevator.
He knew Ben.
We caught him off guard for a minute, and then in the observation room he was back in control.
OK, so we gotta take it away from him.
Rattling his cage until he cracks and drops his charade.
He's good, Aidan.
I know this is my problem, but I don't know how to solve it.
I'm gonna put a fulltime tail on him.
He's human, he'll screw up eventually.
We just need to be there.
We may have already tipped our hand.
We go further, he could be on a plane with a new identity.
He runs, we'll be on him.
Go easy on that sugar.
It's gonna kill you.
All right, let's take a seat.
Hey, Aidan.
It's been a while.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Working too much again? Little bit.
But, you know, I'm here now, trying to make the most of it.
Yeah, sure, of course.
OK, everybody, I guess we'll get started.
I think everybody knows each other.
Aidan, you look like you might want to say something.
Uh, yeah, no, I do.
Um Well, you know, I've been coming here for a for a while now, and, uh Hi there.
Everything cool? I met a guy that said this would be a good place for me.
Yeah, sure.
Of course.
Come on in.
Come on in, take a seat.
Uh, Aidan was just gonna say something.
Uh, you know, it's OK.
I can wait.
Um Why don't you go, man? Tell us what's what's going on.
Did he just make us? - I didn't see anything.
- Hard to tell.
Like everything else with this guy.
How was last night? You had a thing? Yeah, no, it was it was good.
How about you? You look like you've been up all night.
I went online and read every paper I could find by Dr.
Paul Bruckmann.
And? The clock thing was lazy.
So was coaching Idaris in another patient's exact set of symptoms.
He's corrupt, but he's not thorough.
If we can get access to Bruckmann's files on Idaris, I swear I can break him.
Anyone ever tell you you would've made a good cop? Not until now.
- What's up, Poppy? - You wanted leverage on Dr.
I think we got it.
Monthly transfers to him from an offshore account.
going back as long as Idaris has been here.
- Yep.
- OK, so, we've got Idaris paying the doctor to help him fake his condition.
- Find out if that's enough for a warrant.
- Caligra's looking into it.
Admissible proof of the transfers is tricky.
All right, get Leo and get down here.
You guys stay with Idaris.
Good work.
- So, what do we do now? Wait? - No way.
We hit him now.
Tell him the warrant's coming and let him think through the consequences.
- Let me take the lead in there.
- You got it.
Bruckmann? Oh, my god.
If Idaris figured out that we were on to him, Bruckmann was the only one who could testify that he was faking.
So Idaris cuts the weak link.
But now that Bruckmann's gone, I mean, maybe we can get rid of his phony diagnosis.
I mean, the way Bruckmann was killed, right - at his desk, from behind - he had to be comfortable with the killer.
It's like it was somebody he knew, like a friend, or Like a patient.
Hey, guys.
You gotta see this.
Julia Grieveson, the girl who works for Idaris.
She started seeing Bruckmann after her parents died - car crash.
Now she lives with her grandmother.
That's the connection.
Idaris was on the hunt for an impressionable young helper.
And Bruckmann set him up with a brand-new orphan.
He's still using children to fight his battles.
She's 16.
You really think she killed a man? Ben was fighting a war when he was younger than that.
You did a good job in not leaving any fingerprints in Dr.
Bruckmann's office.
You're smart, Julia.
But did you know that you can lose a hundred hairs in a day? And that we found a hair in the blood at the crime scene? And I think we're gonna find out that that hair belongs to you.
But what I don't understand is that you haven't been to see Dr.
Bruckmann in a year.
So, why go back now? Did someone tell you to? Did she fall for the hair thing? - But she's not talking.
- She's protecting him.
Oh, 'cause he'd do the same thing for her, right? That's what we need to convince her that she's not special to Idaris, that he's using her.
- So, how do we do that? - What about Ben? A guy like Idaris, been bringing kids under his power for years, probably uses the same methods.
- And Ben knows what they are.
- Poppy, go pull him out of holding.
Tell me about Melugo, the man who calls himself Idaris John.
When was the first time you saw him? When I was 12.
Melugo led a militia into my village.
They shot all the adults.
Some of them shooting were even younger than I was.
Your parents? I saw them killed.
I didn't cry, not even when they took me to their camp.
What happened there? They gave us things to drink and to smoke until I forgot about where I was, or who I was.
They told me I was a warrior, that I didn't need family, that they were my family.
You know, we've been talking to your grandmother, Julia, and, um she didn't have a lot of nice things to say.
She said you changed when you started working for Idaris.
You closed off from her.
Is that true? If she says so, it must be.
Did Idaris tell you that you didn't need her anymore? That he was the only family that you needed? She never wanted me anyway.
She also told us that you got into drugs.
She got one of those tests, where you send it to the lab, and they found methamphetamine, marijuana, cocaine.
Did Idaris get those for you? You don't understand.
The first time, Melugo put me into a room with another boy.
A boy who had tried to escape him.
Melugo - Idaris he gave me a machete.
He went outside with gasoline.
He said I had 5 minutes to come out with the boy's feet, or he would burn us both.
As you can see, Doctor, I have no burns.
Did he tell you why he did that? He told me if I killed enough times that I would learn not to cry, that I would take the strength of those who I had killed.
We also found some things in your garden shed.
Do you know what I'm talking about? Animal skeletons.
Rats, squirrels a cat.
They all looked like they had been killed.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Did Idaris tell you to do that? That if you did it enough times, you'd learn not to cry? Did he tell you that you'd take on the strength of those animals? Because that's a lie, Julia, and I think you know it.
And that's a lie that he's told other kids in other places.
And I know that he told you that you are special, and you are special, Julia, but not to him.
I deal with people who commit crimes every day.
Some are good people who have done bad things, but others Most psychiatrists don't believe in good and evil.
But I do.
And the one thing I have learned is there is no great wall between them.
If you can step over the line You can step back.
I know you're a good person.
And I know you wouldn't have done these things if it wasn't for Idaris, But I need to hear it from you.
He told me that it was the only way to protect him from his enemies.
He told me I had to kill Dr.
Surveillance said Idaris just left his house, went to Julia's, spoke to the grandmother, now he's headed west on Dundas.
He's gonna make a run for it.
Probably headed to the airport.
My bet, the credit union.
If he's gonna rabbit, he'll need money.
Les get there.
- How we doing? - He's coming out now.
You recognize me now? Aidan! Aidan, I got him! I got him.
d The echo to your yell d The ripple to your dive d The currents under your wave You're Julia? Yes.
You're frightened.
Thank you.
And I could come to visit you, if you like.
Yeah, I would.
Come on, Julia.
It's time to go.
d I could feel you d All around me What will happen to her? Well, she's a minor, and Idaris' influence will be taken into account, so she's still got a chance at a good life.
So do you, Ben.
That is why I escaped, why I came here.
I haven't had the chance yet.
Ben, we've been talking to the prosecutors.
They're going to reconsider the charges.
But in the meantime, you're going to have to get some counselling.
More talk.
Talking is not a weakness, Ben; hiding is.
I'll make some arrangements to find someone for you to talk with.
And until then, if you want to just sit in on a group It's OK.
Uh I got it.
Aidan, you brought a friend today.
Everyone, this is Ben.
Hi, Ben.
You were a soldier? Yes.
In the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Yeah, Ben's just he's just here to listen.
Well, if Ben's going to listen, he's going to need someone to listen to.
Does anyone have anything to say? Yeah.
I'll go.
Um you know, I've been doing better.
A lot better.
Uh but this week, for some reason, it's been coming back on me, and when I sleep if I sleep - uh the worst things come back.
Do you want to tell us about the worst things, Aidan? Well, I mean, it's nothing new.
You guys have heard it all before.
He hasn't.
d Never saw you d Never heard you d But I knew that you were there d
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