Gokusen (2002) s02e04 Episode Script

Don't compare your life with someone else's!

Good morning
I think we should choose
the sailor suit.
This short skirt is nice too.
It's a pleated one.
The checked skirt here and
the blazer are to my liking.
Maybe a sailor suit on top
matched with a mini skirt?
Isn't it the best?
Yes, perhaps.
But they are all equally good.
I can't pick my favorite!
Aren't you ashamed of yourselves?
You, teachers, of all people,
are holding high school uniforms
for girls in your hands
and smiling with a lewd look
on your faces!
You can have fun doing cosplay,
if your hobby is cross dressing,
that's fine too,
but you should do it
in an appropriate place.
School is a sacred place
and this is the staff room!
Even if God forgives you,
I, Kumiko Yamaguchi,
will never forgive this!
No, you misunderstand.
Miss Yamaguchi, could you
actually not know about this?
Of course I don't know!
How could I have thought the
teachers here have this as a hobby?
Kurogin Gakuin will become
coeducational from April.
What? Coeducational?
So we have to choose the uniform
for the female students.
That's what you're doing?
Wow, this one is cute!
Miss Yamaguchi,
you'd look gorgeous in it.
No, she wouldn't
Good morning, everyone.
Good morning
Teachers, tomorrow is
our school's open day.
Please do your best tomorrow.
What? Our school's open day?
Our entrance exam
will be held the week after next,
but the number of girls applying
is a bit smaller than expected,
so we will keep advertising.
To sum it up,
the school's open day
is held to attract even just
one more girl to apply.
I see.
Let's work together and achieve
some results on the open day.
The future of Kurogin Gakuin
is at stake now.
Your own future is at stake too.
Good morning!
Is it true
that Kurogin is becoming
Is it true that tomorrow will be
an open day for girls only?
What, you already knew?
- Yes!
- Girls!
We only have guys
in this boring school,
but there will be girls now!
You guys don't have to be
so excited, do you?
There is a girl
right in front of you.
But we graduate in March.
The school will become
coeducational in April.
We just missed them
You should've realized sooner.
That means,
only the younger guys will get to
enjoy this benefit?
But it doesn't mean that it has
nothing to do with you guys.
Why do you say that?
For example, say the girl
you happen to bump into
is a student at Kurogin.
In other words,
you guys are her seniors
and the girl is your junior.
You are going to have
a nice chat just because of that,
you are going to get closer too!
That means
Wow, you graduated from Kurogin?
Yes, we did.
Our seniors are really amazing!
Can I have your email address?
Yes, of course
That doesn't sound bad at all
What are you guys imagining?
Okay, guys! We will get as many
girls as possible to come!
You guys are really simple-minded,
but you're really sweet too.
While we're at it, let's liven up
the open day!
Don't do anything uncalled-for!
Don't do anything!
I had a feeling that
you would do something uncalled-for
if I left you on your own,
so I came to have a look
and it's just as I thought!
Listen up!
The open day tomorrow is to
improve our school's image.
Everything that will make us
look bad will be removed!
Therefore, you guys are not allowed
to step out of here tomorrow!
You will not step outside of
this classroom!
Why, Saruwatari?
It's Sawatari.
It's Sawatari.
It's Sawatari!
They are shutting
problematic students in,
it's just like putting a lid on
something that smells.
The more problematic the person is,
the more you'll understand
each other
if you take a frank attitude
when you face them.
But it doesn't mean the boys
can't be blamed.
Just because there will be girls,
they got all excited and
made so much noise.
The students are asking too much.
It's a boys' school,
but it's enough to have Missy there.
Is that so? You really think that?
Well, I guess they want
someone younger.
- You two, let go of me!
- Missy, be patient with him!
Darn you!
(Episode Four)
Miss Yamaguchi!
Good morning!
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
Her fighting spirit is high.
I have put on my best outfit!
Best outfit?
I can't let the middle school girls
outdo me.
I took more effort than usual to
take care of my skin last night.
Don't compete with
middle school students!
Good morning.
Good morning, Mr Kujo
Good morning.
You look much more glamorous
than usual.
Do I?
This is actually plain for me.
Oh, no!
I should have dressed better!
By the way, I heard that you school
will be coeducational from April?
Yes, it will!
Oh, actually,
I have never taught girls before,
so can you give me any advice?
I have never taught girls either,
so please teach me how
very thoroughly.
Oh But it's my first year
teaching in a girls' school,
so I might not be able to
help very much.
You can't help them then!
What a shame!
I will give you advice if you like.
Before I came here,
I taught in a girls' school
for five years.
That's great! You have an
experienced teacher with you.
Oh, I have to go now. See you.
See you
Feel free to ask me anything.
(Kurogin Gakuin Open Day)
They are here.
Wow, there are so many girls!
(No entrance)
(No trespassing!)
Look over here
Guys, you know what to do.
We will outwit Mr Sawatari!
- Do we like younger girls?
- Yes
We'll do our best!
Just walk straight.
I hope through our school's
open day,
you will experience how excellent
Kurogin Gakuin is,
and we hope as many of you
as possible
will apply for a place here.
I am Ishikawa, a teacher at
Kirigaya First Middle School.
Thank you very much for
having our students today.
Thank you for coming.
Let's show you around the school.
This way, please.
Girls, please come with us.
Mr Sawatari, what is my duty?
What else? Keep an eye on 3D.
I see.
Be careful not to let them
step outside their classroom.
Good lord! Mr Sawatari
worries too much.
They are there, of course.
The boys are obedient
and lovely too sometimes.
Let's do our best!
Good morning!
Hey, what are you doing?
Don't blame us.
It's part of our socialization.
What Hey!
Hey! Don't go away!
Stop right there!
Mount Fuji is the tallest mountain
in Japan
Miss Shiratori teaches English
in her lessons
that you can use in daily life.
Give me money!
Hey, can you lend me some money?
What is going on?
Give me, please.
Sorry, I think she got
the wrong CD
Mr Inomata does many unique
experiments in his lessons,
so all the students love it.
It's delicious!
You have to have hot pot in winter!
- The pak choi will be in the exam!
- Get rid of the scum!
What are you guys doing here?
Why is Class 3D here?
- I want some rice.
- Me too!
Those jerks
You won't get away with this!
I think you are all concerned about
the school uniform.
After much discussion, we have
finally decided what it will be.
Okay, we will now show you
the uniform.
Please have a good look!
Mr Sawatari, the students of
my class
Who did this?
Do you have to ask?
I knew it!
- You guys!
- How dare you!
You guys have some guts
to lock up your teacher!
- You are going to pay for this!
- Calm down, okay?
The middle school girls
You shouldn't have, my dear boys.
"My dear boys"
You are Tsuchiya?
You know him?
He was my class teacher
in middle school.
How dare you talk like this!
- Shut up!
- Tsuchiya!
It must be a tough job for you,
Mr Sawatari,
if you have to deal with
incorrigible students like Tsuchiya!
You can understand?
How we have to teach him
is beyond description.
When he was in middle school,
it took me a lot of effort
to teach him.
Why are you looking at me like that?
And people like you
Stop giving me a lecture!
You are not our teacher, anyway.
- Guys!
- Are you their class teacher?
I am Kumiko Yamaguchi.
You are still a young woman,
I guess I can't expect you
to teach them very well.
People have said that I'm not
attractive or not popular with men,
but nobody has ever said that
I can't teach!
Miss Yamaguchi!
Don't worry,
neither Miss Yamaguchi nor the guys
will be here after March.
Well, maybe I shouldn't say this,
but your school is only one of
the safety measures, at most.
Especially, Miyazaki here
is an excellent student,
so her first choice is
Shiragiku Girls' College.
Shiragiku Girls' College is the best
among the prestigious schools!
Okay, we'll go back to our school.
Our open day is a failure.
I don't know how angry
the chairman will get
- Don't steal the food!
- Sorry, Big Bro.
He made me so angry!
He dared say that I can't teach?
Should I go and beat him up?
You don't have to.
Yes, Missy.
Should I at least go torture him?
I said, you don't have to.
Yes, Missy.
Missy, I think those are
Kurogin Gakuin's students.
Oh, no! My students!
We should have just punched him.
When I was in middle school,
he just hated the very sight of me.
- A pack of Takoyaki, please.
- Okay.
Are you sharing it?
Yeah, we're broke.
Speak politely!
I'll give you extra, then.
Speak more politely!
- Enjoy.
- Wow, wicked!
Don't say wicked
Good lord!
This Takoyaki is so yummy
Say it's delicious!
- Thank you.
- All right.
It was delicious.
Please come again.
It's Tsuchiya?
Wait for me.
That Takoyaki was so good
Miyazaki here is
an excellent student.
Do you really find this interesting?
I don't understand
quadratic equations at all.
You didn't do it because
you don't have money, right?
I don't really know why
It seems that being an excellent
student is quite tough too.
See you.
Go home now.
But I can't go home yet.
I skipped cram school.
Why don't you go to a
family restaurant to kill time?
I have never been to one.
But I thought girls like
to go out with their friends
and just spend, like, three hours
at the self-service drink area?
I have to go to
cram school every day.
What? You're joking.
See you.
Oh, come on!
I'll stay with you until
your cram school ends tonight.
Are you sure?
You wanted to come to
an amusement arcade?
I just wanted to come here once.
Don't tell me you've never
been to one of these either.
Hey, isn't that Tsucchi over there?
That girl was at
the open day today.
Come on! Don't fall
For you.
You can actually smile?
Let's get Baikinman next.
What is he doing?
Who knows?
Good lord She is such a baby.
What are you doing here?
Your mom called and said
you weren't at cram school.
I have been looking for you!
Mr Ishikawa, I
You have your high school
entrance exam soon!
You should know how critical
these few months are!
While you are being lazy now,
other students are going to
outdo you very quickly!
Don't just shout at her
without listening!
Why don't you just listen to her
for a minute?
Don't tell me
You incited her to do this?
- What?
- I
Miyazaki is different from you!
You don't have a future to speak of,
but she is gifted and everyone
has high hopes for her.
Her potential is unlimited!
Are you going to ruin it?
You too! Don't hang out with him.
What if you got dragged
into trouble?
Do you want your life to
go to waste? Huh?
Do you? Do you?
Tell me!
Tell me!
Hey, let go of her!
Blame me if you have to!
I brought her here with me.
What on earth happened?
Tsuchiya forced this student to go
places with him at this late hour.
And he took her to an
amusement arcade, of all places!
Well, I got so worried,
that I got angry and shouted
at Miyazaki,
but when I think about it,
she's not someone who would skip
cram school to go and play!
She could not say no to Tsuchiya!
Isn't that right, Miyazaki?
Answer me!
I am very sorry!
Tsuchiya, are they telling
the truth?
Don't go near her again!
I won't.
Mr Sawatari.
Please give him a severe punishment.
Yes, of course.
You, too. You are his class teacher,
you have to teach him properly!
Miyazaki, let's go.
I'll discuss your punishment
with the chairman when
he comes to school,
but be prepared to be
expelled from school.
Expelled from school?
You will stay home to reflect on
yourself until it is decided!
Very well!
Hey, Tsuchiya!
You have a reason for doing it,
don't you?
You're not someone who would force
a girl to go out with you!
Yes, I am.
Tsuchiya! What happened?
Will you tell me everything?
I have nothing to tell a teacher!
But you might be expelled
from school!
I don't care.
This stupid school
I can quit anytime!
Darn this school and the teachers!
Tsuchiya isn't someone
who would do that.
That's what I believe.
It's pointless if I can't get him
to open up to me.
I guess I am still not good enough
as a teacher.
when people laugh, it doesn't always
mean that they are happy.
Just because they are crying,
it doesn't always mean they are sad.
You have to look carefully at
the person.
You have to look carefully at what
other people might miss.
If you do that,
the person will know how you feel.
You can do this, can't you?
Thank you, Grandpa.
Tsucchi has to stay home?
His formal punishment
will be decided
after the chairman comes
to school.
Will he be expelled?
But he only hung out with a girl.
He's going to be expelled for that?
It's ridiculous!
It's ridiculous
We saw them last night.
The girl was smiling happily.
It's impossible that
Tsucchi threatened her.
I see
You should be at home.
What are you doing here?
I went to your house,
but you weren't there.
What? Don't come after me
to such faraway places.
I'm fed up with teachers.
Unfortunately, I am not a teacher
that will easily walk away
just because my student
is fed up with me.
- Tsuchiya, what are you hiding?
- I'm not hiding anything!
I just
wanted to do something to
get back at Ishikawa.
That jerk
He hated the very sight of me
when I was in middle school.
How many times do I have to
repeat myself?
He always shouted at me
and never listened.
He never tried to listen to me.
He's still like that now.
He hasn't changed a bit.
He just kept shouting at the girl.
Somehow, I think I understand
how that girl feels.
Are you actually covering
for the girl?
No, I am not.
You are going to graduate soon,
- do you really want to be expelled?
- At any rate
Unlike the girl, I'm just a loser.
I have no future or hope.
That being said, I haven't decided
what to do after I graduate.
Whether I'll be suspended
or expelled from school,
I couldn't care less.
The girl has a future and you don't,
so you don't care.
Is that what you mean?
Got a problem with it?
Of course I do!
It's just an excuse to stop
looking for a life of your own!
Just because you have no dreams
or hopes now,
don't assume that it will be
like that forever!
That girl has a future
and so do you!
- It's not much to speak of.
- That's not true.
It is, if you compare it to hers!
Why do you have to compare
yourself to other people?
Both your future and her future
are just as important.
You have as much potential
as she does.
What you're saying
is just fancy talk.
I am not going to let them
expel you from school.
It's here
See you, Miyazaki. Work hard.
What are you doing here?
I would like to apologize to
Miyazaki and ask her a favor.
A favor?
Actually, Tsuchiya might be
expelled from school.
It serves him right.
He has to be punished if
he did do anything wrong,
but I don't think he did.
I think Tsuchiya
is covering for her.
Covering for her?
Tsuchiya isn't the kind of
person who could do that.
- Why do you always assume?
- You know,
I watched him for three years
when he was in middle school.
But the Tsuchiya I see now isn't
the same person that you knew!
Anyway, please leave.
I want to talk to her!
Miyazaki, Tsuchiya isn't someone who
would force a girl to go with him!
Don't you think so, Miyazaki?
Please! Will you tell them yourself
in your own words?
Miyazaki, please! Miyazaki!
Cut it out!
What are you doing here?
I'm going to be expelled soon
They haven't made the decision.
Don't give in to despair.
Yankumi is very worried about you.
Of course she isn't!
are all the same.
Good morning.
Please talk to me, just for a bit
They'll decide what punishment they
will give Tsucchi tomorrow, right?
Will he really be expelled?
Is there a way to settle this?
What is she doing?
Please! I want to help Tsuchiya!
Please tell me, I can't let him be
expelled now! Please!
Just because you have no dreams
or hopes now,
don't assume that it will be
like that forever!
Both your future and her future
are just as important.
You have as much potential
as she does.
Hey, Tsucchi.
Do you have a moment?
Please! Let me see your daughter.
I'm running out of time.
She is giving people so much trouble
this early in the morning.
She really is an unusual teacher.
she's a bit annoying, though.
It's pretty annoying.
I don't hate it.
Oh, please cut it out!
(Kurogin Gakuin)
We would like to discuss
the punishment for Class 3D's
Hikaru Tsuchiya now.
Today, the victim of the incident,
Kirigaya First Middle School's
Mr Ishikawa is present here too.
There are rules in the world.
If you break the rules,
you are surely going to suffer.
This is what we should teach him.
And you are telling us to
expel Tsuchiya from school?
Expelling him is too harsh.
But I think we'll go too easy on him
if he's only ordered to stay home.
Why don't we take the middle road
and suspend him from school?
Or vote to see who wants him
suspended or expelled?
No We should consult
with our chairman first.
Tsuchiya, is there anything
that you would like to say?
The chairman is kind enough
to ask what you want to say!
Don't keep quiet, answer him!
I never cared about school.
I don't do well academically.
I hated school because I only
get shouted at by teachers.
I don't want to quit now.
I don't want to quit school!
I see.
But as the chairman,
if someone might damage our school's
reputation, no matter who it is,
I cannot let them do it.
Therefore, Class 3D's
Hikaru Tsuchiya will be
expelled from school.
Wait a second!
Miss Yamaguchi, the chairman
has decided on his punishment.
Yes, Tsuchiya did cause trouble,
but he is still learning
many different things.
He does something bad
and he makes mistakes.
But isn't it the job of parents
and teachers like us
to watch over them
and see them grow?
Some people are not worth
watching over.
Tsuchiya is someone
who is worth watching over!
Please! Give Tsuchiya
another chance.
What are you guys doing?
Sorry, we couldn't just watch
and do nothing.
Excuse me
I am sorry!
Tsuchiya did not do anything wrong.
It was my fault!
Don't say it.
I was trying to shoplift.
I don't want to study anymore and I
don't care about the entrance exam.
When I was thinking that
I would have shoplifted a book
if Tsuchiya hadn't stopped me.
Tsuchiya stopped you?
Why are you lying for him?
It is not a lie!
Did Tsuchiya tell you to say this?
You still don't get it?
Do you not know why she is
telling the truth now at all?
Why don't you look more carefully
at your own students?
Why don't you listen to them more?
You! How long have you been
watching Tsuchiya?
You have been his class teacher
for such a short time.
What do you know about Tsuchiya?
Time doesn't matter.
It can be just an hour,
but you can understand
your students if you try.
He is short-tempered,
picks fights all the time
likes to goof around,
and the pranks he plays
sometimes go too far.
But he is the class clown.
Perhaps the way he talks
isn't very polite,
but he does say important things
like thank you to people.
He never makes up any excuses
for what he does,
he also takes the responsibility
like a man.
There are still so many strengths
and weaknesses about him
that I haven't discovered yet.
It's the same with
the rest of my class.
They are cunning, kindhearted
and sloppy too.
There are different sides to them.
So I want to know more and more
about these guys.
I want to keep watching over them
from now on too.
Excuse me, I don't think Tsuchiya
should be punished.
I mean, Tsuchiya stopped someone
from shoplifting,
so we should actually compliment him
on this instead!
Wait That's
I think that's what we will do.
Thank you!
Thank you for speaking up.
Thank you so much.
I think I will apply for
a place in Kurogin Gakuin.
If I'll have teachers and seniors as
good as you, I think I'll enjoy it.
- Sure, come to our school
- We're expecting you now.
I told you, all of you
will graduate in March.
Hey, Tsucchi,
could you actually have a crush
on that girl?
- Seriously, do you?
- Don't be stupid!
Don't be shy.
Middle school students
are just kids.
I like women older than me.
Women older than you?
You mean like me?
Oh, stop staring at me!
Quickly, say anything
Let's do it.
Let's do it
Ready, go
Guys, let's begin our lesson!
It's love. I am in love.
Let's do our best!
Hooray to chocolate
I hate cowards like you.
Come to school tomorrow!
I have to play some dirty tricks!
Stop being such a baby!
Don't fall in love half-heartedly!
We want chocolate
Do I look good in this?
We were just talking about romance.
It seems that we are rivals.
This is bad!
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