Harrow (2018) s02e04 Episode Script

Aegri Somnia

1 Previously on Harrow I'm almost a fully qualified pathologist.
Almost is the difference between supervisor and trainee.
The difference between dinner and not dinner.
STUART: The possession charge is a slam-dunk.
So, I'm going to jail for something I didn't do? I think we all know who did do it.
But they're not our drugs, Fish.
We have to do what the cops should be doing.
We've got to find out who actually put those drugs there.
MAXINE: It can't have been Francis Chester.
He died in a prison fire six months ago.
SIMON: Your supervisor did the PM.
HARROW: Dr Laurie Badcoe.
He and Jack were like uncles to me.
We have better things to do than chase ghosts.
HARROW: Who is this? MAN: (ON PHONE) I'm the one who shot you.
I will take away everything you love.
Everything that makes your life worth living.
Don't apologise, be yourself, be yourself Never compromise, be yourself, be yourself There's only one you, so be yourself, be yourself Haters gonna hate, no matter what you say So, don't apologise, be yourself, be yourself Never compromise, be yourself And what you wanna do, be yourself, be yourself Feels good, don't it? Authentic MAN: Just need a signature.
HARROW: Any idea what caused it? Who knows? Bad wiring, leaking fuel pump.
Loose battery.
I was thinking more like arson.
Arson Squad might look at it if it was, you know worth something.
Maybe you should talk to your mechanic.
I serviced it myself.
You're a mechanic? - Pathologist.
- Oh.
Well good luck working out what killed your car.
(GRUNTS) (SIGHS) STEPH: I knew I'd find you here.
I'm sorry.
I know what that car meant to you.
(SIGHS) Thank you.
So, it's harder to ask.
What? I spoke to Fern's lawyer.
Why? I wanted to know what a trial will cost.
We're gonna need six figures for Fern's defence.
(EXHALES) (LAUGHS) Right! No, no, no, no.
Wait, wait, wait.
I didn't say no.
I'm happy to pay.
I am.
It's just there's more stuff to look into.
- Like what? Callan? - No.
That phone call you got, did you find out something? Not yet.
You've done a lot for Fern.
You don't need to do any more.
I'll sell the house if I have to.
Oh, Steph Steph! (PHONE RINGS) - I don't suppose I could sit - No, no! No, you may not.
You'll dirty my chair.
- I'm sending you away.
- Me? Both of you.
- Why? - Where? - North Queensland.
- Oh, not North Queensland.
- You don't like North Queensland? - I don't.
- Good.
Nor do I.
- Don't much care.
- I'm sending both of you.
- BOTH: Why? A Parks and Conservation officer has been found with shark-bite wounds.
- Where exactly? - Port Astor.
- Oh, that's Laurie Badcoe's area.
- Ah! Laurie Badcoe is indisposed.
That's why I'm sending you two.
Respectfully, I really feel I could learn more here, processing three or four PMs a day, than going Have you ever done a shark-attack victim before? - No.
- Then I really think you're gonna learn more being there.
Besides, Port Astor's lovely! It's a resort town.
It's got wonderful boutiques! There's a particularly good one off the main drag.
- Encore Parfait? - Encore Parf It's very reasonable.
Your flight goes at 11:00, so best you duck home and pack.
- Should I go home and pack? - No, no, no.
No, you stay and you listen.
I know Port Astor is Laurie Badcoe's town and I know Laurie Badcoe conducted the PM on Francis Chester.
Laurie Badcoe's a great pathologist.
I don't doubt him.
I won't bother him.
If you think you might, I can always send Dr Fairley.
I won't.
Oh, and I'm sorry you lost your father's car.
I'm just glad it didn't happen in our car park.
Off you go.
Have a good time.
(KNOCKS) Has there been a coup? What happened to you? Oh.
Well I need to get my car insurance policy.
Did you get that out of my bin? You taught me to be curious.
Chester was an anaesthetist.
That's right.
He'd inject his victims with a muscle relaxant.
Only his male victims.
He wanted them immobile but conscious, so they could watch what he did to his female victims before he killed them both.
He worked in the hospital system 20 years.
Staff statements say he was one of the best they had.
Oh, he was.
But he was also a psychopath.
And very, very clever.
And very, very dead.
If anyone was smart enough to fake their own death He didn't.
Laurie Badcoe confirmed that.
Chester had an IQ of 158.
And he died in a prison fire! Look, you can be smart and stupid at the same time.
Do you really believe Brendan Skene shot you? I've known you for a long time.
When you get a feeling like this, you're not wrong.
This time, I am.
And now, for my sins, I have to go back to North Queensland.
Listen, just let me look into this.
- I can - No thank you.
I don't want you wasting your time.
Now, tidy that up, put it back in the bin and get to work.
(GRACE GROANS) I hate being in a place where you sweat just breathing.
(SIGHS) Tell me about it.
Why don't you like North Queensland? Dr Harrow! HARROW: (SIGHS) Capello.
Welcome to Port Astor.
- CAPELLO: I transferred.
- Of course you did.
Remember the fun we had last time.
I've managed not to dwell on it.
And you're a pathologist too, Dr Molyneux? I am, yes.
So, uh, Port Astor not working out for you? No, it's great.
Amazing beaches, amazing people.
- And an aquarium, I heard.
- Indeed.
It's the heart of the town.
In fact, a big investors' function is happening there tomorrow night for the rich and beautiful.
No invite for me, I'm afraid.
So, tell us about the case we've come up for.
It's a sad situation.
One of our local Parks and Conservation officers is dead.
He was out on a small boat late last night and his body was found this morning.
But the sharks found him first.
Does that happen often here? It was my first shark attack.
You'll have to go gentle with me.
I think, with Dr Harrow's experience, we'll both be fine.
) Ah! Well, well, the tone's just dropped.
(BOTH LAUGH) Hey, careful.
It's my tiller arm.
Oh, how have you managed that, then, Laurie? Well, no bragging rights.
Carrying some groceries up a slippery gangplank.
- Thanks for stepping in.
- My pleasure.
Dr Grace Molyneux, allow me to introduce you to one of my bad influences, Dr Laurie Badcoe.
Ah! Fairley's niece.
Delighted to meet you.
Heard a lot about you, all good.
The pleasure's mine.
And this is Janelle Freeman from Parks and Conservation.
She's just formally identified the victim.
Laurie? Alright.
Follow me.
Benjamin Raza.
Janelle's colleague.
JANELLE: He came to Port Astor less than a year ago, straight from marine studies.
How was he found? Jogger, on the beach.
Here are the photos.
Mr Raza was last seen yesterday evening getting into the park's open boat, which was also found this morning.
LAURIE: Yeah, quite heavy seas last night.
GRACE: Then why did he go out? CAPELLO: Well, he was very passionate about protecting the local sea life.
JANELLE: We have some quite rare species out there and it's our job to monitor the numbers, and Ben was sure they were down.
Down? Poachers.
So, even off-duty, he'd go out to be a presence on the water to deter illegal fishing.
And I presume it's shark season.
Ah! It's the tropics, always shark season.
Bloody shame.
Well, lad, this one-armed man will leave things in your capable four.
Mi casa es su casa.
You'll know where everything is.
It's set up just the way Jack would have taught you.
Thank you, Laurie.
FAIRLEY: Brendan Skene? The guy in the coldroom who shot Harrow.
Yes, I remember.
What I don't understand is why you're so interested.
You did Skene's PM.
I'm curious to know what you think.
What I think is in the report.
Yes, it is, along with phrases like, "Cataracts which did not necessarily prevent the sighting of a gun" and "Significant rheumatoid arthritis in the interphalangeal joints "would not necessarily have prevented the pulling of a trigger.
" Those things are equivocal.
Cause of death was not.
Kidney failure from acute diabetic ketoacidosis.
Skene was riddled with end-stage stomach cancer.
Diabetes aside, he was a dead man.
Well, maybe that's why he withheld his illness.
Better a quick death in custody than a slow one over weeks or months back in jail.
Yes, but do you really think Skene shot Harrow? I think you should get into scrubs, come do your job, unless you're ill.
(BLOWS NOSE) - Ill? You don't look ill.
- I think it's the start of the flu.
You know, my heart rate's up and, um, I'm achy.
You know, I'd hate to set things off and make Fairley and the others sick, while Harrow and Grace are away, so OK.
Take the day.
I may need two.
(CAR LOCK BEEPS) - Oh - Sorry.
Sorry, my fault.
Smells good.
Duck risotto with truffles.
Oh, got a good nose, man.
The first one, potential disaster.
We could all be on the news later.
- No, I think you're cooking very well.
- Oh - Your mum teach you? - Nah.
Girlfriend? Nah, but I like to cook for my girlfriend.
- Yeah? - Yeah.
- What's she do? - Uh, it's it's complicated.
You cook for your missus? Oh, mate, never married.
I thought about it, but, uh I simply prefer to have more than one girlfriend.
(LAUGHS) You a lady killer, huh? Oh, man, this is killing me.
Hoo! You reckon it's done? Nah.
Nowhere near done yet.
CAPELLO: So, with all four limbs bitten off, do you think it was the blood loss that killed him? All of his wounds were potentially fatal.
We can't know until we examine the blood vessels severed.
He was on a small boat in rough seas, in search of poachers.
He might have struck his head first.
We'll check when we open his skull.
Yes, or he could have simply fallen overboard.
And become fatigued and drowned.
God I can see why you guys find your job so exciting.
The mystery, the intrigue.
But I think I'm gonna take these to the station and get 'em packaged up.
- What are you smiling about? - Him.
- What about him? - He's been hitting on you.
- And? - Well, he's very handsome.
- Is he? - And you haven't responded.
So? - Well, so, you're not interested.
- Says who? (LAUGHS) I'm not blind.
He's very charming, very attractive.
What I don't get is why you care.
Oh, are you trying to set me up with Capello? (SCOFFS) What?! No! And given where we're at, it's really none of your business who I find attractive or not, is it? No.
Then, let's get to work.
(SIGHS) You gave me a ring from a guitar string Another puncture wound below right clavicle.
What is it about the sea that people keep dying in it? Hmm.
I don't know.
But I get it.
That the risk of dying is outweighed by some age-old need to pit oneself against her whims.
Well, poor Mr Raza pitted himself against them and look what happened.
I'm going down, down, down Look at this.
Jellyfish stingers.
Have you seen those before? Mm, at sea, not in the mortuary.
Jellyfish tentacles are lined with nematocysts, tiny cells that contain a coiled, venomous barb and a trigger hair.
Once the trigger hair is touched, the cell explodes and the barb and venom go into the prey.
- Not a strong reaction to the venom.
- Mm.
Maybe not a strong venom.
Or he was deceased when the jellyfish stung him, I mean, from blood loss.
Or drowning.
- Shall we look at the lungs? - Yes.
I'm going down, down - Oh.
- What? His inside cheeks and tongue are inflamed.
Could you help me with the endoscope? Yep.
My God! What happened there? It looks like he swallowed a nest full of wasps.
You may not be far wrong.
Let's remove his stomach as fast as we can.
Do you think that's sea water? Yes.
And acid.
And jellyfish.
- Dr Malisano in? - She's with the boss.
It's closed for the function now.
- That's alright.
- We'll be quick.
Thanks, Ash.
Come on.
I'll introduce you to the boss.
I was so sorry to hear about Ben Raza.
We work closely with Parks and Conservation.
To learn that he was taken by a shark, it's just (SIGHS) it's awful.
I wouldn't have thought it would take long to identify shark bites.
It's not sharks we need assistance with, Mr Chaudhari.
You know, Sergeant, I am terribly sympathetic and want to help.
As you know, this is a vital investors' dinner.
We have guests flying in from all over the world, and not much time.
And it's not just my business depending on its success.
It's the whole town's.
Don't worry.
We'll make it brief.
(SIGHS) I appreciate that.
Vicki? This is Dr Malisano.
This is Doctors Molyneux and Harrow.
They're performing the autopsy on poor Benjamin Raza.
We were wondering if you could help us identify some jellyfish and shed light on their venom.
You know, I've explained how busy we are.
(SIGHS) It's fine.
I'll take them to my lab.
This way.
I heard they found Ben.
You knew him? Ben and I both arrived in town around the same time.
The aquarium that I work for has a licence to get fish stock from the waters here, which Parks and Wildlife manage.
So yeah.
I liked him.
Were you a couple? No, I'm married.
And Ben, well, he was really married to the job.
He was always out in the water, which is why I was so shocked to learn that he fell overboard.
That's what we're here to work out.
Carukia barnesi, a subtype of Irukandji jellyfish.
Common enough in these waters.
- How venomous are they? - Highly.
100 times more than a cobra, apparently.
What are the symptoms? Well, even a small amount of venom can produce excruciating muscle cramps, headaches, vomiting, trouble breathing, brain haemorrhage.
How long for it to take effect? In humans, between five minutes and two hours.
But if he was stung by more than one, maybe quicker.
How many did you find? Seven, in Mr Raza's digestive system.
- Ben swallowed them? - Is that possible? If he'd fallen overboard in rough seas? Irukandji don't tend to aggregate like that.
They spread out.
Unlike other jellyfish, they actively hunt their prey.
Which are? Tiny fish.
Not humans.
CAPELLO: So, what are you sending back to Brisbane? Blood and organ samples for QIFM, as well as the sea water and jellyfish we found in Mr Raza's stomach.
Hey Thanks.
Wait, so, he swallowed the jellyfish? Apparently.
But swallowing sea water's reasonable, given he fell overboard.
- Yes.
- Well And there are Irukandji in the water out there.
BOTH: There are.
So, Ben Raza's death could be an accident.
Hmm? Well, at this stage, we can't be sure of anything until we get the lab results.
Well, this is what happens sometimes.
We need to wait for more information before we act.
Pretty nice place to wait, though, right? It's rather warm.
Excuse me.
Sir? I'm Sergeant Capello.
- Farhad Qadir.
- You're here for the function? We are.
If you wouldn't mind asking your drivers to move their vehicles.
- They're illegally parked.
- Of course.
My apologies.
That's alright.
And I apologise.
I need to get to the community hall.
Drop some stuff off.
Are you a crooner? Oh, no.
Uh, Latin dance.
- You take lessons? - No, I give them.
Of course you do.
After that, would you like to have dinner? Sure.
That'd be nice.
Can I give you a lift in? Great! You're right to get a cab? Of course you are.
You know how to do everything.
(PHONE RINGS) Thanks for calling back.
I just sent some path samples down to you.
Um I'm not at work.
- Why not? - I'm sick.
You don't sound sick.
Yeah, well, you don't sound unpleasant and, yet Well, will you be in tomorrow? I'd like them processed quickly.
- I'm not sure.
- What is it you've got? Are you alright? I'm sure it's something I picked up at work.
Well Alright, take it easy.
Ms Chanson, I'm from the Coroner's Office.
Could I ask you a couple of questions about your ex-husband? - Hi.
- Hi.
These? No, I stole them.
Used to think the big bucks were in fentanyl, but the real money is in filthy chef pants.
Have you seen her? Today? No.
You? Well, you can't really blame her for not wanting to hang around your place, can you? No.
- But she's going to jail, Callan.
- She didn't steal those drugs.
- I know.
- And neither did I.
But you've dealt drugs before, haven't you? (SIGHS) I like you, Callan.
And I'm proud to see that you're working.
But unless someone goes to the police and tells them who really stole those drugs, neither of us are going to get to hug Fern for a long time, so please don't let her go to jail.
CAPELLO: It was nice of you to ask me out.
Look, Gabe, I It's OK.
I know it's not really me you want to be here with.
No, it is, uh But not for the reason you were thinking.
You want to talk about Harrow? Do you mind? Let's talk.
LAURIE: Where's your, uh associate pathologist? Dining elsewhere.
Ohh! Well, we'll have to drink to that, eh? Come on board.
Harrow's my supervisor.
I don't want anyone thinking that I got anywhere by fluttering my eyelashes.
I mean, people think what they think, right? Mm.
And if you don't go after something good because you're afraid of what people might think, then, sure, you're gonna have your job and your success and your reputation.
But you're gonna have no-one to share it with.
(SIGHS) And in our jobs we have to talk.
And sometimes the only people who can really understand it are the ones that see what we do.
My worst was this car crash.
Seven people.
Four kids.
One of them just turned three.
He died in my arms.
Yours? I'm guessing murder? Not quite.
My worst was one that didn't die.
LAURIE: Well, of course, you did have Jack.
So did I.
We talked about the job.
About the puzzles.
About how someone on their knees here could be stabbed at that angle, through the liver, there, but not the problem of whether it all builds up.
23,000 post-mortems, Laurie.
You've probably done 30,000.
That's a lot of ghosts.
Pulling apart the dead in a methodical way.
Of course we don't know how to cope with our jobs.
And you, my friend, you have shit luck.
What do you mean? You finally find someone who might really understand you and, yet, here you are, with me.
That's probably for the best.
We jump into the furnace because we want to see what's there.
It's not fair to expect anyone to jump in with us.
True, true.
Speaking of furnaces.
- Mm? - Francis Chester.
Oh Ah, yes.
I heard you, uh, sent for a copy of the PM.
What, you thought I'd dropped the ball, did you? But I read the file and I see you didn't.
And, yet, you're still here, asking.
Chester was a very smart man.
Is it possible he might have found a way out of that prison? Look, I know how dangerous Chester was, he was more dangerous than anything in this bloody water.
That's why I did a thorough autopsy.
That particular dangerous creature died in captivity.
In captivity.
Daddy wasn't born upon the shore Though it was against the law For all the sea gypsies - (SIGHS) - And traders Good morning.
You smell like regret.
You smell like frangipani.
How was dinner? Sergeant Capello is a nice friend.
Couldn't sleep? Jellyfish kept me awake.
- Hmm? - Look at this.
The inflammation in his oesophagus.
Because he was alive when he swallowed the Irukandji? We know that.
- That's what kept you awake? - No.
The word 'captivity' did.
(PHONE KEYPAD BEEPS) Queensland Institute of Forensic Med - Fairley? - Harrow? What are you doing, answering Simon's phone? I'm answering my phone.
Why are you ringing my phone? I'm not.
I'm ringing Simon's phone.
Well, he must have diverted his calls.
Anyway, he's not here.
What do you want? Can you check my inbox please? Is there a lab report labelled Raza there? Benjamin Raza.
(SIGHS) Let me see.
Ah, yes.
Ooh! Jellyfish.
You know, I once had a sublime Echizen kurage jellyfish salad in Kudamatsu that was Can you read the water report, please? Uh yes.
Stomach contents, chemistry breakdown, hydrochloric acid, potassium chloride, sodium chloride, sea water and, uh Oh! Hmm.
What is it? Traces of methylthioninium chloride.
Thank you.
Oh Thank you.
Methylene Blue! That's a dye used to treat methemoglobinemia.
It's also used as an anti-fungal agent by people who keep tropical fish.
The Irukandji that killed Benjamin Raza didn't come from the sea.
They came from a tank.
You don't seriously think I did it? We got to see Raza's phone-call history, Vicki.
He made 28 calls to you over the past month.
Quite a few after 11 o'clock at night.
You weren't just workmates.
Look, if my husband finds out, he'll kill me.
We found Methylene Blue in his stomach contents, used to treat your tanks.
I used to use it but I haven't for more than a year now.
I only use Simazine.
You can go ahead and test my tanks.
You won't find anything.
But I know for a fact who does still use Methylene Blue.
We just want a sample of the water you keep your Irukandji in.
I know what you want, Doctor.
I also know you have no authority to ask, unless you have a coronial warrant.
You understand how this makes you look? I understand perfectly how things look.
There are millions of dollars at stake here tonight.
Now, I know how things are gonna look if there are state pathologists in my aquarium, rolling around unfounded rumours of murder.
- We'll get a warrant.
- Do.
But until you do, please, get away from my business before my investors begin to arrive.
We'll get a warrant? Hmm.
So, you think Chaudhari killed Ben Raza? - Mm-hm.
- What would be his motive? I don't know, but Ben Raza worked for Parks and Conservation.
He supervised how many endangered fish the aquarium could take for their tanks.
Now, Raza thought someone local was taking too many.
It's possible Chaudhari got greedy.
Are you here because you've already gone to see Chaudhari? He wasn't keen to help.
He's within his rights.
We'll, uh we'll see what we can do tomorrow.
He'll empty the tank by then.
If he does, he does.
But right now, I also have to deal with two wealthy restaurateurs with food poisoning.
I'll get the ball rolling on a warrant.
But legally, that's all we can do.
Sorry, Mr and Mrs Qadir.
Looks like you won't be at the function tonight.
Well, we've done all we can.
I guess so.
And our flight's not until the morning.
(WHISPERS) We should have some fun.
We should.
Do you remember that boutique Pavich mentioned? (JAMES BOND-STYLE BIG-BAND MUSIC PLAYS) That should come with a defibrillator.
How did you manage this? I have friends in high places.
Well, they're not really friends and the place they're in Good evening.
Your names? Qadir.
Farhad and Roshanara Qadir.
I have to say, sir, I once had the pleasure of dining in your restaurant, the Burooj-Az in Paris.
Ghormeh sabzi, heaven.
What do you put in it? Methylthioninium chloride.
Methylene Blue, is that what this is about? - Shh.
- Do not shush me.
Look, we're in, aren't we? We're having fun.
There's lovely music, nice champagne.
I just need a little water sample.
Which would be totally inadmissible.
But at least we'll know.
(SIGHS) I do love champagne and having my curiosity satisfied.
How do we do it? I don't know.
We need to get above the Irukandji tanks.
I guess that means we have to go out back.
Oh, shit.
Well done.
- (CHAMPAGNE CORK POPS) - I'll go get us a drink and you find a way up to the tanks.
- Farhad Qadir.
- CAPELLO: You're here for the function? QADIR: Of course.
We have some quite rare species out there.
It's our job to monitor the numbers and Ben was sure they were down.
Aagh! Aagh! (GROANS) What are you looking for? Raza figured out you were letting your evil genius here overfish his aquarium licence, so you could sell the extra poached stock to foreign collectors like the Qadirs.
(GROANS) I'm guessing Raza found your stash, so you forced him to drink your Irukandjis.
(BAND PLAYS ELEGANT CLASSICAL MUSIC) (GROANS) Are you planning to feed me to the sharks? No.
He's going to shoot you.
- Why should I do it? You do it.
- You shoot, Janelle.
- I doubt he'd know which end to use.
- I dumped the kid at sea.
I'm not doing this too.
He could hit an ocean, Janelle, but a small target? Do you have to wear a bib when you feed yourself? - You shut your stupid mouth! - No! (BAND PLAYS ELEGANT CLASSICAL MUSIC) (DRAMATIC MUSIC) (ELEGANT CLASSICAL MUSIC CONTINUES) Oh dear.
(DRAMATIC MUSIC) - (FIRES GUN) - Aagh! (BULLETS WHIZ PAST) Hey! You did say you wanted to have fun.
(JAMES BOND-STYLE BIG-BAND MUSIC PLAYS) CAPELLO: I asked you to wait for a warrant.
I know.
But I just love a party.
(CHUCKLES) Is that my tux? (GENTLE ACOUSTIC GUITAR MUSIC) How could it all fall in one day? Were we too sure of the sun? If you need to Keep time on me (PHONE RINGING TONE) - Hi.
- Hey.
It's me.
How you feeling? I'm fine.
How's North Queensland? Living up to its reputation.
Are you still sick? - Uh, yeah.
- Yeah.
Just one more day should do it.
Simon, what are you really up to? I'm crossing off lists.
Look, I'll tell you when I've got something to tell you, I promise.
On deck tomorrow? Aye-aye, Captain Bligh.
(GASPS) Lazybones.
(GROANS SLEEPILY) Reliqua Insurance.
"We wish to advise your business's claim against stock lost to theft "has been successful.
" $30,000.
He claimed 30K for that 20K of fentanyl the police seized.
Nice profit.
Where'd you get this? His house.
(LAUGHS) Fish, babe, seriously Look Of course he'd claim it.
It doesn't mean anything.
Yeah, maybe, yeah.
- Then, I found these.
- What's this? A betting slip from the racecourse.
Is that what he won? That's what he lost.
200 bucks And there's dozens of these.
What does it mean? It means we know why he had to put in such a big insurance claim.
CAPELLO: Raza's parents are on their way from Sydney.
And the buyers in hospital, the Qadirs? Yeah, holding them may not be so easy, but we'll do our best.
And I'll do my best to make sure there are no more unnatural deaths around here until Laurie Badcoe recovers.
That might be good for both of us.
(CHUCKLES) Speaking of Laurie, can we make a detour? (SEAGULLS SCREECH) Laurie? Laurie? (KNOCKS) Hey, Laurie.
I'm about to jump on a plane.
- (LAURIE GRUNTS) - Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! - (GROANS) - It's OK.
It's OK.
No worries.
It's alright.
Oh Jeez, I I'm a bit under.
Come on, let's get some sleep.
Jack cried.
Yeah, when you were a kid.
When he showed you your daddy's body.
He cried.
"What's that poor boy gonna do?" he asked.
I said, "I dunno.
" So, I asked him, "Is he smart?" He said, "Oh, yeah.
He's smart.
" So, I said, "Well, he already knows the dead.
"So, let's bring him in.
" And you did so well.
Jack was so proud.
He was so proud.
What can I do for you, Laurie? (WHISPERS) "Forgive us our trespasses.
"Forgive us our "our trespasses.
" - All good? - Yeah.
Look in on him later.
That'll be you one day, when you retire and Simon takes over.
I'm looking for a man named Ross.
Ross Moran.
Debt collector? Is he? No.
Are you? No.
We'll see, won't we? Mr Moran, I'm from the Coroner's Office.
And I'd like to ask you a few questions about a Mr Brendan Skene.
If we have to have a history lesson, let's go somewhere a bit more private.
Brendan Skene was in jail for a long time and he sent a lot of letters home.
But he didn't write them, did he? He had someone write them for him.
You wrote those letters because you shared a cell with him.
Barking up a dead tree, sonny boy.
But you didn't write all of them, did you? Which means Skene had a new cellmate.
So? We got moved around.
Francis Chester.
Was that his new cellmate? (GRUNTS AND GROANS) You're an idiot, kid.
That's one bloke you don't ask questions about.
You tell anyone we had this chat, I'll track you down, Mr Coroner's Office, and make you sorry.
(PANTS) (WINCES) I'll, uh, take care of this and I'll see you in the morning.
I made an error of judgement in my former job.
And, so I thought the dead would be easier to work with, that the responsibility might be less.
And? And I'm not sure it is.
So, you think coming to pathology, you've made another error of judgement? I don't know.
But I do know I've met a good dancer.
It's me.
RECORDING: You've reached Daniel Harrow, leave a message and I'll return your call at some point.
Hey, it's me.
I know you told me to mind my own business but I've found something out and it's important.
So call me back, yeah? OK.
Next on Harrow Why would Simon be there? I need to know what she was doing at that ferry stop.
A link between Brendan Skene and Francis Chester.
They shared a cell together.
STEPH: Sometimes, you get so obsessed with the dead, you forget about the living.
Your daughter needs you.
She doesn't need you chasing ghosts.
Whatever you're looking for, you think that if you'd have done the autopsy yourself, you'd have found it.
NICHOLS: We can't find a single thing to connect Simon with Ross Moran.

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