Frog and Toad (2023) s02e04 Episode Script

Season 2, Episode 4

Morning, Toad!
There's a wonderful new day outside
just waiting for us.
Are you all right, Toad?
I have so many things to do today, Frog.
My house is a mess.
your window does look a little dusty.
Oh, my, Toad. Your house is a mess.
It will take quite a while
to clean it up today.
You are right.
Unless I tidy up tomorrow.
Yes, that is it. Tomorrow, I will clean.
Today, I will take life easy.
Toad, your front door is very squeaky.
You might wanna fix that too.
Tomorrow. I will fix it tomorrow.
Oh, my. Your jacket and pants
are lying on the floor.
Tomorrow. I will hang them up tomorrow.
Your kitchen sink is filled
with dirty dishes.
Yes, I will do them.
There is dust on your chair.
And dust on your picture.
I will dust tomorrow.
What happened to that song
you were writing?
I will finish it tomorrow.
And the picture you were painting?
I will paint tomorrow.
And the letter you were going to mail?
I will mail it tomorrow.
Oh, dear.
Toad, your plants need watering too.
Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.
I will do it all tomorrow.
Yes, Frog?
Is everything okay?
No, Frog. Everything is not okay.
I feel down in the dumps.
I am thinking about tomorrow
and all of the many things
I will have to do.
Poor Toad.
Tomorrow will be a very hard day for you.
Yes. I do not know how I will do it all.
Frog, I just had an idea.
What sort of idea?
Well, if I pick up my jacket right now,
then I will not have to
pick it up tomorrow, will I?
No, you will not have to.
Then I will do it.
I will pick up my jacket this very moment.
On second thought,
maybe I should just do this tomorrow.
You can do it, Toad.
Try taking it one step at a time.
First, bend down next to the jacket.
Now, pick up the jacket.
And finally,
hang the jacket up in your closet.
I did it. Now there is one less thing
I have to do tomorrow.
Toad. Before you get back in bed,
maybe you could put the pants away too.
Remember, once the pants are put away,
you will not have to worry
about them tomorrow.
I suppose you are right.
One step at a time. Bend.
Now, for your raincoat.
I can take care of this one.
Bend. Lift.
And the scarf.
Bend. Lift.
Put away.
Bend. Lift. Put away.
Bend. Lift. Hang.
Bend. Lift.
Put away.
-Put away!
-Put away!
Good work, Toad.
Everything is off the floor,
and you do not have to
pick them up tomorrow.
Oh, Frog.
I feel like a weight has been lifted.
I feel lighter than ever.
I wonder. What else can I do today?
Well, there were those dishes
in the kitchen.
Of course!
If I wash my dishes right now,
I will not have to wash them tomorrow,
will I?
No, Toad. You will not have to.
Then what am I waiting for?
Lift. Wash.
Lift. Wash.
Lift. Wash.
Lift. Wash.
No more dishes to wash tomorrow.
What is next?
If I dust my chair
and water my plants right now,
then I will not have to tomorrow.
No. You will not have to
do any of that tomorrow.
Then I will dust.
Oh, my.
Has this chair always been this color?
Here, plants. Have a drink of water.
You are welcome, plants.
Windows, I am coming for you next.
Now I do not have to scrub you tomorrow.
That is it, Toad. You are on a roll.
There must be more I can do today.
What else? What else?
Frog, have I done all of the things
I needed to do tomorrow?
You finished all the chores
inside the house.
But what about
all the things to do outside?
Outside. Of course.
Oops! Sorry, Snail.
Thank you for all your help today, Frog.
I am not down in the dumps anymore.
I am so happy for you, Toad.
You finished everything
you were going to do tomorrow.
Yes. Now I can save tomorrow
for something I really want to do.
Should we go for a swim?
Or a bike ride?
Too much work.
Tomorrow, Frog, I will take life easy.
Toad! You forgot one last thing.
What could it be, Frog?
You forgot to change out of your pajamas.
Oh, no. I will be doing that tomorrow.
Good night, Toad.
Good night, Frog.
And please wake me up
at half past tomorrow.
I would be happy to, Toad.
Is this for me, Frog?
It is. Happy birthday, Toad.
Such a lovely gift,
I almost do not wanna open it.
You can open it faster, Toad.
Oh, no. I want to enjoy this moment.
I only get one birthday a year.
A hat!
A hat.
When I saw this at Squirrel's shop,
I thought it would be perfect for you.
She says it is one of a kind.
This is a very thoughtful gift, Frog.
I love it.
Try it on. Try it on.
Huh? Frog? Frog, where did you go?
And why is it dark all of a sudden?
I did not go anywhere.
But it seems
that the hat is too big for you, Toad.
How about we hop over to Squirrel's shop
and get you a different gift?
Oh, no. This hat is your present to me,
and I like it the way it is.
Hey, I'm glad you like the hat, Toad.
But it is clear you cannot see with it on.
I can see quite well, thank you.
I like this hat,
and I'm going to wear it all day
and show you that it is perfect for me.
But, Toad
I will not hear another word about it.
Well, okay. It is your birthday after all.
Are you ready for your birthday cake now?
I am always ready for cake, Frog.
Especially birthday cake.
Happy birthday, Toad.
Thank you, Frog.
Aren't you going to blow out your candle?
Yes, of course.
Try again?
Maybe without the hat?
You see, Frog? No problem.
If you say so, Toad. Have a slice of cake.
This cake smells good.
Unusual cake, very crunchy.
Maybe we should skip the cake
and take an afternoon birthday walk.
A perfect idea.
-That cake was too crunchy for me anyway.
-Wait, Toad.
Other way.
Why not this way?
Yes, yes, very good.
Such a beautiful day for a birthday walk.
Yes, very beautiful.
Toad, are you sure
you do not want to take off your hat?
It will certainly improve the view.
The hat stays,
and I will not hear another word about it.
Besides, I do not need to see.
I know this path very well.
This is the trunk of the tall tree
at the bend.
This is one of Rabbit's blankets
on her clothesline.
This is a comfy pillow.
Raccoon must have left it here.
and happiest of birthdays, Toad.
And my, what a fine hat.
Thank you, Mink.
Frog got it for my birthday.
-Sorry about that, Mole.
Poor Mink.
Sounds like he is coming down with a cold.
Hiya, Frog.
Hiya, Toad. Nice hat.
Thank you.
It is my birthday present from Frog.
Happy birthday.
Thank you, Snail.
Any cards or letters for me today?
On second thought,
you can just put them in the mailbox
when you make your rounds.
You know, Frog, I never noticed
how much Snail sounds like Robin.
Toad, please take the hat off.
I thought we agreed
we would not discuss the hat.
I know it is making it hard
for you to see.
I am perfectly fine
with the way this hat fits.
And I'm going to wear it all day
every day.
And that is that.
-Yes, Frog. I am here.
Are you all right?
I feel fine but also very sad.
You were right, Frog. The hat is too big.
I am sorry for the way I have been acting.
I did not want to seem ungrateful
for the hat.
Oh, Toad, that is all right.
We can return the hat if you would like.
No, this was a very thoughtful gift.
And you said it is one of a kind.
I want to keep the hat
even if I cannot wear it.
I understand.
If I was given
a special, one-of-a-kind gift,
I would wanna keep it too,
even if it was too big for me.
Toad, I think I know
how to get the hat to fit you.
Really? How?
Here is what you must do.
Tonight when you go to bed,
you must think some very big thoughts.
Big thoughts?
Yes. Big flowers, big mountains.
The bigger the better.
Those big thoughts
will make your head grow larger.
In the morning, your new hat may fit.
Big thoughts?
What a good idea.
If you'll excuse me,
I will go get ready for bed right away.
-Good night, Frog.
-Good night, Toad.
I will see you tomorrow.
Remember, big thoughts!
Think big thoughts.
Think big thoughts. Think big thoughts.
Think big thoughts.
Think big thoughts.
Big thoughts.
Big thoughts. Very big thoughts.
Toad is asleep.
Now I can sneak inside
and make his hat smaller.
Very big thoughts.
Big thoughts.
Water will shrink this straw hat.
It will be smaller and dry by morning.
Sweet, big dreams, Toad.
I dreamed many big dreams last night.
I hope they were big enough.
I must go and show Frog at once.
Frog! Frog!
Frog, the hat, it fits. It fits!
Your idea worked, Frog.
All those big thoughts
have made my head much larger.
I am so happy for you, Toad.
Let's have a day-after-Toad's-birthday
walk to celebrate.
Oh, yes. I would like that very much.
Here's where we walked yesterday.
Now I see this is not a tree stump.
This is not Rabbit's blanket.
This is not a pillow at all.
Happy day-after-your-birthday, Toad.
Thank you, Mole.
Love that hat, Toad. Seems to fit better.
Well, thank you, Robin. Big thoughts.
Yeah, that'll do it.
Look, Frog, I did not fall.
Not this time, hole.
Thank you for a lovely walk, Frog.
You have made my day after birthday
even better than my actual birthday.
You are welcome, Toad.
And I have one more thing for you.
Another birthday cake.
Since we had a little trouble yesterday,
I thought we'd try again.
Happy day-after-your-birthday, Toad.
It is a very happy day indeed.
Much less crunchy today.
We woke up and found a door
Only us kids could explore
So we opened it to see what was behind
I will keep your secrets safe
With mine
We can wish on shooting stars that fade
Sleep inside the orchid shade
I wouldn't change it even if I could
There is magic in the places
We'd least expect to look
We can fill up all the pages
There is no end to our book
Be the wheels to my road
Be the Frog to my Toad
We can be anything that we wanna be
Now the sun is going down
On that other side of town tonight
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