Floor Is Lava (2020) s02e04 Episode Script

Once Upon a Volcano

[dramatic music playing]
Once upon a time in a land far, far away,
there was a kid who dreamed of having
the most magnificent room in all the land.
He would have an enormous slide,
and he could take a ride
on a gigantic teeter-totter,
draw a path on the extra-sketchy board,
scale a colossal four-in-a-row game.
Who would ever
want to leave a room like this?
Our three teams would,
because the two teams that get the
most people out of the room the fastest
will advance to compete head-to-head
and try to cap the volcano.
The team who does it first
wins $10,000 and the Floor Is Lava lamp.
This is Floor Is Lava.
[Rutledge chuckling]
[Rutledge] First up
is a group of heavy hitters.
They say you can
always find them in the club…
the golf club.
Let's give a quiet golf clap
to the Double Bogey Brigade.
I'm Jalen, and these are my bodyguards,
Justin, and Darius, and we're the…
[all] Double Bogey Brigade!
We call ourselves the Double Bogey Brigade
because we love the sport of golf,
but let's be honest, we're pretty average.
[Justin] Aggressively average, I would say
myself, but we make it look nice.
We looked swaggy on that course.
[Darius] There we go. There it is.
Here's how it breaks down on the links.
I crack the balls…
-I crack the beers.
-[Darius] Brewski with the bros.
And I crack the jokes.
Get in there!
You're right there! Right there.
What golf helps with that's gonna
translate to Floor Is Lava is patience.
[Jalen] Golfing,
you gotta keep your head out,
especially if you have
a bad swing, or something,
you gotta stay positive,
and finish that game.
Ugh! Too much… Ugh! I'm going home.
The Double Bogey Brigade
is staying out of the rough.
-And out of the lava.
-Let's go.
-I like that.
-You know? Come on…
-I like that.
[intense music playing]
-[Darius] Oh my Lord.
-[Jalen] All right.
[Justin] Oh!
-Wow. Okay.
-Hey, guys.
Okay, Double Bogey Brigade.
Time to tee off.
There's no sand traps on this course,
but you'll each need to find an exit pass
in order to leave the room.
-[Jalen] I see one.
-[Darius] One's on top. One's there.
Now, there are a ton of rules in golf,
but this game only has one.
Don't go in the drink,
because the floor is…
[all] Lava!
-[Darius] Oh, God! Lord have mercy.
[all yelling]
Time started. Let's go.
All right. Let's get it. Let's get it.
-[Justin] Oh, Jesus Christ!
-[Darius] Relax!
[Rutledge] And they are off,
and just like the golf course,
a collared shirt
is required here in the kids' room.
Okay. It's not required, but Darius,
you did say you like to look sharp.
-[Justin] Go at it.
-[Darius] Oh! Oh!I almost slipped.
You got it?
-Watch that, that looks… that's slippery.
-[Darius] Okay.
-What are you waiting for?
-All right.
Let's go! Let's go! [laughing]
-[Darius] Good jump.
-I got it. We got it.
[Justin] Now
you're gonna have to dive in there.
[Darius] Come on!
[Justin] Oh, okay. You gotta push off.
[Darius] Hold up.
-Be lower.
-[Darius exhaling]
[Justin] Okay.
-[Darius screaming]
-[Justin] Oh my God!
[Rutledge] Darius has obviously
been working on his swing,
but look out, Darius, you know
what's lurking under every kid's bed.
[Darius] Oh! Oh my God!
It's the Demogorgon!
[Rutledge] Oh, I think Jalen
found a place to hide, down in the slide.
-[Darius] Oh, he's in there!
-I'm in there! I did it.
[Justin] Good job!
[Rutledge] And Jalen's through.
Almost to the swings,
but, Justin, you gotta get moving.
You're a long way from that exit.
Why are you still there?
He needs some… I need a…
I'm not touching this. [screaming]
[Rutledge] Imagine someone's behind you
asking if they can play.
Let's speed it up.
[Justin] Oh, my God.
-[Jalen] Okay. All right. It's cool.
-[Justin] Oh, sweet Jesus.
[Darius] Yo, I am nervous.
I am nervous!
Yo, I am nervous. I don't know what--
[yelling] Calm down.
-[Darius] Kick the teddy bear.
-[Jalen] All right.
[Justin] Kill him! Kick him in the head!
-[monkey yelling]
[Rutledge] Hey.
Don't kick the teddy bear in the head.
Kick the cuddly monkey in the head, Jalen.
[Justin] Smack him…
Dude, smack him with the rope.
[Rutledge] Fore!
[Jalen] Ah! I got it!
-[Rutledge] There it goes.
-[Darius] Hey!
[Darius] My boy! My boy! Let's go!
[Justin] Me and Newton…
me and Newton, we go way back, baby.
Okay? Okay!
Justin moving across Newton's cradle,
bet he wishes he had his golf cart.
[Justin] Let's go! Me and Newton.
-[Jalen chattering indistinctly]
Oh, my… my arms, dude.
-I need to take a five man. Oh my God.
-[Jalen] Oh my God!
[Rutledge] I hate
to tell you this, Justin,
but you haven't even reached
the tricky part yet.
You still have to carefully crawl
all the way to the end.
Oh, are you hitting that button?
Sorry, there's no beer cart.
This is the kids' room.
Besides, I thought Jalen
was in charge of cold drinks.
-[Justin yelping]
-[Jalen] Oh! Oh!
-Oh my God. [laughing]
-[Jalen] Oh, that was terrifying.
[Darius] This is not secure!
Oh, God help me, Jesus ♪
I'm putting my hands
In the name of the Lord ♪
[Justin] Let's go, Darius!
Let's go!
[Rutledge] And your prayers
have been answered, Darius!
You made it to the tree house!
I don't know how
I'm gonna get away from here, though.
-You're gonna pull your weight up on that.
-[Jalen] Oh, okay.
[Rutledge] Ooh. It's a smart move
if they work together,
trying to get
that exit pass high above them.
-[Jalen] How did--
-No! No! Don't do that!
Put a foot on the blue thing.
All right. I'm grabbing my exit pass.
I'm proud of you!
[Justin screaming]
[Rutledge] Oh my goodness!
[Justin gasping]
I said slowly! [laughing] I said slowly!
All right, it worked. I got it.
Oh my God.
[Jalen laughing]
[Rutledge] Now Jalen and Darius
both have exit passes.
-[both laughing]
[Rutledge] And Justin needs
a clean pair of shorts.
Yeah. A lot of screaming, bro. [gasping]
Oh, of course!
[Rutledge] Okay.
Justin still needs his exit pass.
The only one left is on
the other side of the four-in-a-row board,
but someone needs to get over
to the board and release the piece,
so Justin can climb up and over.
Right now Darius is the closest one.
Don't know what to do.
It's a zip line.
You don't want to fly off.
Oh, yeah. Just hold on.
Just hold on?
[breathing deeply]
Jesus, help me!
-[Justin] Okay. Okay.
-[Darius screaming]
Let's go, baby!
-Whoo! Whoo!
-[Jalen grunting]
[Justin] It's game time.
[Jalen] Oh, that's it. All right.
[Jalen laughing]
[Justin grunting, screaming]
[Rutledge] Good jump, Justin.
Sorry, Justin, you're stuck in a trap
unless Darius can get over to the fort,
release the piece
from the other side of the board.
[Darius] Here goes nothing.
All right? Here goes nothing.
Oh, God! I'm still alive, baby!
[Jalen] Still alive?
That's what I'm talking about!
Give me that!
Release! Release!
[Justin] Good job. That scared me.
[Rutledge] Okay, Justin.
Now you can climb up and over
to reach that exit pass
and all three of you can leave.
[Jalen] Scary.
-Whoa! Okay!
-[Rutledge] Oh!
Yeah. I meant to tell you about that.
No, I didn't. That's the joy of it.
[Justin] Where's the other pass?
It's right by you! It's right by you.
Give me the third!
[Rutledge] And Justin gets
the final exit pass!
-[Jalen] We gotta hurry up.
-[Justin] Come on, stop playing!
[Rutledge] So now you can leave,
but it's not gonna be easy.
-You gotta leap over to that puzzle cube.
-The cube!
-You got this. You got this.
Flying close to the sun today, baby.
[Rutledge] Welcome back
to the Floor Is Lava Masters Tournament.
Justin, working on his stance,
staring down six feet over to the pin.
-Let's take a look.
-Count it! Count it!
Three, two, one! Jump!
-[Justin grunting, screaming]
[Justin] Get in there! Get in!
[Justin screaming]
Oh! Oh!
-[Darius] Put it down.
-That's it!
-That's it?
-Go! Get-- Go, go, go!
I'm jumping. I'm jumping on this side.
-[Jalen] Oh, no.
-[Darius grunting]
-[Jalen] All right.
-I'm going, dude.
-[Darius] Go.
-[Justin] Wait, it's--
-Hurry up!
-[all screaming]
-[bell dinging]
That's one!
We got two more! Let's go! Let's go!
Let's go!
-[Rutledge] And here goes Jalen.
-[Jalen screaming]
[Rutledge] Oh, he saves it!
-[suspenseful music playing]
-[Jalen grunting]
Jalen, your leg!
[Justin screaming]
[Darius grunting]
Ah! My leg!
[Rutledge] Oh, there we go!
And Darius makes it.
Darius, come on down. It's easy.
Don't trust it. It's slippery.
-[Darius grunting]
-[Justin screaming]
[Rutledge] For the first time
in golf history,
two bogeys is a good thing!
Darius and Justin are in the clubhouse.
They just need Jalen to join them.
Let's do it, Jalen!
[intense music playing]
-[Justin] Let's go!
-[indistinct chatter]
-[Justin] Oh! No!
-Jalen! Jalen!
-[Rutledge] Jalen, no!
-[Justin] No!
[Rutledge] Oh, no! Jalen takes his eyes
off the ball and just missed the cut.
He had the distance, but lost his grip.
He landed in the trap,
but it's not sand, it's lava.
Nice work, fellas.
Come on. Play it through. Join me up here.
Thanks, Rutledge! Appreciate you.
[Rutledge] Crossing the lava
got their hearts racing…
[Justin screaming]
…but it was still a great round
for the Double Bogey Brigade.
They got two over and out of the room.
Fellas, how were the links
treating you today?
-It was pretty fun.
-Uh, it went well at first, you know.
After the back nine, you know how it goes.
Once you left the hopscotch,
I think we were all going,
"He's gonna make it,"
then quickly realized you were not.
-It was so close. So close.
Two of you got through.
That was impressive.
-Fair. Fair.
-[Rutledge] There's two more teams to go.
Only the top two teams
are gonna make it to the volcano.
Let's see if that holds up.
Next, this sister act
is putting the sibling rivalry on hold
and hoping they can family bond together.
-Oh, brother. It's the Foxy Sisters.
-[all giggling]
[electro music playing]
I'm Annmarie Fox.
-I'm Emily Fox.
-And I'm Izzy Fox.
[all] And we're the Foxy Sisters!
I'm 10 years older than Emily
and 13 years older than Izzy,
and I actually didn't need dolls as a kid
because I had real-life dolls.
So I changed their diapers,
I brushed all their hair.
I did, like… did all the things
that you'd want the doll to do.
Yeah. Having a sister
so much older than us
was kind of like having
a built-in babysitter,
but also a built-in drill sergeant.
-[whistle blowing]
-So, uh, goods and bads.
Yeah. So we are definitely
vertically challenged in this group,
but we will overcome it.
[Annmarie] Yeah, I'm only four foot ten,
but I am so mighty, I feel like
my personality comes across five foot.
She does make me feel like
an absolute giant when I'm around her,
and I'm only five foot three.
[Annmarie] When we win that $10,000,
we know exactly
what we're gonna do with it.
[all] Laser hair removal!
We're half Italian.
[all laughing]
[team laughing]
-Oh my God!
-Oh my God!
-[Rutledge] They're 50% Italian, 100% fun.
-[team gasping, giggling]
-[Rutledge] Hello, ladies.
-[all] Hi!
Okay, Foxy Sisters, time to prove
you're as clever as your name suggests.
[Rutledge] Only the top two teams
advance to the volcano, so good luck.
Oh, and, uh,
one final rule, this is a big one,
don't fall in because the floor is…
[all] Lava!
-Oh my God! It's happening!
-[all screaming]
Emily, you go on the slide,
because I cannot reach.
[Emily] Okay.
Izzy, use your balance,
go across the thingy, but don't hop.
Oh, my gosh. You go first. Wait, Izzy.
Wait for me and help me.
-[Izzy] Okay. You're good.
-[Annmarie] Wait for me to help.
-[Emily] I'm going.
-[Izzy] Emily, go.
-Izzy, can I reach--
-[Izzy] Go, Emily!
Okay. I'm going.
[Annmarie] You got it girl!
[Izzy] You can do it.
[intense music playing]
-You got it! You got it!
-[Justin] Ooh. That was close.
[Annmarie] Oh my God! You did it!
[Rutledge] You know,
I have three daughters myself at home.
I have to warn you,
this will probably get loud.
Oh my God.
[Rutledge] Okay. The foxes are on the run.
Annmarie's on the extra-sketchy wall.
That wall, it is no joke.
I have to dive.
All right. You got it, girl.
-You got it.
-[Emily screaming]
-[Jalen] Oh! Okay.
She went headfirst. Okay.
Yeah. You gotta kinda dive.
[Emily] I'm coming!
[Annmarie] Okay.
Guys, I did it!
I'm across the extra-sketchy board!
[Izzy] Wow! Oh my God!
[Emily] Oh my God!
[Emily screaming]
Wait. Is Emily stuck in the slide?
No. It's really hard!
[Rutledge] Emily trying
to escape our foxhole.
Shoot, guys. This is a decent jump.
[Rutledge] And Annmarie
can't reach the rope.
[Annmarie] Oh my gosh.
You guys, I might fall.
[Izzy] You it, girl!
I'm going. One, two, three.
-[Annmarie screaming]
-[Darius] Wow!
-I did it!
-[Jalen] What?
That was…
that was very impressive, actually.
[Rutledge] Makes it
by the seat of her pants.
At least she doesn't have to worry
about dragging her feet in the lava.
I did it! Oh, my God!
I'm impressed by you.
Okay. I'll wait for Emily here.
-[Emily] Oh my God!
-[team screaming]
[Rutledge] Watch out for the Demogorgon!
-[Izzy] What?
-[Emily] Oh my God!
[Rutledge] I don't think that monster's
crazy enough to mess with these sisters.
Okay, Emily. You got this.
[Annmarie] Whoo!
Swings, girl!
-[Emily] Okay.
-Guys, I can make it up this rope ladder.
[Emily] Okay.
[Rutledge] Emily's gotta make it
to the teeter-totter
and get that monkey off Izzy's back,
or off the teeter-totter.
You got it.
[Emily] Okay.
[Emily screaming]
[Izzy] Annmarie, come on. You're good.
-[Annmarie] Okay.
-[Justin groaning]
-[teeter-totter squeaking]
-All right. She got the monkey off.
Oh, was this supposed to…
-[Emily] Izzy, get on.
-I don't know how. Okay.
[Emily] Good job, Annmarie.
[Annmarie] This is pretty wobbly.
[screaming] Oh my God!
-Oh, come on!
-[all clamoring]
-Come on!
-Come on! Please!
[Rutledge] The lava's hot, but y'all cold.
She's never gonna flip over.
[Emily] You got it!
Keep moving back and forth.
[Rutledge] Come on! Oh, there she goes!
-[Emily] Go!
-[Izzy] What do I do?
[Emily] Go, Izzy!
Go, go to the other side. Drop it down.
-Help me.
-Okay, we got it.
-Oh, you need to get the exit pass.
-[Emily] I know. So--
-[Annmarie] Izzy, counterweight her so…
-[Emily] Get on here.
-Isabel! Counterweight Emily so…
-[Izzy] I will!
[Rutledge] Uh-oh.
She called Izzy "Isabel."
-The exit pass, Isabel.
-[Rutledge] You know she means business.
[Izzy] I don't wanna fall!
-Their teamwork is strong.
-Yeah, they're working together.
[Izzy] Emily…
[Izzy screaming]
-Wait, I didn't get it!
-[Izzy] Sorry!
-Oh, I got it.
-[Izzy] Okay. You got it.
You did it!
[Rutledge] Now that's teamwork.
Emily is free to leave.
-[Emily] All right. Izzy!
-[Annmarie] Girls, I'm grabbing this one.
[Annmarie] You guys, I got the exit pass!
[Rutledge] And now so can Annmarie,
but you know they won't forget
about their baby sister Izzy.
-[Emily] Okay. Go to the four-in-a-row.
-[Izzy] Okay.
Wait! Izzy, you go.
-Because you need the exit pass, Isabel.
-[Emily] You go first. You go first.
[Annmarie] Emily
can hold you on the other side.
-Emily will support you.
-[Emily] It's sturdy.
[Izzy] Don't let go!
-[Rutledge] Izzy makes it.
-[Annmarie] She did it!
[Rutledge] Guys,
The Foxy's are looking fierce.
They are blasting through this.
[Emily] "Find the piece to release."
It's on that side.
-You can see the piece!
[Emily] Yes, you!
Oh, is this the piece?
[Emily] I don't know! You can see!
There's a black circle right here.
Okay. Get it.
What? Are you kidding me?
-[Izzy] Teamwork, girl!
-[Emily] No!
[Annmarie] Okay. Oh my gosh.
-Okay. Here I go! You guys!
-[Emily] Okay. Go!
[suspenseful music playing]
[Annmarie] Oh, that wasn't
where I was supposed to go.
-Okay. I have to jump to get the keys.
-[Emily] Okay. Do it then! Do it!
[Rutledge] So she's four foot ten,
that's a six-foot jump.
-[all clamoring]
She's getting close calls,
but she's making it.
Pull it! Pull it!
[Annmarie] I did it!
And Annmarie saves the day.
Izzy, get your badge.
It's right there. Behind you.
-Get it. Get it.
-[Izzy] I got it.
[Emily] Yeah!
-[Annmarie] Do we all have one?
-Yeah. What's the best route?
[Rutledge] Okay, Bogeys. If the Foxy's
get all three sisters out of the room,
they're heading to the volcano.
But these vertically-challenged sisters
still have to make
some tough moves to escape.
[Emily] Annmarie, what's my best way?
Your way or Isabel's way?
Can you get to the cube
and release something for Emily?
I don't know if I can.
[Annmarie] Just go! Just jump!
Just jump!
[Izzy grunting]
-[all clamoring]
-Isabel! We lost her!
-[Rutledge] Oh!
[Rutledge] Annmarie was calling the shots,
but Izzy got outfoxed by the puzzle cube.
I'm sorry, Izzy.
[Emily] Okay. Okay. Annmarie,
I'm just going. I have to go for it.
[teeter-totter squeaking]
-[Annmarie] We lost the zip line.
-[Emily] How do I get back?
[Annmarie] Shoot. I'm gonna try
to jump on this bed, but it's pretty far.
[Rutledge] Come on, Annmarie.
-[all clamoring]
-[Annmarie screaming]
[Rutledge] Two sisters down.
[Emily] No! Did you fall?
You know what that means!
You guys are moving on to the volcano!
[team cheering]
Okay. I can do this.
[Rutledge] Emily is now an only child
out there, but she is not giving up.
[Emily] One step a at time.
How do you guys feel?
You're moving on. You feel good?
-Feeling great!
-I feel good enough to cheer for her.
-[Rutledge] Absolutely. Come on, Em.
All right. I don't think
I can jump here, so I'm gonna jump here,
and then to the bed.
-Come on, Em. You got this.
-Come on, Emily.
[Emily] I'm going.
[Darius] Whoa!
Okay. Okay.
[Rutledge] Unbelievable!
Emily, the middle sister.
Can she get out of the room in one piece?
-[Emily] Okay.
-[Justin] Wow!
The bed spins. The bed spins.
Wow. Okay.
I can't make that jump.
That's not happening.
[Rutledge] Emily spins the bed around
and she's gonna use the headboard
for a shorter hop over to the puzzle cube.
That is very smart.
I don't know why I didn't think of that.
[Rutledge] Come on, Em.
Big jump to the puzzle cube.
[Emily screaming]
-[Rutledge] Oh, she makes it!
-Oh, my God!
[Rutledge] She makes it
with one last jump to go.
-There you go.
Oh my God. It's so slippery.
Okay. This is it. For the money.
[Rutledge] And don't forget
about the laser hair removal.
-[Darius] Whoo!
-[Emily] Yes!
-Yes! [screaming]
-[Rutledge] Good job. Good job.
-You did it!
-I did it!
[Rutledge] Defending the Fox family honor.
-Get on up here and join us.
-[Emily] Whoo!
[Rutledge] First,
Izzy sent them into a tizzy.
[Annmarie] Isabel!
[Rutledge] Then they lost
their babysitter, Annmarie.
[all clamoring]
Yes! [screaming]
[Rutledge] But Emily in the middle
kept the Foxy Sisters in the hunt.
As a father of three daughters,
I really felt connected
watching y'all out there.
-Just a lot of emotions here.
-Yeah. Yeah.
Emily, do you feel as the middle sister
today was your day to shine?
-Oh, absolutely.
Like, my family's gonna be like…
like, "All hail Emily," yeah.
-Annmarie and Izzy, they're scrubs. Yeah.
-She redeemed the family. Yeah.
It's all gonna come down to this.
How this last team does decides
whether you go head-to-head with this team
for $10,000 and the Floor Is Lava lamp.
-Scared. We're scared.
[Rutledge] Last up,
this death-defying act shows no fear,
even when they're around clowns.
These are the Big Top Besties.
They're trapeze artists!
I kinda feel like that's cheating.
I run a circus school.
And Torrence and Mar started as students
and now they help me instruct.
It's so much fun. It's in her backyard.
Feels like every child's dream, just being
able to say, "I work at the circus."
[A.J.]The trapeze has its own language.
We try not to say "go,"
because it sounds like "no."
So instead we say…
[all] Ready, hup…
[A.J.] Ready, hup. Ready, hup.
[Torrence] I can definitely count
on both of these people.
I have put my life in their hands before,
so I definitely trust them with my life.
[triumphant music playing]
We have such a great skill set
from the circus.
We actually kinda feel bad
for the other teams
because we're better than them.
We're gonna win.
[intense music playing]
-[Torrence] Oh my God!
-[team clamoring]
-Hey, guys. Welcome.
-[all] Hey, hi!
[Rutledge] Okay, Big Top Besties.
It's showtime.
And you gotta hup to it if you want a shot
at facing the Double Bogey Brigade
at the volcano.
[Mar] Oh!
-[Torrence] Jeez.
Now you're working without a net today,
so don't fall, because the floor is…
[all] Lava!
[Torrence] Jeez!
-All right. I'm gonna go that way first.
[Rutledge] All right,
and the Big Top Besties are off.
-They look pretty fit, don't they?
-Oh, boy.
-I'm already worried.
[Rutledge] Nice of them to coordinate
their outfits with the color of the slide.
-[Mar] You got it.
-I don't wanna jump!
-[Mar] Grab on to the dresser.
-[Emily] Oh, interesting.
[all clamoring]
-That was--
-[Rutledge] Look at that!
Look at that stretch.
-That was one of our hardest jumps.
-Oh my gosh.
-[Torrence] All right.
-Go, Torrence!
[A.J.] Yes, Torrence!
[Mar] Okay. You're doing so good.
[A.J.] You totally got it!
-[A.J. and Mar] Yes, Torrence! Yes!
[Mar] Swing on that, you're used to that.
There you go.
[sinister roaring]
-[Mar] I don't know what's happening!
-[Torrence] Okay.
[Mar] Okay.
Oh, gosh. I don't like that thing.
[Rutledge] Hey. 65 million viewers
worldwide disagree with you, Torrence.
-[A.J.] You okay?
-[Torrence] Yeah.
[Rutledge] And check out A.J.
jack-knifing her way down the slide.
[Mar] A.J? I don't know where she went.
[Rutledge] Uh, she went under
90,000 gallons of lava, Mar, and survived!
-[Mar] She's alive.
-[Rutledge] With style.
All right.
Oh, this is, like, really rickety.
Oh. Okay.
I'm almost there, guys.
Oh my gosh.
[Mar] We're doing so good.
I'm so proud of us.
[Rutledge] Boy, they are flying
through this course
like Prince on a purple motorcycle.
Guys, I got one!
-[Mar] Oh my God.
-I got one.
-[Mar] Torrence got one.
-[A.J.] Whoo!
-[Mar] Okay.
-How are you guys doing?
I think that that's
holding the teeter-totter down.
-[A.J.] Okay.
-[Rutledge] You're right, Mar.
-[A.J.] So this thing right here?
-[Mar] Yep.
[A.J.] Do you think I push it?
[Mar] You're gonna have to move that
for it to move. Is it heavy?
[Rutledge] Look at A.J.,
grippin' the rope with just her elbow.
-That's upper body strength right there.
-[Annmarie] Yeah.
Can you grab it? There you go.
-Bye, monkey.
Oh, no! The monkey! No! Poor monkey.
-[A.J.] So sad. It was a necessary loss.
[Rutledge] You lost a monkey,
but, Mar, now you can slide down
onto the teeter-totter.
-All right. There you go.
-Crawl, crawl, crawl.
[Mar grunting]
Wrecking ball. Yes, yes, yes.
-[Rutledge] Oh, oh, oh, my goodness.
-[Torrence] Yes. There you go.
-[Rutledge] She makes it.
-She got it.
-Core strength!
-That was close.
How you guys feeling right now?
-Yes. We're very nervous.
-Yes. We're very nervous.
[Torrence] Don't forget
your exit pass, A.J.
There you go!
This is where you could help your friend,
or if you're a trapeze artist…
[Annmarie] Oh my gosh.
Well, I didn't do it that way.
[Annmarie] Emily.
Oh my God. [screaming]
Oh, oh.
I got it.
-[Torrence] Yes!
-That's you!
-[A.J. vocalizing]
All right. Mar, there's another one
on the other side of this game here.
[Rutledge] It's amazing
when you see a trapeze artist on a rope.
Do you see her?
She's making it look trap-easy.
[crickets chirping]
[indistinct chatter]
-I like that.
-We got it. We got it.
Yeah! I think this is gonna
take me somewhere. Let's find out.
[Mar] Let's go, Torrence. Come on.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Torrence] Whoa!
-[Emily] Wow!
-[Izzy] Whoa!
-[Annmarie] Fall, fall, fall!
-All right.
[Mar] How do I get over there?
Can I jump for it?
-Oh, come on, fall! Fall, fall.
A.J., call her hup.
[intense music playing]
-[Mar] Hold on!
-[all clamoring]
-That was close.
All right. Mar made it.
But there's nowhere for her to go
until the puzzle piece is released.
[Mar] Guys, it says,
"Find the piece to release."
Do you think I can make this jump
to get that piece?
[A.J.] Um, yes.
I'm just gonna jump.
[Rutledge] He's not gonna bother
with the rope?
[A.J.] Sticky.
Oh, my God.
[Torrence grunting]
-[all screaming]
[Rutledge] And Torrence is gone!
-I can't believe Torrence is gone.
-Oh my gosh. Do we have a chance?
-[Justin] I don't know about that.
-Two players alive.
If both make it out
or just one faster than Emily,
the Besties face the Bogeys
at the volcano.
Okay. I'm gonna try
to pull the puzzle piece.
[Rutledge] Watch your step.
Oh, and she makes it.
But now she's gotta jump from
the beach ball over to the puzzle cube.
[A.J.] Um.
-Oh, no.
-[Rutledge] "Oh, no," indeed.
-Oh my gosh. That is so sketchy.
-[Rutledge] What are you gonna do?
[A.J.] Okay. Ready?
You call my hup!
[Mar] Ready? Hup.
-[A.J. screaming]
-[Mar] No, AJ!
[all screaming]
-Oh my God! Oh my God!
-Wait, wait, wait.
They still got one more.
They've still got one more.
If Mar gets out faster than Emily did,
they can still get to the volcano,
but Mar is flying solo right now.
How is Mar gonna do this by herself?
[Rutledge] That's true,
there's nobody left to release the piece.
Mar has to backtrack to find a way out.
Okay. They're all gone, but I can do this.
Ugh. I can do this.
Oh my gosh.
-Oh my gosh.
I can do it.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Mar] No!
-[Rutledge] Oh!
-[all screaming]
Oh my God!
[Rutledge] Unbelievable!
[Rutledge] The Foxy Sisters are moving on
with the Double Bogey Brigade.
They are going to the volcano.
This is incredible.
-We beat trapeze artists.
-Should you join the circus?
-Should you join the circus?
[Rutledge] So the Big Top Besties
just couldn't swing it.
-This is unbelievable.
-[all cheering]
What a turn of events.
Ten-thousand dollars
and the Floor Is Lava lamp is on the line.
I will see you at the volcano.
And tonight, we're gonna mix things up
with a doubles match
between the Foxys and the Bogeys.
We asked both teams
to pick their two strongest players
to square off against
each other and the volcano.
[intense music playing]
[all clamoring]
Oh my God!
[Emily screaming]
All right. That thing is huge.
-This is crazy!
-This is insane!
Welcome to the volcano!
Is this amazing or what?
-Amazing is a word.
-[Izzy] This is insane.
Now, you are representing your team
in this final challenge
and it's pretty simple.
You gotta get across the roof
any way you can.
When you and your teammate
make it to the base of the volcano,
you can start your climb to the top.
Then you grab your rocks
and cap the volcano.
If you can do it before the other team,
you're gonna win $10,000,
and the Floor Is Lava lamp!
[all cheering]
That's what I want! That's what I want!
Oh, God!
Hey. There's one last thing I wanna
tell you and it's pretty important. Okay?
Don't fall in because the floor is…
[all] Lava!
[Rutledge] Good luck! Here they go!
-[Emily] Can you reach? Can you reach?
Okay. I'm on. I'm on.
[Rutledge] All right, Foxy Sisters
against the Double Bogey Brigade.
Both sisters just 5'3".
Izzy on her tiptoes right now.
Haven't been on one of these in a minute.
[Rutledge] All right.
Foxy sisters are on the move.
Double Bogey Brigade,
it is neck and neck here.
Look at that.
Oh, she is flying through. Unbelievable.
Emily and Darius already at the volcano.
Here comes Izzy! Yes!
Wait for me!
[Rutledge] And Justin right on her heels.
[Justin grunting]
[Rutledge] Oh, there we go.
What a huge jump.
Both teams are at the base.
Now they can start their climb.
-[Izzy] It's slippery!
-I don't know where the foothold is.
All right. I don't know…
-[Darius] Is this helpful?
-[Justin] It is.
[Rutledge] Oh, hold on.
-Okay, try again.
-[Darius] I'm gonna jump.
If at first you don't succeed,
try and try again.
[Emily] Okay. Wait.
[Rutledge] Emily escaped the kids' room,
but she's having
a little trouble here on the volcano.
I'm gonna put my foot up here,
and then you push my butt.
You can push it.
I got it. I got it. [grunting]
[Rutledge] Darius almost
to that first level.
Let's go!
-[Emily screaming]
-[Izzy] I'm sorry!
Hold on, Foxy Sisters! You can do this!
[Darius] I got it! [yelling]
[Rutledge] And Darius pulls himself up.
You try. I'll push you.
[Rutledge] Now changing it up.
Izzy's going.
Izzy's looking for those handholds.
There you go.
-You ready? I'm throwing the rope down.
-[Justin] Ready.
That's it! That's all I got!
[Rutledge] Darius
has the rope down for Justin,
and Izzy is almost to the ledge!
Izzy's so close. Reach for it.
Come on, Izzy, you can do it.
-Oh, hold on! Oh, no!
-[Izzy and Emily screaming]
Oh, sister down.
Izzy's foot slipped and she lost her grip.
[distorted screaming]
[Rutledge] But I'm not sure
who was more shocked, Emily or Justin.
-[Emily screaming]
-[Justin screaming]
[Darius and Justin screaming]
Oh, God. I got lava on my face!
Now the most Emily can do is one rock,
but anything can happen,
they can still win.
It's not over yet.
Emily going forward,
reaching for those handholds.
-[Darius grunting]
-[Rutledge] Come on. Come on, Emily.
And Darius almost to the top.
Emily doing it by herself! Go, Emily! Go!
She did it once,
can Emily save the sisters again?
-[Emily screaming]
-[Rutledge] Oh, no!
Oh, and Emily is gone!
[Justin screaming]
[distorted screaming]
[Rutledge] Say farewell
to the Foxy Sisters.
[Darius grunting]
[Rutledge] All the Bogeys need to do
is cap one rock.
[Darius grunting]
[Justin] This!
This is for Jalen!
[music crescendos]
[Rutledge] And that's it!
The Double Bogey Brigade has won!
We did it! Brother!
I mean, Justin you didn't do much,
but you guys you did… you did it together.
Oh, my God, I can't see anything!
There's lava in my eyes!
[Rutledge] The Foxy Sisters
fought till the end,
but they weren't sassy enough
to survive our volcano.
The Double Bogeys took their shot
and got a hole-in-one.
You get to celebrate with $10,000
and something better
than one of those Green Jackets.
It's the Floor Is Lava lamp!
-[Darius] Yeah!
-[Justin] Let's go!
[triumphant music playing]
-[Justin yelling]
-[Darius] Whoo!
[Justin] On three! One, two, three!
Thanks so much for watching
and more episodes are coming soon
on Floor Is Lava.
[all cheering]
[rock music playing]
'Cause we are the fire ♪
We are, we are the fire ♪
Can't put us out, we'll put it down ♪
We are the fire ♪
We are, we are, we are the fire ♪
Can't put us out, we'll put you down ♪
Can't nothing stand in our way, oh ♪
Go up in flames ♪
'Cause we are the fire ♪
We are, we are, we are the fire ♪
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