NCIS: Sydney (2023) s02e04 Episode Script
Truth Sabre
Gimme a look.
It's not finished yet.
Yes! Driving lesson.
One step closer to freedom.
One step closer to you.
Just be careful of traffic cams.
- All right?
- Yeah.
There's eyes everywhere, remember?
Bye, babe.
The firewall's using data
security posture management.
I know that!
Including penetration testing,
and rolling security audits.
Why is it suddenly all about me?
[GIRL] Mom, ready?
We're really doing it this time?
Oh, honey. Was that today?
We're still deep in it here.
It's fine. Don't worry about it.
No, hang on. Just wait.
I'll make it up to you, I swear.
Tomorrow, guaranteed.
We'll carve out some girl time,
just you and me.
Tomorrow is D-Day.
Day after tomorrow, then?
Mom, I've got school, remember?
- [HEATHER] Why don't I take her?
- No, Heather.
You've got Pilates.
Who needs core strength, right?
No, you two keep working here.
Come on, it'll be fun.
Let's go.
[GRACE] Thanks for taking me.
[HEATHER] Hey, don't worry about it.
- I'm so excited.
They drive on the right here, right?
Should I have taken out
life insurance? [LAUGHS]
Too late now.
Are you okay?
I got rainbow sherbet on my face?
What's going on?
Why drag me down here?
Why not, you know? A pool. Us hanging.
Could be the best day ever.
No, see, I already spend
60 hours a week with you.
I don't need an extra scoop of you
on my day off.
You do, though, because
Hold this.
Appreciate it, thank you.
D, that is a
Genuine Aussie budgie snugglers!
- Smugglers.
- Like I said.
No. See, the budgie is being smuggled,
not snuggled.
Put your shorts back on!
Whoa, whoa, not so fast.
Blue helped me with your size.
And Blue is now dead to me.
- Evie, you nearly drowned.
- Yeah. And?
You gotta learn how to swim!
Must be HR calling to do
a welfare check on me
after seeing you in those.
Hey, Sarge. What's up?
[JD] Sorry to call on your Sunday.
A Navy officer's car's exploded.
Thank God. Send us the deets.
- Gotta go.
- Wait a
Ready for you now.
My first car was a real bomb,
but it's got nothing on this.
It's one way to get out of
your kid's driving lesson.
- Hmm.
- What do we got?
Commander Kira Mason,
cyber warfare engineer,
relocated here six months ago
to fix some major snafu
in the US Navy's IT system.
Daughter, Grace, 17.
Doing her final year here.
Her eighth school in nine years.
Welcome to the life of a Navy brat.
- Dad on the scene?
- Not as far as I can tell.
[MACKEY] Who is that?
[JD] Mum's chief of staff
and all-round family glue, Heather.
She took the major brunt
of the blast at close range.
- [MACKEY] They look tight.
- [JD] Yeah.
Bomb squad identified a pipe bomb
underneath the driver's seat.
Hardware-store special,
damn near impossible to trace.
Most likely an RF trigger.
- Car fob?
- [EVIE] That's what we thought.
'Til we saw this.
The bomb goes off before Grace's finger
even touches the fob button.
[JD] So either someone's
got a hair trigger
or they didn't want anyone killed.
Make some friends, knock on
some doors. See who saw what.
[DESHAWN] Gotcha.
- What's going on down there?
- Didn't get a chance to change.
Budgie smugglers
have turned budgie stranglers.
Commander Mason. Michelle Mackey, NCIS.
How you holding up?
Oh, you know.
Just another day at the office.
See, that's why I never got a desk job.
- How's Grace doing?
It's a tough age, I get it.
Any idea who might
wanna hurt either of you?
Maybe even just scare you?
Like you, I work for the US
Government, so it's a long list.
Hmm, any chance it could be
related to the work you do out here?
You're in IT, right?
I have all the clearances, Commander.
It would be a lot easier
to help you if you help me.
It's a large data-migration project,
prompted by the discovery
of a critical vulnerability
in the system.
What kinda data we talking?
The system reaches into
the heart of the US Navy.
You can do the math.
Look [SIGHS]
Do you mind if we finish this later?
Grace is a mess and, honestly,
I'm I'm not far behind.
Of course.
[JD] So, according to the Staties,
Kira's systems engineer, Gene,
was inside with her
at the time of the explosion.
Okay. What's he got to say for himself?
Not a whole lot. He shot
through before we got here.
Door cam of Kira's driveway,
night before last.
- I can't make anything out.
- [BLUE] That's the point.
Someone's blinding the camera
with a very cool high-powered laser
which I may or may not
have just ordered online.
Why would our laser bomber
have it in for an IT geek?
A very senior IT geek wrangling
highly classified Navy data.
The hell's going on back there?
My bet is they were changing the plates,
because these ones
don't match the car's VIN.
In fact, they don't match any VIN.
They're fake plates?
3D-printed. Fake as fairies.
Okay, so someone sneaks in
and plants an IED.
Why change the plates?
That makes no sense.
When the Mafia want to stop
a witness from testifying,
they just blow up the car,
bada bing, bada boom.
So maybe it's some kind of message?
Like what?
You tell me.
All right, so we gotta spend
a few days here. Why be a hater?
[SIGHS] Because, D,
I had a date tonight.
And now I don't
because I am stuck here with you
babysitting some Navy brat.
Girl, you got the wrong outlook.
Babysitting ain't so bad.
I done it, I crushed it.
You crushed babysitting?
Got my first sit age 10.
12 bucks an hour
for pizza and a ball game?
- Damn, I'm in. The trick?
Find out what the kid wants, get that.
Popeyes, Wendy's, Taco Bell, get it!
Hell, kid wants Carl's Jr.?
You splash the cash, baby.
Comes right back atcha
in repeat business.
[LAUGHS] Right.
I cannot wait to see
the DeShawn Method in action.
What are you doing?
Mom said you'd be here.
She didn't say you'd be spying on me.
Just making sure the house is tight.
You know, keep you and your mom safe.
In my bedroom?
Eyes on everywhere, 24/7.
- Even while you sleep.
- Ugh!
- Ignore the night stalker here.
- God
It's just until we find the
bomber. Speaking of which
These were on your mum's car
when it blew up.
They're fake. Mean anything to you?
Just get out of my room, will you?
And take the creep show with you.
[JD] You're nervous, right? I get it.
[MACKEY] Come again?
You're about to enter the tech world,
out of your comfort zone.
Makes you anxious, I can tell.
No, I'm good with tech.
I flew choppers for a living.
There's plenty of buttons in choppers.
I push your buttons all day,
doesn't make me Bill Gates.
That is the smartest thing
you've ever said.
Oh, thank you.
I'm just saying,
we're about to step into tech mecca.
These tech guys, they speak
a whole different language.
- Yes, which I understand!
- Really?
Hm. What's firmware?
- Firmware?
- Mmm.
Firmware is better than software.
- Not as good as hardware.
Go for Mackey.
Go for Blue.
Uh, no, you called me, Blue.
So I did some digging into 3D printers.
And turns out that each of them
have a distinctive polymer
fingerprint which
[BLUE] Um, sorry.
Um, which is great.
Um, so based on stratification,
it looks like the license plates
were printed using a Nipto 3D 2000.
A specific Nipto 3D 2000?
A specific one of the 150,000
that were sold here last year.
So not super specific, then.
[BLUE] You get me the actual printer
and I can confirm
that it is the actual printer.
Ha! Welcome to my world, huh? [CHUCKLES]
[MACKEY] What about the plates?
Anything military?
All I came up with was a handle
on an online forum
dedicated to a Navy SEALs operation
in South Sudan in 2019.
What was the op?
It's classified.
But that doesn't stop the forum
from strongly suggesting
that the operation ended
with four Navy SEALs
being killed by friendly fire.
That's possible.
But because it was deniable,
the families of the dead SEALs
didn't receive their death benefits.
Yeah, that one not so much.
I don't know, boss.
Uh, user @tango8 seems pretty convinced.
That's why they're called
conspiracy theories, Blue.
I prefer facts.
Like whether Commander Mason
is somehow connected to @tango8, okay?
[DOC ROY] Oh, I need magenta, do I?
Listen to it. It's as full as a goog.
It has never printed a word in anger.
But, no, what do I get?
[ROBOTIC VOICE] Must replace magenta.
Doc okay?
[BLUE] Yeah, just, um,
minor tech issues.
[DOC ROY] All I wanna do
is print out my footy tickets.
Is that too much to ask?
[BLUE] I'm all over @tango8. Bye!
Okay. Call you later.
- Oh, no, no. No, no, no!
- [BLUE] Doc
I think I've just deleted
my footy tickets.
It's okay. You just just
remove it from the trash.
Listen, I've tried that, all right?
It said, "Remove from trash."
I did so,
and now they have disappeared
[DROPS PHONE] ..completely!
[JD] Now, just remember,
if you get confused,
you just signal me, all right?
There's no shame in being analog.
- [MACKEY] Seriously?
- [HEATHER] Oh, hey.
- Hey.
- You can take that.
- No, it's fine.
Uh, everyone wants a piece
of Kira right now.
It's my job to keep the hounds at bay.
Listen, Grace, is she
Oh, safe at home with our guys.
Oh, thank you so much.
I really appreciate that.
Just take a couple of these. Thank you.
- Thanks.
- It's just through here.
Okay, this is us.
Can I get you anything while you wait?
[JD] No.
Maybe a chair?
[GENE] Are you insane?
I mean, the migration schedule
has been locked in for months.
If you want to bring it forward,
at least let me in!
[KIRA] For God's sake, Gene,
you know I can't do that.
Protocols dictate this is my call.
I'll be right back.
- It's Gene, right?
Jim Dempsey, AFP.
Kinda busy here, Jim.
These are pretty cool.
What is it, IT-Rex?
It's a dragon, actually.
Oh, right, yeah, the wings.
Yeah, it's a giveaway.
Hey, you're the go-to IT guy, right?
Can I ask you a question?
You know the whole nine-square
find-the-motorcycle challenge
before you log into a website?
- What am I doing wrong?
- Excuse me?
Well, I find the motorcycles
every single time,
but it won't let me log in, you know?
So I asked my partner about it,
and she says, "You should move
onto the fire hydrants."
[LAUGHS] It's false reassurance.
It's just designed
to make you feel secure.
See, that's what I thought. Hmm.
You know, hearing it from you, though,
it just makes me feel better.
Data-migration issues, huh?
Overheard you talking to Kira.
She's moved the window up
but won't let anyone else
oversee the transfer.
Control freak.
- Right?
- Right.
I mean, I'm the one
who found the vulnerability,
but she thinks she knows
better about how to fix it.
Huh, bosses.
Be a lot easier without 'em.
Hey, I didn't say that.
Hey, we couldn't find you
before at Kira's house.
We went looking for you,
but you'd shot through.
Had to get back here.
Ah, tight schedule. Yeah, you said.
Mate, @tango8,
that mean anything to you?
Nuh. Why?
Oh, just someone changed
the number plates
on your boss's car before
they blew it into next week.
That's weird, right?
Dude, if I wanted to get rid of Kira,
I would just plant porn
on her Slack feed.
Sounds like you've put
some thought into that.
I think we're finished here.
Smartest guy in the room
with a shed full of axes to grind.
Sounds like fun. Wish I was there.
Oh, Gene's a tech bro,
so it was gonna be easier mano a mano.
Why, 'cause you're so techy?
No, because I'm so mano.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
Did you speak to the chief of staff?
Mm, no.
We were too busy pillow fighting.
Sorry to keep you waiting. Coffee?
Excuse me. I have to change
the system WEP keys every hour.
Part of the enhanced security protocols.
What is it you guys do again?
We're part of the Navy's
Indo-Pacific cyber facility.
We've partnered with a local tech firm
to help fix a critical
sequencing vulnerability
in the Sydney hub.
Have I lost you?
Oh, he was good up until 'cyber'.
We've been working towards
a three-hour window
when the firewall comes down
and we mass migrate the data
from the old server to the new.
Ah, the old mass data migration.
That's classic.
Sounds like a big job.
Seven days a week
for the last six months.
How does, uh, Grace cope with that?
Everything's been tricky
since her dad passed.
Sorry to hear that.
You marry into the military,
you prep for the worst.
You never think it'll happen
to you, but it does.
Especially in the SEALs.
Your husband was a SEAL?
- Mmm.
Does @tango8 mean anything to you?
Why? Should it?
Ooh, sorry.
She terrifies you, huh?
The DeShawn Method has met its match.
- Hey, girl, please!
I've cracked way tougher nuts than her.
- Blue?
- [BLUE] Hey. Okay.
So I found a post
on the conspiracy forum
and I convinced the moderator
to give me their IP address,
which I ran against the ISP
to get the MAC address
of that associate IP.
- Follow?
- I don't speak binary, Blue.
Can you send me a photo
of the router number?
Okay, who has access
to their home Wi-Fi?
Home Wi-Fi, who uses it?
Just me.
Mom has to use the secure Navy one.
Just covering all our bases.
[SOFTLY] You hear that, Blue?
I'm I'm afraid I did.
And you'd be afraid because ?
Because that means
that Grace is @tango8.
So, Grace and her online buddies
catch a little conspiracy fever.
How does changing the plates
and blowing up mom's car play into that?
Maybe the whole thing was about
raising awareness for the SEALs cause.
[MACKEY] Well, that didn't work.
The only people who know
the plates were changed
are inside this building.
What if there's some truth
in the conspiracy?
Grace is ruffling feathers,
messes with the wrong people,
so they blow up mum's car
as a warning to stop digging.
They put Grace's username on the plates
so she'd know the message was for her.
So you're saying that they knew
Grace was going for a driving
lesson at that exact time?
I'm not sure I'm buying that either.
Let's see what she's selling, then.
[JD] How are you guys doing?
Can I get you anything?
These are excerpts from the online forum
that Grace was a part of.
So Grace was part of
a social justice forum.
So what?
She's always been into this stuff.
Goes a little deeper than that.
[JD] You recognize this person?
What, you [SCOFFS]
You think that's Grace?
- We don't know who it is.
- [KIRA] Are you kidding?
You think my daughter got sucked into
some conspiracy theory
and then blew up my car?
I know it sounds a little, uh
Sounds insane.
Yeah, well, so do a lot
of conspiracy theories.
[KIRA] Is it true? You believe all this?
Honey, this goes back months.
If you had any questions,
you could have just come to me.
Sure I could.
"Hey, Mom, I know you're
the world's busiest woman
"trying to save the US Navy
"but any chance you guys
stiffed a bunch of Navy SEALs?"
Yeah, that would have gone really well.
Did you blow up my car?
[SCOFFS] Seriously?
The one I was about to drive?
There's your answer, Sergeant.
These were found on
your mum's car when it blew up.
[JD] You've seen them before, right?
And you told my guys they don't
mean anything to you either.
- Yeah.
- Hmm.
So here's the thing
when we stumbled across
your little conspiracy forum,
@tango 8 is your handle.
[JD] Didn't think to
mention that, Grace?
Honey, what's he talking about?
[JD] I mean, you see
how this looks, right?
Looks like you're hiding something.
[JD] Sure you don't
recognize that person?
Oh! Yeah. It kinda looks like you.
And why would I plant a bomb
under your mum's car?
I don't know, to shut me up
about the SEALs cover-up?
Why would I want to do that?
'Cause I'm speaking truth to power.
She is all the way down
that rabbit hole, huh?
You really think I'd do that?
Yeah. You or someone like you.
[WHISPERS] That must scare the
hell out of you, Grace, huh?
Not knowing the good guys from the bad.
[WHISPERS] Oh, it's clearer
than you think, JD.
Okay? They'll let her go. Don't worry.
Hey, mind if I have a quick word
with the Commander?
Is Grace all right? You're not
keeping her here, are you?
My team will drive her home.
She's in safe hands.
Your daughter's got
some strong views, huh?
Any sense of when this
all might have started?
Does she have close friends
who might be driving this?
We've traveled around so much,
it's been hard for her
to maintain friendships.
What about Jake?
Grace's boyfriend?
She doesn't have a
I missed that, too, did I?
She never even mentioned him.
I suppose you think I'm a terrible mom,
letting my daughter
get swept up in all of this.
I try to make it a habit
not to judge single moms.
It's hard to know
unless you've been there, right?
She's a good kid, Kira.
We just gotta work out
how to get her back.
Thank you.
Okay, let's try retracing your steps.
Okay, so you bought the tickets online.
- How did you receive them?
- Via SMS.
And, you know, I had to pay
$7 extra for the privilege.
- Which you accidentally deleted.
Yeah, well.
Okay, have you tried
the online help chat?
Oh, I couldn't get in, mate.
I failed the human
verification test thing.
- Okay.
- Mm.
Well, maybe they emailed you a receipt.
I mean, we can always
just ask them to s
You have more than 20,000 unread emails!
When was the last time you checked this?
Well, it might have been a while.
[MACKEY] How'd you go with the forum?
- Um, good.
Uh, I think I found the origin
story for the whole conspiracy.
So, this post was made by
@truthsabre101, okay?
He plants the seed that
the families of the dead SEALs
were never paid.
It slowly catches fire
until @tango8, Grace,
joins the forum
and the whole thing blows up.
And then @tango8 and @truthsabre101,
they kind of, I don't know,
they kind of get
close-talky with each other.
It's called flirting, Blue.
Odds on, @truthsabre101
is the boyfriend, Jake.
And our bomber.
Print me out all correspondence
between them.
Well, good luck with that.
Somebody has used up all the magenta.
[DESHAWN] Yo, chill!
Just me.
- [CHUCKLES] Where's she at?
- Balcony.
[DESHAWN] Watch and learn, girl.
[EVIE] This is gonna be good.
You hungry?
You gotta be starving, right?
Yeah, you gotta be starving.
All right, so what's your jam?
Hmm, I'm thinking All right!
Fair. You know,
never eat fish on a Monday.
- So, what have we got in here?
We got some We got some fries.
You like ice cream? I like ice cream.
Don't like ice cream. I got you.
See, nobody in the history
of humanity says no to
- Pizza?
- pizza?
But there's always a first, and
I'm glad, I'm so glad it's you.
You know, pioneering.
I don't think she's hungry, D.
The DeShawn Method kills it again.
Well, at least I'm trying.
Over to you, Agent Cooper.
[EVIE] Hey.
[EVIE] That's you, yeah?
And that's Jake, right?
He's cute.
DeShawn sent me out here
because he thinks
I know what it's like to
be a 17-year-old girl.
Honestly I don't.
- Why? You skip 17?
My dad was never present.
So I spent my teens helping
my mum raise my siblings.
[GRACE] Sucks.
I reckon I'm lucky, though.
I had three brothers
and two sisters to keep me busy.
You're doing it alone.
After Dad died
Mom cried a lot.
I came home from school
and she'd taken down all his photos.
Like he never existed.
That's one way to grieve.
How'd you cope?
Oh, yeah.
- Go for it.
Hey, babe.
[JAKE] Hey. How are you doing?
I'm okay.
Well, you don't sound too good.
What, are they still hassling you?
Yeah, cops are here right now.
- Hi. I'm the cop.
- I'll call you back later.
Wait, wait, don't hang up.
Ask him if he has an older brother.
Also, ask him how he came up
with the handle @truthsabre101.
You're all the same.
Was any of that even true?
We're just trying to help you.
What's up with Jake?
We need to talk to him, Grace.
Where is he?
Like I'm gonna tell you.
[BLUE] Guys?
Did you catch the boyfriend's number?
I did one better.
I got her mum's permission
to clone Grace's phone.
I then pulled the metadata
from the video call
that she had with Jake.
Which means?
We know exactly where he is.
All right, send that to me. Let's go.
You ready? Go.
[JD] AFP! We're coming in!
[JD] Clear.
Fire escape's open.
Looks like we missed him by a bee's.
Jake's gone.
He's right here.
[JD] Hey, so I've got a theory
[MACKEY] Deep-fake Jake
and mom's data migration
have gotta be connected, right?
[JD] Well
We know Grace started chatting to Jake
around the same time the system
vulnerability was exposed.
- Yeah.
- That can't be a coincidence.
Well, exactly, it's Oh!
Kira's wrangling top-secret Navy data.
It's worth something to someone, right?
My turn to talk?
And you have to be super
tech savvy to create a deep fake.
You see those drive thingies back there?
I think 'graphics card's
the word you're looking for.
And you'd have to have eyes on
to set that bomb off.
And get off on 3D-printed dragons.
- Yes. Yes!
- Oh.
Come on.
Police! Go! Go! Go! Go!
- Police! Search warrant!
- Police! Going to the back!
Going left!
[JD] Mackey!
What the
[JD] Guess that explains
where Gene's been.
[JAKE] Put yourself in
those SEAL's families' shoes.
You're the only one
that can access the truth.
I need to know you're up for it.
[EVIE] We found the computer
that created Jake.
Don't be embarrassed.
These catfishing schemes
are so sophisticated.
He looks so real.
It's just a bunch of zeroes and ones.
Look, whoever's behind this
has been trying to manipulate
you from the start.
Conspiracy theory,
the forum,
everything was purpose-built
for a grieving 17-year-old
with a big heart
and a social conscience.
You think the fact that this is all
about a SEALs op is a coincidence?
Babe, it's a trap
you couldn't help falling into.
Grace, what's Jake
been pressuring you to do?
[EVIE] Come on, girl.
Well, so you fell in love
with someone you never met.
You're not the first.
Trust me, sometimes
meeting them way worse.
- [KIRA] Honey
Come here.
Looks like you're gonna miss
the footy, huh, Rosie?
Well, I don't know about that, cocko.
This is all pretty straight up.
Suicide, then?
Well, not unless you can explain to me
how the left-handed victim
manages to shoot himself
in his right temple.
This has been staged,
and very, very poorly.
I mean, I don't know
what the world's coming to.
People do not even try anymore.
But, you know, it's pretty
obvious. You don't need me!
You can just fill in the dots yourself.
- Nice try, big fella.
Until you find some evidence
telling me who did what to whom,
you're not going anywhere, mate.
You know, I could always quit.
You know, Bunnies versus
the Dragons, it'd be worth it.
Print out your resignation.
- I'll take a look.
There's this too. There you go.
Old mate's phone.
A dozen missed calls to an
unknown number right before TOD.
Sounds like someone
might have got cold feet.
The hell are we missing here?
Tech bro catfishes his boss's daughter
into believing some
fringe conspiracy theory.
For what? What's the angle?
Well, mum's overseeing
a classified data transfer.
You target the daughter
to compromise the mum?
Then get rid of
your partner in crime when
he's no longer of any use.
Saves having to share.
Share what?
The money.
- Yeah, Blue.
- Hey.
Okay, so I was trawling
through Grace's phone
and I found a hidden message
in a vault app
from a few days ago.
Remember when I said
there will come a point
where they try and shut us down?
They'll try and convince you
that none of this is real.
They'll try and convince you
that I'm not real.
But I'm telling you
that's when you know
you've found the truth.
She's playing possum.
Who, Grace? Why?
'Cause she still thinks Jake's real.
[DESHAWN] Boss, one sec!
The hell's going on there?
Smoke alarm. Grace just burnt her toast.
- Ugh!
Tell me you got eyes on the kid.
Everything all right?
Grace isn't in her room.
[EVIE] We thought she was with you.
[EVIE] Hey, Grace, you up there?
- That ain't good.
- What is it, D?
Grace is gone. Kira's laptop too.
[EVIE] Check the CCTV.
[DESHAWN] Got it, got it.
Gracie? Gracie, honey?
What is she doing there?
She's changing
the authentication device
from my phone to hers.
Which means what exactly?
She's locked me out completely.
- It's happening.
- [DESHAWN] What is?
The data migration,
the three-hour window,
the firewall,
none of it could happen
without the laptop.
I don't understand.
It's a cyberattack.
And Grace is the bait.
So you were right.
I found a ton of malicious code
on Gene's drive.
How malicious we talking?
Ransomware. It's
[SIGHS] It's nasty stuff.
They could blackmail
the US Navy for billions.
That's why they were waiting
for the firewall to drop.
And why they needed Kira's laptop.
Encrypt the data and then charge
a crypto fortune to release it.
[MACKEY] Okay. Just keep your phone on.
Log in, change the passcodes.
[KIRA] I'm trying.
Server's not responding.
I'm still locked out.
She's in total control.
Does being locked out affect
the laptop tracking software?
- I don't think so.
- Get on it.
[MACKEY] Someone is playing parasite,
using grieving daughter
to gain mom's exclusive access
to Navy data that can only be accessed
during one three-hour window.
Which is now.
The conspiracy, the bomb,
the plates, the deep fake,
it was all about manipulating Grace
to get access to the IT system
from the one person who holds the keys.
The vulnerability wasn't technological.
It was me.
Got a bead on the laptop.
And Blue's hacked their escape plan.
- [JD] ETA on Mackey?
[EVIE] Inbound. Minutes away.
Sarge, tracker's headed to the roof.
[JD] Let's take the stairs.
Jake, where are you?
Oh, honey, are you okay?
Where's Jake?
I am so glad I found you.
I just had your mom on the phone.
She's pretty pissed.
I don't
Look, we can fix this whole thing, okay?
We just
We gotta get that laptop back
before anyone notices it's gone.
Come on.
How did you know I was here?
I-I'm trying to help you, honey.
Come on, don't make this harder
than it already is.
Give it here.
- Come on!
- No, I I need this.
I accessed the VA files for the SEALs.
Their families were all paid in full.
I-I don't know what you're
talking about, honey.
We were wrong all along.
Jake needs to know.
Where is he?
No. We're meeting here.
He just texted me.
He dropped a pin.
Now, give me the laptop.
Give it to me!
- No!
- Give it to me!
- Give it to me!
- No! Ugh!
[JD] Stop where you are!
That's close enough. Back up!
Drop the gun!
I want to see your hands!
Go! Move!
Wait, Evie, wait! Wait! No, no, no.
[HEATHER] Go, go! Move!
Get in there!
Give me the new log-in.
- Give me the damn passcode!
I'm afraid your flight has been delayed.
Did she really just say that?
That's some Steven Seagal swagger.
The early days.
[EVIE] It's okay, babe. Okay?
- It's okay, babe. I got you.
- You're okay. You're okay.
- [SOBS]
I got you, babe.
- [DOC ROY] Get off him!
- I thought this game was done.
- [JD] Oh!
It's a replay, and if
anyone tells me the score,
they'll cop a scalpel to the groin.
[DESHAWN] Wait, which team is attacking
and which is defending?
Uh, both are doing both.
So it's not like NFL.
Uh, Aussies can multitask.
- [EVIE] Yeah.
- Yeah!
Ugh! So, you know,
but where's all the gear?
- That's it, D.
- What?
- There are no helmets here.
- Yeah, shut up!
The big man,
he's gonna take a conversion
from the sideline and square things up!
Yeah, yeah. Shoosh, everyone, okay?
They're converting the sideline.
[DESHAWN] Uh-uh-uh. Stop,
stop, stop. Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh!
Uh, what?
You know, I finally worked it out,
why you can't swim.
See, it all makes sense now.
Oh, really? Enlighten me.
Yeah, see, it's 'cause
when you were younger,
you were too busy
playing mom to your siblings.
You never got the time to
be a kid or learn how to swim.
Have you seen
what saltwater does to my hair?
No, girl. I'm right.
That's why now you're a grown-ass woman
who's perpetually juvenile.
I know you are, but what am I?
Yeah, you never had a childhood,
so you're having it now.
Which means I'm having it too,
whether I like it or not.
You like it.
- The hell's mine?
- [JD] Hmm.
I'm afraid your beer's
been delayed indefinitely.
- Okay, you heard that, huh?
- Mm!
And so will you for the rest of time.
I got you this.
Thank you.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Good job today.
You too, partner.
- No, no, no! Oh! He's not
- This is good. This is good.
He's been doing that all day, ref!
- Oh, no, no!
- No, that's all right.
- He's been doing that all day!
- That's good.
- Yeah!
- He-he-hey!
Oh, that was beautiful!
- Take that.
- That's good.
[DESHAWN] What in the world
are y'all celebrating, what happened?
We won!
That's all you need to know.
[DOC ROY] Yeah!
Gimme a look.
It's not finished yet.
Yes! Driving lesson.
One step closer to freedom.
One step closer to you.
Just be careful of traffic cams.
- All right?
- Yeah.
There's eyes everywhere, remember?
Bye, babe.
The firewall's using data
security posture management.
I know that!
Including penetration testing,
and rolling security audits.
Why is it suddenly all about me?
[GIRL] Mom, ready?
We're really doing it this time?
Oh, honey. Was that today?
We're still deep in it here.
It's fine. Don't worry about it.
No, hang on. Just wait.
I'll make it up to you, I swear.
Tomorrow, guaranteed.
We'll carve out some girl time,
just you and me.
Tomorrow is D-Day.
Day after tomorrow, then?
Mom, I've got school, remember?
- [HEATHER] Why don't I take her?
- No, Heather.
You've got Pilates.
Who needs core strength, right?
No, you two keep working here.
Come on, it'll be fun.
Let's go.
[GRACE] Thanks for taking me.
[HEATHER] Hey, don't worry about it.
- I'm so excited.
They drive on the right here, right?
Should I have taken out
life insurance? [LAUGHS]
Too late now.
Are you okay?
I got rainbow sherbet on my face?
What's going on?
Why drag me down here?
Why not, you know? A pool. Us hanging.
Could be the best day ever.
No, see, I already spend
60 hours a week with you.
I don't need an extra scoop of you
on my day off.
You do, though, because
Hold this.
Appreciate it, thank you.
D, that is a
Genuine Aussie budgie snugglers!
- Smugglers.
- Like I said.
No. See, the budgie is being smuggled,
not snuggled.
Put your shorts back on!
Whoa, whoa, not so fast.
Blue helped me with your size.
And Blue is now dead to me.
- Evie, you nearly drowned.
- Yeah. And?
You gotta learn how to swim!
Must be HR calling to do
a welfare check on me
after seeing you in those.
Hey, Sarge. What's up?
[JD] Sorry to call on your Sunday.
A Navy officer's car's exploded.
Thank God. Send us the deets.
- Gotta go.
- Wait a
Ready for you now.
My first car was a real bomb,
but it's got nothing on this.
It's one way to get out of
your kid's driving lesson.
- Hmm.
- What do we got?
Commander Kira Mason,
cyber warfare engineer,
relocated here six months ago
to fix some major snafu
in the US Navy's IT system.
Daughter, Grace, 17.
Doing her final year here.
Her eighth school in nine years.
Welcome to the life of a Navy brat.
- Dad on the scene?
- Not as far as I can tell.
[MACKEY] Who is that?
[JD] Mum's chief of staff
and all-round family glue, Heather.
She took the major brunt
of the blast at close range.
- [MACKEY] They look tight.
- [JD] Yeah.
Bomb squad identified a pipe bomb
underneath the driver's seat.
Hardware-store special,
damn near impossible to trace.
Most likely an RF trigger.
- Car fob?
- [EVIE] That's what we thought.
'Til we saw this.
The bomb goes off before Grace's finger
even touches the fob button.
[JD] So either someone's
got a hair trigger
or they didn't want anyone killed.
Make some friends, knock on
some doors. See who saw what.
[DESHAWN] Gotcha.
- What's going on down there?
- Didn't get a chance to change.
Budgie smugglers
have turned budgie stranglers.
Commander Mason. Michelle Mackey, NCIS.
How you holding up?
Oh, you know.
Just another day at the office.
See, that's why I never got a desk job.
- How's Grace doing?
It's a tough age, I get it.
Any idea who might
wanna hurt either of you?
Maybe even just scare you?
Like you, I work for the US
Government, so it's a long list.
Hmm, any chance it could be
related to the work you do out here?
You're in IT, right?
I have all the clearances, Commander.
It would be a lot easier
to help you if you help me.
It's a large data-migration project,
prompted by the discovery
of a critical vulnerability
in the system.
What kinda data we talking?
The system reaches into
the heart of the US Navy.
You can do the math.
Look [SIGHS]
Do you mind if we finish this later?
Grace is a mess and, honestly,
I'm I'm not far behind.
Of course.
[JD] So, according to the Staties,
Kira's systems engineer, Gene,
was inside with her
at the time of the explosion.
Okay. What's he got to say for himself?
Not a whole lot. He shot
through before we got here.
Door cam of Kira's driveway,
night before last.
- I can't make anything out.
- [BLUE] That's the point.
Someone's blinding the camera
with a very cool high-powered laser
which I may or may not
have just ordered online.
Why would our laser bomber
have it in for an IT geek?
A very senior IT geek wrangling
highly classified Navy data.
The hell's going on back there?
My bet is they were changing the plates,
because these ones
don't match the car's VIN.
In fact, they don't match any VIN.
They're fake plates?
3D-printed. Fake as fairies.
Okay, so someone sneaks in
and plants an IED.
Why change the plates?
That makes no sense.
When the Mafia want to stop
a witness from testifying,
they just blow up the car,
bada bing, bada boom.
So maybe it's some kind of message?
Like what?
You tell me.
All right, so we gotta spend
a few days here. Why be a hater?
[SIGHS] Because, D,
I had a date tonight.
And now I don't
because I am stuck here with you
babysitting some Navy brat.
Girl, you got the wrong outlook.
Babysitting ain't so bad.
I done it, I crushed it.
You crushed babysitting?
Got my first sit age 10.
12 bucks an hour
for pizza and a ball game?
- Damn, I'm in. The trick?
Find out what the kid wants, get that.
Popeyes, Wendy's, Taco Bell, get it!
Hell, kid wants Carl's Jr.?
You splash the cash, baby.
Comes right back atcha
in repeat business.
[LAUGHS] Right.
I cannot wait to see
the DeShawn Method in action.
What are you doing?
Mom said you'd be here.
She didn't say you'd be spying on me.
Just making sure the house is tight.
You know, keep you and your mom safe.
In my bedroom?
Eyes on everywhere, 24/7.
- Even while you sleep.
- Ugh!
- Ignore the night stalker here.
- God
It's just until we find the
bomber. Speaking of which
These were on your mum's car
when it blew up.
They're fake. Mean anything to you?
Just get out of my room, will you?
And take the creep show with you.
[JD] You're nervous, right? I get it.
[MACKEY] Come again?
You're about to enter the tech world,
out of your comfort zone.
Makes you anxious, I can tell.
No, I'm good with tech.
I flew choppers for a living.
There's plenty of buttons in choppers.
I push your buttons all day,
doesn't make me Bill Gates.
That is the smartest thing
you've ever said.
Oh, thank you.
I'm just saying,
we're about to step into tech mecca.
These tech guys, they speak
a whole different language.
- Yes, which I understand!
- Really?
Hm. What's firmware?
- Firmware?
- Mmm.
Firmware is better than software.
- Not as good as hardware.
Go for Mackey.
Go for Blue.
Uh, no, you called me, Blue.
So I did some digging into 3D printers.
And turns out that each of them
have a distinctive polymer
fingerprint which
[BLUE] Um, sorry.
Um, which is great.
Um, so based on stratification,
it looks like the license plates
were printed using a Nipto 3D 2000.
A specific Nipto 3D 2000?
A specific one of the 150,000
that were sold here last year.
So not super specific, then.
[BLUE] You get me the actual printer
and I can confirm
that it is the actual printer.
Ha! Welcome to my world, huh? [CHUCKLES]
[MACKEY] What about the plates?
Anything military?
All I came up with was a handle
on an online forum
dedicated to a Navy SEALs operation
in South Sudan in 2019.
What was the op?
It's classified.
But that doesn't stop the forum
from strongly suggesting
that the operation ended
with four Navy SEALs
being killed by friendly fire.
That's possible.
But because it was deniable,
the families of the dead SEALs
didn't receive their death benefits.
Yeah, that one not so much.
I don't know, boss.
Uh, user @tango8 seems pretty convinced.
That's why they're called
conspiracy theories, Blue.
I prefer facts.
Like whether Commander Mason
is somehow connected to @tango8, okay?
[DOC ROY] Oh, I need magenta, do I?
Listen to it. It's as full as a goog.
It has never printed a word in anger.
But, no, what do I get?
[ROBOTIC VOICE] Must replace magenta.
Doc okay?
[BLUE] Yeah, just, um,
minor tech issues.
[DOC ROY] All I wanna do
is print out my footy tickets.
Is that too much to ask?
[BLUE] I'm all over @tango8. Bye!
Okay. Call you later.
- Oh, no, no. No, no, no!
- [BLUE] Doc
I think I've just deleted
my footy tickets.
It's okay. You just just
remove it from the trash.
Listen, I've tried that, all right?
It said, "Remove from trash."
I did so,
and now they have disappeared
[DROPS PHONE] ..completely!
[JD] Now, just remember,
if you get confused,
you just signal me, all right?
There's no shame in being analog.
- [MACKEY] Seriously?
- [HEATHER] Oh, hey.
- Hey.
- You can take that.
- No, it's fine.
Uh, everyone wants a piece
of Kira right now.
It's my job to keep the hounds at bay.
Listen, Grace, is she
Oh, safe at home with our guys.
Oh, thank you so much.
I really appreciate that.
Just take a couple of these. Thank you.
- Thanks.
- It's just through here.
Okay, this is us.
Can I get you anything while you wait?
[JD] No.
Maybe a chair?
[GENE] Are you insane?
I mean, the migration schedule
has been locked in for months.
If you want to bring it forward,
at least let me in!
[KIRA] For God's sake, Gene,
you know I can't do that.
Protocols dictate this is my call.
I'll be right back.
- It's Gene, right?
Jim Dempsey, AFP.
Kinda busy here, Jim.
These are pretty cool.
What is it, IT-Rex?
It's a dragon, actually.
Oh, right, yeah, the wings.
Yeah, it's a giveaway.
Hey, you're the go-to IT guy, right?
Can I ask you a question?
You know the whole nine-square
find-the-motorcycle challenge
before you log into a website?
- What am I doing wrong?
- Excuse me?
Well, I find the motorcycles
every single time,
but it won't let me log in, you know?
So I asked my partner about it,
and she says, "You should move
onto the fire hydrants."
[LAUGHS] It's false reassurance.
It's just designed
to make you feel secure.
See, that's what I thought. Hmm.
You know, hearing it from you, though,
it just makes me feel better.
Data-migration issues, huh?
Overheard you talking to Kira.
She's moved the window up
but won't let anyone else
oversee the transfer.
Control freak.
- Right?
- Right.
I mean, I'm the one
who found the vulnerability,
but she thinks she knows
better about how to fix it.
Huh, bosses.
Be a lot easier without 'em.
Hey, I didn't say that.
Hey, we couldn't find you
before at Kira's house.
We went looking for you,
but you'd shot through.
Had to get back here.
Ah, tight schedule. Yeah, you said.
Mate, @tango8,
that mean anything to you?
Nuh. Why?
Oh, just someone changed
the number plates
on your boss's car before
they blew it into next week.
That's weird, right?
Dude, if I wanted to get rid of Kira,
I would just plant porn
on her Slack feed.
Sounds like you've put
some thought into that.
I think we're finished here.
Smartest guy in the room
with a shed full of axes to grind.
Sounds like fun. Wish I was there.
Oh, Gene's a tech bro,
so it was gonna be easier mano a mano.
Why, 'cause you're so techy?
No, because I'm so mano.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
Did you speak to the chief of staff?
Mm, no.
We were too busy pillow fighting.
Sorry to keep you waiting. Coffee?
Excuse me. I have to change
the system WEP keys every hour.
Part of the enhanced security protocols.
What is it you guys do again?
We're part of the Navy's
Indo-Pacific cyber facility.
We've partnered with a local tech firm
to help fix a critical
sequencing vulnerability
in the Sydney hub.
Have I lost you?
Oh, he was good up until 'cyber'.
We've been working towards
a three-hour window
when the firewall comes down
and we mass migrate the data
from the old server to the new.
Ah, the old mass data migration.
That's classic.
Sounds like a big job.
Seven days a week
for the last six months.
How does, uh, Grace cope with that?
Everything's been tricky
since her dad passed.
Sorry to hear that.
You marry into the military,
you prep for the worst.
You never think it'll happen
to you, but it does.
Especially in the SEALs.
Your husband was a SEAL?
- Mmm.
Does @tango8 mean anything to you?
Why? Should it?
Ooh, sorry.
She terrifies you, huh?
The DeShawn Method has met its match.
- Hey, girl, please!
I've cracked way tougher nuts than her.
- Blue?
- [BLUE] Hey. Okay.
So I found a post
on the conspiracy forum
and I convinced the moderator
to give me their IP address,
which I ran against the ISP
to get the MAC address
of that associate IP.
- Follow?
- I don't speak binary, Blue.
Can you send me a photo
of the router number?
Okay, who has access
to their home Wi-Fi?
Home Wi-Fi, who uses it?
Just me.
Mom has to use the secure Navy one.
Just covering all our bases.
[SOFTLY] You hear that, Blue?
I'm I'm afraid I did.
And you'd be afraid because ?
Because that means
that Grace is @tango8.
So, Grace and her online buddies
catch a little conspiracy fever.
How does changing the plates
and blowing up mom's car play into that?
Maybe the whole thing was about
raising awareness for the SEALs cause.
[MACKEY] Well, that didn't work.
The only people who know
the plates were changed
are inside this building.
What if there's some truth
in the conspiracy?
Grace is ruffling feathers,
messes with the wrong people,
so they blow up mum's car
as a warning to stop digging.
They put Grace's username on the plates
so she'd know the message was for her.
So you're saying that they knew
Grace was going for a driving
lesson at that exact time?
I'm not sure I'm buying that either.
Let's see what she's selling, then.
[JD] How are you guys doing?
Can I get you anything?
These are excerpts from the online forum
that Grace was a part of.
So Grace was part of
a social justice forum.
So what?
She's always been into this stuff.
Goes a little deeper than that.
[JD] You recognize this person?
What, you [SCOFFS]
You think that's Grace?
- We don't know who it is.
- [KIRA] Are you kidding?
You think my daughter got sucked into
some conspiracy theory
and then blew up my car?
I know it sounds a little, uh
Sounds insane.
Yeah, well, so do a lot
of conspiracy theories.
[KIRA] Is it true? You believe all this?
Honey, this goes back months.
If you had any questions,
you could have just come to me.
Sure I could.
"Hey, Mom, I know you're
the world's busiest woman
"trying to save the US Navy
"but any chance you guys
stiffed a bunch of Navy SEALs?"
Yeah, that would have gone really well.
Did you blow up my car?
[SCOFFS] Seriously?
The one I was about to drive?
There's your answer, Sergeant.
These were found on
your mum's car when it blew up.
[JD] You've seen them before, right?
And you told my guys they don't
mean anything to you either.
- Yeah.
- Hmm.
So here's the thing
when we stumbled across
your little conspiracy forum,
@tango 8 is your handle.
[JD] Didn't think to
mention that, Grace?
Honey, what's he talking about?
[JD] I mean, you see
how this looks, right?
Looks like you're hiding something.
[JD] Sure you don't
recognize that person?
Oh! Yeah. It kinda looks like you.
And why would I plant a bomb
under your mum's car?
I don't know, to shut me up
about the SEALs cover-up?
Why would I want to do that?
'Cause I'm speaking truth to power.
She is all the way down
that rabbit hole, huh?
You really think I'd do that?
Yeah. You or someone like you.
[WHISPERS] That must scare the
hell out of you, Grace, huh?
Not knowing the good guys from the bad.
[WHISPERS] Oh, it's clearer
than you think, JD.
Okay? They'll let her go. Don't worry.
Hey, mind if I have a quick word
with the Commander?
Is Grace all right? You're not
keeping her here, are you?
My team will drive her home.
She's in safe hands.
Your daughter's got
some strong views, huh?
Any sense of when this
all might have started?
Does she have close friends
who might be driving this?
We've traveled around so much,
it's been hard for her
to maintain friendships.
What about Jake?
Grace's boyfriend?
She doesn't have a
I missed that, too, did I?
She never even mentioned him.
I suppose you think I'm a terrible mom,
letting my daughter
get swept up in all of this.
I try to make it a habit
not to judge single moms.
It's hard to know
unless you've been there, right?
She's a good kid, Kira.
We just gotta work out
how to get her back.
Thank you.
Okay, let's try retracing your steps.
Okay, so you bought the tickets online.
- How did you receive them?
- Via SMS.
And, you know, I had to pay
$7 extra for the privilege.
- Which you accidentally deleted.
Yeah, well.
Okay, have you tried
the online help chat?
Oh, I couldn't get in, mate.
I failed the human
verification test thing.
- Okay.
- Mm.
Well, maybe they emailed you a receipt.
I mean, we can always
just ask them to s
You have more than 20,000 unread emails!
When was the last time you checked this?
Well, it might have been a while.
[MACKEY] How'd you go with the forum?
- Um, good.
Uh, I think I found the origin
story for the whole conspiracy.
So, this post was made by
@truthsabre101, okay?
He plants the seed that
the families of the dead SEALs
were never paid.
It slowly catches fire
until @tango8, Grace,
joins the forum
and the whole thing blows up.
And then @tango8 and @truthsabre101,
they kind of, I don't know,
they kind of get
close-talky with each other.
It's called flirting, Blue.
Odds on, @truthsabre101
is the boyfriend, Jake.
And our bomber.
Print me out all correspondence
between them.
Well, good luck with that.
Somebody has used up all the magenta.
[DESHAWN] Yo, chill!
Just me.
- [CHUCKLES] Where's she at?
- Balcony.
[DESHAWN] Watch and learn, girl.
[EVIE] This is gonna be good.
You hungry?
You gotta be starving, right?
Yeah, you gotta be starving.
All right, so what's your jam?
Hmm, I'm thinking All right!
Fair. You know,
never eat fish on a Monday.
- So, what have we got in here?
We got some We got some fries.
You like ice cream? I like ice cream.
Don't like ice cream. I got you.
See, nobody in the history
of humanity says no to
- Pizza?
- pizza?
But there's always a first, and
I'm glad, I'm so glad it's you.
You know, pioneering.
I don't think she's hungry, D.
The DeShawn Method kills it again.
Well, at least I'm trying.
Over to you, Agent Cooper.
[EVIE] Hey.
[EVIE] That's you, yeah?
And that's Jake, right?
He's cute.
DeShawn sent me out here
because he thinks
I know what it's like to
be a 17-year-old girl.
Honestly I don't.
- Why? You skip 17?
My dad was never present.
So I spent my teens helping
my mum raise my siblings.
[GRACE] Sucks.
I reckon I'm lucky, though.
I had three brothers
and two sisters to keep me busy.
You're doing it alone.
After Dad died
Mom cried a lot.
I came home from school
and she'd taken down all his photos.
Like he never existed.
That's one way to grieve.
How'd you cope?
Oh, yeah.
- Go for it.
Hey, babe.
[JAKE] Hey. How are you doing?
I'm okay.
Well, you don't sound too good.
What, are they still hassling you?
Yeah, cops are here right now.
- Hi. I'm the cop.
- I'll call you back later.
Wait, wait, don't hang up.
Ask him if he has an older brother.
Also, ask him how he came up
with the handle @truthsabre101.
You're all the same.
Was any of that even true?
We're just trying to help you.
What's up with Jake?
We need to talk to him, Grace.
Where is he?
Like I'm gonna tell you.
[BLUE] Guys?
Did you catch the boyfriend's number?
I did one better.
I got her mum's permission
to clone Grace's phone.
I then pulled the metadata
from the video call
that she had with Jake.
Which means?
We know exactly where he is.
All right, send that to me. Let's go.
You ready? Go.
[JD] AFP! We're coming in!
[JD] Clear.
Fire escape's open.
Looks like we missed him by a bee's.
Jake's gone.
He's right here.
[JD] Hey, so I've got a theory
[MACKEY] Deep-fake Jake
and mom's data migration
have gotta be connected, right?
[JD] Well
We know Grace started chatting to Jake
around the same time the system
vulnerability was exposed.
- Yeah.
- That can't be a coincidence.
Well, exactly, it's Oh!
Kira's wrangling top-secret Navy data.
It's worth something to someone, right?
My turn to talk?
And you have to be super
tech savvy to create a deep fake.
You see those drive thingies back there?
I think 'graphics card's
the word you're looking for.
And you'd have to have eyes on
to set that bomb off.
And get off on 3D-printed dragons.
- Yes. Yes!
- Oh.
Come on.
Police! Go! Go! Go! Go!
- Police! Search warrant!
- Police! Going to the back!
Going left!
[JD] Mackey!
What the
[JD] Guess that explains
where Gene's been.
[JAKE] Put yourself in
those SEAL's families' shoes.
You're the only one
that can access the truth.
I need to know you're up for it.
[EVIE] We found the computer
that created Jake.
Don't be embarrassed.
These catfishing schemes
are so sophisticated.
He looks so real.
It's just a bunch of zeroes and ones.
Look, whoever's behind this
has been trying to manipulate
you from the start.
Conspiracy theory,
the forum,
everything was purpose-built
for a grieving 17-year-old
with a big heart
and a social conscience.
You think the fact that this is all
about a SEALs op is a coincidence?
Babe, it's a trap
you couldn't help falling into.
Grace, what's Jake
been pressuring you to do?
[EVIE] Come on, girl.
Well, so you fell in love
with someone you never met.
You're not the first.
Trust me, sometimes
meeting them way worse.
- [KIRA] Honey
Come here.
Looks like you're gonna miss
the footy, huh, Rosie?
Well, I don't know about that, cocko.
This is all pretty straight up.
Suicide, then?
Well, not unless you can explain to me
how the left-handed victim
manages to shoot himself
in his right temple.
This has been staged,
and very, very poorly.
I mean, I don't know
what the world's coming to.
People do not even try anymore.
But, you know, it's pretty
obvious. You don't need me!
You can just fill in the dots yourself.
- Nice try, big fella.
Until you find some evidence
telling me who did what to whom,
you're not going anywhere, mate.
You know, I could always quit.
You know, Bunnies versus
the Dragons, it'd be worth it.
Print out your resignation.
- I'll take a look.
There's this too. There you go.
Old mate's phone.
A dozen missed calls to an
unknown number right before TOD.
Sounds like someone
might have got cold feet.
The hell are we missing here?
Tech bro catfishes his boss's daughter
into believing some
fringe conspiracy theory.
For what? What's the angle?
Well, mum's overseeing
a classified data transfer.
You target the daughter
to compromise the mum?
Then get rid of
your partner in crime when
he's no longer of any use.
Saves having to share.
Share what?
The money.
- Yeah, Blue.
- Hey.
Okay, so I was trawling
through Grace's phone
and I found a hidden message
in a vault app
from a few days ago.
Remember when I said
there will come a point
where they try and shut us down?
They'll try and convince you
that none of this is real.
They'll try and convince you
that I'm not real.
But I'm telling you
that's when you know
you've found the truth.
She's playing possum.
Who, Grace? Why?
'Cause she still thinks Jake's real.
[DESHAWN] Boss, one sec!
The hell's going on there?
Smoke alarm. Grace just burnt her toast.
- Ugh!
Tell me you got eyes on the kid.
Everything all right?
Grace isn't in her room.
[EVIE] We thought she was with you.
[EVIE] Hey, Grace, you up there?
- That ain't good.
- What is it, D?
Grace is gone. Kira's laptop too.
[EVIE] Check the CCTV.
[DESHAWN] Got it, got it.
Gracie? Gracie, honey?
What is she doing there?
She's changing
the authentication device
from my phone to hers.
Which means what exactly?
She's locked me out completely.
- It's happening.
- [DESHAWN] What is?
The data migration,
the three-hour window,
the firewall,
none of it could happen
without the laptop.
I don't understand.
It's a cyberattack.
And Grace is the bait.
So you were right.
I found a ton of malicious code
on Gene's drive.
How malicious we talking?
Ransomware. It's
[SIGHS] It's nasty stuff.
They could blackmail
the US Navy for billions.
That's why they were waiting
for the firewall to drop.
And why they needed Kira's laptop.
Encrypt the data and then charge
a crypto fortune to release it.
[MACKEY] Okay. Just keep your phone on.
Log in, change the passcodes.
[KIRA] I'm trying.
Server's not responding.
I'm still locked out.
She's in total control.
Does being locked out affect
the laptop tracking software?
- I don't think so.
- Get on it.
[MACKEY] Someone is playing parasite,
using grieving daughter
to gain mom's exclusive access
to Navy data that can only be accessed
during one three-hour window.
Which is now.
The conspiracy, the bomb,
the plates, the deep fake,
it was all about manipulating Grace
to get access to the IT system
from the one person who holds the keys.
The vulnerability wasn't technological.
It was me.
Got a bead on the laptop.
And Blue's hacked their escape plan.
- [JD] ETA on Mackey?
[EVIE] Inbound. Minutes away.
Sarge, tracker's headed to the roof.
[JD] Let's take the stairs.
Jake, where are you?
Oh, honey, are you okay?
Where's Jake?
I am so glad I found you.
I just had your mom on the phone.
She's pretty pissed.
I don't
Look, we can fix this whole thing, okay?
We just
We gotta get that laptop back
before anyone notices it's gone.
Come on.
How did you know I was here?
I-I'm trying to help you, honey.
Come on, don't make this harder
than it already is.
Give it here.
- Come on!
- No, I I need this.
I accessed the VA files for the SEALs.
Their families were all paid in full.
I-I don't know what you're
talking about, honey.
We were wrong all along.
Jake needs to know.
Where is he?
No. We're meeting here.
He just texted me.
He dropped a pin.
Now, give me the laptop.
Give it to me!
- No!
- Give it to me!
- Give it to me!
- No! Ugh!
[JD] Stop where you are!
That's close enough. Back up!
Drop the gun!
I want to see your hands!
Go! Move!
Wait, Evie, wait! Wait! No, no, no.
[HEATHER] Go, go! Move!
Get in there!
Give me the new log-in.
- Give me the damn passcode!
I'm afraid your flight has been delayed.
Did she really just say that?
That's some Steven Seagal swagger.
The early days.
[EVIE] It's okay, babe. Okay?
- It's okay, babe. I got you.
- You're okay. You're okay.
- [SOBS]
I got you, babe.
- [DOC ROY] Get off him!
- I thought this game was done.
- [JD] Oh!
It's a replay, and if
anyone tells me the score,
they'll cop a scalpel to the groin.
[DESHAWN] Wait, which team is attacking
and which is defending?
Uh, both are doing both.
So it's not like NFL.
Uh, Aussies can multitask.
- [EVIE] Yeah.
- Yeah!
Ugh! So, you know,
but where's all the gear?
- That's it, D.
- What?
- There are no helmets here.
- Yeah, shut up!
The big man,
he's gonna take a conversion
from the sideline and square things up!
Yeah, yeah. Shoosh, everyone, okay?
They're converting the sideline.
[DESHAWN] Uh-uh-uh. Stop,
stop, stop. Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh!
Uh, what?
You know, I finally worked it out,
why you can't swim.
See, it all makes sense now.
Oh, really? Enlighten me.
Yeah, see, it's 'cause
when you were younger,
you were too busy
playing mom to your siblings.
You never got the time to
be a kid or learn how to swim.
Have you seen
what saltwater does to my hair?
No, girl. I'm right.
That's why now you're a grown-ass woman
who's perpetually juvenile.
I know you are, but what am I?
Yeah, you never had a childhood,
so you're having it now.
Which means I'm having it too,
whether I like it or not.
You like it.
- The hell's mine?
- [JD] Hmm.
I'm afraid your beer's
been delayed indefinitely.
- Okay, you heard that, huh?
- Mm!
And so will you for the rest of time.
I got you this.
Thank you.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Good job today.
You too, partner.
- No, no, no! Oh! He's not
- This is good. This is good.
He's been doing that all day, ref!
- Oh, no, no!
- No, that's all right.
- He's been doing that all day!
- That's good.
- Yeah!
- He-he-hey!
Oh, that was beautiful!
- Take that.
- That's good.
[DESHAWN] What in the world
are y'all celebrating, what happened?
We won!
That's all you need to know.
[DOC ROY] Yeah!