Daughter from Another Mother (2021) s02e04 Episode Script


Can you please tell me
what you're trying to do?
Marcela wanted to bail on your app.
I saved you.
Ana, I didn't ask you to save me.
Especially not if you want to turn
the app into an online store
that profits off of maternity
and with no social responsibility.
Marcela showed me your pitch deck.
This app is about creating a safe space
for new mothers. That's what it's about.
Mariana, we're entrepreneurs,
not therapists.
We need to turn a profit
and be self-sufficient.
Okay, but I have a right to ask
that you respect my ideas
and not take over what's mine.
You accusing me of stealing your app?
No, though I warn you,
you're not going to control
me or Regina, okay?
Even if Ana is an investor,
we're the developers.
So we're entitled to be heard, right?
I wanted to talk to you about that.
- I have to quit the app.
- Why?
Because I want to spend more time
on a video game I'm developing.
Looks like we're still in sync.
We both got texts at the same time.
Let's see.
An invitation
to Ceci's senior prom.
You owe me a chocolate!
Man, come on.
Since we're so in sync,
why don't we go together?
My invitation has a plus-one.
So does mine.
Are you gonna invite someone?
I'm sure I can find
an interesting prospect.
Really? That's great.
Okay, well, I should get going.
Goodbye, sweetheart.
I'll close the door.
- What the hell was that, dude?
- What do you mean?
Nothing, other than the fact
that your ex just told you
she has several prospects
to bring to the prom. You have zero.
- Stay out of this.
- Fuck, man!
You can't show up alone!
That's what losers do.
Isn't that right, princess?
Tell your dad he's a dumbass.
I didn't do anything wrong!
It was just a party.
A small get-together.
You're overreacting.
Overreacting? You said
you were no longer seeing the grandma.
- What? Are you crazy?
- I saw her. She was at your party.
What? How?
Don't play dumb.
Maybe you shouldn't go to Ceci's prom.
I don't want to share a table with you.
Sorry to interrupt,
but you're both banned from my prom.
Either stop fighting,
or I'll give the tickets back.
I won't let either of you ruin
the most important day in my life.
Oh, by the way, Dad,
Mom is definitely crazy,
but I also saw Tere
outside your apartment. Hmm?
Happy now?
Mr. Juan Carlos,
the diaper bag
has everything Valentina needs. Hmm?
Hi, Valentina.
Shall we go home?
Don't change the subject, Pablo.
Bring Cynthia as your date.
It's either that or looking like a loser
when Mariana walks in
with one of those hipster dudes
she's working with.
Listen, man, Cynthia is
perfect for you. Think about it.
- This will be the perfect party.
- Perfect!
I got the most amazing dress.
Mine too. It's on hold.
Really? Mine too!
I'll show you mine and you show me yours.
All right.
Let's see.
No way. It's the same dress.
- I chose it first.
- No, I found it first!
Dude, the dress is form-fitting.
It'll look way better on me.
- What?
- Seriously, Ceci.
Buy another dress,
don't embarrass yourself.
The dress is mine, period.
I have several missed calls from you.
So, tell me. What can I do for you?
This is going to sound crazy.
- Ana told me that
- It's true.
I was outside your apartment, yes.
Unfortunately, Ana and Ceci saw me there.
Why were you here?
- Are you stalking me?
- Of course not.
Why don't you ask your brother
what we were doing there?
- Víctor?
- Yes, Víctor.
You know what? Don't call me again.
- Very well done.
- Shh!
Your mask is going to crack.
Valentina, which side goes in front?
Altagracia, any chance
you packed a diaper-changing manual?
Just lay down the girl
on top of the diaper.
Then, just fold it up and fasten the tabs.
Just pay attention to the front side.
That's the problem.
I can't tell which the front is.
Well, me neither, sir.
That's why Mrs. Ana hired a nanny.
Thanks for nothing, Altagracia. Goodbye.
Hell yeah!
What's up?
Hey, do you have time to do me a favor?
Sure, is this a math problem?
It's a little more complex than that.
I'm so worried.
Come on, Mariana.
Can we talk about something
other than Ana?
No, we can't.
Now she wants to sell
heels, sexy lingerie,
and expensive makeup through my app.
This stuff has nothing to do
with maternity!
Everything is negotiable.
Well, not this.
You know what else she said?
She's getting a pitch ready
for an important client.
She's so annoying.
Some say there's a fine line
between love and hate.
And you look furious.
Maybe you're not over her.
Stop projecting your lesbian
romantic fantasies on me.
The point is, I'm not rolling over.
I get that.
You know what else I get?
I'm a partner in the app,
I own a tiny share.
which means I can go to the co-work
and help you control Miss Perfect.
- Hi, Ana.
- Cynthia.
The graphics you sent me
for Patricia's pitch are perfect.
Thanks, Ana. I'm glad you liked them.
- Come work with me.
- Thanks.
I promise I'll think about it.
I hope Pablo isn't
the reason you're staying.
There's no future with Manolo.
- Good point.
- Do think about it.
I'd like you to be there
when I pitch to Patricia.
I can't rely on Mariana.
Actually, yesterday she sent me
some social responsibility slides.
- To include in the presentation.
- Delete them.
We don't want to spook the client.
Yeah, okay. Will do.
Don't be scared.
The most important thing
is to make Valentina feel safe.
- Act like you know what you're doing.
- But I'm clueless.
No wonder Ceci banned me
from her prom. I'm a terrible dad.
- She didn't invite you?
- Yeah.
But only if I make peace with her mom.
You can go as my plus-one.
Ana and I have a lot to learn
from you and Mariana.
You're doing things right.
Look, I did a great job!
Now that Valentina's changed,
how about we play Mortal Kombat?
- Definitely.
- Well said. Want a beer?
Yes, please.
We'll have so much fun.
Where and when are we meeting
for the dress fitting, Ceci?
Oh, it's at Toxic Boutique, at 11:00.
- Doesn't "toxic" mean
- Shh!
Oh no, my pitch meeting is at 11:00.
Well, never mind. I'll figure it out.
Yours will be the prettiest dress.
I'll make sure of that.
Look, I was thinking something like this,
maybe some sequins, sheer details,
or something kind of
Mom, it's a graduation party,
not Grandma's birthday.
Sweetie, the organizer has to stand out.
Just look at this!
It was a great idea to invite Mijares.
When you play one of his songs,
the dance floor will be packed.
Mom, first you and Dad have to make up.
I'm not hungry.
- Ceci, are you okay?
- I need help with my prom dress.
Okay, but what was that
about looking chubby?
Can you come to my dress fitting?
Is Ana okay with that?
She obviously doesn't know.
I don't want her there.
She'll only criticize me.
Okay, count me in.
Why was Tere at my door
that night at the party?
Hang on, don't yell at me.
The noise from the remodel
is more than enough.
Face masks.
What does that have to do with Tere?
Was she with you? Yes or no?
Shh. Yes, I was there with her.
You said you'd help me
end that relationship.
I did, but then we started
a business together.
- A face mask business?
- Among other stuff.
We're opening a beauty salon.
A beauty salon?
For men. We even rented out a space.
Fuck, Víctor,
call Tere and tell her it's off.
Juan Carlos, I'm not doing that.
Why not?
In here, you're the boss,
the favorite son.
You'll inherit the family business
while I follow orders.
That's fine with me.
But out there, I can do what I please.
So, I'm not dissolving
the business with Tere.
- No way, Víctor!
- Yes way.
I'm fucking sick of you
shooting down all my ideas.
You're a ball buster, Juan Carlos.
A ball buster.
Ana saw Tere outside my place.
She thinks I'm still seeing her.
All because of your stupid salon.
I'll clear it up at the prom.
You're not invited to the prom.
You'll probably show up with Tere.
Are you leaving early?
Um, I have a doctor's appointment.
I'm actually helping Ana
with her pitch meeting.
Please don't tell Manolo.
Of course not.
Everything okay? Need anything?
You busy Saturday?
Mm-mm. No plans, why?
No, no reason. We'll talk later.
The whole outfit?
Excuse me.
- Hi, do you work here?
- Mm-hmm.
Do you sell prom dresses
at your other locations?
Your call will be transferred
to voicemail.
Leave your message after the tone.
Cecilia, where the hell are you?
You told me to meet you
at a store for weird people.
Call me back.
I swear I didn't mean you. I swear it.
In fact, I love your outfit.
- Ceci wasn't at the store.
- What are you going to do?
Her prom is Saturday,
I can't let her choose by herself.
- This Saturday?
- Yes.
- What are you doing here?
- Mariana invited me, I'm a partner too.
Come on.
Your products will be seen
by thousands of users
in our virtual store.
That's right. The app is an online store,
but more importantly, it's a community.
- You may continue, Ana.
- Sure.
Your brand will explode in every sense,
through branding, SEO, and leads.
Not to mention sales on our platform.
But for us to carry your products,
your company must be socially responsible.
Excuse me?
I'm trying to pitch a business strategy.
Sure, we want the app to be a business,
but it's very important for us
for the content to be sponsored
by products from companies
that give back to society.
I don't get why that wasn't
included in the pitch, Cynthia?
I'm sorry, but I'm getting a sense
that you're not in agreement.
- Who should I listen to?
- Me!
I'm the commercial director
of this project.
Right, and I'm the developer
who's protecting its essence.
Yeah, but don't get it wrong, Mariana,
this is a business meeting.
Uh, Ana, I came here today
because I respect your work.
Get on the same page.
Next time, if there is one,
don't waste my time.
Did you expect me to keep my mouth shut?
That woman is an entrepreneur
who used to respect me.
But her company and products
clash with my app's philosophy.
Your app was no longer yours
when you sold Marcela more than half.
So get your head out of your ass, kid.
If you want to give Regina a future,
you must start changing your mindset.
You can't butt into my life,
little Miss Control Freak!
Little Miss Confused Hippie.
You're just like your mom.
- You ruin everything.
- What does my mom have to do with it?
You knew your mom and Juan Carlos
are still seeing each other.
You're making things up.
Sorry, can I turn off the PA system?
Which PA system?
This one.
You're broadcasting to the whole office.
Stupid millennial office!
Mom, what is this
about you still seeing Juan Carlos?
No, Mariana, it's not what you think.
How many times have I heard that?
Listen to her, sweetie. Listen to her.
Ana just told me
you're still seeing Juan Carlos.
Yeah, but not really.
I was there with Víctor. I waited
for him downstairs, I never went in.
What the hell were you doing with Víctor?
Well, we're starting a business.
I'm telling you so there'll be
no misunderstandings.
Sweetie, listen to your mom
and support her.
She's doing things right this time around.
She's also taking a risk with this idea.
They're finally asleep.
I was so tired from work,
I almost fell asleep with them.
Don't you hate work?
I don't hate it.
I guess now it turns out
I'm working with the enemy.
My brother made me look
like a liar to Ana.
I don't know what to do
to win her trust back.
- You want Ana back, huh?
- Yeah.
Of course I do, I can't cope without her.
- You should tell her that. Fight for her.
- Fight for her?
With everything you've got.
Mariana is so stubborn.
She made me look terrible
in front of a client.
I told you, there's only one way
for that app to work.
Buy her out
and then cut her out of the company.
I guess.
- Ana!
- What are you doing here?
You were right.
Tere was at my door.
She was there with Víctor.
Nice try.
- I know Víctor always covers for you.
- Hang on.
That's true, yes,
but so is my love for you.
Besides, you have to believe me.
Really? Why should I?
First, 'cause I'm telling the truth.
Secondly, because we need to make peace
if we want to attend Ceci's prom.
You're getting betrayed.
She tried to offer you money
for your biological child,
and now she wants your brain child.
She's planning
to buy you out from the app.
Mariana, I heard everything.
She wants to cut you off.
They can't do that to me.
This was my idea.
- What am I supposed to do?
- Beats me.
I'd sell it if I were you.
It's too much drama.
You lied to me.
You sent me to a different store.
You don't care about my life.
You only care about the dress.
Hi, how are you all?
I wanted to tell you I have my prom dress.
That's not true.
You're mad at what's going on
between your dad and me.
But I want to be with you
when you choose your dress.
Mom, stop it.
Seriously, don't worry.
Someone else is coming with me.
Well, even if Olivia is there,
you could use the opinion of
Seriously, Mom?
You don't even know we're fighting?
I'm going with Mariana.
She's a venomous snake.
- You call her.
- No.
I don't like that Alma Toca woman.
But if I call her,
she'll know Ceci didn't want me there.
Do you have any idea
how much she'll gloat?
- Come on.
- Fine.
How are you, darling?
What a nice surprise!
I'm just calling to find out
where and when
the girls' dress fitting will be.
Ana didn't tell you?
Are you two having a tiff?
No, not at all.
I misplaced the info Ana gave me,
and I don't want her
to think I don't care.
In that case, I'll text you
the time and location.
You're the best.
See how easy that was?
Are you at home or at the office?
I finished my work early.
You know how unprofessional it is
to play games on the clock?
Sorry, you can't say he's unprofessional
if he's quick and efficient.
Video games are not allowed.
This is our latest collection.
This one's mine!
I saw it first!
How about this one?
It's extra-extra small.
Don't be discouraged,
look at all these dresses.
I'm sure you'll find one
that's perfect for you.
I promise.
I think I found the perfect dress.
Thanks for that.
You shouldn't have risked it.
Manolo is a bastard.
I couldn't just watch him abuse
someone I care about.
Truth is, I have feelings for you.
If you were going to invite me
to the prom, I'm saying yes.
I didn't get a plus-one.
You asked if I had plans.
- I thought
- I was just curious.
I'm an idiot.
- This dress is amazing.
- It looks wonderful on you.
Do I look chubby?
Of course not.
Forget about all that. You look beautiful.
Remember, each body is unique.
So, we should wear what we like.
It's incredible.
for helping me find it, Mariana.
Take off that dress.
- It's too simple, you're the organizer.
- What are you doing here, Mom?
I'm helping you find the perfect dress.
That one isn't it.
- Ceci!
- Ana, I wouldn't go in there.
You ruined my pitch meeting,
don't ruin this moment with my daughter.
But Ceci is feeling very insecure.
Can you step aside so I can help?
Are you okay?
Of course not.
Olivia said I wouldn't look good
in a tight dress.
My mom doesn't think I can choose
a decent dress for my prom.
I get it.
I went through the same
when I got pregnant.
Everyone was so judgmental,
it really killed my confidence.
So, what did you do?
I created an app where
those who felt like I did
could express themselves freely,
without being judged.
A safe space.
But how can I have
a safe space like yours?
You can start
by telling your mom how you really feel.
No, no way.
Mariana, my mom doesn't listen.
Talking to her is pointless,
like talking to a wall.
I honestly think that if you try
and tell her what you need,
she'll listen to you.
Come on, go to her.
I'm feeling insecure because I feel
like I can't trust you or Dad.
I'm scared our family will fall apart.
I'm scared our relationship
will be fractured
with what's going on
between your dad and me.
That's why I'm here,
because I want to be there for you
on such a big day in your life.
I want you to know
that no matter what happens,
your dad and I love you,
and we'll always be a family.
That dress fits you perfectly.
You look gorgeous.
I said I didn't like it 'cause I'm jealous
it wasn't me who found it for you.
Estela, sweetheart!
You look divine in that dress.
Out of this world!
Like it? Then that's the one.
- Shall we try another store?
- Okay.
- I'll wait here.
- Yes.
I want to see Mariana's face
when she sees you with Cynthia.
I didn't invite her.
Because Cynthia told me
she has feelings for me.
It wouldn't be fair to lead her on.
You're certain
you have no feelings for her?
Listen, bro.
Don't you think
you might be scared
that this could be something real?
It's really simple, now's not a good time.
Things are stable with Mariana and Regis.
I can't risk that.
I called to let you know
I quit my old job.
I'm ready to come work for you.
Hey, don't push it.
- Thanks. I'll see you in a bit.
- Yeah.
I'm glad you got the dress.
Honestly, it looks great on you.
You also look amazing.
I got hung up on the dress
because I felt I didn't look good
in anything else.
We shouldn't be unhappy about our bodies.
I really miss my best friend.
- Hey, you.
- You look stunning.
- Shall we?
- Mm-hmm.
- Hey.
- Hello.
Are you here alone? Yeah.
This is a time in our life
we sometimes find it hard to understand.
This is where we question
who we are and who we'll become.
But we also learn
that the people we love most
are actually frail,
and they also make mistakes.
Recently, I learned that we're responsible
for creating our own safe space.
We have to protect
and strengthen ourselves.
The people we love most
will always be there for us.
But one day
it might be us
who has to be there for them.
So, cheers to the graduates.
Ana, you look gorgeous.
You look exactly
like you did at your college prom.
- Please, Juan Carlos.
- I'm serious.
- Don't exaggerate.
- Time hasn't touched you.
Oh, hi.
- I wasn't expecting to see you together.
- We're together.
- We're very much together.
- That's great. Whoo!
Wonderful! Enjoy your evening.
I'm going to the ladies' room.
You're suffocating me.
You give me motivation ♪
Make my life ♪
I owe you an apology.
You were right.
I was mistaken.
Not just about Ceci, about the app too.
I understand the importance
of creating a safe space for women,
like the one we once had.
Why did you invest in my app?
I thought I could die
and I realized life is short.
So, I decided
I'll no longer
do anything I don't believe in.
I believe in your app
'cause I believe in you.
I'm sorry for trying to change it.
I'm sorry for trying
to buy Regina, it was a crazy thing to do.
Not as crazy as me thinking
I was in love with you and telling you
about it during the christening.
I get it now.
I admire you
and care about you very deeply.
As a friend.
And congratulations on Ceci.
I hope I do such an amazing job
when Regina grows up.
I missed you.
Being close to you feels right,
especially now that I'm going through
a difficult moment in my marriage.
My mom told me you saw her
at Juan Carlos' place,
but she was there with Víctor.
Juan Carlos didn't know.
Where are you, girlfriend?
- Guess what?
- What?
They're playing our song, girl!
Mom bribed the DJ.
I don't know what happened
between Ana and me,
but I'll do what you said, fight for her.
Even if it hurts, like the song says.
I'm losing the battle ♪
Losing the battle ♪
I'm a soldier of love
In this war between us ♪
It'd be great
if you and I could stay friends.
Hey, since we're friends and all,
there's something I want to say.
I'm not an América fan.
- No.
- Hey, come on.
I'm not.
Wait, Pablo!
I'm a Pumas fan!
I was scared you'd bring someone.
Same here. It would've been so awkward.
But I'm not saying
I don't want you to date.
I feel the same way.
I don't want you to be single forever.
Let's make a pact.
If we start dating someone
We tell the other.
And introduce them to Regina only
Only if it's getting serious.
And it shouldn't affect
- The stability we have now.
- Exactly.
We did a good job with Ceci.
Really good.
Shall we dance?
Mariana told me her mom
really was there with Víctor.
I'm sorry.
I know I still have work to do
to earn back your trust.
Remember what we did at your college prom?
Don't take advantage
of the fact I'm a bit tipsy.
What's wrong with that? We're celebrating.
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