Motown Magic (2018) s02e04 Episode Script

How Funky Is Your Chicken

-["ABC" playing]
-[children singing]
You went to school to learn, girl ♪
Things you never, never knew before ♪
Like I before E, except after C ♪
And why two plus two makes four ♪
Now, now, now, I'm gonna teach you ♪
Teach you, teach you ♪
All about love, yeah ♪
All about love ♪
Sit yourself down and take a seat ♪
All you gotta do is repeat after me ♪
A, B, C ♪
Easy as one, two, three ♪
Or simple as do, re, mi ♪
A, B, C
One, two, three
Baby, you and me, girl! ♪
A, B, C, it's easy
-It's like counting up to three ♪
-One, two, three
-Sing a simple melody ♪
-Do, re, mi, A, B, C
That's how easy love can be! ♪
[Ben] My favorite thing in the whole world
is drawing and making art.
I like it so much,
sometimes I even wake up doing it.
And I am done.
Oops! It's okay, Mom.
I'll grab some more from the fridge.
-Benny, are you okay? Here, come here.
Yeah. [sighs]
I'll just go to the store
and get some more.
We don't have time
before the bakery opens, honey.
You know, it'll just have to be
an egg-free cupcake day. Again.
There must be another way to find,
uh, get eggs when we need them.
Uh, even if the store's closed?
Hey, Benny Boy!
Your chicken coop is egg-nificent!
Let's just make sure
it all works, Uncle Rod.
Centrally heated roost?
-Warm and cozy.
Gourmet chicken feed buffet?
Smells better
than your mama's apple biscuits.
Deluxe hen-tertainment system?
Hi-Fly is online.
-Chicks just love classical music.
[classical instrumental music playing]
I hereby declare the Lay-a-Lot Castle Coop
open for business.
And here come our clucky ladies now.
Go on, you're gonna love your new home.
I promise.
What's happening? What's happening?
Uh Are you
Is anyone seeing what I'm seeing?
Whoa, whoa! Yeah, shut it off.
We gotta shut it off!
[engine powers down]
That chicken! She was dancing!
And she was good!
You sure she wasn't just flipping out
like everybody else?
Or flapping out?
No, no, she was boppin' and rockin'
and shimmying and
Weren't you?
Come on, Benny, let's head in.
[Ben] I get a feeling
you're going to be our star performer.
Goodnight, funky chicken.
So, where do the eggs come out?
-From the chicken's behind, Marvin.
-[both chuckle]
I think Grandpa's referring to
our state-of-the-art
eggobelt automated egg delivery system.
[hens clucking]
Oh, there's only five eggs.
Did one of the chickens not lay?
Let me see.
The eggobelt adds a color coded mark
to each egg.
So we've got red, green, orange,
purple, yellow,
but no blue!
[Marvin] Now that's the one.
What good's a hen that can't lay an egg?
Uh, they have plenty to offer
other than eggs,
like, um
[laughing] Chicken jokes, right? Right?
Okay, that sounded better in my head.
Let's swap it for one hen
that does lay eggs.
See, now you're talking.
Send it on back to the farm.
Well, uh, hold up now, Marvin.
We can give her
a little more time, huh, can't we?
Yeah, she'll lay an egg, I know it.
Just let me talk to her.
All right, Benny, but if that hen
hasn't laid by tomorrow morning,
we need to swap it for one that does.
Hey, on the sunny side up,
it's time to get crackin' on breakfast.
Did you hear that?
You need to lay an egg
or else you can't stay.
Look, I get it.
You'd rather dance.
Just like I'd rather draw and paint,
but if you don't lay an egg soon,
you're going back to the farm.
Uh, cluck once for no, twice for yes.
-[clucks twice]
[clucks once]
You're comin' with me!
We'll find you some encour
Uh, help Uh, egg-spiration!
ABC, easy as one, two, three!
Hello! Anyone here?
Well, cock-a-doodle-ding!
I must've died and gone to disco heaven.
You can talk?
I can [squawks] talk the talk
and [squawks] walk the walk.
-The name's Flo.
Yeah, Funky Flo, and I'm go, go, go!
Did someone ring-a-ding-ding? Ha-ha!
Hey, Dancing Machine.
My friend Flo here needs some help
with her, uh, um, laying?
Laying down a groovy beat,
so I can get up on my feet!
Go, Flo! Oh, yeah!
Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah!
Those are the smoothest moves
I've ever seen.
Hey! What about my moves?
[laughs] Us birds of a feather
gotta stick together.
You seem like a funkadelic chick,
but let me show you
how the dancing's done.
Is that all you got?
Fine! [laughs]
Let's have a dance off,
and you can see for yourself.
Unless you're chicken.
[giggles] Oh, I'm more chicken
than you can handle.
Hey. Hey!
We came here to help Flo lay eggs
so she won't get sent back to the farm.
We don't have time for a dance off!
Sorry, Ben, but I'm a dancer, not a layer.
I got funk in my feathers,
and I just got to set it free.
Clock's ticking, chicken.
Are we dancing, or are you all squawk?
You might be a funky robot,
but have you ever seen a funky chicken?
Ha, I've never been beaten
in a dance off yet. Ha-ha!
Oh, yeah!
-Show me how funky ♪
-How funky ♪
-Is your chicken now ♪
-Can you do it, can you do it? ♪
Let me see you get away, get away ♪
-When the band starts kickin' now ♪
-Now, now, now, now ♪
-Show me how funky ♪
-How funky ♪
-Is your chicken now ♪
-Can you do it, can you do it? ♪
Let me see you get away, get away ♪
-When the band starts kickin' now ♪
-Now, now, now, now ♪
Go to the front. Oh!
Drop it! [grunting]
Don't hurt yourself.
Can we please go back
to solving more pressing
Uh, urgent, uh
bigger problems, like laying eggs?
-I said I ♪
-I said I ♪
-Like competition ♪
-Like competition ♪
'Cause a little competition now ♪
Keeps me in condition now ♪
Come on, come on, come on ♪
Come on, come on, come on
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
Put yourself in the groove
Get ready to move on, come on ♪
-Show me how funky ♪
-How funky ♪
-Is your chicken now ♪
-Can you do it, can you do it? ♪
Let me see you get away, get away ♪
-When the band starts kickin' now ♪
-Now, now, now, now ♪
-Show me how funky ♪
-How funky ♪
-Is your chicken now ♪
-Can you do it, can you do it ♪
Let me see you get away, get away ♪
-When the band starts kickin' now ♪
-Now, now, now, now ♪
You win!
Flo! In the name of disco,
I salute you!
You are the funkiest chicken of them all!
Once I get in the flow,
you just can't stop me, yo!
But you were a worthy opponent,
robot or nobot.
That was amazing. No, egg-ceptional, Flo!
More than a half a dozen?
Well, sure, a few eggs
can make a good breakfast,
but your dancing can make someone's day,
and that's more important.
I mean, it's real special.
Thanks, Ben.
I just wish your mama and papa
could see it that way.
Maybe they can.
Hope you don't mind,
but we made a couple of adjustments
to the coop.
Oh, wow!
How adorable.
Flo is a chicken who does not lay eggs,
but she does know who she is
and what she loves.
And you all
are about to find out exactly
how funky your chicken really is.
[upbeat music playing]
We're gonna have a showdown ♪
We're gonna get the lowdown ♪
Im-peck-able. [chuckles] Uh
Maybe it's just me,
but I still don't get the point
of a chicken that can't lay an egg.
Dip, dip
Bom bom bom ♪
But chickens laying two eggs in one day?
Ha! Now that's amazing.
You see, Marvin?
Happy chickens are productive chickens.
Let's make those chickens happy then.
Everyone, get funky!
-Show me how funky ♪
-How funky ♪
-Is your chicken now ♪
-Can you do it, can you do it? ♪
Let me see you get away, get away ♪
-When the band starts kickin' now ♪
-Now, now, now, now ♪
Gotta get low down, yeah ♪
Dip dip, bom bom bom ♪
Dip dip, bom bom bom ♪
A, B, C, it's easy
-It's like counting up to three ♪
-One, two, three
-Sing a simple melody ♪
-Do, re, mi, A, B, C
That's how easy love can be! ♪
Come on, come on
Let me show you what it's all about!
A, B, C, it's easy
-It's like counting up to three ♪
-One, two, three
-Sing a simple melody ♪
-Do, re, mi, A, B, C
That's how easy love can be! ♪
A, B, C, it's easy
-It's like counting up to three ♪
-One, two, three
-Sing a simple melody ♪
-Do, re, mi, A, B, C
That's how easy love can be! ♪
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