Everything Calls for Salvation (2022) s02e04 Episode Script

Quarta settimana

["Every Night" by Lorenzo Tomio playing]
Every night ♪
I dream the past ♪
Every night ♪
With you ♪
[horn honks]
Every day
The same day ♪
Every day ♪
Alone ♪
[Anna] Hello. Where are you?
Why don't you pick up the phone?
You wanna give us a heart attack?
No, Mom. I'm I'm all right.
I'm all right. I slept at Gianluca's.
I slept at his place.
I'm going to work now.
I'm already late, okay?
I'll call you later. Bye.
Every time ♪
I find ♪
These crazy days ♪
I think of you ♪
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
Guess what.
There's a little surprise. [chuckles]
- [panting] Madonnina mia.
- Okay.
Madonnina mia.
See who's back?
He got here on his own.
As soon as he got to the hospital,
he rushed to the room.
- Whoa, Madonnina! Madonnina.
- [whimpers]
Good morning, Madonnina.
- [gasping]
- Yeah. [laughing]
- What, you didn't recognize me?
- Madonnina mia.
- Now we have a family reunion too. See?
- Let's give him a shower though.
- [whimpers] Madonnina mia!
- What is it? What happened?
- Madonnina mia. [whimpers]
- [Daniele] What is it?
- Madonnina mia.
- He wants his old bed. What should we do?
I think you're right. Paolo,
would you mind letting him have it?
Uh, yeah, sure, no problem.
So, it seems that what I heard is true.
There he is. Welcome back, Madonnina.
- Now the whole gang is here.
- [gasping]
- Oh! Madonnina mia.
- [laughing]
I am not a Madonna.
For now. But I'll see what I can do.
In the meantime, you can stay here. Hmm?
He even recognized Dr. Cimaroli.
You and I are the only ones he ignored.
- [Pino] Thank you, Paolo, for helping out.
- You're welcome.
[Daniele] The bed is free. You can go.
[panting, whimpering]
Madonnina mia. Ah! [panting]
- May we come in?
- [Mancino] Mr. Marchetti, please come in.
- [Armando] Good morning.
- [Mancino] Good morning.
- No, Daniele. You can stay.
- [Armando grunts]
So. Mr. Armando,
unfortunately, the Carabinieri
have just informed us that your apartment
has been reassigned
to a family with a minor.
My apartment?
So, you can't stay here, obviously.
You don't have a permanent address
for the time being,
which creates a problem.
Why can't I stay here?
Armando, let's be honest. You do not
suffer from any psychiatric disorder.
- Of course I do.
- [Mancino] No, no.
You should be grateful
you stayed this long.
[Armando exhales]
[Mancino] So, basically,
for the time being,
you can only take up residence
with the city council.
But I was assigned the apartment
by the city council itself.
[Mancino] I know. It's really unfair.
[Mancino] Anyway, I requested
a place in a nursing home.
A residence for the elderly.
- [Armando groans]
- Let's hope for the best.
It would be nice to just have a place
where I could die in peace.
That's all I ask for.
Have a look.
They managed to recover this, at least.
Ah! This is my photo album, you know?
[chuckles] Beautiful.
This was me at the beach.
See? This is my mother.
Ah, and this is my father.
- He was a handsome man.
- He was, wasn't he? [laughs]
He was a real son of a bitch.
But his affection
for me was unlike any other.
He took me everywhere
with him, you know? Everywhere.
My mother disapproved,
because she insisted on keeping me at home
for some reason, but he didn't listen.
[chuckles] When we traveled
to the racecourse
at Tor di Valle for the very first time.
Ah, I must have been what, five?
An absolute pleasure.
Do you realize
this was my first horse race?
With trotters, you know.
To this day, I still remember.
[Daniele chuckles]
When I grew up,
I realized why my mother
didn't want me to go anywhere with him.
Not because he didn't love me.
No, on the contrary.
Because he passed down to me,
together with his love,
his malady as well.
I became addicted to horse races like him.
- Oh, you bet on horses?
- All the time.
I squandered everything.
Just like my father.
But he loved me so much.
When we were victorious and our horse,
well, finished in first place, you know,
he'd be so excited,
he'd throw me up in the air.
- Then he'd catch me, of course. [laughs]
- Oh, of course. [laughs]
[Daniele exhales]
Get off the car. I have to go.
No. [gasps]
Not until you hear what I have to say.
Tell me.
It's true. I was selfish,
an asshole, all that.
I shouldn't have done it,
but when I saw you on my bed, I thought
You thought the whole world
was supposed to know, huh?
Why is it that you always
have to try to ruin my life, huh?
[gasps] How can you
not understand, Daniele?
Understand what?
That I love you, you idiot.
I love you, Daniele.
Do you remember the kiss
you gave me when I left this place?
Of course I remember.
I only did it to make your father mad.
For you, but for me,
it was a beautiful thing,
because it made me think
that maybe between us
[gasps] Come on, Gianluca.
I mean, I love women. You know that.
You've always known that.
I don't I can't help it.
[sobs, sniffles]
It's true, you're right.
You told me. That's why
I've decided we shouldn't
see each other anymore.
You're not serious, Gianlu.
Daniele, enough is enough.
I've tried, but that's enough.
I can no longer be your confidant
for your love stories with others.
It hurts. Do you understand?
So we shouldn't see each other anymore.
I'd prefer that.
[chuckles] Even though I loved you
more than anyone else in my life.
By the way,
you don't know what you're missing.
[engine turns over]
- Come in.
- [chuckles]
- What are you doing? Writing poems?
- No, I'm writing something for Pino.
A letter for Rossana, the night nurse.
He couldn't do it himself, so
- Is he paying you?
- [laughing]
- [sighs]
- How's it going?
[sighs] I don't know. Good? Bad?
- Mom told me just now.
- [Daniele] Hmm.
As always, life is a burden for me.
But at least now work is going better.
Every now and then,
I even feel as if I'm serving a purpose.
Well, that's good.
Then why are you feeling bad?
You know why, Antonella.
I'm worried that they'll take
Maria away from me. I'm terrified.
It won't happen.
- No?
- No.
Make some room.
[Daniele exhales]
Let's see what you've written.
"Rossana, you're my first thought
in the morning when I wake up
and my last thought before I fall asleep."
My God, how incredibly ancient.
[laughing] So what if it sounds old?
That's how Pino is. He's ancient.
Okay, I get it, but who is she?
The Nun of Monza?
I mean, if someone writes
something like that to me, I swear,
I will burst out laughing in his face.
Sure, but that's because you're an animal.
You'd have hit Nina
if I hadn't stopped you.
No, don't mention her.
Nina and her mother.
I swear, I'd love
to punch them in the face like this.
Bam, bam, bam!
Hurting them, you know? Bam, bam!
Go watch it again on the video camera.
- [laughing] Oh, come on.
- Hey, what are you doing?
What are we doing, Giovanni?
We're having a little bit of fun now.
- You're smoking joints.
- [laughing]
What joints? I wish.
We're just nuts by nature, Giovanni.
Oh, yeah? Get out of the way, then.
- No! No! What are you doing?
- Hey, are you crazy?
- Get off my bed! Ouch!
- Don't put your feet on
Are you stupid, jumping on me like that?
Do you know how heavy you are?
You'd kill me if I got into your bed!
I can arrest you
for assaulting a cop, okay?
Get off my bed, you bully. I'm gonna
rip my plushy to shreds because of you.
Come on, like when we were kids! [shouts]
"Only to bring the reddest rose
into your life,
which is just a step away from mine."
I don't know, Daniele. [sighs]
What? You don't like it?
I mean, if you read it like that
No, it's nice. Well-written.
Even if I only understand half of it.
That's not the problem. I think
What's up, guys?
She won't buy that I wrote this.
She's not stupid.
- She's gonna laugh at both of us.
- Mm.
Or she'll find out
that you have a hidden poetic soul.
- Why not?
- Yeah.
- I'll try. I'll keep you posted, okay?
- Mm-hmm.
- Hey, if you talk
- [kisses]
Paolo, Dr. Mancino is waiting.
Ah, yes, thanks.
[Daniele] Armando.
- [laughs] Wow, damn, what a style!
- [whimpers]
- Looks good on you.
- [whimpers]
- Oh, no. Madonnina mia.
- [Daniele] Did you dress him?
- [exhales]
- [Madonnina whimpering]
- What do you want, sucker?
- [Daniele] Nothing.
- If you need anything or you want
- I'm okay. Get lost.
[Daniele] I don't know.
[exhales] He used to scare me a little.
Now, he just he just seems really lonely.
Good, Daniele, it's a big step forward.
It means you've put the right distance.
Why don't we look
for his family's number in Algeria?
Maybe we could contact them first
and prepare them or something.
Maybe he's just afraid of being rejected,
but it may not be the case.
Damn it, one step forward and two back.
What is this, You've Got Mail?
Look, that's not how it works.
Rachid is a grown-up, okay?
We can't call his parents
on his behalf if he doesn't want us to.
Just like you, Daniele,
I was a patient here at first.
I was in my first year of law school.
I went home and found my girlfriend in bed
with another man.
Then my memory gets hazy,
like, a sort of nightmare.
The screams, the beatings, the blood.
And then being here
during my forced hospitalization.
Elisabetta was just starting out
at that time.
- Dr. Cimaroli?
- [chuckles] She's the one who saved me.
She must have been 30, at most.
And when I got out,
I dropped out of law school
and took up medicine.
I'm sure you can imagine the rest.
A psychiatric ward
is a borderline that doesn't really exist.
[gasps] There's only one difference
between us and them.
Good fortune.
Come on, let's get back to work.
- [Alessia] Paolo, you can't be here. Out.
- Dr. Mancino.
[Alessia] Out, I said!
- [grunts]
- What's going on?
- Nothing.
- "Nothing"?
He came in and closed the door.
But he didn't do anything wrong.
Paolo, this is a really serious matter.
This must never happen again.
- You understand, right?
- Yes.
Yes, sorry, Alessia.
Sorry, everyone.
Paolo, come on. Paolo.
- What did he say? What happened?
- Nothing. He wanted to talk.
But when I saw him, I just panicked.
- You're okay though?
- Yes, yes, yes.
Do you wanna report this in his records?
No, no, no, no, no.
It won't happen again. I'm sure.
Good. Now, go see how he's doing.
Yeah, come on. [sniffles]
Paolo, I know you meant no harm. I know.
But Alessia got scared.
I know you didn't mean to.
Of course not.
Paolo. Hey.
- Look, nothing happened, come on.
- [sobbing]
- [Alessia] Okay?
- What did he try to do?
I'm sure he flirted with you.
Well, it doesn't take a psychiatric genius
to figure out that this boy's problem is
that he doesn't fuck.
You're making fun of me,
but I've never had a woman!
There you go. Spot on.
[Paolo] And I just wanted
to tell her that
Oh, let's leave it at that.
Look, come on, it's nothing, okay?
Um, sorry.
Do we happen
to possess the contact information
of a generous
and compassionate young woman?
Let's make it
a memorable experience for him.
Even a little hand job, quick
and always effective. There.
I'd do it myself,
but despite my best intentions, I can't.
- It's too great a sacrifice.
- [laughing]
What are you laughing at? What's funny?
The notion that sex
is only a private matter
for normal individuals irritates me a lot.
Isn't a sick person or an invalid
equally entitled from time to time
to a healthy orgasm?
[Paolo gasps]
[TV playing indistinctly]
I have to go. Nina's coming, and I
have to look after Maria. Is that okay?
- Okay.
- [whimpering] Madonnina mia!
Out of the way! Get outta here.
- He wants a cigarette.
- Okay.
Here you go.
- [whimpers]
- [lighter clicks]
[Daniele] Hmm.
- [Alessia chuckles]
- Madonnina mia.
[Daniele sighs]
- Matilde?
- She stayed in the room.
[Matilde sobbing]
[Daniele] Matilde.
[Matilde sniffles]
[Daniele] Matilde. Hey.
[gasps] Get out of here! Get out!
It's your fault if I'm like this.
It's my fault?
Yeah, it's your fault!
[sobbing] I asked you
for a razor to shave myself.
I have the beard of an old man.
White. I have the beard of an old man.
I am so gross. So gross! [sobbing]
- You don't have a beard.
- Yes, I have a beard!
I can't give you a razor.
I'm sure you understand.
Then get out already!
You're useless. Get out.
However, I can shave you.
If you trust me.
["Alone Again, Naturally"
by Volfmon playing]
To think that only yesterday ♪
I was cheerful, bright and gay
Looking forward to ♪
Ah. There we go.
Turn a bit. Okay.
Reality came around ♪
And without so much
As a mere touch, cut me ♪
Tell me if I'm hurting you, okay?
I hope I won't cut you. [chuckles]
♪God in His mercy ♪
For if He really does exist ♪
Then why did He desert me ♪
In my hour of need? ♪
I truly am indeed ♪
Alone again, naturally ♪
Well done.
Thank you.
And the long road led
to the princess's house. Yeah?
Who was waiting for her prince.
And here he is.
- Here he is.
- [Giorgio] Daniele.
Hey, Giorgio, this is Maria.
- I already met her.
- You did?
What are you doing?
Nothing, playing while we wait for Nina
to come back from seeing Cimaroli.
Right, Maria?
Are you giving me the flower?
- Uh, you shouldn't yank up flowers, okay?
- Come on, Giorgio. [exhales]
Fine, Maria is allowed to.
In fact, if you move over,
I'll tell her about them.
Go on. I'll leave you
with Uncle Giorgio, okay?
- [Maria babbles]
- Maria, this flower is a daisy.
- [Daniele sighs]
- It's a perennial flower, which means
It means it lives for more than two years.
Do you understand?
Yeah, more than two.
In winter, when it's cold,
it seems to die,
but then in summer
in spring
[Daniele] When you laugh
When you are one with joy
Nothing bad exists
- [Giorgio] It's like it's going to sleep.
- [Daniele] Your arms quiver in the air
Grasping at invisible things
Friendly lights and shadows
Play with you in secret
In a language forbidden to everyone else
[Giorgio] Uncle's little doll.
Uncle's little doll.
- Fly, fly, fly! Yeah.
- [laughing]
- [Daniele] Fly!
- [Maria laughing]
[Daniele kisses] The monster of kisses.
- Fly, fly, fly! Do you like it, huh?
- [Maria babbles]
- Are you ready? Fly, fly, fly!
- [Maria squeals]
You like it. That's my girl.
- Fly, fly, fly!
- I thought I said not to get her dirty.
- Come on, we were having fun.
- Yeah.
- Here's Mommy. Yeah?
- Sweetheart!
- Mommy's here.
- Maria!
- My precious little one!
- Go to Mommy.
[laughs] Hi.
- You had fun?
- How did it go with Dr. Cimaroli?
Well, fine. She said it's best
to continue the treatment for a month.
I need a little support,
because of the upcoming audition.
- She's not entirely wrong.
- What audition?
Ah, right, I didn't tell you.
I was contacted by Virzì's casting,
regarding the lead role
in his upcoming film.
[Daniele] Ah.
Well, thanks for the enthusiasm, Daniele.
It's just that you said you
didn't wanna do it anymore.
But what do I know? I thought you were
happy with your studies and with her.
Yes, well, uh, I was skeptical at first,
but then I saw myself in a video
from a few years back.
Everything clicked. I couldn't believe it.
I mean, I'm an actress.
Forget about that shitty TV series.
This is different,
working with a talented director.
Is it you talking or your mother, huh?
Giorgia, get out of this body! Come on!
See? This has always been your problem.
You see me as a child, as a stupid doll
that belongs to my mother.
Hmm? You misjudge me.
Daniele, come on,
who are you to talk about me, huh?
Seriously. [laughs]
Look, I mean,
you're a nurse in a social cooperative.
You're a failure.
A guy with starvation wages
for the rest of his life.
Well, I don't wanna be like you. See you.
I don't understand.
What the fuck was I thinking,
for crying out loud?
The night I decided to listen to you.
You're such a curse,
you and your mother. Really, you are.
I mean, I don't fucking understand
how such a beautiful thing like her
could come out of someone like you.
You fuck off.
Giving me the finger. You fuck off.
What is that ugly guy saying?
What's Dad saying? Is he saying bad words?
We're not allowed to say these things.
[gasps, exhales]
[exhales, sniffles]
[bottles clanking]
[Angelica] Hi.
- Do we really have to go to the movies?
- [chuckles] I don't know.
[TV playing indistinctly]
- [Rossana] Pino.
- Rossana.
- What are you doing here?
- I live here. What are you doing?
- Oh, you live here?
- Yeah.
Aren't you supposed
to be at work right now?
No, not tonight. I took a day off.
Oh, I didn't know. A friend of mine
invited me over to watch the game.
- Oh, he lives here? What's his name?
- I don't remember his last name.
Well, give him a call then. [chuckles]
I have, but he's not answering me.
The volume of the television must be up.
- That's why I was looking
- [vuvuzela honks]
It's starting. You hear that?
I know. I'm actually gonna watch it.
Wanna come up?
- Huh?
- Wanna come up?
- No, no.
- No?
No, no. Uh, I'll wait a few minutes,
in case he answers.
Otherwise, I'll go home.
I left my dog alone.
- Oh. No problem.
- Yeah.
I'll see you tomorrow then.
See you tomorrow.
Oh! That's what I wanted to tell you.
Damn. I'm such an idiot.
Um, I have a cousin who has
connections with FC Roma.
- And?
- He gives me a lot of free tickets.
I thought if you'd like
to see a game sometime.
Provided you're a Roma fan.
If you're into Lazio, no way.
Come on, Pino, Lazio sucks.
For 12 years, I've followed Roma
and never missed a game.
When my husband was healthy,
I used to go with him.
Uh, what can I say?
I miss going to the games.
Okay, sure, I accept gladly.
- Thank you, Pino.
- Great, sure.
- See you.
- See you.
[door closes]
- I have something important to tell you.
- Yeah, tell me.
- Just wait a second.
- What is it?
[sighs] It's been a while
since I, you know
Don't worry, okay? Just relax.
[Angelica] Stop.
- Fucking stop!
- What? What's wrong?
What did I do?
[panting] Just leave me alone, please.
I mean, are you saying
you're a virgin? [chuckles]
What the fuck are you saying?
You think that's the point?
No, no, no, no, no, sorry.
Nothing happened, huh?
- Relax, come here.
- You're weird, Daniele. You on something?
No. [chuckles]
No, I didn't take anything.
- Come here, come on.
- I'd like you to leave.
- But why? What's wrong with you?
- Get out.
- Sorry.
- Don't touch me. Get the fuck out!
Get out! [panting]
- [panting]
- [cell phone chimes]
[Angelica] You're like my father.
[sobs] You both hide your selfishness,
your violence behind the alibi of illness.
You're not sick. [sobs]
You're just evil.
I don't wanna see you anymore.
Never again.
- [horn honking]
- [gasps]
[tires screech]
Fuck, fuck, fuck,
fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
Oh, God.
["Carme" by Daniela Pes playing]
[singing in Italian]
[coughing, gasping]
[Nina] "He didn't believe in theater."
"He was always laughing at my dreams."
"So, little by little,
I stopped believing as well,
and I eventually lost my soul."
"Then came, um,
the the heatbr
heartbreaks. The heartbreaks."
Oh, God. [exhales]
"The heartbreaks, the jealousy, the
the anxiety for the child all the time."
"I became petty. Devoid of soul.
The way I acted was crazy."
"I didn't know what to do
with my hands. I didn't"
"I didn't" [sighs]
You're incapable! Idiot! You're a failure!
[laughing] Darling,
Maria did something really crazy!
[Nina] Why the hell didn't you knock?
Sorry, I wanted
to tell you what Maria did.
Don't give a fuck
what you or Jesus Christ want.
Don't bother me
while I'm rehearsing. Get lost!
Your mother is so upset.
Come, Maria. Come, love.
Come to Mommy. Good girl, good girl.
[grunts] Here's my little girl.
I'm sorry.
- Sorry, my love. Mommy was not very nice.
- [babbles]
I know.
But Granny can
really be annoying sometimes. Hmm?
So, what about
we read Chekhov together, hmm?
- Do you really have to smoke now?
- Mm!
I don't like the fact you've
started smoking again. Just so you know.
- It's just one, on occasion.
- Then don't smoke at all.
[Angelo] There he is.
Let's see what his excuse is.
What happened to you this time?
[Daniele] It's true. It's all true.
I started taking sedatives
without a prescription.
[Anna sighs]
[Daniele] But I can't afford it anymore.
I can't keep hurting the people I love,
including you two.
You know we'll always
be here for you, don't you?
But you have to
start believing in yourself.
In your worth and you're worth a lot.
I know. I know.
[sighs] It's time for a real change.
I have plenty
of good things in life, don't I?
There's Maria, you and a job that I love.
Now I even have a girlfriend who
- A girlfriend?
- [sighs]
Mario's daughter.
Her name is Angelica.
But I think I've ruined everything
with her too.
She doesn't wanna see me anymore. [sighs]
Tomorrow, I'll talk to Dr. Cimaroli.
And I'll tell her everything.
She'll help me.
This time things will work out.
[gasps] I promise you.
And I believe you.
I wanna believe it.
I don't.
I don't believe you anymore, Daniele.
Who knows? Maybe in six months, in a year,
I'll know that you've told me the truth.
But for now, I don't believe you.
I understand.
You didn't eat.
You talking about this shit?
Let's give this to the old man,
since he likes it so much.
Thank you. I've already eaten.
You should have it.
Anyway, one thing's for sure,
you fool, I'm starving.
This time you won't get away with
a slice of pizza or fried rice balls.
We're near the sea.
Delicious spaghetti topped with clams.
And some fish, as well. Grilled or fried?
Yeah, sure.
And a nice bottle of prosecco and seafood.
- I'll go get it for you.
- What the fuck, you sucker!
You can't afford not to, and you know it!
- Let go of me.
- Or else? Will you beat me up?
Even if I have a broken arm?
Come on, go ahead.
[Matilde] I think
that Daniele can go now.
I'd say he has paid in full
for his mistake. Hmm?
And don't forget that it
was you who provoked him.
It's true.
Daniele did nothing wrong, okay?
So, can you stop the fighting now?
Daniele is a very nice person.
He treats everyone with goodwill, respect.
The princess has changed
her mind about the slave.
His licking her ass
could have been the reason.
Darling, look.
I have always been a woman.
The fact that my body was born
with a dick was an unfortunate accident.
Although it's a big one, so
But I've got more
male attributes than just that.
So I would encourage you
to never use that tone with me again.
Hmm? I would be content
to spend the rest of my life behind bars,
having gouged out the eyes
of someone like you.
And now,
say sorry to me.
- Then tell Daniele you're sorry as well.
- [laughs]
I didn't hear that.
Sorry, Matilde.
- And now say that you're sorry to Daniele.
- [laughs]
Sorry to you too.
Daniele, I'm sorry.
Daniele, I'm sorry.
Hey, I wanna ask you something.
What's up?
- I wanna call home.
- Sure.
- Wait, I'll leave.
- No need. I have no secrets to hide.
Hey, there, Mom.
It's Rachid.
I'm still in Italy.
How are you all?
Samir. Karima.
I see.
Sorry, Mom.
No, everything is fine here.
I have plenty of work.
Hopefully, I'll visit soon, Mom.
I have to go now.
I love you.
[clicks tongue]
- How did it go?
- Uh
My mother, she started crying
when she heard my voice.
Things are not going well there.
Only my older brother works,
and my younger siblings are
at home with her.
And your father?
My father died when I was ten years old.
He was a bricklayer,
like Alessandro's father.
But he didn't die in his bed.
He fell from a building
under construction.
So, in order for my mother to avoid
being an illegal immigrant in Marseille,
she returned to Algeria.
With my brothers.
And I, uh [chuckles]
I stayed in France to pursue a career
as a professional soccer player.
She was certainly hoping I'd tell her that
my career was successful,
so maybe I could send some money to her.
It was impossible
for me to tell her a lie.
[laughing] But I did tell her that
in Italy, there's a lot of work.
[laughs] And that I work 24/7.
You did good.
Well, you're getting out
of here soon, aren't you?
What do you think you'll do then?
What will I do?
I'll be a psycho or a criminal.
You Europeans are great
at making us become this way.
As long as we maintain our strength,
we are valuable.
We're able to keep going
through exhaustion,
and we run and play ball
like you don't want to anymore.
But when we break down, you throw us away.
Let's see what the next guy's got!
Like slaves.
So, as of this coming Wednesday, uh,
Alessandro Proietti will be transferred
to an extended rehab center.
[Pino] Fine. Monday, first thing,
I'll prepare the discharge paperwork,
his health card,
all the necessary documents.
- He basically has no luggage.
- Perfect, Pino. Thank you.
You're welcome, Doctor.
Is it okay if I go finish the rounds?
Sure, yes, please, go ahead.
What's wrong? Are you sad
because Alessandro is leaving?
- [exhales] Yes, a little.
- Hmm.
But I know he'll do better
in a rehab center.
What is it?
Do you have something you wanna tell me?
[inhales] No.
- [exhales]
- Yes or no?
Yes, but maybe I'll tell you
some other time,
because right now
I can only think of Alessandro.
Hmm. Okay, well,
listen, when you wanna talk,
I'm here, as you well know.
- Always available.
- Yes, thanks.
Oh, one thing.
Is it possible for us to take Alessandro
to spend time outdoors,
maybe with Madonnina, to say goodbye?
- Yes or no?
- Hmm.
[Madonnina whimpers]
- Don't know where he is. Giorgio!
- [Madonnina whimpers]
- Hey, Giorgio!
- Hey, Madonnina!
- You're finally back here, eh?
- [Madonnina] Oh!
Food is pretty good here.
Be honest. Come on.
[Daniele] Giorgio, I have good news.
They're moving Alessandro
to a place where he'll get more help.
Meaning they're taking him away?
Yes, but to a place
where they can help him get better.
And should I really be happy, Daniele?
You really think so?
Or have you turned into one
of those people who make fun of Giorgio?
Who think that Giorgio is a little boy.
Like those people
who didn't let me see my mother.
Madonnina mia. [whimpers]
[exhales] No, it's not good news, Giorgio.
But we can't do anything
about it, neither you nor I.
We have to learn to be adults.
But, hey,
we'll go visit him.
I promise we'll go visit him.
- Hmm?
- We have to be adults.
But isn't it awful to be adults, Daniele?
[Daniele] I know it's awful,
but we can't do anything about it.
We don't have any choice.
- Or we'll never leave this place.
- [Madonnina grunts]
[Giorgio] I'm happy here.
As long as I can take care of the flowers.
[Daniele chuckles]
Alessandro, we won't lose each other.
Don't worry too much.
He said we'll come visit you.
Your Giorgio will take care of you.
Alessandro, do you wanna see
the new flowers?
Come on, come. Come with Giorgio.
Come on, Madonnina.
- It's all right.
- [whimpers, shouts]
- [phone beeps]
- Hello.
I'm truly sorry
for what happened last night.
I feel terrible.
I agree with you.
Sometimes we hide behind the illness.
Sometimes it becomes an alibi.
But I wanna ask you one thing.
Please give me another chance.
I'm trying to change.
I'm trying to to be different.
I'm really trying.
Plus, I don't want us to part this way.
- Please, Angelica. Hmm?
- [phone whooshes]
Where the fuck are they?
- Giorgio!
- [Madonnina shouts]
[Daniele] Stop! Hey!
- [grunts] God damn it!
- [Madonnina shouts]
Come on, Madonnina, come on.
Come on, Madonnina.
[Madonnina whimpering]
Come on, go faster. Come on.
[Madonnina shouts]
- I'll take you to the sea, Alessandro!
- Giorgio!
- [tires screech]
- [horns honk]
[Madonnina whimpering]
See, Alessandro? I brought you to the sea.
And there's a pedal boat too.
- [grunts] Here we are.
- [Daniele] Giorgio!
- [Daniele] Giorgio!
- Here.
- Let's get you on board. [grunts]
- [Daniele] Giorgio!
- [panting]
- [Madonnina shouts]
[Daniele] Giorgio!
[Madonnina shouts]
- Madonnina, give me a hand. Push.
- [Madonnina grunts]
[Giorgio] Push!
- [grunts]
- What are you doing? Come on!
- I'm taking him away. Move!
- Yeah, and where's that?
- Away from here.
- You can't! Where are you taking him?
Of course, I can. We can go anywhere.
You're the one who can't.
- Because you've become one of them.
- [Madonnina shouts]
- [Alessandro grunting]
- Oh! Madonnina mia!
[Giorgio] See? He wants to go away too!
You're right, Giorgio.
You're right. That's what he wants.
- Let's go! Come on, push! Come on!
- [Giorgio] Come on!
- Push! Come on, push! [grunting]
- [Daniele] Come on!
Let's go!
[all shouting]
- [Giorgio grunting]
- [groans] You've soaked me!
- [shouting]
- [Daniele] Come on! Hop on it!
- Come with me out of this shitty world!
- Come on!
Alessandro's our captain. Towards the sun!
- [Giorgio] Towards the sun!
- Towards the sun!
- Let's go!
- [shouting]
Madonnina mia!
[Daniele] Keep going towards the sun!
- [Giorgio] Madonnina mia!
- [Madonnina] Madonnina mia!
[Madonnina] Madonnina!
[shouting continues]
- ["Conchiglie" playing]
- [singing in Italian]
[music continues]
[rain falling]
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