Harvey Beaks (2015) s02e04 Episode Script

The Feelings; Bag of Naughty

1 [cheerful music.]
Harvey Harvey Harvey [cheerful music.]
Grandpa? Grandpa, look! I've been practicing my fishing.
Easy gentle Ah.
- Then we throw it back.
- Mm.
Who's ready for our father/son camping adventure? I am! I love spending time with my family.
I'm gonna have a glass of chocolate milk.
- Wow, the sunrise is gorgeous today.
- Mm, yeah.
Hey, remember our first camping trip? I still have the photo.
Look how excited we were.
Huh, that's weird.
I remember you smiling.
I am smiling.
Uh, yeah, okay.
You know, Dad, I'm really glad - we get to share this trip together.
- Mm.
Gosh, and now I've got my own kids.
Time sure flies, huh? [slurps.]
Well, I better go load up the supplies.
Did you say something, Dad? No, I'm just breathing.
Oh, I thought I heard a Okay.
[polka music.]
[camera shutter clicks.]
I'm gonna capture so many memories.
So, Dad, what are you looking forward to most this weekend? Ah, you know, the quiet.
Uh-huh, yeah, sure.
That sounds great.
Oh, hey, look.
Look at all of our friends here! [indistinct chatter and laughter.]
Hey, the Beaks boys are here.
Oh-ho-ho, man, now it's a party.
[camera shutter clicks.]
- Who are these people? - Wow! Everyone is on a father/son retreat.
Yep, me and my dad are so pumped for this.
We love camping together.
- Um, that's a statue.
- It's a long story.
Oh, oh, I have an idea.
Why don't we all camp together? Uh, here, go mingle.
Dad, what's going on? I thought this was a family trip.
I have a confession.
This weekend isn't just about us camping.
I want my dad to open up about his feelings.
You mean like how we're open about our feelings - with each other? - Yes, exactly.
- Like how I can tell you whenever I feel - Not now, son.
He's my dad, but I don't really know much about him.
Like, what's his favorite ice cream flavor? Is it chocolate or pistachio? The books I've read said it's easier to open up in a group setting.
Wow, if a book said it, then it must be true.
- I'm gonna need your help.
- Yeah.
Let's make Grandpa cry.
Let's go around and just share something we've never told anyone before.
I thought we were just gonna roast some marshmallows.
Dad, don't worry.
We're just having some guy talk.
Here, I'll start.
The new baby keeps Miriam and I up all night with her crying, and sometimes that makes me feel like a real grouch.
Sometimes I like to turn down my beats and just listen to the rain.
It makes me feel wistful.
- Bro, me too! - Whoa, I thought I was the only one.
That's good.
Sometimes I think I'm always preparing for future disasters, but I'm never enjoying the present.
Well, I like using my wife's razor to shave.
It's lighter, and it makes me feel nice.
- This is this is all very personal.
- Guys, let's all get up and form a ring of compassion around Mitch.
Yeah, yeah, we should come on and go help him out.
Yeah, love you, Dad.
Yeah, you're amazing.
What about you, Dad? Do you have anything to share specifically with me your son? Uh [clears throat.]
I feel like I got to use the bathroom.
[soft dramatic music.]
- Dad? - Yeah? - What you thinking about? - Mm, nothing.
Come on.
You can't fool me.
I don't think my plan to have Grandpa - open up is gonna work.
- You've got the whole weekend.
I know you can do it.
I believe in you.
Thanks, son.
Tomorrow I'm gonna double down and have an honest, open moment with my father.
Okay, Dad, I want you to cross your arms and let yourself fall back so Harvey and I can catch you.
Uh, this doesn't feel right.
- Better.
- Mm, no, but the but the point of the trust exercise is Mm [grunts.]
Okay, okay, okay, okay.
That's enough of that.
I got you, Dad.
This one's called the Trust Cage.
While our hands are linked, we each share something and untangle ourselves to get free.
It's really hot in here.
You know, this is how bees kill each other.
No cheating, Grandpa.
You have to communicate to get out.
Yo, sorry, everybody, but I'm not wearing deodorant.
Tell me something.
What are you feeling? The longer you stay silent, the longer we stay tangled.
[both screaming.]
Both: I've got emotions! Okay, Dad, your turn to do the yelling sprint.
Harvey and I are waiting to hug you at the finish line.
I got you, Grandpa.
- Uh, I think I'm gonna go back to camp.
- Whee! - Time to sit.
- Are you having fun, Grandpa? Isn't being emotionally honest the best? This is a very strange camping trip.
"Strange"? I don't think Dad wants you to feel strange.
He just wants to bond with you.
Bond? Why didn't he say so? I know how to do that.
[soft music.]
So, um, Dad, what do you call this exercise? Fishing.
I get it the fish are like traumatic memories, and the poles represent healing.
The water is obviously a window and a mirror.
I think we're forgetting to use "I feel" statements.
You should say, "I feel that the water is" Okay, I'm experiencing a lot of micro-aggression right now.
Dad, this is great, but there's not much room for us to connect if we just sit in silence.
I think all this talking is scaring away the fish.
Maybe this was a mistake.
You guys have fun fishing.
I'm I'm just gonna go.
- Grandpa - Uh, um, son, wait.
Listen, this is, uh, very new to me.
I-I-I don't I don't know what you want from me, - but I want to try.
- You You mean it? Mm-hmm.
I'm gonna guide you on a trust walk.
Do I have to wear a blindfold? Yes, you've got to trust me to give you directions to get through this.
When we emerge, we'll have a stronger bond than ever before.
- Just keep going straight.
- Okay.
- Slight left.
- All right.
Do you feel yourself being more open yet? - I just feel like I can't see.
- We'll get there together, Dad.
I really appreciate you giving this a try.
Ooh, what's that? Well, hello, there.
Oh, is that a picture of me? Oh, that's really something.
It looks just Dad? Dad?! Oh, they're back already.
[camera shutter clicks.]
This is terrible! - What happened? - I lost Grandpa! You did what? [screams.]
- Aah, aah, aah! - Aah, this is my fault! Where did you see him last? I think we were by the sharp sticks and quicksand.
Oh, no, look! - Grandpa! - Grandpa? I'm only 29! Have you seen an old man around? He's stout, and he doesn't like hugs.
Oh, yeah, he went that way.
[lilting tense music.]
- [gasps.]
- Harvey, wait here.
I'll get him.
Son, a-aren't you supposed to be guiding me? What's with the silent treatment? Oh, this is how you must feel when you're around me.
Okay, point taken.
Doesn't feel good.
Well, right now I'm wishing I had some accordion music.
- It I find it soothing.
- What? I never knew that.
You haven't made a peep, so I guess you want me to keep going.
Let me see, um, well, I have a strong stance on pretzels.
Oh, Grandpa, we found you! [whispering.]
Harvey, wait.
Let's just go with it.
The silence, it's making Dad open up for the first time ever.
- But he could get hurt.
- I don't want to mess this up.
If we don't make any sounds, then Dad will feel safe to just keep sharing.
No, seriously, he's gonna get hurt right now.
Look! In my book, pretzel chips are not actually pretzels.
[all chomping and growling.]
I'm gonna save him very quietly.
Well, I'm not a fan of movies nowadays.
I didn't care for the "Explosion World" sequel.
I'll say it.
I mean, sure, the set pieces were fun, but it's like everything in the first movie never even happened.
They just threw away all the character development.
It was a real shame.
And I got into baking because it's like chemistry.
And that's why I don't keep those cookies in the house.
I can't.
I'll eat them all.
I guess my most favorite smell is laundry detergent.
Mm [grunts.]
[soft dramatic music.]
Son, I You know, I know we're very different and sometimes I can be tough, but, um, I-I just want to say, I'm proud of you.
You're not the physically strong type, but you carry a lot of emotional weight.
You're a good father, and you're a good son.
All right, um, enough of that.
So let's, uh, finish this trust walk.
[soft music.]
- [panting.]
We made it.
- Good.
Ah, what a nice sunset.
- Dad, Grandpa.
- Harvey.
Did you know about the stair lift that goes all the way up the mountain? Well, that that went pretty smoothly.
Actually, there were several close calls.
I told you you'd be save with me.
He wasn't, though.
I really feel like I get you now, Dad.
- Mm-hmm.
- Well, we better head back.
- We could, uh, take a picture.
- Really? Sure! [camera shutter clicking.]

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