Fantastic Four: The Animated Series (1994) s02e04 Episode Script

Inhumans Saga: Part 3: Beware the Hidden Land

[woman] The story so far.
After the Fantastic Four
vanquished the Wizard
and his band of villains,
their strangest member, Medusa,
asks Johnny Storm to save her
from the creature called Gorgon.
When Gorgon kidnaps Medusa,
Johnny follows them to a family
of otherworidly creatures,
known as The Inhumans.
Reunited, the Fantastic Four
faced not only
the might of the Inhumans,
but also their leader, Black Bolt,
whose strength is greater
than even The Thing's.
And now the conclusiĆ³n
of The Inhuman Saga.
Gangway, kiddies.
Incredible! That antennae device
on Black Bolt's head
seems to absorb energy
from the electrons around him,
converting it to raw power.
Try convertin' that mouthful
to raw English, Mr. Wizard.
Don't look now but here comes
the Inhuman cavalry.
Let's see how lead-foot
likes a hot foot.
You got some hot moves, Karnak,
but mine are smokin'!
- Johnny!
- Crystal!
Your friend must stop, Johnny.
Black Bolt cannot be defeated.
Don't worry, Crystal,
it ain't over till the fat Thing sings.
Let me show you
how a pro does it, Benjy.
- Johnny!
- Chill! I can handle this
Black Bolt's power, it's too great.
- Crystal's got him, Sue.
- Oh
Black Bolt temporarily extinguished
the electrons in his flame.
And I am going to extinguish you humans.
You must be destroyed.
This man will reveal
our location to the Seeker.
The Seeker?
I don't know what you're talking about
but I can't let you
His cowl, it's a sealed moisture bag.
You've discovered my secret, human.
Must reach the water.
Any ideas, darling?
I can't keep this up indefinitely.
Just as soon
as I land one good haymaker.
Besides, Buttercup here
ain't saying diddly.
Would it really hurt you to speak up?
Just a belch or something.
Pray that Black Bolt doesn't speak.
His merest whisper
could destroy half your city!
Maybe he just needs a breath mint, lady,
or some strong, silent clobberin'.
Black Bolt, use the master blow.
Master blow, I'll blow
No living being could remain standing
after that.
Strike again, Black Bolt!
No, Black Bolt's electron charge
is depleted.
Ben, are you okay?
Yeah, that guy, he tried to kill me.
Wait, Ben. He only did it out of fear.
I'll show him fear.
Black Bolt needs the pure air
of the Great Refuge to recover.
- We must go now.
- No, I want to stay here.
Maximus now rules the Great Refuge.
Maximus the Mad?
But Black Bolt is king of Attilan.
No longer.
When Maximus erased your memory
and sent you into the human worid,
he knew Black Bolt would follow,
abandoning his kingdom
to search for you.
Allowing Mad Maximus
to seize the throne of Attilan.
But why?
Why did he risk all for me?
Do you not know, dear cousin?
Because he loves you.
But I never dared hope
he might love me the way I
Oh, Crystal?
- What's goin' on?
- Lockjaw?
He senses the Seeker close by.
We've been found.
Black Bolt cannot help us now.
We must go quickly.
- Crystal!
- No!
Johnny, I want to stay here with you!
- To live as you do.
- No, my sister.
We are family,
we must always be with our own kind.
- Johnny!
- Crystal!
No, they're about to vanish!
Flame on!
- Torch!
- Reed!
Johnny Storm!
I don't want to leave you!
Crystal! Wait for me.
Crystal, I
- [gasps] Johnny!
- Now where did they go?
Catching the tail end
of Lockjaw's vanishing act
must've dumped me
away from the others.
Just hope Crystal and I
are in the same time zone.
Gorgon's tremors ruptured a gas main!
What happened?
Why ain't we fantasti-fried?
I don't know
but unless I miss my guess,
we've been saved by the one
the Inhumans called the Seeker.
Your assumption is correct, human.
Though my orders are strictly
to return the Inhumans to Attilan,
I saw no reason to let you perish.
Now that the danger is passed,
you are free.
Free! I want to remain free!
Free to explore the waterways
of the human worid.
Black Bolt allowed me to.
Black Bolt is no longer king, Triton.
Maximus rules now
and all must bow to his will.
Your technology is light years
ahead of anything we have.
What planet do you come from?
Why do humans always presume
they are the only intelligent life
Earth has spawned?
We Inhumans diverged
from mainstream humanity eons ago,
as a result of genetic experimentation
performed by the Cree,
an interstellar race of aliens.
While humans still cowered in caves,
we Inhumans created
an advanced, highly civilized society.
Later, our scientists isolated
the catalyst for human mutation.
A substance called the teragin mist,
deadly poisonous to normal humans,
but to the Inhumans,
the source of all their super-power.
But as the centuries passed,
ordinary humans multiplied more rapidly
and grew to fear and hate the Inhumans.
Our ancestors eventually built
the Great Refuge
to safeguard their supreme species.
but where is the Great Refuge?
That, you shall never know.
Destiny has placed humans and Inhumans
in separate worids
and so must they remain.
Be grateful we are a peaceful culture
or I might've chosen to destroy you
instead of saving you.
Congratulations, Mr. Big Brain,
now we know everything
about them Inhumans
except where they stashed Torchy.
I had to keep the Seeker talking, Ben,
to give me time
to place a homing device on his ship.
Oh, Reed, at times like this,
I remember why I married you.
Gee whiz. Like we have time for this.
Oh, Lockjaw. I'll never be happy
to remain here in Attilan.
Not without Johnny.
Be thankful you're out of his
foul worid, child.
Yes, already the pure air
of the Great Refuge
has restored
most of Black Bolt's strength.
But what of Maximus? He is king.
Now the royal family's reunited,
we will face Maximus together.
We need not fear, Medusa,
Black Bolt is here to protect us.
"Black Bolt is here to protect us!"
So, my prodigal brother has returned.
Along with the lovely Medusa's memory.
Ha! Just as well.
I'd prefer all her faculties intact
when I make her my bride.
King Maximus,
I have returned with Triton.
The entire royal family
will then be able
to witness the power of my atmo-gun.
Using its powerful atmosphere processor,
I, Maximus the Glorious,
shall cloak the worid in teragin mist,
poison all humans
and conquer the worid.
- Sire.
- Hmm?
Black Bolt and the others
are on their way to the throne room.
Release the Alpha Primitives.
But, sire,
the Alpha Primitives fight to the death.
Black Bolt is still your brother.
Well, then,
I'm about to become an only child.
- Stay behind me, sister.
- But I can help too!
Crystal, no!
You haven't fully mastered
your elemental powers!
Oh, no. I'm sorry.
A king really shouldn't allow his future
queen to be rended limb from limb.
Ha, ha, ha!
I have crafted this so very well indeed.
The Inhuman powers of my cousins
are useless against my supreme genius.
- No!
- Crystal! No!
- [Primitives roar]
- [Crystal] No!
Crystal! Flame On!
[Crystal] No!
My heat.
Oh, Johnny
Hey, easy,
I can be too hot to handle.
You saved me.
You came back for me.
Well, that's my job.
Ha, ha, well, we're closin' in, kiddies.
Sue, it might be wise to cloak us
with invisibility until we land.
The Inhumans
aren't overly fond of strangers.
Yeah, my black-and-blue orange butt
can testify to that.
I'm picking up Johnny's signal now.
That must be Attilan.
It is ever so good to see you,
dearest brother.
Especially after your long,
harrowing exile
and today's unfortunate accident
with the Alpha Primitives.
You were responsible
for both incidents, Maximus.
Be careful, dear cousin,
those are serious charges
to level against your king.
They might even be considered by some
as treason.
But then so is bringing a human
into the Great Refuge.
He can never be permitted to leave,
of course.
Is that supposed to be
some kind of a punishment?
What about Triton?
You had the Seeker kidnap him.
Oh, nonsense, my dear, he's safe here.
Safe from the foul, polluted waters
of the human worid.
You're all safe here
in the Great Refuge,
where every Inhuman belongs.
One big happy family.
Ha, ha, ha!
And what makes me happiest
is my impending marriage
to my beautiful cousin, Medusa.
- No!
- Ah, but I'm the king.
And our wedding is my royal decree.
What's with you guys?
You're not gonna let her
marry this creep?
Alas, he now wears the crown of Attilan.
Black Bolt.
This is treason.
My loyal Inhumans, cut him down.
Now, this is more like it.
Black Bolt and I
are gonna clean house. Flame on!
Why didn't you just whack
that weed man?
Black Bolt would never harm an Inhuman.
Even those foolish enough
to follow Maximus.
Johnny's somewhere in there.
Flame on!
Well, there's a sight
to warm my heart.
Looks like the party's heatin' up,
Which ones are the good guys?
Just clobber any Inhuman
you don't recognize.
Music to my orange ears.
My love. My king.
Black Bolt is grateful.
He will allow you humans
to depart now
on the condition you vow
not to reveal what you have seen.
Ha, ha, ha.
Allowing humans
to leave the Great Refuge?
Oh, and they call me mad.
With one master stroke,
I shall doom humankind,
allowing the Inhumans
to inherent the Earth,
as is our ultimate destiny.
No, Maximus,
your ambition will destroy us all!
- [gasps]
- Ha, ha, ha!
Too late, Triton.
Look, the Inhumans cannot
stay in hiding for ever, Black Bolt.
Sooner or later,
you must learn to trust
Someone is tampering
with the atmosphere.
Sue, over there!
[Maximus] Ha, ha, ha!
You're too late, Black Bolt,
the entire human worid
has been destroyed
Triton, he's dying.
- I can provide water if you
- I understand, Crystal.
You may have saved him
but my atmo-gun has destroyed
all the humans in the
What? It can't be!
The humans are still alive!
Of course we are.
Don't you understand?
Inhumans and humans
are not different races.
We just evolved differently.
We're really cousins,
not strangers.
Your weapon,
designed to destroy only humans,
was doomed to fail from the start.
King Black Bolt wants me
to convey his deepest hope
that one day Inhumans
shall rejoin the human race.
No, Inhumans shall never rejoin
the lowly humans, never!
By reversing the ionic charge,
I can create a negative barrier.
Ha, ha, ha!
To keep you prisoners
of the Great Refuge for ever!
Ha, ha, ha!
Sue, throw your force field around us.
The negative barrier is solidifying.
- But where's my brother?
- I see him.
Come on, kid, say goodbye.
We're outta here.
Not without Crystal,
I won't go
- Johnny! Don't leave me!
- Crystal!
Your place is here with us.
Ben, hurry, I can't hold
the force field much longer!
- I hate to do this, kid.
- Crystal!
It felt like solid steel.
But infinitely stronger.
Nothing yet known to science
can penetrate a negative barrier.
- I'm sorry, Johnny.
- No! Crystal!
No, no, no, no!
I'll never see Crystal again.
Hey, easy, easy, hot shot.
Or hear her voice or touch her hand.
Nothing's impossible, right, Professor?
Then it really is hopeless.
I'll never forget you, Crystal.
I swear it.
Johnny! No!
Come back.
Poor kid.
I'd feel like a pile of orange mush
if I ever lost Alicia.
There's gotta be a way
to crack that oversized eggshell.
If anyone can get those two lovebirds
back together again, Strecho can.
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